Mai Kisaki (part 4 of 22)

a Mai Otome fanfiction by Ange Sinistre

Back to Part 3
The Altar of the Ikusahime
- - -

"The nature of the Ikusahime is to manipulate and abuse. In their quest 
to 'save the world' more than one has managed to sack villages and slay 
the innocent en mass. They are fueled less by the desire for good, and 
more by hate and rage in a mad dash to crush the spirit of not only 
their mutual enemies, but also each other. They take the person they 
love and sacrifice them in order to control those wretched gods. With 
such a nature, they are not to be trusted, no matter how innocent they 
seem." - Dammerung Otome Academy, first year textbook.

- - -

They flew in formation flight over the streets below, never rising above 
the skyline. That, the natives had warned, was almost always a fatal 
error. Snipers, the airborne 'dark gods,' and heavier artillery owned by 
the enemy almost always cut down an Otome flying too high, and they 
would, much like boastful Icarus, have their wings taken from them. 
Ashura had brought along a small group of Iolite Otome from Dammerung 
Academy, and they had taken point, showing them the way to the battle. 
Natsuki, Shizuru, Nao, and Mai flew in wedge formation behind them, 
Mikoto resting on Mai's back. Allies on the ground waved up at them as 
they passed by.

"How long has this war been going on again?" Natsuki inquired over the 
GEMs, a bit too far behind to speak conventionally, especially with the 
roaring wind as they traveled.

Ashura did not look back, keeping her eyes trained on the buildings and 
streets below in case any ambush parties should show up to ruin thing 
early. "It's more like a string of wars. There are calms in between. 
This current war has been going on for about forty years. The history of 
HiME and Otome warfare stems back centuries, however. The first major 
one was in the 28th century after the Otome first began to represent 
nations, replacing their armies. The HiME tried to assassinate them, 
which eventually turned into a war."

Shizuru had been pondering the true motives behind the conflict since 
she first heard of it. It's a war of attrition then, is it not? For a 
conflict to go on so long, I wonder if they simply fight because they 
are raised to hate. In Natsuki's silence, she managed to speak up, 
hoping that she was not too bold. "And what reasoning would the old HiME 
have for assassinating these early Otome?"

Ahead, Ashura frowned. They truly were clueless. Perhaps that was a good 
thing, the Column leader thought. "As I said earlier about the Last 
Ikusahime, they are creatures with natural blood lust. They are 
aggressive to a fault, and saw the Otome as rivals that needed to be 
crushed underfoot. The Otome efforts to maintain global peace failed 
because of the HiME, and it is because of them that the world grew to 
remember total, devastating conflict. Their desire to kill remains 
strong to this day, as you can see by the bodies of my allies below."

Natural blood lust? Shizuru somehow doubted that. For mortal enemies, it 
was common to demonize one's foe. They were probably over exaggerating. 
She remained silent, however, and continued on. They traveled a mile or 
two before they managed to link up with someone on their side. An Otome 
in flight was racing up to meet them, falling in beside Ashura, turning 
back for a moment only to give a courteous nod towards their new guests. 
Her robe was sky blue, accentuated by streaks of white, her hair blonde 
like a wheat field. That must have been the Kyanite mentioned earlier, 
Shizuru thought, basing her assumption on the color of the woman's robe.

"Kagutsuchi has withdrawn. Yafusa's on his way out, but taking his time. 
He might still be a threat," Sanada Eiko reported. "Yatagarasu and St. 
Vlas moved in and caught Emerald's squad in a pincer attack. They're two 
streets over. We have to hurry."

"Understood. Lead the way," Ashura said with a nod. She pointed to Eiko 
and introduced her quickly to the Earl Otome. "This is the Kyanite, 
Eiko. She'll take point. Just follow along."

The visiting Otome nodded and did as ordered. Ashura and this new Eiko 
woman banked hard to the right, their Iolites following behind as they 
changed streets. Natsuki and her team did the same, eventually heading 
down another, larger, road where they could spot another group of 
Y-Types engaged in combat with a giant black bird of some kind. It was 
flying a few feet off the ground, its dark talons ripping and tearing at 
anything in its path. There was no sign of the second god, however. 
Perhaps it had been forced to retreat.

Natsuki could hear a melody on the wind, sounding very much like a 
flute. "What is that music?"

Ashura responded quickly, materializing a large falcata sword in her 
hand, preparing for combat. "The HiME who controls Yatagarasu – her 
weapon is a flute. She controls the beast with songs from hell. Try not 
to listen, lest you succumb and fall into a trance. Vlas also attacks in 
such a fashion. Keep your wits about you and look after each other."

