Lovers Eternal (part 9 of 14)

a Kannazuki no Miko fanfiction by Tsuyazakura Kouyuki






Upon emerging from the Dimensional Portal, Saotome Makoto found herself floating a hundred feet above the energy layer swirling around the Temple of the Dragons, the complex that rode upon the sea of clouds and winds. She tsk�fed in slight irritation. Although the barrier provided the Followers�f lair with what seemed to be impenetrable protection, it had but one inconvenient flaw. The thing made direct dimensional warping to and from the Temple ground all but impossible. Every time Makoto or any of the other Heads wished to go out, they had to use the Elemental Blades to open a small hole in the barrier before they could pass through. The more she had to do it, the more she found it cumbersome. Sometimes she caught herself wishing that the Dark God would either do something to make traveling a tad less tiring or just shut the damn things down for good. She doubted anything could ascend to this insane height, catch up to a structure that wandered the world, and launch an assault that could break through its barrier anyway.

Makoto shook her head. It was not the time for such trivial things to cloud her minds, for she had more pressing matters to deal with. According to what Susanou no Mikoto had told her in Tower of Kannazuki, the real story behind this whole conflict between the Dark God and the humans was much more complicated than she could have thought. For all she cared, Yamata no Orochi could set fire to the entire world and cook it however his black heart desired... but she certainly wasn�ft going to stand on the sideline if he was going to burn Himeko along with it. The Dark God had assured Makoto that he would keep the golden-haired girl safe, had sworn it with his Immortal name, yet she had learned from the One Terminal in the Memories Hall that a promise from the fabled eight-headed dragon might be as much a lie as everything else he had revealed about himself. That was why Makoto had to learn his true plans before it was too late.

Makoto summoned Tasogare into her hand and channeled her powers into the Sealed Sword. She stopped in midway, though, for something, flickering at the edge of her vision, had captured her attention whole.

From the sky above, a great sphere of blinding silver light, seemingly appearing out of thin air, was shooting straight toward the Temple of the Dragons with a speed so great that in a blink of an eye, it overcame a distance that has to be at least a thousand feet and appeared several inches away from the swirling protective barrier, burning the air in its approach. Makoto felt her jaw dropping in shock. It was neither the incredible speed of incoming projectile nor the frightening aura of power that it gave out that concerned her, however. It was the image that her Orochi eyes had caught the very moment it passed her by and made her feel as though she had just been tossed into an open oven. Wreathed inside the silver light was Himemiya Chikane, whose body was clad in the white chihaya and the red hibakama of the Priestess of the Sun, whose hand was gripping the hilt of a slightly curved one-bladed sword. Most shocking of all, the tip of the same sword was pointed at the Dragons�f lair itself.

She meant to attack the Temple! Makoto thought in horror.

The humongous sphere of silver light collided with the barrier in an explosion so deafening that Makoto�fs ears almost bled from the resultant sounds, which seemed to echo to the furthest corners of the earth. Amidst the crashing shockwaves that kept yanking her cloak away from her neck and shoulders, she could only stand and watch the mighty layer of protective energy, what she thought to be impenetrable just a few minutes ago, come crashing down like a fragile glass panel struck by a rock. Utterly and completely ground into fine dusts by only one strike of a puny sword in the hand of a tiny girl. Makoto�fs eyes tried to jump out of their sockets.

�gWeak,�h commented an apparently bored Priestess of the Moon, around whose body the winds howled in mourning for the destruction of the protective barrier, in whose hand shone a sword that showed no damage from the great collision with what was built directly with the powers of the Dark God. The corners of her mouth were curved in what seemed to be satisfaction. Her sapphire eyes were shining with a light so cold she made ice seem hot. �gI am most disappointed,�h she continued as her head turned toward Makoto. A smile, mocking, insolent, condescending, and most insufferable, crossed her lips. Makoto found herself struck by a glance that probably would turn any other person�fs blood into ice. Her fists clenched in anger.

You have a death wish, Himemiya, she thought. Power bloomed in her and multiplied rapidly until it soaked every fiber of her existence with its exhilarating feel. Her hand rose. Her Sword, the tip of which was now directed toward the Priestess of the Moon, pulsed with the heartbeat of the world, with enough energy to level mountains and dry out the sea. Lowly creature of Heaven, you shall not leave this place alive. From the challenging gleam that she could see in Himemiya�fs eyes, she believed the girl was aware that Makoto meant to destroy her where she stood. The lack of any other kinds of response – the infidel never tried to assume either a defensive or offensive stance – told Makoto that she wasn�ft going to take her seriously. Her grip tightened around the hilt of Tasogare. The Priestess wouldn�ft think so any more once Makoto had stripped off her hide and feed it to the sharks.

