Noir, Meet Madlax (part 2 of 2)

a Madlax fanfiction by Angel of Sorrow

Back to Part 1
"Alright, we're here," said Chloe as she, Mireille and Kirika entered 
the apartment.

It was a simple place, with a slightly narrow kitchen in the back 
corner, a large table occupying the center of the room, three or so tall 
windows on one side, a bathroom up a short set of steps, and a bed next 
to it.

"You know, this almost looks exactly like my place," Mireille commented, 
"minus the couch."

"Yeah. Altena saw pictures of yours, and liked it. So she got a couple 
people to make this one nearly identical," she responded. "They even got 
that huge dent in the wall where you hit your head after you slipped off 
the stairs," Chloe showed them a picture of Mireille, semi-conscious and 
with her tongue sticking out. There was also a black stub stuck in the 
floorboard. It looked like a piece of her high heels.


"...There's only one bed here," Kirika observed as she was just about to 
inspect the bathroom. "And it's one of those twin-sized ones."

Chloe paused. She had a feeling something was wrong. Altena forgot to 
put in a bigger bed! "Ahh, craaaap."

"So.. how's that going to work out?" Mireille asked as Chloe began to 
pound her head against the nearest solid item.

"I don't know." Inside, Chloe was kind of happy about the unfortunate 
predicament. She would be able to sleep beside her beloved Kirika! But, 
that Corsican girl would be there too. She might stay between the two of 
them, which would ruin Chloe's chance of being "happy" for at least one 
night. Maybe she could kil—

"I can sleep on the floor," Kirika suggested, much to Chloe's and 
(secretly) Mireille's dismay. "I mean, I've had worse before. This won't 
be any different."

"But, but, it's cold and hard, and it'll hurt your back!" Mireille 

"It's okay, really. I'm fine with it."


"I said it's fine. And besides, being shot in the arms more than twice 
hurts a lot more than a simple back problem," the Japanese girl said.

Chloe, for some reason, didn't try to stop her. Maybe she hit her head a 
bit too hard against the wall and scrambled her common-hate-Mireille 

"Alright, fine. But after tonight, we're switching off."


"Yes, Three Speed. I'll get it done," came the soft, calm voice of a 
17-year old girl. She put down her cell phone and sighed a bit. Madlax 
had just been given another assignment by her boss, this time to kill an 
unfortunate man named Rousseau.

Madlax was a tall-ish blonde with big blue eyes and soft features. Her 
long hair and choice of clothing gave her a near exact resemblance of a 
certain Corsican woman who happened to be in Nafrece.

Since she had nothing to do today, Madlax decided to scout the war zone 
area in order to get a general location of Rousseau. She packed 
binoculars, a map, her gun and extra ammo and set off.

"Limelda, I am certain you can fulfill this task swiftly," said her 
deep-voiced commander.

"Yes, sir," Limelda saluted and exited her boss's office. Jean Jacques 
Rousseau...? Haven't I—

"Limelda!" called one of the soldiers she walked by, "I heard you were 
going to assassinate a writer."


"Why don't you take a break first, huh? I know there have to be some 
things you want to finish," he suggested.

"Yes, I do.. Well, I suppose I can wait a few days," replied the 
dark-haired woman and continued on her way. Maybe that purple-haired 
girl will be there in the DMZ again.

The soldier smirked and once Limelda was out of sight, pulled out a cell 
phone. As he did, he fished out dark sunglasses from his pocket. He 
pressed a speed dial number and waited for an answer. "Altena? Target 
has been successfully delayed."

Back in Nafrece...

Mireille yawned and stretched her arms, "Wow. Even though I had to share 
a bed with a hated rival, that a pretty good sleep."

"Speak for yourself," Chloe said with a shaky voice, "I didn't know I 
could lose so many things in an 8-hour time period..." She rose from 
beneath the covers, revealing ripped clothing and extremely exposed pale 
skin underneath. "I don't understand how Kirika doesn't feel any of 

Mireille shrugged, "I don't do that to her."

"I beg to differ. As I recall, the first few nights whenever we stay 
somewhere for an assignment, I look just like Chloe," Kirika argued as 
she got up from the floor. "See, that's why I slept down here, where it 
was safer."

"Hmm, smart choice," the youngest of them said.

"Well, it's not like you didn't say'no'," Mireille folded her arms, "If 
anything, I kept hearing 'yes' the whole time." She stuck out her 

"Which one of us are you talking to?" Chloe asked.


The other two looked down, embarrassed.

"A-anyway! Before this gets any worse, let's go look for our target," 
Kirika said hurriedly.

"Fine then. Although, I could tell you more if you—"

"NO!" Chloe and Kirika yelled.

After all the excitement subsided and everyone regained their cool 
demeanors, they decided to check out the mansion next door.

Kirika rang the doorbell, and waited with the other two.

"Oh, I forgot to say.. You guys have some really good moan—"

The door opened and revealed a teenage-looking girl in a maid's outfit. 
She recoiled, "Oh, Miss Margaret. What are you doing back here already? 
You just left from school five minutes ago.."

The three other women blinked, not understanding.

