Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior, wielding a magic sword, stepped forth to oppose me! Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku! "Samurai Yuki" Cicadas pierced the silent early day like needles, their whistling rhythmically weaving in a slow tempo. Above, the gray sky yawned, its sun obscured by dusty clouds; below, the world shivered itself out of the cold, grassy dew dripping down to sprinkle small beetles. A small lizard scurried across, looking for holes to burrow in until the day grew warmer; dragonflies soared safely above his grasp, their own eyes seeking shelter from the weary first hours of the day. This was a tranquility not meant to be disturbedand yet of all places, Yuki and Aku chose to fight here. Yuki sailed backwards through the air, suffering a mighty swipe from Aku's claws, and skidded to a rough stop upon the grass that had only just woken up. Dust from the earth gathered and slowly settled; Aku laughed as Yuki laid there, motionless and powerless to get up. "Once again, samurai, your foolish attempts to destroy me are wasted!" growled the black demon. He loomed over Yuki like an obelisk, blocking out the pale sunand grinned. "This time, there will be a price to be paid for your efforts. I shall destroy you here and now, and make known my unquestioned domination throughout the land!" Aku transformed his claw into a very long, very sharp spear, and lunged it at Yuki with the might of a thunderbolt. That last blow had taken a heavy toll on the ronin, but Yuki was in no way completely defenseless. Gritting her teeth, she rolled to the side at the last second, ignored her pain as she swung her sword, and struck a gash across Aku's deadly tendril. The black mass was cleaved in two, the smaller part sailing off and vanishing in smoke. Needless to say, Aku wasn't too pleased. "As long as there exists even a fiber of strength left in my body, Aku," Yuki declared boldly, "I shall not submit to defeat!" Aku growled with hate, and even though he had never seen a better opportunity to exterminate this bothersome pest, Yuki didn't look like she was going to back down without a fight. "You overestimate your skills, samurai," muttered Aku, his voice dark. "But I am feeling generous after all. If it weren't for more pressing matters, I would engage you to the death. But remember, my strength increases every day." "Twice the pride, double the fall," Yuki retorted. Aku snarled and took one last swipe; he slashed Yuki's chest, but Yuki cut Aku's arm. The two enemies yowled in pain, and the dark wizard retreated back into the hole he emerged from. Yuki stood watch for a moment, waiting for complete solidarity, and with a heavy effort, sheathed her swordand stumbled. That last battle had taken more out of her than she thought she had. Of course, Aku had been wounded as well, so maybe postponing their so-called epic struggle was the wise thing to do. Somehow, Yuki trudged her way to a local village and found an inn where she could rest up, patch her wounds, and reformulate her strategy. So, even after everything she had been through, Aku still had a few tricks up his evil sleeves, and enough fight in him to challenge her. She had to wonder if what he said was true: was he really becoming stronger day by day? If that was true, then as Aku surpassed his own powers, so too would Yuki. She would just have to become stronger, last longer, and have the truer heart. But within her weary psyche, she knew that this could never be enough. She could not kill Aku by herself. She would need help. The only person Yuki trusted was the Scotsman, but he came and went as he pleased, and their meetings always seemed to be more coincidental than planned. She then wondered if she could recruit new friends to help in her struggle, but that was a risky venture. Would she dare show her face so publicly, advertise her cause, and hope for the best? The legend of Samurai Yuki might be enough to draw a few noble-hearted allies, but would it also be enough to pay them? Yuki didn't want to trudge back to all those towns and people who owed her a debt, either, so it looked like she only had that one other option. There weren't any towns or cities in the world that were completely devoid of Aku's influence, but there were plenty that were secretly in opposition to his movement. Yuki knew of at least three off the bat, and one of those was only a few days' journey from where she was. There didn't seem to be a point in hurrying there, so she hiked the whole way, packing food and skins of water for her long trip. The sun and the moon wheeled gradually across the sky along the way; the daytime star turned from a soupy white color to a bright, merry yellow by the time Yuki arrived in the new town, and the moon smiled that same crescent grin she was so familiar with. Unfortunately, she had no idea where to begin looking. Somehow, fortune was with her that day. ...... "Tell me one more time," sighed the dark-skinned limping woman to her companions: "Why exactly are we here?" "We've already told you a gazillion times, Liv," sighed the only blonde in the bunch. "We know you're new to this