"Crave" Hitomi Madsen had just gotten over her fling with Lilian when her friend and fellow teacher Abby Keeping asked her for dinner. Hitomi had made many friends during her two-year career as a Literature and Writing teacher at Stanton, but none were closer than Abby, none more supportive and loving, none (frankly) nearer to her in age, or passion, or strength. Going out with her to dinner, whether to a hole or a swank, would've been as natural and enjoyable as a walk in the spring, so she said yes and, after school, put on her best. Abigail Marie Keeping (her full name, but she preferred "Abby") was a Romanian beauty, a Libra, and a psychology teacher who loved her students and often acted as a councilor to them. Keeping faintly resembled her friend, in that their size was about the same, and they both had very long, rich black hair, though Hitomi wore hers braided since it reached her waist, and Abby kept it up since hers was a little shorter. Her eyes were emeralds, precious and green as the blood of grass; she had long legs, long fingers, and long lashes; her kind face and full pink lips would've floored anyone. Upon the night of their dinnerAbby wanted it to be a date, but she didn't want to pressure her friendshe wore a favorite green turtleneck sweater, a black skirt that went to her knee, and black heels instead of the sandals she liked. Her hair was braded by pearl hairpins, her face touched with makeup, her teeth brushed and brushed again, nearly to madness. She had been meticulous when it came to shaving, though it was probably foolish of her to pay extra attention to areas she would never show, nor would Hitomi ever see. Her indecisiveness came in and the razors came out, though. She was ready, perfumed, and prepared thirty minutes ahead of schedule. Hitomi volunteered to drive, so she waited on her couch like a silly girl before the big date. Inhale, tick, exhale, tick. The clock and her lungs were in synch. Inhale, tick, blink, exhale, tick, blink. Fidget. Sigh. She was tempted to pick up a book, but she knew the moment she got into it, Madsen would be there. She waited and bit down on her lower lip. Tick, tick, inhale, tick, blink, tick, exhale. She smoothed out her dress and, out of bad habit, cracked her knuckles. She checked for the thousandth time that everything was perfect, her nails and fingers presentable, her makeup on right, her perfume subtle enough. She counted the money in her purse for the tenth time and still came up with $42, enough for both of them should Hitomi forget hers. She grinned and jerked out of her seat (ala girl on date) as she heard a car pull up to her driveway, park, and open and shut a door. She tried not to appear nervous or ecstatic as she heard the clop-clop of heels on her porch, and restrained herself from prematurely opening the door. She waited three seconds after the doorbell rang to open up and welcome her friend. "Hi! Good to see you. You're early." "Yes. I make it a habit of mine. Are you ready?" "Um, yes. Shall we?" Hitomi smiled and went on ahead; Abby stayed behind to lock up, and got into the passenger seat of her friend's car. The local techno station was playing on her radio. "You said you liked this music, so I..." Abby grinned. "You remembered! You're so sweet." "Thank you. Elise's, right?" "Yes." Hitomi backed out of the driveway and, turning this way and that, drove to the restaurant called Elise's, where they had agreed to go for the "date". Thirty minutes into the appetizer, and already they were laughing like old (or older) friends. They each had a bowl of soup according to their taste, and awaited the generous sandwiches and vegetable sides patiently. The conversation literally went everywhere, from how they were both doing to what their deepest fear was, including romances and relationships. Abby did not have too many stories to relate. "A man I was dating in college was the closest I came to being a Missus," she said humbly, stirring her soup. "God, I was so in love... it's hard to believe it was nearly... six years ago. I thought I was going to be Mrs. Abigail Carter, but... I was wrong." "What happened?" Keeping sighed deeply, as if the years had already dug in great holes. "He came out of the closet on me, two years after we met. He said he was doing the honest thing, and although I was crushed back then, right now I can understand him. We still keep in contact, you know; I was at his wedding." "He's married?" Abby hummed as she drank her lemonade. "Mm. To a nice man. Not legally, of course, but