All Girls School (part 1 of 109)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

"Roll Call"

She looked like she had come out of somebody's nightmare, or else one of 
those dark Wiccan cults that people have shuddering thoughts of. Truth 
be told, though, she didn't care what people thought, not even on the 
first day of her last year in high school. First impressions be damned; 
she was wearing what she wanted and there wasn't an authority alive that 
could say otherwise. Of course, it was a little harder being rebellious 
since the school didn't have a strict dress code--a surprise indeed, 
considering it was a girls-only school--but apathy struck even rebellion 
and thus, she didn't even care if she wasn't rebelling.

She looked at her watch again. Of all the things... This had been one of 
those rare times she actually came to class early, and of course, nobody 
else was there. It would start in ten minutes, too--surely somebody 
would pop in, perhaps one of those goody-good honor students or a 
cheerleader clone that oozed sickening perfection, the kind that just 
had to show up early to give a good impression. The only girl in Ms. 
Madsen's Literature and Writing class would've vomited out of illness 
had she not eaten such a delicious breakfast.

Finally, people started coming in, and lo and behold, not a one of them 
yet seemed to give the poor girl a case of Linda Blair spews. There were 
three, four, five of them, and more coming in, and they all ignored her. 
Then again, she didn't recognize any of them either, so she kept quiet. 
They all kept quiet, until one of the girls recognized the other.


"Hi, Janine! Sleep well?"

"No way," sighed the girl wearily. Her eyes looked like they had missed 
seeing Slumberland for the third time. "I didn't get a wink. Can't 
really blame me after that party we had."

"I slept fine," noted the one called Vicki.

"Well you weren't up as late as I was."

"Yes I was! Just not as late, and you were doing more partying than I 

"Yeah, I guess. Ugh, I'm gonna feel crappy all morning long. Why," she 
lamented as she crashed into her seat, next to her friend, "does school 
always have to start so early?"

"Because teachers are cruel and mean people," said another girl, clear 
out of the blue. Vicki snorted out a laugh, and the sleepy one called 
Janine moaned in agreement.

"Yeah. Hey, uh, has anybody in here ever had Ms. Madsen before?"

"No," came several responses. One girl had an addition to her answer.

"I heard she's real rough--gave two tests in one day."

"Two tests?! You're kidding me!"

"It's just what I heard," she replied nonchalantly. Janine hissed.

"That's not right! Now I wanna transfer outta here!" A few girls smiled 
and laughed, and things seemed to quiet down. The classroom filled 
slowly, until it seemed everyone who would be in it was in it. The bell 
rang, the first class of the first day of school began, and yet there 
was no teacher before them. A few began to mutter. One snickered. Then 
the door opened, and finally she came in, whistling the theme song from 
The Magnificent Seven. She stood at her desk, laid a folder of papers 
down, and smiled warmly. She was gorgeous.

"Good morning," she said clearly. Nobody spoke. The woman blinked, 
frowned, and repeated herself a little louder. "Good morning." Again, 
nobody said anything. She skillfully went to her folder, plucked a piece 
of paper that had the names of her students on it, and muttered loud 
enough for everyone to hear, "Minus ten points for everyone for not 
returning my greetings."

"What!!" shrieked the girl that had came early. "No shit!"

"And minus fifteen points for foul language," she added cruelly. The 
girl gawked in surprise.


"Another fifteen!" snapped the teacher angrily, nearly puncturing the 
paper with her pen. "Young lady, I do not tolerate rudeness or foul 
language in my classroom. You will be severely disciplined if you 
deviate from these rules, is that clear? ...Is that clear? If you don't 
answer me, I will deduct ten more points from your score."

"Y-yeah, yeah..." she murmured, her pride shot down and humbled 
bitterly. All the other ladies looked pale as they turned their 
attention from the exasperated girl to the harsh-looking woman that 
stared down at them like a vulture to its prey. She shifted back to the 
friendlier version of herself and smiled, though not quite as warmly.

"Now... let's try this again. Good morning."

"Good morning," chimed the class.

"Thank you. My, what pleasant students I have this year." Oh, she was 
good. Like putting salt on a wound... "My name is Miss Madsen," she 
continued, less coyly, "and I will be teaching Literature and Writing, 
which is not to be confused with English. We are not in England, and 
unless some of you are foreign, I don't need to teach you how to speak. 
In this class we will go over all kinds of literature, as well as 
education on furthering your writing skills. Unlike most courses, the 
things you will learn in this class actually have a use outside the 
school!" Miss Madsen smiled wittily, as if that came as a shock to the 
students, and a few gasped in mock surprise. Little miss potty mouth 
rolled her eyes.

