My Valentine
"Nao," Aoi Senou smiled at her roommate as the long
brown haired girl asked, "do you think you could give
me some advice?"
"What kind of advice?" Nao Yuuki asked warily, the
redhead gracefully changing out of her nun's uniform.
"I'm not sure what I should give for a Valentine's
day gift," Aoi admitted.
Nao smiled a bit coldly as she answered, "I'm not
really the best person to ask that, you know. Why not
go to Chie?"
Aoi blushed a bit, "That would spoil the surprise."
Nao blinked, "So that's how it is."
"Well, yes," Aoi sighed.
"Good for you," Nao flashed a somewhat more relaxed
grin. She sat down on her bed in just bra and panties,
"Chocolate's always good."
"I know," Aoi conceded, "but it lacks a personal
"Depends on the chocolate," Nao looked impish, "I
know of a shop in town that sells chocolate edible
"Seriously?!" Aoi blushed.
"Yup." Nao smirked as she added, "why, you could even
be INSIDE the panties when Chie starts eating them."
"Hentai," Aoi said good naturedly as she tossed a
pillow at Nao.
"Not going to do it?" Nao asked as she ducked the
flying pillow.
"Well," Aoi hesitated a moment then added, "I
wouldn't mind knowing where the shop is, at least.
Just in case."
Meanwhile, Mai Tokhia smiled slightly as the redhead
read yet another letter sent from her brother in
America. "Aww," she smiled fondly as she told Mikoto,
"Takumi made Akira chocolate for Valentine's day."
"Shouldn't Akira have made Takumi the chocolate?"
Mikoto Minahi asked her innocently, the black haired
girl sitting beside Mai on the bed.
"Normally," Mai said, "but they have a reversed
"Reversed?" Mikoto blinked innocently.
"You see, with them Akira is more the boy," Mai
scratched her chin uncomfortably, "and Takumi is the
"Wow," Mikoto looked thoughtful. "Does that mean that
when Natsuki and Shizuru are together one of THEM is
the man and the other a woman?"
"I hadn't really thought about it," Mai blushed.
"Maybe I should ask Natsuki about it," Mikoto
suggested brightly.
"Oh no," Mai said quickly, "bad idea."
"You think so?" Mikoto looked disappointed.
"I know so," Mai said firmly.
"Mai," MIkoto looked up at her, "which of us would
give the other chocolate?"
"I guess I'd give chocolate to you," Mai reached out
to hug Mikoto.
"Yay," Mikoto practically bowled Mai over,
"Mikoto," Mai squealed out a protest as Mikoto
joyfully rubbed her face all over Mai's full breasts,
"stop that!"
There was a brisk knocking on the dorm room door then
Natsuki Kuga stuck her head in, "Mai, I....." Natsuki
stopped, then turned around and closed the door behind
her, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."
"It's not what it looks like," Mai said weakly.
"Damn," Natsuki murmured as she walked down the hall,
"I hadn't realized their relationship had gone that
far. Of course, her own relationship had been showing
a lot of progress, too, so she shouldn't be too
Over by the school lockers, a blonde haired young
woman named Erstin paused, looking around her
nervously before stepping up to the lockers. Opening
one up she set the package inside then closed the
"Isn't that Nina's locker?" a voice asked from behind
Erstin whirled around to see her classmate Arika
Yumeria, the reddish brown haired girl looking on with
amusement. "What are you doing here?" she asked,
"Putting a chocolate in Shizuru-sama's locker," Arika
shrugged casually, "so, were you giving Nina
"Well, yes," Erstin admitted, scratching at the back
of her head and not incidentally causing her full
breasts to bounce. Clasping her hands in front of her
she begged, "Please don't tell Nina I left it."
"Sure," Arika grinned, "as long as you don't tell
Shizuru-sama I did."
"Of course," Erstin sighed in relief as they both
walked away. "So, you like Fujino-sama?" she asked.
"Yeah," Arika nodded as they headed outside the
building, "she's so elegant."
"Hmm," Erstin nodded agreement. "Do you know," she
asked Arika hesitantly, "if Nina likes anyone?"
"I heard she had a crush on Tate," Arika revealed
reluctantly, "but since he's going out with Tokhia it
should be okay."
Erstin smiled sunnily, "Then maybe there's a chance."
"Have you heard anything about Shizuru-sama?" Arika
"Just the rumors about the raven," Erstin said
"The raven?" Arika blinked.
Dropping her voice more Erstin continued, "That's
what they call her. An intense black haired woman whom
Fujino-san has been seen with."
"Shizuru-sama likes women?" Arika asked, eyes wide.
"That's the story," Erstin nodded.
"Ah hem!" a woman said from behind them.
"Eeek," Both girls spun around to see Haruka
Suzushiro standing behind them, the tough brown-blonde
haired woman giving them a intense look.
"I would think," Haruka said coldly, "that students
would have enough respect for the student council
president not to spread rumors about her."
"Sorry, Suzushiro-san," Erstin blushed.
Haruka relaxed a little bit, the older girl not
seeing any maliciousness in either of them. "Spreading
rumors is bad both for the target of rumors and you,"
she pointed out to them, "it makes you seem low
"I think you mean low class," the other girl pointed
out from beside Haruka.
"Thanks, Yukino," Haruka smiled at her.
Seeing an opportunity to escape Arika quickly said,
"We're really sorry, Suzushiro-san." Grabbing Erstin
she then fled, hurrying down the sidewalk.
Yukino Kikukawa smiled wryly, the dark brown haired
girl pushing up her glasses. "I wonder if Fujino
appreciates your efforts to control the rumors about
her?" she asked as she fell into step beside Haruka.
"I doubt the tea-woman cares," Haruka said dryly,
"Natsuki thanked us for stepping so firmly on the
rumors," Yukino revealed, "so at least one of them
appreciates it." She reached out, taking Haruka's
hand, "And it says what kind of person you are too,
Haruka blushed but kept hold of Yukino's hand as they
walked under the sunlight.
Chie Harada finished up her lunch, the purple-black
haired girl a little disappointed that Aoi wasn't
there. ‘Then again,' she mused, ‘this is Valentine's
day. I wonder if I should take her out to dinner?'
Chie answered the phone reflexedly, "Harada."
"Chie," Aoi's voice said smilingly, "I finished up my
shopping. Do you think you could come over to my
"Oh?" Chie asked curiously.
"Nao is going out tonight," Aoi added with a smile,
"and I have a special treat for you."
"What kind of treat?" Chie had to asked.
"Let me show you," Aoi purred.
Chie blinked as Aoi sent a photo to her camera.
Clicking it open Chie froze, then scrambled for a
napkin to stop the nosebleed. Aoi was posed on the
bed, wearing a outfit that would have fit right in
with Kuga's rumored closet of earthly delights. "I'll
be right over," she breathlessly vowed.
"Thought you would," Aoi smirked.
Notes: Just a bit of fluff featuring my fave My Hime
couples. I also slipped in a bit of Otome since the
characters show up in the background of the Hime
series. Heh.
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