Before she could launch an attack, though, five sources of power, all of which bore the stench of the Dark God, entered her mind. Without taking her eyes away from the Priestess, she could still feel the approaching presences of the rest of the Orochi Heads. To her distaste, Himemiya Chikane never showed the merest hint of fear even after she found herself surrounded from all sides by the Followers, in whose hands the Swords gleamed dangerously, on whose faces varying expressions could be glimpsed. Girochi Tokiya, master of the Water Blade, was eyeing the mortal enemy of his liege lord with a mix of fear and confusion. His sister, Girochi Miyako, was glaring at the blue-haired girl with burning hatred in her eyes. Hibiki Shizuku, the cat-fanatic who insisted everyone else to call her Nekoko, was studying the Himemiya heiress with open interest. Oota Reiko the icy killing machine, surprisingly, appeared to be struggling with herself instead of placing her full attention on the Priestess of the Moon. The bespectacled woman was gazing straight ahead so insidiously that anyone could have figured out that she was trying to avoid looking at the girl who stood to her left. Korona, face glum and eyes heavy with depression, was staring at the mangaka openly and didn�ft seem to care if Himemiya flayed her to death. Makoto did not doubt for one second that the mangaka was the supplier of the pop idol�fs sour mood.

�gSo, you still live,�h Himemiya remarked after a glance at the Girochi siblings. �gPests do not die easily, do they?�h She chuckled quietly at that. The girl had to have suicidal courage, Makoto thought.

�gHimemiya Chikane!�h Miyako growled. She would have flung herself at her enemy and let common sense be hanged had it not been for her kid brother, who put a hand on her shoulder and held her back. When she saw that Tokiya was shaking his head almost exasperatedly, she felt silent and assumed her defensive stance. She still looked like a volcano about to erupt, though.

Nekoko laughed and clapped her hands in such a delighted manner that Makoto could have sworn that the woman had just finished watching her favorite TV show. �gYour tongue is as wicked as ever. You have not changed, I see, Moon Priestess,�h said the alleged doctor of Tate University, where Makoto had spent a few days in physical rehabilitation, where she had met the cat-fanatic.

�gNor have you,�h replied the blue-haired girl, smiling almost sweetly. Her eyes were still ice-cold, though. Oota Reiko was famous among the Orochi for her soul-freezing stare... yet compared to Himemiya Chikane, the Orochi Fifth Head looked kind and friendly. Makoto was surprised. Despite knowing that the rich girl was by no means someone who acted chummy with people with the sole exception of Kurusugawa Himeko, she had never seen the Priestess of the Moon behaving in such a scary way. �gYou are still the Orochi I recall, only more treacherous and less likable. Why, you do not show the slightest bit of anger knowing your brethren almost died under my hand. I would not put it past you to sell out the other Followers to achieve your own goals.�h

The irritating and calculating smile that Nekoko always wore was immediately wiped off her lips. �gWatch your mouth!�h she growled in a voice that reeked of burning fury. Another surprise. As far back as Makoto could remember, the cat-fanatic never allowed herself to lose her calm in front of others, and she never got rid of her creepy smile. Furthermore, the Sixth Head was a woman who was impervious to taunts and criticism. There should be no way in hell Himemiya Chikane could tick her off. Her breath caught at the thought and her eyes narrowed at the wielder of Arashigumo the Wind Blade.

The Priestess of the Moon chuckled, certainly amused. �gWhy should I? If you are indeed loyal to your liege lord, you need not fear my questioning. Unless....�h Although she said no more after that, Makoto was certain that none Orochi Head present here would fail to understand what she had more than just implied.

�gI shall not stand here to be insulted by the likes of you, Priestess!�h roared the cat-fanatic, who did not notice that her brethren were studying her openly with suspicion written across their faces. All she cared about at the moment was obviously the utter destruction who had just questioned her loyalty to the Dark God, which was of course a very dangerous thing to do. Eyes ablaze with unspeakable fury, face so red one would expect her mouth to breathe out fire, she held up her Arashigumo. The winds howled fiercely at their master�fs seldom shown temper and coiled around the shiny blade of the Sealed Sword. The air began to solidify. The cloud, upon which the Temple of the Dragons traveled the world, started to roil as though water boiling atop a stove.