group, but that doesn't excuse you from forgetting our quest." "I just want to make sure I understand all this," she replied, straining to keep her civility. Blondie pinched her lips together in annoyanceher comrades would have to do the talking for her. "Basically, we're looking for warriors to help with our little problems," spoke the brunette of the group. "You know how Alexis and I set out together to find like souls for this task, and we came across you and Rozy. But we need a fifth, as our last battle attested." "And you think we'll find this fifth here in this run-down city?" asked Liv. The brunette shrugged. "It's as good a place as any." "Well that's just nice." "Don't be in such a sour mood," Blondie reprimanded. "We both came along willingly, didn't we? And we've both proved ourselves in battle. After that last injury you sustained, we're going to need this fifth player more than ever." "Oh, so I'm useless?" "No, Liv," said the fourth member of their bunch, a laid-back woman, slightly heavyset, with hazy eyes and dark hair. "We always put stock and value in something. You're our demolitions girl. That leg won't hinder you at all while you're setting explosives and firing rocket launchers, now will it?" "It might," she bit back. Blondie and Brunette exchanged a weary look. Not even two days on the road together, and already there was friction. If the fifth warrior they were hoping for was anything like this crew... "Excuse me, ladies," came a polite voice across from them. The four girls looked over and noticed somebody was hailing them. White gi, black hair tied in a topknot, a straw hat, a sword at her side and old-fashioned wooden sandals over her feet... Why, if they didn't know any better, they'd say she matched the description of... "Yes, us?" "Pardon me," said the woman, bowing politely, "but I was wondering if the four of you would know where I can find honorable mercenaries for some work." The women looked at each other in shock, all of them thinking the same thing. Blondie chuckled and rubbed her chin. "The river of fate cuts a strange and winding path," she mused. Turning to the stranger, she returned the bow. "My dear friend, it seems that destiny has favored our meeting, for we are also in need of strong warriors. Perhaps we could help each other out." Samurai Yuki hadn't counted on it being that easy. But then again, she had spent a few days and nights here. So her father had been right: patience really was a virtue. "I would be honored," she told them. "Let me introduce mys" "Samurai Yuki, right?" asked the heavyset woman. "Yeah, we know all about you. What a strange stroke of fortune that we ran into you! Now those alien troublemakers won't stand a chance against us! The name's Alexis," she said, extending for hand. "My specialty is knives and bad jokes." "Forgive her," said the blonde, smiling politely. "She's an attention freak. I'm Rozalia, the elected leader of this band." "Ancelin," nodded the brunette simply. She bowed just as politely as Yuki had. "(Annie here won't admit it,) whispered Rozalia, "(but her specialty is spy crap and sex!)" Everyone heard it, including Ancelin, who blushed furiously (the others just laughed). Yuki turned red too, but decided to press on and ignore it. "And...this lady?" "Olivia," said she, bowing awkwardly. "The demolitions expert. Don't let the dour attitude and the limp throw you off; I'm pretty handy in a fight." Yuki smiled and told them all how honored she was to be in their company, and so thankful that they could assist with each other's needs. They didn't stay in town very long: now that everyone had what they were looking for, it was back to life on the road. While they were traveling, the four girls explained to Yuki their dilemma. "Y'see, awhile back, an alien attack force landed in Ancelin and Alexis's village. They did some damage, took some people captive, and set up a system of martial law. Annie and Alex escaped and came to Liv and I for help. Being the gracious experts we wereand let's face it, who hasn't felt the sting of those oppressive beastswe set ourselves into helping them. One huge fight later, and we realize we need a fifth. That's where you came in." "And there's no need to tell us your story, Lady Yuki," said Ancelin with a smile. "We already know of it. Whatever we can do, the four of us will help you destroy Akueven if it means we will not exist in this future. It's better to never live than to suffer through this dystopia." Everyone was in agreement on that, and even though Yuki had never considered that kind of consequence beforedestroying Aku here, and in the past, would no doubt change this future radicallyshe resigned herself to her destiny. ......... The celestial gears continued to crank, from night to day and back again, as the team of five traveled far to the realm of the oppressed. In that time, each of them shared stories of their lives as villagers, mercenaries, warriors, and experts. It was pleasant, in an unusual way, that such a mismatched team could be assembled like that: a woman with a knack for leadership, a sensual French-Korean spy, an expert knife-thrower and fighter, a