Time: The Mid 80s Place: A Land thats a lot like India but isnt India Narima watched the toddler, her granddaughter, hard at work at her blocks with penetrating interest. Now normally a second daughter would be raised as sort of a household pet, rather than someone who would be taken seriously. Her father, a member of the royal family, doted on the child enough, but reserved the most time for his son and heir as was common in this part of the world. Oddly, her mother seemed to be more disappointed in her third childs sex and seemed to have less time for her than her father. Dont worry, little child, I will make up for them. It was at the little girls birth that Narima noticed what stood out about this child. The first was the hair - a straw color in a land where nearly everybody had dark hair. Narima guessed this hair came from her own father, a young lieutenant who was one of the last colonial administrators sent by Britain. Narima then noticed other things about the child. For one thing, her extreme appetite. She would eat twice the porridge of the sister and brother at that age and ask for more. She could not be constrained from eating bugs - with no ill effect. And her energy level, which would make a chital deer seem slow. She maybe slept three hours in a day, and would be in constant motion the rest. They would have had to hire a second ayah if Narima hadnt volunteered to help oversee the child. And smart, too. Wereas all other child would keep their blocks in a random pile, this child would sort them carefully and put together symmetrical towers that held together. Once Narima even saw her marking how many she had of each block with marks on a piece of paper before beginning to build. Narima looked again at the child and thought of her own father - Kaolla Suus great-grandfather. Oh, he had helped her mother out for a while, but the payments came less and less and finally stopped. After all, he had his Army/foreign service career. Despite the nonsupport, Narimas mother kept track of his adventures in service of the Crown - Korea, Cyprus, Aden, even the Falklands. Brigadier Chappenwald retired last year, with full honors including the rank of Commander in the O.B.E and a barony. He had no knowledge of his great-grandchild here on the floor. If only he could stay around until she makes something of herself, Narima thought. Queen of Bollywood? No, she could do better than that. University professor at Oxford? That would have possibilities. Such great karma it would be if the old man hangs around long enough to meet her... ABOUT FOURTEEN OR SO YEARS LATER "WHERE IS SHE?! WHERE IS SHE?" Motoko demanded, her skin dripping, wrapped in a bathrobe. For the second time this week, Suu had left Tama on her clothing, knowing the samurai would go into an embarrassing swoon. The Tama trick never grew old for Suu, no matter how quickly it grew old on Motoko. Shaking with rage, Motoko took up her kendo stick and stalked her target like an tiger. Suddenly a body with bare, nut-brown legs shot down the hall. Motoko went in furious pursuit. But rounding the corner she slammed squarely into Keitaro, who was carrying over some window cleaner and rags. Both fell to the floor. Keitaro picked himself up to see Motokos robe open and her pubic triangle, dark and lush, exposed to his view. He was so transfixed he failed to see the expression on the tall girls face, as her rage acquired a fresh - and much less evasive - target. Standing on the balcony, Kaolla Suu munched a roll while watching Keitaro soar past her to make a leisurely climb into the sky. Quite impressive to watch, she thought. Then, because she knew Motokos wrath was easily dissipated (at least toward her), she hung down and looked into the window. The samurai was making furious circles still, so Suu stayed on the balcony. Walking over, she found the tree that ran past her room; and quickly shimmied down into the open window. Suus room was overrun with plants, including a large tropical tree whose branches were wide enough for her to sleep on. She had designed a way for the volcanic heat that warmed the bath to come into her room and to heat it to a temperature that both she and the plants liked - about 90 degrees. The only spaces without vegetation were her desk, a very large one with numerous drawings of planned and built contraptions, plus a closet for her carefully preserved traditional costumes. A picture of her stepbrother, Ranba Ruu, one of her sister, plus a collective one of the gang here at Hina House. A bureau, and a washstand. Little known to the rest of the group was another secret passage, this one to her workshop on the bottom floor. As others