To the surprise of everybody save the Priestess, the one who struck first was not Nekoko, but Girochi Miyako, the Vice Commander of the Dark God�fs personal army. The darkly tanned woman, whose hand held her Rekkyou the Fire Blade high over her head, bellowed while her whole body was bursting with the power bestowed by her liege lord, �gOrochi, attack!�h The ocean of clouds, already boiling under the power of Arashigumo the Wind Blade, were punctured by enormous flows of golden flames that slithered in the sky like living snakes. Those serpentine currents wasted no time in rushing directly at the Priestess of the Moon.

Hibiki Shizuku, after a moment of stunned silent, also released the energy she had channeled into her Sealed Sword as she swung it in front of her in a wide arc. A colossal wave, which was tall as any building in Downtown Mahoroba and made entirely from winds and fogs, emerged and hurled its ethereal self at the blue-haired girl. From the way it was woven, Makoto suspected that any person who was enveloped by this tidal wave would have their body ripped into unrecognizable pieces. It was a very dangerous spell, she thought. Coupled with what was unleashed by Miyako�fs Fire Blade, it only became much more so now that the two of them together had blocked out Himemiya Chikane�fs every escape route.

Frowning slightly, Makoto moved out of the way so that she wouldn�ft be caught in the Third Head�fs thirst for vengeance and the Sixth�fs desire to silence someone who appeared to have touched a nerve. The other Followers were doing the same thing, she realized. Girochi Tokiya, who had positioned himself safely out of harm�fs way, seemed to want to support his elder sister but too occupied with his own thoughts and calculations to actually lift a hand. Amusingly enough, Oota Reiko, who had placed herself firmly in front of the pop idol the very moment Nekoko launched her attack, now had such an expression of horror and disbelief on her face that Makoto would wager her own Sword that the woman had not consciously meant to do that. Meanwhile, the Fourth Head couldn�ft have looked happier with a brilliant smile on her lips. That smile died away as soon as she put a hand on the other woman�fs arm, most likely to show her appreciation and affection, and was harshly bushed off. She was stunned.

Paying the weird couple one of which couldn�ft come to terms with her own feelings, Makoto returned her full attention to the Priestess of the Moon, who looked unruffled even though the two Orochi�fs spells were converging on her and about to turn her into burnt minced meat. Neither the heat of the currents of fire nor the pressure of the advancing wall of winds fazed her in the least bit. And then, when they were practically on top of her, she raised her one-bladed sword skyward and closed her eyes. It was only then that Makoto noticed the existence of the shining Moon Crest that was engraved upon the portion of the blade near the hand guard. Her eyes went wide. There was but one weapon in the Three World which bored that symbol, she had been told by the Dark God. The Eye of Luna! she thought. Kagetsuki!

Silver light erupted from the Crest and drowned everything in sight with its cool luminescence.

Despite knowing that the Priestesses�f holy light couldn�ft hurt her, Makoto still erected her Tasogare and wove a protective barrier around her body. She didn�ft like surprises... and based on what she had seen today, Himemiya Chikane surely was capable of delivering the nastiest ones. Besides, caution could never hurt, especially after she had noticed that the rich girl had managed to conceal her powers so well that Makoto couldn�ft even measure them. She had learned that dogs who hid their fangs and kept quiet were the most dangerous of all.

The Twilight Blade suddenly trembled in her hand exactly the second she sensed an alien presence of power surging inside her sword and trying to invade every corner of the weapon. Lips thinning in irritation, she launched a counteroffensive and spread out her own powers so that they cast a net around the unknown force. To her disappointment, it had withdrawn very quickly before it could be caught and destroyed. To her surprise, a faint tremor in the very fabric of space, a disturbance in the dimensional structure that she governed, marked the instance in which no alien presence remained in her Elemental Blade. To her shock, a wail full of agony immediately followed. It was Nekoko�fs voice! she thought.

When the silver light subsided, Makoto found a virtually untouched and unhurt Himemiya Chikane, whose hand was still holding her sword, whose eyes were following the fall of the cat-fanatic�fs bloodied body with a cruel smile on her lips. That smile grew wider when the self-styled doctor�fs back landed upon the grassy ground of the Temple�fs back garden, which more than softened the impact. There, the woman lay with her eyes closed, with blood gushing out from numerous wounds on her face, her limbs, and her waist. None of those seemed fatal, yet were she left to her own device, she would die very soon of severe blood loss. Unsurprisingly, no other Orochi, including Makoto herself, appeared at the very least interested in the well-being of the cat-fanatic. Their eyes were on the Priestess of the Moon, their mouth hanging in speechlessness. Girochi Miyako, especially, seemed shocked to the core. The ocean of clouds had grown peaceful again, the air so still none would believe that just moments ago, it had been a raging battlefield between two Orochi and a Priestess.

