Goldener Engel - - - "It was the intention of the early Schwarz organization (Searrs Foundation) to disrupt and control the Carnival by breeding their own Ikusahime. As most core members of the Foundation were descended from the original HiME, they were able to give rise to one. However, when this subject escaped, they were forced to create another from the same bloodline. When she did not manifest natural powers, being only an Heir, they augmented the girl and forever changed the course of history." - HiME Literary Archive - - - A trio of ice shards slammed into the compound eye of a rogue Orphan. The creature fell on its side and found itself then impaled by another woman's weapon. The teamwork paid off. He was down for the count without much trouble. The pair raced on ahead, sprinting as fast as their legs could take them. Yafusa was somewhere behind, launching silver cartridges at any monster that dare approach. Tomoe and Azumi were working well together for people who were unfamiliar with each other's fighting style. All either cared about was reaching the rendezvous point and catching up with their allies. "There!" Tomoe pointed, spotting Mai's red hair disappearing into a back alley with the rest of the body. The duo jogged over, glad they had finally located the others. They were nearly out of breath upon arrival, and the sight of a few extra people didn't help that fact much. The pair did a double take. Akane, Shiho, Yukariko and Akira? Were they prisoners, or defectors to their cause? Mai was closest to them, and she turned around, offering them a warm smile. "Well, the group's all here, then!" Mai greeted. "Glad to see that you guys are all right." Yafusa hobbled along after his mistress, staying at her side like a good dog would after reaching her. Azumi gave him a light pat on the side. "Yes, we're fine. Are they...?" "New recruits!" Midori cheered, holding her labrys aloft. Yukariko waved her arms in dismissal, clearly not comfortable with actually defecting. The others were a bit more welcome to the idea. Akane was rightfully disturbed by Natsuki's erratic behavior and the unfolding events. The HiME seemed to be doing more to combat the newest threats, and of that she approved. Well, and... Akira was even more pleased to be away from Dammerung. That political bullshit was never her kind of thing, and the power struggles that had been going on between Ashura and Natsuki had drained her of a great deal of sanity. "I'm not going to sit around and wait to be attacked. If you people can get things done, then you have my support." "Can they summon Elements?" Azumi inquired. At that, Shiho rolled her eyes. "I'm not wanting to use a flute for a weapon. Really, how useless do you want me to be out there?" "Not that much different from using a wooden spinner as a weapon, is it? Useless either way," Nao jested, a smirk creeping across her face. "Shut up, Juliet!" "I don't need them to summon their Elements quite yet," Shizuru stated from the center of their gathering. Her tone forced them all to refocus their attention on the matter at had. Though she was polite as ever, there was a clear layer of malice and rage underneath her facade. No one felt it wise to do anything to upset her further, given recent events. "If they're still considered Otome, I can use that to our advantage. Akane, you do not have to fight with any of your peers. All I want is for you to deliver a message and lead them away from Dammerung. Is that acceptable?" "I guess so. What do you want me to say?" "First, tell me who is in charge of the defense team." There was hesitance from most, but Akira piped up, eager to get to work. "Haruka is in charge of Earl's Otome on one end. Ann Lu is leading Dammerung's forces on the other." Shizuru nodded. "Approach Ann first. Tell her that Natsuki is no longer herself and that I am handling the situation accordingly. Ask her to spread out Dammerung forces and keep them as far away from Dammerung as she can." "But she's the new Archmeister. Will she listen to such a plea?" Yukariko asked. "She will." The former nun quirked her brows. "Why?" "She will listen," Shizuru replied enigmatically. She said no more of that matter. "Once you have done that, Akane, go to Haruka. Tell her that your team is in peril, and direct to to a part of the city that is a fair distance from the former palace. She will not confer with Natsuki. She will simply charge ahead to your 'rescue' without hesitance. That is her way." "Understood, Shizuru onee-sama." "After the defenses have been weakened, we will then storm into Dammerung, make our way to the Emulator, and attempt to break into the room. I'm sure we can force our way in. It's a structure built by man, and we have power that excels whatever man can create. This is not the real Obsidian Lord, and these are not the same Gates we had to pass through to reach his original body. Sometimes force is an acceptable medium for progress." "So long as we aren't going to be killing any of them, I suppose that's fine," Mai agreed. "Azumi, I