The Adventures of Shadowcat and Rogue! (part 27 of 32)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 26
        Feral paused in the doorway, looking over at the two women who 
were sleeping tangled up together on the small bed. The green haired 
Lorna Dane had her head resting on the sandy haired Plasma's chest, 
little smiles on both of their faces. The orange furred girl paced 
across the room, looking down at them thoughtfully.

        Feral reached out, gently shaking Lorna by the shoulder, "Wake 
up." The green haired girl mumbled something softly, snuggling in a 
bit closer to Plasma. Her claws gleamed as she raised her hand, then 
reached over to hold her hand just over one of the curved bottoms. She 
jabbed down once, then jumped backwards.

        "Yeow!" Lorna jerked up, looking around her wildly, her green 
hair messy around her face. "What the hell?" she stuttered.

        "Sakura sent me to get you," Feral said softly. She smiled a 
bit grimly, "We've got X-Men inbound, probably within minutes."

        Lorna watched the catgirl slink out, then looked down at the 
still gently snoring Linda. 'I love her,' she felt a moment of vertigo 
as she admitted it to herself, 'and all hell's going to break loose.' 
She shook her shoulder, smiling fondly as the sandy blonde looked up 
at her woozily.

        "Is it morning?" Linda asked, blinking dazedly.

        "The X-men are coming," Lorna said quietly. Linda shook 
herself, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes as Lorna continued, "We'd 
better get ready."

        "Right," Linda grabbed at her clothes, pulling her pants on 
smoothly. As she was wiggling into her shirt she paused, "Last 
night... it wasn't just fun, for me."

        "Me, too," Lorna agreed as she pulled her own clothes on. She 
smiled a bit wryly, "Is it too early for me to say I love you?"

        Linda moved over to where Lorna was standing, gently pressing 
her lips to the smaller woman's. "Not at all," Linda said softly, "I 
was hoping you'd say that." She smiled, "I feel the same way about 
you, too."

        Dressed, the two women headed for the command center to check 
in with Sakura. The slim, white haired martial artist was studying the 
tracking screen as a blip rapidly moved across the outback. Without 
turning she said, "Stryfe is still sealed away with McCoy, so we'll 
have to defend the town until he can emerge."

        Lorna quickly scanned the tactical updates, "Looks like the 
Reaver- bots are deploying as planned. Is Nemesis still in 

        "For now," Sakura agreed. "He's not the most precise 
operative, so I'm holding him back to hit the X-Men with later," she 

        "Where do you want us?" Linda asked crisply, fully in her 
combat mode.

        "Move in on the X-Men after the Reaver-bots attack," Sakura 
crisply ordered, "that way Lorna can use their metal parts with her 

        "You haven't much confidence in McCoy's babies?" Plasma raised 
an eyebrow curiously.

        "No, I don't," Sakura admitted. "They're robots, no matter how 
enhanced, and the X-Men train against such things." Her eyes narrowed, 
"Get into position, please."

        "Got it," Lorna lead Linda out of the command center at a fast 
jog. Silently Sakura watched the two of them go, her expression 

        "You think they're going to pull something?" Feral emerged 
from the shadows, the catgirl giving Sakura a seductive glance.

        "Probably," Sakura answered quite calmly. She felt Feral move 
up behind her, pressing her body up against her own. A soft breath, 
and a raspy tongue stroked against the back of her neck. "We'll be 
ready, if they do try something," Sakura said softly. She pushed Feral 
away from her, but with clear reluctance.

        Sakura activated a communication device, and McCoy's voice 
came through clearly, "No interruptions! We've reached a critical 

        "Can you hurry it up?" Sakura made the threat all in her tone 
of voice, "We've got X-Men almost sitting on our doorstep."

        "I'll put every effort into expediting the process," McCoy 
answered, then disconnected.

        Not that far away the sleek black jet skimmed dangerously 
close to the ground. Kitty gazed out the window intently, slight 
nudges of the controls shifting the Midnight Runner aside from the 
many towers of rock and the occasional man made constructions.

        "ETA less than two minutes," Kitty reported softly.

        Sage looked up from the electronic countermeasures station, 
"I'd like to think we've made it this far unobserved, but I don't 
think we should depend on it."

        "Reasonable," Storm agreed. The tall black woman met their 
eyes steadily before adding, "We'll be ready." With that, she moved 
into the back and addressed the other members of the team. "We should 
be ready to evacuate the plane at any time," she quickly briefed them, 
"just in case something unexpected happens."

