Explosions lit up the sky above the Gulf of Mexico, the deck of the massive armored aircraft carrier named Fortress One heaving upwards as energy bolts detonated against the super tough hull. "Damn it." Lisa Hayes growled as the brown haired woman grabbed at her fighter command console to stay upright. "Destroids reporting losses," Vanessa Leeds called from her station, the brown haired young woman's glasses gleaming. Kim Young pushed her messy hair back, "We've lost two layers of armor to port, repair crews unable to reach it due to internal fires!" Captain Claudia Grant kept in her seat as the bridge shook again, but barely. The dusky skinned officer growled, "How many are there?" "Not many," Lisa said as she studied the fighter command station, "but they've got Megatron out there." Floating high above Fortress One Megatron stood ahead of five Decepticons, the silver-grey giant focused with deadly intensity on the massive vessel. "Breech their defenses," he commanded his troops. "We're trying," Thundercracker said as he fired his incenderary guns, superheating the enemy's armor, "but we don't have much time!" "We'll crack them like an egg," Thrust said cockily. "Where are the Constructicons?" Megatron fired his arm cannon even as they dodged fired from destroids on the surface of Fortress One. "What happened to the Insecticons?" he demanded coldly. "Attacking Fortress Five," Soundwave revealed, his dark blue armor gleaming, "all still offering stiff resistence." "Look out, boss!" Rumble yelled out a warning, the smaller light blue Decepticon zipping to the side. The massive Autobot transport Jetfire exploded through their ranks in his jet mode, then sweeping down towards the battered deck of Fortress One. The rear hatch opened up to release Autobots, dropping the, to the deck even as Jetfire himself switched to his robot mode, red and white armor gleaming. "All right Autobots," Springer said briskly, the green skinned Autobot hefting a weapon, "let's pay the humans back for saving Autobot City today!" "They did WHAT?" Megatron roared even as the first beams of energy raced at them from below, accompanied by more human missiles and projectiles. "Never mind," he waved that off, "KILL THEM!" "Uh oh," Thundercracker said, pointing off to where even more figures were approaching from the distance. "Damn it," Blitzwing scowled, the DEcepticon triple changer's abilities largely useless in this battle. "This is Izzy Randal of the RDF," a woman's furious voice came over all frequencies, "withdraw, or be destroyed." "Impudent fleshlings," Megatron scowled even as a dozen Veritech fighters arrives, joining in to what was quickly becoming a wild melee. "Tactical situation changing," Soundwave noted. "You mean we're out gunned," Rumble agreed, firing too. "Remember there are Autobots on Fortress One," Izzy said as the redhead pilot lead the charge on the Decepticon forces, "anything else is a fair target." "Understood," Rick Hunter said nervously. The brown haired pilot paused then asked, "What about... Megatron?" "He's mine," Izzy purred as her wing engaged the enemy. The RDF forces all rapidly shifted to either the Guardian or Battleoid modes, the half robot or fully robotic forms best suited to this kind of slower midair combat. Pairing up they raced to engage the Decepticons, ably assisted by the increasing levels of fire support from Fortress One and the Autobots. "Incredible," Jetfire murmured as one green trimmed battleoid closed in to engage Megatron, dodging and weaving while maintaining steady fire. With a burst of his own jest he was in the air, racing to help. "Cursed fleshling," Megatron shielded his face from a eerily precise shot, his armor denting slightly under the powerful slugs. Decepticon armor could shrug off most Earth arms easily, but they were still vulnerable to physics. A round of sufficient mass and density, thrown with enough force could harm a Decepticon, and obviously the technicians behind the Vertitech had figured out how to do that. "Withdraw recommended," Soundwave said in his cold, emotionless voice. "WE can still WIN," Megatron swept his arm up with remarkable speed and fired off a devastating bolt of energy. 'Oh hell,' Izzy tried to move but it was too close and fast, the energy bolt blasting away armor and sending her spiraling down to the gulf. "Megatron," Jetfire growled and opened up with everything he had, firing off missiles and his rife wildly. Watching his force being hammered, his momentary victory fading as he assessed the odds Megatron made the only call he could. "Decepticons, he called, "retreat!" Already transformed Thrust raced away saying, "You don't have to tell me twice." Within moments the Decepticons were gone, vanishing into the distance. "That veritech," Arcee called from where she stood on the deck, "it's sinking!" "Oh hell," Izzy scowled as her battleoid sank, water coming in. Blood matted her scalp and ran into her eyes as she struggled with the emergency release. The damage or maybe the water had frozen everything, ozone from shorting systems in the air. Then, surprisingly, Izzy help her battleloid's descent stop, then slowly but sheerly she began to rise again. Surprisingly she heard her helmet radio activate as she heard a female voice say, "You're going to be all right." "Heave, ho!" Springer yelled as he, Hot Rod and Jetfire hauled on a chain, drawing the battleoid and Arcee up on the deck. "Thank you for all your help." Lisa Hayes said as she watched in awe as they worked, slightly shaken by how quickly they acted. With no thought to her own safety Arcee had grabbed the destroid hauling chain and leapt off the side of Fortress One, swimming down to Izzy while counting on her friends to haul them up. "We owe you one," Hot Rod said, the red and gold sports-car Autobot grinning. "The battleoid's taken on a lot of water," Arcee reported as they hit the deck. "The outside release is here," Lisa pointed, trying not to think of all the things that could have gone wrong, not to mention the severe damage all along one side of the battleoid. With a wet splosh the head of the battleoid tilted back and the seats slid forth, revealing a wet, battered but very much still alive Izzy Randal. "Megatron," she gasped as she struggle to get the buckles of her flight harness loose, "is he...?" "Gone, I'm afraid," Springer volunteered. He knelt down beside her, studying her as he said, "You'd make a good Autobot, Officer...?" "Izzy Randal," she scowled. Her expression softened just a bit as she asked, "Who was it who rescued me?" "Arcee," Hot Rod gestured, the Autobot grinning slightly. "Thank you," Izzy nodded to the pink Autobot. "You're welcome," Arcee said softly. She frowned, seeing the blood still trickling down from Izzy's hair, "Are you all right?" Izzy smiled, but it was painful as she confessed, "Not really." "Come on," Lisa grabbed her, "we're taking you to sick bay."
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