"Who are your friends? Are they cosplayers?" the maid asked, "And why 
are you out of your school uniform? You don't take it off until I give 
you a bath at night. And what did you do to your hair? It got bushier."

"Huh? I'm not Margaret.." Kirika said, "Who the hell is she? And who are 

She paused. "Oh, I'm sorry. You just looked eerily familiar to my 
mistress. My name is Eleanor."

"I'm Kirika."



"How may I help you?" Eleanor asked.

"We're looking for this man," Chloe pulled out a picture of Rousseau 
from her cloak. "Do you know anything about him?"

"Oh yes! He used to tell stories for Miss Margaret ever since she was 
young. Then he disappeared after getting in trouble with some people. 
We've never heard from him since," Eleanor responded.

Mireille stepped up, "Do you mind telling us more about him?"

"Not at all. Please, come in. I'll get some tea ready," the brown-haired 
maid let them in and rushed to the kitchen.

Kirika called as she left, "Orange Pekoe, please!"

After many hours of Q&A with Eleanor, the front door opened and slammed 

"Eleanor, I'm home!" said a soft voice similar to that of Kirika's.

"Me too," a deeper, sexier one called after.

"Oh, Miss Margaret! Miss Vanessa! Welcome back," Eleanor greeted them. 
"We have some guests tonight."

"Really, now?" The one named Vanessa said as she walked into the living 
room. She stopped and did a double take, "M-Margaret?"

"Coming," a younger girl stepped in, "You called?" Margaret looked at 
the visitors and her eyes remained on Kirika. "Who are you?" She asked 

The Japanese assassin stood up, and with the same voice replied, "I'm 
Kirika. ...are you Margaret?"

"Yes.." she approached Kirika and stared. In perfect sync, both girls 
raised a hand and waved it. They made a soft noise, and blinked. The two 
then bent a leg and spread their arms. After a while they stepped back 
from each other, amazed. Minutes passed before anyone moved again. 
Everyone was fixed on the nearly identical teens. Near the fireplace, 
Chloe had clasped her hands together, drooling from her mouth, and 
heart-shaped eyes that beat every few seconds. Mireille was doing the 
same, but was a bit more subtle about it.

The sound of a whistle broke the awkward silence. Eleanor excused 
herself and fetched their nth pot of tea.

"Uh, wow," Vanessa said, not believing her eyes.

"I know," Chloe responded with a dreamy voice.

"Sheer elegance," Mireille muttered, staring at Vanessa.

Kirika asked, "Margaret, what do you know about this man?" She pulled 
out the picture of Jean from Chloe's cloak pocket. The purple-haired 
girl smirked.

"Oh, he told stories to me when I was young." Margaret recalled, "Yes, I 
have very fondled memories of him."

" mean 'fond'," her friend corrected.

"Both, actually."

"What do you need to know about him?" Vanessa questioned, trying to 
forget the last comment.

Mireille broke out into a light sweat. "Oh, nothing. We just want to 
know where he is. He gets into a lot of trouble with our company," she 
half lied.

"Hmm. I think I have a file on him in my bag. For some reason a little 
voice in my head told me to look him up," Vanessa said as she reached 
for her purse. "It says here his name has been legally changed many 
times. His original name was Tuesday Thursday. Then other mixtures of 
the days of the week, except Friday Monday. Then there was Johansson 
Smith, Isaac Newtone, Johann Bacchus, Lewdwig Beatoven and his latest 
was Jean Jacques Rousseau."

"Interesting names.." Mireille commented dryly.

The woman continued, "He used to live here in Nafrece before he was 
chased out by a mob of music-loving, science-obsessing, native-marrying, 
organized-PDA-owning people. Something about dishonoring such 
respectable individuals.."

"Wait. If he was chased out of the country, where did he go?" Kirika 

"He took refuge in a DMZ in Gazth Sonika," she replied.

Chloe sighed, "Great. Now we have to go there and find him."

"Why, what's the matter? Something happen there?" Mireille asked her.

"Yeah, I was frisked by some arrogant, sniper woman asking for my 
passport and ID."


"Ignoring Chloe's experience, how are we going to get there? We used all 
our money for the flight here and Mireille's unnecessary 
manicure/pedicure," Kirika said. Mireille smiled and shrugged.

"That's ok. I have connections through my company. We can get to Gazth 
Sonika in no time!" Said Vanessa.

"I want to come along," Margaret suddenly interrupted.

"Then I'm going with you, Miss Margaret," Eleanor added.

"But, it could be dangerous out there. There's a civil war that's been 
going on for more than a decade," Vanessa told her.

"Something's telling me I have to go. And besides, I'll just stay in the 
DMZ," the clumsy girl assured them. "I won't be any trouble, I promise."

Vanessa looked unsure, but agreed anyway. "Make sure you keep that 

"I will."

"So.. off to Gazth Sonika!" Mireille cheered.

Angel: Oh wow. It was fun writing this chapter. I'm quite proud of it, 
actually. I myself laughed at the necessary times. Which is kind of sad 
if you think about it.

There were so many perspectives to write before they met! It killed me. 
I feel bad (and have respect) now for the people who wrote movies like 

Anyway, the next chapter is their encounter with Madlax:O Look forward 
to that:D

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