        BOOM! The plane was rocked by a sudden explosion.

        "Like that?" Mystique swiftly reached out to grab at her 
lover's arm before she was thrown right off of her feet.

        "Thanks," Storm smiled.

        "We're takin' heavy fire from the ground," Rogue used the 
intercom to let the others know even as Kitty wrestled with the 
controls to try to keep the plane as steady as possible. She checked a 
reading, Rogue's eyes widening, "And sensors say it's superhuman power 

        "Let me off the plane here," Deathstryke said firmly, looking 
out the window at the many shadowed figures that were moving around 
below them.

        "We're moving at..." Elizabeth started.

        "I'll survive," Deathstryke said to her crisply, "and I may be 
able to distract them from continuing to fire on the plane."

        Storm met the Japanese woman's eyes, suddenly reminded of many 
similar moments dealing with Wolverine. Making up her mind she nodded, 
"Do it."

        The hatch was forced open, wind whistled by, and Deathstryke 
leapt out. She hit the ground hard, bouncing and rolling, but she came 
up with a dangerous smile on her face, her long dark hair flowing 
around her. She flexed her fingers, feeling them extend into the 
deadly metal blades that had so often been used against the X-Men.

        Deathstryke scanned the battlefield, quickly spotting the 
shambling figures that were heading for her. Once human, now mostly 
machine these Reavers came, odd, pulsing organic growths grafted onto 
them. Nerves, blood and gore traced their forms, bizarre looking but 
to her experienced eyes they were also clearly dangerous.

        One of the Reavers gestured, the growth that was attached to 
it's side swelled up and then darkened, and from it's hands a stream 
of thermal energy emerged. Deathstryke ducked as she sprinted forward, 
dodging yet another shot as she reached it. Her claws raked upward, 
tearing it open in a move that she had learned studying Wolverine. She 
was splattered with blood and engine oil, parts went flying, and it 

        "One down," she murmured, Deathstryke looking up to see dozens 
more coming at her. "This should be fun," she twitched her blades free 
of gore and charged.

        Not far above her Kitty struggled with the Midnight Runner's 
controls to bring them into a controlled turn over the little outback 
town. She hammered the controls once before finally growling out, 
"We're losing flight stability."

        "Which means we're going down, soon," Rogue said grimly.

        "I'll go let the others know," Sage moved towards the back, 
even as the plane was rocked by another near miss.

        Storm nodded grimly at Sage's news, "Then we evac, now." She 
raised her voice, "Kitten, can you slow us down a bit?"

        "Already working on it," Kitty called back, "but the 
autopilot's down. Everyone else gets off, while I try to bring this 
down in an uninhabited piece of the outback."

        "I am not leaving you here alone," Rogue said grimly, staying 
in her seat while the rest of the team bailed, those with flight 
powers helping the others down to the ground.

        Kitty smiled slightly as she met her lover's eyes, knowing 
that Rogue wasn't going to change her mind. "All right," Kitty 
conceded, feeling a bit of relief as she saw the team assembling below 
them through her window.

        "You have a plan to get out of here, right?" Rogue asked.

        "Oh, yeah," Kitty maneuvered the damaged plane, feeling a bit 
of relief as it cleared a stone rise. Open, uninhabited sand stretched 
out in front of them, and Kitty sighed with relief. She grabbed at 
Rogue's hand, "Now!"

        Using her power at one of it's highest levels Kitty phased 
both women, letting them slide through the jet as it traveled onward. 
Hovering they saw it fall belly down to the ground, wings tearing and 
smoke pouring out of the engine assembly.

        "At least it didn't explode," Rogue clasped Kitty close to her 
as they flew to where the other X-men awaited them.

        Mystique leveled one of Bishop's guns, blasting at the robots 
as the rest of the team moved to disable them. "Thanks," she grinned 
as bishop soaked up enemy weapons fire beside her and threw it back at 
them, exploding the robots.

        Storm tossed her a smile as she threw lightning bolts into the 
Reavers, then using gusts of wind to throw the robots up against each 
other. She used her height to get a feel for the situation and had to 
smile. Deathstryke tore through the Reavers like a hot knife through 
butter, Sage and Lifeguard fighting on one flank, Psylocke and 
Thunderbird on the other, and finally Bishop and Mystique laying down 
cover fire for them all.

