Lind I lay stretched out on the roof of the house simply listening to the soft melody of the brisk wind. It seemed I had befriended a bird; he landed on my outstretched hand and chirped happily. It's nice to be out of my office and out witnessing nature. It's been a long time since I've been so relaxed and carefree like this. I arrived yesterday morning and already I'm one of the odd members of the family. I've taken a shining to young Skuld; she shows great promise and strength, of course anyone who has withstood Urd's thunderbolts all their life would have a lot of inner strength. Belldandy is just like how I remember her from when we were young. Of the three sisters' I know Belldandy the best, probably because as part of my spell training Belldandy had to mentor me. I hate to admit it but my magic was just like Skuld's back then, I had potential but I needed someone to teach it to me. Today Peorth and I are going on a date. Peorth made sure Skuld and Urd were not to follow us around with a camera, else they suffer her whip torture. I swear Peorth likes to torture people sometimes. Peorth was getting ready so she could show me around. Of course, I know the area and earth customs, but it's fun to feign ignorance sometimes so long as Peorth is teaching me. As much as I'm enjoying my holiday, I can't help but feel guilty for keeping a secret from Peorth. When I came to earth I did so without an order or permission from Senya. And even though I got rid of the angel eater it doesn't ignore the fact I disobeyed orders; from the Head of the Valkyrie sector no less. At breakfast yesterday I told everyone I'm on holiday and they all believed me, thank goodness Peorth believed me because usually she can tell when I'm lying. In reality, the council suspended me from Valkyrie duties until the new semester starts. It's embarrassing I can't use any powers or magic, I can't even summon my angels, I can't even fly; I feel so... human. My power to protect has been taken away; I don't even know what my purpose is anymore. However, I suppose I'm rather lucky usually the sentence for a second offence is demotion to a second class goddess; that would have been embarrassing. I guess the council does like me then. "Lind" Peorth called out "Where are you?" I swiftly jumped down from the roof and landed right in front of Peorth. Normally I would tell her anything, but this I cannot. For one not being able to use my powers makes me feel weak and I never want Peorth to see me like that. For two I can't forgive myself. Despite the angel eater having infected me, it was I that decided to come to earth and because of that Peorth, Urd and Belldandy had their angels stolen. If not for me none of that would have happened, I made them experience that pain, I caused Peorth to suffer. So many times I promised I would protect her but yet it was I who put her in danger, I cannot forgive myself. Last night I couldn't sleep. I should have been relaxed with no job or worries to occupy my mind, but I found myself waking at random intervals in the night. Thank goodness Peorth is a sound sleeper, (I swear she wouldn't wake up even if Heaven was being destroyed,) otherwise she would have noticed be continuously getting up. I couldn't sleep; my dreams plagued me with images of their lifeless faces and frail bodies. I was shaking when I awoke, I was actually shaking from the pure terror of the prospect that I could be the reason that my comrades, and Peorth were dead. I remember when I managed to lie back down I stare at Peorth's sleeping face. Her eyes are closed and her hair is splayed out...a pain grows in my chest and guilt consumes me as I'm reminded that that's how she looked when her angel was stolen. Suddenly I felt sick, ill even and I know this feeling will never go away. The suspension, the guilt, I deserve it all, this punishment isn't enough for what I've done. I can live through the suspension, but the guilt will forever remain in me. "Look" she said and twirled around "Do you like what I'm wearing?" I nodded and gulped, she wore an above knee length light pink dress with a red cardigan. She's not showing her body off as much as usual but somehow I find her even more irresistible dressed like this. "Heh heh the ice queen is blushing" "...Whatever. Let's go" I stammered out. "Wait, you can't leave in your Valkyrie uniform. We must wear civilian clothing." "I don't care much for clothes so you can decide what I wear," I said. Her brow furrowed and her lips pursed together in deep concentration; is deciding what to wear really that fun? She quickly gathered a small ball of magic in her palm and threw it at me. My Valkyrie uniform glowed and morphed into form fitting jeans, a white shirt with a crop black jacket with 3/4 length sleeves. I looked at myself and I have to say, I looked cool. She even went so