demolitions master, and now the samurai, Yuki. It was common knowledge that disasters had a way of bringing unlikely people together, and what was more disastrous than an alien force invading one's homeexcept for the omnipresence of Aku? The village where Ancelin and Alexis were born and raised in was heavily guarded: first by thick vegetation, steep cliffs, a raging river, and enough natural traps and trails to throw anybody off. The second level of protection was colder; the alien forces stood vigil over the gates, long jagged spears in their hands. With the combined efforts of the five, they weren't there long. "Hurry!" Ancelin hissed, "Before more of them show up! We must keep our stealth as long as possible." She didn't want the whole army bearing down on them if she could help it, so that's why she encouraged everyone to be quick and quiet. The team shifted their way behind huts and houses, shacks and silos, sneaking and slithering across thick shadows gracefully; their destination was the building that held all the hostages the aliens had taken. To Yuki, who had seen her fair share of odd creatures, they looked little different than blue squid-creatures, half their bodies vaguely human and the other half decidedly aquatic. They reminded her a bit of the Triceraquin. "There," whispered Alexis, indicating a nondescript building. To house the hostages somewhere obvious would be like placing searchlights and neon signs around for any rebellious punk to come sniffing around. Yuki frowned. "Are you sure?" "Trust me, I know," she murmured. "I saw my best friend being taken in there, and I'm getting her out. Stay here." Everyone was squatted down behind a leafy overgrowth, but even in that awkward position, Alexis was able to slip a dagger out of concealment and throw it with perfect accuracy. The alien standing guard to the building was dead and gone before he even tumbled to the ground. She went ahead first, another knife already in her hand and waiting to be tossed, and beckoned for the others to follow her to the building. They arrived without incident, and Olivia immediately started to work. "Yuki, Rozy, Alexis, cover me please," she ordered, kneeling down to start construction on a crude bomb. The blast would no doubt attract all kinds of attention, but they knew they wouldn't get very far without a fight. They just needed to get there. Whether the guards were lazy, sloppy, or otherwise incompetent, they didn't show their faces until Olivia had rigged the bomb and detonated it, blowing down the door. The girls (and the hostages inside) all coughed and waved the smoke away, glad that nothing else had been splintered. "You couldn'tcough, coughjust pick the lock?!" managed Ancelin. "Hey, I'm noCOUGH!locksmith! Get these people out of here! Let'scough!let's go!" She and the others ushered the hostages out, barely registering the chorus of thanks that came with it. Yuki was the first to step back outside, and skidded to a halt as she was also the first to notice they now had company. And the aliens were not happy at all. "Get them!" shouted a fierce-looking one. Yuki bravely stared down the two-dozen or so squid monsters, swinging her sword with epicurean grace if any of them got close enough. But there were so manythey outnumbered hershe started being smacked and smashed by their tentacles, and more importantly, she began to realize that more were coming to aid their comrades, and these had weapons. But Samurai Yuki wouldn't quit yet, not until she was dead or victorious. Not until then, and not a moment sooner. But of course she had help. Rozalia took the hostages and led them out of the town, taking Ancelin to cover her. Alexis and Olivia were at Yuki's side once their friends made haste, a blaster and a bandolier of knives between them. Three of the squid-creatures surrounded Olivia first, and in spite of her gamy leg, she rolled between them, planting explosive devices on their tentacles. A wobbly jump backwards and a press of the detonation later, and three explosions came to her satisfaction. Thwickthwickwent the knives, and poom-boom went the bodies as Alexis knocked down more enemies. Four from behind; duck-turn-slash, and another was gone. Lean-kneel-roll-spin-whirl-slash, another gone. Thwick, another, and slice! Skin broke open and a trickle of blood came out as her shoulder was torn. The monster laughed at her pain. She screamed at it and rammed it with her favorite dagger. Yuki was like a farmer, the squid her harvest, and the sword her sickle. The creatures, once so numerous and threatening, declined slowly with every swipe of her blade. Tentacles fell off and exploded; bodies were torn asunder, their mechanical innards protruding like intestines before a spark hit their oil and destroyed them. Yuki was struck down too, and tumbled to the floor as brief flashes of pain embraced her body, but all she needed to do was strengthen her resolve and glare all the harder. While these three girls were having all their fun, Ancelin and Rozalia managed to finally get the hostages to safety, and armed them with crude weapons just in case. They each then turned around to assist their