        Kitty and Rogue soared over a rise, dropping down on to the 
battlefield. "Fastball special," Kitty yelled with a grin, leaping up 
agilely on to Rogue's hand. Rogue flung her, the fully phased girl 
passing through the robots and shorting out all the electrical 

        Rogue ran over to where the most Reavers remained, Deathstryke 
right in their midst, her metallic claws gleaming. A thought and Rogue 
popped her own bone claws, leaping into the mob of robots and joining 
in reducing them to piles of wreckage. In a few moments it was all 
over, the last of the robots destroyed.

        "That was enjoyable," Deathstryke cast the ruined arm of a 
robot aside.

        'Definitely reminding me of Logan,' Rogue mused. She offered a 
grin, "The big fight's still coming up. The Brotherhood, and Stryfe."

        The metal parts littering the battlefield shifted, rising 
slightly, a soft green glow appearing around them. They began to 
float, the green glow becoming even brighter as two figures walked out 
of the shadows together.

        "Polaris," Sage murmured.

        Deathstryke sprinted forward, and the woman beside Polaris 
gestured. It was almost like watching the sun rise, so much power was 
called forth them focused into a single bolt. Deathstryke screamed, 
rolling to put out the flames. She returned to her feet much more 
cautiously, eyeing the two of them with a wary intensity.

        "Plasma," Storm recognized the young woman's powers from the 
datafile that Havok once compiled for the X-Men. "Spread out," she 
ordered, looking back at her teammates.

        Sage signaled Thunderbird, and the young man nodded to her 
slightly. Mystique moved aside slowly, gradually disappearing into the 
concealment of the shadows as Sage stepped forward, "Why are you doing 
this, Lorna?"

        "Awfully chummy, considering we've never even been friends," 
Lorna replied crisply, her eyes narrowed in anger. The green haired 
woman tossed Plasma a cautious look, wondering if they should risk 
making a move.

        "But we have been friends, Lorna," Storm met her eyes frankly, 
"and I too would like to know why you're doing this."

        Lorna raised her chin defiantly to answer, "It doesn't really 
matter, not anymore." Without really thinking about it she reached for 
Plasma's hand, and felt relieved when those fingers gently wrapped 
themselves around hers.

        "I'll be damned," Kitty muttered under her breath, "I didn't 
think that Lorna swung that way."

        "Think it's something in Australian water?" Rogue whispered 
back, and Kitty snickered.

        "Stand down, Polaris, Plasma," Sakura commanded, the white 
haired ninja standing upon a nearby rise, garbed all in white.

        "What are you..." Plasma looked up in surprise.

        Rogue's eyes widened, and tossed a look at Kitty only to see 
her standing there quite calmly. "Aren't you going to get her?" she 
asked softly.

        Suddenly Polaris gestured, a green glow appearing around 
Sakura as she yanked the woman off her feet. She tightened her 
magnetic grip, Sakura's form shifted, and Mystique struggled in her 
grasp. "What gave me away?" Mystique asked calmly.

        "You didn't get the voice quite right," Plasma nodded 

        Mystique made a face. 'Next time, don't try to do an 
impersonation based off of a recording,' she thought to herself 
furiously even as she attempted to wiggle free.

        "Neal, now!" Sage cried.

        Thunderbird exploded into action, bathing both Polaris and 
Plasma in a wave of fire. The mistress of magnetism fought to keep her 
grip, her powers fading suddenly, then Plasma grabbed her and yanked 
her backwards. Concentration broken, Mystique fell to the ground.

        "Heat weakens magnetism," Heather murmured, looking over at 
Sage admiringly, "That was pretty sharp."

        "Thank you," Sage blushed slightly.

        "You all right," Plasma picked up Polaris worriedly, her eyes 
wide with concern.

        "I'll be fine," Polaris smiled up at her comfortingly, "just a 
bit scorched around the edges."

        The figure emerged from the shadows, the orange furred catgirl 
giving them a withering look. "Well. aren't you two pitiful," Feral 

        "Where's Sakura?" Plasma asked.

        "She's breaking out Nemesis if we don't stop them here," Feral 
said casually.

        "Nemesis?" Sage could barely hear them from where the X-Men 
were standing, but if she had heard right, this could be as big of a 
problem as Stryfe...

Onwards to Part 28

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