Tropical Heat

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Jubei

The sound of high speed engines could be heard quite clearly in the frozen wasteland of 
Antarctica as the Avengers' Quinjet made its landing just half a mile from its destination. 
The canopy opened to let out Ms. Marvel, a woman of tremendous strength, courage, and 
beauty. She had traveled with her fellow Avenger teammate Iron Man on a mission of mercy, 
but this is where she and Iron Man had to part because both he and the Quinjet would be 
rendered useless where she was headed: The Savage Land. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come along Carol?" 

"Tony, we both know what would happen if you did, no tech can operate going into the Savage 
Land. Not even your Next-Gen stuff." 

"At least let me get you closer, even flying its -20 degrees out there." 

"I'm a big girl Shellhead, I'll be just fine. You got nothing to worry that pretty metal 
head of yours." 

"Okay then, I'll be waiting right here for you. Good Luck." 

The blonde bombshell known as Ms. Marvel then took to the skies and in what seemed like no 
time at all through freezing weather, she entered the one place on the planet that was 
combined beauty and extreme danger, that throwback to the Mesozoic era known as the Savage 
Land. As she flew over, Ms. Marvel could make out the huge jungles and dinosaurs that made 
up this land. She knew that if she had taken Tony's offer of help, it's a certainty they'd 
have no way back home and she'd be lugging Tony's metal butt as fast as possible from an 
attacking raptor or t-rex.

She wasn't looking to get into a tussle with the local wildlife, there was someone here she 
needed to see and she was finally coming up on the village where she could find said person. 
This primitive village in the center of this wild paradise was the home of Ka-Zar, the lord 
of the Savage Land, and only he could provide what she needed on this mission of mercy. As 
she looked down, she noticed a lush spring just a few miles beyond the village and a drink 
of refreshing water was sounding pretty good to Ms. Marvel right about now.

As the blonde bombshell touched down, she felt herself stagger a bit. She thought to herself 
that she needs that drink more than she thought, much more that she thought. She began to 
sway and stagger; she could feel herself overheating and finally collapsed. But even in her 
dizzying state, she noticed that she fell not to the earth but into a powerful set of arms. 
She looked up through her haze and recognized the face of Shanna the She-Devil, the wife and 
confidante of Ka-Zar.  

"Oh wow, your whole body is burning up." 


Shanna knew she had to act quickly; she stripped Ms. Marvel of her evening gloves, her thigh 
high boots, eye mask, black tunic and red sash belt until she was completely naked. Shanna 
then quickly stripped off her tanned skin bikini that was her usual clothing, and then 
picked up Ms. Marvel in her arms. Shanna carried the blonde bombshell into the river and 
headed straight for the waterfall where its cool, flowing waters would cool the fever. The 
two blondes sat under the waterfall, Shanna monitoring Ms. Marvel's fever the entire time 
until it appeared to subside and allowed her to regain some form of consciousness.  

"Thank God, your fever has broken." 

"Thank, thank you Shanna." 

Shanna then moved Ms. Marvel out from under the waterfall and into a shallow area of cool 
water where they could rest. 

"I didn't hear a crash Carol; did you fly all the way on you own?" 

"No, I had Iron Man drop me off about half a mile from the border; I flew the rest of the 

"No wonder you had such a fever, going from -20 degrees to almost 100 degrees in an instant 
would take its toll on anyone. 

Ms. Marvel turned and looked at her blonde savior and for the first time realized they were 
both naked. 

"Did you have to undress me?" 

"You want your only clothing soaking wet while you're here?" 

Carol couldn't argue the point, she sat there with her back pressed against Shanna's ample 
breasts and couldn't help but look down at her own chest. After she was pleased with the 
size of her own breasts she looked down to find Shanna's strong but soft arms wrapped around 
her waist holding her up in the water. 

"You have to be more careful Carol, if I hadn't been passing by you would still be burning 

"But I'm supposed to be invincible, how did I catch a cold?" 

"I think you just got a fever, just because you're invincible doesn't mean that extreme 
changes in temperature can't wreak havoc with your body. So what brings you here?" 

"You know Janet Van Dyne?" 

"The Wasp? I had heard that she died in the war with the Skrulls." 

"She did, at least her body did. Dr. Pym put her mind in the body of the android Jocasta, 
but recently that body was damaged in battle and we need vibranium to repair it. But 
Wakanda's vibranium resources were depleted in the war with Doom, so I came here hoping your 
husband could help us out." 

"I'm sure my husband will be happy to help, once he gets back." 

"Where did he go?" 

