Red and Blue

a Lunar fanfiction by Soir-Lilac

Deep within the early morning, there was not much life prowling about 
the Salyan Desert. No, much of it was asleep, as well it should have 
been. The lamps of Gwyn's abode were dimmed, while the people lay and 
slept off their unusually hectic day. Hiro was out on the floor, using 
his cloak as a makeshift blanket. Lucia, the most beautiful girl in 
Hiro's world despite only just arriving, occupied the whole length of a 
chair, twitching and tormented even in sleep.

There was a light flickering somewhere in the study, though. Not so much
a lamp, no, more a stick of wood. Wood that Ruby had taken out her 
frustrations on, and by its smouldering light she lay awake on her 
pillows, and of course thought quiet, serene thoughts.

"That Hiro!" she shouted, in similar serenity and quietness. "I'd like 
to give him a piece of my mind. Okay, ANOTHER piece. Or maybe just some 
fire. I can still love him even if he's a bit burnt!"

Her current location was a secret hidey-hole in the study she shared as 
home. It was her temple; not in as much as that she'd decorated the 
place with a bit of claw-work and a lot of wood charring, but in that 
she had dotted the walls with endless pictures of Hiro and her. 
Sometimes, the pictures also contained amounts of copious heart-shapes. 
Mostly, the additions included other things... like some pillows, some 
chains, some candle wax, a branding iron, a discarded cloak, one shoe 
off next to her ribbon as the two lay in each other's touch, home-fried 
incense drifting over the air as their lips pressed together and their 
tongues twirled, her feathers ruffled, his faux dragon ears bent 
slightly, cutely, messy hair drawn through with tender claws as he held 
tightly, the young ensnared dragon sliding herself forward and throwing 
back her head with a gratified snarl-

    "How can he do this to me?" Ruby said again, her claw accidentally 
sliding through the relative soft of the wood in a well-targeted place, 
at which she placed her eyes and blushed. "Oh! Well, I can do that to 
him... no, that's far too severe. Or is it?" The little red dragon 
ruminated upon the possibility, before she gained some clarity and threw
herself back onto her pillows, giggling like the schoolgirl she never 
    "Get a grip, yeesh. You're not one of these washed-up talk show 
lovers, Ruby, you're a dragon. The only one. And shouldn't he notice me 
then, shouldn't he be able to see my seduction?" It occurred to her then
that there probably weren't that many aliens running around Lunar, 
either. "Drat."

Ruby sat in thought for some time, while her paws produced a wonderfully
accurate portrait of Lucia. A stick figure with a long dress and a 
shiny. Bingo.

    "Oh, sure. She's dressed in red and he noticed her. I'm red even 
without clothing, ha! It can't be that. She's.. well, she looks human, 
but I do a pretty good impression of a young Anne Robinson, so it can't 
be that. Oh! I know!" For the first time since she'd retreated to here, 
she smiled. Boys were so easy; she could find what she was missing. And 
she had.

    "Today's been really odd, yeah? And Hiro, he's just getting caught 
in the moment. The Thing's wife coulda walked out of that crystal and 
he'd have ogled her just the same! Yeah! So I just gotta do something 
odd. Really odd. Odder than pretending to be a dragon, even. This has to
be the overlord of all strangeness. Let's see..."

Ruby was stuck. She looked to her pictures for inspiration. This 
instantly made her feel all warm inside, not least because most of these
things were indeed really odd. Most of them were either painful or 
involved rope and blindfold, and while the dragon was enthused enough to
wag her tail and grin, she wanted to let most of these wait until after 
they'd eloped and they were too good to waste on simply winning him 
back. Eventually, by due process, her eyes fell to Lucia. Her mind 
hiccupped, but her eyes lit up: that was perfect.

    "That's it. That's the top banana. I'm scaring myself with that. To 
win Hiro back..." She paused, for her own dramatic effect. "...I just 
have to seduce her! She's clueless, about the only person in this world 
she wouldn't be won over by is that super-dork Zophar! It's crazy, and I
don't even know where she's been, but Hiro, you're worth it!" she said, 
triumphantly raising her ears, eyes at the centrefold image of the young
adventurer's head, painstakingly traced through weeks of watching his 
face as he slept, to rest here in all its splendour. She could kiss it, 
but she was aware of the time, laying down on the pillows and wriggling.
And mumbling.