rarely went there, she could often surprise people with the devices that came out, such as Mecha-Tama in its various editions. Enjoying her aloneness for once, she poured herself a green tea. Removing her skimpy uniform- shirt, skirt and panties, she didnt wear a bra - she activated the Sun Magnifier that could put a spot of sunlight directly on her sleeping perch in the tree. Suu climbed up and let the sun play on her bare backside. The other, lighter skinned residents may not notice her tan, but she took pride in it. Normally she would be drawing plans for a new radio controlled device, but not this time. She was more thinking about what was going on with her body. According to old lore, her people individually decided the exact time to turn from child to adult. Suus response was, for now, "I want to be a child a little longer." But once every three months, during the red moon, the adult Suu would emerge. She could deal with that - in fact she looked forward to wearing the skimpy top and full skirt and anklet. But something strange had been happening these past year. The adult Suu would emerge without warning, without a red moon. At first it was a freak occurrence. Shed wake up in the middle of the night taller, with swelled breasts, a fuller voice. She ignored it the first time it happened. But then, it happened once a month. And last month, it happened twice. It was like "Jekyll and Hyde" late in the book, when Jekyll would involuntarily morph into Hyde without warning. Ive been waiting too long. They never told me this, but it makes sense - if you delay too long, nature will make the move for you. And then there was the strange occurrence after the bath the other week. She must have been admiring the others too much. When she went to towel herself off, she felt a violent shiver, beginning between her legs and spreading all over. It was so strong she fell to the floor. She pulled herself up shaking. Everything seemed to have a pleasant glow. She felt fantastic. She had "gotten off" before - very often in fact - but nothing like this. Shinobu came in, and Suu was tempted to kiss her for no reason. She didnt know what it was, but she definitely wanted it to happen again. She heard a knock and the door and the door open slightly. "Suu? Are you in there?" It was Kitsune. "Come on in," Suu replied. Kitsune looked up in her usual amused fashion. "Ya know, kid, you shouldnt play with Motoko-chan that way. Some day shes gonna be too quick for you, and Keitaro-sempai wont happen around to take the heat off. That stick of hers would hurt. "You been feeling okay, Suu? Been acting strange of late." Suu wanted to talk to her, so she asked Kitsune to close the door. Then she talked down from her branch. "Im sorry I keep playing so many pranks on Toko-san. I dont know why I do it." Kitsune climbed up into the branch herself; and took in the sight of her friends small nude body. She used to shrug off the friendship between Suu and Motoko, but she now felt a twinge of envy. Damn, the girl may still act ten years old, but her bodys clearly getting far ahead of her...For the first time, Kit noticed a dark thatch between Suus legs, and a broadening of the hips. Wonder what that skin would taste like...Kitsune was beginning an affair with someone off campus. Didnt need this distraction. But she wanted to keep looking. "You still sleep with Toko-chan, dont you?" "Yes, I do, about twice a week. Shes my toshokan. Elsewise I sleep up there." Kitsume was conflicted between playing her original role as counselor and her desire to make a pass at the little figure before her. She had been intimate in one degree or another with all the other residents. She didnt know why she hadnt made more of a try with this one. "Do you kiss her?" she said, sitting herself down next to Suu. "Of course. Every night before we turn out the light. Sometimes in the morning, but Im usually up before her." "Do you ever - uhm, open your mouth?" Suu responded with a giggle. "No. Im not sure shed like that." "Do you touch her? I mean, on her boobs, or her cunny?" "No," laughed Suu. "Cunny? Is that something to eat? Does it taste good?" "Your cunt, silly. And yes, you can eat them. They taste very good." "We dont do anything like that." But the way Suu said it, Kitsume knew she had an opening. "Of course shed like that," Kitsume said, her familiar deviltry reasserting itself. "Shes probably thinks youre too small to really appreciate it. You know, Suu, if *youve* thought about touching her, certainly shes thought about the same. She wants you to show some initiative. Right now shes pissed at you, but heres a chance to make it up, and let momentum carry