close enough. I like him. I'm happy. It took a long time, of course, but I got over it. We're still good friends. He keeps on joking to me that his 'gay side', or whatever he calls it, has rubbed off, and soon I'll be swept away by a fair princess." Madsen chuckled and hoisted her coffee to her lips. "Will you?" "I may yet," she said wryly. "I haven't dismissed the possibility. I tried it once, when I got out of college. It was okay, but it didn't really go anywhere. It's possible I'm bisexual, but either way, I haven't met the right one, or even the near-right one. What about you?" "Mm, I'm bisexual," said Madsen casually. She had never told her friend before, but since the conversation was gravitating towards it, what better time? Keeping looked surprised, even impressed. "Well, I didn't expect that." Madsen gave her friend a bitter smile. "Neither did my parents." She mutely stirred her coffee while Keeping pondered over this. She leaned forward a fraction, her face concerned. "How did they take it?" "Very... poorly. I can still hear them yelling at me, though it was a long time ago. They disowned me, and practically kicked me out of the house that very night." "Oh, no... oh, Hitomi, I'm so sorry..." Keeping took her friend's hand and squeezed it supportively, but Madsen's grin told her that it was all right. "Oh, it's okay. Like I said, it was a long time ago. And I know I'm not a lesbian because I entered into a perfectly healthy relationship with an older man during college. Of course, it didn't stay that way; it ended rather sourly. You could say I'm poor at relationships." Abby gave her friend a sad, strong, and supportive stare all at once, and rubbed her hands tenderly. "We've both had back luck. But at least we have each other because of it." "Yes, a pleasure. One of the great parts of my life." She grinned and hid her lower face with her coffee mug, taking a big sip. Keeping blushed and smiled humbly. "Mine too. Hitomi... may I tell you something now, right now, and have your word that you won't... completely hate me for it, or think I'm strange?" "Well, I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. What is it?" Abby was silent for awhile, for affect and to gather her nerve as well. She wanted to tell Hitomi that she was attracted to her, and to be honest, she had wanted to tell her since their very first encounter, over two years ago when they met and forged a friendship. It was actually because of their friendship that made Abby so uncertainthat, and she was cautious about relationships with other teachers. Something told her she would regret it if she did say anything, while something else said she'd regret it if she didn't. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. To Hell with damnation, she decided. Better if Hitomi knew than let it sting her insides forever. "I," she breathed, still nervous as she worded herself carefully, "am very attracted to you, Hitomi, and I would like to know if you'd be interested in a... romantic relationship with me. If you're not... please be gentle with me, and know that... either way, I like you and I want you to be my friend." "Oh." Hitomi's first reaction was unexpected; her face widened in surprise and she stopped stirring her coffee. She deliberated. As the silence was shared between them, their meal arrived and with a pale "thank you", they were alone again. Hitomi cleared her throat and knew it'd be rude if she ate without answering, so she did was she thought was best. Smiled. Broadly. And squeezed Abby's hand. "I thought you'd never ask, dear," she whispered. Abby visibly lightened with relief and sighed, feeling the yoke of uncertainty shake off her shoulders. She laughed with happiness and held Hitomi's hand, making a sandwich of skin and fingers. "Oh, whew! Wow, for a second there... whew! Hitomi..." she swallowed, "you really know how to worry somebody!" "What, you were worried?" "A little," she admitted sheepishly, putting her finger and thumb close together as an indication. "I was actually scared that you'd say no and distance yourself from me. I would've been able to handle a no, just not... the total rejection." "Abby... Abby..." Hitomi smiled warmly and slid her hand from her friend's fingers up her arm, over her shivering neck, and to her cheek, where it stayed nestled comfortably. "You never had anything to worry about, dear. I must admit, I had a little crush on you ever since you came down from heaven and saved me, and I've liked you more and more ever since. I'm actually a little sad that