far as to have my name written on the sleeve. "Well?" she asked. "I like it. Come on let's go now." She latched herself onto my arm and we walked out. At first she suggested that we warp to the town but I suggested it would be nicer to walk, that and that fact I can't warp anymore. Hopefully she won't catch on any time soon. ---------- The entire way to town Peorth told me of all her earth stories and adventures pointing out each of the areas it happened in. A lot of her stories and adventures seem to involve torturing, no sorry "helping" Keiichi...poor man. Would you believe that this is actually the 8th date we've been on? Because of our busy schedules in heaven and the fact that we both have to travel to and fro from earth we rarely go on actual dates. We usual spend our time during the nights or early evenings in my office, in the gardens or in either of our rooms. I personally prefer spending time with her inside the house than outside, perhaps because I'm not exactly a people person. Even after all this time I think I'm still nervous about going on a date with Peorth, silly isn't it? I the great Valkyrie Lind am nervous about going on a date. I suppose this is a symptom of being in love isn't it? Dating on earth and the whole act of going out is completely different than when we're on Heaven, Peorth and I must be alert. From what I understand, some humans do not like the idea of two females dating. Of course on heaven there's no such thing, heaven's policy is that as long as you love a person it's accepted. Sadly, humans haven't gained that sort of maturity yet, and it may take another millennia for them to mature. I'm highly protective of Peorth and I'm not sure if she's noticed but already I've scared away several gawking men, and I'll continue to do so as long as they look at us weirdly or stare at her. Peorth first dragged me to the jewellery shop. Inside there were only two other couples that were being followed by the workers, so luckily that left us to browse alone in peace. Peorth was instantly dragged to the necklace section and she stared enthusiastically at each of the decorative pieces. Some designs were beautiful and others made me want to throw them into the pits of hell, but I have a feeling they would be thrown back up. "Lind what do you think of that necklace" asked Peorth as she pointed at a design. With one look I knew I wanted to throw it into the pits of hell, but what am I to say to her? I don't want to lie to her and pretend I like it, and yet I don't want to tell her the hurtful truth. "I think it's hideous don't you?" "Yes it is," I said and let out the breath I was holding. I forget we have similar tastes in things. She held my hand and dragged me over to the ring section. I watched as Peorth's eyes seemed to shine as brightly as some of the gems. I can admire the jewellery's beauty but I don't understand why some women fawn over it like's its god gift to them. "Do you two lovely ladies need any help?" I looked up to see a smug looking man with a wide grin on his face. His hair was gelled back and he stood with his chest out to exaggerate the manager badge he wore. "Can I see that ring?" asked Peorth. She sat down on the stool in front of the counter and held her hand out. "Anything for a pretty lady" he said and got his keys out. He got the ring out and held Peorth's hand as he put it on her ring finger. Her ring finger! Is that really necessary? He then started to talk to Peorth about the ring and he still held onto her hand. What a time to be on suspension, I swear if I had my powers he would be hanging upside down now. Curses if I can't use my powers I'm going to do the next best thing to torture him. Where's a customer complaint card?! Peorth was focusing too much on the ring to notice what he was doing, but oh I know what he's up to. "Miss the ring looks lovely on you, are you interested in looking at the matching ring for your husband?" "Husband? Oh no no I'm not married," laughed Peorth. "Really it's so hard to believe a pretty young woman like yourself isn't getting married. Surely you must have a boyfriend," he said slimily. "No I don't." "Oh surely you lie. You're too pretty not to be dating anyone." This polite banter continued and I think Peorth actually enjoyed the attention. I swiftly found a complaint card and started to fill it in eagerly. "Oh Lind what are you doing?" asked Peorth. I quickly hid the customer complaint form behind my back stood next to Peorth. "I'm just looking." "What do you think?" she asked and raised her hand up to show me. It was actually a nice ring; it was a simple silver band with 2 small diamonds surrounding the larger one in the middle. "It looks nice on you." The man took another ring on the case and showed it to us. It had a slightly thicker silver band with two diamonds embedded in the band and not protruding out like the one Peorth was wearing. "This is the matching ring that should go with the one you're wearing. I highly suggest getting both rings even if you don't have a boyfriend simply because they match so well together." He then took the ring and placed it on his own ring finger "See how well we match miss?" