DC Universe 2045: Showcase (part 1 of 20)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

        The age of heroes began in the late 1930's, as the superbeings 
of what would become known as the 'Goldern Age' began to publically 
appear. They fought the wars and against crime as they grew older, the 
heroes of that era eventually fading away.

        Two heroes defined the next age of heroes, their first 
appearances heralding the coming of the others. One was an alien, gifted 
with fantastic powers he chose to devote to the protection of humanity. 
The other was human, an athlete and genius who developed his skills to 
the very limits of human capability.

        Superman and Batman led the heroes of their generation, along 
with Wonder Woman, Green Lantern. Flash, Martian Manhunter and others 
forming the Justice League. Around them an unequaled number of other 
superbeings appeared, some flaring out quickly, others building long 
careers for themselves.

        However by the 2040's most of the heroes of that era were 
operating out of the public eye, the costumes put aside for casual 
dress. Oh, a few young heroes operated publically, but they lacked 
focus, a leader to pull them together and grant a direction.

        It was the first public appearance of the daughter of Superman 
and Wonder Woman in costume as Supergirl that began to change things. 
Soon her comrade Steel appeared, then Kestrel and the other members of 
this next generation of heroes. Old alliances and new teams quickly 
began to form even as an old enemy slowly awakened from it's slumber.

Author's Notes:
        These started out as side stories in my future Project A-ko 
series 'The new adventures of Supergirl.' I've decided to separate these 
out both for ease of reading and to expand on these episodes. There will 
be continuity ties between the two series as well as with Chris Davies 
Outsiders 2045, a spin off he asked my permission to do.


        Lois Lane, the Editor in Chief of the Daily Planet, strode out 
into the bullpen, and everybody tried to look busy as the graying former 
reporter looked them over. “As you know,” she announced, “the recent 
reappearance of superheroes has caught the public eye.”

        Catherine Grant, a bit of an old war-horse herself and her 
senior editor, smiled slightly as she said, “And you think we should do 
a series on it?”

        “You read my mind Cat,” Lois smiled slightly. “Start putting 
pieces together on some of the new heroes as well as those that have 
reappeared, and on the villains who have been turning up,” she ordered 
the room.

        “Ma’am?’ a younger reporter asked timidly. “It’s coming up to 
the anniversary of the first appearance of Superman. Would you like to 
do a piece on that?” he asked.

        Lois’ face went deadly still. Quietly she said, “I’ll consider 
it.” With that, she returned to her office.

        Once she was out of the room, Cat slapped the boy on the back of 
the head, “Dummy! You know that she met Clark right after Superman 
appeared! She doesn’t need that kind of reminder.”

        Inside her office, Lois punched in the code for a call. A few 
moments later, and the chief of Metropolis’ police appeared on the 
screen. “Hi, Maggie. Official business first, do you have a statement 
you’d like to make about the assistance the new Justice League gave the 
Metropolis PD recently?” she smiled.

        “We appreciate the assistance of these public minded citizens 
and look forward to working with them in the future,” Maggie answered 
her crisply. She smiled tenderly at her lover, “What’s the unofficial 

        Lois chuckled, “Who’s turn is it to cook tonight?”

        “Mine, I’m sorry to say,” Maggie shrugged.

        “You wanna do Chinese take-out?” Lois asked.

        “Sounds like a plan,” Maggie smiled. She paused a moment, “I 
love you.”

        “Love you, too,” Lois kissed her two fingers, then she pressed 
them up to the screen. They disconnected, and Lois noticed the first few 
reports had already begun to come in.

        ‘Keystone City,’ Lois noted, skimming the article quickly...

        Lightning danced around her body as Iris West ran along the 
crowded streets of Keystone City. The red body-suit hugged her closely, 
the gold lightning bolt in the white circle on her chest marking her for 
all to see. She was the latest inheritor of a proud legacy, she was... 
the Flash.

        Speed was Iris’ greatest gift, and in some ways it was also her 
family’s curse. Her father, Wally West, had been the Flash before her, 
and after his wife Linda’s death he had finally given into the siren 
call of the Speed Force. Her elder brother Jay, bitter and resentful, 
had sworn to destroy the good name of the Flash, adopting the identity 
of Prof. Zoom.

        Which left her to clean up his messes, of course. Iris pulled 
deeper on the Speed Force and slowly began catching up to her brother at 
last. She began to overtake him and he looked deeply surprised to see 
her matching his speed.

