Mecha Wars (part 24 of 26)

a Super Catgirl Nuku Nuku fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 23
        "Go, Hikaru," Misaki said with a fierce smile, using her 
will to manipulate her Angel on the Layer table while out in the 
real world, her Saber Doll fought on. She casually ducked the 
Boomer's swing then struck, punching right through it's chest.

        "It's not really Hikaru out there," Sai murmured, running 
Shirahime through her paces. As the kimono clad angel moved on the 
Layer to deliver a devastating kick upward, the Saber Doll out in 
the real world completed the move, turning Boomers into scrap.

        Hotoko laughed, "Close enough." Her Suzuka moved like a 
blur, getting behind another group of Boomers before launching a 
devastating series of attacks.

        Blanche fought with precision out on the Layer even as Kaede 
continued to smile gently. "I just hope that Sylia and Antonia are 
still all right," she said as another Boomer fell into rubble, "or 
else all of this will be pointless."

        Anticipating their request Mackie spoke up from where he sat 
at the computer station nearby, "It's hard to pinpoint Sylia's 
location because of all the Chameleon Modules, but there haven't 
been any reports of her capture."

        "And if she is?" Sai asked as she guided her Angel through a 
series of complex maneuvers to destroy three Boomers in a row.

        "Then I'll dig out my suit of heavy armor and help rescue 
her," Mackie smiled dangerously, nodding towards the large suit of 
battle armor waiting nearby.

        "She will make it," Misaki leaned forward, face intent, "I 
just know it."

        The building they perched on was less than two miles away 
from Genom's tower, but in a way it was like a thousand miles. The 
two figures there were shimmering with an odd distortion, one 
seemingly concealing them from the Boomers flying patrol in the air 

        "Are you all right?" Sylia asked, the light blue/gray 
armored figure connected directly to the other's armor, not using 
radio or other transmission methods.

        "It's all right," Tony said, her voice showing the 
strain. "The Iron- tech cloak produces a strain on the pilot," she 
explained, "and it's of limited effectiveness when we're in the air."

        "We've flown so close," Sylia muttered, "we only have a 
short ways to go!" She paused, "If we move out now, could we..."

        "There are still a lot of Boomers out there," Tony answered 
grimly. She paused, "I'll shut down the cloak, distract them. You 
might make the Tower that way."

        "No," Sylia said firmly.

        Then the Boomers circling in midair paused, as if something 
else had caught their attention. Suddenly, an powerful explosion 
echoed through the metallic towers as a vehicle barreled forward. 
The armor smoked on the troop carrier, wheels flattened as it 
bounced towards the Tower.

        "Whoo-hoo!" Priss laughed, her blue armor chipped and 
battered. Right beside her on the roof Natsumi and Miyuki laid down 
cover fire, the two former police officers suits burned and torn.

        "Do you think we'll hook up with the others," Aoi grinned 
from the driver's seat, the windshield only a gaping hole in the 

        "We ought to ask for our money back," Yoriko laughed, her 
glasses sliding down, "we only got to run down two combat Boomers 
before the tires went!"

        Priss shifted her visor to the frequency Sylia instructed 
her, and grinned as she picked up the two cloaked figures, "They 
made it."

        "We've got company," Yoriko yelled up at Priss.

        The battered jeep came up on their one side with Akiko at 
the wheel. The normally stylish looking business woman was a total 
mess, her brown hair in disarray, but she had a wild grin on her 
face. Beside her Nene used her suits weapons to pick off Boomers, 
even as she monitored Genom's communications. A bit ahead the 
androids Nuku Nuku and Emi trashed anything in their way with a 
great deal of glee.

        "Everyone all right?" Nene yelled over at them.

        "We're doing fine," Aoi yelled back, "it's been a blast!"

        Akiko snickered softly as that, getting a glare from 
Nene. "Sorry, love," she gave her lover a grin, "but I like her 

        "You would," Nene smiled back reluctantly.

        "Mama," Nuku Nuku waved, slamming two Boomers together so 
they exploded, "there's so many to play with!"

        "She's got that right," Emi muttered, an electrical burst 
disabling more Boomers.

        "If we're both here," Priss said thoughtfully, "that should 


        A Boomer hurtled by them, smoking, then a motorbike slid 
into place on their other side. Reika Chang rode with a determined 
expression on her face, Linna skimming alongside her in her green 
suit of armor. Running in a ragged schoolgirl's uniform Aiko kept 
pace, while above them in her sleek armor Biko kept an eye on them 

        "Nice to see that we all made it," Linna said, looking up 
and noticing the four Saber Dolls converging on their position. The 
group formed a kind of wedge, pressing forward as a veritable army 
of Boomers descended towards them.

        "Time to finish this," Aiko grinned, the light catching on 
her slivery wristbands.

        "Indeed," Biko agreed, her visor cracked, her eyes having a 
dangerous intensity.

        "Is Sylia here," Reika asked softly, "did she make it?"

        "She's in position," Linna confirmed to her lover 
quietly, "the endgame begins."

        Within the Tower itself Quincy finished pulling on his 
jacket, adjusting it so that he presented the proper image. Make-up 
had erased signs of worry from the older man's face, along with a 
hearty shot of booze. But his eyes, they still looked worried.

