Reconnecting (Prologue)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by MysticMew

Author's Note

Blame this one on Maia... *glares at muse* I think she got the idea 
while I read Hunter's Season Six Reset and it somehow stuck. I really 
have WAY too much stories in progress already. *sigh*
Anyway. This is not quite what I usually write. Being a rather stern 
Buffy/Willow shipper the only acceptable for me to write are triad 
fics, so this one is a first for me. There will probably be 
mentioning of a Buffy/Willow theme but it won't be a primary focus.
Unlike in Upon the Sea of Chaos this crossover is more focused on the 
Buffyverse (at the start at least). You should not have that much 
problems with the Slayers characters since it is mostly Lina. I hope 
you enjoy. I'm writing this one out of a whim, so expect a lot of 
twists that probably will surprise me more as you. And now enjoy.


<Several months previous>
The night sky was lit by flashes of lightning, but no thunder 
followed. The dark clouds were thick but no rain was falling. The 
wind had long past turned into a storm and yet the ocean below did 
not betray its calm, not a single wave crashed against the rocky 
cliffs. The world stood still and was in an uproar at the same time 
tonight. Several thousand miles, wide across the ocean in a world few 
knew - the same held true for those living in the outside world - an 
act of utter blasphemy and yet necessity was performed. An act that 
made this countries' struggles mere squabbles.
In a small town that nonetheless held one of the highest magical and 
demonic concentrations possible the ritual to bring back the warrior 
of the people was slowly drawing to a close. A pity that it would be 
interrupted. That would prove a lot of problems for the group. Of 
course I could have warned them. But where was the fun in that? Nah, 
I don't fancy myself as a good guy after all. I just did what I am 
told to do... With a little fun.
	A streak of blue crawled like a snake around a pillar down 
from the sky. Another thunderbolt struck mere feet away from my 
position atop a stone monolith but I did not even blink. There was no 
danger for me here. Another flash and the sky that had opened up in a 
circular hole was filling up again. All was quiet for a while before 
the first rain drops started and the waves began to rise, no 
lightning bolts anymore though. It was done.
	"Now the stage is set." I smiled a serene smile that others 
might have interpreted as a manic grin. Petty differences. "Hmm," I 
mused thoughtfully, "this should be interesting." And with that I 
tapped my staff on the stone and vanished.


<England (Giles)>
Jolted from rather pleasant dreams it took my mind a few seconds to 
make out the source of the interruption. It turned out to be the 
ringing of my phone. Grumbling I clicked on the light and grabbed the 
receiver, swearing silently that if whoever called me at this unholy 
hour better had a very good reason. "Yes?" I snapped bluntly. The 
line on the other end was silent and I was about to inquire again, 
then a very timid voice asked: "G-Giles... I-It's me, T-Tara." Yes, 
apparently so. The stutter was sort of a giveaway. God, I probably 
had frightened the girl to death. Good move, Rupert. Deciding it was 
no time for self-loathing I sat up trying to clear my mind from any 
remaining traces of sleep.
	"Um... I-I didn't mean to w-wake you... I-I c-can c-call 
later, if..." Something was wrong here. I hadn't seen or heard the 
other witch so nervous since the first time Willow brought her over. 
Which meant that something drastically must have happened. But if it 
was something concerning the Hellmouth Buffy would have called, 
right? "No, it's alright, Tara. I haven't been sleeping yet," I lied, 
trying to ease the other girl up a little. "What can I do for you? Is 
everything alright with you over there?" I asked, concern clearly 
shown in my voice.
	Again a period of silence followed and my worry increased 
again. "Yes, everything is f-fine and e-everyone is w-well but..." 
Tara stopped in mid-ramble. "No, actually everything is falling apart 
over here." So much for the hope of a continued good night's rest. I 
had struggled with my decision to leave them and had hoped that the 
necessity for independence would bring Buffy out of her shell. Had I 
misjudged her inner strength so badly? Did she really not want to 
live anymore? And could I really blame her?
	"But this is not really about us, it's more about... 
Willow..." Tara's voice trailed of again and one could clearly hear 
the pain. After the last Tabula Rasa spell from Willow a breakup 
between the two witches was inevitable. Again I had hoped that would 
bring the redhead to see reason. Maybe we both had been too 
optimistic. "She... She's really bad, Giles, and... I don't know what 
to do..." The wicca slowly related the events after I had left 
Sunnydale or at least what she had heard from Buffy.
	At the end I was rubbing my temples with one hand and 
desperately longed for a cup of tea. Willow had finally de-rated Amy, 
associated briefly with a magic dealer and nearly got Dawn killed in 
the process... And now she was struggling with withdrawal. By now 
Tara's voice was shaking and somewhat frantic. "I-I saw her just 
yesterday. Buffy told me she was trying but I found her crying on a 
bench and there was magic dancing everywhere around her." I bit my 
bottom lip. From all the scenarios I had dreaded this the worst. And 
it did not help that my own guilt was tearing me apart. I had seen 
the change coming for sometime now but was reluctant to ensure the 
proper steps. Reluctant because of my own past.
	"She needs help, Giles." The wiccan's voice was small now, 
barely above a whisper. "I... can't you... I mean... We need you back 
here. Not only Willow but Buffy too." I sighed wearily. There was 
something the other woman wasn't telling me but I would not press 
that matter now. Quite frankly Tara was the last of the Scoobies I 
had expected to call me anytime soon. And the fact that it was her 
only served to underline how bad it really was. I never wanted to 
leave in the first place anyway but had thought it to be the best 
choice back then. Now over two months later, I had settled somewhat 
in the peacefulness of retirement. However, truth be told I thought 
constantly about them. I missed my family.
	"Alright then. I will see what I can do."
	"You are coming back?" The surprise was overriding her 
emotions for now and I was glad for that. Laughing softly, I 
answered, reaching for a hidden drawer and pulling out a small 
notebook, a decision slowly beginning to form. "Yes, Tara, I will. I 
need to make some preparations first. I don't think though I can be 
of much help with Willow." Not without setting Ripper free... Tara's 
voice immediately cracked as she began to form a protest or voice her 
disappointed. "But I know someone who can," I interjected 
quickly. "Really?" the wiccan asked hopeful again.
	I opened the notebook and traced a name with my fingertip. A 
name to a person I had not seen in almost five years. "I sent her 
over to you as soon as possible."

<Sunnydale (Willow)>
The ally was as dark as the night's sky and for the thousand's time I 
wondered why I was out. I should be home wallowing in self-pity and 
concentrate on withdrawal. But that was the problem, wasn't it? It 
didn't work. I tried. Goddess, did I try but the need and craving was 
eating away at me. The tremors and occasional blood were the least 
problem - not that anyone would ever notice those days. No, it was 
the unbearable temptation always lingering on a hair's length away 
from my grasp. This was nothing like a drug addiction that you could 
just steel yourself against and get through it. I think that I could 
have managed. But all the power, the magic it was consuming and 
foremost demanding. I was stuck, either lose myself in the darkness 
or slowly getting eaten by the hunger. I could not turn back anymore. 
And no one was there to help. And how is that not your own fault, 
	I sighed at the bitter irony of the whole situation. Why was 
I here again. I didn't even know that anymore. I was just here... for 
what reason ever. Blackouts and sudden, unconscious reactions were 
the norm these days. No one really noticed and I didn't want anyone 
to notice. They shouldn't see me in this state. Not Buffy who 
wouldn't care anyway or Dawn who probably hated me. Tara especially. 
I didn't want her pity. Not when I didn't deserve it.
	Through those past months of withdrawal it had become 
brutally clear to me how much I had messed up our relationship and 
how close I had gotten to what we usually defined as evil. 
Withdrawal. I chuckled bitterly. There was no withdrawal. It was only 
the pending between being ripped apart from the inside and pretending 
to be strong and not touching one magic book anymore. I think I 
didn't even need a book anymore with the level I had acquired.
	And yet, I was still selfish and a bit angry myself. I still 
could not understand why Tara left. Yes, I had wronged her but did I 
not deserve a break myself. Hadn't we all made mistakes in the past 
and still managed to look over them, work them out. What was wrong 
now? Why was everything so... sad? Tara should have stayed, we could 
have worked that out, we... Without her I didn't know if I possessed 
the strength to overcome this. I missed her calming presence, the 
connection we shared, her grounding in the magic.
	However, had I even the right to earn her forgiveness? I was 
confused, bitterness and anger battled in my heart. Had I always 
taken Tara for granted? Had I always taken Buffy for granted? Was 
that why I had so desperately clung onto the idea to raise her from 
the dead... Rip her out of heaven.
	A tingle of something familiar grazed my senses and I 
shuddered at the stench of darkness. Tentatively I made another step 
and suddenly found myself in a dimly-lit room, a few "people" slumped 
in the room's furniture. All my survival instincts screamed for me to 
turn around and run, run as far away from this place as possible. 
Instead I simply stood there, not really caring nor noticing that the 
door at the other end had opened.
	"Hello, Strawberry, came back for more?" I cringed at the 
voice. Of course he knew I was here the moment I passed the barrier. 
Keeping my head down I tried to move but my legs wouldn't obey. My 
body screamed in need. In need for anything to fill this hole inside 
of me... But I couldn't, not here, not from him... Not again... "N-
No..." I pressed out and finally found the strength to move but froze 
again at the hand of my shoulder, sending a jolt of energy through 
me. "Don't..." I pleaded but knew it was fruitless.
	"Oh, but you DO want me to..." Rack breathed into my ear, the 
logical part of my brain slowly losing the last ounce of control and 
giving away to the desperate craving...

