To Be with You
Onpu: Will you Doremi-chan take Kotake-chan as your lawfully wedded
Onpu: { imitates Doremi's voice} No. He's not as beautiful as
Onpu-chan is.
Onpu: I therefore present you and Kotake to be Onpu's sex slaves.
{ throws the kotake-chan doll away from her and puts the onpu-chan
doll next to doremi}
Onpu: I only want you Doremi-chan.{ puts her and the doremi doll
together. Onpu sighs and felt happy}.
Onpu's POV:
Doremi-chan. You mean so much to me.
Oh, how I want to see that beautiful face of yours? How I ever wanted
to kiss you. How much I loved your beautiful red hair. Oh, how much I
love you angelic bright red eyes and your cheerful voice. But there's
something more than your outer beauty and fascination. So innocent, so
kind, oh! How can I say this? I just can't confess my love
to her like this. I just can't.
As I lay awake on my bed, thinking about nothing but Doremi-chan, I
kept thinking about her so often. "What is this feeling"? I thought. "
Why can't I just get her out of my head?!"
This feeling. strong, it just never stops. I always kept
having this funny and unusual feeling. I didn't know why but it just
wouldn't vanish. The thoughts about having a boyfriend vanished from
me. Being around with other girls is no problem...except for one.
"...Doremi-chan" I whispered.
Yeah. Doremi-chan. My one true love. It's like my mind can't get her
out of her. It's like I'm...attractive to her.
Sho..Should I tell her this?, I thought. just wouldn't feel
Or would it?
Without hestating, I just got up from my bed and left my room quietly.
All the other girls were sleeping peacefully. Not one person was awake
but me alone. I went quietly to Doremi-chan's room and before I got to
the door. I just had a little hope of thought.
"I..I can do this. I know I can!" I thought.
Then, I turned the door quiety open and entered...
Doremi's POV
Dreams. Dreams can be so wonderful when you experience them, but can
cause emotional pain when over. As for me, I had nice dreams that I
vision as if it was real.
Not like this dream...
This dream wasn't like any other dream. It was different and was
Onpu-chan, I thought as if she was calling me. I can only see her in
my dreams. I can vision her in my sight. But these kind of dreams
weren't real enough. Then, I could see her now:
There I was. Looking over the ocean view as the sun is setting. It was
so beautiful as I watched it setting down. Birds were flying uproar
into the sky. Everything was perfect. Onpu-chan was watching this also
as the sun set's. Similing happily as she watched the ocean view.
" The sun's so beautiful, isn't it Doremi"? asked Onpu.
" I would doubt it". I said with a smile.
All of a sudden, onpu turned around looking at me with those solid
eyes of her's.
"Doremi?" she asked.
" Yes?" I asked.
"I...I want to ask you something." she said.
"Well, what is it?" I asked.
Onpu was about to say something, but she looked sort of...nervous. I
wanted to see where this is going. This isn' her. Something
was wrong with her.
" What is it Onpu?" I asked as I came closer to her. " It's ok. You
don't have to be afraid. I mean I'm here and..."
"I..." she said something, and stopped. She kept her mouth closed for
a moment.
" Well...say something! What are you trying to TELL me onpu?" I was
almost starting to lose my patience already.
Without expecting, she began. " I...I love you Doremi-chan." Onpu said
by hugging me on my right side. " It's not that I just don't like you,
but I love you with all my heart. Look at you. You' cute, brave...I...I was so nervous to tell you this."
Onpu said with tears in her eyes. " ...but...I just couldn't. I...I
wanted to tell you my feelings about you when your older."
I just gave Onpu a rub on her back. So this is why she was nervous. Is
this why she said all these things to me? Is this why she truely LOVED
me? All these question were like...confusing me. Sure, me, here and
the rest of my friends have gone on adventures and stuff, but she was
always close to me.
And now I'm hearing her feelings about me. I wasn't hurt from this,
but then it hit me. Onpu...was attractive to me. I looked at her again
as she was calming down. Then I soon realize that Onpu was more than
anything to me. I looked at her sorrow face and wiped those tears away
from her face. I almost felt as if nothing going to stop me from being
with her.