        “Why, you,” Jay wheezed, and tried to run faster.

        ‘Jay has no clue,’ Iris thought sadly. Just being able to run 
fast wasn’t enough. You had to practice, to train yourself, something 
her big brother absolutely refused to do. Cutting ahead of him, Iris 
stopped and simply stuck her foot out.

        “Ack,” Jay tripped spectacularly, sprawling out on to the 

        Iris walked over and punched her already dazed brother out cold. 
“What a dork,” she sighed, picking him up and throwing him over her 
shoulder. “You have got to loose some weight,” she muttered under her 

        Back in her office Lois frowned thoughtfully, “I’ll need to 
check which Flash she is, the fourth or fifth.” She sorted through the 
files, finding another that was marked for Gotham City. “Well, well, 
well,” she murmured, and began to read.

        Gotham was a dark and dangerous city, everyone agreed. But there 
were places you could be safe, if you knew the city well. The park was 
green and well tended, the paths clear and properly maintained. And 
strangely, the muggings never succeeded.

        Case in point. The man knelt in behind the bushes, silently 
watching the jogger approach his hiding place. He clutched his gun in 
sweaty palms, swallowing nervously. ‘I wonder if those stories are 
true?’ he worried.

        “You know,” the quiet, pleasant voice said from right behind 
him, “you could hurt yourself with that thing.”

        With a soft cry, he turned to see the black and purple garbed 
Kestrel standing behind him. He brought his gun up, “Don’t you move!”

        ‘The poor man doesn’t know the city very well,’ Kestrel thought 
with a bit of amusement. “Don’t worry,” she smiled broadly, “I won’t do 
anything at all.”

        “You’d better not,” he started to say, then looked down when he 
felt something odd. Plants were climbing up his legs! “What in the,” he 
gasped, but before he could finish he was wrapped like a mummy from just 
below the nose down to his feet.

        The green skinned woman strode from the forest, her long red 
mane falling down her back. She was naked, but strangely doll like, as 
it appeared that her entire body was made up of plants. “Don’t they ever 
learn?” she grumbled.

        Kestrel smiled, “Thanks, Pam.”

        “I wish you wouldn’t call me that,” she sighed. She walked up to 
the man and with a finger wiped a bit of sap onto his head, causing him 
to slump unconscious. The plants released him even as she added, “The 
only things that I have in common with Poison Ivy are a few of her 
memories and a couple selected strands of her DNA.”

        “Sorry, I shouldn’t tease you,” Kestrel smiled, “I know you 
prefer Dryad.”

        “You’re welcome,” Dryad smiled back.

        Lois leaned back in her office chair, “I bet that friendship 
makes the Batman happy.” She frowned slightly, “I wonder what Bruce has 
been doing lately?” She picked up the last folder, noting that it was 
marked as originating in Star City...

        The bank tellers worked quickly, filling the sacks with money 
while the young man in green watched them carefully, an arrow ready on 
his bow string. “Sorry, Ladies,” Green Arrow smiled, “but robbing from 
the rich and giving to the poor isn’t my style. I like to pocket it 

        Sirens grew closer outside, the customers perking up visibly.

        Green Arrow shook his head sadly, a bit of blonde hair falling 
into his eyes, “Someone set off the alarm, didn’t they?” His bow came up 
smoothly, and he sighted one of the tellers, “I warned you that there 
would be consequences.”

        Thwack! Green Arrow cried out in pain, an red painted arrow 
having come from behind to pierce his shoulder. He whirled around to see 
an older woman dressed in red walking through the front door, a long bow 
held comfortably in her hands.

        The hood hid part of her face, but a bit of red hair curled out 
as she mocked him, “You are no Oliver Queen, mister.”

        “Who are you?” Green Arrow hissed.

        “My name is Lian Harper,” she said simply, “but I’d prefer if 
you called me Huntress.”

        He didn’t even see her move, Huntress was that fast. A kick to 
the head dropped him like a stone, in the process loudly breaking his 
jaw. Huntress lingered a moment, looking oddly at the rakish goatee the 
man had. She reached down and pulled it off, revealing it was false.

        “Fake, just like the rest of him,” Lian sighed.

        Lois closed the file and stretched out, noticing the time. ‘I 
can always go back to work on this tomorrow,’ she thought, remembering 
the dinner that was soon awaiting her. She piled up the files, made sure 
her desk was neat, then locked up the office and went home.

Onwards to Part 2

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