"I'll now be taking roll, but I'm going to do it differently than most 
other teachers. I want everyone to come up to the front of the class, 
introduce yourself, and tell us some things about you. That way, 
everybody knows everybody and all the ice that's formed around this 
first day will be broken. Everybody will be required to come up, and 
this looks like a small class size, so don't think you'll somehow slip 
out of this. Now, who would like to go first?"

"Me!" A hand raised up almost the second Miss Madsen asked for 
volunteers. She grinned warmly and looked to her names list.

"Thank you, young lady. You will receive five extra points for 
volunteering first."

"All right!" The excitable young woman almost bounced to the front, 
where she gave the whole class a cheerful grin and wave. She was pretty, 
plainly Irish from her looks and name, and seemed like the kind of 
person whom anyone could like.

"All right! Top o' the mornin' to ya lasses, as they'd say in me 
country! Name's Gabrielle O'Shannon, and I don't think I need to tell ya 
where I'm from!" A few girls smiled at the obvious statement. "All 
right--first, I'm sixteen years old, and I love spendin' time with me 
friends, just like we did last night--right Vick, Janine, Liv, Blakie?"


"Stayed up to the wee hours, we did!" boasted the redhead. "And feelin' 
dam' well tired from it!"

"Language, Miss O'Shannon," murmured Miss Madsen quietly. She privately 
marked off one point from the girl's name.

"Oh, right--sorry. Anyway, there ain't much to tell bout' me, cept' I 
love feedin' birds, layin' out in the sun, and playin' with me gerbil 
Muraki. I can't read too well cuz' a' dyslexia, so I don't think I'll do 
so well in this class."

"You'll do fine," assured Miss Madsen. Gabrielle smiled weakly.

"Yeah, well, I ain't no James Joyce. Anyways, that's about it."

"Oh, come on, Miss O'Shannon!" said Miss Madsen encouragingly. "Surely 
there's more to you than just an Irish dyslexic who feeds birds! What 
are your dreams, your hopes, your fears?" Gabrielle turned red and 
faltered, appearing uncomfortable to share such intimate information to 
so many strangers. Her face turned dark pink as she managed to squeak 
something out.

"Well... I always had in me mind this image of a romantic day in Paris. 
I... well... I like aprons."

"Go on," said Miss Madsen, ignoring some of the girls' giggling. 
Gabrielle sighed.

"I... I also hate heights. I ain't too good with em'. Got sick in 
Disneyland once on account a' high ride, and I ain't been that far up 
since. I don't suppose now's a good time to say I was forced into the 
gym class, and with my luck, there'll be rings and high bars and ropes 

"...I see," said Madsen after a thoughtful pause. "Thank you, Miss 
O'Shannon. For your homework tonight, you are to read the first two 
chapters of Moby Dick, wherein you will then report on it the next 

"What? Homework already?"

"Yes, Miss O'Shannon," said Madsen firmly. "I know it's the first day of 
school, but it's never too early to start. You should be so lucky that 
I'm unaware of any books that have to do with acrophobia for the moment. 
Get to it, Miss O'Shannon--you have 24 hours." Gabrielle glumly faltered 
and trudged back to her seat, not expecting to have to do something so 
hard so early. Moby Dick! Of all books for the teacher to choose! She 
hated that book.

"Next?" said Madsen. One of the people that Gabrielle pointed out during 
her introduction rose up and made her way to the front of the class, 
smiling and waving politely.

"Hi, I'm Janine Bautista. I'm friends with Gab. I'm a little younger 
than her, and--"

"Excuse me, Miss Bautista," said Madsen suddenly. She then turned to the 
class and remarked coldly, "Ladies, do any of you not greet anyone when 
they greet you? Miss Bautista clearly had the courtesy to do so; what 
withholds you from the same?" Some of the girls desperately blurted out 
their helloes, but it was too late for them. "No, I'm sorry, it's too 
late. Minus one point for everyone who didn't receive Miss Bautista 
properly. I am a teacher of students, ladies--not apes or dogs who have 
no manners. I'll not have twenty-five rudelings enter and exit my class 
as they please. Now," she gestured to Janine, "continue." Janine 

"Yikes," she managed, giggling coldly. "Well, uh, like I said, I'm one 
of Gab's friends. We went out on the town last night as a sort of last 
hurrah before school started, and I didn't get too much sleep. Anyway, 
about me--I love clothes and I love to wear lots of accessories, as you 
can see. I've got lots of friends, most of em' in here, and I also like 
sports and the arts."

"What kinds of sports and arts?" asked Miss Madsen.

"You know, like dancing and acting, and I also play volleyball and 
badminton, and I'm on the cheerleading squad."