<England, the next morning>
"Flight 546 to Los Angels in twenty minutes," rang the monotone voice 
over the speakers, resounding loudly over the early morning rush of 
passengers crowding the halls. Actually it wasn't really that crowded 
and that was basically part of the problem. Seeing as it was 
approximately... five thirty-six in the morning and that was the 
first flight to LA was wrecking my nerves, not to mention my sanity.
	"I hate airports," I mumbled, picking up my bags and grunting 
under the weight of hurriedly crammed suitcases. "I swear to you, 
Rupert, if I weren't in your debt, I would have toasted you over an 
open fire," I swore loudly, not caring if anyone hurt. Looking around 
I saw no one looking at me and made a hand gesture towards the 
offending suitcases and they vanished in a sparkle of red dust.
	Picking up a brisk piece I passed the check-in procedures, 
receiving and ignoring odd looks why I had no luggage at all, while 
continuing to rant: "Really, waking me up at three in the morning and 
then expecting me to get on the first flight. You always were one for 
last minutes decisions, were you? If that girl had been my charge I 
would have never let her drift so far..." A wave of dizziness brought 
me almost tumbling. "Bloody Hell!" I clearly had not have enough 
sleep, had barely gotten in three hours before being roused rather 
	If it had been any other than Rupert Giles asking me of this 
favor I would have sought them out the next day and gave them a piece 
of my mind. Backed up by at least one fireball. However, as much as I 
wanted to hate him right now, I owed the stoic Englishman my life. In 
more than one way. We could not downright be defined as friends, not 
even acquaints. I hadn't even heard of the man ever since he had 
returned to England. No, Rupert in a way had been my savior than my 
life had looked so bad that I thought not the lowest rat on Earth 
would give a damn. And for that I would be forever grateful. I could 
loath and all those things but in the end, if he had asked me to 
descend to hell and lift the whole damn thing I would have done it.
	And that was why he asked me. Because he knew I had been 
where this girl was now. Much more than even he might have been. And 
I could not blame him that he was scared to go through the whole 
thing again... "Like a damn tradition..." I muttered, shaking my head 
and plopping down on my empty seat. The other one was unoccupied and 
would stay that way for which I was grateful.
	It would be another ten minutes before the airplane would 
take off for LA, from where I could get a ride to my destination. 
Maybe I should even fly there. The modern technology of this part of 
the world always made me wary. Usually I didn't trust anything but my 
own feet and spells for transportation. But maintaining a Raywing 
bubble for the whole distance with my lack of sleep? Nah... I would 
be drained before I even reached the East Coast.
	With a flick of my wrist I retrieved the folder of papers 
Giles had sent me on the case. I had been curious to meet the group 
of brave children he was so fond of but it was never really a 
pressure that had to be explored. I had briefly flipped through some 
of his descriptions and the obvious hastily put down summary of the 
phone call he had gotten this morning.
	Frankly, just from a few things I could already see that I 
could not afford to wait for him and travel together. This case 
needed to be dealt with immediately. I could only judge the condition 
of the subject but if there was already mention of a magic dealer 
from her mate. No, certainly. Willow Rosenberg had the potential to 
be a lot of trouble and that was not even considering the fact that I 
had to operate upon a Hellmouth... Gah, I really hate you Rupert.
	Resigning myself to my fate, I began to go more thoroughly 
through the stack of papers, trying to be as prepared as possible. 
Then we were up in the air I could get some sleep in. Some really 
needed sleep.

<Sunnydale (Anya)>
Man, I hated them. Arrogant, impudent and egoistically, self-
righteous and prideful over the top. They always thought they were 
right even though they were totally out of their metier. It was days 
like this that I loathed to be human again and following all those 
dumb rules about being cultivate, civil and nice to customers. 
Problem was I loved that shop - and the money - and I wanted to keep 
my customer. But there the hell did they get off thinking they knew 
my job better than me? I was not an amateur, I was... had been a 
thousand year old vengeance demon... Really, if I still had my powers 
they would...
	Never mind that though. I was marrying such a specimen of 
loathed gender in a few weeks. A soft smile came to my lips as I once 
again went over the records of last month in the relative quiet of 
late afternoon. Income had increased somewhat even with the absence 
of Willow and often rather listless Tara to help. They might not 
believe it but of all the people in the gang I worried for them the 
most. This whole mess had started with Buffy jumping off that tower 
and we had yet failed to recover. You could practically feel the 
tension between them every time they were in the same room and it was 
clearly written all over their faces that both were guilty for a lot 
of the pain caused between them.
	Though I had never cared much for Willow and admittedly we 
would probably never be blood sisters or something like that, I in 
particular could understand what she was going through. That craving 
for power, the constant struggle and thirst. I had experienced it all 
and it still followed me until now. The redhead would not get away 
from it. The need would always be there. Power was not something to 
play with and then throw away again. Power was all about prices, it 
was demanding and refused to just crawl back where it came from. 
Hopefully Willow would be able to find a better focus for it than I 
had at that time...
	Poor Xander practically had a heart attack than I told him 
that we could prolong the wedding for awhile until everything had 
calmed down again, at least to reasonable Sunnydale levels. In that 
past months ever since the incident with Rack - god, I should have 
turned him into a worm when I had the chance but had taken pity on 
him then - I had done some serious thinking. That little duet during 
the music demon kept coming back again and again when I thought about 
the impending wedding and what that meant for us. What it meant 
especially for Xander.
	Petrified, he had said that he was petrified. And I could try 
to convince myself as much as I wanted, I was scared as well. There 
was no denying it. I knew the track record of relationships in the 
gang... perhaps Sunnydale as a whole and I don't think I could bear 
to be hurt like that. Hurt like that again...
	It had been so long since I allowed myself to think about my 
time before I was a demon. There were a lot of fond but also some 
very depressing memories. It had hit me then with an absolute clarity 
that left me breathless. Xander was not ready. I believed him that he 
wanted to marry me, more than I ever had believed in a man ever in my 
life, but he was not ready. And if it took canceling the wedding, I 
would do it. Otherwise the pain would surely drive me back where I 
had been the last thousand years. I didn't want to chance this. Not 
	Brought out of my silent revere I looked up at the bell's 
chiming sound and nearly fell over from surprise. I, Anya soon-to-be 
Harris, former vengeance demon was literally shocked into silence at 
the figure now stepping up to the counter with a pleasant and in all 
calming smile on his face. He was tall, with a very muscular but lean 
frame, dark blonde hair that I knew was actually a mixture of ebony-
gold, just hidden from human sight. He wore a thin leather jacket and 
matching dark-brown pants. I recognized him immediately, even after 
almost a millennia. No one who had ever met one of his kin would ever 
forget it.
	"Daryial?" I finally squeaked out. The man cocked his head 
and his smile never wavered. "Hello, Anya, it is so nice to see you 
again. Human and all I mean. But there is no time for small-talk, 
sadly." I didn't dare to move when he leaned forward over the counter 
and whispered into my ear. "The connection is severed, the portal 
opens and the lady weeps." It was a miracle I didn't faint at the 
implications the simple statement held. So much for any wedding 
plans, ever...

Too small? Phew... What the heck did they think the martial arts were 
supposed to do? Making those physically weaker able to defend 
themselves. Well, at least that was one point. Heh, I had shown them 
exactly why you should not underestimate an opponent, ever. Maybe I 
did come a bit too tough of an impression though. They sent me home 
and said they would think about it and call me tomorrow. Alright, 
maybe smashing the two top instructors simultaneously threw the ring 
was laid a little thick but they had asked for it. Should they stuff 
their pride for once, I had my own.
	Pride. There was at least an emotion that wasn't totally 
shameful like... No, let's not go there.
	Quite frankly the lady from social service this morning had 
caught me totally off guard. After telling me in no uncertain terms 
that my life was a total mess, my income zero and nada and my bills 
towering up to the ceiling of the first floor and that under this 
circumstances this was no environment for a teenage girl that had 
rattled something in me.
	They couldn't take Dawn. They could take me or whatever but 
not her. She had her life her, people who cared for her. And nowhere 
she could be protected better from any danger than here. The prospect 
of maybe losing Dawn. It had yanked me away the first time Willow had 
almost gotten her killed in that incident but recently I had slumped 
back into that deep, black pit. I still lacked feeling, my drive to 
live and that made me unable to response properly to all what was 
going on around me.
	The funny thing was, I saw it all, the struggle in Willow 
that I maybe understood more than a lot of people, how the breakup 
hurt both her and Tara, Dawn's loneliness. However, I did not trust 
myself to approach either problem. The compassion I deemed necessary 
for trying to fix things was not there as it should be and without 
it, I didn't know if I was strong enough to face the emotional scars 
left behind by recent events.
	How could I response to this, to any of their problems, how 
could I be the friend they needed or expect them to be the friends I 
needed so desperately when I didn't feel... anything. Nothing at all. 
For months I had dwelled on and on, not knowing what to do with a 
life I didn't want... No, that wasn't right. On a basic level I 
wanted to live but I could not find an anchor. Every time I tried to 
talk to one of the Scoobies about this, I had only felt hollow, a 
dark hole where my soul should be. Was Spike right after all? Did I 
come back wrong?
	No, I shook my head vehemently. No, Tara said where was 
nothing wrong with the spell. I smiled slightly at the irony that it 
had been the shy wiccan I entrusted with my recent undead tryst and 
the feelings of shame and guilt that were about everything the 
unwanted yet primal encounters left within me. In a way Tara seemed 
to have become sort of a mother figure for all of us and I think 
everyone started to realize that, now that she wasn't constantly 
around anymore. Maybe Tara was just the easiest person to connect to 
right now. She didn't judge quickly and never held anything against 
you. If I told the others what I told her in the last days, Xander 
would probably freak and Willow... I honestly didn't know what Willow 
would do anymore.
	Her mood swings were only one thing. I tried a few times to 
at least get through to her as hard as it was for me but she proved 
as withdrawn most of the time as I was lacking the ability to express 
my feelings. Her g... ex-girlfriend though had readily dived right 
back into the spell even though I knew that my behavior concerning 
Spike was only my fault and I only searched for an excuse.
	Back to the pride thing. First of it was the concern for Dawn 
that had even made me consider Tara's suggestion from a few days ago. 
It had been a casual comment but the question had stuck: Why not use 
my skills to make some money. I had dismissed it then but after the 
close call this morning I knew that I had to do something or lose my 
sister to either my wayward father or some family. Neither had any 
idea how to handle the temperamental teenager nor protect the Key 
from danger.
	So I had checked out that self-defense thing on campus that 
the blonde wiccan had pointed me to. And then they had the audacity 
to disregard me downright because of my built... That had snapped 
something in me. It was only a tiny spark but maybe I was finally 
starting to get back some resemblance of order in my life.
	While I walked down the street back home I didn't realize 
that I was subconsciously humming some sort of melody...