want you and Tomoe to continue your battles against the Orphans. That last thing you want to encounter is one lurking about your base, waiting to strike," Shizuru said. Azumi nodded, and setting a hand on Yafusa, she began to leave. When Tomoe did not move, Azumi turned back to face her, mildly annoyed with the delay. Tomoe struggled to find words. "Onee-sama... I... would much rather help you destroy their Emulator. To ensure that you're uninjured." Several of those present began to smirk, Nao in particular, but Shizuru merely stared back with an ever neutral expression. Internally, ideas ran within ideas. No, Shizuru thought, Tomoe would only get in the way. She was not as strong as the rest of them, even when fueled by pure aggression. There was a plus side, Shizuru admitted. Tomoe was not an Ikusahime. Which meant that if she were to fall nothing would... well, it did not need to be pointed out further. It was a most unpleasant thought, but the Ikusahime were exceptionally valuable now that a 'Carnival' had started. It was unemotional, manipulative, and cold on Shizuru's part. But in a way, Viola had always been like that. Fujino too, perhaps. In either case, only one thing truly mattered – Natsuki. "That is your choice, Miss Marguerite. You may accompany if you so desire," Shizuru allowed. "Azumi, will you be fine, or shall one of these other nice young ladies join you?" "Leucosia and Sharvari aren't far away. I'll be fine." With that, Azumi took off with her Child and fled back into the monster infested city of Kyoto. Akane flew off next, dispatched on her mission to alert both Ann and Haruka to dilemmas that may or may not have been genuine. And, if all went well, they would be raiding the Emulator without having to injure or seriously fight any of their peers. If all went well. - - - One end of a scythe dug into the flesh of an approaching Orphan, ripping out the innards with surgical precision. Ann tightened her muscles and shoved the body back several feet, and it soon vanished into nothingness as green sparks flew off in the breeze. So much like a Slave, yet so different in appearance. What a puzzling menace these new creatures were. Most of them had avoiding the Dammerung defense lines, a sign that they were not so stupid as to fail to realize that the Otome were a great threat. The beasts kept to the more ruined sections of Kyoto, where the HiME held power. Ann could not help but feel a pang of guilt as she watch them fight in the distance, while she was to remain at her post at all times. How dishonorable and irresponsible! She noticed that several of the Dammerung Y-Types she was in charge of were turning their head to look at something, and she followed their gaze. Akane was in top speed flight on a path that headed right for them. When she drew near, Ann lowered her weapon and approached her in mid-air. Akane's face was full of some kind of emotion, but Ann could not pin it down. Akane's words were quiet, meant for Ann alone. "I have a message from Shizuru." Ann was momentarily surprised, but it passed. She was too curious to ignore such a thing. A message specifically for Ann and not Natsuki? A jealous space in her heart gloated arrogantly. "Go ahead, then." "She says that Natsuki is no longer herself, and is subject to outside influence. As she is now unfit for command, Shizuru is dealing with unfolding situations accordingly. She's not an enemy," Akane stressed. "She needs to get inside to stop Natsuki, but doesn't want to fight with us. She's asking you to weaken the lines so that she can get into the palace without much difficulty." Ann's eyes widened. What the devil was going on now? She nearly snapped back with a refusal, but logic forced her to examine the situation. Natsuki had been acting incredibly odd as of late. Although Natsuki had never liked Ann, the recent snapping had gotten to an extreme that had never been reached before. The questionable team assignments and tactics used by Natsuki also sent up warning signs. Now, after leading an attack, the headmistress had become a recluse within Dammerung's lower levels. It was true. Natsuki had not been acting quite like herself. "What kind of outside influence?" Ann asked. "I... it's hard to explain." After all, Akane was still barely in possession of any thoughts that resembled those of Higurashi Akane. Those would have to come in time. "Shizuru will tell you all about it later, but for now you'll simply have to have faith in her." Have faith in her? While logic forced her to examine the situation at hand, it was Ann's heart that allowed her to listen to the request. Shizuru. If there was one thing that could be said about their relationship, both as friends and former lovers, it was that Shizuru had always been extremely close to her. The bond she had with Shizuru was strong and deeply rooted. That had all stemmed from their first meeting. Shizuru Fioletova owed all her success, all her glory, and her very life to the princess of Annam. - - - Ann sat with her mother and father, who were visiting