All Girls School (part 68 of 109)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

Back to Part 67
The Musical: "Love and Laughter on the High Seas"

By Gabrielle Kareen O'Shannon

Cast of characters

Jinx O'Mallory: May Tramble

Beth "Bullseye" Johnson: Janine Bautista

Shaun: Aintzane Klein

Davis: Vairocana Knox

Hart: Avelina Rohani

Mouse: Alexis Walker

Renee: Ana Lu

Oliver: Corona Marcos

Chuck: Hero Love

Jerry: Farrah Kwong

(Prologue: Jinx O'Mallory, the unluckiest pirate of all time, and Shaun, 
his only friend in the world, are sailing away from a wrecked ship in 
their lifeboat. They are depressed over their fate and try coming to 
terms with what's happened)

Jinx/May: Just think about it, Shaun! We survived that explosion by the 
skin of our teeth! I be truly believing ye be a lady of luck, ole chum, 
if to this day my life has yet been spared.

Shaun/Zane: Aye Jinx, surely by some sea-god's fortune have we lived, 
for you're the most foolish man I've ever met!

Jinx/May: But surely you've met worse!

Shaun/Zane: No I haven't—just listen to this verse!

(Song: "You're a Bad-Luck Man". Shaun and Jinx sing to each other)


My dear old friend, I've been with you through that fall

But it seems to me, yer destined to appall!

For Jinx is your name, see, you're as unlucky as can be!

And it's only by good fortune we're here at all!

O You're a bad-luck man, Jinx!

I wish for once you'd just stop to thinks

You've caught us in a pickle

Lady fortune sure ain't fickle

You're a bad-luck man, Jinx!


I'm a proud pirate-man, Shaun

But you my lady do so carry on

Yer tellin' me the truth, and I think it doth behoove

For us both to accept what's goin' on

O I'm a bad-luck man, aye!

Any day I expect me soul now to die!

There's nothin' I can do,

I am doomed and so are you

Since I'm a bad-luck man, true!


Don't be so hard on yourself, my lad

It ain't your fault your luck's bad!

It's just that you get drunk

And stink up like a skunk

And make your friends with they hadn't thunk!

Since you're a bad-luck man, Jinx!

You're still hammering the kinks!

It's difficult to break, this curse whene'er you wake

Since you're a bad-luck man, Jinx!


Oh what in the world do I do?

I can't help it when my head's all blue!

When I sit down and drink,

I could burn the kitchen sink

Leastways stuff with gunpowdery hue!

Oh I'm a bad-luck man, yes!

The exploding ship behind us can attest!

I've made quite a mess, but how can I address?

The fact I'm a back-luck man, yes! Aw...poo! (End song)

Shaun/Zane: For now we row, Jinx, and hope the seas favor us still. 
Tomorrow's certain to bring us better luck yet.

Jinx/May: Aye, I hope yer right, lass. And if's the grave for 

Shaun/Zane: I'm too pretty to be tossed in a grave! (they cling onto 
each other fearfully and sail off. End prologue)

(Act One: Jinx and Shaun are wandering around town when they hear about 
a risky mission involving Beth "Bullseye" Johnson. Thinking they have 
nothing to lose, they sign up)

Jinx/May: Ah, we made it! Land, sweet land! (they kiss the ground)

Shaun/Zane: I thought I would die in the sea, like everyone I knew. Oh, 
wait...I'm a pirate. Of course everyone I knew died at sea! It's common 

Jinx/May: Well, now that we're alive and all, perhaps we should do 
something about... (they both look at their grumbling stomachs, then at 
each other)

Both: LUNCH.

(Song: "I'd do anything for a meal". Jinx and Shaun sing together)


I'd do anything for a meal

I'd beat up a baby or eat an electric eel

It's obvious ya see, look at my small tummy

I'd do anything for a meal!


We'd do anything for a meal

We'd beg and kill and hit and rob and steal

I'm sure it's plain to see, we're as hungry as can be

Since we'd do anything for a meal!


I'd sail around the world for a warm turkey club


I'd stuff my face and eat until I turned into a tub!


I'd even sell my body to a mad scientist!

Shaun and Jinx:

If but for a taste, a mouth's embrace, of the food we've sorely missed!

Oh we'd do anything for a meal!

We'd stomp around the world in our heels!

We're emaciated blokes, we're starving hungry folks

We'd get down on our knees, why we'd even ask you Please

Oh we'll do anything, yes we'll do anything, why

We'll do anything for a meal!