Deeply troubled over the earlier call from Buffy about that social 
worker I made my way to the Magic Box, guilt rising inside of me when 
I realized that I had been expected to work today and it barely was a 
few hours to closing. Anya had been surprisingly understanding, 
almost subdued at times. I knew Xander and her had prolonged their 
wedding plans for the moment. That coming from the ex-demon had not 
only surprised her fiancé that was for sure. Apparently there was
lot more to the human Anya that anyone knew about or the girl let on.
	Buffy's troubles had only added to my own worries and 
conflicted thoughts. Ever since spotting Willow a few days ago I had 
felt a slowly rising pain creeping into my heart and settling down 
there. She had looked so lost and vulnerable. Even though she had 
obviously just received some sort of recharge, my ex-girlfriend 
hadn't done anything. Just sat on a bench and stared into nothing. 
And I had just stood there, not daring to approach. Maybe Buffy 
wasn't the only one who was desperately searching to reconnect with 
the world and her friends again. In a way I did that too.
	Willow was my anchor, there was no doubt about that. Without 
her everything only felt dark and lonely like before. Willow had 
opened my heart and practically stole my heart and soul before I 
could register. That was why it hurt so much. And that was why I 
should have stayed and worked it out as well... Now, I just didn't 
know how to reach the one constant light in my life anymore. She had 
become almost a stranger to me and I was frantic with helplessness 
how to make things right again.
	Entering the shop quietly through the backdoor, concerns were 
flung right out of the window for a moment when the voice of a very 
agitated Anya and a deep, relatively quiet voice filtered into the 
back. I felt... something. A presence very powerful and ancient, yet 
failed to perceive its true nature. Whoever was broadcasting such an 
aura over the place was probably able to shield himself well enough. 
And the thought alone that this much power was suppressed made me 
shudder with foreboding dread.
	I peaked around the corner to the main section. "Uh... hi, 
I'm sorry but I got hold up..." Anya spun around, her nerves clearly 
as tense a bowstring. I almost jumped at her reaction but managed to 
stay calm somehow. Anya sighed heavily, falling back into a chair. 
She waved her hand dismissively. "Don't mention it. It's not that it 
matters anymore." That really got my attention. All of us knew that 
if it was one thing that Anya had developed a maniac obsession with 
ever since they took over the shop was money. And me being late to 
work almost always ended in some sort of scolding. Yes, she had been 
surprisingly forgiving these past months but this nonchalant, plainly 
defeated look...
	"W-What do you m-mean?" I couldn't help the stutter. The shop 
keeper's behavior was laced with more than her usual bluntness and 
simple look on things. Anya could get easily excited or depressed 
about something. This was not a harmless fit. My eye's moved over to 
the other figure standing calm behind the counter, his eyes fixed on 
both us. The moment I made contact with them, I almost trembled from 
the intensity reflected in this deep blue eyes with a tint of... gold?
	"Greetings, fair maiden," the stranger spoke the first 
time. "My name is Daryial and I fear that Anyanka... Pardon me, Anya 
here did take them rather bad." Uh huh. "Although I would lie if I 
say those news are anything less than cheerful." Anya glared at 
him. "Less than cheerful? Are you trying to kid us? We are all going 
to die and I will never marry Xander!" I wondered if she would break 
down and cry now but surprisingly she just sat there angrily glaring 
at anyone and anything crossing her line of vision. By now I felt 
rather left out of the whole conversation since I had no idea what 
exactly they were talking about. "Ah, not to be r-rude or anything 
but could s-someone t-tell me what's going on?"
	The man smiled his serene smile that somehow disturbed me 
more than Anya's clear agitation did. "Certainly. Though I hope you 
don't jump to conclusions like my old friend here." Again Anya 
snarled, interrupting any sort of explanation. "Not jump to 
conclusions? She's wiccan, she damn well knows what The Crossing 
	The man's smile turned into a frown finally when Anya's words 
began to register in my brain and... Well, there's no nice way to put 
it. I guess I downright fainted.

The house was empty and silent while I sat in the living room, 
listlessly watching some horror flick that I wasn't even old enough 
for I guess. Alone, I was alone again. Tara had said she'd come over 
tonight but hadn't shown up yet - Anya probably let her work extra 
hours again. Buffy was out slaying, taking longer than normal as ever 
since her return. Willow was... Somewhere. I had no idea and I didn't 
even care. We were still on no speaking terms since the accident. I 
knew I was overreacting and that the redhead had a hard time herself 
but I couldn't help but feel angry. Not only at her but at Buffy too. 
She should have noticed and done something. They were friends after 
all, weren't they?
	God, who was I kidding? Two nights ago I had heard Willow 
crying in her room and it took everything not to just rush in there 
and hold her. And Buffy? I didn't really understand her anymore. I 
thought I used to do, I really did. During that time with Glory we 
had been closer than ever. I still had nightmares from that time when 
she jumped into the portal. It should have been me. It was SUPPOSED 
to me. I knew I was supposed to close the circle that making me human 
had begun. But Buffy had taken this duty from me because she wanted 
to. What once had driven her as the Slayer to go out there day by day 
was gone. And now she couldn't find it again. How could I blame her 
for feeling betrayed and not wanting to live anymore.
	I couldn't help being selfish though and on a basic level 
hated myself for being all bitchy. Instead of being there for her, I 
was just focusing on my own demands and needs, we all were in a way. 
Everything was just so messed up and I hated feeling so unimportant. 
Buffy had told me to be strong but I wasn't strong. I couldn't be, 
not without her... I couldn't even be strong for her. I should have 
jumped before she even had a chance to react.
	"Ah, boring," I groaned and clicked of the television. That 
movie wasn't even scary. I know it was meant to be that way, yet 
living on a Hellmouth only made you laugh at such attempts at best. 
Looking out of the window I hoped to catch a glimpse of my sister 
coming home. Or even Willow. Anyone to not feel so alone. So excluded 
and... not belonging.
	What was I doing here anyway? At one point I had believed 
Buffy when she said that I was her sister and that was what mattered. 
That I was a human being with a life and not just a... thing. 
Essentially though I WAS the Key. I hadn't allowed myself to think 
that in a long time. However, lately I was wondering what my purpose 
was in this world. Everyone just seemed to worry about me whenever I 
was in danger. Then they came running but after that... See, I was 
selfish again. A selfish thing-turned-teenager. That wasn't a healthy 
combination to begin with. Couldn't they have made me... older or 
something? I guess not.
	"That sucks," I mumbled, deciding to go to bed. I didn't 
believe anyone would come home until late at night or possibly 
morning. Just then I was about to turn away and head up the stairs, I 
thought I had caught a movement. Staring intently I blinked as a 
figure stumbled into the light of the street lantern in front of our 
house. It took me several minutes to identify the miserable shape of 
a barely recognizable human being but when I did, I was already 
halfway out of the door.