you never told me this before." "Oh, boy." Abby groaned sadly and rolled her eyes. "Now you tell me!" Their simultaneous laughter was more beautiful than music. "So..." said Hitomi unsurely, "are we, like, girlfriends, or what?" "Girlfriends, I guess. I mean, romantically, not friend-wise. I mean, friend-wise, but also romantically." They laughed again, Hitomi saying "We both know what we mean", and finally at last, sealed their new relationship and yes, dined. The food was good; their revelation was better. Abby paid for dessert, thus making them "even", and after asking for a take-out box, they left Elise's with a generous tip and drove back to Abby Keeping's small house. Their romance would end like a normal date, with one dropping the other off, promising to "do it again sometime soon". Well, "normal" was such a boring word, and it did no justice to their relationship. ......... The words "Would you like to come in for a drink?" drew joy from Hitomi's depths, and she grinned and accepted the invite. She honestly did not want to go home anyway, not yet, not if she had an alternative, so she locked her car and followed her friendher new girlfriendinto her humble house. Madsen, having an apartment, commented on how lovely it was as the lights came on. "Something hard or soft?" asked Abby, hunting through her refrigerator. Hitomi couldn't help staring at her protruding behind as she bent over, and resisted the urge to trot over and touch it (and the words "hard" and "soft" did not help at all). She cleared her throat and asked if Abby had any Bacardi, which she did. The two clinked glasses, toasting their new relationship, and sipped. "Good!" gasped Hitomi. Abby chuckled and agreed. "Some TV?" she offered, walking gracefully to her small lounge room. "No, I rarely watch it, except for special events. I hate sitcoms, and the news is nothing but violence these days. What music do you have?" "More than techno," she jested. She chuckled to ensure Hitomi wasn't hurt in any way, and pulled out some soft piano concertos she loved. Hitomi said "Aah, Rachmaninov!", and settled into her friend's--her girlfriend's couch, drink in hand, along with Abby herself. They shared a warm laugh and put their arms around each other. It was the Second Concerto, something Hitomi loved greatly (ah, if only I had brought my Wagner, she thought). After that came the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini (Variation 18), and many others. Hitomi found herself warm from Abby's body heat, her senses sharp from her touch, her smell, the sound she made when sighing or saying little comments. "Who do you like?" "Wagner. And Tchaikovsky. Especially Swan Lake and Tannhauser." "You ever seen them? I've been to a few concerts." "I saw Swan Lake when I was little. It's one of the few memories I still recollect vividly. I've been aching to see a Wagner opera, any of them, but they never seem to play, and I don't even know where to get tickets." "There's an opera house downtown. I'm sure if you call them you can find out." Hitomi smiled, and clasped her hand into Abby's, feeling the tingling rush of electric harmony. "Maybe I can treat you to a night at the opera in the future." "Would you? Oh, I'd love that! I have a dress I've been meaning to wear to something like that! Maybe I could... model it for you." "Nnhh. Not now. This moment is beautiful on its own." Abby agreed with a moan of contentment and cuddled closer to Hitomi as a more romantic concerto began. Her head nestled against Madsen's shoulder, breathing in her delicious scent, feeling nothing but happiness now that she was truly with the woman she loved, the one she had loved for a long time. It was like a dream, vivid and sweet, drenched with senses and fresh eroticism, like lovemaking but in a sense, better. She smiled when Hitomi curled her fingers around her hair and played with it. She easily loosened braids and pins that had taken hard work to put up, combing Abby's rich raven-wing hair until it was as free and loose as the night. Abby looked up into the younger woman's face and smiled with all the love she had borne Madsen since first meeting her, and could hold back no longer. She crawled forth and drew a slow, desperate kiss, and held it for as long as it took her own hands to loosen Hitomi's hair, and play with it tenderly. When they released, Hitomi looked so euphoric, so entranced with the wonderful sweetness of lovetrue, real, good love, made just for her it seemedAbby could not restrain herself and dove in for a more passionate