 Unlike her brethren, Makoto was not surprised by the outcome of the battle, for she knew that Himemiya Chikane was more than capable of warding off the assaults. What surprised her, however, was the fact that the blue-haired girl had done that by invoking dimensional power, which Makoto was certain that only she could control. Unless the Dark God had lied to her, Tasogare was the only thing in this world that allowed a mortal to manipulate the fabrics of space.

�gIs there any other who wishes to try their strength against mine?�h asked the Priestess, whose sapphire eyes were calmly scanning the faces of the remaining Orochi. �gDeath is a wish I can always grant.�h Although the other Followers stiffened visibly at that, none moved a muscle. Makoto suspected that her brethren, having witnessed what had become of the foolish Nekoko, no longer had any wish to fight. The first to act would also be the first to die, they had to be thinking in their heads.

Not that such a thing applied to Makoto, though.

�gVery droll, Himemiya,�h she said dryly. �gNow we�fll see if you have enough skill to back your words.�h Powers, born from the depth of her soul, raced to her hand and entered Tasogare through the hilt. The black blade of the Sword then pulsed and released fine filaments of the same color, which then coiled around its edges. The shadow that she cast on the ocean of clouds beneath her feet, originally just a small disc, expanded at a neck-breaking rate. In but a few seconds, it managed to stretch all the way to the distant horizon, leaving no spot untouched. A signal from Makoto would mean the rise of countless lances made from the darkness. A flicker of her hand would command those lances to skewer the Priestess, who had nowhere to hide. Although it was indeed true that the Dark God had issued an order that the girl was not to be harmed, Makoto was willing to ignore it. After all, she had no reason to let Himemiya Chikane live!

The rich girl said nothing in response. She merely gave Makoto a chilly look before she raised her left hand and deployed her own powers. Silver light erupted beneath her tabi-sandaled feet and pushed back the shadow that Makoto had wrought upon the ocean of clouds. Now, the vast field was divided into two, one silver, one black. She gave a vexed tsk and began racking her mind for a way to break the stalemate. Before she could come up with one, however, she heard the Third Head Girochi Tokiya shouting desperately in the background, �gDon�ft, Aneki!�h

The darkly tanned figure of the man�fs elder sister loomed over the Priestess of the Moon from behind. Face painted with triumph, the woman brought down Rekkyou with both hands in an evident attempt to dismember the person who nearly sent her to the Underworld yesterday. As if she had eyes on her back, Himemiya Chikane spun around while her right hand slashed upward along with the Eye of Heaven in a silver blaze. Orochi-forged steel met Gods-forged one in a dance of sparks. Dual-bladed Sealed Sword clashed again one-bladed katana in a deafening sound. And the former suffered a miserable defeat in the end. Rekkyou the Fire Blade left the hands of Girochi Miyako, spun upward high into the twilight sky, and vanished.

Girochi Miyako was so shocked that she couldn�ft do anything except staring at her bruised and bleeding hands, so stupefied that she only realized that she was in deep yogurt after Himemiya Chikane had placed a hand on her stomach. Blood withdrew from the woman�fs face. Tremors wrecked her body. All signs of defiance vanished from her eyes. She appeared too scared to even twitch a muscle, let alone trying to escape.

�gFireflies are not meant to compete with the moon, silly Orochi,�h whispered the Priestess, who was wearing a smile that never went past her lips. Her words were colder than ice. �gFor their lives are but vain and short... the very same way yours is.�h A portion of the silver light, which had been gathering around the Moon Crest on the eye of Heaven, shifted up her right arm, crossed her shoulder, traveled along her left, and ended up swirling around her hand. The Orochi Second Head, probably already aware of what was going to happen to herself, began to look at Himemiya Chikane pleadingly. Makoto shook her head. Courage had never been a virtue that the darkly tanned woman possessed.

�gCoward of a Follower,�h the Himemiya heiress smiled in great amusement, �gmay you rest in peace.�h

�gDon�ft kill her!�h Girochi Tokiya, with Suikyou clutched in hand, lunged at the Priestess of the Moon at the exact moment that Makoto shouted, �gRelease her, Himemiya!�h Vines of shadows thick as an adult rose from the darkness patch on the ocean of clouds and whipped at the blue-haired girl at the speed of a bullet. It wasn�ft that she cared whether the wielder of Rekkyou died or lived. She attacked only because she refused to let the Priestess of the Moon do as she wished. Besides, if Girochi Miyako lost her life, Makoto would be one of the people who would have to face the wrath of the Dark God afterwards. Until she had learned of his true intentions, she did not plan to lose his favor anytime soon.

