I awoke with a start as my head slid off my arms. Damn I fell asleep again. How can I protect everyone if I keep falling asleep? I slapped myself lightly and focused. I was dreaming of it again, a complete angel. No matter how powerful I am in heaven, what's the point if I can't even summon both of my angels? I bet it's the reason why I was rejected by the angel eater, it doesn't want to eat uncompleted angels after all. I need more power, only then will I be able to protect everyone, only then will I be able to protect Peorth. She is my number one priority in life now, she takes place over missions, over my Valkyrie duty, over earth and dare I say even Kami-sama. Love is powerful. It is a shame I didn't realise that earlier. The door behind me slid open and out came Belldandy, happy and graceful as always. "Lind you look as if you're in pain" she said and sat down beside me. "I'm fine just contemplating...Belldandy I'm sorry. I have the power to fight yet I could be your shield." "That's not true. We appreciate the fact that you're here with us now despite the circumstances." "It's only what I'm supposed to do. I am a Valkyrie after all. I feel joy from fighting, so even if I'm not appreciated its fine." She stood up and leapt onto the ground stepping lightly and bringing life and growth to the area. "Lind can you feel it? This garden is splendid isn't it? It's because this world is full of life. Can you feel it? The miracle the wind brings. Can you hear it? The sound of light shining down." I understand Belldandy. You're trying to cheer me up aren't you? "Even I have an emotional side. My joy doesn't only come from fighting" I said and lifted my hand out to bring forth a flower. "Yes we feel joy from other things too. For example when someone acknowledges you for the things you do. Or the joy felt when someone you love is with you." I feel that joy a lot nowadays. I see that's why Belldandy is... "Peorth!" Screamed Skuld. "Peorth!" I said and flew to the area instantly. I arrived at the living room to see Skuld and Keiichi already there. I entered and I saw an unconscious Peorth lying on the floor. Her hair was spread out and her eyes lifeless. I failed. I was paralyzed with shock and fear. I couldn't move, I couldn't blink I didn't even know if I was breathing. My Peorth is...gone. Damn! What kind of protector am I? I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth; I will destroy whoever is behind this heinous plot. Peorth promised this wouldn't happen. Damn it she promised me! I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Belldandy looking at me with a soft comforting expression. "How come she got attacked even though we've been so cautious?" Asked Keiichi. "The angel eater must have a special method," said Belldandy as she checked Peorth's vitals. "We must change our strategy. In order to salvage all the angels we must catch the angel eater. So do not be alone. Whilst one person is being attacked the other can catch it," I said. It was a strategy I didn't want to revert to but what choice did we have? "What if both of you get attack simultaneously?" "That's very unlikely. It could have attacked us all from the beginning but it's only targeted individuals. I don't think you two have anything to worry about but never the less be careful." Keiichi nodded affirmatively at me and Skuld looked disheartened. Belldandy will comfort her, she'll be ok. I bent down and picked Peorth up placing one arm under her legs and the other under her arms; she's so light. In all honesty, I could have simply carried her with magic, but I need to hold her. To feel her pulse and know for sure that she's still alive. "You three stay here." "But Lind what if you get attacked? You're alone," said Keiichi. "If that happens I am prepared." He slid the door open for me and I carried Peorth to Urd's room. Urd still lay peacefully with a blanket draped over her. I carefully knelt down and placed Peorth beside her. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them again, hoping that what I saw wasn't real. It didn't work. The reality was Peorth had her angel stolen and it's my entire fault, some protector I am. My knees fell to ground with a thud, and I slammed the floor with my fist. Why did it have to be Peorth? Seeing her in this state is unbearable. I know she's alive but she's not with me. She's not talking, not moving just breathing. I find solace in the fact that she still is breathing, thank goodness. I bent down and kissed her forehead, my lips lingered there hoping my kiss would wake her up. I have the power to grant life yet I can't awake her. I caressed her cheek lightly and moved the hair from her face, she takes pride in the neatness of her hair, tidying it is the least I can do. I realise I can't cry, no I cannot seem weak in front of everyone. This is a recoverable situation so I refuse to cry until defeat stares me in the face...But...even so why does my heart feel so heavy? I stood up slowly and closed the door behind me as I left. I swear I'll fix this Peorth. ---------- I watched as Keiichi cut paper and stuck them together, and then he