Trolls.... It was an unsaid rule you didn't bother them. You only mess with trolls when you have no other choice. They're opposite of everything we know. Our compliments are insults to them. Our insults are compliments. Everything about them is backwards. When you tell a troll you hate their guts, in they're odd lingo, that means you really like them. When you say they're beautiful, it's an insult to them. It would be like walking up to a human stranger and saying they're hideous. Trolls value ugliness, vile, disgusting things. They thrive off it. When two trolls, as they call it, get horribly stuck with living the rest of their life with their disgusting pile of puke of a partner, that really means to them that they love each other and are thrilled to spend the rest of their life together. If a troll likes another troll, ignoring them shows you actually like them. The more they ignore you, the more they like you. Same goes for the silent treatment. Or say, they have a huge verbal argument, I mean it gets to the point your throwing things and breaking things. Its considered romantic proof that your partner loves you. You would think, with all this confusion, being as we're raised that insults are just that, insults, that a relationship between trolls and other so called "civilized beings", would never occur. And, I must say, impossible can most times, be proven possible. Not always, but quite often. Eventually it happens. I mean, it doesn't usually get proven for a long, long... very long time. But in this case, as others, it does happen. Oddly enough, the very beautiful, graceful, delicate elf, was the very being to break this impossible act. Now, as said before, trolls despise beauty. But somehow, with this odd barrier in lingo, they said exactly what they thought of the other, meaning it as insults, but actually saying compliments in the others language. In the end, somehow, they did join. Don't dare ask me how. The complications simply baffle me. Because really, elves value beauty like trolls value disgusting. How they ended up overlooking that, and actually staying together for a rather extended period of time until some odd happening caused both of their deaths, still is beyond anyone's understanding. I heard that the elf was in danger and the troll jumped in trying to save her. It is said they both died. Unfortunately, they did leave a child behind. Now comes the interesting part. Being part elf, she did inherit her mothers beauty. But, humans and elves had a hard time looking long enough to see it because she also had the long greasy hair of her father, his oddly green skin, leaves here and there growing out of her head, and his rather squat stature. Elves are tall, dainty, and graceful. She is short, sturdy, and undeniably clumsy. Still, if they looked past the dirt and grime, washed the unruly tangles of dark green hair, and ignored the fact she was only a different skin tone, they would have to agree she was beautiful. However, that beauty made her an outcast with the trolls as well. She did end up in their care. They felt a grudging responsibility to take care of her, though they would have gladly tossed her out if she hadn't been part troll. She grew up with the harsh compliments they threw at her. Being raised as a troll meant that each compliment was truly a dire insult. It was not rare for her to try faking warts, or covering herself in filth, or being as repulsive as she could. Sadly, she never got the insults she so wanted. I say, it's really hard to get all this straight. Being in my shoes, I know full well how complicated it can get. I had to deal with the trolls. It was an odd thing, one of my very first adventures. Well, one of, not the first, but certainly one OF the first. I have to explain time and time again, this story. Why? Well, lets say, shouting obscenities at your beloved in public can be taken quite the wrong way if they don't know the background of this whole thing. I've incidentally ruffled a few feathers... unintentionally of course. I've even gotten quite a few threats thrown at me for calling my beautiful beloved a bog ridden sow with two left feet and beans for brains. I think they overlooked the fact that from that remark, my beloved was grinning from ear to ear. And, we hastily had to retreat before people started throwing things other then dirty looks at me. Forgive me, I'm getting side tracked again. My story with the trolls. An odd twist of fate, I must say. I ended up in their underground caverns by fault of my current employer at the time. My employer was actually known for getting in too deep. And, he had managed to do it again. Trolls were always known for their amazing ability with metal. They knew all there was about it, and how to shape it exactly like they wanted it. My employer was a merchant, and I had offered my help in exchange for a ride with his caravan to the next town. So, being his slick, conniving self, he put me to a task no one else would take. Troll gold. He wanted the glittering treasures of jewelry and gems they had. He assured me just a few small pieces would be all he needed. I was supposed to go down and bargain with them. He told me to ask what it would take to get a few glittering prizes, and then after relaying