her in Windbloom. The young princess was, against her parents' initial wishes, completing her education as a Coral student at Garderobe. For many years, Ann had to beg them for a chance to enroll. They wanted her at home, taught by private tutors, and not gallivanting around a military academy in a foreign territory. She was their only daughter. What if she was wounded? No matter what their concerns had been, the tomboyish princess had been named the number one Coral from her graduating class, with exceptional marks, and had received an invitation to lead the Trias come next year. She was off to a promising start. They had been dining in a fine restaurant in downtown Wind City when she heard shouting from the elite Annam guards who had been assigned to protect her family. Her parents shouted for her to remain seated, but Ann raced out to the street to see what the commotion was about. It was her duty as a student at Garderobe to help maintain civil order. At least, that was what she thought at the time. Each of the Annam soldiers had their lances held out toward a young girl with sandy brown hair, who clutched a small leather object in her right hand. One moved closer, and she grabbed hold of the weapon's handle, a snarl on her young face. Adults versus a child? What in Shinso's name had happened here? Ann ran down the steps and joined her countrymen. "She tried to steal that man's wallet!" One said, referring to an old man on the sidewalk. "We must take the street rat to the local jail immediately so that she learns never to repeat this mistake!" The first thing that captivated Ann was the girl's dark red eyes. Almost the color of blood, really. They stared at her for several long moments before she ducked under a weapon and took off running. More protests followed, but Ann, again, took off. The princess chased the pauper down multiple streets and alleys, eventually coming to a local park. Despite being an Otome, augmented and specially trained for many months, she had a difficult time keeping up. Was this girl even human?! At last, the training paid off. Ann's stamina was greater, and it allowed her to keep up the pace when the other girl slowed from fatigue. The princess grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to the ground. Both tumbled and came to a halt. Ann scrambled back to her feet while the other girl lay still. "Just give me back that wallet, and you can go!" There was a twinkle in those red eyes, and the girl lashed out like a serpent. She had grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground below and now flung it into Ann's face. The princess yelped in surprise and pain, and found herself knocked to the ground. As she struggled to clear her eyes, she felt fingers tugging on her ear. Oh, shit! Not the...! Her GEM was undone and stolen, as the shiny jewel and the high technology underneath would fetch an enormous amount of money. Finally getting control of her vision, Ann grabbed hold of the girl's ankle, and the fight was on. A great catfight ensued that would have made Miss Maria weep due to the ungraceful and barbaric moves involved. Finally, thanks to classes, Ann pinned her opponent down. Instead of being angry, Ann was smiling. "You know," Ann began. "You fight better than most of my classmates." The other said nothing, only grimaced. "Give me back that GEM. And the wallet." They were eventually surrendered, the action coming quicker thanks to Ann twisting the girl's arm into a position that would have broken it if more force were exerted. Then, overcome with curiosity, she asked, "What's your name?" Nothing. "How old are you?" Nothing. "I guess I'd better turn this no-named, ageless thief into the police, then!" That certainly got a rise out of the other child. "Shizuru!" "That's better. Have you ever considered putting those skills to proper use? I have no worthy sparring opponents in school. It would be more interesting with someone like you in Garderobe." "I don't have that kind of money. You need to be spoiled and rich to afford a place like that." Something in her eyes betrayed a desire to enroll. A fascination of hers, perhaps? Ah, how unfortunate the poor were. "You need a sponsor to pay for your education. You don't have to be rich yourself." "I don't know anyone rich. I am not from Windbloom." No, there was an underlying accent that screamed 'Artai.' That last name would have to be changed. A fresh start. Fioletova to Viola. A more Windbloom appropriate surname. "I'll get my family to sponsor you if you go over an apologize to the man you stole that from," Ann offered. What did she need with royal money? She never bought anything. She had too much. Better to give it to someone else. Shizuru squirmed below her, but relented. The pair walked back to the elderly man without any rebellious impulses on the thief's part. Young Shizuru apologized and handed the wallet back, much to the Annam soldiers' surprise. He forgave her and went on his way. And, after a week of acting intolerable with her incessant pleading, Ann's