"Great. Please continue." Janine paused.

"Um... well... all I can really say is that I'm a mixture of foreign 
powers. I'm Filipino, British, and Chinese, but I don't know a lot of 
the languages there--except British!" She laughed politely, then seemed 
at a loss for things to say. Miss Madsen seemed eager to prod.

"Is that all?"

"Um, for the most part. My parents are really protective of me and I 
guess I'm a bit spoiled and naïve. There's not much else."

"I don't believe that for a second," whispered Miss Madsen gently. "Miss 
Bautista, for your homework this evening, I'd like for you to begin a 
hobby or activity that has nothing to do with anything you've said 
you're good at. It can be anything at all, just as long as it's not 
related to the arts or sports you mentioned. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am," she said, nodding. Madsen smiled.

"Good. You may be seated. Next?"

"Victoria Grissom, but my friends call me Vicki."

"And what are some things about you, Miss Grissom?"

"First," said Victoria through a grin, "I'm not related to Gil Grissom 
from CSI. I get that a lot."

"I'll make note of it."

"Second," she continued, "I like doing activities that challenge me, 
like crosswords and puzzles. I'm actually in the habit of making up 
games on my own and, um, testing them out with my friends. They seem to 
go along with them when they have the time, so I guess they're okay. I'm 
not really that talkative; I just tend to observe things going on. I'm 
pretty perceptive. I do weird things sometimes--I guess I'm not a normal 
person, cuz' it seems sometimes I live in my own world, and that world 
can spill out anytime without me knowing it. Like, for instance, my love 
of bugs and spiders. I've got a pet tarantula at home."

"Do you now? That's unusual!" remarked Madsen. Victoria smiled.

"That's just the beginning, but it's not a bad kind of weird. I'm also 
allergic to cats, but my sister loves them. I've got a big family, so 
sometimes it feels like I'm overlooked, being the middle child and all. 
I've got bad timing, as well. I think it was a miracle that I got to 
class on time!" She laughed softly, as if her own sense of timing was a 
bad joke.

"I really think you need to work on that more than anything, Miss 
Grissom," stated Miss Madsen firmly. "You do tend to ramble a bit, but I 
think it's healthy for a person to express themselves, especially if 
they are normally quiet. For your homework today, and every day Miss 
Grissom, you are to arrive ten minutes before class. Do you understand?"

"I'll try," she managed, sounding unsure. Miss Madsen shook her head 

"No, you will not. It's just like Yoda says--either you will or you will 

"...All right," she squeaked after a pause. "Then I guess I shall just 
have to do my best."

"Now that I accept," Madsen added with a smile. "You may be seated, 
thank you. Who would like to come next?" A hand shot up, and the girl 
was summoned to the front. She kept looking from left to right, sizing 
up the class and its instructor on her journey to the front. She spoke 
after getting another observation.

"Hi, I'm Blake Freda Baum, how are you?" The girls, somewhat fearful of 
Miss Madsen's indignation, each answered accordingly. "Great. I'm doing 
swell. Listen, I, uh, wrote your all's names down on a sheet of paper so 
I can remember, but if I forget, try and remind me, all right? Um, my 
birthday's coming up around Thanksgiving, though I guess since this is 
August, I'll be 15 for awhile. I didn't take my meds today so I might be 
a little off-key."

"Your meds?" parroted Madsen. Blake Baum nodded.

"Ah, yes, I'm ADD. Anyway, I've been told I ramble on, so forgive me if 
I keep talking about nothing instead of what I should be talking about. 
Uh--wait a sec." Blake suddenly looked up just as the air conditioner 
kicked in, noticing the small crank noise it made. She grinned slightly, 
and pricked her ears up higher as the sound of passing Canadian geese 
penetrated the walls and ceiling.

"...Miss Baum, please continue," said Madsen patiently. Blake Baum 
snapped out of her fascinated trance and apologized.

"Yeah! Um, I've got lots to tell, but I guess you only need to know the 
important stuff. Well, ah, first of all, I'm on track and I love 
it--it's kind of my passion, my goal in life, um... I'm probably going 
to be an Olympiad when I graduate. Also, uh, I'm not exactly interested 
in showing my boobs or my legs because, ah... well, it's just not 
proper, I think. I'm kinda embarrassed by it but things haven't changed 
since I was in fifth grade, so--"

"You are starting to ramble, Miss Baum," interrupted Miss Madsen 
politely. Blake Baum snapped out of her trance again.

"Oh, gee, uh... I'm sorry! Well, anyway, to sum it up, I'm not normal, 
I'm very sloppy--I can't even write that well and my typing skills are 
questionable--and I'm also Jewish. My family's got some history behind 
it. Do you think that's good enough, Miss Madsen?"