As everyone raced in, Natsuki stopped herself short, landing on a 
balcony of some decrepit building. Her robe buried itself in the 
structure as she materialized her own weapon. She aimed the cannon as 
the others closed the distance, and fired one large shot straight at the 
beast's chest to give them cover. Yatagarasu flapped his mighty wings 
and avoided the blast, and Natsuki drew her attention to the HiME Heirs 
and their male militia counterparts fighting on the ground, firing at 
them as well. One was incinerated by the beam, the others scrambling out 
of the way, falling back to cover. First blood, she supposed coldly.

The Iolite Otome immediately rushed in to meet the HiME Heirs head on, 
the two factions of non-elite soldiers clashing in the streets with 
their staves and sabers, respectively. The two domestic Columns 
intercepted Yatagarasu along with Mai, Shizuru and Nao. The bird 
attempted to strike Mai with its beak, but the redhead managed to evade 
by dropping down out of the way. She countered with a fireball, but in 
her haste to form it, it ended up too weak to have any effect. It burnt 
out upon impact. Mikoto hung on to her Otome for dear life as she dashed 
away before a sharp wing could slice them in two.

"Firing on their right flank," Natsuki warned.

She released another shot after her line of fire was clear, blasting 
away a large slab of metal and concrete that the enemy had been using 
for cover. It shattered and left those behind it with no where to hide, 
and the Iolites acted accordingly. They intercepted them and attempted 
to push them back. Natsuki continued with her additional fire support 
against the ground troops as the fight against Yatagarasu raged on.

Shizuru's chain whips flew out, one wrapping around a talon. She pulled 
the giant bird down, but he shook himself free, avoiding a second follow 
up attack. Eiko, using her Kyanite GEM's Element, rushed in to try and 
make a hit as the bird hesitated slightly. Armed with twin Pata swords, 
she tried to spear one into the demon's side. He flapped a wing and 
tossed her like a rag doll. The blonde fell to the street below, 
scrambling to get to her feet and fend off the HiME Heirs around her. 
Ashura dropped beside her to give her support, cutting away at them with 
her falcata.

Everything was lost in the chaos of battle. Dodging and weaving, 
attacking and withdrawing – it was all difficult to keep up with, a 
dance that even veterans never got quite used to. They were comfortable 
with the confusion. It was familiar. They'd dealt with it plenty of 
times before. They just trusted that they could rely on each other when 
the time came. A melody continued to play, floating above, sending the 
bird into a frenzy. The HiME. Just like the Schwarz Slave masters, Nao 
was sure that if the HiME could be killed, the Child would follow.

Nao scooted around the edge of battle, airborne, her eyes scanning 
buildings and streets. Then, she saw her. She was sitting casually on a 
rooftop, legs crossed and hanging off the edge. Her fingers flew over 
the instrumental Element, her pale hair flowing in the breeze as that 
sad and almost wailing melody fueled her Child's behavior. Nao, her own 
Element at the ready, started for her. Sea green eyes snapped up and 
locked on her. The playing ceased long enough for the woman to call out 
her Child's name.


A loud screech forced Nao to look down, seeing the demonic creature 
racing up at her. He lashed out with his beak, and Nao backed away as 
the HiME leapt down the building to head to another safe place where she 
could continue her concert. That melody continued while the dark crow 
lashed out at Nao once again. Natsuki fired to try and stop his assault 
but he avoided it. It never the less bought Nao some time, and she 
rocketed back at top speed. She hadn't intended to go quite that far, 
ending up on a different street. She landed on the ground, skidding her 
feet along the frozen asphalt as both Shizuru and Mai tangled with the 
bird demon.

The sudden change in speed seemed to disorient her. She was used to that 
feeling from years of training, but it had never quite been that bad 
before. It was crippling! She found herself clinging to her head, 
feeling the world spinning around her as that flute melody continued to 
play. She sank to her knees, her legs giving out, and hit the ground, 
the world disappearing and fading into something new.

- - -

To try, judge and to sentence... let me see what your soul is made of.

The words were light and barely audible, her mind straining to detect 
them. She focused on fleeting flashes of faint light as the world 
returned. It just wasn't the world she remembered being in. There was no 
fighting. The others had vanished. Hell, it didn't even look like Earth. 
It was... home. Before sin, before bloodshed, before everything. Nao 
almost wanted to cry. She ran through the familiar yard, rushing past 
the oak trees and the swing tied to one of the branches. She ran up the 
stone stairs that led up to the house. It was silent. Absolutely silent. 
She didn't hear the wind, her own footsteps, or the life around her. 
Dead silent. She didn't care.

She was short. No longer did she stand the proud fourth Column, but 
existed only as a young child, a scruffy mop of red hair on her head. 
She ran through the back door and into the house interior. Everything 
was exactly as she remembered. All her toys left where she had always 
left them. All her books lined up on the shelf. Her backpack sat next to 
the stairs, left there from when she had gotten home from school. She 
continued on into the living room, raising her arms up as she saw a tall 
and slender figure walk through the house. The gentle redhead smiled at 
her kindly as Nao felt herself beaming.