" Onpu," I said. Onpu looked at me. " I never realize all the things
you would said to me. But you know, I...felt the same way about you.
So quiet looking. So patient. So caring. It's like...I feeling
butterflies in my stomach..."
"Doremi," Onpu interupted. " I know what I mean. I...I kept having
this funny feeling about you. I just don't know why it would stop, but
Onpu stopped for a moment, thinking about what she is about to say to
me. Then, she said to me close in a whisper:
" I...want to be with you..."
I heard it. That was all that she could say. I gazed into her eyes and
she looked at me. All of a sudden, me and Onpu share a passionate
kiss. And by kissing her, OH! it was...too beautiful. HOw erotic it
was to kiss each other in a sunset like this.
We broke the kiss as soon as possible. I looked at Onpu again and by
seeing her face, I was beginning to understand. She's the one, I
thought. Onpu's the one for me.
"We were destined to be together." I said as I look straight to here
beautiful purple eyes.
" I know." Onpu said.
We stared at each other again. Knewing that this will last forever in
our teasure moments.
" I love you too Onpu-chan." I said as I kissed her again.
I woke up from my sleep. Realizing the strange dream I have with Onpu.
Was this for real? Was Onpu attractive to me? Was it that we shared
our moment of heart for one another? I wasn't to sure about this, but
I must tell her one day.
" Onpu-chan," I whispered. " I...want you again. If you were here with
Without knowing, I heard my door open silently and look to who could
be sneaking in my rooom. It was her!
Onpu-chan!, I thought. What is she doing here?
I was now starting to understand... it all made sense to me.
Onpu's POV
I saw her. Yes, I saw her looking at me. For all my heart, I was
destined to see Doremi-chan staring at me with those eyes. Silence
came to the both of us. This...this could be that...she was thinking
about me too!
" Doremi-chan." I said to her as I came close to her bed.
" Onpu...chan." Doremi said.
I felt nervous. I just...don't know what to say or to do. I
just...couldn't do it. I felt afraid to myself that if we were to do
this now, our lives will change forever. I just couldn't back out on
this. No, not like this. I couldn't surrender my love to her. I
just...need a little courage to do this. My prediction... it wasn't
going to be so easy. think...about this, I thought.
My thoughts were interupted when Doremi asked me something. " Would
you... like to lie down with me?" she asked.
Somehow, she was inviting me to sleep with her on her bed. A chance! I
have a chance with her. I nodded and went to lie down with her.
I...just didn't know what to say.
As soon as I lie down{ and yet relaxed as if nothing was going to
happen, doremi-chan asked " I...I have something to say."
"What is it?" I asked.
Doremi-chan stopped for just one moment. Then continued " I...I know
you really loved me."
I was a bit surprized by this statement. Then, this must mean...that
she kept thinking about me. No...WAIT! Could this be true? Did she had
a vision of me? I just got to find out.
" How did you know?" I asked.
" It's just that," she continued. " I kept thinking about you. We're
alone together by the shore, you and me, as we were watching the
sunset. said something about me. The way I look. The way I
act. The way you, Onpu-chan, thought about me. Then...all of a were crying with hurt and sorrow." Doremi-chan said with
a tear from her eye. " I just didn't want to hurt a friend's feeling's
about me. I would never do that. Then...we looked at each other
" this for real?" I asked her.
" Oh! I wish it was real." Doremi-chan said and took a sigh. " I wish
that we could be together and live in a new way of life, but...I feel
so weak and so...lonely, I just don't know what I would do without
Hearing all this and by the way I could see Doremi-chan, she looks sad about her dream. If she DID loved me, she would had been
happy about it. If she wasn't, then it would only make matters worse.
She not kidding, I thought. I could tell her that dream could had a
impact on her right now. I didn't want doremi to be like this. If that
was her dream about me with doremi-chan alone, then she has another
thing coming. I just want to make this realistc on her. Yeah, that's
it. Then soon, Doremi-chan will be mine!
"Doremi-chan," I said. I heard enough and now it was the time. " I
dunno how to say this, shouldn't be sad about your dream.