you. "Do you know how to kiss open-mouthed?" Suu shook her head. The idea had seemed vaguely repellent, much as she heard it discussed. "Would you like me to teach you?" "Sure!" Suu replied with enthusiasm. Kitsumes heart was beating faster. "You start like this." She leaned in, and used her lips to caress Suus. At first, she kept her tongue well in her mouth. She guided Suus lips to do the same. She smelt her breath; it smelled like bananas (it always did this time of day). Soon enough, Kitsume felt the first probing touch of the smaller girls tongue. She caressed it with her lips and then probed her own tongue forward. When Suu squeezed it gently between her lips she knew the girl was hers. Being the oldest and most practiced among the students at Hinata House she had great confidence in her powers of seduction. She felt Suu lean against her. If only I hadnt put on these slacks. Id really like something to get going, but you cant remove slacks without calling attention to your intentions. When Suu leaned against her, she took it as her cue. She took small brown hand and placed it against her shirt. Suus hand caressed her, but Kitsume noticed she did not try to open the buttons. "you like that, Suu?" Katsuma whispered. She felt a nod in response, as Suus mouth learned the intricacies of the French kiss. Ive got her now, Kat-chan thought triumphally. She surreptitiously worked several buttons free on her shirt and felt Suus hand take the hint and slip inside. Ive got the best tits in Haruna House, she thought, not even Naru has knockers like these. I think I caught Suu staring at them once... But Suu didnt make a dive for her bra clasp like Kat hoped she would. Instead she seemed transfixed and delighted by the sensation of Kats lips and mouth on her own. The sensation between Kats legs was making her uncomfortable, telling her it was time to move on. Well, Ill just have to show her, Kit thought. She disengaged her mouth, and began to kiss Suus neck. Suu started purring like a stroked kitten. Before too long Kits lips came to the small rise that constituted Suus breasts. She circled it with kisses and licks. Only then did she take Suus nipple into her mouth. Suu ached her back and sucked in an ecstatic breath, a smile very exceptional even on a face that displayed many smiles. Kit then did it to the other nipple, and noticed that Suus pelvis was girating with readiness and the air was full of her scent, which Kat thought smelled like curry. Kit slipped her hand down to touch her small dark hairs, then made circular motions around Suus entrance. Suus tongue took on a new urgency in Kits mouth. But disturbed at the younger girls seeming caution, Kat guided Suus sweet hand to her crotch. Suu caressed it quickly, but clumsily. In the meantime, Kits fingers managed to undo the snap and tried to free her hips of the tight fitting slacks. Well, I dont know what to do to make this girl want to service me....Maybe she doesnt know what it feels like. Reversing Suu, laying her down on the bough, Kat maneuvered her mouth to Suus cunny, and started probing with her tongue. Suu seemed to know exactly what to expect. She sighed, sighed again, then began crying out, jabbering relentlessly in her own language (the only time anyone had heard her speak it) then unmistakably in Japanese, quick, quick, I want I want come I want come now aggghhh! Agggghhhh, AAAGGGGHH! she intoned with the unmistakable tone of release. Then there was a great sucking in of breath as the little brown girl orgasmed, shaking again and again. Keeping one hand on her boob, Kitsume could swear she managed to add a bra cup size in just ten minutes. Now its my turn. But sudden physical maturity could not bring on an equivalent increase in emotional solicitude. With Suus orgasm achieved, Kit was cast off like an unwanted jelly sandwich. "That was great!" the little brown girl exclaimed. "I must try it with Toko-san!" she added eagerly as she leapt off the branch. Having been disengaged so suddenly, Kitsume lost her balance. Without Suu even noticing it, Kitsume fell from the branch onto the soft earth below, with her slacks halfway off. Before Kit even picked herself up, Suu had replaced her skimpy outfit and was running out the door. To finish Kits mortification, Keitaro happened to be walking past, and saw her odd position and dishabille. Kit didnt know he was too upset about the humiliation that Suu had caused *him* to notice her predicament. Well, I know I can get what I want from *him,* Kitsume thought. And then I can ditch him just like Ive just been ditched. But let me get off the floor first...
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