Ivana Baul fought back a smile as they moved into the nightclub, Caitlin leading the way with a smooth capability. She was a beautiful young woman with that golden brown hair, beautiful body and oddly gentle eyes and Ivana got some pleasure out of just watching her. "Should we grab a table or mingle?" Caitlin asked as she paused, letting two young woman slink by with their hands possessively on each other's bodies. "A table," Ivana ordered, "we can wait for my contact there." Caitlin watched the crowd warily as they continued on, the taller young woman fully into her role of bodyguard and Ivana found herself wondering if this little deception was really such a good idea. Yes, she was meeting certain individuals here but Caitlin's presence wasn't really necessary for this. Instead, she was here simply for Ivana's personal reasons. 'I should know better than to mix business and pleasure,' Ivana thought to herself wryly, 'but the temptation was just too strong for me to resist.' She smiled up at Caitlin as she held out a chair for her and murmured, "Thank you." "You're welcome," Caitlin answered before taking her own seat. She looked over at Ivana as she asked, "So who are we going to be meeting?" "The daughters of a very conservative Senator and a certain major labor leader," Ivana said to her calmly, "their sexual preference will be very embarrassing if it's publicly revealed, so I expect they'll willingly meet my demands." "Typical Ivana," Caitlin muttered with a frown. Ivana looked over at her thoughtfully. "Both young women are being hypocrites," she calmly pointed out, "profiting from their father's power." She finished with, "If they weren't keeping such secrets, I wouldn't have any leverage to use against them." A clearly troubled Caitlin conceded, "You've got a point." 'The young woman was so charmingly innocent, in some ways,' Ivana mused. Caitlin hadn't even figured out the nasty trick that Ivana had pulled on her, calling due the favor that Caitlin owed her multiple times and then just erasing the girl's memory of it afterward. 'Of course,' Ivana noted, 'it was just such a mission that sparked this mad idea.' Ivana had needed an invulnerable agent to investigate a potentially dangerous superhuman and she had instantly thought of Caitlin. The uniform that she had equipped Caitlin with had been nearly fetishistic, made of skin tight black leather, and Ivana had been startled by how she had been effected by it. Add that to all the verbal sparring that she and Caitlin had engaged in, nearly flirting as Caitlin investigated the situation and you had a recipe for disaster. Ivana fought back a surge of amusement as Caitlin blushed fiercely, observing two ladies making out at a table nearby. One of the women was dressed in what looked just like a modified Stormwatch uniform, the other in just bikini top and bottoms. "I'm surprised this bothers you," Ivana noted, "considering your close friendship with Rainmaker." Caitlin rolled her eyes as she sighed, "Despite what Grunge and Burnout would like to think, we're just friends." Ivana just had to chuckle at the clear exasperation she heard in Caitlin's voice as she asked, "You get that question a lot, I take it?" "If it isn't those two hormonally overactive guys," Caitlin sighed, "it's my little sister asking if we're just a little too close." Ivana suddenly had a vivid mental image of Caitlin and Sarah Rainmaker together, the lovely native American and the amazonian girl and had to smile. "You should try a lesbian experience," Ivana said with a wicked smile, "it can be quite... rewarding." Caitlin's face went beet red. "You mean you have?" she blurted. Ivana sat back casually, knowing that the slinky red dress she had chosen highlighted her many charms. "More than once," she conceded then chuckled at a pleasant memory, "Bliss was quite the busy little seductress." Bliss had been one of the more eager operatives that Ivana had recruited for her team the Deviants, the young beauty quite willing to use her pleasure inducing mental gift. The redhead had dressed in the most scanty clothing, thongs and bikini's, and she had been relentless in her pursuit of Ivana. Of course the older woman understood why Bliss did so, her deep seated lust for power, but she had enjoyed their little tryst none the less. "I thought that you and Threshold...," Caitlin murmured uncomfortably. "Him, too," Ivana said quite agreeably. Smiling she picked up her drink, taking a sip before adding, "You could categorize me as a bisexual, I guess." Silently she added, 'But emotionally, I'm much more attracted to women.' Caitlin looked up, her eyes narrowing as she tracked movement in the crowd around them. Quietly she reported, "Incoming." Ivana didn't turn around, maintaining a deliberately casual manner as she waited. The brown haired girl lead the way, the redhead following submissively as they reached the table. 