A pillar of solid white fire erupted beneath Himemiya�fs feet and rushed upward, threatening to swallow the blue-haired girl alone. The Priestess proved yet again that she had inhuman reflexes, for she wasted no time, and apparently no thoughts, in tossing the darkly tanned woman caught in her clutches away and grounding the tip of Kagetsuki against the pillar. At the same time, silver light enveloped her slender frame, incinerated the shadow vines, and hurled the Third Head backward. Like a current of water meeting an obstacle in its path, the light forked and streamed to the sides of the silver sphere that were enveloping the body of its target. Eventually, the attack ceased, leaving an airborne Priestess who was neither disturbed nor fazed. The girl, who must have nerves of steel, simply put her full attention of the seven whirlpools of light that were arranged into the shape of the Hokuto Shichisei upon the smooth bed of clouds stretching wherever the eye could see. The other Orochi including Girochi Miyako, who was now shivering madly in the protective embrace of her little brother, might as well never have existed.

�gBy order of the Lord, Followers, stand down!�h the First Head�fs voice, amplified by his powers and punctuated by the roiling sounds of the whirlpools of white light, boomed coldly in the air. The Commander of the Orochi, who held his crooked Hokuto the Star Blade in his right hand, was standing on the grassy ground of the back garden, near an unconscious Nekoko who in his eyes could have been a log, while looking intently at the Priestess of the Moon. It was the first time that Makoto saw signs of fear on the man�fs face. He was probably thinking the same thing as her. If Himemiya Chikane could deflect three offensive prongs at the same time and still was able to emerge unharmed afterwards, she might just be beyond any of them in term of power.

�gSaotome Makoto, why are you still deploying your powers? Cease at once!�h demanded the man in white.

�gYes, First Head.�h Makoto bowed slightly in acquiescence and withdrew her powers. Although She was by far the strongest of the Orochi, she had no any authority against the Commander of the Followers, who was appointed by the Dark God himself. She had no qualm about being ordered around by someone weaker than her, though. Tsubasa was a worthy leader, and she had too many things on her mind.

�gSaotome Makoto?�h Himemiya Chikane glanced at her in mild surprise while her mouth seemed to be tasting the words. A light of comprehension dawned on her youthful face.

�gPriestess of the Moon, state your intention now,�h Tsubasa commanded in an imperious voice. �gDepending on what you give, you may not leave this place alive.�h

�gA truce, Orochi First Head.�h The blue-haired girl smiled in triumph. �gA partnership between me and your Lord, you may say.�h

�gThen follow me, the Lord will see you now.�h

Makoto felt her mouth hanging open in shock. Unless her ears had gone completely useless, she had just heard Himemiya Chikane casually proposing a truce with her sworn enemy... and said sworn enemy accepting the proposal in an equally casual manner. They are supposed to be killing each other off! she shouted in her head. Her thought was cut off abruptly, however, when the Priestess of the Moon threw back her head and let out a gust of laughter that was too dark and too satisfied for Makoto�fs comfort. This is not a part of Project Kannazuki now is it? Susanou no Mikoto had never mentioned that the Priestess of the Moon was scheduled to join forces with the Orochi Followers, if she recalled correctly. Then what the hell is happening here?




Yui the Goddess of the Sun, clad in a hagoromo the snowy brocade of which was laid over with a thin layer of transparent material bearing the patterns of the Crystal Roses, was sitting on the roof of the Rosenkyuu and feasting her eyes upon the spectacular scenery of Reiha when the cool voice of Tsukazaki Fuyura, one of the Chancellors to the Regent of the Underworld, whispered in her head, �gYui-sama, everything is ready. We may begin anytime you wish.�h

Gathering her robe about her person so that they wouldn�ft be blown away by the cold winds that had been razing the roof of the Rosenkyuu ever since she climbed up here. In spite of being chilled to the bone and feeling as though she was going to blown off her feet quite frequently, she decided to stay instead of going back to the control room. She disliked it there. Being a hygiene maniac, which she became after three thousand years of wearing clothes that didn�ft show an inch of skin beneath her neck, the very idea that she was going to stay in a room filled with people who didn�ft have a clue about sanitation scared her witless. Well, not that she was lumping in her dear friend Tsukazaki Fuyura with those people, of course. The young Chancellor took three baths a day, and she might just do four if her schedule informed her that she was going to spend time by the side of the person she loved, for whom she bought strawberry cheesecakes on a daily basis. Besides, she was about to supervise a large-scale experiment that spanned the entire Heart of the Underworld. Obviously doing so in a room and by fixing her eyes on a holographic screen was a mediocre idea. Watching the real scenery was much more interesting.