embrace of the mouths, grabbing her friend and rising so they were evenly met. She kissed, spread her lips, puckered them planted them everywhere, sometimes keeping them still so long that she could actually drink in Hitomi's wetness; she tasted Hitomi through her suckling kisses. Desperately she trailed across Madsen's jaw, leaving a moist line where her mouth had lain, ears vibrating from the soft cries of her girlfriend lost in rapture. Abby surrendered to Hitomi's wandering fingers as they clawed her hair, scratched deeply, sending waves of pleasure and ticklish glee right through her spine; she leaned back and held Madsen close as they merged, as she kissed and breathed on her neck; she giggled from the tickle of her breath. Abby gave a guttural groan and shivered as Hitomi's tongue dragged its full pink body up the center of her neck, gliding roughly up her throat to her chin, and ended in a curl. Hitomi kissed the same chin, then protruded her tongue again but licked low this time, taking pleasure in the taste of Abby; she went as far down to nearly frighten her girlfriend as her tongue poked with gentle care the vulnerable area between throat and chest, a depression for which the slightest touch gave heaven, where the slightest touch bordered on absolute trust and slight doubt; the area where senses were lost and where Abby dared not even whisper. Hitomi only touched the tip of her tongue there, and kissed it twice, before locking fingers with her love's hands. Abby leaned her head to the side and moaned as she felt hot breath on her right ear. Hitomi was nuzzling her nose in that area, pushing up like a puppy, sometimes extending her tongue out to lick the lobe, or to wiggle it, or to suck on it and hear groans"Oh, Hitomi..." She stabbed Abby's earlobe with passionate violence, digging her tongue in deep (oh how thankful Abby was that she had waxed them twice!), feeling every sensual curve and sexy valley; she whispered "Lust", hissing every letter out in painful sweetness as her tongue curled on the "L" and lashed out on the "T". Abby could only breathe intensely, wishing so hard to have Hitomi to herself, to return the favor and more. Hitomi dragged her mouth over and sucked on Abby's lips greedily, spreading her arms to the sky with Abby's along. She whispered seductively, "Keep them there, lover," and with nimble fingers, tickled Abby's hips before she tucked underneath her sweater and lifted it up. Beneath it was a white undershirt; Hitomi let out a sexy squeal, locked lips with Abby, and took the shirt off her girlfriend like a peel from a banana. As she lifted the cotton off, her fingers became entwined once again with Abby's. Their eyes met in lustful clarity; Abby knew what she needed to do. They continued their lover's stare as she unbuttoned Hitomi's blouse, her fingers slightly nervous and jittery. Hitomi chuckled as they tickled her, or squealed as they "accidentally" slipped around her bosom, but kept her arms stretched out until Abby saw it fit to dispose of the garment. It took very little time for the women to dispose of their formalities, so to speak; they struggled to remove their skirts as they smothered each other with arms, skin, lips, bodies, everything. There was no longer any sense in their wild thrashing. They were nude save for their sensual undergarments, one pair red and the other white; brassieres of delicate make hid their bosoms; ample thongs kept their waists covered; garters and hosiery hid their legs. Abby, now fully in charge and too wild to consider anything else, was straddling Hitomi by her legs as she purred and ran her drumming fingers up and down her lover's naked skin. Hitomi had her hands stretched out and was laying on the couch, expressing absolute excitement at the rush of her lover, her friend, on top of her and ready to go all-out. Hitomi moaned as Abby's hands grazed past her bra; she squealed with feminine pleasure as Abby's undergarments came in contact with her own, wet silk against wet silk; she panted and nearly barked when Keeping descended and pried her mouth open with her tongue, reaching deep inside so both could embrace each other. She snapped playfully when her love came up, and cackled with lustful glee when Abby rocked her hips back and forth, her bottom swaying seductively, her arms entwined with Hitomi's. Her tongue traced her lips slowly and deliberately, tasting them with careful cruelty. Hitomi puckered in hopes of adding more; Abby folded her fingers over Madsen's mouth and kissed her from behind