The italicized paragraphs represent Ana’s thoughts. I’m sure you could have figured that out yourselves, but I like to cover all my bases. Anyway, this is my first fan fiction, and frankly I think it shows, so I more than welcome any advice and/or criticism you may have to offer. After all, how can I expect to grow as a writer if I don’t know what to improve on?
Well, I should probably wrap this up before I start to ramble. Enjoy!
Honestly, when I invited Matsuri over this afternoon, I wasn’t really planning on her staying for the night. My original plan was to study a new English workbook, but then mother asked if we wanted to go shopping. After that, she took us to a family restaurant for a bite to eat. When we finally got back, rather than returning to our studies, we decided to watch a movie instead.
We completely lost track of the time, so father offered to let Matsuri stay over. That way she wouldn’t have to walk home. Not that it bothers me or anything. Matsuri is good company. She’s polite and courteous, plus my parents absolutely adore her.
Placing her arms underneath her pillow, Matsuri sighed as she blearily repositioned herself. Ana quickly squeezed her eyes shut and pretended to sleep. After a moment or two, Ana opened her eyes to see if Matsuri was sleeping. As soon as she did, though, Ana was forced to bury her face into a pillow to cover up her uncontrollable giggle-fit.
In Matsuri’s nighttime spasm, stray strands of pale gray hair fell over the young girl’s face, completely covering her eyes. Giggling to herself, Ana extended her hand across the bed. Slowly and gently she brushed away the tresses from Matsuri’s face, taking extra precaution so as to not wake her playmate. Content with every hair back in its proper place, Ana clasped her hands together and continued “Matsuri watching”.
If the others were here right now I bet Miu would probably say, “How could you fritter away these your precious days of youth by spending an entire day being boring and unproductive?!” Or something along those lines at least.
You know something, Matsuri; we don’t get into nearly as many shenanigans when it’s just you and I. In fact, when Miu isn’t around, my life is much less hectic and episodic altogether.
That is not to say that I hate Miu. Heavens no! I don’t believe any of us could say that. But the girl would be much more bearable to be around if she just learned to sit still once in a while.
I know a fair amount of the annoying things Miu does are usually unintentional, but that doesn’t make her actions any less irritating. That’s just the way she is. Silly girl doesn’t know any better. She’s yet to learn the meaning of “tact”!
I suppose you understand that all too well, don’t you Matsuri? You’ve known Miu much longer than I have. Frankly, I’m surprised you’ve put up with her for as long as you have. Poor girl! Miu torments you so much! If it weren’t for Chika and Nobue I can’t even imagine why you would even associate with someone who seems to make it her life’s goal to see how much she can pester you.
Rolling over, Ana checked the time on her alarm clock again. Needless to say, it was still late and she wasn’t feeling any sleepier. So, she chose to lie on her back and look up at the ceiling again. Perhaps, if she stared into the darkness long enough she might succumb to boredom and finally fall asleep.
Still… once in a while, Miu does show signs of something which resembles kindness and she’ll try to help others out. In her own… Miu-ish way. You remember, don’t you Matsuri? A few months ago Miu made it her mission to rehabilitate you.
I’m not quite sure how it led to this, though. At the time I was trying to read a book. So when Miu asked me about your daily rituals, (Which usually consists of you habitually tripping and falling over, as well as, frequent visits to the infirmary), I was a bit surprised, to say the least.
I suppose Miu was too, because next thing I knew she, and even Chika, became awfully concerned for your well being and decided to “toughen you up,” in a manner of speaking. Miu wanted to make sure you’d be able to function, even if we were to suddenly leave. At first, I assumed it was just another of her harebrained schemes to alleviate her boredom. Then, before I knew it, the whole thing turned into a big production!
It wasn’t just you they worried about either. I guess they felt that you might become too dependent on me and feared that you would cause me unwanted stress. But, I don’t consider you to be stress inducing at all. You’re my friend. Why should I be upset because you take things a little slower than most people? In fact, I like that about you.