Her lips moved to speak that word, but she did not ever hear the sound 
leave her lips. Mama bent down and picked her up, lifting Nao into her 
arms and giving her a tight hug that could not be felt. Her senses were 
numb. She would have been frightened had it not been for the figure 
embracing her. Nao rested her head against Mama's shoulder, hugging her 
back. Nao had not seen Mama since cruel and overbearing Daddy sent the 
young child off to Garderobe.

Nao reeled back as she realized that she was not hugging her able bodied 
and beautiful mother, but a cold and lifeless shell of a women who was 
lying in a hospital bed. Her eyes – eye?! - widened in shock and a hand 
flew up to her face, feeling a bandage over one of her green orbs, 
blinding that side of her vision. She released a scream, but that too 
was silent.

A string of incoherent words in another language filled her mind, and 
she could not determine what they meant. Finally, at long last, one 
clear string pierced through. Interesting. Such... honest courage your 
soul displays beneath that rough exterior.

Nao woke. At least, she thought she woke. She was back on the street, on 
Earth. There were no sounds of battle. All she heard was the sound of 
silence yet again. A dead world. A fake world. She wasn't awake yet, 
but... or was she? She was lying on the ground, her robe having 
de-materialized after having passing out. She trailed her eyes up to 
look around her, when she spotted something red. Her gaze became fixated 
on it, entranced by the rare sight.

A spiderweb that was colored red, somehow, and stretched between two 
large pieces of broken concrete. A long legged and very large arachnid 
called it home. The spider, which would have cast paralyzing fear into 
anyone else, descended from the web and crawled forward. Nao reached out 
a hand to touch it, never having the same phobias as most people. She 
smiled slightly, feeling drugged and out of her mind, and brushed her 
fingers against the spider's legs.

Come to momma, it's all right... she cooed, but again, the words never 
reached her ears. Her lips continued to move silently. The back of her 
mind warned her that things were not right, but the rest of her could 
not fight back.

She extended her hand, hoping that the spider would crawl on so that she 
might bring it closer, but was taken back as she felt the first 
sensation since she entered the fake world. Pain. She snapped her hand 
back to her body, and stared down at her palm. It was bleeding, pierced 
by the spider's large fangs, leaving behind a wound that rapidly became 
red. Bright red. Venom? No, too bright.


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- - -

"Nao, dammit, move!" Mai screamed.

Green eyes snapped back to attention and her body leapt back in shock as 
she was greeting with the sight of a large horse with glowing eyes. It 
howled in disapproval of her waking. Nao vaguely saw Mai streak down 
from the sky in a quick but controlled dive, and winced as the Otome 
slammed into her. The diving tackle sent them flying back several feet, 
and Nao's bare arm scraped along the rough asphalt below, tearing away 
some of the skin. She groaned in pain, and energy arrows sailed over 
them, narrowly missing. Had it not been for Mai, they would have hit 

Nao looked down. Her robe...? Gone, thanks to being knocked out. She 
felt burning on her hand. From the tackle and skid? But she landed on 
her arm. She held her right hand up, staring at the palm that had been 
bitten by the spider. She dropped her jaw slightly. It still hurt. It 
still hurt and the flesh was red, formed into a vague circle. A bite? 
But... it was a hallucination. She got to her feet, arm bleeding 

"Didn't have to be so rough," Nao complained. She tapped her GEM and 
summoned up her robe again.

"Move!" Mai barked.

The two dashed away from each other as another volley of energy arrows 
sailed through the air. They slammed into the building behind them, 
fired by a young woman armed with a bow. Nao narrowed her eyes. She'd 
seen that thing before. Instructor Steinburg had something so damn 
similar for an Element that it was disturbing and out of place. God, 
Earth was so fucked up. She dodged another shot and growled as the horse 
thing turned back to her. The glowing eyes. Had it been the thing that 
caught her in that... that... whatever it was?

Mai shot forward and flung out a whirlwind of flame at the HiME with the 
bow, leaving Nao to deal with the thing that had sent her into that bad 
trip of a dream. She summoned her Element and charged forward, lashing 
out with her claws. They hit and scraped along the Child's body, but no 
marks were left. Tough guy, huh? The glowing eyes continued.

Nao raised her arm to attack again, but faltered, caught and mesmerized 
by the gaze. Her charge fell short, and she moved from running to 
walking to simply stopping. Her will to fight was drained from her, 
mocking laughter echoing in her head. She stared opened mouthed at the 
creature before her as Mai continued to brawl with the HiME. The 
floating Otome managed to turn her head around again, cursing under her 

"Nao! Wake up!" Mai yelled. Mikoto came running in from the other 
street, dropped off by Mai earlier. Armed with her staff, she swung out 
at the Child, but it did no good. "Mikoto, grab her!"