"Quite, Miss Baum. Your homework, I'm afraid, shall be by far the 
easiest. I just need you to remember to take your medications, okay? Try 
not to forget." Blake Baum stuttered, frozen for a second as she thought 
of words to defend herself by.

"I, I, I, I know I'm supposed to, and I'm sorry--I, I, I'll promise to 
bring my bottle tomorrow. Oh, um, I'm gonna need a slip saying that it's 
okay for me to bring my meds to school, cuz' sometimes I take them in 
the middle of the day. Is that okay?"

"It is indeed. You may be seated."

"Good." Blake Baum waved to the class, smiling eccentrically, and added, 
"Later, loveya, bye!"

"I'm May Tramble--I was named after the month I was born in. My sister, 
who's not in this class, is June Tramble--also named after the month she 
was born in. We're twins."

"And how is that possible, Miss Tramble?" asked Miss Madsen, though 
anyone could see by the look of her face and the sound of her voice that 
perhaps, she might've already known. May answered quietly.

"I was born May 31st, at 11:58 at night. My sister was born June 1st, 
12:02 in the morning, so it makes sense."

"I see. Please continue."

"Well, we were born and raised just a few miles down the road--we've 
lived in this state all our lives, and we've never been out of the 
country or even very far from home. I've always wanted to see Italy, 
Israel, and Japan, though I'd settle for New York and California. I'm 
very good with details, plus I'm pretty fast, though I'd never join any 
of the sports they have here."

"And why is that?"

"I'm just not into them, I guess," she shrugged, making an apathetic 
face. "Um... I've got a pretty good sense of direction, and the people I 
love most in my life are my parents and sister. I'm kinda slow on the 
thoughtful side--I'm not dumb or anything, just not a quick thinker. I 
really don't have any friends, though, and I can get kinda pessimistic 
at times. Oh! And I love music from the 80s!"

"Thank you, Miss Tramble. For your homework, I'd like for you to write 
an essay on the beautiful side of the world. It can be any length you 
choose, it just has to be positive." May smiled humbly, having already 
figured out Miss Madsen's angle.

"Yes, ma'am." She went for her seat, and soon another volunteer came up 
to introduce herself. Her name was Ivory Tran, she was Viet-Chinese, and 
from the moment she stood up in front of everyone, Miss Madsen knew she 
was going to have a challenge. Ivory was a snobbish, stuck-up, 
egotistical, intimidating imp, the kind that people outwardly detested 
and inwardly cheered for. She was an athletic woman, too, and 
narcissistic to the point of being dull. She had piercing, sharp eyes, 
and proudly boasted of having being shot by a gun twice in her life.

"Your introduction," said Miss Madsen icily, "was not so much 
informative as it was a declaration of your Self. Miss Tran, for your 
homework tonight--for the next week, let's say--I want you to volunteer 
your time at an elderly home."


"You heard me," Madsen bit. "I also want to see documentation of your 
activities, else I'll give you a very nasty failing grade. One way or 
another, Miss Tran, I shall humble you into being more of a lady and 
less of a louse."

"You..." Ivory snarled and made a nasty face, but Miss Madsen clearly 
had all the advantages. This was a figure of authority that would not be 
messed with, neither by man or beast, and one who would mold--sometimes 
with great harshness and cruelty--her pupils into ideal, if not 
civilized, ladies.

The next volunteer was--

"Mira van Dijk."

Her name made a few girls snicker. She was tall and built well, a 
mixture of fat and lean.

"I am from Holland, so sorry if my English is no good. I speak Dutch."

She was a redhead that hated dresses. She was deep into politics--an 
easygoing, open-minded socialist--one that loved Warhammer, South Park, 
anime, coffee, and Terry Pratchett books. She wore a Utena shirt.

"I'm going to major in chem-bio."

She had a bad temper, but it didn't show. She unashamedly admitted to 
being stubborn, and a procrastinator, but had been inspired to volunteer 
after watching Blake's introduction.

"I'm not a vegetarian. I love beef and pork, and seafood and also 
poultry. I even love a few insects, like crickets."

She also admitted to having a "loves the ones she hurts" problem, the 
kind where she both teased and liked blondes.

"I may as well settle the rumor now before it becomes ugly," she stated, 
her accent thick yet endearing. "I am what you think I am, but not a bad 
person nor one closed to the opposite."

"And what does that mean?" asked Miss Madsen, enthralled privately. Mira 
told her right out.

"I am a dyke, Miss Madsen, as name suggests. I am attracted to women."

