Angel Light, Angel Dark (part 9 of 14)

a Love Hina fanfiction by Kanako Urashima

Back to Part 8
Kanako slowly shut the cover of her small diary, looking at the hard, 
leather cover with the design of a black rose on it. A gift from her 
dead kaisho who, in the early years of her stay in the yakuza, had 
more than a passing interest in her. Of course, Kanako didn’t really 
show any interest other than business interests. She was too busy 
plotting his downfall; too busy collaborating with other groups, 
whether they are governments or other yakuza groups, she was in it for 
the money. Shinobu walked in the hospital room, bearing yet another 
single, long-stemmed, red rose. Kanako didn’t care though, she just 
wanted out of there. The overwhelmingly cheery attitude of the nurses, 
the excessive use of the color white, it just frustrated her to no 
end. There wasn’t a single decent shadow there for her to find comfort 
in and the nurses refused to let her close the curtains and turn off 
the lights. And yet, Shinobu’s brightness didn’t bother her at all. 
She didn’t even mind the fact that the roses were red, a color she 

“I brought you some more flowers.” Shinobu smiled as she put it in the 

Kanako wanted to say how much she disliked red roses, how it reminded 
her of the blood on her hands but didn’t. Shinobu had that effect on 
her, after all. Her arm still hurt and even though she was 
ambidextrous, it was still rather difficult and unnatural writing with 
her left hand. Kanako felt the silence, Shinobu had decided to do away 
with the usual greetings, that girl knew how Kanako felt. It was not 
dishonor, it was not bitterness over defeat and it really wasn’t even 
the desire for vengeance. In the end, after that battle, with two 
limbs broken, several internal injuries, one of her eyes temporarily 
blind and her entire body, for the time being, unable to defend 
itself, there was one thing that could describe Kanako now: broken. 
She was broken and Shinobu knew it. Not merely physically but inside 
as well. Motoko shattered that emotional armor of hers, an emotional 
armor that was cracked long ago by Shinobu.

She sat there, a broken Kanako.

“Thank you.” Kanako muttered.

“Thank you? What for, Kanako-san?” Shinobu asked as she sat on the 
chair by Kanako’s bedside.

“I saw you right before I passed out. You…saved me.”

Shinobu remembered that moment. It was raining heavily, just outside 
Hinata Sou. It had been two days since Motoko’s arrival and the 
tempest of furies between Kanako and Motoko had flared up into 
violence again, despite Shinobu’s attempts to keep them down. These 
two hated each other and would have destroyed each other given the 
chance. She watched that battle on the balcony in horror, Kanako 
desperately trying to defend herself with her naginata against 
Motoko’s relentless battery of attacks. Shinobu watched as Motoko’s 
katana, swiftly moving in an upward stroke sent Kanako flying through 
a window, the shattering glass cutting her entire body. That same 
maneuver had made a diagonal cut running from Kanako’s forehead to 
just beside her upper lip. As Kanako was quickly losing blood, 
struggling to simply stand up, Shinobu ran, she knew she had to 
intervene before Motoko went too far.

“Why is it? Why do you and Motoko-chan hate each other so much?” 
Shinobu asked shyly. “When I asked her, all she would say was that I 
should just stay away from you.”

“Because she broke me…” Kanako said enigmatically as she rested her 
head. “…and I broke her. That’s why she hates me. That’s why we hate 
each other.”

“I…I don’t understand.”

“She hates me because, when you take away all the discipline, all 
honors, what you have isn’t Aoyama Motoko. What you have…is me.” 
Kanako said as she closed her eyes. “In the end, when you look past 
the masks that you all wore in Hinata Sou, you’ll see it, the reason 
why you all hated me. It’s because I represent just what you pray for 
every night never to become. I am Hinata Sou’s dark side, its evil.”

There was an awkward silence following that. Shinobu knew what Kanako 
said was true for her. She feared, no, she hated the thought of 
becoming another Urashima Kanako. Yet, something inside her called out 
for the darkness that she represented. To take it into her arms, her 
heart, her soul and to unleash all those dark thoughts, the vengeance 
she longed to extract from the world. Kanako however, was always quick 
to scare her out of such things, a simple scowl, a slight smile and a 
foreboding stare that was all that was needed to assure Shinobu she 
was on the right side of the tracks. Kanako was a weary soul, wear of 
life, weary of the darkness, weary of being alone but she could not 
rest. She had to go on and whatever driving force was within her, it 
pushed her forward. But now, her face had an expression of 
hopelessness, an expression of grim acceptance. It was done; Motoko 
had broken Kanako’s spirit, her will to go on.

“Shinobu-chan, please play that CD third from the bottom.” Kanako said 
as she moved to lie down on the bed, to get some rest. “It’s a 
collection of instrumental tracks that I liked over the years. Play 
the fourth track for me.”

“Okay.” The first track seemed ironic to Shinobu as it played. The 
first few notes sounded almost like a song that would be used if a 
scene called for battle preparations. It was a battle theme, which she 
figured out in the first thirty seconds. It sounded so grim, so 
foreboding, so…vicious yet elegant. “Why this song? It seems 

“Liber Fatali…” that was all Kanako answered before she closed her 

As Shinobu stepped out of the hospital, intent on returning to Hinata 
Sou to oversee the renovation, as Kanako had requested, she saw her 
again. That long, black hair running along her back like an elegant 
cascade, those eyes that always seemed so contradictory, that 
unmistakable presence of subtle power. Aoyama Motoko stood there, in 
her old gi and hakama, sword at her side, a gentle softness on her 
face. Shinobu came closer, uncertain what to feel or think. This 
person had broken Kanako, a dear friend and perhaps even more but she 
could not deny the past she had with Motoko, no matter how short 
lived. Did she still have feelings for the samurai? Or did Motoko’s 
decision to leave her for the way of the sword destroy any that was 
left? As they approached, there was an uneasy touching of hands 
between the two for just a moment and Shinobu felt both her heart and 
Motoko’s skip several beats. Yes, the old feelings were still there. 
Shinobu still loved Motoko and Motoko still had feelings for Shinobu.

“I…missed you, Shinobu-chan.”

“I…missed you too.” Shinobu kept her head low as they got in the car. 
“Why do you hate her so much?”

“You should just stay away from her. Nothing good will come out of 
being around her.” Motoko said coldly. “She is a plague. Everything 
she touches will wither and die.”

“She…she said you hate her because she broke you. Because you know 
that she represents everything that you are afraid of becoming.” 
Shinobu said, pressing the issue. She was afraid of both Kanako and 
Motoko but she had to know. “Is it because of how she…touched you when 
she first arrived? Is that it? Motoko-chan, that was so long ago. You 
should just forget about it, it only happened once after all.”

“This isn’t the way to your house.” Motoko noted.

“We’re going to Hinata Sou. I’m sure Shirai and Haitani aren’t happy 
about the extra work your fight caused them.” Shinobu said, realizing 
Motoko was avoiding the previous topic. “Kanako-san will have to pay 
extra, I guess.”

“Shinobu-chan…the reason why I hate Kanako-san…there’s something more 
to it.” Motoko suddenly said out of the blue, her eyes closed in light 
meditation. “It was so long ago; I almost forgot about it and only 
remembered my hatred…”

Onwards to Part 10

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