them; Madsen drew her long digits into her mouth and suckled them. She offered her own salty fingers, and together each woman wrapped their tongues around each other; their mouths soon met, lips and tongues and fingers mashed together. Abby kissed the strap of Hitomi's bra wildly, and since her back was exposed, Hitomi now had a golden opportunity to undress her love. They sat up for the official ceremony. They entwined their legs around each other's waists and fondled the straps, until the confusion of hooks and fingers became undone, and their chests were freed. They each tossed aside the delicacies "for later", and took a moment to admire each other's naked breasts. Their every breath caused the circular flesh to rise, fall, and rise again in hypnotism; the twin nipples gazed back like lustful eyes. Both women reached for the breasts at the same time and took themgroanedand caressed them softly. Madsen moaned. Abby was grazing; her hands were sending wave of pleasure, ticklish and erotic, barely touching; the surprise of touch and warmth was more ecstatic than the feelings themselves. Hitomi traced circles around Abby's cute dark-pink nipples, herself moaning as her love pinched hers. They stood taut as pyramids, so she poked them in hopes of quieting their lust, but this only caused Abby to squeal more. Hitomi giggled and gave her love a thrill by calling her name out desperately, but with good reason: Keeping had enveloped part of her breast in her mouth. Hitomi propped herself up on her arms and continued moaning as if she were in a porn movie (albeit the most wonderful one ever made). With Abby's legs embracing her waist, her hair fallen to her chest, her lips around her skin and her body heat rising, she had no choice but to relent. She cried sweetly as Abby bit into the flesh of her breast, and wailed quite softly as her love dug her face into her cleavage, then came out to smother the remaining breast in love. Hitomi squealed and challenged gravity by freeing one arm to caress her lover's hair. Three things finally occurred to her as she sat there in rapture. One, all this was happening to her on the first date. Two, her panties were still on. Three, the music had stopped. Bother. She forced Abby down on the couch with a growl, pinning her hands to the soft cushions as her wild black hair fell down, covering her lover's face and chest. Abby tried puffing some of it away, but between laughs, she could only blow a little away. Hitomi swept her hair aside, beamed down at her with total love, and traced her jaw from one ear to the other. Abby sighed happily. "Hitomi..." Hitomi grinned as she released her lover's hands, dove in, and smothered her lips. Their tongues burrowed deep into each other's warm mouths, meeting for their own little tryst inside; they danced against teeth and gums, over the roof and underneath each other. Hitomi gave a muffled moan as she felt Abby's hands rub against her bottom, the only part of her not naked. She relented the deep kiss and laughed. "Those do come off, Abby-dear," she said. Abby grinned, too happy to speak, and pried them loose. Madsen wiggled her bottom and got to her knees, trying to help her lover in spite of both hands now being occupied (Abby was sucking on her fingers). Her legs splayed everywhere as she fought to remove her underwear, and with a final thrust, Hitomi Madsen was naked for her lover. In the dark of Abby's lounge, the small bit of pubic hair she kept showed up well on her skin. Abby gasped, even though she couldn't get a proper look. "Oh my." "Your turn," purred Hitomi. Abby giggled as Hitomi dove in to yank her underwear off, and with some struggle (aided when Madsen lifted both her legs up, getting an extremely good view), the last of their clothes met the floor and stayed there for a long time. Hitomi remained where she was, poised over her lover, nude and nervous and too happy to speak. She squeezed Abby's toes. Abby squealed. Her vagina, naked save for a small patch of womanly fur, awaited her. Hitomi wanted to do a trillion things at once, so it took great restraint to fold herself onto her lover, body merging against body, fingers entwining and eyes meeting; the souls themselves locked arms and made love, and squeals too soft and beautiful to hear came from both women. Abby was freed so she could peek at every part of Hitomi. She took her time in staring, and did not touch until she was ready. She had Hitomi sit up straight on the couch, back against the armrest, and climbed on top so she was sitting on