Lena Luthor offered a cup of tea, the redheaded woman smiling shyly at the young women sitting across from her. B-ko took her own glass, smiling back as she pushed her long blue hair back then she whispered to her companion, "Relax." "Easy for you to say," Helena Wayne muttered, her black hair carefully styled and her clothes perfectly neat. Officially she was here as a Justice Leaguer, enlisting Lena and Lexcorp's help in the planned defense of Earth... but this was also her girlfriend's mother. "It's nice to meet you Ms. Wayne," Lena continued from where she sat on a comfortable chair in her little office, "I've heard a lot about you." Helena sat beside B-ko on the couch, meeting those eyes confidently. "Thank you," she answered, "I've been looking forward to this." "We'd best handle business first," B-ko offered, wearing one of her better outfits, a off the shoulder number bought in Paris. To her credit it hadn't been bought merely for the designer or label, but instead because it suited her well. "All right," Lena said agreeably. She looked at Helena and point blank asked, "What are your intentions towards my daughter?" Helena nearly choked on her tea. "That's not the business I meant!" B-ko blurted. "Too bad," Lena murmured, taking another drink of her tea as a impish little smile was teasing at her lips. Helena took a breath, her cheeks reddish. "As you may know there's been a spike of criminal activity, especially with the so-called Injustice Gang," she explained, "we now believe this may be a prelude to a alien invasion." "How can I help?" Lena asked directly. B-ko grinned in relief, drinking from her cup. "I know that Lexcorp built several orbital platforms over the years," she said, "we might need to use them as staging bases if all this gets big and crazy enough." "Done," Lena nodded, "have you considered reactivating the last JLA Embassy, too? It could make a good meeting place." "Security is a problem," Helena said with a frown, "I'd hate to gather so many superhumans there and have someone drop a nuke on us." "You are occasionally paranoid, love," B-ko sighed. "She's right, though," Lena coolly pointed out, "I suppose meeting up at the Watchtower would be more secure." "Thank you," Helena smiled slightly. "Don't mention it," Lena smiled back. "Speaking of the Watchtower," B-ko took a compact device from her pocket and passed it over, "this is one of our signal devices, you can use it to teleport up in an emergency." "Do you really think this is necessary?" Lena blinked, carefully turning the small metal wristband over in her hands.. "Our enemies have at least one member who is a former member of the League," Helena said calmly, "it's best not to take chances." Lena hesitated a moment, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I have a partner," she said quietly, "would there be a problem if I brought... her with me?" There was a moment of silence as B-ko and Helena exchanged a amused glance, then B-ko grinned and said, "No, I don't think there'll be a problem." She paused before asking her gently, "Have we met her?" "She's the one who escorted you in here," Lena said with a shy smile. "Your assistant, Jessica?" Helena blinked, thinking of the pretty young redhead. "We've been together for a few years," Lena admitted, "before I hired her, actually." "I'm glad," B-ko smiled, putting her hand on her mother's for a moment. Lena looked over at Helena with an intense look, "Getting back to my original question... what are your intentions towards my daughter?" "You're not giving up, are you?" Helena sighed. "Mother, please," B-ko chided her, putting her hand on Helena's. "No, she's right," Helena gave B-ko a gentle smile, then looked at the older woman. "I'm in love with your daughter," she said firmly, "I'd never do anything to hurt her." "Then I approve," Lena said warmly. "Helena," B-ko surprised her with a fierce hug, holding the other woman close. "So," Lena continued, watching the blushing Helena a moment, "when are you two planning on getting married?" "Married?!" both Helena and B-ko blurted. In another part of the world the tall blonde paused as she reached the door, her simple one piece costume fitting her like a second skin. She nodded to the bouncer, the infamous mercenary Grace Choi, who smiled in return. "Good to see you Canary," the tattooed amazon said, then Grace looked at her thoughtfully. "No trouble tonight, please." "Would I do something like that?" Dinah Lance-Gordon, the heroine once known as Black Canary, smiled at her impishly. "In a minute," Grace answered calmly, swinging the door open to Clark's bar. Clark's was a seedier version of the Warriors club, a nightspot intended for superhumans. Unlike Warriors it served heroes and villains, a strict rule of neutrality maintained by the owner/operators like the formidable grace and her lover, Thunder. The bar was packed as usual, both old-school types and many of the younger breed talking and drinking together. Dinah casually made her way through the bar, reaching one of the private rooms at the back. Opening the door she walked up to the table, sitting down with a sigh. "Rough day, mom?" the intense looking blonde asked, giving her mother a wry glance. "Don't start, Allison," Dinah answered. Allison Queen smiled as she drank from her pitcher of beer, sitting back with a happy sigh. "Don't worry," she said, "my associates don't know I'm here." "Well the knew I was visiting will go around," Dinah noted, "but everyone in the community knows I like to hit Clarks for a private drink." "What does Babs think?" Allison asked. "Officially I think she disapproves," Dinah answered, "but she understands that I need some time alone, too." She hesitated, "Do you want to keep going? I think we can pull you out if needed." Allison shook her head, "No, we went to too much trouble to set me up undercover. I'd hate to waste all that effort." "But even the Justice League doesn't know about this," Dinah reminded her, "you'll be in danger from both sides." "I've been doing this a few years now," Allison reminded her, "and I've been targeted a few times by people on both sides of the law." She took a drink, "Does Helena know?" "She only knows the cover story," Dinah said glumly, "that you hate my guts." Allison chuckled, "Thank god I grew out of it." She looked off into the distance, "I haven't got much to report, sorry to say. Roulette seems to be answering to someone or something else, but who or why I don't know." "There may be an alien connection to all this," Dinah cautioned, "at least according to information Babs got from the Oracle system." "I'll keep it in mind," Allison agreed. She got up, laying money on the table as she added, "I'll contact you the usual way." "Good luck," Dinah hesitated, "I love you, kid." "You too, mom."
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