Kitty and Illyana: A Tale of Magik! (part 18 of 25)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 17
        "Are you going to let me out of here anytime soon?" the demoness 
asked them, looking out from the enchanted circle irritably. Her long 
blue hair flowed down her back, the red and black garb she wore hugging 
her generously proportioned body.

        "Myah," the little brown furred creature sitting at her feet 
looked around curiously, also contained by the circle.

        "We'll think about it," Kitty said dryly, her brown haired tied 
back to keep it out of her eyes. She looked over at Rachel and Illyanna, 
"She sure doesn't look like a demon."

        "Sorry," Rachel said sheepishly, the redhead looking mildly 
embarrassed, "I think I may have mis-pronounced part of the summoning 

        "Well, let me try something," Illyanna said. She chanted softly, 
light shining around her and their captive, then she said, "She may be 
extradimensional, but I don't think she's demonic."

        "All right," Kitty nodded, "we'd better let her go."

        "I'll do it," Rachel nodded. She girl in jeans and T-shirt 
raised her hands in occult gestures, concentrating, then spoke the words 
to break the sealing circle.

        "Thanks," the woman stretched out with a smile. She looked at 
the three ladies thoughtfully and said, "Name's Ryouko."

        "Myah," the little creature bounced forward, it's rabbit hind 
legs letting it move easily, the catlike face sniffing around.

        Lockheed dropped down to the ground by it, the gray little 
dragon looking over at it thoughtfully before asking, "Coo?"

        The cabbit tilted it's head to the side, "Myah!"

        "I'm really sorry about this," Rachel said.

        "It's all right," Ryouko looked around, a slight smile on her 
face, "at least it'll make a good story for Tenchi and the others."

        "Let me know when you want to leave," Illyanna said, studying 
Ryouko thoughtfully as she continued, "we can either try reversing the 
original enchantment or I can just transport you back using my stepping 

        'Well,' Kitty thought, 'I'm glad our guest is taking this well.'

        After their visit to Xavier's the three had returned to the 
Sanctum, where she and Illyanna had taken up the training of Rachel. It 
was a bit odd, especially with their new apprentice's previous 
experience with them, but it was going pretty well.

        'Which reminds me,' Kitty thought as she moved over to Rachel's 
side and softly said, "Don't worry, it's an understandable mistake."

        "I doubt you two would have done something like this," Rachel 

        Kitty surprised her with a soft chuckle, "Remind me to tell you 
the story of the multiple Deaths sometime."

        Ryouko looked at Illyanna thoughtfully, studying the slim blonde 
in her skin-tight jeans and clinging shirt, and Illyanna raised an 
eyebrow, "What?"

        "You people use real magic," Ryouko noted, "weird. The closest 
thing we have is my... mom Washu's crazy inventions."

        Illyanna smiled back with a shrug, "It's something you get used 
to, eventually."

        "Myah," the fur ball looked up at Illyanna, then rubbed against 
her leg.

        Ryouko bent down and picked it up, "Come here, Ryo-Ohki." She 
scratched it behind the ears as she said, "I think she's getting to like 
it here a bit too much. You mind sending us back?"

        "Ray," Illyanna turned to the apprentice, "you want to take a 
shot at it?"

        Rachel gulped nervously then nodded, "I'll try." She took her 
position on a chalk drawn sigil, her voice rising and falling as she 
carefully reversed the original enchantment. There was a 'bamf' of 
displaced air and their guests suddenly disappeared.

        Kitty did a quick scan of the room with the amulet she wore at 
the base of her throat and smiled, "You did it."

        "Not bad at all," Illyanna agreed.

        Kitty jotted down something in a notebook, her finger tracing 
the words in silver on the sheet. "What are you doing?" Rachel blinked.

        "Writing down the variation you made in the spell," Kitty said 
as she finished, "we might want to try summoning something from that 
dimension intentionally."

        "You worry me sometimes, love," Illyanna said, stepping up to 
her girlfriend's side, "we have no idea the kind of trouble we could 
call up."

        Kitty shrugged eloquently, "Pushing back the unknown in magic 
has it's risks." She beamed, "Or we could always go there!"

        Rachel sighed softly at that, then her stomach growled into the 
silence. "Sorry," she said, looking mildly embarrassed.

        Illyanna smiled, "Let's go get some lunch."

        A quick snack in the kitchen and Rachel was looking at them 
curiously, "So how many of the mystical heavyweights have shown up yet?"

        "Not too many," Kitty munched her sandwich happily, "there was 
Nightmare, of course."

        "He tried to capture us in a dreamscape of Xavier's school," 
Illyanna remembered, "but our psychic link let us join forces against 

        "You mentioned the Deaths," Rachel noted.

        "A few goddesses stopped in one from Japan," Illyanna frowned 
slightly, "I didn't like Urd hitting on Kitty, though."

        "Considering she hit on you right after," Kitty said, "I wasn't 
too worried about it."

        "The vision of Eternity was creepy," Illyanna sighed.

        "Eternity?" Rachel squeaked.

        "The personification of the universe," Kitty agreed. She sighed, 
"He manifested shortly after Dr. Strange left, I assume to see if we 
could do the job."

        "And then there's all the magic posers we've had stopping by," 
Illyanna made a face. "There are so many goofs I'm not even going to 
start," she finished.

        "I remember you two mentioning Spellvis," Rachel smirked.

        "God he was lame," Kitty groaned.

        Illyanna changed the subject, "I wish we knew what to do about 
the Phoenix's enemy."

        There was a sudden disturbance in the Sanctum shields, both 
Kitty and Illyanna leaping to their feet. A figure wreathed in fire 
materialized there and both girls puffed out a sigh of relief. "Sorry," 
Phoenix said, the double of Jean Gray smiling.

        "You mind giving us some warning next time?" Illyanna snarled.

        "I thought I did," Jean said mildly.

        Quickly putting a calming hand on her lover's arm Kitty said to 
Phoenix, "So what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

        "There's something... wrong, in England," Jean said, sounding 
mildly confused. "Something hides it from my vision, but there is a 
darkness there."

        Both Kitty and Illyanna instantly became serious, rising to 
their feet. "Let's check out the orbs," Illyanna offered grimly.

        The group walked to the orb room, Kitty passing the great Orb 
and picking up a lesser crystal ball. She held it in her hands, closing 
her eyes as she concentrated, feeling for what the Phoenix had sensed. 
Suddenly the orb flared, there was a scent of ozone then suddenly it 
simply exploded!

        "Kitty!" Illyanna ran to her side as the smoke cleared.

        Kitty smiled, smoke curling off her clothes as she said, "I 
phased, avoided the most of it."

        "Yes, I think there's something wrong in England," Rachel 
concluded softly.

To be continued....

Author's Notes: Yes, that's Ryouko and Ryo-Ohki from Tenchi Muyo. As 
Ryouko has often been mistaken for a demon it seemed oddly fitting she'd 
get called up by accident. Urd is the big sister of Skuld who showed up 
in an earlier chapter.

Onwards to Part 19

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