parents finally agreed to sponsor Shizuru at Garderobe. Ann called her a 'friend,' apparently, and that was good enough. Shizuru acted as Ann's shadow for the first year, and was made Ann's room attendant along with a loud girl from Aries. Shizuru was always quiet, rather bitter towards her peers due to their wealth and her own upbringing, but remained a steadfast companion to the beautiful princess. She did every task without complaint. Always brought Ann tea. Always organized Ann's documents and homework. In every respect, Shizuru was a wonderful room attendant – and an even better combatant when it came time for field exams and formal tests of strength. Intensely loyal and in debt to the princess for saving her from a life of crime, and perhaps death if she continued down the same path, Shizuru was more attached to Ann than anyone else. Affection became love. Their relationship continued until Ann left to be meister to her own parents, which took her back to Annam. Distance ruined things, as it often did. When Natsuki Kruger arrived at Garderobe, a whirlwind of emotions gripped almost everyone involved in the triangle. Distance ruined their infatuation as well, as Shizuru left for Astov to act as meister to the nation's queen. With the money earned, she bought her impoverished aunt and mother a home in Wind City. Shizuru, Ann and Natsuki were all reunited when they became Columns (Ann as Column I and the Archmeister of Garderobe). Things had been incredibly awkward. For a brief time, as Natsuki and Shizuru were not speaking, Ann once again became Shizuru's lover. It was over quicker than Ann would have liked. She simply could not compete with that girl from County Grauwald. So, Ann did the respectable thing and stepped to the side, however much her heart roared at the decision. Yet, the bond remained strong. If they could not be lovers, then Shizuru and Ann could be a wonderful team of friends. Respect and admiration remained intact. Some aspects of a friendship could not be shattered, no matter what happened. So the question remained. Did Ann, after all these years and after all the recent events, still trust Shizuru? - - - Ann let out a ragged sigh. It would be considered treason, would it not? But then, Natsuki was acting irrational. Irrational commanders were to be removed from power and replaced. It was the doctrine of things. With that in mind, Ann found herself justified. Shizuru had never lied to her before. She hoped that Shizuru would not start today. "Fine. Run along. I will move them forward." Akane flew off to speak with Haruka next, and Ann looked to her troops. All stared at her expectantly. She waved an arm forward. "Move up and spread out! Orphans are reported to be inbound!" The Dammerung Y-Types widened their lines, allowing for a single group to break through. Ann took them a good distance away from Dammerung and the palace grounds, hoping that whatever Shizuru was going to do would not damn her for the rest of eternity. Ann's unspoken faith in the other woman was the only thing that kept her calm. - - - "You ten!" Haruka yelled, waving her newfound falcata weapon towards a group of Earl's Otome, "Come with me! We've got asses to save! The rest of you stay here!" "Shouldn't you check with Natsu--" Rosalie began to ask, but was cut off. "Move, blondie! We don't have time for that!" And so, as predicted, Haruka Armitage left with half of her defense team. She charged off after Akane, who led them far and away from where the imminent battle was to be held. When Haruka left, and when Ann's team moved further up, that was the signal for the Ikusahime to advance. After waiting a few minutes for things to settle, the order was given. Akira, perched on a building to act as lookout, gave the hand gesture that let the others know that everything was clear. Once that was accomplished, a flock of Children flew up from the ruined city and headed straight for the palace. She took off after them, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. She hadn't the memories to call forth Gennai yet. Kagutsuchi and Kiyohime stormed through what was left of the defenses and banked sharply, coming to rest just outside of Dammerung's main entrance. From Kagutsuchi, Mai and Mikoto jumped off. From Kiyohime, Shizuru and Tomoe. The four ran right into the rebuilt palace and took out any guard in their path. Most forces were outside. Only lackies remained to guard the facility. While those four disappeared, the rest of the Ikusahime team held the outside defenses at bay to prevent them from going in and giving support to Dammerung's staff. The Y-Types were the main target. The Earl Z-Types were not to be severely harmed. They were still friends. Ann indirectly aided the Ikusahime by purposefully issuing poor orders that put her troops at a disadvantage. They were tossed from the sky like rag dolls. As one hit the ground, robe shattered thanks to Julia's blade, Ann sighed. "You're welcome." "Damn it, Haruka!" Chie yelled over the GEM lines. "Get back here!" "But the other team