"And also unafraid to say such things so early in the year," added the 
teacher. Madsen smiled, then concluded with, "Miss van Dijk, for your 
homework tonight, I want you to make a meatless salad, eat it, and write 
a small report on your experience. I know it may seem silly," she 
explained out loud amidst a scattered laugh, "but to Miss van Dijk, it's 
as great a challenge as any of your all's problems. Overcoming what we 
hate, dislike, or dread is a part of growing up. Thank you, Miss van 
Dijk. Would anyone else like to volunteer?"

There came the Franco-Teutonic Zane Klein, whose passion was making her 
own clothes. She was a multilingual, quick-learning, generous and 
delightfully odd young woman, though slowish in certain areas. She was 
one who found it easy to become lost in thought, and her grades 
reflected as such. Rumors had already spread about her; in her senior 
year at school, more people talked about her than anyone else, and she 
tired of it. Sleep didn't come easy to the insomniac Klein, nor did 
patience. She admitted to a love of Bluegrass and chocolate, one which 
many girls empathized with. She hated math and school, though, so Miss 
Madsen gave her several tough math problems as homework.

A beautiful young woman named Olivia Johnson volunteered next, but she 
tended to ramble though she was the taciturn sort. An audience, 
apparently, enthralled her deeply. The dark-skinned bored-looking woman 
had a bad habit of fixing her glasses a lot (they slipped), and plainly 
boasted that she would get high grades in the class because of her love 
of Literature and Writing. Miss Madsen knew she couldn't go easy on 
Olivia; she would be even harder to "crack" than troublemaking Ivory or 
the woman that showed a foul mouth. Sickly, miserable, uncoordinated, 
flaky, and perhaps too serious for her own good, Olivia would be a 
greater challenge by far--the perfect example of Human, wherein a great 
deal of flaws resided.

"I guess you could say, really, I'm the epitome of typicality."

Miss Madsen told Olivia to spend the night at Victoria's house so she 
could get acquainted with the girl's pet tarantula. Olivia shuddered; 
Victoria nearly laughed.

"I see there are a few still left that haven't volunteered," sighed 
Madsen, loud enough for everyone to hear quite well. "Ladies, for those 
of you left, we will not leave this room until you have introduced 
yourselves. I want no strangers in this class; everyone should know 
everybody. These girls that have preceded you were brave enough to bare 
their souls in front of you, so you don't have the right to deny them 
your own company and history. Please, step up and reveal yourselves, or 
else I'll deduct points from your score--or worse, I'll call on you at 
random. You there, I saw that you came in early. What's your name?"

"Me?" The girl who came in early, nightmarish and silent, pointed to 

"Yes, you. I saw you, you know. Please, step up, and try to refrain from 
bad language." Several girls giggled--rather rudely, no doubt--and the 
"early bird" grumbled as she forced herself to step up. She crossed her 
arms and tried to appear intimidating, and it would've worked wonders 
had Miss Madsen not set such a strong precedent.

"You may begin now," she said. The girl shrugged.

"All right, all right. Just call me X."

"No, no, no--what is your name?" X grumbled.

"X Walker."

"Your full name." X snorted.

"Alexandria Walker, ya happy?"

"Not at the way you're talking back at me, but I'll let it slide. 
Something about yourself, Miss Walker?"

"Yeah," she grumbled apathetically, "I'm a fuckin' jock."

"Language, Miss Walker." Madsen deducted ten points from X's name. She 

"Shit. Um, I mean... uh, shit. Whatever. Anyway, I like sports. I've 
never had sex and I wanna climb a mountain. I dunno. I wanna do 
something dangerous and stupid at least once in my life."

"And why's that?" asked Madsen, very interested. X shrugged.

"I dunno. So it feels like I did something fun in this life. I dunno. 
Anyway, I don't have any friends, and I don't really want em', so don't 
bother. I'm not saying anything else." X trudged off to her seat, 
leaving Miss Madsen in what appeared to be a mild shock. She was far 
from it, though--always in control no matter what, it seemed--and rubbed 
her chin with the rubber stub of her pencil before giving her verdict.

"Miss Walker," she said quietly, "for your homework assignment, I want 
you to write down what you dream. Not in your sleep--I mean what have 
you always wanted to do. Write down your deepest, wildest, most intimate 
fantasy--it will not be seen by my eyes. I want you to bring it to 
school tomorrow, show it to me briefly, and then I will tell you what to 
do with it. Do you understand?"

"No!" she admitted snottily. "But I guess I'll do it anyway. Not like 
it's hard or anything."