�gThen let us start the experiment, Fuyu-chan,�h she replied.


Raising her right arm until it was level with the ground, Yui rolled back her long and wide sleeve to reveal a golden bracelet, which was carved into the shape of a rose surrounded by elegant vines and leaves, then pressed a finger upon a button cleverly hidden at the center of the flower. Holographic screens of many sizes cascaded around her and formed a great sphere that trapped her in the middle. Sighing, she cleared some of the unnecessary ones and moved others so that they wouldn�ft obstruct her view.

�gCitizens of Reiha,�h a voice boomed like thunder in the air, �gthis is an announcement from the government at the Rosenkyuu. What you about to witness is a testing for Reiha�fs newly developed weather control module. In the next few minutes, please do not be alarmed at what you see or feel, for all safety measures have been taken. I repeat. This is an announcement....�h

Yui chuckled quietly. What they were about to test was the furthest thing from what they claimed it was. She couldn�ft deny that such a lie was necessary, though. Perhaps it was impossible for the Holy Messengers to infiltrate Reiha, they couldn�ft be sure whether someone on the inside was feeding secrets to Izumo. For this experiment alone, the Heart of the Underworld had been kept under tight surveillance for the last few weeks and many had lost their privacy within their own home without even knowing it. it was one of the things that made Yui feel terrible... but there was nothing she could do other than trying to make sure this wouldn�ft go on any longer than it had to.

�gReleasing safety locks,�h a monotonous voice announced from Yui�fs bracelet. �gCommencing launch. Piercing Five, stand by and ready.�h

�gSelenite Drive, lift off.�h Somewhere to Yui�fs left, at the eastern edge of the city, a column of white light shot into the cloudless sky of Reiha. From its base, a gigantic shadow emerged upward. It was a structure comprised of two life-sized pyramids joined together at the base, the sides of which were so smoothly polished that the strongest glue would have to struggle desperately to hang on to. The Selenite Drive, aptly named for its surface was made entirely out of the precious stone, stopped its ascent when the light thinned and eventually dissipated.

�gEmerald Drive, Garnet Drive, Amethyst Drive, Sapphire Drive, lift off.�h Four more of the same kind of structure, only in different colors and with different names, rose from the underground facilities built only for the purpose of housing them. All of the Piercing Five now stood motionless and airborne around the Heart of the Underworld in a perfect circle centered by the Rosenkyuu itself. The five gemstone-named mechanisms, beautiful and deadly at the same time, caught the waning light of the setting sun and intensified it until all of Reiha fell under a thick blanket that was their dazzling brilliance.

�gEngaging Sealing Field Dispenser Ring.�h The S.F.D.R, a flat washer-like ring made from pure energies that bore countless lines of archaic inscriptions on both sides, ran from one gemstone Drive to another and connected all five at the core of each. As a result, the Piercing Five became linked together and able to function as one single unit. �gDimension Breaker, construction complete.�h

Studying all of the holographic screens on which statistical figures and graphs were displayed in details, Yui found herself smiling in great satisfaction. Energy allocation among the Piercing Five was stable. The sensitive and delicate equipments did not look overworked or overheated. Marginal error was less than one tenth of a percent. Everything was going just fine.

�gYui-sama, we await your order,�h the voice of the Crystal Rose Guardian once again echoed in her head.

�gRestrict power output to forty percent only, and fire,�h Yui commanded.

�gRestricting power output to forty percent,�h announced the golden bracelet. �gDimension Breaker, activated.�h

As if it was a summons, white lightning streaked in the cloudless sky where there should be no place for them to emerge from. Yui grimaced. She was by no means fond of such things, for they were ugly scars that tore the beautiful heavens apart. Furthermore, they usually appeared when the dark clouds had devoured the light of the sun and deprived the world of its warmth and brilliance. Being the Goddess of the Sun, the High Immortal whose life was bound to the golden fireball since birth, she always felt unwell on such days. It was certainly one of the greatest ironies of the world. Her title suggested her dominance over the sun and the power to make it do as she wished... yet she knew better than anyone else that it was simply a burden that was tied to her feet. As long as the bond existed between her and the sun, the freedom she had was simply a hollow word.