"Ah man, I just want a bed now." This last job was exhausting, I tell 
you, and we had been working overtime to get it done today. Now I had 
at least a few days free before the next assignment. Sure, I loved my 
job but at the moment I think about ten hours of sleep were in order. 
Anya would probably be pouting at the lack of... No, I so not wanted 
to go there.
	Yes, my fiancée's offer to postpone the wedding for awhile 
had literally blown me out of my shoes. I had know for some time now 
that there was a softer side to the ex-demon. Something that was more 
human than demon. That was why I mustered the courage to propose in 
the first place. And that was why I think that our relationship was 
stable, maybe the most stable one in the gang at the moment... Not, 
that anyone else had a relationship that is. I mean, there others 
would see a temporary canceled wedding as a setback, for us it was 
more like another step towards a better understanding.
	"Now if we could just fix Willow and Tara and find Buffy a 
nice boyfriend... God, listen to you, Harris, you sound like... 
like..." I opened the door to our apartment, noticing that Anya 
obviously wasn't there yet. Nonetheless the lights were on and there 
was a stranger sitting on the living room table. "Like a babbling 
idiot?" The unfamiliar man that for some reason screamed demon 
	Geez, why on Earth would I think that. Maybe it was the 
suspicious robe or the long staff or the PURPLE hair? Maybe it was 
just that smile that looked like it wanted to be wiped from his 
face. "Idiot was not exactly what I was aiming for, no." The man 
looked offended for a moment. "Tsk, tsk, such dark thoughts. Do I 
really look so suspicious?" I stared at him and he looked down at 
himself. "Hmm, I suppose I do. I think I'm losing my charm. After all 
we Mazoku aren't totally immune to age. Ask your fiancée about
With that he let his staff vanish and he vaulted himself from a table 
into a nearby chair, his hair darkening until it was almost 
black. "Better?"
	I stood there, closing the door slowly behind me and crossed 
my arms. "Alright. See, buddy, I had a long day and I'm not up to 
jokes, especially not on my account. So if you are one of An's old 
buddies, she is not here yet and our wedding has been temporally 
canceled. So, if you would excuse me now." The guy, demon, whatever 
eyed me seemingly casual and bored. "Oh no, you misunderstand me, 
Mister Harris. This has nothing to do with my ex." I glared at him, 
not sure if he was trying to aggravate me or telling the truth. "And 
what is it then that you want, Mister Cryptic." I didn't even bother 
asking for a name. Obviously I would not get an answer anyway.
	The guy smiled at me, as if knowing exactly what I was 
thinking, then he put a finger under his chin, staring up at the 
ceiling as if contemplating an answer. "Hmm, that... is a secret." I 
grasped the wall for support and blinked twice. "Uh..." The man that 
looked like a priest with that robe laughed and got up from the chair 
to walk over to me. Normally I would have done something by now but 
for some reason I seemed transfixed by his movements. He got very 
close and when we were face to face, he said in a deathly quiet 
tone. "What I want is not important and no one shall know that except 
the Lady. No, that questions of a wedding or how messed up your lives 
are will soon be the least of your problems. The Crossing is in 
immediate reach and you are right in the center of it." Why did I 
think that did sound bad? Because it DID sound VERY bad. "'A warrior 
of light and mage of dark, two bond in spirit, a human and a demon 
soul. They who face hell day by day, no fear they know.' Mark my 
words, time is running out for you. Consult your Watcher on this. He 
will know the right text." The man stepped away and the staff landed 
back in his hand. "Maybe you still have a chance after all. That is 
if the red witch lives through this night..." I think my blood ran 
cold at his amused chuckle. "That will be fun." And with that he 
vanished but before I could sink to my knees, he reappeared one last 
time. "Oh, tell Anyanka Xellos said 'hi'!"
	Why was I shaking? I mean I had heard enough prophecies and 
strange crap not to be impressed by anything so easily. Hey, we had 
faced a Hell Goddess and lived, barely. Why was it that the 
stranger's words were striking a fear in my heart that I had not 
known before. That is when the red witch lives through the night. 
	A second later I was out of the door, all fatigue forgotten.

"Hey, girl, you shouldn't be out at such an... Argh!"
	Nice town. I had thought some areas in England were bad. We 
didn't have that much vampires where I grew up. More like demons, 
monsters, beasts, sorcerers, dumb swordsmen and princesses with an 
justice attitude... Nice, ruin my already perfectly ruined mood even 
more, won't you? Maybe it was the atmosphere of this whole town or 
maybe I was just overstressed. I hadn't allowed myself to think about 
home since... And I wouldn't do so now. I had a job to do. That was 
the only important thing right now.
	Let's see. The address Giles gave me should be somewhere 
around here. There was a cemetery nearby, maybe I should look up his 
charge too. I had to admit, I was curious about the Slayer. The way 
Giles' had described her... He must really love her, like a daughter. 
That was a rare trait that I had not expected from the man who had 
helped me over one of the worst times in my life. The Rupert Giles I 
had met was a recently socialized, idealistic, young Watcher who was 
stiff and... Well, let us say eager to please. He said I reminded him 
of his youth and that was why he had helped me. I didn't think he 
could do the same again, it was agonizing back then, even though he 
wouldn't admit that.
	Sounds of fighting could be heard when I entered the 
graveyard and I quickly hid behind a row of tombstones and a tree. In 
growing fascination I watched a petite blonde single-handedly 
demolish half a dozen of obviously newly-risen undead with obvious 
fun and a few taunts. L-sama, she was a lot like I had been. 
Confident, brave, skilled. She knew what she was doing. Yet somehow 
something was missing. A certain esprit. I couldn't quite put my 
finger on it. Giles had briefly mentioned that she had trouble 
finding the drive for living again. No wonder after a resurrection 
four months after death. However, tonight the Slayer didn't seem like 
someone who was totally listless and uncaring. A bit of a warrior's 
spark was there. But still something was missing.
	"You seem more... energetic tonight, Slayer." Another 
vampire - at least that was what I assumed - had stepped up behind 
the girl but Buffy Summers didn't seem to care about him. Instead I 
saw her sigh in exasperation before turning around. "Yes and that is 
why you should go before I decide to be in the mood for something 
unhealthy directed towards you." Ah, I glanced down at a sheet of 
paper, that must be Spike. And there I thought associating with 
Xellos was bad...
	The blonde vamp didn't seem fazed by the threat. "Oh come on. 
You know you want this. I can make you feel even better then now. Why 
don't you invest that energy in something more... interesting." Eww, 
I think I was going to be sick. The girl should grow up and stake the 
idiot. Personally, if it had been me the guy would be toast by now. 
Harmless or not.
	Buffy wrenched her arm loose from his grip. "Leave me alone, 
Spike. There is nothing you can achieve here." Damn right, tell him, 
girl. "You were singing a totally different tone a few nights ago, 
luv." What the...? Can I repeat myself? Eww! Oh, they were fighting 
now, that was much better. Wait a minute! Didn't Giles write that 
Spike couldn't hit...
	What could have been more described than a brawl had taken a 
drastic turn as Spike had the Slayer pinned against a tombstone and 
was now... Eww, again. What had I gotten myself into here? My eyes 
narrowed. The blonde Slayer was obviously struggling with herself. 
She seemed somewhat happy a moment ago but now it was gone. Replaced 
by a blank look that was as much defeated as hopeless. There was 
something pleading in her eyes that I could even see from my 
position. Something hauntingly familiar.
	Oh shit... How could I have been so stupid to not see it? 
Fine, the condition was impossible for the time interval she was 
alive again but it was there. Oh Ceiphied, not again. "Spike, please 
leave me alone..." It was weak, defeated and unconvincing. Lifeless. 
Just like... A burst of anger erupted in me I hadn't felt since my 
youth. Before I could actually allow myself to think about it, the 
spell was already cast and ready.
	"FLARE ARROW!" Spike moved only a fraction. That reaction was 
too late but just enough to not blow his head clear off. Instead he 
was blown away from the smaller blonde, bursting into flames. Buffy 
just stared in confusion and curiosity at his thrashing. "Goddamnit 
what...?" Spike rolled on the ground, trying to quell the 
flames. "Really, what a pathetic sight. Giles asks me to look up an 
addicted witch and what do I find? A Slayer and a vampire kissing in 
the middle of a cemetery." Buffy had the grace to look ashamed to the 
ground. My gaze softened a little in compassion but my eyes narrowed 
at the vampire just getting up again. A fireball made him duck and 
curse. "Hey!" he shouted dignified. "That is none of your business. 
The Slayer and I share just a little feeling, isn't that right?"
	It would have been hilarious seeing how the vampire shot a 
pleading look at the blonde, hadn't I been so enraged by now. Buffy 
watched the whole thing with... amusement? Good. "Nobody." Another 
arrow. "Tells." Fireball. "Me." A Flare Lance that made him dive to 
the ground. "What." And now a few flashy balls via Flare Bit so that 
he stays down. "I." And with a jump I was on top of him. "Should. 
Do!" I snarled directly in his face, making sure my eyes were 
flashing a deep crimson.
	"Bloody Hell, luv, what is your problem?" He squirmed from 
the heat and the first arrow had obviously caused him a lot of pain. 
I leaned close to him, fixing my gaze on his undead eyes that tried 
and miserably failed to convey innocence. "Do not play dumb with me, 
William. I know exactly what is going on with her and you know it 
too. What did you tell her, hmm? That she isn't really alive? A 
monster? Like you? I have been there, vamp, I have seen it all before 
and I failed the last person. That is why I take this personal and 
that is why I cannot allow you to use her."
	There was a brief flicker of comprehension and then fear in 
his eyes. Hah, I still got it! He tried to free himself from my grip 
before sending another pleading look the Slayer's way. "Damn, she is 
insane! Help me, Slayer! Buffy!" How truly pathetic. Buffy did not 
move, just watched. "What a sight the famous William, the Bloody, 
killer of two Slayers, screams for the help of one like a small 
child. But I think I enjoyed that long enough." Gathering another 
fireball I planned to make quick work now when I felt the air pressed 
out of my lungs and was suddenly the one on the back, an enraged 
vampire over me in full game face.
	Tactical miscalculation. I think I taunted a little too much 
and hadn't really taken in account the survival instinct of my foe. 
It was obvious that even holding me down was causing him pain but 
Spike seemed to be able to control it. "Nobody threatens me, little 
girl. I think I risk a month-long headache for you." Baka, how could 
I have been so stupid.
	Several defenses already on my lips when I saw him moving in 
on my neck, I was probably as surprised as Spike at what happened 
next. "NO!" Buffy screamed before a whizzing sound indicated a thrown 
object. The vampire looked down stupefied at the stake in his heart 
and then back up at the Slayer who seemed no less shocked. "And now 
killed by the one he loved. I guess three is not your lucky number," 
I finished my earlier taunt while one of the most feared vampires in 
history exploded into dust.

