Mai Kisaki (part 18 of 22)

a Mai HiME fanfiction by Ange Sinistre

Back to Part 17
Maitreya Reborn

Mashiro sprinted through the streets of Kyoto as fast as her legs would 
carry her. The Earth Columns had given her a head start so that the rest 
of Natsuki's little army wouldn't notice the pursuit. It was a horrible 
situation. Behind her were her executioners, now beginning to follow 
her. Ahead was one branch of the massive Orphan swarm. The beasts were 
having it out with the HiME militia, rumbles from artillery and 
conventional weapons shaking the ground. HiME ahead and hostile Otome 
behind. All of them no doubt wanted to kill her. And Arika was bound to 
defend Dammerung. Mashiro had tried to reach her once again through her 
master's ring, but communication seemed to be deliberately blocked. 
Natsuki's doing...?

She turned her head to quickly look behind her as she fled. Ah! All four 
of those bitches were beginning to dive down towards her and accelerate! 
In just a few seconds, they would close the distance and be within 
attack range! She focused her attention ahead once more. Rapid thoughts 
of some kind of strategy. What to do?!

To the right! There was a row of wooden beams that held up the 
overhanging roof of an old shop. She practically leapt between them, and 
the Otome behind her rapidly decelerated to nearly a complete stop to 
avoiding hitting the structures. One of them, holder of the Kyanite, 
slashed through the nearest beam with her pata sword Elements. It broke 
apart with seemingly little effort, and she and the other Otome closed 
in. Mashiro ducked inside the empty shop and continued to flee, hoping 
there was a back entrance somewhere that she could escape out from.

She rushed by a dust laden counter top, long since having been looted 
for goods and money, and leapt as gracefully as she could over a broken 
shelf while still fleeing. One of the other Otome, clad in a gold and 
black robe, hurled a surujin Element at her. It wrapped tightly around 
her leg and she fell to the floor, throwing her hands up at the last 
moment to catch herself.

One of her pursuers made an effort to smash her skull in with a steel bo 
staff, but Mashiro rolled out of the way and yanked her leg free of the 
chain that had held it in place. She headed for the door, but the Otome 
came at her like wild, unstoppable bulls. One, flying at high speed 
after accelerating at the maximum rate, broke right through the wall. 
Mashiro leapt out of the way as a second tried to grab hold of her after 
rapidly approaching.

She sprinted down an alley, as the street was home to Orphans. She was 
granted a small miracle, then, as the HiME militia who had been fighting 
with the monsters split into two groups. The first kept their fire 
trained on the beast, while those closest to the executioner Otome 
turned their rifles around to take potshots at them. After all, the 
Otome were still the enemy. All the Columns brought up their shields, 
bullets bouncing off. The distraction gave Mashiro time to properly 

Heading down another alley, she continued to run, her lungs threatening 
to give out after the effort used to flee so far. When she made it onto 
an opposite street, free of beasts, she slowed her pace just a little in 
order to catch her breath. It felt almost like she was in the clear, but 
she knew that she had to keep moving. A person shouldn't remain still in 
a situation like that. Ducking down another alley in order to stay out 
of sight, she hoped to make it to the forests outside the city. It would 
be much harder to find her there.

One misstep, however, put an end to that plan.

When her foot came down, the ground beneath her opened up. Weakened from 
mortar fire in previous years, it had been an accident waiting to happen 
for anyone unlucky enough to stumble upon it. Mashiro was that unlucky 
soul. She fell into the maw, and lost consciousness.

When she woke again, she realized that she was in some kind of man made 
tunnel. Mashiro stood and, realizing that she could have been spotted by 
any Otome flying over the newly made gap, sprinted down one end of the 
tunnel. She ran on and on, heading to what she thought was the south, 
until she heard a most curious noise. Music?

She slowed her pace until she was creeping, and cautiously approached 
the source of the noise, now seeing faint traces of light as well. When 
the tune had gotten quite loud, she gently took a glance around one of 
the corners that formed within the dark tunnel. It was a room that 
looked vaguely like a one room apartment or storage area. A candle-lit 
lamp provided the warm light that had guided her there, and what was 
likely to be a very ancient phonograph was playing equally ancient 
melodies. A small cot was on the other wall, and on it sat a person that 
Mashiro was very glad to see.

