"Kyle!" Minmei squealed, the black haired girl throwing her arms around the pilot happily as the Little White Dragon restaurant roared to a stop. In moments all his relations were gathered around him, chattering happily as the tall young man tried to calm them down. "Well isn't this interesting," Aida pushed his glasses up, blonde hair still slightly messy from their recent efforts defending the ship. Hikaru nodded, her brown hair tied back as usual. "We knew he had family aboard, that's what he told us he transferred aboard this madhouse for," she said tersely. "I'm sorry," Minmei's Aunt said after a few moments to Aida, "it's just been so long since we've seen our son." She gave them a searching look, "You two are his wingmen, now?" "Yes ma'am," Aida nodded. "Then you eat free tonight," she smiled as she waved them over to a table where Lynn and Minmei were chattering eagerly. "That's not necessary..." Hikaru started. "Just keep him safe," Kyle's mother added softly. At the table Minmei was smiling at him, but her expression was deeply confused. "The last time I saw you, you were a pacifist," she blinked, "how did you become a pilot?" "It's not that complicated," Kyle admitted. He looked off in the distance, "When I thought my parents and you had died with Macross city I was stunned... and began to reexamine my life." "I find it hard to believe he was a peacenik," Aida whispered to Hikaru. "Shhh!" Hikaru hushed him softly. Kyle smiled wryly, "The quest for inner peace and tranquillity kind of looks silly when a alien invasion is coming. After a LOT of internal debate I enlisted, intending to be a medic or something, but I quickly discovered I liked the military life and became a pilot." "Either way I'm glad you're here," Minmei sighed happily. Suddenly a slew of heavily loaded plates were set down, much larger than the normal portions the already generous restaurant served. "Eat up," the older woman smiled cheerfully, "there's seconds if you want them!" "Wow," Hikaru murmured, "we're coming in here with Kyle all the time." "Yeah," Aida agreed as they dug in. Miriya watched from a safe distance, feeling that odd sort of confusion once again. The green haired young woman had been studying these micronians as covertly as possible, trying to understand them, but more often than not she was just confused. Suddenly Minmei waved her over, "Miriya!" Cursing her hesitation Miriya strode over, her clothes as clean and well starched as any military uniform. "I didn't want to interrupt," she told her friend calmly. "It's all right," Minmei smiled, "Kyle, I'd like you to meet Miriya." Kyle rose, taking her hand and shaking it politely, a faintly thoughtful look in his eyes. "I'm honored," he smiled charmingly. Miriya felt a blush on her cheeks, but she couldn't quite explain why. "Nice to meet you," she said, trying to get her hand free. Up in the part of the ship that was commonly referred to as 'Officer's country' two figures lay on the bed, snuggling close to one another. "We're going to have to get up soon," Maya murmured, looking up at her lover's face fondly. "We're not on shift for a few hours," Ritsuko sighed as she gently tightened her arms around Maya, "and thankfully the rehearsals for the pageant don't begin till tomorrow." "Gah," Maya made a soft sound and Ritsuko chuckled softly. "Have you decided to wear a dress or your uniform?" Ritsuko asked softly, stroking Maya's shoulder softly. "Uniform," Maya said firmly, "I'm not the dress type." Ritsuko grinned, "I can't wait until the swimsuit competition." "Pervert," Maya groaned. "I'm certainly a dirty old lady where you're concerned," Ritsuko agreed, seemingly unbothered by the idea. "You're not old to me," and Maya kissed her gently. They cuddled close for a few moments, "What do you think of the Captain's idea?" "Marrying us in the pageant?" Ritsuko sighed. She looked up at the roof, eyes troubled, "I wonder if Misato has thought through all the angles?" "Probably," Maya smiled with amusement, "it's good for morale, it'll balance out the announcement we're leaving Earth and it'll be a poke in the eye to command, too." "They are still officially using a policy of 'Don't ask, don't tell,' aren't they?" Ritsuko looked honestly amused. "But do you want to go through with it?" she pressed. "It's bigger than anything I expected us to do," Maya admitted. She smiled slightly, "But I couldn't be prouder to let everyone on the crew know I love you." Ritsuko kissed her suddenly, wrapping her arms around Maya. "Me, too." After a few moment's they separated, curled up together. "Of course," Maya said breathlessly, "I guess this makes my coming out to my parents a bit more urgent." "They don't know?" Ritsuko blinked. "I figure they have a good idea," Maya's eyes danced with amusement, "but no, I've never actually told them." "If you need any moral support," Ritsuko offered gently. "Please," Maya laughed. Down on the 'arms' of the massive ship a casually dressed Asuka Langley watched closely as a team of technicians swarmed over her fighter, repairing systems and swapping out damaged parts. She had taken a bad hit in the last battle, losing several internal systems and only by going to EVA mode had she been able to recover. "It was a close one, wasn't it?" the quiet voice said. Asuka jerked in surprise as she recognized the back haired woman who had come up on her so quietly. "Yes, ma'am." Asuka saluted the captain crisply. "At ease," Misato waved it off, "I know you're off duty." She was in uniform, the blue and gold shining as she watched the techs at work. "I just came down to take a look," she added softly. Asuka relaxed a bit, but not too much. The Captain was known to take occasional walks through the ship, one assumed to keep herself familiar with what was going on aboard the SDF-1, but this was the first time Asuka had actually met her on one of those trips. "Your wing," Misato said softly, "is doing remarkably well. I assume you know, but I just wanted to say it." "Thank you, ma'am," Asuka nodded. "I've had some requests to break you up," Misato added, "put Shinji and Ayanami in command of their own squads." Asuka hesitated, "That may not be such a good idea." "Hmm?' Misato looked curious. "They're both very good at what they do," Asuka searched for the right words, "but they don't seem to be able to ease up enough for others to keep up with 'em. I don't know what would happen if you put rookies under their command, but I doubt it'd be good." "Pretty much my thought," Misato agreed, "don't worry, we're keeping you together." "Thank you," Asuka smiled in relief.
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