The intensity of the lightning picked up the pace as they continued their quest to further reduce the cerulean sky to a tattered piece of cloth. Thunder roared every few seconds and reminded her of the unpleasantness of a child who wouldn�ft stop crying and screaming because he didn�ft get what he wanted. Fierce hurricanes, descending from high above, dug their heels onto the forests that surrounded Reiha, uprooted trees, and destroyed whatever else that lay in their paths. Yui sighed. Although the Piercing Five formed a barrier that protected the Heart of the Underworld, they could do nothing for anything that was beyond the city limit. She doubted the Landscape and Environment Bureau was going to be pleased.

Amidst all that destruction, however, snow began to fall. The heavenly ice cream, white flowers purer than most, gently but steadily covered the roofs of Reiha. Her heart grew cold. The Holy City where she was born and grew up was a place where Spring weather ruled year-round. Yet, three thousand years ago, when the Regent of the Underworld and her daughter Yue the Goddess of the Moon still lived in the Heavenly Palace, winter did come once. It all began when the then sixteen-year-old found a book in the Grand Library that spoke of how snow, made entirely out of water, fell in certain parts of the Human World. Curious, she had begged the Lord of Izumo to let her see with her own eyes what the book talked about. The man, surprisingly, granted her request without a second thought.

With his transcending powers, Izanagi summoned the clouds, chilled the winds, and produced a wonderful blanket of snow that enveloped everything in sight. Yue had been so delighted then that she had spent an entire day throwing snowballs at anybody within her firing range and building snowmen. And Yui had been there with her, playing by her side, watching her laugh happily whenever her snowballs hit a target, and thinking to herself that how beautiful the Goddess of the Moon looked when she was enjoying herself. It had been one of the memories that Yui always cherished.

Sighing, she pushed the images back into the depth of her mind. Keep thinking about it... and she might just burst into tears again.

�gLet�fs stop now, Fuyu-chan,�h Yui sent out a message after shutting down her bracelet. �gWe might just blast the gate open were we to go on.�h

�gAs you command, Yui-sama,�h the reply rushed back.

The reverse process began with the fading of the Dispenser Ring, followed by the withdrawal of the Piercing Five into their underground facilities. After the five gemstone Drives had been completely deactivated, the heavens grew gentle once more. Yui couldn�ft resist a chuckle. So the weather control module part was not a complete lie after all. After all, the Dimension Breaker did alter the weather drastically and caused considerable damage to the forest around the Heart of the Underworld. Thanks to this demonstration, however, Yui had learned that it worked perfectly well. Forty percent of its capacity, and it very nearly ripped the fabrics of space apart. Were it to operate at full power.... She chuckled in great delight as she turned and climbed down the light of stair leading back to the control room in the Rosenkyuu. It is high time you receive the backlash of what you have done to me, to Yue, and to her children, Father, she thought.




Sitting on his bed, Oogami Souma gingerly poked his forefinger at a few places on his arms and belly. Although no wounds were visible, no traces left to tell the tale of his humiliating defeat by the Eye of Luna, it still hurt for reasons he failed to comprehend. Well, not that he was complaining. It was a miracle that he was still alive after what happened the night before. Besides, these jolts of pain were nothing compared to what he had felt while the Priestess of the Moon flung him violently from one place in the sky to another. Last night, after they had deployed the Shinken Sealing Field to stop Himemiya Chikane from claiming his life, they had invoked every ounce of skill they had to mend his bone, revitalize his muscles, fill his veins with blood, and close the wounds on his skin. Unlike the last time they laid their hands on him, this time they succeeded. Despite the fact that the Orochi power within him still repelled the Protector�fs healing, they managed to suppress it and delay the toll of judgment. His brother the High Priest told him upon waking that he should be thankful that the holy light of Kagetsuki had taken out so much of his Orochi power that they were no longer strong enough to stop the Protectors from healing him.

�gNonsense,�h he scoffed. Had it not been for the Eye of Heaven, he wouldn�ft have needed saving in the first place.

Muttering darkly about crazy girls and ridiculous swords, he rose to his feet and walked to his closet, where he ignored his Ototachibana uniform – the Gods knew how much he would hate to go to school today – and picked out a simple suede jacket and a pair of trousers. All his movements ceased immediately, however, as soon as his eyes fell on a little object sitting in one of the dark corners. It was a present box gift-wrapped in silver foil. Its top was attached with an elegantly tied ribbon and a small note card upon which Kurusugawa Himeko�fs neat and cursive handwriting could be seen. It read, �gHappy birthday, Chikane-chan.�h He felt his stomach lurch as he took the small box into his hand.