Ouch, what hit me? Slowly the world came back into focus. The first 
thing I saw were the concerned faces of Anya and the 
stranger. "Uh..." I held a hand to my head trying to shake loose the 
cobwebs in my brain. I hadn't fainted in... I couldn't even remember 
when I did at all. "I had the strangest dream. You," I pointed at 
Anya, "were saying something about The Crossing." When only silence 
met me and the former vengeance demon refused to meet my eyes - not 
that the intense stare of the stranger was any less unsettling -, a 
shiver ran down my spine. I reached out with one hand for Anya's and 
quietly, almost frightful asked: "It was a dream, wasn't it?" My 
friend looked up at me defeated and just shook her head.
	"Oh sweet Goddess..." I promptly fell back into the easy 
chair and closed my eyes, counting to hundred in Latin. Not that it 
helped. Anya was right. The Crossing was an old prophecy that was 
known in many religions, paganism was no exception there. Some said 
it was a myth, some said it was merely a legend with no real ground 
in this realm. Yet, ever since coming to Sunnydale and meeting with 
Willow and her friends, I was a bit more wary of prophecies. Be it 
even a myth only. Every legend held a bit of truth. And this one was 
too dangerous to be taken lightly.
	"A-Are you sure?" I looked up at the stranger with 
questioning eyes. For the first time he seemed to look a lot older 
when he actually was - when again if he knew Anya he could be about 
ANY age. "It is not yet completed but things are in motion. The last 
focus is here as is the portal." Anya groaned: "Figures. After all 
this is the Hellmouth." She perked up suddenly. "Does that mean we 
just have to find and defend the focus? Xander told me the opening of 
the Hellmouth is where the old High School was..."
	"Young One, this whole city could be the focus for all I 
know." The ex-demon's shoulders slumped. "Oh," she said meekly and 
the spark of hope was crushed for both of us. The stranger 
straightened up. "However. Nothing is lost yet. You are the last 
defense. After all your group has a reputation to weather any sort of 
problems." I cringed a little at his words. Wasn't that what we had 
been singing a few months ago before everything went to hell?
	"Yeah sure," Anya expressed my own thoughts on the matter 
with a huff. "We have an addicted witch attempting withdrawal, 
another who severed the connection she had with her, a couple that 
can't even bring up the courage for marriage, a Slayer who doesn't 
want to live anymore... Shall I go on?" The stranger laughed as Anya 
glared at him. "Blunt as ever I see. Your problems soon will be 
insignificant, believe me."
	While the two continued arguing, something tugged on my 
senses. Closing my eyes, I briefly shut out the two other persons 
altogether and concentrated solely on the flickering, weak presence 
of... "Willow!" There was no doubt about that. Even so far apart as 
we were now in more than one sense of the word, I could still feel 
the echo of the immense pain and the repeatedly weakening spirit. 
Anya and the stranger looked up at my shout and then I suddenly 
jumped out of the chair, the distance to the door crossed in a flash.
	For a moment I stood outside the shop, looking around and 
noting that it was already dark. The other two stepped up beside me 
but the stranger stopped a question from ex-demon. Feeling along the 
thin band that still connected me with my f... mate, I spun around in 
a circle, concentrating on the spiritual plane alone. A few seconds 
later I stopped and my eyes snapped open. It clearly came from the 
direction of the Summers house. Not quite there but nearby.
	"Do you have her?" I nodded at the stranger's question. He 
nodded and I was momentarily distracted when he began glowing in a 
soft golden light. Anya grabbed my hand and pulled me some distance 
away, which probably was a good thing because the tall man had just 
transformed into a several feet high dragon of pure gold. I 
considered the second fainting that night but the fear for my mate's 
well-being was stronger than my surprise. So when the dragon lowered 
himself and offered me with a deep rumble to mount, I did not 
hesitate a second.

Another shudder shook my drained body and I tumbled against the wall 
of the alley, smashing into a stinking trash container. The foul 
stench didn't really register with me as I slumped down, knees drawn 
up to my chin. Just a little rest. I hadn't slept in two or maybe 
even more days... While high on magic it didn't register but now the 
physical demands became unbearable. I couldn't let them see me like 
this. I couldn't go home in this state or they would know what I had 
been doing.
	Damn bastard! I hadn't wanted his "help", I hadn't wanted his 
magic but I also hadn't been able to resist. The temptation too 
strong, the taste too daring and sweet. So sweet and fulfilling. For 
a fleeting second that is, the spark of the moment. And struggling 
did not help my own sanity. I hadn't even done a single spell, just 
cast it all out again. And now, now I felt like being on the 
threshold of death. Weak, empty and exhausted.
	Tara. I was sorry I couldn't make it up to her, undo what I 
had done, show her that I had become better, that I didn't let magic 
control me anymore. Goddess, how much had I hurt her, had I hurt us. 
It tore me even more apart now, made me more miserable. Such irony, 
so close to death it became so horrible clear what a selfish person I 
had become. This was worse than Cordelia Chase. How could I have been 
so self-righteous?
	Buffy. I stumbled forward on my way to the Summer's house, 
rather sure that I wouldn't make it and even then. There was nothing 
they could do. My spirit was weakening, I knew, my life energy fading 
into non-existence. That last boost had been too much. I'm so sorry, 
Buffy, I must be a big disappointment. The only thing I had wanted to 
do was help. I had wanted to help so much that I had totally lost 
sight of the cause and the means. In reality I had no real power. I 
was just a weak girl who had tasted more than she could chew. 
Stripped of all those layers I was still the shy geek that I had been 
all my life...
	I wasn't any help like this. Maybe they were both better of 
without me. All I did was hurt the people I love. I think I knew now 
how it was for Buffy but other than her I was just a mere girl, I was 
doing it all for myself while she at least tried to protect her 
friends in earnest. What excuse did I have? I wanted to join in this 
fight, had said so myself. Why? Because it was an option to be 
someone, someone important. And that want had become an addiction. 
The magic was only a part of it, the tool. I was addicted to be 
someone important and had become scared that this would be taken from 
	Naked before the world, I was now, unprotected from the 
truth. And as I slumped to the pavement of Rodeo Drive, I wondered 
how I could have become that way. How I could look into the mirror 
and not hate myself. Everything was slowly spiraling away from me. My 
awareness slipped into blissful darkness, the frantic voices I heard 
in the background did not matter anymore. Yes, it was better that 
way. They would grieve but... They were better off without me.
	My only regret was never being able to really apologize to 
Tara. The one woman who had made me feel important in the first 
place. I shouldn't have tainted that wonderful present by playing 
with her trust. And I also regretted never telling Buffy that I... 