is in trouble!" "That team you're trying to rescue is here, trying to kick our ass," Chie snapped back. "What?! Akane! What is the meaning of--!" There was a loud 'clunk' that sounded vaguely like wood hitting a hard surface. "And she's unconscious," Carla announced. Chie looked around the spawning battlefield for a half second, and was dismayed by what she saw. "Natsuki is no where to be found, and given her orders, Ann might very well be trying to command while drunk. This isn't going well. Get back here, double-time." "We'll try, if Akane lets us!" Rosalie replied. Across the way, Arika raced up from the ground at high speed, swinging out with her sword. The blade missed, as it was merely a warning. Gakutenou and Midori did not see it as such, and acted quickly. The Child spun around at his mistress' command, smacking his tail right into the young Otome. Arika was slammed back into the ground, a small plume of dust rising from the impact. She stumbled once she got back on her feet, her head spinning from the sudden change of direction. Midori jumped down after her, hoping to keep Arika locked in a ground duel. High air speeds gave Otome an advantage. Their weapons soon began to clash. The Delta squad attempted to surround Nao, hoping to trap her in a force field, but the redhead would have none of that. With a smirk, she sent forth many strings of red wire, which sent every one of them on the defensive. One hand's tendrils wrapped around the staff-gun of the youngest Delta, and Nao yanked the Element away. She shook her finger at the girl like she was scolding a child for not being on top of things. Laura Bianchi found herself dodging a pair of shuriken as Akira caught up with her peers. She then dropped down to fight with the kunoichi, who was more than willing to accept the duel. Although Laura had exceptional strength, Akira's speed kept her alive. That growing source of power stemming from her long dormant, but finely waking, HiME background offered additional power. Laura found herself on the defensive at first, faced with a flurry of rapid attacks. That changed when she used her robe to accelerate a kick, which connected and sent Akira flying. Ann watched from above as Akane was chased back into battle by Carla and the rest, a dazed Haruka bobbing up and down as she attempted to join the others. Her poor room attendant. She had such severe tunnel vision. - - - The quartet of invaders sped through the halls of Dammerung. Mikoto had taken point, as her claymore was deadly at top speed and at close range. If a door was locked, she sprang forth and 'unlocked' it with the blade of her weapon, breaking through the wood or steel and then pressing forward. Tomoe was right behind, slaying anything that lived after Mikoto's initial swing. Shizuru and Mai brought up the rear, watching for attacks from behind. Resistance was light, as expected. The majority of people still in the building were staff members and cadets. A technician or a computer jockey was not going to pose a great threat. Most got out of their way, save for the occasional guard or soldier who tried to put up a pointless fight. Mai launched a fireball into an approaching soldier, and he dropped to the ground, his armor searing. Down and down they went. Elevators and staircases aplenty provided the means. A quick interrogation of one technician provided the location of the Emulator. As expected, it was deep underground and on the lowest level of the base, much like in Garderobe. Being quiet was not their goal here. Brute force guided the path to what they felt would be liberation. If they could just break through and destroy the machine, everything would be fine! At long last, they came to metal double doors that were locked tight. The text on the outside, in Japanese, read that this was their destination. Emulator Room – authorized access only. The door obviously would not open for them, so Shizuru was fairly certain that she would have to acquire her own 'authorization.' She held out her hand, as there was just enough room for her to bring out one Child to try and smash through the reinforced steel. "Kiyo--" She was stopped short, however. Despite not having the eleven Keys necessary to open the doors, as required by this digital Obsidian Lord, the doors groaned. The computerized lock came to life and released, the LCD screen saying that a security clearance was granted. With a deep rumble and a hiss, the dual doors began to open. Why? This was too easy. Mai and Shizuru looked to each other. This was a trap, wasn't it? Still, if they could just get in one attack on so delicate a machine... When the doors finished opening, they were greeted with Natsuki. She sat comfortably in the lead technician's chair, in front of the machine. The possessed headmistress was flanked on either side by the four remaining Earth Columns. They stood at the ready, prepared to strike on her command. The Emulator, a great spherical machine, rested just beyond. Shizuru tightened her grip on her Element. She and Mai were both eager