The feral girl picked Nao up like a sack of laundry and sprinted out of 
harm's way as Mai charged up her weapons to release an onslaught of 
fire. The flames lashed out in every direction, enveloping everything in 
scorching heat. Both the horse god and the HiME controlling it were 
forced to rush out of arm's way, the Child transforming into something 
more bird like. When the fires had died out, the Child flew over head, 
forcing Mai to duck. The HiME leapt onto it, and the pair returned to 
the main battle, leaving the rest of them behind.

Mai shot forward and planted both feet firmly on the ground next to 
Mikoto, who was still holding onto Nao, despite much protesting from the 
now fully aware Column member. Mai tapped Mikoto on the shoulder. "Put 
her down. Nao, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she grumbled. "I don't know what the hell happened. 
Felt like I was on a bad trip or something. I just couldn't focus and 
saw nonsense... it was all because of that horse thing, I bet. Something 
about those eyes..."

She was interrupted as a wolf howl tore through the air, Yafusa a great 
distance away but still within cannon range. His limping had stopped 
long enough for him to turn around for a final attack. Nao felt a single 
eye twitch, some nervous reaction, as she heard sounds of a chamber 
loading. She vaguely saw the beast's form in the far distance, his 
cannon aimed right for the building the main battle was taking place by. 
The one the others were next to. The one Natsuki was still standing on, 
taking shots at anyone she could. Nao snapped her head back and yelled 
into her GEM.

"Scatter! Incoming artillery fire!"

Mai instantly lurched forward as Mikoto jumped onto her, and then shot 
off with Nao into the sky as Yafusa fired a powerful charged shot from 
his cannon. The beam sliced through the ancient building, tearing it 
asunder. Nao couldn't see if anyone managed to get away. The top half of 
the structure buckled and crash, coming down in a plume of debris and 
dust. Metal scraps flew past her head, and she came to rest behind a 
long forsaken automobile left in the street, Mai dropping down next to 
her as the rumbling behind continued. When it began to settle, it only 
got worse.

The Child with those mysterious, illusion producing eyes flapped its 
wings overhead, flying down at them like a dive bomber. They rushed 
forward again, on the run for now, sliding into buildings and down 
alleys to lose it. But the streets were lined with HiME soldiers and 
their militia loyalists. Nao, Mai and Mikoto were pushed further west, 
leaving the others behind, their fate unknown.

- - -

It was an empty subway tunnel laden with dust and broken concrete, and 
for the first quarter mile, it was desolate and barren. Little had 
changed since it was last used in the late 28th century, and Midori 
found herself absolutely enthralled with taking in every possible detail 
about the structure and design. She'd always loved history and ancient 
civilizations, none more interesting than the long forgotten Earth. She 
had released Gakutenou outside, and followed her militia escorts as they 
journeyed into the subterranean tunnel. They lead her around well placed 
booby traps, mines and other such devices, meant to prevent an enemy 
from entering the main part of the tunnel. She made mental note of their 

No words were said between her and her escorts after they told her she 
would be meeting with a member or two of the Twelve, who would get her 
settled in. After a bit longer, they finally reached the first sign of 
life in the tunnel – a large group of sentries. Two heavy machine guns 
of some type were set up on either side of the tunnel, and an assortment 
of extensively armed personnel were in position behind them, guns 
trained on Midori's unknown and potentially dangerous figure.

One of her escorts held up his hand to signal everything was all right. 
"Not a prisoner. Reinforcements. At ease, guys."

"They only sent over one HiME?" One of the machine gunners asked 
incredulously, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "The Tokyo sept was 
promising at least a unit! Assholes."

The leading escort looked over to Midori as they continued on, but she 
wisely chose to say nothing, not wanting to slip up so early. As the 
escorts took her farther into the tunnel, they came upon a large open 
area that was full of people. The tracks had long since been removed, 
and it looked far more like a bunker than anything else. A few open 
doorways and tunnels led further into the underground fortress. The main 
hall, however, was littered with various electronic screens which 
displayed either holographic tactical maps or real time video feeds from 
the city outside – the command center, perhaps. A great many people were 
armed to the teeth, and defensive emplacements littered the area, 
prepared to strike down any invader. Midori tensed ever so slightly. 
Okay, she may have gotten herself in over her head. Don't screw up, 
don't screw up...

"Is that the replacement soldier Tina radioed in about?" A woman's voice 
asked in her native tongue. Had it not been for those few years in 
Zipang's language she had taken a while back, she would have likely 
missed most of the setence.

Midori turned her head to the side and saw a beautiful, yet fatigued, 
woman descending a short flight of stone stairs. Her dark hair was 
pulled back and she was clothed in a fine red kimono with elaborate 
golden designs sewn onto the sleeves and front. She looked like a 
refined woman of Zipang, her face stern and all business. She didn't 
know what the proper cultural greeting would be, so she continued with 
silence, assuming that standoffish behavior would be better than giving 
herself away. She'd rather be considered rude than have a bullet through 
her head.