I stood rooted to the spot and unable to move. My eyes were fixed on 
the spot where the witch - I assumed - and Spike had struggled just a 
few moments ago. Or better I was staring at the spot where moments 
ago dust had been the result of a recently staked vampire.
	Forcing my gaze slightly lower I fixed the stranger with an 
incredulous look. "Did I just stake Spike?" The girl grinned and 
nodded. It had been an automatic reaction. Seeing a stranger in 
danger of an enraged vampire had set off my instincts I guess. I 
hadn't even considered that she might be able to defend herself or if 
Spike would really be able to follow through with his intentions. 
Spike was a stubborn person... vampire so I figured with the right 
motivation like his unlife at stake. Oh yeah, it had been at stake 
then. At the end of my stake.
	"I staked Spike," I repeated for myself in wonder once more 
before finally allowing the truth to settle in. Then, as if something 
had just... clicked, I chose to jump up into the air and not caring 
who could hear released a short cry of freedom. Spike was dust. 
Wohoo! I had always warned him that I only needed one good reason for 
a staking. In the last months I had not considered myself a worthy 
reason. An "innocent" life in danger, however, seemed to be just the 
right reason. And damn, it felt GOOD!
	Remembering the witch I quickly composed myself and grinning 
sheepishly knelt down next to her. "You okay?" The pretty redhead - 
though not looking very much like Willow - shrugged and struggled to 
her feet. "Yeah. Just hurt pride. I guess I should have learned by 
now not to tease too much. And don't worry about the little eruption 
of happiness. I won't tell anyone." She winked at me and I felt 
myself blushing. Something I hadn't done very often lately.
	"You said Giles sent you. For... Willow?" I asked curiously 
as we began walking slowly through the graveyard. The understanding 
seemed to be there naturally and I assumed that if she was really 
here for what she claimed to be, she would probably know more than 
just Willow's situation. "Yep. That's me. Call me... Scarlet, for 
now." I raised an eyebrow. "Scarlet, huh? Well, I'm Buffy." I held 
out my hand, instantly trusting the other woman for some reason. 
Scarlet took the offered hand with a smile. "I know." A spark of 
electricity jolted through my body. There was some incredible power 
but also something else. I couldn't quite pinpoint the feeling that 
suddenly decided to stir but was given not much time when the moment 
was rudely interrupted. With the reaction speed that came only from 
years of battle experience, I dived to one sight while Scarlet took 
the other one.
	Two newbie vamps had obviously taken our distraction for a 
good time to attack. I was about to launch into an attack when 
Scarlet made a hand gesture, cupping her hands: "DOLPH STRASH!" A 
booming sound could be heard when the high speed wave of bluish-black 
energy smashed into one vamp and disintegrated him on the spot. 
Unfortunately for his companion, he was right behind the first one 
and soon shared his unlucky fate.
	Scarlet grinned at me. "Sorry, didn't want to take away your 
job." I shrugged, signaling that it was alright. "Don't worry. Just 
another thing taken away." The attempt of humor went gravely wrong 
for no apparent reason. My smile fell and my actual pretty good mood 
dimmed down. "Way to go, Summers..." Before I could finish verbally 
demolishing myself, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and found 
soft ruby eyes watching me with such compassion that I barely 
restraint a whimper. There was something in these eyes... "It is 
hard, isn't it? When there is nothing there even though you want to. 
Even though you know the people around you love you, that there maybe 
is a person who needs you. And still you feel so little. And nobody 
understands it."
	We had stopped and now I reached up to tug some red hair out 
of Scarlet's face. I didn't really know what I was doing. I barely 
knew the women and yet... "But you do, don't you?" There! That was 
it. This familiar, haunting expression. Not directly... No, she 
hadn't been dead. But I had seen that look briefly in Willow's eyes 
than I confessed where I had been. This naked realization and pain. 
But in Scarlet's eyes this pain had faded, couldn't be recognized by 
someone who didn't know.
	The woman took my hand in hers and again a shockwave traveled 
through my body. An emotion that made me feel strangely... alive. Not 
at all what Spike had been doing. No, this was different. "Yes, I do. 
Do you want to know what this is? Why it feels like there's something 
important missing, just out of reach?" I could not help I was glued 
to her every word. I had asked Tara what was wrong with me but she 
didn't have an answer and now there was a stranger who ignited a 
whirlwind of confusing emotions offering me a branch to pull me out 
of that streaming river that I couldn't swim against anymore.
	"Why?" I whispered in scared anticipation. Scarlet stared at 
me intently and again I found myself unable to look away. "Your soul. 
It hasn't been properly reconnected." I blinked in surprise, not 
quite understanding. "I read about the spell. I don't know how it is 
possible after such a long time but that is what usually happens when 
someone is ripped from the Sea."
	"The Sea?" Scarlet laughed. "The place there you were. Where 
everything comes from and everything goes back to in the end. The Sea 
of Chaos." I wasn't one to debate religion or worldview with someone 
who could shoot high-pressure shockwaves like a spear. "Oh. So what 
was that about my soul? I still have a soul, right? Otherwise I would 
be a zombie or something like that. A Slayer-zombie, eww..." I 
trailed off, thinking once again how lame that was but Scarlet 
laughed. "No, no. That's not it. Your soul is just not... there yet." 
At my dumb look, she further elaborated: "When the soul is ripped 
from the Sea, it usually takes awhile for it to settle back into the 
former vessel. Your connection had been severed for over three months 
after all."
	"So Spike was right. I came back wrong," I sighed and dropped 
my head, starting once again on the path we had set through the 
graveyard. Scarlet though had other ideas. "NO!" The force and 
desperation in her voice jolted me more than being whirled around by 
the slightly taller woman. "Don't think that please. With the spell 
that was used on you, that period should have passed by now. You are 
NOT wrong. It is just an adjustment process." Her tone had change to 
a whisper, almost pleading. I tried to smile but it was fake, only 
halfhearted attempt. "Is there anything I can do?" Scarlet shook her 
head. "Time. Only time."
	We stood there for a few more minutes before reluctantly 
letting go. Yet neither of us moved, caught in the moment. A part of 
me wanted to reach out again. The other woman understood and there 
was so much pain as well. I wanted to take that away. Share her 
burden... Buffy! The echo was weak but I was pretty sure that I 
hadn't... "Will?" Scarlet looked around alarmed. We were not far from 
the house. Only a few blocks. She was near here somewhere. Willow 
hadn't come home the entire day and that had worried me. "Over 
there," the other woman pointed down the street to my house. We had 
subconsciously both broken out in a run. And what I saw now let my 
blood run cold. "Will..."

"Hey, wait for me!" Urk, I had forgotten how quick those things were. 
I was running an already lost race to catch up with my friends who 
quickly were only a sparkle in the night's sky. Daryial was still 
fast for his age, that I had to give him. Alright with his kin's 
lifespan he was in his mid-thirties compared to human age at best. 
After a few more seconds running in a vain attempt to catch up to 
them, I came to a halt, panting heavily.
	"Now... That was pointless." I had felt the echo as well but 
would have put it up as the usual thing you encountered daily in 
Sunnydale had it not been for Tara's sudden reaction. I knew they 
were mated as powerful as it could get. All the differences aside, 
they would hurt greatly if the other was in pain or even worse. I had 
been there, done all that. And I was afraid to bring all those 
memories to the surface again.
	Yet, maybe they needed help. Concentrating briefly a gust of 
wind began swirling around me and with a cry of "RAYWING!" I was 
airborne, safely enclosed in a bubble of wind currents. I was 
reluctant to use this sort of magic after such a long time, the 
memories had only slowly returned in the last months. Before this had 
only been blissful ignorance. I had really believed that I had been a 
demon all my life until the day my necklace had been lost. That was 
not true though and I didn't really want to tell anyone about it. 
Remembering hurt too much...
	At least compared to a winged Golden Dragon a woman flying in 
a wind bubble wasn't that eye-catching. Maneuvering over the city, I 
considered my options and finally set of in the direction of the 
Summers' house. It was a good guess, I supposed. Willow ought to have 
enough common sense to at least try and get in the close vicinity of 
either her home or the Magic Box. And the last was already ruled out.
	I looked down and almost lost my control over the spell. 
Xander? Yep, that was him. Running at reckless speed through the 
streets. He was heading the same direction although I had no idea how 
he had gotten the clue. Oh well, better pick him up. Only a few feet 
away I was contemplating whether to call out a warning or just 
surprise him... Hmm, more like scare him to death. Anyway, the choice 
was taken from me as the night's events seemed to virtually go bang 
after bang. Not really watching what happened around him my fiancé 
missed the pack of vampires that suddenly prepared to jump him.
	"Xander, behind you!" I screamed in panic and raised my 
hands, undoing the bubble and charging for an attack instinctively. 
Xander with years of fighting on the Hellmouth had the presence of 
mind to turn his half-leap at my yell into a roll, ducking under an 
attackers swing. By that time I had my incantation already 
completed. "WIND BRID!" Wind shot in a barrage of small shock waves 
from my open palms like tiny arrows, hitting the vampire that was 
behind Xander back into a wall. The air version of a Flare Arrow 
wasn't as strong as its counterpart but the added benefit of reduced 
sight gave me the time for another casting. "Wind, crimson flame! 
Grant the power of thunder to my hand! DIGU VOLT!" One of the pair 
that had remained standing dove to the side but the other wasn't as 
lucky as the lightning bolt practically burned him alive. Stunned his 
companion stared at the spot where only ash remained now and 
therefore totally missed Xander moving in and staking him. I turned 
to look for the last one but he was already gone. Smart, I say.
	Then I returned my attention to my gaping boyfriend I 
couldn't help the smirk on my face. Quite frankly I didn't even try. 
I knew I hadn't been that much help in fighting since I was human 
again, I could neither match male/Slayer strength nor did I have the 
abilities of Willow and Tara. Or so I had thought. Willow, right. 
Priorities, Anya, I chided myself. I could deal with questions and 
consequences later. Right now I let myself fell back into my old 
life's personality.
	"Come on," I urged, "they might need us." Grabbing a 
sputtering Xander's hand I once again created the wind bubble, 
eliciting a suppressed squeak from my involuntary flight companion.

