The Raven (and the Starfire)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Tensai no Miko

Once upon a late-night party, four young heroes, eating hearty,
All but Raven cheered to honor one year of the Titans corps.
Though the team was celebrating, she was not participating,
Sitting alone meditating, floating high above the floor.
Shunning the fun, in her room, she floated high above the floor.
       "Pointless tripe, and such a bore."

Starfire gifted each attendee.  Seeing no sign of her friend, she
Thought it best to seek out Raven and present the gift she bore.
Softly from the revel slipping, every pore excitement dripping,
Down the hall she started skipping, with a cuddly plush Eeyore.
With a flop-eared pin-tailed happy-sad-faced cuddly plush Eeyore.
       Only this, and nothing more.

Down the hallway, humming, hopping, soon at her friend's chamber
Soft she called out Raven's name and gently tapped upon the door.
When Starfire heard no reply, it seemed her knock was much too quiet.
She decided then to try it somewhat louder than before.
Using all her alien strength she pounded, louder than before.
       "Let's see Raven this ignore."

That knock broke her concentration, stopped abrupt her levitation,
Raven fell with a loud "thump" and landed hard upon the floor.
Grumbling in the dim interior, gently rubbing her posterior,
She exclaimed, "All right! I hear your knock, no need for such a roar."
Opening the entrance Raven vowed to give the pest what-for.
       "I'll make their rumps just as sore."

Somewhat Raven's rage abated when she saw the one who waited
Like an eager little puppy just outside her bedroom door.
Feeling air and mood both freshen, quelling now her ranting session,
Raven, with a strange expression, ushered Starfire in the door.
As the portal shut she turned, and once again a scowl she wore.
       "Tell me what you came here for."

"I thought I should come and wake you, to the celebration take you.
There is music, there are streamers, there is tasty food galore!
Dance and sing and be not wary, all your troubles deeply bury,
Come and join the making merry.  You must join us, I implore!"
Yet her friend did glare at her as though Starfire she did abhor.
       "You don't know me!" Raven swore.

"You call that a celebration?  It's more like a salivation,
An excuse to stuff their faces till their stomachs hold no more.
Meditation is not napping, how could I not hear your yapping?
I chose to ignore your tapping, tapping at my chamber door.
You don't understand, and yet you come and pound upon my door?
       Leave, and talk to me no more."

Raven's words left Starfire stinging.  Still she said, "I just was
A small gift and happy tidings for a friend whom I adore.
True, I may not understand you, nonetheless I still demand you
Allow me the joy to hand you just this simple gift I bore.
Just this Winnie-the-Pooh merchandising friendship gift I bore.
       Friend's devotion, nothing more."

"Don't tell me of your devotion!  You do not have any notion
Of the form of my emotion when I see you at my door.
Restlessly my heart lies sleeping.  Seeing you sets it to leaping.
Then you leave and it starts weeping, as it always wept before.
One brief ray of light just makes the darkness deeper than before.
       Blackest pitch, for evermore."

As to Raven Starfire listened, in her eyes tears brightly glistened.
She began to understand at last the pain that Raven bore.
Her perception thus enlightened, her eyes moist and her throat
Starfire said, "Please be not frightened to reveal your inner core.
I would love to stay and learn what lies within your heart's own core.
       Do not hide it anymore."

"Never did I care for friendship, never rued the loss of kinship,
Yet affection most forbidden came that I could not ignore."
Her control and calm now dying, Raven on the verge of crying
Said, "There is no use denying my true feelings anymore.
Knowing nature's wrath may strike me, still my heart I must outpour.
       You're the one I'm longing for!"

This sad tale of love forbidden now awakened feelings hidden.
Even Starfire had not known the strength of her love heretofore.
Gently touching Raven's shoulder, feeling warmth, Starfire grew bolder,
Stretched her arm around to hold her, whispering, "Be alone no more.
I care not what some may say, I swear you'll be alone no more.
       I do love you," Starfire swore.

"There is no worse sort of thieving than the innocent deceiving,
Stealing love from lonely hearts that love have never known before.
Though their words may seem sagacious, their beliefs are just
Love is wrong?  That's just outrageous, it's an ancient dinosaur.
Just a fossilizing relic from the brainless dinosaur.
       Meaningless, for evermore."

"I feel like a coward craven for not telling you," said Raven,
"About all the things I've felt and just how much I you adore."
Fingers Starfire's intertwining, Raven smiled, eyes brightly shining,
Love for which she had been pining filled her warmly to the core.
Holding Starfire close they kissed, while tears of joy spilled from her
       Kissed, and wept, and nothing more.

As the two broke off their kissing, they now knew what had been missing,
What was lacking from their hearts and from the lives they'd led before.
Eye to eye now deeply staring, as one breathing, two girls sharing
Truest love beyond comparing, all from one knock on the door.
Raven, now, to the sad girl who hid alone behind her door,
       Shall return, ah, nevermore!

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