    "Tch, Ruby, why don't you ever remember that this always happens 
when you fantasise before bedtime? Ugh!" she said, standing back up 
before her eyes twinkled.
    "Then again, what do I normally do? Yes! I go to Hiro and coerce his
cute, sleeping self into telling me seedy things he won't remember 
saying tomorrow!" Buzzing with life again, the feline look-alike shook 
her ears and sauntered her way out into the main room. The night was yet
young, and there was so, so much left to interest her...


Morning light slid its way through the windows of the study, irradiating
the room in a subdued red light. Lucia, despite her ordeal of the other 
day, was still the first one to awaken. Ruby was out cold sprawled on 
Hiro's face, wriggling every so often and mumbling a few bars of the 
Trogdor song soon after. Considering the length of her last dormancy, 
sleeping a night felt like no time at all. Though the red dragon caught 
her eye, as well as her ears.

    "What strange creatures this world has..." she uttered quietly. The 
only thing of interest on the Blue Star was building snowmen, and she 
hadn't done that for an amazingly long time. As if summoned to 
consciousness by her speech, Ruby propped open an eye.

    "Hey, you're calling me strange, I ain't the girl from another 
planet." she said, stepping over Hiro's (only mildly scratched) face and
wriggling herself closer to consciousness, wings flapping loosely. "That
chair isn't much of a place for a lady, I'll testify to that. Woulda 
thought you'd have slept in Hiro's lap instead." she lamented.

    "Why, is that a particularly comfortable place to sleep?" Lucia 
said. "It looks far more suited to someone smaller than me."
Ruby blinked, pausing for a while, watching Lucia's face. "...sheesh, 
you really aren't joking, are you? People on Lunar have these things 
called 'emotions'. They're really useful, especially if you know how to 
wind boys around your little finger with 'em."

    "That sounds entirely bad for the human anatomy." was Lucia's 
neutral response, at which Ruby's wings sprung out and she leapt into 
the air and landed with a forepaw on each of the demigoddess's 
shoulders, so she could look exasperated right in her arms.

    "It's a saying, Lucia. I don't really secure them with string to my 
little finger. I don't even have fingers..." Ruby stopped mid-sentence, 
for the blue-haired girl was running her gloved hands along the back of 
her neck. "W.. what're you doing? Stop that, i-it's..."

    Lucia stopped, looking puzzled. "Please forgive me. Your hair moves 
and behaves differently to that which I and Hiro have. Why is that?"
    "...Fur, Lucia. Humans and alien girls have hair, red dragons and 
assorted small creatures have fur. N-no, there was nothing wrong with 
it, it's just.. I wasn't expecting it." Ruby lapsed into thought.

//Because nobody ever does that. Usually because they know better. 
I can't flame her for being ignorant, can I? Come on, girl, you're 
trying to seduce her, who'd have guessed she'd work out how to stroke 

    "I understand. You make me think of Althena's dragons. They were 
different creatures to me, and yet similar... we all have a purpose 
under her. The dragons provided this world with magic and protection. 
Is your purpose of emotion, Ruby? I have watched you express several in 
the one day I have been on Lunar."
Ruby blushed brightly, an act completely unnoticeable through her fur. 
Could this girl read her mind? Was she trying to out-seduce her dragonly
charms? And what did the Goddess Althena have to do with anyone but 
    "I... uh..."
She looked away, towards the sleeping Hiro. "My questions are strange, 
about things you take for granted living here. I should not confuse you 
more. Perhaps it is time we woke him. We should seek Althena as soon as 
is possible."

Ruby gulped down a breath. To win Hiro, she had to attract Lucia. It was
all falling into place and she hadn't done anything! Lucia was more than
attracted by her charms already, so perhaps it was her turn...
    "N-no, your questions are fine." the little dragon said. Without 
further word, she held Lucia's glove and gripped it in her teeth, trying
to slide it from off her hand. The girl looked surprised.
    "You said you were curious about my fur, right?" said a muffled 
Ruby, glove finger still in her mouth before she tossed it aside, 
grinning widely. "Well, emotions are like that. You can't get anywhere 
poking at them through these black veils on your hands. You have to get 
right in there and feel the warmth for yourself." 

Ruby laid her fuzzy head against Lucia's soft, cloaked chest as a wing 
pulled the bare hand and arm back onto her neck. "So, how's that?"
Lucia moved her hand against the red dragon's fur, her face quite 
serious. Ruby thought she'd hammed it up a bit too much, but no, she was
just a clueless girl being educated in the ways of petting and 
appreciating her fine, dragonly company. In return for which Ruby's eyes
widened, before her catlike ears dropped slightly and her eyes fell to a
half-lidded vacant stare. It was in the skin and the tenderness of the 
girl's movements, really; being a demigoddess gave her privileges 
untold, and the right to liquefy young dragons was not a documented 
    "Ruby, are you okay...?" she did query, when all movement had ceased
and the little bundle of fur in her grasp was slowly becoming much 
warmer. Responding, she tilted up her head, wide-eyed and grinning 
    "Please, please don't stop, Lucia. Does it really take someone from 
another world to give me the most wonderful attention? Or maybe I died 
and this is dragon heaven. I think I could get to like you. Is this 
relaxing you too?"