But not prostitution—no way! (End song)

Shaun/Zane: But we haven't got any money, and I don't have any more 
songs in my head.

Jinx/May: Not that it'd do us any good now. We need a crazy scheme.

Shaun/Zane: Does it have to be crazy?

Jinx/May: No, but normal ones are so boring.

Shaun/Zane: Aye, you've got a point. So what's your angle, Jinx? (Jinx 
wanders around the town until he sees a "Scallywags Wanted" sign)

Jinx/May: (reading the sign) Let's see... "Scallywags Wanted. Must be 
tough, sea-worthy, strong, scurvy-free, experienced, and most 
importantly, crazy or desperate. We do not discriminate gender or lack 
of limbs and teeth. Come see Bullseye if you're interested". Golly! 
Looks like the perfect caper for us!

Shaun/Zane: Here we go again... Well, no use going against it. Like we 
always say...

Both: IF YOU GOTTA DIE, DO IT IN STYLE! (they go inside the building 
where Bullseye is. They are moderately surprised that she is a woman)

Bullseye/Janine: What do we have here? Two lanky, scurvy, land-lovin' 
mother's sons, wandering in from their fancy homes! You've made a wrong 
turn, lads!

Shaun/Zane: No we haven't, miss! We came here for Bullseye!

Bullseye/Janine: That's me.

Jinx/May: Oh, really? Well, as you can see, I'm already qualified: 
healthy, strong, used to working with pretty women...

Shaun/Zane: You mean me?!!?

Jinx/May: And I'm unusually desperate.

Bullseye/Janine: Ah, good. What about battle experience, though?

Jinx/May: I can safely say, Madame, I single-handedly destroyed a 
galleon by fire not too long ago. We're the only ones to have survived!

Shaun/Zane: But boss... (Jinx nudges Shaun in the gut and she quiets)

Bullseye/Janine: Ha! You're qualified, all right! You'll be boarding my 
ship, the Bullseye, first thing tomorrow. Me name's Bethany, but call me 
Captain or I'll chop your toes off and use them as a necklace!

Jinx/May: (clearly infatuated with her) Your command is my wish, 
Captain. By the way, what exactly are we going after?

Bullseye/Janine: A treasure that is most magnificent. The greatest 
treasure of them all, left behind in this world by the greatest pirate 
of em' all.

Jinx/May: I guess it's safe to assume that somebody stole this treasure 
from you, since obviously...

Bullseye/Janine: (trying not to look too flattered) Uh...I appreciate 
your kind words, but nay, sir, tis' not mine. I aim to change that, so 
get a good rest! We'll be leaving tomorrow, come Hell or high water! 
(she leaves)

Shaun/Zane: With our luck, it will be both!

Jinx/May: I know. Ah well, at least we're gonna die around a gorgeous 

Shaun/Zane: You certainly do not mean me you, Jinx?!?!?!

Jinx/May: (stammering. They leave for their rooms. End Act One.)

(Act Two: Jinx and Beth on the high seas. Shaun and Davis, Beth's first 
mate, get "close", while Hart, the steersman, keeps watch despite the 
calls of the other pirates)

Davis/Vai: Ho there! You must be the new help! The name's Davis, first 
mate on the mighty sea vessel Bullseye! The Captain told me to keep my 
eyes on you!

Jinx/May: But good sir, we're not untrustworthy.

Shaun/Zane: That's right, and your boss, a fine lady, she personally 
likes us.

Jinx/May: She likes our like, that she does.

Davis/Vai: Huh? Wait—now I'm confused.

Jinx/May: Oh, do go help the poor lad, Shaun. He looks like the type 
who'd appreciate your company. (Shaun goes off and speaks with Davis; 
Beth joins Jinx)

Beth/Janine: Well, if nothing else, you're polite and you've got a good 
sensible tongue.

Jinx/May: Milady, aim your flattery towards one who deserves it.

Beth/Janine: But I was, good sir. (they smile at each other) Tell me, 
know you anything about a man called "the Mouse"?

Jinx/May: I would know little more than what the wind and birds tell, 
but I assume he's naught to be but a shrewd man.

Beth/Janine: The greatest pirate, he. The Mouse lived on several years 
before the both of us were born, and I've heard tell that the treasure 
he left behind in this world is worth half an armada, if not a complete 

Jinx/May: Blimey! If that don't make a land-lovin' coward set out for 
dark waters! I must warn you, m'lady Captain, I'm not the luckiest 
person to have around, least not for such a venture.

Beth/Janine: Then t'was this curse of not havin' any luck which enabled 
you to so fairly blow that galleon apart?