"Yes, ma'am," the leading escort saluted, his body tensing up into stiff 
military form. "The return trip was enemy free, especially thanks to 
Gakutenou. The Otome are massing their forces to deal with our little 
diversion tactic. They didn't notice us."

"I hope that's the case," she said softly. She bowed gently in Midori's 
direction, and the Aswad leader returned the gesture almost 
automatically. "Welcome to Kyoto-shi. My name is Akamatsu Minako, the 
mistress of Kagutsuchi. It is an honor to make your acquaintance."

Midori was hesitant just long enough to draw upon her knowledge of the 
elder language. She tried to counter the introduction as best she could. 
"I am Midori al-Aswad. It's nice to meet you, ma'am."

Minako rose one eyebrow in mild surprise. "Your surname is last. Are you 
not native to the Tokyo sept? I was informed that's where you were 
transferring in from."

Midori's mind threw out a thousand different excuses as Minako's 
suspicions began to rise. She couldn't very well act like someone who 
had been in the region for years. She would just look awkward and out of 
place. So, hoping it did not sound rushed and inaccurate, she replied 
with a cover story. "I'm not a member of the Tokyo sept, no. I've lived 
alone for most of my life, running from the war. A few HiME gave me some 
food a few days ago, but fell under attack a bit later. I called on my 
guardian to defeat the Otome, and after that, they directed me here, 
saying I was special and should help."

That was genius, right? Well, like something out of a corny fantasy 
novel, but just maybe...

Minako was quiet for an agonizing moment, and Midori nearly buckled 
under her piercing gaze. The male soldiers were equally silent, waiting 
for their leader to give the okay. Their hands rested on their rifles, 
just in case. The mistress of Kagutsuchi managed a polite smile, 
however. "I see. Where did this take place?"

She gulped. "A few miles outside of Tokyo."

"What was the outcome of your battle with the Otome? Did the HiME 
survive the encounter?" Minako interrogated. She looked both genuinely 
interested and skeptically critical.

"The two Otome were killed, and the HiME who gave me sustenance then 
fell back to the city to warn their comrades about the encounter. I was 
told to head here to meet with the Twelve." She held her breath after 
the words were uttered.

"Then I am in debt to you for saving the lives of my soldiers," Minako 
said kindly. She extended a hand. "I'm stunned, however, that you 
possess the ability to summon a Child. You may say I am rightfully 
skeptical of such a claim. I will offer you food and shelter, but I want 
to see proof of the boast before hand. Please follow me."

Minako swiftly turned, revealing that a golden and elegant dragon was 
sewn onto the back of her kimono, and began to head towards another open 
tunnel. Midori followed behind closely. The woman seemed to scream of 
leadership, and for that, Midori was grateful. She could see herself 
respecting such a person. Then again, they may have been dangerous to 
think. She was still technically, for now, the enemy. The carvings above 
the tunnel were in a language she could not read, but she did not want 
to ask any questions about it. The tunnel was dark, but almost 
immediately led into another wide and grand hall which looked like it 
was constructed some time after the rest of the structure she had seen 
thus far.

The room was circular in nature, with twelve altars situated on the 
wall, spaced perfectly apart. Each had a different symbol painted onto 
it representing various animals. A dragon, a wolf, a hydra, and so 
forth. Various garments and conventional, non-Element, weapons rested on 
each one. Dull lamps lit the place just enough for her to see where she 
was going. Almost immediately after she had entered the room, two metal 
doors on the roof opened up, bathing the room in blinding white light 
from the skies above. Her eyes soon adjusted, then widened again.

The room was high, perhaps fifty feet up, the ceiling level with the 
surface outside. From the open hangar like doors descended a metallic 
beast which soon transformed back into its standard state. It fell 
gracefully to the stone floor, and Midori was greeting with the crippled 
Yafusa, who knelt down to allow his HiME to dismount. The woman did so, 
hopping off and looking over to Minako with an inquisitive glance, her 
dark hair still pulled back tightly.

"Who's this?" The Second asked.

"Azumi, this is Midori. Midori, this is Azumi, the mistress of Yafusa," 
she introduced, then turned her attention back onto the Second. "You're 
just in time, actually. She's going to summon Gakutenou for us, assuming 
she can. One of the patrols picked her up inside the city."

"I thought I heard something about that," Azumi said coolly. She placed 
her hand onto Yafusa's wounded muzzle and gently caressed him. "Thank 
you for your power, Yafusa. Rest."