to go. Before anything was said, they attacked. On one side, Shizuru ran forward with her bardiche. On the other, Mai flew forward, wreathed in flames. She soon screeched to a halt, putting up her arm Elements up in defense. A blade slammed against the rings and she was hurled to the side. Mai hit the western wall of the room and slumped to the floor. Shizuru met with a similar fate. Before her weapon could strike the machine and pierce the heart of the core, as all of the old models still had humans at their center, she was met with a lightening quick blade. A flash of silver. Shizuru was tossed to the ground. Shizuru heard Natsuki laughing behind her. The headmistress stood up and clapped a few times. "For being over a thousand years old, you still move quite well." Miyu stood tall and proud, her sword arm pointed down towards a newfound enemy. The tip of her blade rested just centimeters away from Shizuru's jugular. Shizuru merely stared back, and it was Mai who was the first to inquire. "Miyu, what are you doing?" Shizuru's heart tightened at the words that followed. "I will not allow any harm to Ojou-sama." Mai's jaw slowly dropped. An old Emulator being able to summon up Orphans. The core going 'offline' after using power to form them. The red Searrs mark on each of the beasts. Why they wouldn't attack Natsuki... Oh, god... "Shizuru, when was this machine built?" Natsuki asked, breaking the tense silence. "...After the hunt." "Only a select few can be chosen as Emulator cores. Do you know what the conditions are? As a Column of Garderobe, I would hope that you are familiar with the system." "...You have to be an Otome who has given birth to a child," Shizuru slowly answered, her heart beating so loudly that it filled her ears and threatened to invade her thoughts. "Either HiME or Otome will do when it comes to these old machines," Natsuki informed, and then began to stress a few certain words. She then departed on a history lesson, filling in the gaps that neither Kuga nor Kruger would know. "The first core was obviously Yukariko, who, Shizuru, died as a result of your raid in old Kyoto. After she died, Searrs experimented with an early version of the Surrogate system. It didn't work well. They needed a new core and a proper Emulator. But who to use? No one had given birth to any children. Until..." Shizuru shook her head, seeking out an answer from Miyu, who merely stared back at her with artificial eyes. "She was neither true HiME nor true Otome, but had a proper mix of both in her," Natsuki continued. "The Ikusahime lineage and the proto-Otome nanomachines were enough to work with. The Searrs executives were so pleased when they found out she'd given birth to a son." "The outer layer is still sealed," Mai tried to say. "You can't see who's in there! She could just be bluffing!" "Shall I fix that, Tokiha?" Natsuki clapped her hands twice. "Miyu, open it. She thinks me a liar." Miyu stepped back from Shizuru and entered a command into the Emulator's console. The heavy, dark outer shell of the machine retracted to reveal a glass center. It was filled to the brim with water that had been tinted ever so slightly blue. At the center was a young woman, a multitude of wires and tubes hooked up to her spine. Brilliant golden hair shone even now, faming her face before it stretched down her back, floating idly. The girl, naked except for what machinery covered her body, could not have been a day over twenty-one. "Alyssa-chan," Mai whispered. This was clearly not a bluff. To see Natsuki and Alyssa at roughly the same age... apart from hair color and Alyssa's slightly taller build, they looked identical. Mai's eyes quickly shifted to Shizuru's trembling body. If learning that Alyssa had been killed in the first place had sent her on a rampage against the Otome, then what in the world would something like this do? First Natsuki is lost, and then it is revealed that Alyssa has been subject to over a thousand years' worth of imprisonment and torture? This was bad. This was very bad. This could result in any number of outcomes, and none of them would be particularly pleasant. Before Shizuru could snap, Mai had to act. She took to the air and shot forward again, building up fire in her fist. She loved Alyssa dearly. But Arika had also loved her mother dearly. And they had all loved Sister dearly. Sacrifices had to be made. Alyssa herself needed to pass on. She had been trapped for far too many years. Mai would liberate her from the prison that was now her body. A laser sliced through the air, forcing Mai to stop. "Do not fucking touch her!" Was that the Obsidian Lord or Kuga? The manner of speech was too rough. That had most definitely been Kuga Natsuki speaking. Natsuki's body trembled, and she lowered the Crystal's secondary pistol with a shaky hand. Miyu was between Mai and the Emulator in moments, prepared to fire everything in her arsenal against the Mistress of Kagutsuchi. Mikoto held her sword up, prepared to act as a guardian. Shizuru remained curiously still. The Obsidian