Jinx/May: Um, partially. To speak the truth, I'm...not a friend of 

Beth/Janine: Oh. Well, no worries, I've got a cure for those who take to 
the drink.

Jinx/May: And that is?

Beth/Janine: Dousing their head in cold water. (Jinx stammers; Beth 
laughs) Come, relax sir. I've always borne a love for those without 
luck. Me whole family got hit with bad fortune; I've been forced into 
piracy just to keep them afloat!

Jinx/May: Never has a nobler cause been chased by such a noble person. 
(Beth smiles shyly. Meanwhile, Beth's gang is watching the two flirt. 
Oliver, Chuck, Jerry, Hart, and Davis talk amongst themselves)

Davis/Vai: It looks like the boss is getting friendly with that new guy. 
I don't like this.

Oliver/Corona: Bah, she knows what she's doing.

Chuck/Hero: I heard he's supposed to be a guy who was born under an 
unlucky star.

Jerry/Farrah: Bullseye must be taking a shine to him if that's the case.

Davis/Vai: He worries me... (Jinx and Beth laugh at a joke) Well, they 
look like they're having fun, and that's what counts. (Shaun enters)

Shaun/Zane: What's going on?

Hart/Avelina: Your friend and the boss are fraternizing. (Shaun watches. 
Suddenly, Bethany slaps Jinx)

Shaun/Zane: Hmph. He's not even lucky with the women.

Davis/Vai: Oh, that's how she usually tells people she likes them. It's 
something we've all gotten used to.

Oliver/Corona: Some more than others! (they laugh)

Hart/Avelina: If nobody will need me, I should get back to my post. I 
think a storm's coming.

Chuck/Hero: C'mon, Hart! You stick yourself up there on that perch all 
day and night! Jerry/Farrah: Just once come and have a drink with us! 
(the others agree)

Hart/Avelina: No thanks. (they express disappointment)

Chuck/Hero: We should do something about this.

Jerry/Farrah: Yeah. Soon he'll turn into a boring old stooge!

Oliver/Corona: Wait—I got it! Follow me, lads!

(Song: "Pirate's Chorus". Oliver, Chuck, and Jerry singing to Hart)

Chuck, Jerry, and Oliver:

Steersman, leave your watch!

Steersman, join us!

Ho, hey, heh, ha!

Hoist the sails! Anchor fast!

Steersman, here!

We fear no wind nor treacherous coast.

Today we'll be right merry!

Each has his girl ashore,

Grand tobacco and good brandy!


Rocks and storms outside—


We laugh at them!


Furl sails! Anchor fast!

Rocks and storms we laugh at them!

Steersman, leave your watch!

Steersman, join us!

Ho, hey, heh, ha!

Steersman, drink with us!

Ho, hey, heh, ha!

Rocks and storms, hey!

Are over, hey!

Hussahey! Hallohey!


Steersman, ho!

Here, come and drink with us! (they go into a dancing and drinking 
routine. Hart appears unfazed. End song)

Hart/Avelina: If you all have the time to dance and sing around like 
that, then you have time to... Oh my goodness! Sweet Neptune! Captain, 
land ho!

Beth/Janine: What's that?

Hart/Avelina: Land ho, Captain! If it isn't the isle of the Mouse 

Beth/Janine: Excellent, we've arrived! Come Davis, Jinx, Shaun! We'll 
row ashore and see what trouble awaits! The rest stay on board!

Oliver, Chuck, and Jerry: Aye, Captain!

Jinx/May: Thank God we're there. Any more time on this unruly boat and 
my stomach would've been turned to pudding...(he nearly vomits. End Act 

(Act Three: Jinx and Beth, along with Shaun and Davis, explore the cave 
where Mouse's treasure is.)

Beth/Janine: Careful, now. Some say that the Mouse has laid traps to 
protect his prize.

Jinx/May: Oh, with my luck, we'll get to meet them all!

Beth/Janine: But you have Captain Bethany "Bullseye" Johnson here with 
you, Jinx! The patron seafarer of the unfortunate!

Jinx/May: So am I to call you Beth instead, milady Captain?

Beth/Janine: Aye. I think we can trust each other enough to forget 

Davis/Vai: Oh, boy. The Captain really likes him. I guess I can't blame 

Shaun/Zane: I'm worried, too. Davis, perhaps we should stick together 
and watch over our friends.

Davis/Vai: Aye, a sound call. You're as stout as my own Captain, and 
just as lovely. (she grins bashfully)

Beth/Janine: Settle down back there, you two. This cave is darker than 
the heart of the devil himself. We don't want to fall into any... 
(suddenly, Jinx slips out of sight, falling into a hole) ...Traps.