"Meister Lu, you have to help me!" She cried out.

Had it been anyone else sitting there, sans Shizuru, they would have 
jumped up in alarm. Ann remained perfectly still, her emotional control 
so extreme that she could tune fear and surprise out completely. Perhaps 
she had heard Mashiro's footsteps, and had been expecting her. No matter 
the cause, Ann Lu simply turned her head to examine the teenaged queen 
of Windbloom. A naginata rested in one of her hands.

"What are you doing down here, your highness? Shouldn't you be up there 
helping Natsuki take over the world?" The elder woman quipped.

Mashiro opened her mouth to say something, but was struck silent by 
Ann's focused but ragged appearance. At some point she must have gotten 
too close to an artillery blast, as a layer of dirt and dust had fallen 
upon her. Eyes appeared determined but very tired. Her body leaned to 
and fro without Ann's permission, and the sight of an empty bottle or 
two of sake on the floor seemed to give the reason for such actions 
away. Mashiro wrinkled up her nose. "Meister Lu, you look like hell."

The elder woman went back to sharpening the blade of her procured 
naginata. "My, my... you skipped etiquette classes as a young princess, 
didn't you?"

Mashiro winced at her own mistake. "Eh, sorry. I didn't mean it quite 
like that."

"That's fine. Now, tell me of your dilemma. I imagine something has gone 
wrong at Dammerung if you've ended up all the way out here," Ann 
assumed, looking back at the fellow royal for half a second.

"I was worried about why you were sent away, and I started to think that 
Natsuki had utterly lost it. So I asked Haruka to go and follow Shizuru 
so that we could see what was going on. Now Haruka is dead and Natsuki's 
sent the Earth Columns after me for spying on her!" Mashiro explained in 
a great amount of haste, waving her arms for dramatic effect. "She's 
gone completely mad!"

Ann became very still. Her eyes focused on the wall ahead of her, no 
emotion on her face, as that sad and ancient enka song continued to play 
on the phonograph. Though her gaze betrayed nothing, her voice surely 
did. It gave away hints of sorrow. "Haruka is dead? ...Did Shizuru kill 

"I don't know. Probably." The queen said it plainly, not truly knowing 
of Ann's past with either woman.

At that, Ann's eyes lowered and threatened to fill with tears. Her two 
beloved proteges, whom she had taught everything she knew about Otome 
combat, had fought to the death! Her heart weeped for her headstrong 
Haruka, who had always proved her worth with such flair and bravado. Now 
she lay dead somewhere in Kyoto, all that life in her extinguished by 
Shizuru's blood lust. Shizuru! What had happened to her to turn her into 
such a monster? Nothing about this was right at all. The answer, she 
somehow knew, rested with Natsuki.

With a deep breath, she repressed her emotions and blinked back growing 
tears. She could not bring her former room attendant back, and if 
Mashiro was genuinely being hunted, then the young queen would need a 
strong and collected guardian. "Then I will help you evade capture. You 
must stay as far away from Dammerung as you can. I think I would even 
prefer it if you got out of the city all together. Too many cameras are 
about. Natsuki can monitor everything."

"Even down here? What is this place?" Mashiro asked. The candle lighting 
the room flickered and the warm glow caused the shadows to dance on her 

Ann shrugged. "Some place very old. A journal is dated to the 1940s. It 
was apparently built as a safe place to hide from the fires of an 
invading country, but the attacks never came. So it remains intact. It 
looks like it's been expanded since then. The tunnels stretch on for 
some distance. The HiME hide in mountain tunnels, do they not? Perhaps 
they use it."

"If that's true... maybe it goes all the way up to their base? I wonder 
if we could seek refuge from them?"

"You might be safe as diplomat," Ann agreed. "It would be worth trying. 
If it ends up being a dead end, then we can always turn back and escape 
from the city the conventional way. Once we're out, we won't need the 
HiME. I can help you find some small hamlet to hide away in."

"Me? What about you?" She pointed to Ann, who stared back with an 
unreadable expression.