her lap. Hitomi drew her lover in, feeling every part of her naked body merge into hers, and hissed sharply from the unbelievable rush. There was only Abby in the world; confound the CD player, confound the lights, confound the next day and their duties! There was only Abby to her; nothing else would ever really exist again. She leaned her head back, letting her hair fall. Abby placed her hands on the younger woman's shoulders, and drew in for a long, deep kiss, where mouth met mouth and tongue met tongue, and where their naked breasts squeezed against each other blissfully; nipple teasing against nipple, flesh locking into flesh; passionate hands drew close until they were very nearly one person, and they began to moan as their hands and arms and lips wandered at will. Keeping locked her bare arms around Madsen's neck, and used her slight height advantage to scoot closer, lean forward, and place her lips over her lover's nose as she moaned. Hitomi now had Keeping's breasts in her face, her legs parted and inviting, so without hesitation she crawled her fingers over and penetrated her lover, one single loving digit at a time. She stabbed with such intimate care that Abby merely sighed, so her hand caressed the naked vagina before her as her mouth dashed out to brush against the older woman's neck. Her nose became imprisoned inside Keeping's lips as her touch became rough, prodding and pushingpushing Keeping off the edge. The moans she heard soon became better than the music now silenced. Her lover's breath splayed out on her facetheir lips sometimes met and locked so tightly that only muffled sounds could be heardbut she kept her caresses, rubbing faster or slower depending on how she felt her lover would reciprocate. Abby moaned loud, soft, or not at all, letting the silence express overwhelming love (or lust) as she came to an orgasm, soaking her lover's hand rather messily. She breathed very hard in jagged, deep gasps for some time, feeling Hitomi's hand still upon her, her lips touching her chin, her breasts enticing in their glorious freedom. They shared a smile and many kisses. Abby excused herself briefly, and wobbled to the kitchen where, in a move that was both cute and silly, she used a damp rag to "clean up". Hitomi cleaned her hand orally. "You look really sexy," she noted, swishing her hair to the side. Abby blushed, nude and beautiful, and wandered back to her lover, who awaited with open arms. She fell back into Madsen's grasp, but rolled around gently so that Hitomi was now beneath her. She grinned playfully and held up a finger, saying only two words: "My turn." Hitomi gasped in anticipation, and increased her breathing as Abby kissed her bosom, her lower chest, her tummy (paying at least five minute's attention on the navel alone), her waistshe shrieked as her beloved Abby licked her pubic hair, then descended further down for the main prize itself. For the life of her, Hitomi Madsen could not really recall being conscious during the time her lover was down there. For that matter, she never really felt awake until her rupturing orgasm, which Keeping was more than happy to clean (also orally). But Abby was relentless and kept her mouth smothered over her vagina in spite of drawing a very strong orgasm from her love. Hitomi squealed helplessly as she continued her oral care, unsure why Abby kept herself there after achieving her goal. She wasn't a veteran when it came to sex, but didn't lovers usually stop after orgasm? Abby did not, though, and for the next five-to-seven minutes, Hitomi was exceedingly grateful for it. She recalled the beauty of the ballet, the tranquility of the opera, the shivers they both sent her, and how utterly pale and murky they both seemed in comparison to this new feeling, this raw sex. Abby crawled up Hitomi's body, inch by inch, dragging her arms, legs, breasts, and tongue up each section, until at last their mouths met and stayed in a loving embrace. Hitomi's mouth was becoming dry, so after some slow, sweet kisses, she excused herself and waddled to the sink. Abby gave a weak whistle as she stared at her lover's naked backside. "Nice ass," she called. Hitomi laughed and downed a whole glass, then returned with a smile. She drew Abby up from the couch, eyes penetrating, and let her guide her by hand to the bedroom. Hitomi suddenly took her lover in her arms when they got inside, and twirled her around, laughing until they were both dizzy, and fell on top of the bed, bouncing once before settling. Nude, she curled next to Abby and