"I'm glad to hear of your spirit," said Madsen with a warm smile. "Oh, 
and... thirty points extra for being early to class. I will do my best 
to reward good deeds, even if they seem miniscule to you. Keep up the 
good work; coming to my class early on the first day gave me a good 
impression of you, Miss Walker, despite what you may say or look like. 
Now, it seems there are only two of you, unless one is invisible or 
hiding, or else playing hooky. I don't tolerate any of those actions, 
ladies--not a single one. You will find that my mercy can stretch far, 
and my forgiveness is bountiful, but there are things I will not--should 
not tolerate. Well, which of you two will come up here?"

Neither of the two females volunteered. Miss Madsen clicked her tongue.

"I will have to deduct points then. You, with the silver hair--come 
forth." The girls turned their heads, staring at the two who had sat in 
the back. Neither looked like they belonged in that class, or even in 
that school. One was albino, haunting and pale; the other looked wicked 
and cold, like something that had dredged itself up out of the murky 
poles of the world, or else the sinister realm of Pluto. Miss Madsen was 
brutally curious about both, but she called the albino up first. When 
she walked, she walked like a rooster amongst chicks.

"Guten tag," she greeted in a rich, smooth German voice. The class 
greeted her back. "I am Lilian Nachtheim, from Deutschland. I requested 
a transfer into this school from a private one so that I might be seen 
as a... normal girl. This is not an easy thing for me to do," she 
murmured in dark conclusion.

"I don't believe there's such thing as ‘normalcy' anyway," said Madsen 
in support. Lilian nodded.

"Ja. In this class, I will express myself, so you will probably be 
offended by what I say. That is really all to me." Lilian started back 
for her chair, but was stopped by Miss Madsen.

"Hold on, Frau Nachtheim. There's got to be more to you than just that."

"Nein, Frau Madsen," she sighed. Madsen frowned in disappointment.

"I don't believe that for a second. Here, come here, right next to my 
desk. I want you to do something for me." Lilian did as her instructor 
asked, not sure what was going to happen. What came next was weird, even 
bizarre, but altogether an enjoyably fresh and different experience. 
Madsen asked her to close her eyes, her gorgeous hypnotic ruby-red eyes.

"Now," she whispered softly, "picture an idyllic place. Look deep inside 
your imagination and tell me what you see. Tell me what the best place 
in the world would be."

"That's easy," replied Lilian with a smile. "It's the countryside in 
Vienna. I visited there many times when I was young. It was a beautiful 
place, free from pollution and noise. The air was always clean and easy 
to breathe, and it always had the sweetest aroma imaginable--like fresh 
clothes from a drier, and sometimes as warm and comfortable."

"Good," murmured Madsen gently. "Now what else do you see? Don't stop, 
you're doing good." Nachtheim grinned shyly and blushed.

"I see Sturm und Mond, my pets. I can see myself playing with them now, 
rolling in the field with innocent daffodils around me. The sweet buzz 
of bees tickle my ears; the pets are mewing and barking with such joy! 
I'm all alone but I couldn't be happier; they are all my need, my 
greatest friends, my closest companions!"

"And what else? What do you feel? What do you see?" Nachtheim nearly 

"I can see the mountains, the Alps! Ach, I am everywhere, but I don't 
seem to care--I can fly! I have always wanted to fly, and now I can! My 
body is floating through the clouds, getting wet yet laughing on, 
keeping in hand both Sturm and Mond, who can sing like the sunrise over 
wet dewy grasses!" As Lilian described her paradise, as the whole class 
became enraptured with what she saw, Miss Madsen invisibly turned on a 
CD player she kept hidden in the class, and the joyous tunes of Wagner's 
overture to "Lohengrin" crept out in lilting waves, resonating along 
with the beauty of a rich, spoken word. Lilian shivered and kept 

"Oh, each and every heavenly smell is perceived by my unworthy nose! 
Every sense blinded as the great wind puffs by my eyes, forcing them 
closed until rapture overtakes me and I weep from the happiness and the 
wild breeze! Then I descend, deep through the bold blue sky, landing 
with quiet grace on top of the great snowy peak, feeling the life of 
Gott emanate through me as if it were lava! I can hear the strains of 
mankind's music coming up to the very top, and when it reaches me, I 
tumble down and down until at last I come to rest in the foothills, my 
pets beside me, breathless and tearful from everything and everything."

The music ended. Lilian opened her eyes out of her own accord, and 
blushed with embarrassment as she realized what she had said right in 
front of the entire class. Miss Madsen gave her a loving smile of 
support, touched her shoulder, and whispered.

"Don't forget this. You may be seated." Shaken, and stirred to boot, 
Lilian managed to tremble her way back to her seat. People stared at her 
as usual, but with respect and awe, not fear or disgust. She managed to 
breathe normally after a minute.