        Madigan studied the readout, her face pale as a bit of her 
long purple hair fell into her eyes. She brushed it back impatiently 
as she murmured, "The losses in Boomers are... apocalyptic."

        "Being a little dramatic?" Quincy inquired, adjusting his 

        "Sir.. we aren't going to be able to hide these kind of 
losses in the budget," Madigan said to him softly, "the deficit 
we'll have this quarter.."

        "Will be worth it," Quincy said firmly, refusing to even 
look down at the readout. His eyes narrowed slightly, "The meeting 
is in only a few moments, and they have succeeded in preventing her 
from reaching here."

        "Unless she pulls another surprise," Madigan offered.

        Quincy's hands shook slightly as he pulled his suit jacked 
down into place, "There's nothing left that she can possibly do."

        'I wouldn't bet on that,' Madigan thought to herself grimly 
as a soft chirp came from her personal organizer. She pulled the 
device out of the inner pocket of her coat, called up the 
information and her eyes widened. "Sir..?"

        "What?" Quincy asked without looking over at her, already 
knowing that he wasn't going to like what he was about to hear.

        "The Knight Sabers and their allies have reached the Tower 
and are now fighting against the security forces," Madigan reported, 
her voice soft with shock. "Boomer forces are converging on the 
lower levels to hold them back."

        "It's not possible," Quincy hissed.

        "And we still don't know exactly where Sylia Stingray is," 
Madigan said grimly. She shook her head, focusing on what they 
needed to do now, "You'd better get going sir, the shareholder's 
meeting starts in a few minutes."

        "Right," Quincy strode off. Down the hallway from his office 
was a meeting room, one filled with person's of power. As Quincy 
entered he felt their eyes on him, sensed fear in the air. Taking 
control of the meeting he announced, "We're all here, let's get 

        "It's not quite time," a shareholder mentioned. He smiled 
slightly, "And I understand that there's a shareholder still absent."

        Quincy glared at the smirking man. "If he or she does not 
arrive on time," he managed past his irritation, "she will not be 
allowed to vote."

        "It's time," Tony said, firing her boot thrusters and rising 
up into the air. They rocketed forward, the mob of Boomers that 
should have been going after them were tangled up with the other 
Knight Sabers and their allies.

        "Damn it," Sylia scowled.

        Far bellow them the Boomers were swiftly moving in to try to 
overwhelm the others. The team formed up into a circle, weapons 
blazing as they cut down the enemy, but they were tired. It had been 
a very long run to the Tower, and they were running on empty.

        As Priss was rocked backwards by a near miss, her Aunt 
Natsumi slapping a hand on her back to hold her up Sylia 
groaned, "We've got to help them."

        "We will," Tony opened up the afterburners, exploding up. 
Internal schematics of the Tower rushed by her eyes, information 
acquired by Mackie and Nene. "There," Tony murmured, then loudly 
said, "brace yourself!"

        "What.." Sylia started when Tony bodily threw her at the 
building! Rolling into a ball the silvery figure crashed through the 
meeting, bouncing off the top of the table before hitting the floor 
with a loud clang.

        Tony dove back down, all weapons firing as she drove the 
enemy away from her friends, both old and new. "Good luck, Sylia," 
she murmured, opening up with the mini-missiles and repulsers, "it's 
all up to you know."

        "Security!" Quincy bellowed, jumping to his feet.

        "HOLD IT!" Sylia used the amplifiers in her suit, making her 
voice sound something like a roll of thunder. She disconnected her 
helmet, pulling it off bodily before letting it fall to the carpet 
with a soft thump. "My name is Sylia Stingray," she looked at the 
horrified expression on Quincy's face, "I'm sorry I'm late, but I 
was unavoidably delayed."

        "You're still in time, Ms. Stingray," Madigan said to her 
respectfully. There was a slight smile on her face as she 
added, "The meeting hasn't started just yet."

        "Damn you," Quincy muttered, possibly to Madigan or Sylia 

        "Check your consoles, ladies and gentlemen," Sylia looked 
around the room calmly, "I'm now the majority shareholder of Genom." 
She tossed a look at Madigan, "You might want to shut current 
operations of the Boomers down, as a gesture of good will."

        "Of course," Madigan pressed a few keys on her personal 

        "For the first thing on the agenda," Sylia continued on 
calmly, "I would like to propose the removal of the current 
President of Genom. As these files on the losses that the company 
has suffered today prove," she pulled a data disk from her suits arm 
and tossed it down on the table, "he has clearly lost his 

        "You planned all this," Quincy looked at her in shock.

        "Not all," Sylia answered coolly, "your own decisions helped 
a lot."

        Outside the Boomers slowed to a stop, pausing as they 
received new orders. One or two, then more and more of the Boomers 
left, scattering to their places around the city. Standing in the 
center, still undefeated, the Knight Sabers and their allies 

        "Sylia made it?" Nene finally had to ask, flipping up her 
visor tiredly.

        "Yes, she did," Tony grinned, her own face-plate up, hair 
ruffled by the wind.

Onwards to Part 25

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