Empowered: Ninjette's Story
Ninjette sighed as the black haired woman dialed her
cellphone, waited for the pick up and said, "Hey, it's
"She okay?" Thug Boy asked, his voice sounding tired
and strained.
Ninjette could easily imagine him slumped on the
couch, probably suffering sarcastic barbs from the
Caged Demon Lord. "I know this'll shock you," she said
wryly, "but Empowered's still really, really pissed
off. She's stuck in a repeating loop of outrage."
Thug Boy sighed tiredly, "Damn."
Ninjette looked over at the blonde sitting at the
table nearby, her golden hair shining in the dim
lights. "I'd estimate you have at least another week
in the deep freeze, if not longer," she reported.
"Star strong, my brotha."
"Keep an eye on her for me," Thug Boy sighed before
finishing, "thanks ‘Jette."
Once he hung up Ninjette turned back to the table,
settling down beside Empowered. "You gonna drink
that?" she pointed at the unopened bottle of beer.
"Here," Empowered pushed the bottle over to her with
a sigh. The blonde, dressed in a simple top and jeans,
looked remarkably cute even with the annoyed look on
her face.
"Thanks," Ninjette unscrewed the top and took a long
drink. Sitting it down on the table she tentatively
said, "You know, he hadn't even met you when he...."
"Slept with Sustah Spooky?" Empowered finished. She
had some of her long island ice tea, "Damn it, he
should have better taste than to sleep with her!"
Ninjette could have pointed out Sistah Spooky was
pretty hot, the African American heroine having
appeared in magazines and covers in her black leather,
but decided it'd be better for her health if she
didn't. "You're angry because Spooky's been a bitch to
you," she noted, "not cause of Thug Boy."
"Don't bring logic into this!" Empowered fumed.
Ninjette smiled wryly, "Just calling them as I see
‘em, girlfriend."
Empowered slumped a bit in her chair, her expression
suddenly tired. "It's just..." she started, "this
thing with Thug Boy is special to me." A sigh, "And
knowing that he slept with Sistah Spooky, it...."
"Makes it less special, somehow," Ninjette supplied.
"Yeah," Empowered admitted.
‘I'm getting better at this.' Ninjette mentally
noted, ‘even for someone who's never watched Oprah or
done the whole emotionally supportive thing.' She
reached out to gently pat Empowered's hand, "So, what
do you wanna do now?"
Empowered gave her a weak smile, "I dunno...."
"Hey, chikas," the tall, black haired man smiled down
at them charmingly, "I noticed you were all alone, and
was wondering if...."
"Buzz off, creep," Ninjette said, annoyed at being
"Hey," he frowned, "I just wanted to...."
"Pick up one or both of a pair of ladies?" Empowered
looked up at him tiredly, "this is so not a good
Ninjette nodded, "So take your pick up lines and bug
"Hey," he seemed to puff up, "I do not have to take
this from you bitches."
Empowered, not so drunk as to be unable to read the
signs, looked over at Ninjette and asked, "Should I
get my suit on?"
"I think I can handle it," Ninjette assured her as
she quickly knocked back the last of her bottle of
"Don't ignore me," he moved to grab Ninjette, only to
discover she was gone.
With unearthly grace Ninjette leapt up, going over
him like a rabbit to land directly behind him. A leg
sweep sent the taller, stronger man to the floor, then
Ninjette efficiently pinned his arm behind him.
"Play nice," Ninjette warned, "or I break it."
"Guido, Nunzio, some back up," he squealed, then
howled as his arm was broken with one easy movement.
"He brought a gang," Empowered blinked as the group
of men charged towards the table. She flipped the
table over to the side for some cover, them stripped
off her clothes and changed to her super suit with
surprising ease.
Empowered, dressed in her black hypermembrane suit,
emerged to join Ninjette as the ninja dodged a punch
easily, grabbing the man by the arm and sending him
crashing to the ground. "I'd say you have some
annoyance to work out," she grinned at Empowered as
the men surrounded them, "think they'll do?"
Empowered smiled back, "You know, I think they just
And with that, the enemy charged....
"You know," Ninjette sighed, "we should do that more
Empowered's super suit was in tatters but she had a
big smile on her face as they entered the apartment,
"That was pretty fun."
Thug Boy snored softly on the sofa, still wearing his
shades as he snored softly away. Being careful not to
wake him the two ladies tip toed by, heading for the
bedroom door.
"Guess I'll have to crash somewhere else tonight,"
Ninjette noted, Thug Boy taking up her usual sleeping
"Ninjette, could you do my a favor?" Empowered asked
as she closed the bedroom door softly behind them.
‘Ninja senses, tingling,' Ninjette noted as she
warily asked, "Yes?"
Empowered looked away, blushing shyly. "Could you...
stay with me tonight?" A sigh, "I really don't want to
be left alone."
‘Oh hell,' Ninjette thought, well aware of how hot
she felt right then. Fighting against crooks or heroes
always did it to her, and from what she had heard from
Thug Boy it did the same to Empowered. ‘This is a
very, VERY bad idea,' she thought even as she casually
answered, "Sure, no problem."
"Thank you," Empowered smiled sweetly even as she
began to casually strip the tattered remnants of her
suit off.
‘God.' Ninjette fought back a groan as she watched.
It was odd, the ripped up suit hadn't covered up much,
but pulling it off stuill seemed sexy. ‘Like that time
I captured her,' Ninjette remembered, well aware that
her hands had lingered more than a bit as he had bound
Empowered in chains back then.
"Aren't you getting undressed?" Empowered asked
innocently as she bent over to tug at the bits
clinging to one boot.
"Right," Ninjette croaked as she pulled off her
t-shirt, then shimmied out of her jeans.
After turning out the lights and switching on the
bedside lamp Empowered climbed up onto the bed,
gesturing for Ninjette to follow her up. "Thanks," she
sighed as she lay back, "I hate feeling so needy."
"No prob," Ninjette said gruffly climbed on, keeping
a bit of distance between her and Empowered. ‘Thank
god she cleaned the sheets,' she thought, glad that
there wasn't any lingering sex smell to the room.
"Ninjette?" Empowered asked after she turned off the
bedside lamp.
"Can you just... hold me?" Empowered asked in a
little-girl voice.
Ninjette hesitated, looking over at Empowered in the
near darkness. "Emp," she said honestly, "I've never
had any feelings for the same sex, but I'm not sure if
I can just hold you... and not do more."
"Me, too," Empowered answered as she reached for
Ninjette and pulled her close, kissing her wildly.
"Hmmm," Ninjette tangled her fingers in Empowered's
hair, moving her smaller breasts against her larger
"Just," Empowered gasped as they pulled apart to
catch their breaths, "don't tell Thug Boy, ‘kay?"
"He'd probably want to watch," Ninjette stroked
Empowered's body with her hands as she nibbled on her
"Maybe," Empowered gasped as Ninjette hit a sensitive
bit on her neck, "once he's out of the dog house." She
met Ninjette's eyes with a sultry glance, "Less
talking, more kissing."
"Your wish is my command," Ninjette purred.
Notes: The first few lines are taken from ‘The Guy on
Ice Planet Zero' from the Empowered GN #1, with some
edits by me. The rest of this is all made up,
including any possibility that Empowered might be into
girls. Tho she does read girl on girl fanfiction about
herself and Sistah Spooky at one point... *rotfl*
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