I wasn't sure how long I had been lying there on the cold pavement. I 
wasn't even sure of the exact where. I could have been lying hours on 
the street - which would be unlikely - or just a few minutes on the 
sidewalk. In any case I could pick up the distant chorus of voices. 
Frantic and frightened. Buffy? Was that Dawn? My jumbled mind 
couldn't make it out clearly and everything was weaved in thick 
darkness. Why was I still alive? I should be dead by now. I would be 
shortly, that was for sure.
	"Will... Come on... Damn it, Scarlet! We are loosing her!" 
Who was...? Didn't matter. So weak I could barely concentrate. A jolt 
of power surged through me. Not tainted, yet black. Not like Rack's. 
More soothing and... right. It didn't seem to mix good with my system 
though since it was already fleeting again. Latching desperately on 
some of the strength provided by the unknown force, I opened my eyes 
with extreme effort.
	Everything around me was tinted in bright, fluorescent 
colors, the human shapes kneeling over me included. I could make out 
the outlines of who had to be Buffy and someone else as well as Dawn 
in the background. The teenager was such a bright white it was 
blinding to look directly while Buffy's aura was mixed with both 
light and darkness. The stranger though...
	I gasped. There was a mixture of about everything, in a 
quantity and quality that not even Rack could match, that I was sure 
of. Dominating though was a strong black with red fiery outlines. Who 
was that woman? If I had ever seen her before, I would have 
recognized her on the spot. Her aura was just too magnificent and all-
out beautiful.
	The burst of power passed and I fell again, back into the 
cold void absent of any feeling, whispers of sweet release lulling me 
further into oblivion. I couldn't move, couldn't fight. I wanted to, 
there was so much I had to do, so much amends to make, things to make 
right again. However, my heart was weak and my spirit that had 
struggled for control for the last few months was tired. It would be 
so easy to just let go and...
	Light. Not bright or blinding. Soft and warm. Completing. 
Tara? Yes, this gentle caress, this sense of belonging I would not 
even forget in death. There was an urge though in the touch, a 
desperation fueled by immense panic, sadness and... guilt? "... 
back... Come back, Willow... please!" Mustering all my remaining 
strength, I lunged for the mentally outstretched hand. Spectral 
fingers brushed like tendrils against each other and I felt them 
tighten into a bundle of joined spirits. A connection I had missed 
for too long and only now truly understood what I had lost. What I 
had so uncaringly played with.
	The healing whiteness washed over my tired soul and spirit, 
covered me like a blanket and washed away all the poison addiction 
had left. At least for a moment but I was glad, even if it was only 
temporary. For this wonderful feeling I would do ANYTHING. Goddess, I 
didn't deserve her love! However, she wouldn't let me go. Tara's 
spirit was wrapped around mine and would never let go.
	There had been another element there though. Just for a brief 
moment I had thought to feel Buffy. Her strength, her vivid aura, 
supporting and stabilizing. It hadn't been there for a long time and 
so I didn't recognize it at first. But she had been there, helping 
	At that realization came my eyes finally fluttered open to 
meet a blue ocean of swirling emotions. I could only smile weakly, 
hoping to convey the message that I was okay. Briefly my gaze 
flickered over my shoulder and I caught a glimpse of my best friend's 
form. Unlike before the image was much clearer. That was then I saw 
it. The undeniable truth and I could not suppress the tears as I 
finally saw exactly why Buffy had been so detached lately. I should 
have seen it earlier, I should have noticed. But that would have been 
like acknowledging the grave realization that I had somehow failed...

It was a sight that I would not forget in a lifetime. The form of my 
best friend, life... or better slayerlong confident sprawled out on 
the pavement of Rodeo Drive looking worse than a junkie after an 
overdoses of several mixed drugs. And this even from several feet 
afar. My stomach threatened to convulse at the sight and I was glad 
that the brief bit of slaying was enough to work out dinner. I wasn't 
sure if I could have kept it in.
	"Willow!" Springing out of the shocked trance I had found 
myself in for a moment, the fearful cry from my sister brought me 
back to reality and I was beside the redhead in a flash. Scarlet 
knelt next to me while I cradled Willow carefully in my arms. From up 
close she looked even worse. And the dirty clothing, the rings under 
her eyes, they were rather insignificant compared to the shallow 
breathing and the weak pulse. "Will? Willow! Come on!" I shook her in 
desperate hope for some kind of reaction while the other redhead 
seemed to simply observe critically. I could feel her further 
slipping away and I was no fool to think that it would be a place to 
bring her back from. I couldn't let her go. All the detachment and 
dull feelings didn't matter right now. I was slowly getting my life 
back in order. Spike was gone, I might get a job, this newcomer 
seemed to have some sort of understanding of what I was going 
through... But could I do all this without my friends? Could I do it 
without Willow?
	NO! The thought alone was blasphemy. I loved her. More than I 
could even grasp, that much had always been clear to me. No one had 
ever understood me better. There might never be a chance that she 
could be mine and maybe that was even better so. She was for another 
and maybe that was just the way it had to be. Maybe we had simply 
missed that chance and now our paths had already been determined. 
Foremost she was my best friend though, as close as a sister could 
be, even more maybe. That would always be mine and I could not lose 
her. I WOULD NOT lose her!
	My heart skipped a beat as I felt Willow's pulse missing one. 
Shoving aside the troubling thoughts of clarity that had befallen me 
at the side of my best friend in such a state, I shook her again. 
Dawn was by now frantic but stayed hovering in the background. "Damn 
it, Scarlet! We are losing her!" I said through clenched teeth. The 
other woman nodded and reached out with one hand to press her palm 
against Willow's forehead. Closing her eyes she mumbled a few words. 
A cascade of blackness seemed to swirl around the two for a moment 
but the darkness didn't feel evil. More like... calming. It obviously 
had the effect on Willow who relaxed somewhat.
	I briefed a sigh of relief but frowned with a sick feeling 
rising in my stomach as Scarlet's look stayed serious and 
worried. "It won't last. That was only temporary. Her spirit, her 
soul is detaching from her body. All the magic is cast out and there 
is no support. She has overexerted her link to the spiritual plane. 
Her balance is totally gone." At my blank stare, she evaluated. "Your 
friend is, to put it bluntly, totally magical dry."
	Before I had time to process the information, my sensitive 
hearing picked up a sound that resembled huge wings flapping in the 
night air. What could produce such a...? "Oh my god!" Dawn suddenly 
exclaimed and my head snapped up to witness the quiet unbelievable 
sight of a majestic lizard, a dragon no doubt, in pure gold. There 
was someone on its back I observed as the creature began a graceful 
dive for the ground. For a moment I wondered why none of our 
neighbors were attracted by the spectacle but quickly passed it of as 
the usual Sunnydale ignorance. What was far more interesting was that 
the passenger soon revealed herself to be Tara...
	"Hmm, it has been some time since I saw a Golden Dragon and 
in this part of the world as well," Scarlet mused beside me and I 
stared at her skeptically. She seemed totally unimpressed. Tara in 
the meantime had dismounted the huge creature which soon afterwards 
proceeded to shimmer into a human, male shape. Forcefully pushing 
rising questions aside, I made some space for Tara who was, not 
surprisingly, totally out of her mind already.

Flying through the air on a good dozen large dragon is a thrill, I 
had to admit that. But the excitement was somewhat dimmed through the 
thick knot of worry that had settled in my stomach... or maybe right 
in the heart after all. I could tell with a frightening clarity that 
Willow was in terrible danger. Her presence was barely sensible over 
the already strained connection. Her very life force was slowly 
getting weaker and weaker. I feared the worst.
	"Down there!" I pointed downwards when we were almost over 
Rodeo Drive and the Summers house. There was some commotion below and 
it didn't need a genius to figure out the what and who. Hold on a 
little bit more. I'm not letting you get away. I said we need 
distance, not that you die on me, I silently vowed. I regretted so 
much already. Not being strong enough to stand by her side and help 
her through. Something Giles and I had in common and which my phone 
call had showed me. We were as much in error as our charge/lover with 
leaving. People could not solve all their problems alone, sometimes 
turning your back in these situations in hopes of getting a reaction 
is the worst thing you could do. Yes, I was still mad at Willow for 
the memory thing but... She couldn't die. Not yet, not ever. I don't 
think I could live without her.
	Descending gracefully Daryial landed in the middle of the 
otherwise deserted street and I lost no time. Subconsciously using 
some magic to brace for the jump I was down and beside Buffy and 
Willow in no time. Goddess. I gasped at the sight of my mate in such 
a state. The mental strain was as evident as the physical one, more 
so. Whatever happened to this sweet girl who held my own soul in her 
hands? She couldn't leave now, taking it all away. I wouldn't let 
her. But what could I do?
	I sat there hovering helplessly for a moment before I noticed 
the stranger. "Are you her mate?" I looked up at the redheaded woman 
with tears of aggravation already clouding my vision. Her aura was 
brilliant even in my less than attentive state I could see that. 
Nodding slowly to her question, I was about to ask something but the 
other woman already went on. "I'm... Lina. The one Giles said he'd 
sent." Ah. "We don't have much time. Take her hand," she urged though 
the request was rather unnecessary since I was already doing this, 
grasping my comatose lover's hand tightly, desperately trying to 
reach her.
	Lina nodded approvingly. "Now. Don't force it. Cast out all 
negatives emotions. All doubts. Let her know how much you still care 
and that you don't want to lose her." Following the instructions I 
closed my eyes and forced my breathing to slow down into a regular, 
calming beat, focusing on the happy times we had together. The secret 
meetings in my dorm room, the night when Willow had made her choice, 
the immense joy I had felt then and while I was slowly pulled into a 
circle of friends, no longer being the nobody.
	"You too." So concentrated on channeling my emotions I almost 
jumped as I felt another presence connecting with ours. Lina's had 
already been lurking in the background, supporting. But that was 
clearly Buffy's. The depth of her feelings was immense and powerful. 
As much as I had always suspected and known. My respect for Buffy 
Summers had always been great. I knew she was in love with Willow 
since they meet probably but even when Dad and the rest of my family 
came to take me away, she could have easily taken her chance then. 
But she had declared me family, simply because of what I was for 
Willow. It was a love I couldn't quite grasp and never really hope to 
match in its many facets.
	Something stirred in the mixture we had created and I could 
feel a rush of power. Most of it was being drained away from me into 
Willow but that was alright. I could feel her spirit relaxing and 
stabilizing. Her breathing was beginning to return to normal and I 
breathed a deep sigh of relief and overjoyed happiness. Opening my 
eyes they briefly met with green ones, shining with wonder and an 
overwhelming sense of love, before they drifted over to Buffy's who 
had edged away to give us some privacy. I was puzzled at the pain 
flashing over her features.
	"Willow? Baby, what is it?" She turned back to me with a look 
of sadness and guilt. "Her... Her soul... I saw it... It isn't 
properly anchored..." That was about all she managed before falling 
back into a most likely restless but at least harmless sleep. I 
glanced sideways at Buffy and wondered how I could have missed that 
possibility when the Slayer had asked me what was wrong with her. 
Goddess, Willow must feel so bad about it. And as if she hadn't 
enough to deal with.