the information, go back with said trade. Truly, he should have known it was impossible. But, I was desperate enough for safe passage to the next town, I was willing enough to at least try. I walked up to one of the known entrances leading deep underground, and took my knife and used the hilt to knock soundly on the rock wall before me. There was silence, then the ground rumbled and the door opened a crack. A foul smell greeted me, and a pair of yellow eyes. I had to swallow repeatedly just to get the nerve to speak. "What do you want, human?" demanded the hoarse grumbling voice. "I've come with a business proposal from my employer." The voice grumbled. "Business proposal? Over what? Is your employer greedy for our gold as well?" Though I was trembling, I could not help but smirk at the troll's remark. An image of my employer, sprawled gracefully across his silk pillows eagerly counting a large stack of troll gold, passed through my head. "I must admit he is." I said without thinking. Another grumble, and I was beginning to suspect it was his way of laughing. "There have been many, coming to us with such wishes. None have ever walked away with our treasures." he answered haughtily. I shrug. "I told him as much, but I was in no position to argue. I merely said I would try." It was the oddest thing. Trolls despise beauty, but they create glittering prizes that are absolutely breathtaking. I think it has something to do with how the said items shine. They are oddly possessive when it comes to their gold. "I told him he had nothing he could offer you, really. Trolls don't take fancy in the things we do. They only thing we both fancy is the gold you create." The troll watched me silently for a moment. "You humans know nothing of what we like. That is truth. We like the dark, the ugly of the world. We like everything you hate. None of you would think to offer us anything we would think worthy." It was my turn to ponder. I was still trying to get over the fact I was having a conversation with a troll, and it had probably lasted longer then any other human could account to. Finally, I had a respectable argument. "You said you appeal to things we hate, correct?" I continued before he could answer. "Well, we hate waste. It's disgusting. It smells horrid and it stinks up our towns. We would do anything to be rid of it, have it taken elsewhere." He paused again. "Hate to you is like to us." He finally answered. "How do you purpose to give us this waste?" I rubbed my chin. "Our bargain would have to be more then a little gold. We need to create tunnels, or pipes, to carry the waste away from the town, to wherever it would suit your needs. Trolls know everything there is to know about tunnels and pipes. You would have to build the method to move it out of the town. At least, the underground part. I can discuss the necessary changes to the surface levels, but you would need to show me what needs to be done by way of design on paper, so I can give it to those who can build it. It would be hard, dirty work." I could almost feel the trolls smirk. "I'll take this idea to my king." He shut the door at the end of his sentence. When I returned to my employer with the news, he was both ecstatic and disgusted. "They want our waste?!" he howled, covering his face with a dainty hand covered in rings. "Is that not a plus? We get a cleaner town and the gold you wished. Are we not getting the better deal?" He stopped to consider me, his hazel eyes staring baldly into my brown. "You've done quite well, if that is truly what they wish. Did he say when they would respond?" "No. He merely said he would take the idea to his king." "I'm surprised they didn't slam the door shut in your face. I highly doubt that they kept it open because you're female." "Wouldn't have a clue," I muttered. "In any case, you're doing well. I'll let you handle everything. If something needs to be brought to my attention, tell Gatid, and he shall bring me the news. We'll stay here in Mastrid until this affair is taken care of." "Are we going to only suggest Mastrid for this work, or would it be preferred to offer some other cities the same construction?" "We shall wait and see how well it goes for Mastrid before thinking of offering it to other cities. If it does come to that, we can make quite a profit acting as liaisons between the trolls and the cities." "If that is a possible business opportunity, we have a lot to learn about their customs. He kept saying, they like what we hate." "Well, you will have to learn more, then, and keep me informed." "Of course." I dipped my head then exited. I was contacted the next day. How? A hand grabbed my foot from under a bush. When I fell with a cry of alarm, a voice came to me from underground. "Go to the door. We have your answer." The door opened as soon as I arrived, the same voice as yesterday calling me into the darkness. "Come inside where that beaming bright sun cant touch my skin." Again, though my knees knocked, and my stomach churned at the smell, I took a last deep of fresh air, and stepped inside. I stood a moment in silence, letting my eyes adjust to the blackness. A torch flared to life before me, and I got my first good look at the door keep. He grinned a yellow toothy grin at