Rearranged (part 7 of 11)

a Mai HiME fanfiction by betsunii83

Back to Part 6
The black sedan rolled down the gravel driveway, rocks crunching under 
its tires, as it made its way towards the Fujino estate. Natsuki 
couldn't help but feel intimidated as she looked upon the imposing 

This was the first time she'd been past the front gate, always opting 
to wait outside the grounds for Shizuru to meet up with her. She had 
been to Shizuru's Japanese-style home close to Fuuka Academy before; the 
one her parent's had bought so she could live closer to school. Never 
had she been to this, her family's main home in the wealthiest area of 
town. It was built in the style of western architecture, and had an 
unfamiliar feel to it, only serving to make Natsuki feel more nervous.

Looking down at her lap, she hoped that the elegant black dress she was 
wearing was appropriate for the occasion. She was sure that having 
dinner with any one of her other friends' parents wouldn't be nearly 
such an ordeal; but then again, she wasn't in love with any of her other 
friends. That thought made her smile a little. She was doing this for 
Shizuru and for her and Shizuru's relationship.

The car reached the front steps that led up to the large front doors of 
the mansion. The driver came around and helped her out of the car. She 
acquiesced, but was a bit embarrassed at the action. She followed him 
up the steps and waited as he knocked on the front door. A butler opened 
it shortly and asked, "Ms. Kuga I presume?"

She nodded and he said, "Ah yes, we've been expecting you. Please wait 
inside while I tell the mistress of the house you are here."

"Alright, thanks," she replied as she stepped into the foyer. After 
giving the butler her coat, she was shown to a sofa in the adjacent 
sitting room. The opulence of the house's interior astounded her. She 
had never been in such an extravagantly decorated home before.

Waiting patiently, she let her eyes roam around the room, observing the 
artwork, decor, and posh furniture. She heard someone approaching and 
was relieved to see that it was Shizuru. Relief was immediately replaced 
by awe, as she practically gaped at her friend's stunning appearance. 
She had definitely gone all out for the occasion, while still remaining 
within the boundaries of appropriate taste. Her hair was styled in a 
beautiful up-do, she wore an excited smile on her glowing face, and her 
dress was a form-fitting creamy colored silk number that came to just 
above her knees, with a beige floral appliqué design on the front. 
Natsuki couldn't take her eyes off of her, everything besides Shizuru 
seeming to blur from her vision.

Likewise, Shizuru was entranced by the dark-haired girl sitting on the 
couch in front of her. She'd never seen Natsuki dress up this much for 
anything, and she was amazed at how incredibly sexy and gorgeous she 
looked. Of course, she always thought Natsuki looked gorgeous, but when 
she was dressed in such an alluring little black dress there was a 
special air to her already irresistible appeal. She was going to have a 
hard time keeping her hands off of her this evening. Her mind was brought 
back to the present when she heard Natsuki speaking.

"Shizuru, you look...amazing."

"Thank you," she replied, unable to help the blush that colored her 
cheeks. "And you look even more exquisitely beautiful than usual."

With a smile of satisfaction, she watched the girl in front of her 
blush at that comment—of course she knew that it would have that effect.

Trying to clear the haze in her mind brought on by the sight of 
Natsuki, Shizuru said, "Well, dinner is almost ready, would you like to 
come meet my parents before we begin?"

"Sure," Natsuki responded, though she was beginning to feel extremely 

"Alright, come with me then," said Shizuru as she grabbed Natsuki's 
wrist, leading her from the room. She knew Natsuki could've followed her 
on her own, but she couldn't resist the urge to touch the girl in some 
way. The feel of her thin wrist encircled by her hand was doing funny 
things to her stomach, and she realized she'd better stop if she didn't 
want her parents noticing anything. Her hold on Natsuki's wrist was 
released as they neared the dining room. She politely knocked on the 
door, waiting for her father to say 'come in' before she opened it.

Inside, her parents were enjoying a glass of wine before dinner, and 
they rose as she and Natsuki entered the room.

"Ah, so this is the Natsuki we've heard about; it's a pleasure to meet 
you. I am Mr. Fujino, and this is my wife Mrs. Fujino."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, I'm Natsuki Kuga," she replied while 
bowing politely. She then added, "And thank you for inviting me to 
dinner this evening."

"But of course," said Mr. Fujino.

"My!" Mrs. Fujino began, "Natsuki is such a lovely girl! Shizuru, you 
never told me your friend was so darling!"

Natsuki felt her face turn beet red as she looked down and managed a 
small 'thank you.'

"Mother, you're embarrassing her, stop teasing," said Shizuru in a 
scolding tone.