For one of the few times in my life I was totally speechless. My wit 
left somewhere between the first spell and being yanked into the air 
flying on magical wind through the night. What the hell had possessed 
my fiancée? As if the mysterious guy hadn't been enough, now this. 
And then there was the overwhelming worry about my best friend. I 
don't know why I trusted the words of the truthfully rather 
suspicious stranger but otherwise taking chances with Willow's 
condition... No.
	So I just stared straight ahead as we streaked through the 
night's sky, closing in on our destination. I tried heard not to look 
down because I was sure that I would panic and doing that in front of 
my girlfriend wouldn't do my male ego any good. Though I doubt that 
my initial reaction had done much for my reputation. However, could 
you blame me?
	"It seems the worst is over already." Anya's voice forced me 
to abandon the original plan of not looking down. We were directly 
over the street in front of the Summers house. On the sidewalk was a 
group of people amidst them Buffy, Dawn, Tara and Willow cradled in 
the latter's arms. There were also two strangers I noted while Anya 
slowly lowered us to the ground. One of them was a tall man with a 
mixture of blonde almost golden and ebony-black hair. Buffy and Dawn 
had retreated from the pair and next to the Slayer stood another 
redhead without any significant resemblance to Willow other than the 
hair color which seemed to be a lot brighter though, blending into 
	I didn't know if I should be disappointed that our entrance 
was only noticed with slight interest and a quirked eyebrow from 
Buffy who like the others were mostly concentrated in worry on the 
pair. I took a step forward as my feet finally touched solid ground 
again but then hesitated. Willow appeared to be sleeping now. For a 
moment I had believed her to be much worse but apparently whatever 
happened to her had passed and settled into simple wariness. They 
should leave the sidewalk though. It was getting cold outside... 
Correction it was already cold. The brief flight had chilled me to 
the bone and I really would like some warmth now and those two should 
be in a bed.
	Buffy picked up my thoughts as it seemed and moved forward to 
gently take Willow in her arms. Tara stood up as well and you could 
see that she was tired as well. Maybe not so much physically as 
emotional. The other witch rested her head slightly on the Slayer's 
shoulder and the blonde smiled faintly. I felt somewhat out of the 
loop here and really wanted to know what happened and who those other 
people were.
	"Will she be okay?" Tara asked the unfamiliar woman timidly. 
The stranger studied the other redhead for a moment and under the 
tender gaze I could see something else. A fire that I didn't want to 
be on the receiving end of. "I suggest both of you stay with her 
tonight. With a lot of rest she should be okay." A barely restrained 
growl came out of her throat which made me jump. She fixed the two 
blonde woman with an intense gaze. "My notes said that dealer's name 
was Rack, correct?" Buffy nodded. "Yes, his hideout is always in 
motion," the Slayer explained seriously. There was some sort of 
silent communication between the two. Buffy hesitated to say 
something but obviously decided against it.
	Turning around sharply the woman walked briskly away from the 
pair with that sort of angry determination on her face that could 
make your blood run cold. "Don't worry. I'll find him." I shivered at 
her tone. I think I understood now what Buffy had tried to ask. From 
the sound of it this was more than personal for the stranger for some 
reason. Still... I heard the story from the Slayer and this Rack 
person didn't seem someone to be taken lightly.
	"Shouldn't someone be following her," I said, voicing my 
presence for the first time since arriving. Buffy turned around with 
Willow in her arms and Tara still leaning against her. "I don't think 
I'm much help in a magical duel." Good point. "Besides I have the 
impression that it shouldn't be Scar... Lina that we ought to worry 
about." And with that the three vanished into the house, quickly 
followed by Dawn and the other stranger.
	I looked at my fiancée with a questioning look, not quite 
getting all what had just transpired. Anya apparently misinterpreted 
my look and smiled reassuringly. "It's alright. I make sure she's 
okay. I have some unfinished business with Rack too." And with a 
quick kiss on the lips she was gone and I was left feeling rather 
stupefied standing out there alone. That was not quite the reaction I 
had expected. Not at all.
	Shrugging and deciding that standing around here would not 
get me any answers I followed the rest into the house, now not only 
worried for the girls but for Anya as well.

She was supposed to be my charge now. Seeing the redhead like this 
had brought back a lot of memories I would have liked to be erased 
completely. It reminded me painfully of myself before Giles had found 
me. Though the cause might have been a different one, the outcome had 
been about the same. I had been cool and collected while dealing with 
the emergency situation and it had all ended well. But how close had 
I come to lose the person I was asked to help before I had even met 
	If I was honest, I didn't want to be here at all. I had not 
imagined it would be that bad, that similar to what I had gone 
through about six years. It was a like a sick, twisted and horrible 
mirror, a rehearsal I could very well do without. But I was here now 
and I couldn't... wouldn't turn my back on this. Maybe I could do 
better this time. Help them get through it where I myself had lost 
that traumatic struggle and the one important person in the process...
	No one should go through this much pain and heartache as I 
had. That time had almost cost me my life and it was a miracle that 
it hadn't. No, Willow deserved better as much did the Slayer. There 
was some sort connection to the petite blonde which I was hesitant to 
approach or dare fathom, afraid of what I might find. All that was 
unimportant (zweitrangig) now. I never was one who could stand 
needless destruction. Yes, I had made myself a reputation of not 
being one to care much who or what might have been damaged through my 
spells in the past but I think I had kind of a righteous streak. 
A "normal" hero I had been once titled by someone very dear to me... 
I shook my head trying to stuff the familiar heartache. Personal 
abuse was something I reacted rather badly at.
	Stopping I waited for the one that had been following me to 
reveal him- or herself. A moment later the blonde female who had 
arrived late at the scene in a Raywing bubble which didn't actually 
surprise me stepped up next to me. Her boyfriend, I assumed, seemed 
to be somewhat stunned but I had sensed her potential from far away 
already. "Did you find him?" she asked, staring up ahead into the 
half-illuminate alley. I narrowed my eyes in concentration and 
finally nodded. The markings were distinctive for one sensitive 
enough to sense it.
	Turning halfway to my unwanted companion, I quickly evaluated 
her strength. She smiled at me. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to do 
anything. I think I'm a bit too rusty for a full-out magic battle. My 
name is Anya by the way." Anya, Anya... I mentally sorted through the 
list of people mentioned in Giles' file. Ah yes, the ex-demon. Okay, 
that at least answered some of her familiarity with my country's form 
of magic. And that was all I needed to know right now.
	"Lina," I introduced myself with a short nod, not bothering 
with a pseudonym anymore. "Just make sure that no one is bothering 
us." Anya grinned but the serious expression betrayed her amusement 
at the whole thing. It seemed I wasn't the only one to settle an old 
debt here. Not surprisingly actually. With Rack's line of work the 
possibility was high to get on the list of a vengeance demon.
	Focusing my attention back on the hidden sorceress lair I let 
the fury that I felt for him and what he had done not only to Willow 
but also to me fuel me from the inside. Gathering my magical reserves 
I let any caution drop and chose to make an entrance worth of Lina 
Inverse, Dra-Mata and Bandit Killer.
	"Source of all power, crimson fire burning bright! Gather 
together in my hand and become and inferno..." Anya took a few steps 
back as I finished the incantation and a ball of crackling fire 
appeared in the area where the hidden hideout was. From experience I 
knew that Rack had this place heavily shielded and therefore I 
wouldn't run danger of scorching any poor soul within alive.
	And in a fiery blaze a blue tongue of flame was rising to the 
sky, the invisible spell broken immediately. I moved forward and 
blasted the door of what had become a raging inferno already. Payback 


Author's Note

This was a good point to stop. I was debating whether to include the 
Lina-Rack confrontation but if I had that would have turned out to be 
rather thin. And I think I will have too much fun at this to just cut 
it short.

Things to clear. For all of you that have not seen one bit of 
Slayers. Don't worry that much. I have seen it once, with the end of 
Season one and a good half of Next missing due to my father not 
paying our Pay-TV bill in time, grr... Most of my information I am 
pulling from Slayers Universe ( Such as name 
spelling, spell incantations and the like. So if you are confused 
about the spelling of some spells I use the main names being issued 
there such as "Dragu Slave" instead of "Dragon Slave" and so on.

Anya was one of those twists that just happened. It just fit at this 

Daryial is my own character. I don't know yet if he will play a 
bigger part in the future or not.

I think that's all for this part. Feedback in all forms like email 
(addy is in the header) and reviews is as always appreciated, wanted 
and needed.

Ja ne, yours


Onwards to Part 1

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