The princess of Annam simply stood with her sharpened naginata. "It is 
my personal responsibility, now that Haruka has perished, to find out 
what the source of this chaos is. To do that, I must confront Natsuki 
directly. Once you're in a safe place, I will return and deal with the 
headmistress and my former pupil."

"You're going to take on the Otome with just a pointy stick? You can't 
even use your robe anymore! How do you think you can fight anyone in 
such a state!" Mashiro objected.

Ann simply began to walk down one of the tunnels, and Mashiro was forced 
to keep up, staying close behind the elder woman like a dog remained 
close to their owner. A few steps later, Ann turned to the other girl 
and smiled. "Queen Mashiro, I'll have you know that before all these 
young upstarts joined Garderobe, I was considered to be the most 
dangerous Otome of the era. That is because that even without my GEM, I 
was capable of defeating an enemy. The key to victory, you see, is not 
power, but ingenuity."

"The superhero suits help."

- - -

Mai stepped into the Altar of the Ikusahime with a near lifeless Yukino 
in her arms. The redhead set her companion before the great statue of 
Diana. There, Yukino curled up and stared blankly at the opposing wall. 
Yukariko was in a similar position beneath the statue of St. Vlas, 
attendants having comforted her as best they could. All they wanted to 
do was sit and mourn. The life force had left both of them. Mai grimly 
looked up at the other statues that lined the room. Yatagarasu, Gennai, 
Kagutsuchi... Would they all slowly collect here like living trophies?

Everything had happened so fast. Tomoe and Shizuru, along with a horde 
of Iolites, had come in and chased them all around Kyoto. Now they were 
all separated and on their own. Mai had come into the possession of 
Yukino in all that chaos, and held her tight. She did not deserve to 
fall into the Obsidian Lord's hands like what happened with Fumi. Yukino 
did not deserve to be a mindless slave. Mai turned away, unable to bear 
the familiar sight of a defeated HiME.

She briskly walked through the base until she reached Minako. The leader 
of the modern day HiME gave her a curt but polite bow. "Tokiha-sama. I 
am glad to see that you are well."

"Have any of the others come back?" She asked, getting right to the 

"You're the only one to make it here," Minako regretfully informed. 
"Scouts saw Shiho-sama flee further into the mountains with her Child, 
and spotted Midori-sama at some point during your battle. I am afraid 
that no one has seen them since. The rest are unaccounted for. I've 
ordered my militia teams to help track them down."

Mai turned her eyes to the ground in contemplation. What should she do 
now? "Thank you for the assistance. I've brought Yukino back. She has 
been defeated. Please take care of her for me."

Minako nodded. "I will."

"Thank you."

"It's strange," Minako said. "I am so used to powers transferring 
automatically when a HiME suffers a defeat. There has been no transfer 
of power. It's almost as if it's been lost."

"It's being stored in the Otome Emulator," Mai said. She assumed that 
was happening, anyway. What other explanation was there? The Emulator. 
That reminded her of the most vital question that had yet to be 
answered. The one question that could turn Shizuru back or keep her an 
enemy for the rest of this Carnival of Man. "Minako, you must tell me. 
Have any cores from the old Emulators survived an extraction?"

"The former HiME or Otome within?" Minako asked. When confirmed with a 
nod, she pondered the question. "I do not know offhand. All that 
information is so ancient. Very few Type I machines remained in use 
after we invented core-less Emulators, and in most stories, the core 
does not survive extraction. I will check the archives for any 
information about such a process."

"I hope there's something that will work. If there is, we can get 
Shizuru back to our side and stop all this madness," Mai said.

"Why would that matter?"

Mai nearly told her every little detail, but if she didn't know already, 
then there was no need to add unnecessary stress to her already 
stressful life. "The core is Natsuki's sister, preserved from our last 
days. Shizuru also sees her as family, and will not bring herself to 
kill the girl."

Minako was respectfully quiet for a brief moment. "I understand the 
importance of the task now, Tokiha-sama. While I will gladly search for 
information, I sincerely hope that your friend can find the courage to 
perform the most dreadful of tasks should there be no alternative."

"Yeah... we're all hoping that." Mai sighed. "But I have a feeling that 
Shizuru will do everything in her power to stop us from destroying the 
Emulator, even if she has to sacrifice us and the world to keep anyone 
from getting in there."

