The True Noir
Author's Notes: This is a short short fic. Mireille's thoughts as she
watched Kirika and Cloe truly fight together for the first time in Taiwan
(Heartless Assassin episode).
Ah, the title of this fic is really generic. Sorry.
Back to back, you and Cloe fought with ease. It was awe-inspiring.
Gracefully moving together insync. Such beauty, untethered, formless as
water; pouring in streams, dripping like tears, thrashing as harsh waves...
then still and placid.
Back to back, the same way you and I slept.
A sharp pain in my heart, as though I felt our thread of fate snap. I
thought I had lost you in that moment. Just as liquid as you two fighting
together, you began to seep through my fingers.
I had never felt more obsolete.
You simply didn't need me.
Who are you Yuumura Kirika? Any semblance I had of you washed away. Were you
fighting to save me? As you walked up those steps, I thought you had gone
mad. Was I worth that much to you? Would you be able to take them all? I
would not have had the skill, but you are nothing like me, are you? You are
a perfect assassin.
You and Cloe were... perfect.
The True Noir.
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