Lord recovered control smoothly. Natsuki stood up and began to walk towards Shizuru, kneeling down at her side. Fingers brushed against Shizuru's cheek, and one could clearly feel the clenched jaw muscles. Everything was tensed up. Natsuki chuckled again. "This is that moment. This is the moment I so desperately wanted. I can feel all your rage, sorrow and futility now that you realize. It's a wondrous, pleasant sensation. Nearly as good as sex, I dare say." Natsuki licked her lips and then stood again when Shizuru finally got to her feet. The Kyoto native was so slow moving and silent that it unnerved everyone else. Movement was clearly strained. Shizuru moved forward, taking step after step towards the casing Alyssa was in. A hand was placed on the glass, near Alyssa's own. Shizuru whispered her name, and inside, she could see the ancient woman's fingers twitch as the voice and presence was recognized. Alyssa's lips opened partly. A silent, airless gasp. "Shizuru, destroy it now!" Mai called. "If Arika can kill her mother...!" Natsuki smirked confidently. "Shizuru... is not as brave as Arika Yumemiya. No, Mai, Shizuru is a coward. She can never, and will never, kill someone who was easily seen as her own darling little sister. Isn't that right, Shizuru?" "You must! You'll condemn all the other HiME to death if you don't stop it now! The HiME Star... what about the rest of the world?" Mai reasoned. "You complained that I had no leverage," Natsuki said to Shizuru. "As you can see, I have the best leverage possible. The Otome will not kill her. She is their source of power. The HiME will not kill her. They practically worship her. Most importantly, you will not kill her. You love her. Now, Shizuru, you must answer a question." Shizuru's nearly lifeless red eyes turned back to face her former lover. "Do you protect the one you love, or do you stand aside and let the other Ikusahime rip that innocent girl to shreds for the sake of victory?" There was another moment of stillness before Shizuru turned around, stumbling, and faced the group she had come in with. Tomoe was immensely worried, of course. The other two looked half ready to attack either of the Kuga sisters. All for the sake of winning the Carnival before it truly began. They had killed Sister. Arika had killed her mother. All were capable of great feats of emotional triumph in order to ensure peace and stability. They could have called her selfish. They could have called her a coward. They could have called her a number of things. But she was, regardless of what people thought, only human. The bardiche was up and snapped into battle position. Except this time, it was directed in the opposite direction. The best leverage possible, indeed. "Shizuru!" Mai yelled, almost angry. "We have to! Let go!" "Do you pledge your loyalty to me, Shizuru?" Natsuki asked. There really was no choice, was there? "Yes." Natsuki smiled, and it was sickening. The Carnival would take hold again. Mai slammed her fists against the wall in rage and frustration. How could this happen?! Others had to sacrifice their loved ones in times of strife, be it the HiMEs and their Keys or Arika and her mother. "You are so selfish, Fujino Shizuru! Stand aside!" "I will not." Mai's determination was still strong enough to provide one last charge. She drew in a large amount of energy and prepared to release it upon the Emulator, and by extension, Alyssa. Shizuru and Miyu both stormed forward. A bardiche came down through the wave of fire and hit Mai's left Element so hard that it threw the shot off course. The stream of fire headed up to the ceiling, where it failed to hit anything vital to the system. Mai barely recovered enough to block a second attack from Shizuru, who mercilessly tried to cut her down. After all, there was only one way to save Alyssa. Win the Carnival. - - - Ann, Chie and the rest of the combatants watched as Mai and Mikoto ran out of the palace, unsuccessful in their attacks. Mai had the girl on her back, and the pair fled at top aerial speed. They stopped only to inform Midori, and didn't dare stay any longer than that. Ann overheard. "Alyssa's the Emulator core! Neither Natsuki or Shizuru will let us destroy her!" Who was Alyssa? Ann saw Midori's face shift into an expression of shock and horror. All the HiME then began to withdraw, along with the most recent Otome defectors. Now what had happened? Shizuru was supposed to go in there and stop Natsuki from being crazy, not... returning to her original side while still trying to kill friend and allies. This was just maddening. Everyone soon fled, and the battle was over. But why? That was the question that no one seemed to be able to answer. Ann Lu desperately wanted to go home. This place was too wild to handle. She soon turned and made her way inside the palace. If something strange was going on, then needed to find out what that was herself. While Ann went to investigate the situation, Mai disappeared from view on the horizon, intent on forming a plan that could somehow manage