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not but either way I was getting annoyed. "Allow me to try that ring on," I asked as politely as I could muster. He was a bit fazed at first but took it off and passed it to me. I put it on my ring finger and showed Peorth "I think we look good together," she said happily. "We'll take them" "Really?" she asked. "Yes really, you like it don't you?" "I do, I mean I like it! Yes I like the ring not I do no" she said hastily. I motioned to take off the ring and give it to the man but it wouldn't come off. I turned it, twisted it, and pulled but it wouldn't budge. I looked calm and composed but really, I was panicking and cursing the fact that I can't use my magic. Is this how I'm going to meet my end- death by lack of blood circulation? "Is there a problem miss?" he asked. "Nothing is wrong. I think I'll wear it straight away." "I will too then" said Peorth as she stood up and kissed me on the cheek. He didn't gawk as I expected but grinned then went to the cashier to finalise our bill. I crumpled the complaint form in my hand; he's not that bad I guess just flirtatious. I took out the earth credit card I applied for and handed it to him. It took money from my bank account in heaven and converted it into the currency of the country I was in. He looked at it confused at first but a smiled widely when the card worked. "Lind you don't have to pay for mine you know" "It's fine. Think of it as a present." ---------- We walked out of the shop and Peorth held my hand as she linked her arm with mine. The ring glittered brightly in the sunlight and blinded me on several occasions. I sighed in my head; we probably look like a married couple now...It's not a bad thing I suppose but still. That's probably the reason why she's enjoying herself so much. I sighed for the 16th time that day when suddenly she dragged me into an alleyway. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm going to take this ring off for you. It's stuck isn't it?" I nodded and turned away from her. Why is it she's the only one that notices when I do something dumb? In reality, I'm rather clumsy and make mistakes but no one seems to notice because I always seem so composed. I can't even count how many times I've done something stupid only for Peorth to notice and make fun of me anyway. She used her magic to take the ring off and held it in her hand. "Is that better?" she asked softly. "Much better." I suppose this is why I love Peorth. She accepts my clumsy behaviour as a part of who I am. Somehow she manages to see past my exterior and love the real me not the me that the fangirls love. There is so much more to me then just my cold stoic exterior, and I'm glad Peorth is the only one that sees that. "Honestly you didn't have to buy it simply because you couldn't take it off your finger," she scolded and frowned slightly. Is that the reason she thinks I bought it? "You're incorrect I was going to buy it for you anyway regardless of the current circumstances." Her eyes widened in surprise and she blushed lightly. "Do you want to wear it now though?" she asked shyly, tucking a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear. "Of course, I bought it didn't I? I have a request though can we wear it on a different finger?" she looked a bit sad like a child that could have the toy they wanted. She put the ring on my middle finger and replaced her own. I held her chin lightly and made her look up at me. "I don't like unofficial things, you know that. I promise you though that when we do go get rings for that particular finger they'll be even more spectacular." She hugged me quickly and whispered an ok into my ear. She's so easy to please. Dragging me out of the alleyway all I could barely keep up with her quick pace. Well I suppose she's decided on our next destination then. ---------- Enjoy? If you did tell me, as usual i beg you to review. ONEGAI!! Now i understand this is short...Hell even i don't like the shortness but when i read the entire date through it felt way too long. Plus there would be too many events going on in a single chapter and it would give me a headache...i hate editting. However you will get the next chapter fairly quickly on a regular basis. their date should span 3 more chapters full of fluffy goodness so stick around. Ah it feels good to be back. Now only if i accidentally connected to the goddess helpline whilst dialing for a pizza that would make my day
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