"Greed can be a frighteningly powerful thing. I would help you if I 
could, but all I can do is order the Heirs to keep the Orphans out of 
your way. If we were to take on a true Ikusahime, we would meet our 
end." The former Mistress of Kagutsuchi offered Mai an apologetic smile.

"That's why I've got to go find and recover the others. Shiho was deeper 
into the mountains, you said?"

"Last we saw."

Mai's eyes became determined. Memories of Shiho as a sister-in-law had 
become more and more present in her mind, which made it Mai's 
responsibility to collect her. Whether the Nao follower wanted it or 
not. "Then I'm taking Kagutsuchi further up. Please keep a look out for 
the others."

"As you wish."

- - -


It was becoming difficult to keep up.

"Onee-sama, please slow down for a moment," Tomoe pleaded. It was not 
like her to show Shizuru any sign of weakness, as she did not want her 
idol to think poorly of her, but it was simply becoming too much. Since 
when did Shizuru have this much strength and endurance without her robe? 
It was like trying to keep pace with a titan.

Shizuru temporarily halted and turned back to look at the younger 
female. She was sweat laden and fatigued. The journey out of Kyoto and 
into higher ground had not been easy for the former student. Chasing the 
HiME through the city had taken too much effort for a mere human like 
Tomoe. Now that Shizuru had dispatched their Otome escorts, all the 
fighting had to be done on their own terms. Shizuru was able to walk 
through Orphan hordes without having to fight a single beast. Alyssa 
would not harm her. Tomoe was different. Having chased after Shizuru, 
she had been forced to slay monster after monster in order to keep up. 
The elder hadn't noticed. She had such tunnel vision when it came to the 

"You should go back to Dammerung," Shizuru suggested. The girl could not 
follow for much longer. Tomoe's body would give out before the spirit 
would. "You need rest."

"I am fine, I just need to catch my breath for a moment," Tomoe 
insisted. Her lungs drew in massive amounts of air, but it was clear 
that a simple rest stop would not eliminate her fatigue. "W-where are 
you intending to go, anyway?"

Shizuru turned her gaze back up to the mountains, and pointed at the 
highest one with her bardiche. "There."

"You're going to climb all the way up there?!" This woman had lost her 

"It will be difficult to approach covertly with my Child. Kiyohime is 
rather easy to spot, either on the ground or in the air. Go that way and 
the Ikusahime lurking up there will flee with her great bird. I cannot 
afford to lose her. She may be weak, but Yatagarasu is a formidable 
creature," Shizuru explained, lowering her weapon once more. "Therefore, 
I must climb and catch her while she recovers from her escape."

Tomoe timidly looked up the side of that mountain. It was not a terribly 
high climb, but wind erosion and warfare had carved it into something 
steep and twisted. It would be difficult to maneuver. At some points, it 
was nearly vertical. How her onee-sama could do such a thing for no 
clear reason... it did not make sense. Could she even manage to follow 
Shizuru without inadvertently killing herself on the way up? Her muscles 
likely wouldn't hold out that long.

"Why are you doing this?" Tomoe suddenly asked, drawing on some inner 
strength to do so. It was like someone else was talking. She barely 
registered that words were leaving her mouth. "Who is that woman in the 
core? Why could that make you Natsuki's slave?"

Shizuru gave her a long hard glare in response, almost taking that last 
line as a genuine insult. It was really none of Tomoe's business why she 
did anything, much less this. Yet she couldn't bear to crush the girl's 
spirit completely. She answered, but was deliberately curt. "The 
Emulator core is my sister. I will not let her die."

She then walked forward and came closer to Tomoe. The green haired woman 
nearly flinched, as the look Shizuru had appeared to be so dangerous 
that the thought of her violently snapping was not out of the question. 
She had gone too far, hadn't she? Tomoe held her breath as Shizuru 
stopped and extended her hand. Would the gesture bring warmth and 
comfort, or pain?

The hand fell on her shoulder, though the feeling behind it was distant 
and cold. The same could be said of the voice. It was like she was being 
shooed away. A bothersome child. "Tomoe, this is not a request. This is 
an order. Do not follow me up that mountain. Stay in the city and 
recover. It is far too dangerous and the battles I am about to face are 
reserved for Ikusahime. Do you understand? You cannot interfere."