me. His hair was greasy black and looked to have insects happily crawling around in it. His frame was squat, broad, and heavily muscled. He wore a soiled pair of pants and a countless stained shirt and a thick leather belt with a blackened metal buckle. His yellow eyes watched me intently as I examined him. Finally, he turned and started walking away. I quickly trotted after him. "Keep in mind what I said before," his voice rumbled. "We like what you hate. If you wish to remain in our good graces, do not praise us." Confused, but glad for the information, I tried to figure out how to approach the king. "Whoa!" I struggled to remain upright, clutching at the thing that had run into me. When the head rose with a growl, I couldn't help but catch my breath. "Beautiful," I whispered without thinking. The face contorted, tears springing into the large dark green eyes. "Shove off!" came the gruff answer, before the creature disappeared. The door keep roared with laughter. I looked between him and the tunnel the creature had exited through. "What did I do?" I asked, baffled. He finally caught his breath enough to answer. "You just hurt her pride. It's true, she's beautiful." He frowned where she had disappeared. "I... don't understand." He grinned lopsided at me. "No, human, you don't." Two trolls pass us, both screaming at each other. "You ugly sack of lizard guts! Don't you know how to do anything right?!" said the first. "Me?! Why, you wouldn't know right if it came and bit you in that disgusting moldy butt of yours!" My jaw hit the floor. "Aw, the first signs of a good coupling." the door keep was grinning broadly. "What?! A coupling!? They're fighting like cats and dogs!" The obscenities continued as the couple wandered away. "Exactly," answered the door keep. "To show how much you respect or like one another, you throw the most insulting things you can think of at them." He rumbled with laughter at my baffled expression. "I told you human, we like what you hate, and hate what you like. Insults are like gold to us. The more we get, the more we respect you." "So, if I told you that you smell like a rotten egg and look like the backside of a donkey, you would take that as praise?" His grin spread. "Yes, I would." He dipped his head to me. He started leading me away again. "You seem to know how humans think pretty well." "I've learned a few things as door keep. Your idea, being the first sensible one I've heard, I figure it wouldn't hurt to explain how we think so you might actually survive the experience and somehow work this idea into becoming reality." "When I talk to the king, and he says my idea is ludicrous and stupid, and other such insults, he would actually mean he likes it and would love to take part in it?" "Basically." I frowned. "This is going to be confusing." He laughed again. "Yes, it will. But your mush for brains might be able to figure it out." I smirked. "Oh, your foul disgusting mouth spews some respect." He grins at me over his shoulder. "See, you're getting the hang of it already." I laughed. "Basically, all I have to do is speak my mind, and I should do alright." We went the rest of the way exchanging insulting banter. I'm relieved that he had taken the time to help me adjust, for the first thing the king did when I entered, was spit at me. Taken off guard, but going with what my guide had said, I spit at the king in return. He blinked at me. "You've fouled my chamber with your pretty smell and unsightly clean skin for what purpose?" he boomed. Trying my best to hide my nervousness, I boldly sniff and frown. "Your smell is noxious. I think you curled my toenails." A small twitch of his lips proves I'm playing my cards properly so far. "I came into this hellish hole wanting to make an exchange of sorts." "An exchange of what, you disease ridden beast?" "An exchange of our dislikes to your likes, you bloated sickly green toad." "What do you brainless bunch think we want from you?" "I would say your unsightly smell could be made horribly worse with our waste. Of course, you uncreative creatures might not be creative enough to put it to more use." "And in return, you bloated drowned rat?" "Merely a way to rid us of our waste and a few small pieces of gold, you dilapidated fever pocked slug." "That is a lot to ask for, for just some waste, you maggot filled carcass." "Only in the beginning, diseased cow. Waste is always endless in supply. It's foul stench is limitless. You would only be paying a small fee to get an endless supply, you greasy pit of dung." He finally let a smile split his face. I have to say I was relieved. I was starting to run out of insults. "It's an outrageous, stupid, disgusting idea. To think you brought it to me. You are dismissed." The door man came, and I followed him wordlessly. Finally at the door, he put a hand on my shoulder with a grin. "Your portion of gold will be sent to you, and we'll begin construction right away. The designs will be brought to you as well. Have your workers start as soon as you receive them." He pats my back, nearly causing me to tumble forward. "Your performance could have made bats sick of your voice." "You muck ridden bunch have certainly darkened my day." I say, smirking back. He winks. "Keep it up. I think you