DC Universe 2045: Showcase (part 10 of 20)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 9
The police station was busy, there on the corner, the
old building packed with people and activity. This had
been the police headquarters for years, the building
refitted and restored more than once in the chaos of
Gotham City, and the officers who served there were
some of the best.

And today, one of those best was leaving.

Renee Montoya looked good for her age, her black hair
touched with gray, a few smile lines around her face
and eyes as she smoothly cleaned out her desk. The
photos, personal items, they all went into the box she
had brought in with her.

"Hey," the redhead aproached the desk nervously, the
tall young woman looking at the senior officer with
more than a bit of fear.

"Sasha," Renee looked up, the tense lines of her face
relaxing into a tired smile, "you should stay away,
you know."

"Like hell," Shasha Bullock answered scornfully. She
took a breath, "Most of the squad are behind you,
Renee, you can fight this...."

Renee shook her head tiredly, "No, no point." asha
opened her mouth to say something when Renee
continued, "I shot Victor Fries, premeditative and in
cold blood. I'm lucky just to be off the force, not in
jail right now."

"Considering what he did....," Sasha started.

"Don't," Renee sighed, "I can't talk about this right

There was a soft clearing of the throat and both women
looked up to see the graying older man who was
standing in his office door. "Montoya," Comissioner
Marcus Driver said tiredly, "could I see you a

"Sorry," Renee said to sasha quietly then turned to
walk over to his office, being careful to close the
door behind her. She looked at the officer she had
known for a very long time and wondered how he felt
having to do this.

"You didn't need to resign," Driver finally said
tiredly, "the police review board would have found it

"Maybe," Renee agreed, "but I didn't think it was
justifiable." She met his eyes, "I went in there
intending to kill him, it's just for the grace of God
that he fired at me first."

Driver made a face, "I hate it that Fries is costing
me a good cop, especially considering everything else
he's done to you."

"If it hadn't been me it would have been some other
officer," Renee answered grimly, "it was just dumb
luck that he remembered me from when I was outed all
those years ago."

"We knew he had a vendetta against the Gotham PD,"
Driver looked haunted, "but nobody expected him to go
after somebody's wife."

Renee closed her eyes, "Leave it alone, sir."

Driver looked at her sympathetically, "You have to
talk about it sometime." He reached out and handed her
a business card, "Talk to the department shrink, at

"I'll think about it," Renee answered, reluctantly
taking the card. She tried changing the subject, "Had
the department decided what to do about Kestrel's

"With your resignation they're not going to look into
how you two worked together to catch up to our Mr.
Feis," Driver said grimly, "though I think they
should." He shook his head, "Have you decided what
you're going to do now?"

"What every cop does when they leave the force," Renee
said dryly, "I'm going into private investigation."
She scowled, "At least this way I can take advantage
of all the publicity that those damn media vultutres
gave me."

"Contact me once you get an office, I'll send what
work I can to you," he said. Driver smiled grimly,
"May even pay you a retainer to consult on cases

"The mayor won't like that," Renee noted.

"The mayor doesn't have to know about it," Driver
flashed a grin.

They talked for awhile longer then Renee excused
herself, leaving to finish cleaning out her desk.
Officers kept on coming up to talk to her, akwardly
offering condolences and support to the bereaved woman
before returning to their jobs. Finally she walked out
the front doors for what might be the final time,
pausing to look up at the building before moving on.

"Detective," a familiar voice called and Renee winced.
Turning she saw a familiar looking black haired woman
moving to catch up with her, notebook in hand. "I
understand the review board was going to clear you,"
the reporter said, "why did you choose to resign?"

"No comment," Renee said crisply in reply, pushing by
the smaller woman and struggling to keep her temper in

Lynn Tsujimoto was one of a new breed of Gotham
reporter, ruthless in persuing her stories, and even
worse quite willing to plaster the entirety of
someone's private life on the front page. All of
Renee's past relationships, her estrangement from her
family, all of it had come out in the aftermath of the
Freis shooting.

The black haired woman looked up at Renee shrewdly.
"Is it because you're an out lesbian?" Lynn asked her
intently, "The department has been known to be

Renee fought back her first reaction. "Do you just
make this stuff up?" she asked her irritably. She
shook her head, pushing towards her car, "I have no

Lynn had a wry smile as she put her notebook away,
"Guess I'll have to get a comment from the Commish and

With a groan Renee dumped her box onto the passenger
side then sat in the driver's seat. The car started up
smoothly and Renee pulled out into traffic, keeping a
wary eye on the other vehicles. When she started out
in the force she had worked in traffic patrol and she
had a very good idea how bad most drivers here were.

There was something in her rearview as she pulled a
turn and Renee smiled grimly. She found a deserted
side street and pulled over, glad that it was still in
a pretty good neighborhood. Cigarettes were a
dangerous habit but Renee pulled one out of her pocket
anyway, lighting up as she waited against the side of
her car.

"I must be slipping," the female voice said softly,
"to have let you see me so easily."

Renee didn't even jump in surprise, she was just too
tired and numb. Turning her head she saw Kestrel
standing there, the young woman garbed in her usual
purple and black uniform, a stylized bird emblem on
her chest.

"The police won't be contacting you," Renee said
tiredly, "the hearing's been called off."

"You didn't need to resign, Montoya," Kestrel said to
her quietly, "you did nothing wrong." She blended into
the shadows of the alley, "I shouldn't have led you to
him, knowing the emotional state that you were in."

"I didn't give you much choice," Renee reminded her,
"I wouldn't give you the information you needed
otherwise." She took a drag on her smoke and tried to
convince herself that the sting of tears she felt was
just due to that.

Kestrel looked down uncomfortably, then back up to
meet Renee's eyes. "I shouldn't have been away from
Gotham so much lately," she finally said, "I've been
too caught up with my membership in the Justice

Renee shook her head, smoke trailing from her lips.
"Freis looked like he had reformed," she said grimly,
"he had gone straight. There was no way any of us
could know he was going to snap again, not to mention
that he'd go after my lover. It wasn't your fault."

"Maybe," Kestrel answered, "and when are you going to
believe that yourself?"

Renee tossed the cigarette to the ground in a sudden
burst of anger. "If she hadn't been involved with me
she wouldn't have been a target," she burst out,
"she'd still be alive right now!"

"She loved you," Kestrel said softly, "and you know
that she was smart enough to know what she was getting
into." She disappeared deeper into the shadows as she
added, "Expect a phone call tonight, I have a friend
who wants to contact you."

Before Renee could say anything Kestrel was gone,
leaving no trace of her presence. "And I thought the
Batman did that too much," Renee muttered, climbing
back into her car.

The day passed slowly for Renee once she got home,
unloading her surprisingly meager amount of personal
stuff from work and making up her dinner. She had
learned to recognize the numbers of the reporters
easily, but when a strange number came up Renee picked
it up.

"Renee Montoya?" the unfamiliar female voice asked
her, a bit of distortion showing that it was
disguised. When she gave her affirmative the woman
continued on, "This is Oracle, and I'd like to make
you an offer...."

To be continued....

AN: Gotham Central is a crime drama series set in
Gotham, focusing on the challenges that police have
operating in a city full of superheros and villains.
Renee, a character from the Batman series was 'outed'
in a storyarc involving Two-face, whom had developed
an unhealthy obsession with her.

Onwards to Part 11

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