The wolf offered up some kind of grunt, and he vanished in a quick burst 
of icy blue. Azumi walked off to the side, behind Minako, and waited 
patiently. Minako gave Midori quick but precise instructions. "I simply 
want to see Gakutenou. This is the Room of the Ikusahime. We generally 
depart for battle from here, and use it to summon our Children. Simply 
call on him. Do not have him do anything else. Any aggression will be 
deal with by both Yafusa and Kagutsuchi, and I'd hate for you to lose 
your Key."

Key? Midori nodded. "As you wish."

Okay, she'd summoned him a thousand times before and without problem. 
She prayed that nothing horrible would happen. She held out her arm and 
focused her mind on the large wheeled guardian, her REM activating long 
enough for the beast to appear in a flash of light. Gakutenou rolled 
forward slightly, then stopped himself, awaiting further instructions, 
confused as to what he was doing there. People from the outside peered 
into the room, stunned and awed. Even the two elite HiME next to her 
were in disbelief. Azumi grunted in a 'well, what do you know' fashion, 
and Minako furrowed her brows in confusion.

"You may release him," Minako instructed. Midori did so, and the 
guardian vanished as easily as he came. "That's certainly a mystery for 
one person to have dominion over the Child and another over the Element. 
The Twelve will ponder than in a bit. Until then, I'll get you 
registered here. Midori al-Aswad, was it?"

"Yes," she replied, watching the First pull out a small electronic 
assistant and begin typing away using a holographic keyboard.

"Place of birth?"

Midori couldn't think of anything more original than, "Tokyo region."

"State your age and date of birth, please," Minako continued.

"The fourth of April. I'm seventeen years old," Midori stated proudly. 
Both Minako and Azumi looked up at her with doubting expressions. Midori 
smiled again before confirming. "Seventeen."

The two HiME looked at each other and Minako reluctantly put in the 
data, along with the answers of any other generic questions. As Minako 
worked on that, Midori watched as Azumi moved over to the wolf altar and 
donned the blue kimono resting there before exiting the room and 
wandering off into the rest of the base. When Minako had finished, she 
placed a light hand on Midori's arm to gain her attention once again. 
"Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying."

Midori once again found herself following Minako as she was led out of 
the Room of the Ikusahime, back into the main hall, and down another 
tunnel. She found herself in a cramped barracks, and Minako took her 
down to an empty room a ways down. She opened the door and Midori 
stepped inside long enough to examine it. Spartan and very basic, but 
she had dealt with far worse. She would not complain. She did, however, 
turn back to Minako for a different kind of conversation.

"If you don't mind my asking, could you tell me a little bit about the 
HiME and your history? As I said, I spent most of my life wandering away 
from all of this. I just want to get up to speed before bravely laying 
down my life for the cause," she said, attempting a light joke with the 
latter half of her request. Minako twitched her lip up slightly, so she 
assumed it wasn't a total failure.

Minako motioned to the cot, and Midori sat herself down. "I guess that's 
fair enough. Even on the off chance you're an Otome spy, however 
unlikely given your ability to summon, they already know all of this 
anyway. Let me know where to begin. What do you know of the HiME 

Next to nothing. She fumbled with her words a bit. "Ah... that you can 
summon those beasts somehow, in addition to weapons, and that you've 
just been warring with the Otome for ages. I don't know why or for how 
long, or anything like that."

Minako snorted out a laugh. "Well, that just leaves about everything. 
I'll give you a quick overview, then show you where we keep our library, 
where you can use the database to look up the non-classified information 
to supplement what I'm about to tell you. It will go into far more 
details than I can in a reasonable amount of time. How does that sound 
to you?"

"Perfect." Midori was inwardly giddy at the thought of going over the 
ancient history of the entire planet. She pictured herself staying glued 
to the display for hours on end.

"Very well," Minako agreed, and then began her introduction. "The HiME 
are able to materialize weapons out of photons, and summon those beast 
in the same way. We call them Children. At the dawn of humanity, 
humanity encountered a sentient extraterrestrial device they called the 
Obsidian Lord. He gave twelve women HiME powers and the ability to see a 
glowing red star that no other humans could see. He allowed them to rule 
as great queens for years, and it was a peaceful time. He then shocked 
them by stating that the star would crash into Earth unless one HiME 
ritually offered her body to the Obsidian Lord. The process that 
determined who would be that sacrifice was call the Carnival. In every 
Carnival, the twelve HiME battled to the death until only one stood. 
Then, three hundred years later, the process repeated after the Obsidian 
Lord gave twelve new girls, descendants of the original twelve, the same 

Midori nodded once, taking in every bit of information. Extraterrestrial 
device? Perhaps Earth itself was a colony of a larger organization? Even 
though that was eons ago, she still managed to wonder whether or not 
Earl was under threat of the same thing.