So that's where she got it, thought Natsuki.

"Alright, I'm sorry dear, why don't we all sit down for dinner?"

They all then took their seats; Natsuki and Shizuru sitting 
side-by-side on one side of the table and Shizuru's parents sitting 
across from them. The table was elegantly set, and candles provided a 
warm glow in the room. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling was 
lowly lit, and it's crystals sparkled above them. All of these things 
set the mood for an elegant dining atmosphere.

A few more pleasantries were exchanged before the first course was 
brought out, and as they ate, Mr. Fujino addressed Natsuki.

"Natsuki, we are greatly indebted to you for saving Shizuru from that 
terrible predicament several days ago. I would like to express my 
gratitude for your timely actions; I really cannot thank you enough."

Natsuki wasn't quite sure how to respond to this, so she bowed her head 
and said, "You are more than welcome, I'm also glad that I was able to 
make it in time."

"Yes, I'm curious, how is it that you made it there at just the right 
moment; it is truly amazing," he asked her.

"I-I'm not really sure," Natsuki stuttered nervously.

"Best friend's intuition perhaps?"

"Yeah...something like that I guess." She inwardly sighed with relief 
that she was able to get out of that one.

They continued on with their meal, carrying on with polite conversation 
and not mentioning the incident again. Fortunately, thought Natsuki.

As they were working on their entrées, Mrs. Fujino spoke. "Well, 
Shizuru is quite the eligible bachelorette, it is quite puzzling to me 
that she doesn't have suitors calling on her. Natsuki, you really must 
help her find some suitable men to talk to."

"Mother!" Shizuru said sharply. "Please don't do this at the dinner 

"Well, I'm only saying that I'm baffled as to why you aren't dating 
more. I really don't understand it."

"I know what you're saying, but could you please not bring it up now."

"Fine fine. But you really should have Natsuki help you. I'm sure she's 
fighting them off with a stick, as pretty as she is."

"Yeah..." Natsuki mumbled. It was partially true after all; she had 
beaten up Masashi-kun on more than one occasion. And there had been 
quite a few guys trying to ask her out at school.

Shizuru turned towards her, giving her a questioning look. There were 
men coming after her Natsuki and she wasn't aware of it? The jealousy 
and possessiveness that flashed in her eyes did not go unnoticed, and 
her parents gave each other a sidelong glance.

"See, I knew it," said her mother, "you really should have her help you 
out with your men problems, dear."

Shizuru just let out a sigh, realizing that any further argument with 
her mother was futile. The rest of the dinner was mostly silent. Some 
light small talk here and there managed to make things a little less 

When they finally finished, Mrs. Fujino turned to Natsuki and asked, 
"So Natsuki, will you be staying over tonight? We could have someone 
take you to school in the morning if you'd like. And maybe you could give 
Shizuru some tips about you-know-what." She winked after she said that 
last part, making Shizuru fume at her persistence.

"Ah, sure, I suppose if it's alright with you then I would love to stay 

"Lovely! Well you and Shizuru run along. We probably won't see you 
tomorrow morning because we have to leave early for a business trip, but 
it was very nice to meet you Natsuki."

"It was nice meeting you, and thank you very much for the meal."

"You're very welcome. Goodnight girls."

"Goodnight," they both said, before retreating from the dining room.

Natsuki and Shizuru made their way up the stairs to the second floor 
where her bedroom was located. Shizuru couldn't help but watch the 
delicious way in which Natsuki's body moved as she walked up the stairs 
in front of her. Forgetting about the conversation at dinner, she could 
only think about how much she wanted to ravish the girl in front of her.

When they reached the door to her bedroom, Shizuru let Natsuki walk in 
first and then closed the door behind them, locking it. Natsuki was 
busy looking around Shizuru's room, admiring the stylish décor, when she 
felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. She felt Shizuru press 
her body close to her back as her arms tightened their hold, one hand 
moving to squeeze her breast.

"You look so good in this dress, all I've been able to think about is 
how much I want to take it off of you," Shizuru said hotly in her ear, 
letting her teeth graze her earlobe.

"Shizuru," Natsuki moaned, "we shouldn't do this, you're parents are 

"I don't care, we'll just have to keep it down, but I have to have you 

With that, she moved her mouth to Natsuki's neck, just behind her ear, 
and began sucking at licking the spot with fervor. "You taste so good," 
she whispered against her skin, before moving down to her shoulder and 
repeating the action.