Tomoe could never stand being told that she was not allowed to do 
something. 'No' was never an acceptable answer to her. This, however, 
was an order from her beloved onee-sama. Even if it was a horrendous 
request, how could Tomoe act against it? In the back of her mind, she 
knew that Shizuru was right, but she still felt like she had to be with 
her. To protect her. To keep her out of harm's way should something 
terrible happen. Shizuru should not have been condemned to fight alone.

"Fine. If you want me to, I will," Tomoe relented. Surrendering to the 
wishes of her onee-sama, Tomoe stabbed her glaive in the ground and sat 
beside it. "You'd better hurry back."

"I will try my best, Miss Marguerite."

- - -

Mt. Hiei was much taller than Fujino Shizuru's memory recalled. She had 
gone up that mountain several times as a child to see the shrines, none 
of which remained, and it now felt like a foreign piece of the 
landscape. The southern face of the mountain had essentially been 
blasted away by Children or Otome. It was as if something took a jagged 
bite out of it, not unlike what Kagutsuchi had done to Mt. Seppiko when 
he was first summoned by Mai.

She lifted herself up onto a lifeless edge and collected her breath. 
Even with the added strength that Ikusahime had, the journey up was 
quite difficult to manage. The familiar roads were either lost with the 
scar or had been grown over in the hundred upon hundred of years that 
had passed. She had to climb the rest of the way. Walking around to the 
smoother side was not an option. She could see Yatagarasu's massive dark 
form perched above her. This was the way up.

Her kimono had long since been discarded, leaving her in the basic 
Ikusahime fighting suit that had once been worn by the former Mistress 
of Kiyohime. This other girl had been taller, and it had been quite 
loose through the sleeves and legs until she found a way to tighten it 
up. The form fitting combat gear was much more effective – made for wear 
and tear and fighting. The rough mountainside did nothing to ruin it. 
Had it been a little more beautiful, she would have fully appreciated 

Wind bit at her face and tossed her hair back and forth. As she 
recovered from her last climbing session, she tied most of it back and 
out of her face, leaving just a few strands to hang loose. That done, 
she grabbed the next handhold that the mountain offered and hoisted 
herself up further, able to walk just slightly thanks to the angle. It 
was worse above. When she reached that near vertical barrier, she forced 
herself to keep her eyes turned up. She pretended it was a climbing 
wall, and that if she fell, she wouldn't plummet to her death.

One position at a time. She grabbed another hold and pulled herself up, 
her legs finding their own places on the mountain. It was tedious and 
forced her to use so much of her energy. Would she have enough left to 
fight when she reached the top? She would have to pull more stamina from 
within. Alyssa and Natsuki both depended on her to succeed. The world 
rested on her shoulders as well, because that Star would still come 
crashing down eventually. She had to hurry in her hunt.

After resting at another decent sized ledge, she continued up and up. At 
one point, she though she saw movement above. Then her worst fears were 
confirmed. She had been spotted. Pink hair was first, followed by a 
surprised face. "G-gah!"

Shiho had been resting on a ledge above, planning her next moves, when 
she heard Shizuru below. That damned woman had followed her here, hadn't 
she?! Shiho leapt up and summoned her Element. She had to get rid of 
Shizuru while she still had a chance! Shizuru trapped on the edge was 
perfect. She blew into her flute and a ghostly note rang out over the 
roaring winds.

Yatagarasu rumbled above and moved from his perch. His massive black 
wings opened fully and he launched himself into the air. With several 
powerful flaps of those wings to get himself up to speed, he banked to 
the side and came for Shizuru, who desperately began to climb up 
further, occasionally missing a hold in her haste. She clung to what was 
available and searched for any form of aid before that dark raven came 
too close. She couldn't use Kiyohime like this. The hydra was not an 
airborne fighter. Yatagarasu would have torn her to shred and flown 
circles around any attacks.

Her foot slipped and she quickly found another place to rest it. It was 
then that she saw a glow form above. She looked up to see Yatagarasu 
charging his breath. Shizuru held her own as he fired a powerful golden 
beam from his mouth. Shizuru let go of the mountain and fell down to one 
of the ledges she had rested on earlier, praying that it wouldn't 
collapse under her falling weight.