"So, every three hundred years, a Carnival was held. In the early 21st 
century, however, the Last Ikusahime were able to destroy the Obsidian 
Lord and put a stop to the cycle. They, along with their Keys, were 
resurrected. Keys are a HiMEs most important person, and the fuel for a 
HiME's powers. Without someone special in your heart, you can't summon 
your weapons. In any case, the Obsidian Lord was defeated, and they lost 
their powers after the final battle. After they saved the world from 
future torment, they were simply hunted down like game in a forest."

"By whom?" Midori inquired.

"An underground organization that had been striving to create artificial 
HiME in order to rule the world. Those artificial HiME are, as you might 
guess, the Otome," she explained. "They are injected with nanomachines 
that imitate HiME blood so that they can tap into an Emulator, a device 
that replicates the energy waves the Obsidian Lord put out. They can 
summon robes and Elements, as you no doubt witnessed."

"But no Children?"

"No." Minako crossed her arms. "The Children, actually, were used to 
make some of the more powerful GEMs. Schwarz, the organization behind 
the Otome's creation, drained the Children of their power after foricing 
their HiMEs to summon them one last time using an Emulator. That, of 
course, killed their Keys, and they soon followed. What a wonderful 
reward for saving the world, hm?"

Midori flinched, but she didn't know why. "Okay, so.. what about the 

"Primitive X-Type Otome were made just before the HiME were killed. The 
HiME managed to defeat them, and Schwarz saw their little pets needed 
more power. So they started research on the Y-Type Otome. They weren't 
ready for a few more centuries. The nations of Earth disbanded their 
armies and replaced their armed forces with one single Otome warrior. It 
stopped wars at first, but then a conflict broke out in South America, 
and total chaos soon followed. Those who had HiME blood eventually tried 
to stop them, but were branded enemies. After that, they were hunted 
down and killed."

The First sighed a bit, but continued. "The Otome dystopia involved 
finding anyone with HiME blood and exterminating them for the good of 
the world. The height of that took place in the late 27th century. The 
surviving HiME rebelled again, and the first real war started. Ever 
since then, we've been fighting like cats and dogs. They still want to 
kill us all off because of our legacy and their skewed view of it."

"I see," Midori said simply, afraid she would interrupt her train of 

Minako smiled sadly. "Just after the Last Ikusahime were killed, an 
early prototype of Schwarz who had fought in the final Carnival said 
something that the rest of us all still hold dear. She said that man was 
never meant to engineer HiME powers, and that they should have remained 
extinct after the Carnival ended. I believe she said that just after her 
failed war against Schwarz. We just want that – to make powers that 
should have never been stay gone. The fake and artificial weapons they 
hold are sins against nature and have only bred more war than your mind 
can fathom."

She held her breath, but released it a moment later. Midori had never 
liked the Otome, actually. She had been raised in a world where they 
were the elite and everyone else was nothing less than the scum of the 
planet. They were dogs of war, hired out like whores to royalty and 
noblemen. They held dominion over what technology from Earth remained, 
no matter who needed it. Her people had perished slowly and painfully 
because of their elitism. Despite having been recently forced to share 
some of it, they still kept most of it under wraps. For that, she had 
little sympathy for them.

Even with the quick description, she felt more for the HiME than she 
probably should have. Once proud warriors fallen from grace and treated 
like animals. That was like Aswad, was it not? She huffed bitterly. Yes, 
she felt for them. "Thank you."

"I'll show you to the library, then," Minako said, changing her tone to 
something a bit more upbeat. She waved to the door and Midori followed 
her into the hall, once again playing follow the leader. Minako paused, 
however, after seeing two more girls in those ornate HiME kimonos – one 
in a deep violet and another in green – arguing.

The woman in green, who had a spider sewn onto her robe, pointed at the 
other and stated, "I know you must have taken it. Who else would have?"

"I didn't do anything with it. Ask Mei Lin and leave me alone, I'm 
busy." The woman in purple, a hydra on the back, waved her demands off 
and resumed examining a giant red bardiche that looked too heavy for a 
standard mortal to use.

"With what, staring at the pointy thing?"

"I have to go outside and fight. You know, that thing we do to pull our 
weight around here, rather than watching video streams or sleeping?" The 
woman in purple said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Natasha, Reina, what's wrong this time?" the First inquired. "We have 
guests and you're supposed to be professional. Knock it off."

"She stole my book."

"I did not."

"Shut up, the both of you," Minako demanded with a frustrated growl. 
"I'd introduce you to them, Midori, but perhaps it's best if we wait 
until they act their age."

Midori smiled slightly as they walked by the bickering pair, thrilled 
just to see someone act human after so long. There had simply been far 
too much seriousness so far. She herself was quiet and reclusive, but 
damn, it was getting to be too much. The two fighting HiME watched 
Midori until she faded from view, following Minako into the library. 
There, she paused, staring at all the books and the computers that 
housed a wealth of information.

"Do you approve?" Minako inquired.

Midori almost gave herself a nosebleed.