Instead, you should be...happy about this dream. Doremi-chan, I...I
want to be yours. I want to be touched by your lovely lips and your
sensitive skin. I just want...oh want..."
"What is it Onpu? What is it?" doremi-chan asked.
I took a deep breath. This was it. I must confess this now before it's
too late. " I..." I begin. " I just want you doremi. I want everything
in you. But I just can't."
" Onpu-chan," doremi-chan said. " It's ok if you can't figure out what
to have to say about me. I know you loved me, really, and so do I. You
mean so much to me and I know you want me so badily." She paused for a
moment. Then continued," Such a beautiful face you have, those
glamarious eyes, that beauty of yours, I...I can't resist on all
Without know ing, she put both hands and arms on my top shoulders. I
was feeling tense of where this is going. I was so confused...and yet
SCARED. I couldn't look at her like this. I was going to go berserk if
I freaked.
I heard doremi-chan voice as if she commanded me. "...look at me..."
she said with an echo.
I did. There I was, staring at her beautiful face as the moonlight was
shining on her and me. Yes, I was going to do this! I was going to
make this happen! Just a few feet away and doremi-chan will be MINE!,
I thought with excitement.
"...come closer my love..." Doremi-chan said with another echo. I
couldn't resist this. I move my head closer to doremi. The thoughts
about having her was going to be... a total masterpiece! It was a
unbelieveable experience.
"...close your eyes..." she said once again. I did and then without
knowing... our lips met as we move in for the kiss. Aww yes!
Doremi-chan is MINE! YES! Oh how beautiful this was! I had to be
dreaming, no wait let me see. Let me seee! It...WAS! I was kissing her
the moment I met her eyes. Oh, I knew a love like this was going to
strike. I slid my hands to hers and she took it. It was going to be
one hell of a moment Doremi-chan and I will never forget.
We broke the kiss together. I knew this was going to happen. We stared
at each other again. Everything we did together has met it's match.
" with me...never leave me..." Doremi-chan echoed.
I saw her. Then hugged her as well tight. I blinked twice to see if
this was a dream. It isn't. It was really happening.
How should I pay her back, I thought. Then smiled. We were alone
together and I thought of something...something to...that's it!
"Doremi-chan, I was wondering." I said to her.
"What is it?" she asked.
I took a deep breath and asked her," How about if you and I uh...go on
a date tomorrow?"
"Well," Doremi-chan said while thinking about this request. "I'm not
too sure, but..."She stopped for a minute. I was anxious, so desperate
to hear an answer. "...Sure! Why not."
I had a warm smile on my face. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Oh but
for joy! I just owned her. She's mine, I'm tellin ya. MINE!
"Oh Doremi-chan," I said with happiness. " It'll be the best day we'll
have. Just you and me and we'll have some fun. And..." I was being
silence by a lip of a finger from Doremi-chan.
" Yes, yes. I know Onpu-chan. Just don't over-excite yourself. We'll
talk more about this tomorrow. We better sleep before anyone here's
I nodded. Before she went back to sleep, I asked her something even
more. "May I," I begin to ask. " sleep with you Doremi-chan?"
"Of course Onpu-chan," said doremi-chan. " Care to share bunk with
"Sure!" I said.
She had two pillows and shared one with me. I laid down and got close
to her. I went to sleep happy. I knew this would happen. Doremi-chan
went to sleep too and took my hand and held it. I had a feeling that
she was never going to leave me. Doremi-chan was going to be my
lover...forever and ever.
Doremi's POV
As I held Onpu-chan's hand, I held it tight so that we could never
separate from us apart. I held on to it tight so I would never lost my
sight with onpu. Now I can sleep at last.
I wonder what should we do on our date tomorrow, I thought while
asleep. I just don't even know where to begin with.
Then, I had another dream. Somehow, it was different:
My vision:
I opened my eyes all of a sudden and pictured myself in a field of
grass. I looked around until I saw a big tree standing in the middle
of a hill. What's a tree doing here in a middle?, I thought. I just
walked up slowly. It was like...this quiet, I couldn't hear anything.