The beam cut across the place where she had once been, leaving a small 
scar in the mountainside that smoked from the heat. Rocks and debris 
from the blast cascaded around her, and Shizuru flung both her hands up 
to protect her head from harm. Aside from a single rock landing on her 
shoulder, she escaped without worry.

Seeing that he had missed, Yatagarasu came back around to try a 
different approach. He dove at her and then flared up, coming to a halt 
and bringing his talons up. Using his claws, he tried to pull her from 
the ledge, but she ducked out of the way. He flapped his wings to get 
clear, nearly tossing her off the ledge from the gusts that resulted. He 
banked away and began to turn around. A slight dive took him below, and 
he came up from there to try and spear her with his beak. She would have 
none of it, but would take full advantage of his attack.

As he neared, she took a leap of faith. Or, as anyone else would have 
called it, a leap of stupid bravery. Her body came crashing down against 
one of his wings and she curved herself around to grab hold of his back 
as he flailed. When he leveled himself, she used her legs to climb 
further up before he could shake her off. Summoning her Element, she 
placed it under his neck and grabbed hold of either end. She could not 
choke him with it, as his skin was too rough, but it would serve as a 
handle for her wild new ride.

Yatagarasu twisted and rolled, sometimes inverting, in hopes of getting 
that Ikusahime off of him. She hung on through it all, though her 
muscles begged for relief. The bird banked to the right and dove down in 
between Hiei and the surrounding mountain tops. She could see the ruins 
of Kusatsu on the other side, looking far worse off than Kyoto did. As 
he dove further into that little gap between the mountains, his speed 
accelerated. He was going no faster than an Otome in a robe would, but 
this was no Otome flight. As he twisted in the air once more, she 
struggled to hang on.

How do I kill it?! Her mind panicked as she struggled to find a 

Could not use the Element, as moving to stab him would result in her 
flying off. Her eyes turned to the landscape, but that soon became 
unrecognizable as he rolled his belly up to face the sky, leaving her to 
hang on for dear life. He soon lowered himself down further towards the 
ground, and she realized what he was attempting to do. Shit, shit, shit!

As he lowered himself further, trying to scrape her off his back using 
the trees and ground, she watched for the proper time to drop. A little 
further, a little further... couldn't let herself get too close, or 
she'd be a bug splatter on the wall, so to speak. When she though the 
altitude was just right, she unhooked her Element and fell from the sky 
like a rock. Her landing was less than graceful. Having twisted just 
before she let go, she saved her spine but damned her stomach and chest. 
Having fallen from an excess of twenty or thirty feet, it took her a 
moment to gather more wind to fill her empty lungs. The Ikusahime combat 
suit helped absorb some damages.

When she stood again, she saw the bird turning back around to strafe her 
with his breath. Couldn't have that! As he released the charged shot, 
she rolled to the side. The beam sliced through a tree and left another 
smoking scar – this time in the ground. She looked up to follow him 
across the sky, but her eyes locked on to a white ghostly figure.

Shiho, covered in a white robe. "Die!"

An apparition? Had to be. No one could get down that mountain so fast. 
She realized that it was just a distraction tactic, as Yatagarasu loomed 
closer still. He unfurled his wings and let several black projectiles 
fly out towards her. She blocked one with her bardiche and avoided the 
rest, though one nearly ripped through her suit. Yatagarasu pulled up 
again and came around for yet another pass, not content to simply let 
Shizuru go.

Apparently going to use his talons this time, Shizuru held her ground. 
When he came closer, she hurled her bardiche like a javelin. The blade 
shot through his neck and rested there, blood pouring from the wound. 
The bird then came out of the sky, threatening to crush her after 
victory seemed to be assured. She leapt out of the way as he landed on 
his back, skidding to a halt. She ran up the slope beside the bird and 
called her Element back. It disappeared and reappared in her hands.

As the bird threatened to get itself upright and somehow fly once more, 
she planted her foot on his neck and held her weapon up. Bringing it 
down once more, she stabbed him right through the heart. This time it 
was not blood, but green mist, that escaped from the wound. She had won! 
He was dead!