friends, but except for a few strays, the battle was practically over by the time they arrived. Still, it was satisfying to see them join the fray, and even more satisfying to let out a cry of victory. If any of the squid-monsters survived this royal thrashing, they soon turned the proverbial tail and ran (slithered?) for their lives. Their cheers, however, were short-lived. A black shadow soon crossed their paths, one they all knew. Uh-oh. "So!" barked Aku, "It seems that every time I extend my arm of darkness, one tiny little candle is there to repel it. But here I have five! Has the samurai come to realize that she cannot defeat me on her own, or does she believe that the extra numbers will avail her? It matters not!" he proclaimed, the deep wicked bass voice of his booming. "For, whether they come to me in small or great numbers, by droves or legions, I will exterminate them all. It has happened before, but with this final act, I will make certain that it will not happen again!" And then he cackled, a most foul noise. Yuki flared with righteous anger. "Aku! If you wish to be destroyed, then continue this rampage! For now I have brought four worthy comrades to assist in your downfall. Together, we shall be more than a match for you!" "(The samurai's cracked!)" murmured Alexis to Ancelin. The brunette just smirked. "(At least she has a high opinion of us,)" came the reply. Aku bleated angrily, and attacked, transforming into a terrible crab-monster. Yuki dove free, her samurai agility making her light as a flea. The others scattered clumsily; Alexis and Olivia attempted to take the monster down with their weapons, but of course they proved ineffective. Aku laughed at their efforts and swiped at them with his enormous black arm. The distraction gave Yuki a fraction of free time, and she took full advantage as she rushed at Aku sword-first. He jerked around in annoyance, flashed his eyes, and shot beams of heat through his pupils. Yuki curved her sword in an arc to deflect the blasts and came in for the kill; she and Aku traded blows, claw and sword, for a few quick rounds before the samurai was repulsed. "You see!" laughed Aku. "I grow stronger! And to think that the samurai would believe herself safer with even more stooges at her side!" "Don't call us stooges," Ancelin snarled. She pulled a Something from underneath her clothesa rose-shaped sword, it looked to beand drove it deep into Aku's billowing body. He snorted and turned around to regard the...well, the thorn in his side. "What is this?" he murmured, more perplexed than in pain. He tugged at the object, but it stubbornly clung to him, like a burr or barnacle. "Insolent mass of metal trickery!" he cursed, now spitting and raving, anything to get the object out. "What foolishness is this?!" Now he was enraged; his eyes lit up to burn the interlopers who had came between him and his prey. But the girls had seen this attack before, and came prepared for it. As the beam dashed for them, Rozalia quickly held up the largest mirror she could carry, perhaps brought from some house, or else hidden on her person. The reflective glass performed its purpose beautifully, and shot the blast back at Aku, blinding and burning him for awhile. As he screamed, Ancelin suddenly threw a whole barrage of her sticky rose-swords at Aku, and for good measure, Alexis and Olivia resumed their futile attack as well. If nothing else, this distracted Aku for a long timelong enough for Yuki to recover, jump up, and rip up the demon like he was a Christmas present. The scream he made was quite delicious. "NO!!!" he roared. "I WILL NOT LOSE LIKE THIS! I will have victory! I shall annihilate you, samurai, and everything you hold dear! Do you hear me?! Victory!!" "Victory, yes," stated Yuki sharply, holding her blade like a true empress. "But not yours." All five girls attacked at once, but Yuki clearly got the most results. After all, when one uses the Bane of Evil against the very embodiment of evil itself, one does not expect anything less than results. Aku yelled out in pain and anger, but all the horrid emotions in the world could no longer save him. At last, at long last, Yuki and her friendsthe entire worldwas honored with the delight of witnessing the shogun of sorrow, the deliverer of darkness, the minister of malice (and so on), crumble and implode upon himself in a flash of light. And that, as they say, is that. But one more thing needed to be done. ...... There were no words that could express Yuki's infinite gratitude towards her friends. After resting up for the rest of the day, the five met up again for one last time, each of them embracing the other. They took special care of the heroic samurai, heaping her with love and quiet praisesbut they knew they had to say goodbye. After all, there was still a future that needed to be saved, and only one person could do it. Thankfully at least, there was one less obstacle in her way, and so with a last farewell, Yuki left behind her greatest friends, and perhaps for the last time, took her feet to the road in pursuit of a way back home. The End of Episode CII
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