"Welcome home," May smiled warmly, the beautiful young brown haired woman reaching out to take her lover's coat. Keiko smiled back, her gray streaked brown braid bouncing against her back. She was an older woman, nearly eighty, but modern technology and care had kept her youthful energy. "Thanks, love," she sighed softly. "How was your day?" May asked as the two of them walked inside. "Lousy," Keiko flashed a tired smile. She sat down in her favorite chair in the living-room, sitting back with a groan. "What happened?" May asked as she helped pull her lover's shoes off. "Bioware's main competitor Re-genex was attacked last night," Keiko said, running her hand through her hair, "and I think my bosses may be responsible." May stopped in surprise, "You're serious?" "Very," Keiko sighed. She met May's eyes and smiled down at her wryly, "I'm just not sure what, exactly, to do about it." May set the shoes aside then sat down beside Keiko, snuggling close to her. "Is this a theory or can you prove it?" she asked gently. "My research team was handed a data packet today," Keiko said softly, "the coding on the files indicates it was from Re-genex." "Oh dear," May sighed. "I could try to go to the police with the information," Keiko mused, "but Bioware has a lot of pull in the city, they might be able to get out from under it." She puffed out a sigh, "Leaving me swinging in the wind." "I'll do whatever I can to protect you," May promised as she took her hand, gently cradling Keiko's hands in her own. "Thanks love," Keiko smiled back at her, "but you have no idea what sort of resources that they can bring to bear." May frowned, her thoughts racing. After a few moments she offered, "Then let's go see Juri." She smiled at Keiko's surprise, "The Locket has friends, both in the city and beyond, and I know that Juri would stand by you." Keiko laughed softly, stroking May's cheek as she said, "I must be getting stupid as I'm getting older, not to think of that." She pushed herself up, pulling her shoes on once again as she said, "Let's go over to Arisugawa's Locket." The black haired young woman who was leaning up against the wall by the door looked oddly familiar, but only on the surface. The slim figure nodded to them with a smile, "Keiko, May, good to see you tonight." "Cyber Six," May nodded with a warm smile. She tilted her head to the side, "What are you doing out here?" "Juri asked me to play door woman tonight," Cyber Six said calmly, a large black panther resting nearby. She smiled slightly, "Rei had one of her premonitions again." "Never a good sign," Keiko noted. She looked over at Cyber Six thoughtfully and asked, "Is Juri here tonight?" "She and Setsuna," Cyber Six agreed. She dropped her voice, "And Hotaru is here crying in her beer because she hasn't seen Chibi-Usa in so long." "Thanks," May said as the two headed inside. "Welcome to the Locket," Sasami beamed up at them, the eternally youthful princess of Jurai dressed in a borrowed school girl's uniform. "Hey Sasami," Keiko waved to her casually as they headed on through the dancing crowds towards the bar. "Been a long time," Minagi smiled, the blue haired woman pouring drinks with her usual style. Except for the scars on her cheeks she could have passed for her sister Ryouko, off on an diplomatic trip to Jurai. "What'll it be?" she asked. Keiko and May made their orders and May leaned forward to ask, "So where's Juri tonight?" Minagi delivered the two drinks, setting them down on the bar in front of the two women. "Juri's got a table near the back," she nodded towards the read of the bar, "but I think she was hoping to spend some time with Setsuna." "I think she'll understand," Keiko said with a sigh. The two of them grabbed their drinks and moved off into the crowd, being careful not to spill anything. Arisugawa Juri and Setsuna Meiou were an odd pair on the surface, something heightened once you got to know them. Coming from a wealthy family Juri had become a Duelist at Ohtori, eventually acquiring a fragment of the fabled power of miracles. The orange haired woman had founded this bar based on a obligation to a deceased Aunt, but had found a place for herself here. Setsuna Meiou was an enigma, the beautiful black haired nurse and caregiver. She seemed to have a normal history but it was a lie, instead she was the guardian of Time, Sailor Pluto. Last survivor of a bygone age she was a living legend, one who had found an unexpected love with the beautiful woman who sat across from her. "I hate to interrupt," May murmured, watching the two of them talking intently, smiles lighting up the two ladies faces. Keiko sighed, "Me, too. But I think we're going to have to." Arisugawa Juri looked up as they approached, her smile warmly welcoming. "May, Keiko," she rose, hugging May then Keiko as she quietly said to her, "I've been worried about you." "I'm sorry," Keiko gave a crooked smile, once again surprised by her former boss' warmth. Setsuna reached over to tug two chairs over to the table as she said, "Grab a seat." She gave them a thoughtful look, "I think it's important?" "How did you...?" May blinked. "She's good at reading people," Juri said calmly. She waited till they got their chairs before asking, "What's going on?" Keiko sighed softly, running through what she knew and the theories that had come out of it. She finished with, "... I'm worried going to the police will be pointless." "Leon McNicol's running the AD Police these days," Setsuna called up the information easily, "he's not one to bend to pressure." "Problem is," Juri noted, "he's answerable to the mayor and city council, all of whom are mired in corruption these days." "And the corporations all but run the city these days," Keiko added glumly, "if they want something they can usually get it." "Isn't Nene Romanova running the computer crimes division in the AD Police?" Juri asked thoughtfully, her mind clearly working. Setsuna nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, I think so." "Her friend Priss comes in here pretty often with Urd," Juri said with a impish little grin, "we can pass the information to her then she can give it to Nene." "That could work," May turned to Keiko eagerly. Keiko nodded thoughtfully, "Not a bad plan at all. I'll need to get out a copy of the files but I should be able to do that on my shift tomorrow." "Is it dangerous?" Juri asked with a frown. "No," Keiko shook her head, "I'm a trusted, high clearance level employee. I've left with data packets before, it should be fine." "Good," Setsuna said, but she still looked bothered. "What's wrong?" May asked. Juri answered instead, "Rei had one of her visions again, but it wasn't very specific. A big threat coming, lots of damage, but not much else in details." Setsuna gave them a wry smile, "Most of the time threats to the Senshi don't impact normal people too much, so I wouldn't worry." "We'll be careful," Keiko said firmly, "just in case." Author's Notes: Keiko and Juri are from Revolutionary Girl Utena, Cyber Six is from Cyber Six, Minagi and Sasami are from Tenchi Muyo, Priss and Nene are from Bubblegum Crisis and finally Hotaru, Rei and Setsuna are from Sailor Moon.
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