She grinned wickedly, forgetting that she was committing terrible sins, 
and fell victim to her natural blood lust. With every Child she killed, 
things became more like a game. She fell into routine, and her 
adrenaline craved yet another kill. Her eyes turned up to the mountain 
side, where she heard a mournful cry as Shiho lost her most precious 
person. The only person who had even taken care of dear Shiho Huit – her 
grandfather, who had taken her in after her parents' death. Another 
innocent life lost, and Shizuru could not have cared less. Falling 
deeper into darkness with every kill.

The first one is the hardest, she reminded herself. After the first 
kill, it gets easier.

- - -

A third light on the Emulator doors appeared. Eight Keys remained.

- - -

Ann and Mashiro continued on down the tunnels, which apparently had no 
end. With every step they took, things appeared to be younger and 
fresher – a clear sign of ongoing construction through the years. They 
had yet to encounter anyone, be it Otome or HiME. It was a dead passage. 
Perhaps it had been forgotten about over the years? Whatever the case, 
it was quiet, and while Ann enjoyed serenity, she did not feel 
particularly comfortable in this environment. It was dark. It was a 
place where you could easily be ambushed. And Mashiro talked too much.

"Were you planning to attend the next royal feast at Windbloom with your 
family? King Nguyen hasn't responded to my letter of invitation yet, 

"No, I wasn't planning on it."

"Why not?"

"A mentally unstable headmistress said I couldn't go back to Earl."

"Oh, right." Mashiro fell blissfully silent for approximately thirty 
seconds. "Is your sister still getting married to one of the Cardair 

"She's getting married to Prince Xavier of Lutesia Remus," Ann 
corrected. Her elder sister Jun, heir to the Annam throne, was set to be 
married next year. Of all things Mashiro had to remind her of. Now she 
felt completely and utterly homesick. Her diplomatic personality held 
back an irritated snarl. She focused on the task at hand. They had to 
keep moving.

"He's a very nice guy, she's lucky. I thought he was seeing someone, but 
I guess not. You know, I've been thinking about marriage. Or really, 
whether to allow it or not. I mean, it would be nice, you know, but then 
he'd get delusions of kingly grandeur and it's my country..."

It was at that point that Ann began to tune her out entirely. On 
occasion, she looked back to pretend like she was truly paying 
attention. The third time she did that, she noticed the bright blue ring 
that rested on Mashiro's finger, and Ann's eyes widened in alarm. She 
grabbed hold of Mashiro's wrist, nearly pulling the arm out of the 
socket, which resulted in an offended yell.

"You've left your master ring on." It was a horrified statement, not a 
question. Mashiro slowly nodded, not understanding the problem. "Don't 
you see? Natsuki can trace anyone's location if they're using a GEM! You 
have to take that off right now!"

"But what about Arika...?"

"Is Natsuki trying to kill her?"

"Well, no, but--"

"Then she'll be fine." With that, Ann pulled the ring from Mashiro's 
finger and tossed it down the way they came. Somewhere outside 
Garderobe, Arika fell from the sky with a shocked yelp, and was rescued 
only by a quick moving Rosalie.

Feeling the need to pick up the pace and clear the area, Ann took 
Mashiro by the hand and sprinted down the tunnel, the queen almost 
stumbling as she tried to keep up. There were several protests to slow 
down, but Ann knew better than to listen to her. Things were already too 
risky. As they continued to run, Ann heard yelling from behind. She 
turned, but saw no one. They were too far back. While she felt 
threatened, she also had time to prepare herself for a fight.

As they ran into the next chamber, Ann shoved Mashiro on ahead. "Run. 
I'll hold them off."

"No! Nothing good ever happens when people say to do that!" Mashiro 
fiercely whispered. Her argument was soon rendered useless as Ann gave 
her another rough shove. The queen gave up and ran off down the tunnel.

Ann positioned herself against the side of the doorway, where she waited 
for the approaching Columns. It would be impossible to defeat one of 
them in proper combat in her current state. She had to make the best of 
her situation and catch them off guard. She listened to the footsteps as 
they grew close, the voices having gone silent. They would check the 
corners of the room the moment they entered, so she had to act quickly 
before they could spot her. A lightening fast strike. But every vital 
was covered by the robe, which would likely deflect her strike. All 
vitals, except for one.