"Shizuru, kiss me please," said Natsuki, turning her head so their lips 
could meet. It felt like it had been ages since their last kiss several 
days ago. Each girl reveled in the feeling, their mouths consuming each 
other as tongues thrust hotly together. Natsuki felt her knees 
weakening as passion overwhelmed her body. Feeling her sink slightly in 
her arms, Shizuru brought Natsuki to the edge of the bed, turning her 
around and seating her on the edge.

Shizuru knelt in front of her, removing both of their shoes and then 
sliding her hands up Natsuki's thighs, pushing her dress up. When she 
reached her panties she hooked her fingers on them and pulled them down. 
Using her hands, she spread Natsuki's legs and pulled her towards her 
before bringing her mouth to the other girl's sweet center.

Natsuki let out a silent moan as she dropped back onto her elbows. 
Arching her back in pleasure, she felt Shizuru grasp her hips to keep 
her in place. Each lick of the girl's tongue brought her closer to 
release, and she fell fully onto her back as her body trembled under 
Shizuru's mouth. Within seconds she was overtaken by her orgasm, and 
she grabbed a pillow from the bed to muffle her moans.

Shizuru watched Natsuki's chest rising and falling quickly as her 
breathing recovered. She had been wanting to do that all night and she 
licked her lips in smug satisfaction. Standing up, she unzipped her 
dress and draped it across a chair in her room and then walked back 
over to Natsuki.

Lifting her head, Natsuki eyes were greeted with the sight of an 
undressed Shizuru in a lacy nude-colored lingerie ensemble. She let her 
eyes rake over the older girl's nicely-shaped legs, firm stomach, and 
full breasts; falling lastly on her lover's beautiful face. They shared 
an ardent look before Natsuki stood up and pulled her dress up over her 
head, leaving her completely naked. It was Shizuru's turn to stare as 
her eyes roamed all over the other girl's body. Wordlessly, Natsuki 
approached Shizuru until she was standing as close as she could to her 
without touching.

Shizuru waited with bated breath as she watched the other girl's eyes 
wander over her face. Natsuki raised her hands to Shizuru's hair that 
was still arranged in her up-do.

"Your hair is beautiful like this," she said as she undid it, letting 
Shizuru's hair cascade down. Natsuki then ran her fingers through it 
lovingly, watching as Shizuru's eyes became heavy-lidded with desire. 
Leaning in, Natsuki kissed Shizuru's mouth gently, teasing the other 
girl's lips with her tongue. Shizuru moaned in frustration, causing 
Natsuki to surrender and crush her mouth against the other girl's 
while pressing their bodies together.

Separating from the kiss, Natsuki moved down to kiss between Shizuru's 
breasts, nuzzling her face into her chest as she reached around and 
undid her bra. Tossing it aside, she captured one of her nipples with 
her mouth as Shizuru gasped out in pleasure. She used her hand to push 
the breast up to her mouth, swirling her tongue around the hardened 
pebble. Going to work on the other breast, she moved a hand down to 
the heat between Shizuru's thighs, pushing aside her panties and 
sliding her finger against the slick wetness she found there.

Feeling Shizuru shaking under her hands, Natsuki moved her over to the 
bed where she laid her down and slid her last remaining garment off. 
Crawling over her, she placed a quick kiss on her lips before moving 
down to her center. Focusing all of her attention on the swollen nub, 
she licked and sucked until Shizuru shattered under her, her body 
convulsing over and over until she reached completion.

Finally sated, they lay next to each other, basking in their love and 
affection. They soon got up, put on their sleepwear and got ready for 
bed. Once they had settled back under the covers, they cuddled close to 
one another and kissed slowly as their hands ran over each other's 
bodies. Remembering the conversation at dinner, Shizuru pulled back and 
looked at Natsuki with her usual teasing grin.

"So, are you going to give me a few pointers about dating guys, or is 
that information you prefer not to share with anyone?"

"Hmmm, if I told you I'd have to kill you, that information is top 
secret you know," Natsuki joked back.

Shizuru's smile faltered for a moment and she asked, "Are you really 
fending off a bunch of guys all the time?"

Holding her tighter, Natsuki reassured her, "It's nothing you need to 
be concerned about, I promise. There are a few guys who've asked me out 
at school, but I always set them straight, so really, it's ok."

"Good. I wouldn't want to have to take drastic action against anyone, 
but I wouldn't hesitate if it was necessary you know."

"Yes, I know."

Shizuru let out a sigh and then a smile curved her lips, "Well, that 
really wore me out, why don't we go to sleep?"

"Sure thing," Natsuki said sleepily. "Shizuru?"


"I really do love you, you know."

"I know. I love you too, my Natsuki-chan."

Onwards to Part 8

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