"To the far side of the Savage Land to speak with the tribal elders, he won't be back for at 
least a few days." 

"How long has he been gone?" 

"3 days at least." 

"I don't have a lot of time to waste, Janet needs that repair work done soon." 

"I agree, and normally I'd say let's go find my husband. But even with your fever broken 
you're in no real condition to go searching, it's best that you rest during the night and 
then well head out in the morning." 

Ms. Marvel felt herself being lifted out of the water by Shanna and was helped back to 
shore. Carol did her best to stand on her own two feet but could still feel herself stagger 
a bit. After she and Shanna dressed, she was lead by the blonde back to the village where 
she could get some food and rest after such a harrowing journey. It was the middle of the 
night when Carol felt restless, though the temperature of the Savage Land had easily dropped 
by 30 degrees she still felt a little overheated. Carol removed her uniform and lay 
completely naked on the fur skin rug on the floor of her shack.

Carol could feel some relief but still had a feeling of restlessness as she ran her hands 
over her breasts and down her toned torso. She found her mind wandering to when Shanna's 
breasts were pressed against her back; this thought sent her hand trailing down as she slid 
her fingers into herself. As she manipulated her hand in and out of her vagina, Carol began 
to moan a name: 

"Oh...oh...oh, Shanna." 

Shanna then lifted the flap of Carol's shack and saw the blonde sprawled out on the fur rug 
which startled Carol out of her wet fantasy as she frantically draped her arm over her chest 
and closed her legs. 

"Are you okay, I'm sorry if I startled you." 

"Its fine, I'm fine." 

"You were calling out my name." 

Carol felt embarrassed, the focus of her recent fantasy was standing right in front of her 
and here she was naked in front of her once again. Shanna then leaned kneeled down in front 
of Carol and pulled the blonde bombshell up to her level until the two women were face to 

"It's alright if you felt an attraction, I'd feel a bit insulted if you didn't." 

"That's not what this is about, it's just that I'm in the same situation with you twice in 
one day and it's a little embarrassing." 

"So it's not about being attracted to another woman then?" 

Shanna took her hand and pushed some of the long blonde hair away from Carol's face while 
simultaneously caressing her face. This act allowed Carol to loosen up and removed her arm 
from her breasts. Shanna then wrapped her other arm around Carol's back and pushed her in 
close, the bodies of the two blondes pressed tightly as Shanna planted a full kiss on 
Carol's mouth. Carol was momentarily surprised but quickly gave into it, feeling something 
that she had wanted very badly.

Shanna broke the kiss and then began to suckle at Carol's neck as she ran her fingers over 
her breasts and her sides. Shanna removed her clothes and revealed a body just a strong as 
Carol's, with breasts just as full, a torso and waist that were toned and powerful from life 
in the Savage Land. The touch of Shanna's skin against Carol's was soft and warm as the two 
blondes went in for another passionate kiss. Shanna then leaned into Carol forcing her back 
onto the fur with Shanna on top of Carol pressing against her as they slid against each 
others bodies.

Their hands explored each others bodies, feeling their curves from their shoulders to their 
buttocks to their thighs. Carol then broke the embrace as she trailed kissed down Shanna's 
body making Shanna moan with every touch of her tongue, making her way to the She-Devil's 
patch. Carol ran her fingers across it, stroking it gently building up the heat within 
Shanna. The She-Devil leaned into across to Carol's lower body, positioning both women on 
their sides as they stroked each other's patch. 


Almost simultaneously, both blondes parted their legs and draped one leg each across the 
other's shoulder as they began to feast on each other grabbing the rear of the other woman 
in order to hold it good and close. The moans of pleasure emanated from both women as they 
felt the tongues of the other doing their gymnastics inside each other forcing the woman to 
become wetter and wetter. The gyrations of their bodies in response to this only helped to 
bring both women into a duet of moans they both release into their orgasms, both women 
feeling exhausted but satiated.

As morning dawned and Ms. Marvel was ready to find Ka-Zar, she was approached by her 
midnight lover with a gift, a small supply of vibranium, enough to repair her friend. 

"Thank you Shanna, but can you do this? Won't you get in trouble?" 

"My husband isn't the only one with pull in this village, my husband will understand. 
Besides, people who are as close as we two help each other out in times of need." 

Shanna pulled Carol into her tightly and the two shared a passionate good bye kiss. Ms. 
Marvel could only smile and wave good bye to her beautiful lover as she flew off to meet 
Iron Man and head back to New York to save her friend. But as she flew off she realized that 
she had found more that she had thought she would find, especially about herself.  

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