When she saw the first half of a bo staff enter through the doorway, she 
tightened her muscles and prepared to attack. When she saw red hair, she 
lashed out with the naginata she had stolen from an abandoned dojo, now 
sharpened to proper battle readiness. The blade punctured Xenia's skull, 
the far end of the blade poking out the other side of her foe's head. 
Her body twitched and sank to the ground as blood dripped from the fatal 
wound. Not even the nanomachines could fix that. With Ashura, that was 
two Columns down. Three were left. And likely right behind.

There was a mournful shout in the second after the impalement. Thinking 
quickly, Ann reached down and grasped Xenia's GEM. Temporarily 
exchanging the Azurite for the Emerald, she prayed that Natsuki had only 
blocked the GEM from the Emulator, and not her nanomachines. Success! A 
deep green robe formed over her body and she knew that she only had a 
few moments before technicians blocked her from the Emulator all 

Ann sent a flying punch up towards the top of the tunnel, the robe 
giving her a boost with flight and strength. Her accelerating fist broke 
through the weak tunnel and street above, causing the tunnel to cave. 
She shot down after Mashiro and landed roughly as all her nanomachines 
were blocked completely from Alyssa. The Emerald powered down as part of 
the tunnel continued to collapse, forming a barrier between herself and 
the other Otome. It wouldn't last long, but it would be enough to 
prepare for another attack.

She grabbed the naginata and continued as the Otome began to toss heavy 
cement blocks away like they were nothing, breaking down the barrier 
piece by piece. Ann darted her eyes around the next part of the tunnel. 
Barely anything to be used. There was a ladder that led back up to the 
street, but then... oh, dammit, that kid! "Mashiro, will you get 

The queen, who had ventured back to see what the noise was, held up her 
hands in surrender. "I thought you were in trouble!"

"I got one of them, but the other three are..."

"Here," Mashiro finished, pointing in their direction as the trio of 
surviving Columns walked through what was left of the collapse. All 
turned their sights on Ann, who fell into a combat stance.

The first Column, using one of her pata swords, charged at Ann. She was 
able to parry it using the naginata blade, and she tried to bring her 
weapon back up to catch the blue and silver adorned Column in the neck. 
The counterattack failed to land, as the Kyanite moved out of the way 
with expert skill. She then lunged at Ann with a second blade, forcing 
Ann to bend her body to the side to evade the attack. She then shoved 
the Kyanite back using the shaft of the weapon.

Ann's valiant effort to defeat the Columns in proper combat was 
logically put to an end when the Immovable Bloodstone raced down the 
tunnel at high speed. A gauntlet slammed into her chest, and the punch 
knocked Ann to the ground with such force that it nearly caused her to 
pass out. When the Bloodstone ran at her to send another punch into her 
gut, Ann hit her in the torso with the naginata. As she expected, the 
blade barely sunk into the armored robe – not nearly enough to seriously 
puncture skin.

The Bloodstone grabbed the weapon and tossed it to the side, then 
prepared for the finishing punch. She then found herself having to catch 
a sleek, black sword as it sliced out towards her neck. She was 
rightfully stunned, as it came from nowhere and was wielded by a waif of 
a teenager. The blade was wrench free and swung again, forcing the 
Columns to jump back and out of the way.

The teen then slammed the blade directly into the ground, which the 
Columns recognized as a terrible attack. They had no where to run in the 
tunnel but to go up and out of the hole that Ann had caused moments 
before. All three attempted to dash towards it as giant obsidian spikes 
shot up from the ground. While the Kyanite and the Tigereye escaped 
without injury, Bloodstone found herself impaled by one of the last 
spikes to emerge. She groaned in pain, blood leaking from her lips. When 
she finally fell limp, the spike retracted and disappeared back into the 

Ann tilted her head up to look behind her as she lay on the ground, and 
saw the inverted image of a far more sullen Mashiro holding a black and 
cyan colored blade. Ann's voice was somewhat accusatory.

"...Were you able to do that the whole time?"

- - -

she's not using Miroku. She's using Maitreya.

Onwards to Part 19

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