After spending a few nights together earlier, Madlax and Vanessa were a little more comfortable with each other as they looked for the rest of the articles found with the first book back some time ago that wasn‘t destroyed by fire yet they hopped.
While looking for clues as to where some articles were, they did stay in a few places that were small to a child, let alone two adult females in some of these very small beds.
It was no surprise to either girl that neither wished the other occupant in bed with them was a male either. They were more than at ease just to be this close with each other it seemed at first.
These small places and bed were all they could find so they decided to live with it best they could because what’s the difference if they were both females anyway?
Well they finally got to one place that they both wondered about as it was really just a one person cot like bed and a chair and that was it, no table or anything else.
Vanessa remembered her feeling of the night before as she lay back to back with Madlax asleep of the warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach as they turned towards each other.
Vanessa strained hard to look even further into Madlax’s beautiful breast cleavage stretching to almost laying her head on Matlox’s shoulder to see more.
Finally backed away in fear of waking her and a very awkward position to explain even though they had slept close for some time in small places
Vanessa said, “I’ll sleep in the chair tonight so you can really get your rest, Ok?”
Madlax smiled at her, said, “But I wont bit if we’re that close Vanessa, we’ve been that close before and you’ve never complained.”
Vanessa turned away slightly but said, “I know but I’m afraid I might Madlax, I’m almost afraid to sleep with you now after last night.”
“There must be something wrong with me; I must be defective or something all of a sudden” Vanessa said looking at the floor now.
“All I wanted to do last night was look at your perfect body and without cloths. I wanted to touch you all over, run my fingers where no other person has ever touched; I’m about half crazy with desire to kiss you and not only on your lips either” she said whispering.
“What’s wrong with me, I’ve never felt this way in my life for anybody let alone another girl, no one has ever made my heart skip a beat or race just to look at you.”
“The last two nights when I just touch you I’ve burned with desire to make love to you and I can’t stop thinking of you all the time now” Vanessa said almost in tears.
Looking for an answer she asks, “Why am I feeling this way Madlax, Have I fallen in love with you just by sleeping beside you, Am I crazy for feeling the way I do about you?”
“I can never change the way I feel now Madlax nor do I want too.”
“What am I going to do anyway? I’d just die if we were apart now so don’t leave me here even if you are disgusted with me. I’m sorry but I can’t help the way I feel now, ever.”
Madlax got up from where she had set on the cot and walked to where Vanessa set in the chair now and walked around behind her to the side a little to put her arms around her from behind, leaned down and kissed her hair.
Madlax ask, “Vanessa love, do you remember the first night we stayed together in that place, the first night we stayed in a place inside and not running from the mob that was after us, you?”
“I had a contract to protect you from them and that was my job at hand. I just had a bad day and I was showing it too.”
“I set in that chair and you seen my weariness so you came up behind me there and put your arms around me like I have mine around you now?”
“Vanessa, I am a trained killed, an assassin, afraid of nothing or no body but your arms around me scared me to death”
“I was afraid for the first time in my life of something too close to me, no one had ever been that close and I wanted to run, get away from it.”
“But it was just your arms and they weren’t trying to hurt me, actually they kind of felt good, somebody touching me really felt good and I liked it, really liked it after a while.”
“Then you lowered your head to mine and kissed it and I felt good about the kiss and you.”
“You were different than anyone else I had to protect, you were kind and caring and your warm arms around my neck felt good for a change. I wanted more of it, more of you but you were my job, my work, my client.”
“Then later we both slept in the same larger bed but even then you put an arm around me to comfort me.”
“I couldn’t touch you, that is our rule, a no/no. For the first time in my life I found something, someone to live for, you Vanessa but I just couldn’t come out and say I had feelings for you, what’s the matter with me for God sake, we’re both girls, am I crazy for feeling this way?”
“Yes Vanessa, I felt the same way as you and I couldn’t think straight for a while or until I knew you were safe for the time being, I could breathe again with you safe.”
“I felt myself falling in love with you too and I couldn’t stop myself either.”
“I started watching you closer and I could see you were watching me too and that only added another problem.”
“If by some chance we both liked each other, at some point we’d have to confront the other with it and I was still having a hard time believing I was in love with you, another girl but I was and like you, I couldn’t change the way I felt ever.”
“Then in our gun fight with Rimelda, you were killed, you stepped in front of a bullet meant for me, it should have been me but it hit you and you died then.”
“I wounded her and she finally left but you, the one I had fallen in love with was dead and I almost lost the will to live myself after that.”
“It took me a while to get going again but I had to then as your death seemed to be connected with a much larger problem, the magical books some how.”
“I finally got to the bottom of it all when we found that Margaret was the key, she had to walk through the door of Decision and in her mind change it all back to where everything was before.”
“Back to where it was before in time to bring everybody back to us, mainly you Vanessa. Margaret and I both wanted you back with us and that’s the way it happened too.”
“You were brought back to me with Margaret’s wish so everything would be like it was before but she didn‘t realize that I wanted you even more than she did but she was willing to let you go to me because she still had Eleanor at her side and even Reticia then too.”
“I will protect you from now on my loveing lady that I love very much.”
“Now Vanessa love, what do you say we get undressed all the way this time and lay in our little bed of love tonight then now that we know that we both love each other but never said it, sorry that I didn’t but now I want to tell you.”
“I love you Vanessa, I have for almost as long as we’ve known each other but I just couldn’t say it then, I can now, I love you lady.”
Vanessa with real tears now turned in Madlax’s arms to stand and hold her in her arms with them both crying now and hugging each other to death, when the crying slowed, the kissing started, She finally got out between tears, “I love you so mush too Madlax.”
“Right off you were so protective of me; no one has ever done that for me. Vanessa started crying more and lasted until they started removing each others clothing down to nothing and they finally lay in their tiny bed of love that neither was expecting tonight and with so much desire to love.
The morning came with them both still kissing in each others arms and still snuggly around the other with Vanessa saying, “I want to wake this way the rest of my life Madlax.”
Madlax smiled as she said, “Well I think that can be arranged my lovely Vanessa.”