started laughing to himself. What a weird human he is. Belldandy was comforting Skuld as she checked on Peorth and Urd again. There is no change in their condition, I know, I've only checked every minute. "I thought there would be something I could do, so I came up with this plan. I call it operation Dummy angel!" Keiichi said proudly and showed us his creation. Splendid a cardboard angel...just what I need right now. "What something so simple like that? Haha I already made an angel. Tadaa!" said Skuld and she produced a mechanical angel from nowhere. Of course Belldandy smiled at the creations but they were useless. "Your effort is appreciated but its effectiveness is very doubtful" I stated folding my arms. "Wh, Why?" "What's common between the two who got attacked?" "THEY BOTH ACT LIKE QUEENS?" "That's true." "OVERCONFIDENCE?" "Indeed but..." "THEY EXPOSE A LOT OF THEMSELVES?" "I won't comment on that." "Both of them knew the angel eater was here but their angels were still pulled out," said Belldandy. At least this house has one reasonable voice. "That's right. The angel eater is able to attack the angels even if they don't appear. Therefore I reject your operation" I said and looked at Skuld and Keiichi. "However you're mind-set is acknowledged." "Are we being praised?" said Keichi. "I believe the next target will be me since the angel eater I've been on earth longer than Lind...I'm going to take a bath" said Belldandy. Does she enjoy danger? A bath alone with an angel eater on the loose? "I'll join you unless you want to be a lure." "Onee-sama that's dangerous!" "I'll be fine. Lind is here after all." I hope what you say is true Belldandy. Already two of your comrades and friends have fallen despite me being here and yet you still believe in me. I don't even know if I believe in me anymore. "She came for us last time and protected us. So she can do it again. That's why I'm sure I'll be fine." Thank you for your unshakable faith Belldandy. Despite my weakness, I will protect you and salvage everyone's angels. everything will return to normal. ---------- "What's wrong Lind?" Asked Belldandy clad in a towel. "Was there something wrong with the way I said it? I acknowledged them but they didn't look happy." "Lind that's simple. It's because you didn't' smile." A smile? Is it really as simple as that? I looked in the mirror and stared at myself. I have no reason to smile. "How are smiles made again without a source of happiness?" "Smile's aren't made, they're shown. When you feel something it's shown naturally from the bottom of your heart." "From the bottom of my heart..." "Lind you're driving yourself into a corner over something, because of that you've forgotten how to smile." "It's because everything is my fault. I'm not powerful enough so I wasn't able to protect everyone. I might as well not be here I'm..." A sharp pain struck through my heart and I stumbled and fell to the ground. It's happening again, the swirling of feathers, the intense pain. Memories of my own angels flooded my mind, their creation, their separation, and memories of constantly only summoning one angel. When I awoke feathers fell through the air and an unconscious Belldandy lay before me. The realisation hit me like one of Urd's thunderbolts; I am the cause. Everything really is my fault. "Lind I heard a loud bang it everything alright?" "Don't come!" I yelled and quickly placed a barrier on the door. "Wahh!" Yelled Skuld as the door closed suddenly. I can't endanger her as well. "Sorry I can't let you near me right now!" "Wait what's happened" shouted Keiichi through the door. I managed to stand up but my body felt stiff. "I have found the location of the angel eater, it seems to have parasitized me." "Don't be ridiculous!" "But it's true no matter what viewpoint you look at." "In that case if you hadn't have come here none of this would have happened!" Yelled Skuld. She's right. Why did I come here? My destination was earth but this specific place where 4 goddesses dwell? "At the time I thought it was an emergency and since I was the only one that survived an angel eater attack I came to earth. However, this place? This house? These goddesses? Was it already controlling me back then?" I looked to the ceiling where a demon signel was forming. I summoned my axe and waited for it to appear. Just what I need. "Sorry to have kept you waiting!" "Wahhh!" I shouted as I slammed my axe into the demon. It was Hild-sama, or at least a form of her. The force of my axe was stopped, damn her she managed to catch my axe midway. "Don't get too cocky" she said in a condescending tone. This is her fault! She set the angel eater free. She endangered goddesses. She caused Peorth to be like this. I'll destroy her! I spun my axe around and slammed her into the wall with my axe trapping her. Even she was surprised with my ferocity. I'll destroy you I thought as I summoned an energy ball in my palm and punched it at her. She smiled a deathly smile and glared at me. Does she think this is a game. My punch was thrown off course as I hit a powerful barrier and I ended up destroying a part of the