teased her face tenderly. "I can't believe what we just did," she whispered. "What?" "Made love on our first date. I promised myself I'd never do that." "Hmm. It was a bit sudden. I didn't think things would go this far so quickly. Are you sorry?" Hitomi giggled and kissed her lover's cheek, folding her arms over her protectively. "No, not at all. I think our little lust session was justified. We needed that. Like a champagne bottle under too much pressure that was suddenly uncorked." Abby laughed at the analogy; she could just imagine jerking the cork away violently, and having its contents spill out everywhere, and how parallel the image was to their recent sexual congress. "Mm, we definitely spurted. I think you're right. Too much frustration, bad luck, lost moments, little things... We needed a release. And it's not like we're strangers. I love you, and I was honored to make love to you." "Me too." Hitomi chuckled and held Abby close, kissing the nape of her neck as she got lost in her dark hair. "I love you too," she whispered, "very, very much. So now what are we to do?" "About what?" "Lovemaking. I mean, it's clear we both enjoyed it, but we're still new in the relationship. This one exception was all right, but I think we should cut down on our randiness until we're really ready." "Mm, I agree, but it's going to be tough. I kinda want you to ravish me right now." Hitomi laughed and groaned at the same time. "Ugh, I don't have any energy left. You sucked it out of me, literallynot that I'm really complaining." "Oh, thanks." "I mean it," she said, kissing Abby. Keeping held her lover's arms close to her naked body, and since it was getting cold, she fought to curl underneath her bedsheets, with Madsen still enveloping her. They sighed in contentment, letting silence speak since they did not quite trust the moment to words. Not for awhile. "So does this make us lovers?" "No, I don't think so. Like you said, we badly needed the sex, but I don't think either of us are ready for a sexual relationship. The cork's off and we can breathe again, to use that wonderful analogy, but now I want to enjoy the taste of champagne. And you're quite intoxicating, so let's not get too drunk in the future." She giggled. "Right. But what if I want to have sex with you again? What if, you know, I can't control myself?" "Mm. Let's try and behave. If we must, we may as well so we don't go mad, but otherwise..." "Right." A pause. "...Did I hurt your feelings?" "No, of course not. I agree. You are very convincing. One of the many reasons why I love you, sweetheart." "I love you too... princess." Madsen giggled. "I haven't been called princess in years!" "Should I not call you that?" "Oh no, do as you wish. I like it. Makes me feel young again. Nnn, what time is it?" "One... thirty-seven." "Damn... we've been at it for hours." "Mm-hmm. We'd better get to sleep or we'll never wake up for school." "Right, right." Abby and Hitomi smiled, and with a final good-night and I-love-you, they settled down, warm in each other's nakedness, and fell asleep several minutes later. It was a good way to end the evening, and better because it was really just the start. Nobody knows Just why we're here Could it be fate Or random circumstance At the right place At the right time Two roads intertwine And if the universe conspired To meld our lives To make us Fuel and fire Then know Where ever you will be So too shall I be Close your eyes Dry your tears 'Coz when nothing seems clear You'll be safe here From the sheer weight Of your doubts and fears Weary heart You'll be safe here Remember how we laughed Until we cried At the most stupid things Like we were so high But love was all that we were on We belong And though the world would Never understand This unlikely union And why it still stands Someday we will be set free. Pray and believe When the light disappears And when this world's insincere You'll be safe here When nobody hears you scream I'll scream with you You'll be safe here Save your eyes From your tears When everything's unclear You'll be safe here From the sheer weight Of your doubts and fears Wounded heart When the light disappears And when this world's insincere You'll be safe here When nobody hears you scream I'll scream with you You'll be safe here In my arms Through the long cold night Sleep tight You'll be safe here When no one understands I'll believe You'll be safe, You'll be safe You'll be safe here Put your heart in my hands You'll be safe here
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