to save the planet while not resulting in the death of their closest friends. - - - The princess of Annam stepped into the opened Emulator Room with some degree of hesitance. This was where Natsuki had gone to lately? She walked forward to a sight she most certainly did not expect to see. Natsuki sat, patiently awaiting Ann's arrival. The Earth Columns and Tomoe Marguerite were behind Natsuki. Miyu was to the woman's left. On her right was Shizuru, who sat. Her purple kimono, loaned to her by the previous Mistress of Kiyohime, was uncharacteristically unkempt. Shizuru sat there, with one hand snaked around Natsuki's leg, hand resting on the dark haired woman's inner knee. Her head rested against Natsuki's thigh. The headmistress' fingers casually ran through Shizuru's hair, treating her as if she were a dog of war rather than a person of any real value. While Natsuki smirked, Shizuru looked... well, Shizuru did not even seem to mentally be there. "Ah, Archmeister Lu, I have been expecting you. How is my constant source of frustration?" Natsuki began. "What is going on here?" Ann demanded. "Why has Shizuru switched sides again, and why is Tomoe present?" "That is nothing for you to hear." "What is wrong with you, Natsuki?" Ann asked. "Nothing is wrong with me, princess. I am not the one who agreed to betray the Otome and weaken the lines so that those insolent bitches could come in here and try to destroy our power source!" Natsuki boomed. "I did not agree to work with the Ikusahime while you most certainly did. Do you have an explanation for that?" "You are unfit for command. You aren't acting like yourself. Please realize that. None of you are acting like yourselves!" "The same could be said for you, as you are usually a highly competent tactician. What you have essentially just said was that you were attempting to start a coup, isn't that right?" Natsuki's hand tightened around the black saya of a katana. Was she going to kill her for this? "As I said, you are unfit for command." Ann heard her GEM power down, and her robe vanished, replaced with her uniform. 'AL disconnected from EM-02.' Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Miyu took a step forward. Shit, shit, shit... Natsuki rose, Shizuru releasing her leg. "I am not the one who turned to the enemy for aid. I am not the one who gave orders that ultimately resulted in the Dammerung Y-Types being killed or severely injured. Ann, you have committed treason and you have continually given me a negative attitude. Ann, you have been the bane of my existence for years on end, and it gives me great pleasure to remove you from your position." Natsuki began to draw her weapon and face off against the now helpless Ann Lu, but Shizuru, or what was left of her, placed a hand on Natsuki's wrist. "No." Natsuki laughed. "Oh, yes, I forgot. Emotional attachment. How stupid of me to not acknowledge that fact. Well, Ann, as the mental stability of my prized guardian is already at the danger level, and I need her somewhat in control, I suppose I must let you live. Believe me. It is with an immense sense of mercy that I let you leave this place with your head attached to your shoulders." "Shizuru?" Ann tried to call, but received no answer. "Do not speak to her, she is not yours." Natsuki re-sheathed her weapon. Her face was little more than a scowl with eyes. "You are useless to me now, Ann. I take great satisfaction in knowing that even if you live today, you will never again set foot in your homeland, or your home world. Leave before I cut through you like the piece of meat you are. I pray that you become a civilian casualty of war sooner than later." With the Columns, Miyu, Natsuki, and countless others in Dammerung capable of running her through, Ann had no choice but to leave. She exited Dammerung with all eyes on her, disgraced and insulted. When she reached the streets of Kyoto, she did not know where to turn. The main HiME force would not accept her. The Otome would not, either. She could not fight without a working GEM. Now what would she do? Unsure of where to go, she let her feet carry her along, and let destiny decide the rest. After the guest had left, Tomoe looked down at her onee-sama and asked, "Shizuru, are you... okay?" "Tomoe." She snapped to attention when she heard Natsuki speak instead. "What?" "I gave you permission to stay here. I did not give you permission to speak." Natsuki sat once again, and Shizuru's leg once against found it's way to her leg, and the elder woman settled back against her, lips brushing against her thigh. Natsuki kept her fingers buried in Shizuru's hair, and she found herself smirking happily again. Everything had come together, and now Shizuru was her own personal warrior, locked in a wonderful state of despair. It was time for the Obsidian Lord to end the long debate that had gripped her for quite some time. Which of the HiME powerhouses would win if faced against each other in proper combat: Fujino Shizuru, or Tokiha Mai?
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