'Just like in the bedroom,' Ivana thought to herself amusedly. "What do you want from us, Baul?" Ms. Tree asked, looking at Ivana with a scowl through her brown bangs. "Just a simple vote," Ivana said casually, "there's a new law to help restrict the creation of Super Powered Beings coming up, I want some no votes." "But we don't have that kind of influence," Ms. Hatfield protested, the redhead's voice having as clear whine to it. "I'm sure you can manage," Ivana paused a moment before adding, "the photo's and video I have would be very embarrassing if they were given to the news media." Ms. Tree studied Ivana, her brown eyes narrowed slightly. "And what guarantee do we have that this is the only favor you'll ask?" she demanded. Ivana looked at the girl with a bit more respect in her eyes. "You don't," she said simply, "but doing this for me would certainly help keep you on my good side." Ms. Hatfield clenched her hands to still their shaking, tears on the corners of her eyes. "I won't be blackmailed," she hissed. Ivana's eyes widened as the girl pulled the pistol out, her thoughts racing. 'I underestimated her,' she realized as the plastic and ceramic pistol came up aimed right at her face, a weapon designed not to trigger any security systems. Then Caitlin was there, the pistol roaring even as she threw herself across the table to put herself right between Ivana and the bullets. They hit the carpet with a soft thump, Caitlin looking down with alarm as she demanded fiercely, "Are you all right?" Ivana looked up at Caitlin dumbly, her eyes wide as she met the younger woman's eyes. "You're beautiful," Ivana murmured. "What?" Caitlin blinked. "Never mind," Ivana shook herself, quickly recovering her composure as Caitlin rose then helped her up to her feet, "I'm all right." The security forces arrived almost as soon as Ms. Hatfield fired her gun, young women in black suits rushing in to subdue both women. Ms. Tree loudly claimed she didn't know anything about it but they just ignored her, whisking the two of them out of the building. "I don't know how this happened," the leader of the security team said seriously, "but I intend to find out, I assure you." With that she turned and strode away, the set of her shoulders determined. Ivana turned Caitlin around, smiling wryly at the bullet holes in the suit the girl wore. The flesh underneath was unharmed, of course, but it couldn't hurt to check. "It looks like that lovely body of yours held up pretty well," she finally said with a false sort of casualness, Ivana's hands lingering on the flesh of Caitlin's back. Caitlin blushed slightly, the taller woman nodding as she said, "Being shot stings but other than that, not bad." As Ivana stood there she could pick up the warm scent of the other girl, the healthy vitality. She shook herself, moving back a bit as she thought, 'She did what she did because she takes her promises seriously.' A mocking smile, "She hates your guts, remember?" "I don't hate you," Caitlin answered. As Ivana looked up at her in shock she continued, "You accidentally said that aloud." She gave a wry little smile as Caitlin explained, "I may not like you much, but I don't hate you, either." "Thank you," Ivana answered, feeling her cheeks flaming as they stood there together. A mad impulse seized her as she looked up into those innocent eyes, "Do you want to dance?" Caitlin looked down at her searchingly before nodding slightly. They cut away from their table and went out on the dance floor, the taller Caitlin leading as they began to sway together. "You didn't just ask me out to protect you, did you?" Caitlin asked. Ivana relaxed slightly as Caitlin gently guided them across the floor. "That wasn't the only reason," she admitted, feeling a bit of red to her cheeks. 'I must look like some damn schoolgirl,' she thought to herself irritably. "I'm not...." Caitlin's cheeks were almost as red as Ivana's as she tried again to say, "I mean, I've never tried...." Ivana reached up, putting a finger over Caitlin's lips. "It's all right," she softly reassured her, but it wasn't, not really. As they danced she realized that her emotion for Caitlin was stronger than ever, something greater than a simple need. A soft buzz came from her wristband and Ivana scowled, "It's time to go, I think." "Right," Caitlin looked relieved as they slipped away from the dancers, the tall woman watching over Ivana protectively. The jet picked them up outside right on cue and they were off, flying across the night sky to eventually reach the campsite. Ivana dropped Caitlin off, lingering in the hatch to look at the young woman, dressed once again in her casual clothes. "Thank you," Ivana said softly. Caitlin smiled, "You're welcome." Ivana closed the hatch, still in her fine dress as she returned to her seat. She used the intercom to order, "Back home, please." "You're not going to edit her memory?" the pilot asked as the jet rumbled, shaking slightly as it rose up into the air. "No, not this time," Ivana answered shortly. She looked out the window, down at the quickly disappearing campsite and thought, 'This isn't over, Caitlin Fairchild.' The End Authors Notes: I was originally going to have this end with a romantic moment between Ivana and Caitlin, but after some thought I decided it wasn't realistic. Caitlin is very straight, has had a few straight crushes and no crushes on girls. She does have a close friendship with her lesbian teammate Sarah Rainmaker, but it doesn't appear to be romantic.
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