She didn't stop, even while Ruby's words struck a chord in her mind. Her
fingers played over and around those velvety-soft ears, like she'd 
possibly done this before, or it was a natural action, or something. 
But was it relaxing her? Lucia had been cursed by Zophar, her powers 
were diminished, the world was in danger, and yet for this moment she 
was perfectly content to oblige the wishes of a small, outspoken 
creature she'd only met the previous day. It surprised her. But possibly
just as much a surprise was the texture of Ruby. This 'fur' was unlike 
anything, even her hair was banal in regards to the life her hands felt 
rolling over its soft, sleek surface, fingertips tickling against 
eartips and occasionally sliding down her back, a curious motion that 
caused Ruby to lift her tail while not noticing. Through all her chaos, 
Lucia realised she was actually smiling. Perhaps the simple things were 
what kept Lunar going. And she, stripped of power, would need to keep 
going as well.

    "Could you remove my other glove, Ruby-" Lucia began, cut off by the
small, chest-laden head tilting up and pulling it off with teeth again, 
offhandedly tossing it to land on Hiro's slightly healed face with no 
noise and a brief breaking snore.
    "Something about a glove?" was the reply, innocent and said with 
eyes looking up and forepaws together. "I see no glove..."
Lucia felt the compulsion to laugh, back-of-the-throat as it was. A red 
ear twitched.
    "I heard that, missy. See, emotion's not that hard, is it? Maybe 
you're right about me giving it out." she said, sighing and leaning back
a bit. "Sit down, lean back, enjoy yourself. Were you going to use that 
other hand for anything? I have some chest fur here that'd love to meet 

Lucia took off her red cloak and sat it by the chair, Ruby was warm 
enough that it was not required, while she complied and shuffled back on
the double chair she had slept on, head up against the pillow as the 
dragon shifted a little upon her chest. With two hands, Lucia was twice 
what she had been before, the tone of Ruby's earlier speech inciting the
reticent female to flip her over and press her fingers through the 
thick, lightly curled chest fur. This was positively therapeutic, in 
fact. What wonders Althena had performed unto Lunar!

Ruby was thinking more of the wonders Lucia was performing unto her 
body, ears pricking a bit as she was turned quickly over and then before
she could launch into an automatic complaint about how bad high speed 
was for her nervous system, all the badness had melted away into those 
supple digits. She lifted her paws into the air, dangling them there 
lightly, while her mind slowly started to sift into the frame of mind 
that wonders how exactly being given affection equates to her seducing 

    //No, silly me, I'm getting in the mood,// she rationalised. //See, 
this is making me go all warm and mushy, like when I start to imagine how
wonderful Hiro would be if he was in chains, calling my name while I 
rubbed my sweet, girlish scent all over his robe-less figure...//

Something within Ruby clicked just then, almost audibly. She stirred 
from her relaxed position, tail flicking gently as she bent forth, tail 
raised and wiggling slightly as she used her claws to carve neatly 
through the black and red-trim clothing that Lucia wore under her 
now-discarded cloak. This particular action was also met with 
puzzlement, to which the red dragon leaned up, putting their noses 
    "I don't know either." Ruby said, completely honest, before their 
lips met, with hands curling lightly behind her ears and tail. The 
fuzzy dragon slid her body onto the demigoddess's bared chest, eliciting
a shiver from her as soft rear paw-pads tiptoed over her lower chest, 
their warmth shared as one.
    "This is kissing." interjected Ruby, prising their mouths apart 
just to mention that fact. "It's another form of expression. What do you
    "... Ruby, you're so warm and soft... but why did you damage my 
clothes?... um, kissing? It's a strange one..." Lucia was pausing more 
often than she normally would, her cheeks red and her heart pulsing 
against the red dragon tucked up close to her.
    "I feel quite unusual..."
    "So do I, dear. Play it the Ruby way; roll with it." was her 
whispered reply, and Lucia's next words were cut off as the little one 
put her tongue forward, kissing again, but this time the blue-haired 
deity appeared to have a tongue within her mouth that wasn't hers.