"Hey, what's Lil's homework?" blurted Blake. Miss Madsen smiled 

"Miss Nachtheim, can you draw?"

"A... a little," she muttered.

"Then I want you to draw what you saw in your imagination. I don't care 
if it's good, I just want it to be true. All right?"

"J... ja."

"Good. Well, looks like we have one left. Young lady, please come up. 
We're all wondering who you are and what makes you tick." The last 
girl--if she could really be called that--sunk lower in her seat and 
gave Miss Madsen a very ugly, very defiant face.

"I got two words for you, bitch," she spat: "Fuck you." And she stuck 
her middle fingers up to boot, both of them at once. The class became as 
deadly silent and cold as the frost of a sunless world void of cheer, 
life, or interest. Miss Madsen, they knew, would retaliate brutally.

"Please, step up here. I'm asking you nicely; I expect courtesy to be 
repaid with courtesy."

"Suffer me the pain of repeating myself," snorted little miss freak 
rebel sarcastically. "Fuck you. Fuck you, miss Masterful bitch-fucking 
queen of puss. Fuck... you."

"My, what a... tedious vocabulary you have!" remarked Madsen dryly, 
keeping her cool like only she knew how. Heads jerked from the elegant 
instructor to the lousy, depraved wretch slouched in the furthest 
corner, like they were watching a ball bounce from one end of the room 
to the other.

"Why don't you fucking go to hell, bitch?"

"Because I'm not dead yet, and I have no desire to enter that place. 
Please, come up."

"Forget you! I'm fucking leaving." Miss potty mouth stumbled out of her 
chair and walked away, but Miss Madsen moved like a river and 
intercepted the girl easily. She growled and tried using force, cussing 
and spitting like a rabid dog.

"I will not allow you the discourtesy of leaving this room early, young 
lady," she said coolly. "And you will not force your way out, either. I 
am much stronger than I look." The girl flared her nostrils like a wild 
horse and tried to make a break for it, but Madsen proved her words to 
be true, and grabbed the girl with a mighty hug. She literally lifted 
the girl off the ground a bit and towed her to the center of the class, 
where she kept her locked.

"Your name, young lady!"

"FUCK you!"

"I don't accept that as an answer! Now--your name!"

"I said fuck you, damn bitch! Now lemme go--OW!!! I'll sue the fucking 
shit outta you if you don't let go! Fu--OW!!!"

"Your name," sang Madsen quietly. The girl screamed, either from pain or 
humiliation, and tried stepping on Madsen's feet. The woman must've had 
steel for shoes, because she didn't even flinch.

"My name," roared the girl angrily, "is fucking Furious Hail, all right? 
You got that, bitch? Fucking Furious Hail! Now put me the fuck down or 
I'll kill you!"

"I don't reward threats, Miss Alexandra Blair," stated Madsen icily. 
Furious Hail--a more apt name than anything else--wriggled wildly in 
shock as she realized Madsen already knew her. She flung her hands and 
legs around like a wild puppet, but the marionette was very much in 
control, and kept her pinned until she was satisfied.

"Now," she said in a scathingly calm voice, "Miss Blair, you will tell 
us about yourself, and you will tell us in a calm, civilized, ladylike 
manner, just like the rest of your peers did."

"They're not my fucking peers, slut!" Madsen suddenly pinched the back 
of Hail's hair and pulled it down, causing the girl to shriek and nearly 

"Well, they bared their souls to you and shared some of their deepest 
secrets. I think you can extend them that same courtesy, don't you?"

"Fuck you--"

"Don't make me paddle you in front of everybody," she hissed sharply. 
Hail froze as her own teacher, beautiful and deadly and strong of will, 
held her tight. She seemed utterly serious and very ready to take out 
some aggression. Hail snorted and calmed down, just a few notches. Being 
spanked in public, of all things, was the ultimate humiliation.

"All right, jeez. Keep your panties on, bitch. Sheesh. Jeez... anyway, I 
hate this school and this teacher, and I hate all of you. I go to 
parties and get stoned cuz' I hate my parents, too, and I had my tongue 
pierced so I can give good fellatio and cunnilingus. I'm a fuckin' 
bisexual druggie dyke and I've beaten up people before, sent em' to the 
hospital and everything. So what, you expectin' some fucking perfect 
miss princess here? You know what? Fuck all of you." Hail flipped both 
birds and started to stride out the class again, but was stopped by Miss 

"Thank you, Miss Blair. I appreciate your insight; we all learned a lot 
about you. Your homework tonight--and for the rest of this week--is to 
volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Maybe you and Miss Tran 
can team up or something."