wall. "What's wrong? No need to be so surprised after all you can't kill me you'll only be killing yourself." I had forgotten the doublet system actually; I couldn't care less if I killed her and consequently killed myself, as long as the angels are returned. "Why did you send an angel eater after everyone?!" I yelled directly to her face. "Because you guys are my beloved hosts." "Hosts?" "Yes hosts. Putting Urd-chan aside because of her demon blood. I wondered if I took out their angels and putting in a tsukaima would turn them into devils." The axe fell to the ground and she floated forwards trying to intimidate me. "Do you think I would allow that?!" I said and went to punch her. "Come out my cute kittens." I fell to the ground immediately. The pain again! Not now! I clenched my stomach and yelled out in pain. A light emit from the room as my angel came forth. I gripped my stomach even tighter when a larger being came forth from my back. I felt like I was being ripped in two. When the pain stopped and both beings were out I couldn't move at all, I could only stare up in anger at the devil. "How does it feel the reality? Do you understand it now? I control the angel eater and in turn you. You belong to me Lind. Haha you are the perfect vessel for my little kitten. Your own lust for a real angel only makes my kitten stronger. Hehehe should I pull out your angel now too and get it over with?" "It's a pity you can't. All devil's powers will be reflected because of the barrier I set up in this room." "Oh so I can't escape?" "Want to give it a go?" I may be in pain and I may not be as powerful as her, but I still can set up a trap. "Hehe goddesses are fools. You are all fools. Not only are you fighting alone but you purposely create weaknesses for yourself. If I take out the angel the goddess if rendered useless. Why would you want something like that?" "It's something a devil would never understand. If you share a common weakness, you share a common joy. If you halve the weakness you halve the joy and the strength to fight as well." "What you're sharing is your burden right now you realise." Little does she know how much I'm willing to sacrifice to free everyone's angels and sort this crisis out. Cool mint placed her hand onto my shoulder comfortingly, you know what I'm going to do don't you my angel? I smirked at Hild "Then I'll remove my burden!" I yelled and with a strength I didn't know I had. I pulled on cool mint and broke the bonds between us. It felt like swords were stabbing my back as our binding magic was broken and the angel eaters tentacles separated from me. Yelling from pain I threw them sideways and the angel eater slammed into the wall. Despit my ragged breathing and tired body I glared at Hild with all my energy threatening her with my eyes. Our fight has only just begun. ---------- Omake I Lind is Crying emotionally Peorth... Peorth: unconscious L: I'll put this right. She gets out her axe Its ok Peorth I'll put you out of your misery Evil grin P: what is this weird place I'm in? Heaven's heaven? Oh hi Celestine! Celestine waves back Omake II Hild-sama: Hehe goddesses are stupid! Why bother having an angel? It only weakens you if I pull it out. She gets out a giant pair of tweezers Lind: It's something a devil would never understand! An angel supports you and guides you no matter what card game you're playing! Cool mint nods enthusiastically and takes a peak at Urd's cards. Urd: Oi stop that! No angels around the poker table Hild: Goddesses arnt meant to cheat! That's my job! Omake III- Green room Peorth enters the brake room after a hard day's work- playing dead is a tough job Peorth: Ah Lind what are you staring at? Lind: Your father is still here and he's explaining something interesting to Mara. listen. Peorth's father: So what you do is you insert it in real nice and slow, being careful and making sure she's not hurt. Then you check to see if it's a perfect fit before plunging in fully. Mara: Uhuh really Peorth's father: Then once it fits in really nicely what I like to do is just put it in and out a few times really quick before turning 180 degrees M: 180? That's why I can't do it I always do 360 Lind and Peorth sweetdrop P: FATHER WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TELLING MARA L: I concur. Mara this conversation is unnecessary M: What on earth are you talking about? He's telling me how to put the key in my new motorbike! Peorth's father: Yes insert it in her nice and slow P: WAHH STOP SAYING THAT!! Omake IV- Green room 2 Urd take's a swig of her bottle of sake Urd: So what's it like being an extra? Angel eater: Guru gurugu guru ga U: Oh sorry you're right you're not an extra you're a guest star AE: Gu! Gugurugu guaur gur U: Yeh it's a tough job isn't it but someone has to do it AE: GUgug gugru gurugu? U: Belldandy? I'm afraid she's already taken. You see that little guy over there that's really shy next to her. That's her boyfriend Angel eater gets up and grabs Keiichi with his tentacle and throws him away. Belldandy: Hello Angel eater- san. AE: Gu gu gu gu
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