even impressed our king. You'll hear from us soon enough." I almost skipped back to inform my employer of the news. As promised, half the gold was delivered to my employer, as well as a detailed set of plans. My employer sent me to the human king to deliver them, and he had his best workers start right away. My employer had also managed to get a fee from the human king as well. He made out like a bandit, playing both sides just like he said he would. I went to visit the trolls often, actually. I was beginning to find their insults amusing, and it also gave me new material for the times I had to visit the king again. My friends would stare at me with wide eyes when I'd tell them where I was going. When I relayed my findings to my employer he would snort in disgust, but had his page taking careful notes. The door keep ended up being a good friend, other trolls agreeing after hearing the insults we tossed back and forth. And, if I disliked a troll, the best way to get rid of them was to tell them they were looking slightly splendid that day. They would leave in quite a huff and not bother me again. Finally, as plans were about half way to completion, I saw that one troll again, the one that was beautiful. I had learned her whole background from the door keep, and I decided it was time she got the insult she was looking for. You should all know that I mean to complement her with insults by now. If not, you better get your head out of your arse and pay attention better. She was in one of the store rooms, and I happened to pass by and see her. I decided now was my chance to make up for my previous mistake. "Hey, you!" She turned around quickly, her eyes slightly panicked. "What do you want?" "To tell you that you look exceptionally ugly today, and that you smell worse then the waste your king is about to collect." Her eyes widened, then narrowed. "Is this some trick, you lying sack of dung?" "As if I would lie to something as repulsive as you." She started looking hopeful. "And your disgusting comment of beauty?" I smile. I couldn't help it. She looked so cute, seeking attention like a lonely puppy. "A kindly remark due to my failings to understand trolls. I'm only human, after all." She still looked hesitant. "So you punish me with your presence because of this?" "Only half so much as you punish me." "You're the only one who has called me ugly." "Well, the other trolls must be blind not to see your unsightliness. Really, rabbits would run for cover from your looks and dogs would drown themselves trying to escape your smell." If she took a bath, she would look only more beautiful. Her wide dark green eyes captivated me, and it was hard not to stare. I ended up turning away, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you going to insult me with your presence further today? I still must find my way around these caves, and being stuck with you makes me cringe." Her smile made me want to cheer. I'm glad I found her. Every time I caught glimpses of her, she always seemed ready to cry. Even though it felt really awkward to throw insults at her, seeing that smile banished my worries. "You're lost already, you brainless stump?" I frowned. "Beautifully lost." She giggled. "Well, though I don't wish to burden myself with your smell of mold and face of fish guts, I must grudgingly help you find the exit, if only to be rid of you." "Since you're the only pile of puke around, I suppose you shall have to do." She happily snorted and turned rudely to lead the way out. Eventually, I began spending even more time down in those caverns, a good portion of it with her. I spent hours trying to convince her she was ugly. How backwards that was from the truth in our lingo. How many times I wanted to tell her she was beautiful. Trying not to stray from troll tradition in language, I decided to break a different one and take her outside. It took me days to convince her. I decided to take her out at night first, to get her used to the light of the moons, then slowly bring her into the light of day. Her first cautions steps outside, and she gasped. "It's positively hideous." she murmured. She walked around in a daze as I pointed out this and that. I told her how many moons there were, and all about the sun. We sat on a fallen tree and talked long into the night. Actually, the sun began rising, and we ended up staying to watch that as well. "Hideously bright?" I asked. She was grinning. "Yes. I hate it." I had to smirk, reversing that back into human lingo to get 'I love it'. It still throws me off to replace love with hate and vice versa. "You best get back. You don't want your ugly skin burned." She looked at me in surprise. "Burned?!" I laughed. "Well, maybe it wont burn you. You're not fair of complexion. I have been underground so often of late, that my skin is pale, and long exposures to the sun will turn it red and possibly blister it." She looked awed. "The sun burns you?" "Yes. I'm not certain it would you, though. I think the issue with trolls is it hurts their eyes." I looked at her. "You're only part troll though, so it seems it doesn't hold true for you. If it did, you would have run for cover ages ago." She frowned. "Part troll.... They call me beautiful, like my mother." "She was elf. Dridg'den