Shaun/Zane: Jinx! Are you all right?

Jinx/May: (weakly) ...No! (everyone exchanges worried looks)

Davis/Vai: Can you tell us where you are?

Jinx/May: ...In pain.

Beth/Janine: Poor brave man! I'll throw down a torch!

Jinx/May: No, don't! (she does anyway; he screams as he tries to catch 
it) Oww, that's hot!

Beth/Janine: Sorry! Can you see now?

Jinx/May: ...Holy heavens, sweet Sadie and merciful mother of marauders! 
My bad luck's turned good for once! Get a rope down here, all—I think 
I've found the treasure!

Beth/Janine: You heard the man, Davis! (he uncoils a rope and lowers it. 
Everyone goes down where they join a limping, smiling Jinx)

Shaun/Zane: Jinx! Are you all right?

Jinx/May: What are you, a parrot? I told you I was!

Shaun/Zane: But—

Davis/Vai: Never mind, look! (the crew gathers around a large chest. 
Bethany and Jinx take a crowbar, exchange a glance, and pry it open 
together. Out comes the Ghost of Mouse)

Davis/Vai: A spirit! Tis' of the great pirate himself! Listen!

Mouse/Alexis: Those of you looking to find the greatest treasure in the 
world have no doubt been wondering what it is. To you I present this, my 
life's love! (they rummage through the box)

Beth/Janine: Mostly old mementoes.

Shaun/Zane: A strange portrait of a lovely lady.

Jinx/May: And a diary, chronicling the life of Mouse and a woman he 
loved. Do you think she and this lady in the portrait are the same?

Mouse/Alexis: They are indeed. Listen, for the memories of the past 
still whisper from those pages. (Mouse's lover, the ghost of Renee, 

Renee/Ana: The treasure you seek is love, eternal and unbreakable. The 
love that we shared is more valuable than anything in this world. It is 
greater than every fleet in history, and will live on as we live on, 
though our bodies are lost.

Mouse/Alexis: Take care, those of you who have come here, and heed our 
words. (they vanish)

Davis/Vai: A strange phenomenon. Likely due to such a dark room and a 
fog. Look, Captain! Another mystery! A stone marker with the name of 
that man's love on it, "Renee". Tis' her gravesite! They truly did love 
each other!

Beth/Janine: That beautiful. But what a waste to go through all 
that only to find specters and a box full of trinkets!

Jinx/May: Bah! No treasure at all! No coins, no jewels, not even shares 
of the stock market! Nothing! (as he throws his hands down in 
aggravation, they rest on Beth's fingers. Together they raise their 
hands and look at each other)

Beth/Janine: Nothing (Davis and Shaun give each other wary 

Jinx/May: But is truly...everything. Greater than any 

Beth/Janine: Yes... (they kiss deeply. Davis and Shaun shrug, smile, and 
hug each other)

Davis/Vai: If love truly is the best treasure, its effects have run all 
through this dark cave!

Shaun/Zane: Aye, inoculating everyone with its blissful disease!

Davis/Vai: A sickness none of us, I think, shall want to get over. (the 
four stand up and head out, Jinx and Beth holding hands. Darkness falls 
as a single light illuminates Hart, who waits for their return)

(Finale song: "Love is a Treasure". Hart sings to the audience)


If I could live a thousand lives, slinking away in cold darkness

And if I could cry a thousand tears, until my body dries up into nothing

I will not have lived in vain, for what is but to gain

If in this life, you have not love?

Love is a treasure

Its strength will last forever

Love is the greatest treasure

It sees me through the night, it holds me in my fright

Love is a treasure

Its power will go on and ever

Just when you think life's been horrible to you

You've run out of luck and your friends have all left your side

The smallest glimmer of a candle, flames of love, can

Make the very world grow bright!

Love is a treasure

The greatest now and forever

It stems from the very soul

Hold it close don't let it go

It will go on, eternal, when all other things are lost

Love... (end song)

Hart/Avelina: Welcome back, Captain!

Oliver, Chuck, and Jerry: Glad you're safe, miss!

Beth/Janine: Set sail, all! This adventure is over, but our group surely 
has more in store for them!

Jinx/May: Aye, and it seems as if fortune has truly favored us all this 
time around! (he and Beth smile as they hold hands, but they both trip 
and fall on each other as they walk across the deck)

Shaun and Davis: Well...almost!


Onwards to Part 69

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