Love Hina: Once Again (part 9 of 16)

a Love Hina fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 8
"Ami sempai," Ema said, the long brown haired girl
smiling as she hurried to catch up. "Going to another
mock test?" she asked curiously.

"Not exactly," Ami smiled back, her short blue hair
ruffled a little by the breeze, "I'm going to a
advanced study group for med students."

Ema felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up at the
handsome older girl, then forced herself to calm down.
‘Remember,' she reminded herself, ‘you don't know what
sort of relationship she has with her roommate.'
Taking a steadying breath she said, "It must be hard,
studying to be a doctor."

"It's been a ambition of mine for a long time," Ami
said, her blue skirt fluttering around her legs.
Gently she asked, "How about you?"

"Huh?" Ema blushed.

"I mean," Ami asked, "what do you want to do? Why are
you working so hard to get into Tokyo University?"

"I've been told that getting into Tokyo University can
make your dreams come true," Ema shyly admitted as
they walked. She looked embarrassed, "To be honest, I
think I'd like to be a librarian."

"Then I think you'll be a good one," Ami offered.

Ema mentally gave a fan-girl squeal, but in reality
offered a soft, "Thank you."

Rei Hino watched from the roof of the Hinata Inn as
she saw Ami walking, Ema looking up at her in more
than a bit of awe. ‘I hope that Ami lets the kid down
easy,' the black haired miko thought, ‘Ema's a nice
kid, and I don't think Ami wants to see her hurt.'

"Good morning," A amused voice came from behind her.

"Morning," Rei called as Mitsune Konno, also known as
Kitsune walked along the peak of the roof towards
where Rei was perched.

"May I?" Kitsune gestured to the open space beside Rei
on the edge of the roof. When Rei nodded she sat down,
the sandy blonde haired woman looking entirely

"You look a little under the weather," Rei noted
diplomatically. In fact Kitsune's eyes were a bit
bloodshot and she was visibly bedraggled. If Rei knew
her better she'd have guessed Kitsune had been out
drinking, or something.

"Oh yeah," Kitsune winced. "I still do some freelance
writing and a few of my work associates got together
at the Café for a party last night," she explained. "I
sent Mutsumi and Shinobu home, but I never got to bed
till three am."

"Ouch," Rei winced. Her grandfather had a similar
party nature, and she had been the one to take care of
him then.

Kitsune drank from the cup of steaming coffee she
carried, her shorts and t-shirt clinging to her
shapely body. "Have you had a chance to think about my
offer?" she asked.

"To join that ghost busting thing you're doing?' Rei

"Yeah," Kitsune smiled.

"I've committed to train part-time at the Higurashu
shrine by my Grandfather," Rei said as the breeze made
her long hair swirl about, "that'll take a lot of my

"I'm sorry to hear that," Kitsune admitted.

"But," Rei said after a moment, "I'd be willing to
help where I can."

Kitsune grinned suddenly, "Good."

"For a reasonable cut of the profits, of course," Rei
added with a smile.

"Of course," Kitsune nodded. She paused, "The
Higurashu shrine?"

"Yes?" Rei blinked.

"I think you're going to have a interesting time
there," Kitsune said thoughtfully, "at least if the
stories I've heard are right."

"The demon of Higurashu Shrine?" Rei nodded knowingly.
She looked away, lips twitching with amusement, "I've
met him."

"Seriously?" Kitsune looked at her in surprise.

"Yeah," Rei smiled, remembering the meeting a few days

Checking the address on the sheet of paper her
Grandfather gave her Rei saw the aura of the place
before she even saw the shrine, feeling the faint
crackle of power. Pausing by the front gate she
hesitated a moment, then Rei continued on.

A black haired young woman was sweeping the yard,
dressed in a green and white school girl's uniform
from the region. "Hello," she looked up.

"Hello," Rei nodded politely, "my name is Rei Hino.
I'm here looking for the priest of the Higurashu

"You're looking for gramps?" the girl looked
surprised. "My name is Kagome," she offered her hand,
"nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you," Rei took her hand then visibly
stiffened as she felt the power simmering within the
girl. Not only was this a miko, but she was a
wondrously powerful one, maybe even Rei's match as
Sailor Mars.

"Ahhh," Kagome cried out in surprise, jerking

"Kagome!" a boys voice cried out in alarm.

"Oh no," Kagome muttered, "wait!"

Bursting from a nearby building the white haired boy
swept towards Rei with a hand extended, fingers curved
like claws. "Get away from Kagome," he yelled,
swinging as his red Hitoe coat shifted in the breeze.

Rei ducked under the first strike, reaching into her
coat for a paper charm as she chanted softly. "Whoop,"
she side stepped another strike even as she slapped
the charm on his forehead and finished the spell.

"Urk." the white haired boy froze even as unearthly
power swirled around him. Suddenly the power flared
around him and he shook off the charm, giving Rei a
deadly glare as he growled, "Why you..."

"InuYasha," Kagome said forcefully, "SIT!"


In a burst of spiritual energy InuYasha's face hit the
ground with a thump, the boy stunned for a moment by
the impact. His rage at Rei forgotten for a moment he
rounded on Kagome, "What the hell'd you do that for?"

"You were going to hurt her," Kagome shot back, "and
she hadn't done anything!"

"So why'd you yell?" InuYasha demanded.

"I was startled," Kagome said a bit defensively, "I've
never run into a modern person with that kind of
spiritual power before."

"So I had to rush out here for nothing?" InuYasha
looked disgusted. "You've got to be kidding me..." he
shook his head.

Kagome scowled, "SIT boy!"

WHAM! Another face plant.

Rei blinked, taking in the whole odd situation.
"What?" she asked mildly, "is going on here, exactly?"

"It's a long story," Kagome sighed.

Sitting on the roof of the Hinata Inn Kitsune finished
off her coffee as Rei finished a edited version of
that meeting. "So this Kagome has a half-demon
servant?" she blinked then chuckled, "Poor guy."

Rei chuckled, "I think get along pretty well."

To be continued...

Notes: I'm putting Rei and Kagome's powers at the same
level arbitrarily, since it makes it easier to write
them. InuYasha doesn't kill Rei immediately because
he's holding back a bit, as well as Rei having
experience fighting demons.

Onwards to Part 10

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