told me." She only looked more upset. "I hate it when they call me beautiful. I'm troll. I'm ugly." "... Can I change your perspective?" "What do you mean?" "Well, if you were to be raised with the elves, you would hate being called ugly." "What?! I would not! I'm ugly! I'm troll!" I smiled patiently. "Hear me out. Elves and humans mean things differently then you trolls. Trolls take ugly as a compliment, yes?" She nodded. "Humans mean ugly as an insult. They say it to make you feel bad, not good. We say beautiful to mean good, to make you feel happy. It's meant as a compliment." Her brows furrowed. "I don't understand." "When a human says you're beautiful, it would be like a troll saying you're ugly. When a human says you're ugly, it would be like a troll saying you're beautiful. See?" "So... It's all backwards?" "Yes. If you talked to an elf, and they said you were beautiful, it would be a great compliment. Elves take beauty as serious as trolls take their foulness. When a troll prides himself over his disgusting looks and overpowering smell, an elf or a human would pride themselves over their cleanliness and their beauty." She stopped staring at the ground to look at me. "So, when you said I was beautiful, did you mean it as a troll would, or a human would?" I smiled. "I meant it as a human. I didn't know troll customs at the time, so I said that as a human." She stared at me a long time in silence. Finally, she looked away and at the trees. "It's all... very confusing." I laughed. "I know how you feel. I've accidentally made some human friends angry because I forget what I'm doing. They take my troll answers like humans. Sometimes it's difficult to remember what I'm supposed to say." I scratched my head. "Don't get me started on food. That is the most bizarre and confusing bunch. I've decided to avoid troll food altogether. Only thing I touch is the drink. The rest.... Lets just say it doesn't agree with my stomach or my taste buds." I made a disgusted face. She laughed. "Spoken like a human?" "Of course." We had many such conversations after that. Slowly I begin getting her molded into the human world, little by little. She started coming to town, after I spent ages trying to get her to take a bath. We spent days walking up and down the market, and she would ask me about everything, and how to describe it in the human tongue. I spent a great deal of time with her, but I also spent a great deal working. My current employer had decided his revenue in this area of business was quite profitable, and he decided to pursue that instead of his wandering merchant caravan. He got rid of everything, and began spending time with the trolls as well. I, out of my ride to another town, had to work until I could find another group to go with. Luck was with me though, for another caravan, oddly made all of women, was passing through. They were going to stay for winter, then continue on. I had jumped on the opportunity, and began running errands for them, as well as the prior duties I had taken on until I found another ride out of here. One evening, on a rare break from work, my elf troll wandered around examining things as I watched from a bench. Trer'mon popped up beside me, like he usually did. He smirked at my customary jump of surprise. Darn fairy, his magic teleportation always caught me off guard. "How are things going? I thought you would be in Ishire by now." "I would be if my employer hadn't decided to try a new trade in dealing with the trolls." I rubbed my eyes. "I've been doing odd jobs after finishing helping him get his new venture started." Trer'mon quirked an eyebrow. "Did you get paid for this?" "No, actually. I hadn't really thought about it. I think the troll king might give a few trinkets though. He still hasn't handed over the other half of the pay. I don't think he intends to give it to Gar." He does a double take. "Who on earth is that green skinned sprite?" I grinned. "I was wondering when you'd notice. It seems I found a rare treasure down there. She's part elf and part troll." "Beautiful." "Yes, but don't say that to her. She still gets ruffled by that word. Trolls are so opposite of us. To them, being told their ugly is a compliment, and telling them they're beautiful is an insult." He glanced at me from under his long lashes. "Really? That's interesting." "I've learned quite a few interesting things down there, especially a choice few insults." I chuckled. "I really pissed Gren off. I didn't know it was her that came into the room, and I rattled off quite a trill of insults. I got slapped for it." Trer'mon chuckled. "I had wondered where that hand print came from." We were silent a little while, listening to the birds play in the trees behind us. "What's her name?" "Na'nal. But she hates it. It's an elf name, and she still has an issue with all things elf." "It seems she's doing alright." "Yes, but I've been working a lot with her. You should have seen her before. The first time I called her beautiful, she was almost in tears. I felt horrible." "So, another stray pet?" I blushed. "It's not like that." "Grant it, she doesn't walk on all fours and doesn't have a tail, but she still is a bruised little thing in need of some protection." He laughed at my frown. "When