Something to Believe (part 3 of 10)

a Maria-sama ga Miteru fanfiction by Dreiser

Back to Part 2
"I want to know what's really going on!" Yoshino declared, whapping her 
hands down onto the table. They had been eating their lunch in relative 
silence with only the intermittent sound of polite chit chat 
interrupting them and it was too much for her to take. Especially 
considering the rather dramatic scene they had left back at school 
involving Yumi and Touko. The Rose Mansion meeting room almost seemed to 
shake from the force of Yoshino's agitation and pointing her finger 
accusingly at Yumi, she said, "You aren't just teasing Touko-chan, are 

Normally the idea of Yumi playing with another person's emotions would 
be the furthest thing from Yoshino's thoughts but after the display she 
witnessed she wasn't so sure about that. Shimako raised an eyebrow in a 
sign of mild interest and turned to Yumi with an expression of blasé 
curiosity. Yumi, for her part, blinked at the sudden outburst and after 
a moment burst into embarrassed laughter, rubbing the back of her head.

"I messed it up, didn't I?" asked Yumi sheepishly. Sighing quietly and 
wearing a wry look on her face she continued, "I never get it right when 
I try to be like oneesama so I don't know why I bother to try."

"Yumi is Yumi," murmured Shimako, blue eyes warm with kindness. "She 
shouldn't try to be like Sachiko-sama because while there are some 
things only Sachiko-sama can do there are others that are just for 

"I'm not sure Touko-chan is one of those things," said Yumi sadly.

Yoshino released a snort and took a sip of her tea then said, "Of course 
not. But mostly because Touko-chan isn't a thing, Yumi-san. She's a 
person. One smart enough to know when you're attempting a bad 
impersonation of Sachiko-sama." Yumi gave a half hearted laugh at this 
and Yoshino looked at her friend sympathetically. "To be fair, you 
didn't remind me of Sachiko-sama back there. It was more like watching 
shades of Youko-sama."

"Really?" Yumi brightened slightly.

"Really," said Yoshino in dry tones. She set her cup of tea down with a 
clink and tilted her head to one side, observing her friend closely. 
"What is your plan for Touko-chan?"

"Yes," Shimako broke in softly, leaning forward. "Does Yumi-san truly 
want Touko-chan as her petite soeur or is this something else?"

"She had better want her!"

Simultaneously, all three girls turned to see Noriko standing in the 
doorway to the meeting room. Her dark eyes were narrowed and she walked 
into the room, her stance quiet and controlled, gaze never leaving 
Yumi's as she said in commanding tones, "Don't play games with Touko's 

"Noriko," murmured Shimako, standing up and walking to her petite soeur.

Immediately, Noriko deflated, unable to maintain her anger while in 
Shimako's direct presence. Her dark eyes became gentle as she looked at 
the blonde. "Shimako-san," she said, her expression pleading. "Let me 
say this?" A small but understanding smile played on Shimako's lips and 
she dipped her head in acceptance. Noriko returned the smile before 
turning her serious eyes back to Yumi who looked at the younger girl 
apprehensively. "Touko sees herself as nothing but a replacement for 
Sachiko-sama to you. If that's the truth, I don't think you want her for 
your petite soeur for the right reasons and it would be best if you 
please left her alone."

Yumi's brown eyes were impossibly wide then became slowly lidded. Deep 
in thought, she began speaking more to herself than anyone present. "At 
first, it was that. I couldn't bear the thought of being without 
oneesama and I longed for anyone to fill the void her absence would 
leave in my life. I went along with the tea party for potential soeurs 
in hopes of finding someone but it didn't work. In fact, nothing I did 
seemed to work." Lifting her gaze, Yumi smiled softly and said, "Then I 
started to spend time with Touko-chan. The more time I spent with her 
the less time I worried about oneesama leaving me. I thought of 
Touko-chan, not oneesama, wanted to be with Touko-chan, not oneesama, to 
see her smile and laugh, and I know I still love oneesama…" Yumi sighed 
deeply, looking off to one side, before turning back to face Noriko with 
eyes that reminded her so much of Touko's. Hurt and confused and begging 
just for the smallest bit of understanding. "I always will love oneesama 
but I think, maybe, these feelings I've been having mean that I can love 
Touko-chan too."

Silence then Noriko released a huge whoosh of air and formed a lopsided 
grin. "Don't tease her too much, Yumi-sama," she advised, waving her 
finger at Yumi. "She doesn't know how to take it."

"But that's what makes it fun," Yumi found herself pouting at the idea 
of not being able to tease Touko. She started to say something else but 
froze in midsentence as she realized how right Noriko really was. Touko 
didn't know how to take her teasing at all, she didn't know that Yumi 
didn't mean any harm with her words, that it was her way of showing 
affection. Considering that, suddenly her actions had an almost cruel 
effect and it was more than Yumi could bear. The need to set things 
right took her over and Yumi began rushing to gather up her things and 
soon went running out the door. Calling to her perplexed and questioning 
friends, "I need to explain!"

Watching her go, Noriko smiled, lacing her fingers with Shimako's and 
murmured, "Good luck."

Onwards to Part 4

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