For the second time in her memory, Lucia was again helpless. Unlike 
Zophar's clutches, this was not at all unpleasant. The proximity, the 
feelings of intimacy, the warmth in her chest and the pleasantries of 
this moment spent with mouths together; she didn't understand why she 
should feel like this. She didn't get it, not a bit. Was Ruby 
influencing her emotions unduly? It was almost like what she had 
witnessed in her first moments; the agape, palpitating Hiro, knees 
tucked up, nervous and shaky... and here was she, slightly shivering, 
her arms curling and hugging the warmth-dragon with all she would 
muster. It dawned on her that this little dragon, she whom could ease 
her fears with naught but physical contact, was doing just as she felt 
she should do. If this was the basis of Althena's world, then she could 
surely follow suit?

Ruby was not expecting to be frenched back, eyes flickering in mild, 
subdued alarm. Lucia eased her own eyes away from their 
rabbit-in-headlights stare, her hands moving and stroking around the 
little dragon's back and tail, bringing her knees up and breaking the 
kiss to gather her breath. Ruby smiled, tail swaying back and forth as 
she pressed her cheek aside Lucia's, an ear tickling the girl's mouth 
and becoming the victim of a natural nibble that caused a mild *squee* 
from the dragon's mouth; a noise she'd never made before in public. 
Once again, she blushed, each female's cheek-warmth playing into one 
    "Why are our cheeks flustered, Ruby?" asked Lucia. The red dragon 
made soft eyes in answer, before speaking;
    "I'm not entirely sure why yours are red, dear." Ruby cooed out. 
"Mine are warm because I think I'm in love with a strange alien - a 
strange female alien - and I don't know what that means for me."

    //Steady on, Ruby. I'm meant to be doing this for Hiro. Hiro, 
remember? ... but Hiro never ever kissed me before... and Lucia's so 
stupidly cute all red in the face like that... she doesn't have any 
fake dragon ears, but I suppose she's only a cursed super-powerful 
alien, nobody's perfect. No, actually... she's *my* cursed 
super-powerful alien. I'm sitting pressed up against innocent breasts, 
fingers over my fur, and I feel like the luckiest soul in the world-//

    "Umm... Ruby? You're really warm -here-. How is it warm if it has no
fur? Is something wrong with this?" Ruby's ears shot out taut and her 
tail curled around Lucia's torso, as her next few words came out in 
incoherent babble, before settling down.
    "... n-no, nothing's w-wrong. That's a happy place. Let me try and 
demonstrate it to you..."
    Lucia, I love your sheer innocence.


Hiro woke in a cold sweat. Sleeping on the floor always made his dreams 
into weird, torturous affairs. And having small amounts of red dragon 
shedding inside the mouth was never good to wake up to.
    "... Wow, what time is it? I was having this bad dream... we were 
against those guardian things and everyone except me died screaming... 
it sounded way too real..." he said, half-awake and rambling at air. 
Air really was all he was rambling at, as while his eyes readjusted to 
the light, he noticed the room was empty.
    "Lucia? Ruby? Where are you?" he asked the air again, more than a 
little jumpy after his dream, hopping to his feet and lumbering around, 
searching for the only girls in his life so far. Outside was empty, 
inside was empty, there was barely a sign anyone had slept on that 
chair. Aside from, as Hiro looked, a note.

    Dearest Hiro

I am sorry for not being here when you awoke. Ruby and I have spent the 
morning in deep conversation. She is a red dragon, I believe she can 
not only find Althena, but take care of all that fighting stuff too. 
Dragons are also around to protect the peace, after all. I don't wish 
to involve anyone else in these trials, it isn't fair on you and your 
family. Plus, apparently we can't 'elope' with a party of three. I 
assume this 'eloping' will be beneficial to us on our quest.

Ruby and I wish you well in your pursuits, and she promises me we'll 
see you after our 'honeymoon', whatever that is. I know for a fact the 
moon is not composed of honey, so I too wait to see what that means.

Hoping this finds you well.

    Lucia (and *messy paw-print underneath which is written "Ruby"*)

Hiro read through the note, and then he read through it again. A few 
minutes later, he began to laugh. Legend suspects that he never 
stopped, and is probably wrong.

Ruby and Lucia eventually (re)populated the Blue Star, with red dragons 
that had blue hair. Nobody is quite sure how this occurred, but since 
nobody else has been back to the Blue Star since, it's hard to verify 
anything. Perhaps that's a story best left to the imagination.

In conclusion. Lucia is hot.

-- R

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