I brought you to our world, it was out of kindness for helping some of my own. But even here, you cannot help but help. The wildcats were only the beginning, it seems." I huffed. "What do you expect me to do? Turn a blind eye?" He watched Na'nal, arms customarily crossed across his stomach. "Most probably would. You seem to be one of those exceptions, my girl." He smiled down at me, and I turned away muttering non-committal stuff under my breath. An exclamation made us look up. Na'nal was gawking at a couple kissing beneath a tree. I laughed as Gren quickly tried to calm her. "You've found another caravan, I take it?" "Yes. Winter here has been kind, and is now almost over. I'll be leaving with them in about eight days." "What will you do with Na'nal?" "I'm.... I'm not sure." "You can't really leave her behind, can you? You are the one who ultimately brought her into this world. She isn't ready to chance it on her own." "I know." I stared at her in silence. "How long have you known her?" I turned away from her, fixing my gaze on the cloudy sky. "Four months, I suppose. I really haven't been keeping track." "Yes, you do lack the dedication to track time," he said with a smirk. A fleeting smile passed across my face. "I don't know what to do. I don't know if she would even want to leave. And... It's not like I can..." "Can what?" I tried too avoid him. He would have none of it. "Cenin, must I result to using your true name?" I looked at him sharply. He looked back sternly. "I ... I just thought maybe I could leave her in someone else's care for a while, okay?" I growled and looked away. He considered me quietly until I seemed to have cooled off a little. "Is that such a bad thing?" I sighed. "I don't know. Trolls are so backwards, and she's so ... well, troll. I don't even know how it would turn out..." I couldn't finish the rest. "You mean because she's troll and they wouldn't be?" he asks. Always so good at hitting the nail on the head. I nodded mutely. "You could always ask." "Yes, and then again, no. Trolls are cruelly berating when they like you. Each insult is a treasured bit of pride to them. And, I can't bring myself to do that, drop her on someone, hoping they could teach her. They don't know a thing about trolls." He looked quizzical. "It is rather complicated." "Yes. I've been trying to think what to do for ages. I really can't sit still here too much longer. My feet still want to wander. And yet... I really don't want to leave her behind. Gren has been a godsend. She's been helping me with Na'nal. Gren did make a ruckus though when she wondered aloud how trolls made love. Na'nal didn't have a concept about it at all. I had to work, but Gren wandered off with Na'nal, to explain, I guess." "Any idea how she took it?" "Not a clue. But she's been spending a lot of time with Gren, asking questions. I would help, but I've had too much work lately." "Not worried that Gren would fall for her?" he asked jokingly. I snorted. "It hadn't crossed my mind. Gren seems to treat her more like a good friend then anything else. I don't think she sees her that way." "I was only joking." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Whatever." "If you did go, would you come back for her?" "Yes." "How long would you go for?" "I... don't know." "How would then be any different then now?" "... I guess a part of me is hoping she'd learn how to be more human." "She's not human." After a moment of silence, I growled, tossing my head. "You're not helping." He grinned. "I'm not always here to help." "No, just to be nosy." "Cenin!" called a voice. I sighed. "Back to work." "You really have been busy, haven't you?" I smirked. "Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to see what else I'm needed for." I ended up being asked to move some clay jars into a wagon. Each jar was about as big as my torso. Those suckers were heavy. Trer'mon just watched from where I had left him. I caught his eye and stuck my tongue out at him, then continued on my way to the wagon with my third jar. I was just picking up the fourth when Na'nal called to me. "Cenin!" I paused and grinned at her. "Na'nal. Anything wrong?" "Um, well I, that is, Gren said that when a person feels their stomach go flighty, and they keep finding themselves thinking of one person, that they're in l-l-love, and that their heart feels like it could shine. She said that trolls probably say the opposite, like they hate that person." "Well, yes." I shifted the jar in my hands. "Well, when I saw those people kissing, she explained it again, and well, I think I get it. B-but I'm not sure. B-but, I, I..." I couldn't help but smile at her blush. "What is it? You think you love someone?" Her blush deepened. "I-I think so. I've n-never felt like this before." "Really?" A part of me wanted to hold her, another part was terrified. "Then you might be." "W-w-well, the, the person that I l-l-l-" She was still having issues with that word. I guess I couldn't blame her, but it was cute to watch her struggle with it. She puffed out a breath in exasperation. "The person that I l-l-love is y-y-you." I never heard the crash of the jar when it slipped from my hands and broke on the cobblestones.
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