"I already do," she countered bitterly. She then smiled wickedly and 
added with pride, "Haven't you heard? I'm the fucking patron saint of 
the poor, downtrodden, and otherwise unloved freaks of the world." Miss 
Madsen smiled quietly.

"Then I want you to make friends with Miss Tran. Well, that seems to be 
everybody! You all have your homework, and since we seem to have some 
minutes to spare, you may talk amongst yourselves until the bell rings. 
Just remember--keep your manners and use no foul words."

"What about that girl over there, Miss Madsen?" pointed Victoria.

"She has a name, Miss Grissom."

"Oh, uh, yeah. Um, what about Miss Blair?"

"What about her?"

"Aren't you going to take off points from her name?"

"No, but I will take some off yours for being too nosy."


"Do you want more taken off, young lady?" Poor Victoria sighed miserably 
and shook her head. Perhaps, she thought, Miss Madsen wasn't so easy to 
figure out after all.

"No, ma'am."

"Good. Enjoy your conversations, ladies. I look forward to seeing each 
and every one of you tomorrow morning, bright and early."

And to her mild surprise, nobody groaned. Not a one of them.

Some did roll their eyes, though.

Victoria, Gabrielle, Blake, Olivia, and Janine huddled up.

"Nice cast of characters we got in here," whispered Janine. The others 

"Aye... not exactly the usual assortment o' freaks and geeks," added 
Gabrielle. "We've got a well-rounded bunch here."

"I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."

"I think you're thinking that I'm thinking about what you're thinking 
about, I think."

"I think you are both nuts," muttered Olivia. They laughed.

"Aye, nuts we are, and a special breed, too! Mixed nuts! I'm an Irish 
peanut, hey-tolly-ho!"

"I guess that makes me a cashew," suggested Janine. "And Vicki, you're 
an almond." Victoria just smiled.

"Soy nuts," said Olivia, referring to herself. "Blake, on the other 
hand," she sighed, "is a bonafide coconut."

"The kind that swallows carry?"

"By the husk, my dear." Blake grinned and cheered, completely proud of 
her "status". Olivia groaned soon after, though, and considered her 

"I cannot believe my fate lies in hanging around Mary-Jane Watson here," 
she lamented. "Nothing personal, Vicki, I just detest that filthy 
arachnid of yours."

"But Dick Tracey is such a sweetie! I promise you'll love him!"

"Dearest friend," she bit, "I don't even love the comic book Dick 
Tracey! What makes you think I'll make exception for your damnable 

"Miss Johnson, I heard that!" exclaimed Miss Madsen suddenly. Olivia 

"Da--uh, shoot. Man, we've got a tough teacher!"

"Well, I like her!" exclaimed Blake. "She's got a good, tough heart. You 
see the way she handled that one girl--um, excuse me, Miss Blair?" (Miss 
Madsen secretly smiled as she overheard Blake's correction; Furious Hail 
didn't hear a thing)

"Yeah, that was awesome! She put that girl in her place! I thought there 
was gonna be trouble, but she handled it like Fonzie! If I don't respect 
her after that, I never will!"

"It's what she wanted to establish from the very beginning," added 
Victoria quietly. The others became quiet as they listened to their 
hushed friend. "She wanted us to respect her, to recognize her 
authority, and to behave like civilized people. From day one, she begins 
teaching. What a woman!"

"I'll say!" exclaimed Gabrielle, craning her head around to get a good 
look at the beautiful Miss Madsen, who was currently engrossed in a 
Hercule Poirot novel. "Too bad she's way too old for me, and she don't 
look like the type to wear an apron..."

"You and that da--uh, weird apron fetish!" remarked Olivia. "I swear... 
one of these days, one of us should just wear one of those things and 
nothing else, just to see if you'll shut up about it!" Gabrielle 
blushed, but smiled like a frisky weasel.

"Believe me," she admitted, "if one o' you did that, I'd shut me trap 
and more. Course', it'd be hard o' me to feel like that for me friends, 
but I could sure give it a shot." The girls chuckled or else rolled 
their eyes, and before they knew it, the bell rang. Everyone filed out, 
some saying farewell to their new teacher, and left to attend the rest 
of their classes in E.C. Stanton High. X Walker was the last to leave.

"You don't get any points for leaving late, Miss Walker," said Miss 
Madsen. X shrugged.

"All right, just checkin'. I gotta take as much as I can. Seeya."

"Good day." Miss Madsen smiled as the last of her students passed 
through the door, wondering what the following day, week, month, and 
school year would bring. Certainly nothing she and Hercule Poirot 
couldn't handle.

Onwards to Part 2

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