Frankly, I never felt like there was anything wrong with you, anyway! True, you are clumsier and more naive than most people… I never saw any cause for concern, though. People are usually uncoordinated when they’re younger, aren’t they? Over time, they grow out of it. You’re just a late bloomer, Matsuri. That’s what I always believed.
Besides, if either of us should be accused of being dependent of the other, it’s me. After all, I’m the fool who decided to go to school and pretend to be fluent in a language I cannot even speak. When you first found out my secret I was so afraid that you would tell someone or make fun of me, but you didn’t. Instead, you were too distracted by a grain of rice on my cheek that it didn’t even occur to you that I spoke fluent Japanese.
Frustrated as I was back then, thinking about it now, I am extremely fortunate that I met you that day. Not only did you keep my secret, but you even went so far as to help me try and relearn English. To say you’re dependent of me… without you, I wouldn’t even be able to communicate with anyone at school because of the situation I put myself in. I never would have gotten to know Chika, Nobue, and, yes, even Miu, had I not met you, Matsuri.
People say you’re a wimp, a weakling, who’d be completely lost if I wasn’t there to hold your hand. Even Chika and the others think that you’re a burden to me. But I like being with you. When you fall down I don’t give you my hand out of pity. I don’t help you swim laps in the pool or sit by your side in the infirmary because I feel obligated to. I do it because I want to.
Apparently, you’re school life would completely fall apart if I weren’t there. Then the same is true of me. I truly don’t know what I would do if one of us were to leave. If you’re really overly dependent of me, then I’m equally dependent of you.
Matsuri, you are my best friend! When I’m with you I feel warm inside… I feel truly, truly happy. Overjoyed, even!
Without warning, Ana’s thoughts were abruptly interrupted by noises emanating from Matsuri’s side of the bed. Sounds of something resembling a whimpering puppy grew more and more loudly. Using her left arm to prop herself up, Ana sat up in her bed and leaned over to Matsuri.
The timid child buried her head into her pillow, attempting to hide her streaming tears from Ana. The concerned blond laid her right hand on Matsuri’s back. Despite shuddering at the touch of Ana’s small hand, Matsuri still tried her best to keep quiet. Eventually, Matsuri’s crying quieted down; though her body continued to furiously tremble.
“Mats… Matsuri?”
Before Ana could even add to her sentence Matsuri lunged at her. Wrapping her arms around Ana’s waist, Matsuri buried her head in Ana’s chest. Ana’s nightshirt started to stain with the rushing waves of Matsuri’s tears. Even so, she sat completely still in the silence while Matsuri sobbed into her chest.
“A… Ana! I-I had, had a dream…!”
Ana just smiled and wrapped her arms around Matsuri. Using her left hand, Ana tenderly ran her fingers through Matsuri’s hair and stroked the back of her head. With her right hand, Ana caressed her childish friend’s back, hoping to stop the incessant trembling.
After several moments Matsuri had calmed down enough that her shaking ceased. Though she was still sniffling and trying to control her tears.
“I’m sorry. I woke you up didn’t I? I’m sorry, Ana. I’m sorry.”
“Matsuri… please. Promise me that you won’t leave.”
Ana’s words were weak, as if she was resisting the impulse to cry as well. Matsuri sniffled and thought for a moment before responding.
“Ana, why would I leave? It’s the middle of the night?”
It took everything Ana had to resist laughing at her friend’s reply. Instead, she tightened her grip on Matsuri and proceeded to lovingly stroke her hair. Matsuri, still bewildered by her friend’s words, decided to disregard them for the time being, and hugged Ana even harder. The two girls, still holding one another, lowered themselves onto the bed.
Time passed and eventually Matsuri fell asleep again. The nearby alarm clock continued ticking away the seconds of the late evening. Although Ana Coppola was still wide awake, she did not care anymore. She was far too busy embracing her closest and dearest friend, Matsuri Sakuragi, so as to insure that there would be no more bad dreams.
Ana knew that this night would end before long, so she wanted to cherish every moment while she could. The young Brit tilted her head down and pressed her lips against Matsuri’s forehead. After giving her companion one last good night kiss, she whispered into the darkness.
“Sweet dreams, Matsuri.”