When I was so close a distance to the tree, I saw almost like...three
figures there. It almost look as if they were having some picnic
I examine one out of the three figures. Hmm, I thought. That one looks
a lot Onpu-chan. I looked very carefully and, without
knowing, she does look like Onpu-chan. The other, with hair as in
shape of a mouse, looks a lot Wasn't really sure about
that. The last looked like a child. Strange pink fluffly hair. Then it
hit me. POP?! Wha...what is SHE doing here?
No, I thought. It can't be. I...I must be dreaming. Wha...What is
I tried to shake my head as if I was..." visualizing things". Then, I
looked carefully at the scene. Suddenly, Onpu-chan gets up from me and
goes somewhere. Then, I saw myself talking to pop{ looks as if I was
having some sort of argument with her}. That's when I saw where this
was going. As Pop and myself were talking{ I couldn't hear what we
were saying}, suddenly we saw Onpu-chan getting killed by mysterious
shadow figures. I saw myself trying to stop them, but but the other
shot something at Pop-chan and she was killed too. I was frightened by
this. Then, I had another thought.
Is this what our date is going to be like?, I thought.
I almost felt like crying. No! I...I don't want this. It is NOT going
to happen like this! Never. I was going to go berserk until I felt
someone waking me up with a hand.
{End of Dream Sequence}
"Doremi-chan? Doremi-chan?!" I heard someone's voice. It was
"Huh? Wha? Morning already?" I woke up dazzled and confused.
"Well...yes it is," Onpu-chan answered.
"Oh, I was going to say...huh?! What time is it?! School already?! Oh
god, we're gonna be late?! What will my teacher say to me? Ohh boy is
she gonna kill..."
" Doremi-chan, it's ok. Relax." Onpu-chan said as she was making me
feel relaxed. " Today's saturaday. Therefore, we don't have a school
"Really?" I asked. Onpu nodded. I took a big deep breath and exhaled
softly. I guess I lost a track of time.
"Come, we should go get something to eat. Mind if I do the honor, my
sweet?" asked Onpu.
"Sure! Why not. I mean, that's what's love is all about you know." I
answered with relief.
Onpu giggled. "Oh doremi-chan. You're so funny when you're around.
That's why I love you."
I smiled when she said "love". "Of course you love me. That's why I
love you too." I took a sigh and went on. " Aww, so sweet. So gentle
"Attractive?" Onpu asked.
"Oh yes. You're just...too attractive. I'm crazy over you
Onpu-chan." I said.
"Oh doremi-chan." said Onpu-chan.
We looked at each other for a moment. I stared at her wonderful face
again and she stared at mine's. Then, all of a sudden, we shared
another passionate kiss to each other. I knew that in my heart, this
relationship between us was going to last.
We broke the kiss after two minutes passed. I looked at the entrance
at my door so that nobody saw us kissing. I had to tell her something
even more in order for us to hide our homosexuality.
"Just to let you know Onpu-chan," I said, telling her what to do. "
This relationship between me and you should always be private like
this. Whatever you do, don't EVER tell anyone about this, oh how
should I say it,...sexual reationship we're having. Understood?"
Onpu-chan nodded. "Don't worry my sweet," Onpu-chan said as he touched
and smoothed my cheek. " I promised not to tell anyone."
I nodded as she agreed with me. " Ok. Now that's settled, let's have
We went downstairs where the other girls are and, for some sort of odd
reason, the girls were already starting to make breakfast{ I think
hanzuki-chan and monoko-chan were doing the cooking}. The other girls
were finished setting up the table. Therefore me and Onpu-chan said
hello to everyone{ like as if duh! nothing ever happened before}.
Soon, breakfast was served and mmm. The taste of pancakes. What a
chowdown we all had. After eating Onpu-chan and I got dressed and then
I remember. Oh YA! the date! Well, it was supposed to happen today,
but I remembered the words that I said to Onpu-chan. Shouldn't go and
expose our relationship, I thought.
The other girls were going to hang around in some areas. They ask us
if they wanted us to come, but I insist to spend some time with
Onpu-chan alone. They all understand and soon, they left to er
uhh...have some fun I guess.
Then, Onpu-chan and I left the flower shop{ since it closes on
weekends} and then, I felt my date with Onpu-chan was just beginning.
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