- - -

Shizuru gently opened her eyes, and immediately gasped as she felt an 
almost blinding pain stemming from her head and upper body. Her ears 
began to register gunfire and the clashing of metal. She was without her 
Otome robe, simply in her uniform, and as she darted her eyes around, 
she could see that she was trapped beneath a decent amount of debris. 
She maintained her calm, knowing that getting herself in an emotional 
state would only make things worse. She calmly put a hand up to her 
face, examining it for wounds, as it stung quite badly. She withdrew her 
hand after feeling liquid on the side of her head, and saw blood.

She looked down at her body, trapped under a metal beam and various 
other construction materials that surely weighed enough to have done her 
harm. Her arm didn't feel broken, at least. Now, what had happened? 
She'd been brawling with Yatagarasu, and then something had simply 
exploded behind her. The building had been hit by something? She thought 
she had heard Nao warn them about something, but couldn't recall what. 
She tilted her head up again. "Natsuki?"

Silence. She let out a shaky breath. If the building had been hit, and 
Natsuki was situated on a balcony for sniping purposes, then... 

She reached up for her GEM, but she couldn't get her hand far enough 
over to reach that side of her head to activate it. She simply had to 
get up. She struggled against the weight of the fallen debris with just 
her human strength, and let out a small yelp as she only shifted the 
pile and made it worse. She lay flat, sizing up the situation. Surely, 
there was some way out.

Shizuru paused. She heard something. A voice? "Natsuki?"


"Nat--" No, that wasn't Natsuki. She stopped herself from continuing. 
The voice was gruff, but in a very different kind of way. "Haruka?"

"Viola, I hear you. Say something else."

"Haruka, I'm over here!" She called out, trying to wiggle her arm enough 
to where the other meister could potentially see it amongst the ruins. 
When did the contracted Otome leave the safety of the Dammerung base? 
They had been ordered to stay behind.

She could see the blonde woman storm up from the other side of a 
different debris pile, her flail in hand. She dropped it for the moment, 
examining the objects that were lying on Shizuru and seeing just what 
she could move that would not hurt the other woman. "You really did it 
this time, Viola. Meister Armitage to the rescue again. Hang on."

"Again? I don't recall a previous incident where you ever saved me," 
Shizuru countered, the rivalry still strong despite their unspoken 
willingness to save each other's backsides in the thick of battle.

"Don't look a gift mule in the mouth."

"Gift horse." Yukino, over the GEM line.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." With her impressive strength, Haruka easily 
lifted most of the fallen objects off of Shizuru and tossed them behind 
her as if they were nothing at all. She extended her hand and pulled 
Shizuru to her feet – slowly, to make sure she did not faint. The 
Archmeister stumbled slightly, but summoned her robe once again, 
regardless. "You okay?"

"I think I will live," Shizuru replied, and then immediately began 
looking around for the others. "What happened? How long was I out?"

"Building came down, I guess. I just got here a few minutes ago. I don't 
know anything other than that. Arika and I have been searching the area 
for the rest of you guys. Nao and Mai are fleeing from one of the 
monsters and will link up with us later."


"Don't know yet." Haruka shrugged, and changed the subject before 
Shizuru could get too terribly distressed. "I'll come back as soon as I 
drop you with Yukino. She's got medical supplies and all that. You need 
to go get patched up."

"After I..."

"Nope, now." Haruka grabbed Shizuru and took to the skies, despite the 
Archmeister's protests. She flew a moderate distance away before landing 
within a different abandoned building, where Yukino sat. The young 
president came forward and immediately pulled out a few bandages and 
disinfectant. Haruka turned back around and said, "I'll be back. Gonna 
go look for the rest. Call me if you get in trouble and Viola can't 
handle it."

Shizuru suppressed a return comment and allowed Yukino to begin treating 
her wound. It wasn't something that would scar, but it hurt none the 
less, and had been bleeding like hell. She let her eyes wander over the 
view outside, searching for any sign of her lover. She couldn't help but 
let out a quiet whisper. "I need to go back out there."

She moved forward, determined to go find her, but Yukino pulled on her 
shoulder. "You can't! You're going to – hey!"

Shizuru fell onto all fours as the light headed feeling only increased 
to the point where her legs gave out. Her limbs felt heavy, like they 
were weighed down by iron cuffs. Cold sweat lined her forehead. She 
began to breathe deeply to recover from the sensation, but it didn't 
seem to want to go away. She sank further, coming to rest on the ground, 
fighting for consciousness. Yukino turned her over onto her back and, 
taking off her presidential white coat, rested Shizuru's legs on the 
garment in hopes of putting enough blood back into her head to eliminate 
the problem.

As Yukino tended to her, Shizuru simply struggled to stay awake. There 
were more pressing things to attend to. "Natsuki..."

Onwards to Part 5

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