On the day following his childhood friend�fs birthday, he had found this little present floating on the surface of the swimming pool in Tate University Hospital, where he also found the girl and Himemiya Chikane taking shelter from the rain. He had picked it up, read the note attached to it, and intended to return it to its rightful owner. Only... that his curiosity had gotten the best of him at that time and compelled him to use his powers to learn just exactly what lay inside. He did, and found out to his horror that it was a sapphire ring. Others might think it nothing out of the ordinary, they might dismiss it and see it as just a simple present a girl might give her friend on her birthday, but Souma knew better than that. He could still recall what she had told him years ago, when both of them were still kids and living in Tokyo, that she would present a ring to no one except the person she had chosen to be her romantic interest. It only hurt him more at that time, when he thought back and realized that she never intended to give him one.

That had been when he decided to toss the present into his closet and pretended that he never picked it up.

And now that Himemiya has betrayed us, there is no reason for me to keep this any longer, he thought as purple lightning flared from his fingertips.

�gJust snap out of it already, Kurusugawa-san!�h roared the voice of the High Priest from the floor below. Souma blinked before she unconsciously shoved the box his hand into his pocket and hastily ran out of the room. During the time he lived with Kazuki-nii-san, he had never heard the man shout even once. And now that the man had, it could be nothing good. Especially when he seemed to be shouting at the Priestess of the Sun.




Yui the Goddess of the Sun had just barely sat down on her bed when she heard someone knocking on her door. Usually, she would be able to learn the identity of the visitor simply by expanding her perception senses but today, the day following her awaking from within the emerald liquid that had saved her life, she was still unable to manipulate an fraction of her powers. Still, not that it would matter much, of course, seeing that right now, she was in the Heart of the Underworld, the great city protected by the power of the Crystal Rose, that which without fail sealed off the magical capabilities of any and all foreign entities. As she was neither Reiha-born nor had stayed here for more than a year, she was weaker than the weakest Immortal inhabiting the Heart.

�gMay I come in, Yui-sama?�h the voice of Tsukazaki Fuyura said.

�gOf course,�h Yui replied.

The door opened and admitted the young Chancellor of the Underworld, whose raven hair only stopped at her waist, whose slender body was clad elegantly in an outfit that clearly denoted her rank, and whose face betrayed absolutely no emotion until her obsidian eyes locked onto Yui�fs own. It was only then did her visage soften and her lips curve upward in a friendly smile.

Yui couldn�ft help but wonder whether it was truly a coincidence that all the girls who were involved with the Regent of the Underworld shared one specific trait. Her daughter, the Goddess of the Moon for instant, was particularly famous for her stone-cold face and her sharp silver stare, both of which more often than not made people aside from her family want to avert their eyes and leap down the mouth of some fuming volcano to warm themselves up. Very few were aware that deep down, Yue hid a temper that was perhaps as hot as the lava of said volcano.

She chuckled quietly. Regardless of what other people thought of the Goddess of the Moon, she still found the silver-haired beauty the cutest girl in the Creation Realm. She didn�ft think they would believe her were she to say that she actually looked forward to a severe scolding from Yue every time she pulled her tricks on some unsuspecting soul and got caught in the act. She knew that her childhood friend told her off because she cared, because she couldn�ft bear seeing Yui punished by her father, and because she didn�ft want Yui getting hurt. Yue had never been aware that the desire to hear the hidden caress in her voice over and over again was what spurred Yui on to wreak even more havoc upon the Holy City.

On that same note, Tsukazaki Haruhi and Tsukazaki Fuyura were very similar to the daughter of their liege lady when it came to beautiful faces that inspired apprehension more than admiration and frosty attitudes. The main difference between them was that the sisters skilled were manipulators at heart, which in turn made them far more dangerous than the Goddess of the Moon. Haruhi, a formidable strategist and a true heartbreaker, was such a good actress that no one except for her twin sister had ever been able to figure out what she was thinking at any given time. Fuyura, the renowned precision machine of the Underworld, was a straightforward girl who always spoke her mind without a single care whom she might offend. No less than twice she had called Yui a fool to her face just because she resisted their attempts to bring her to the Underworld. She turned to a real sweetheart, however, whenever romantic interest was around. The raven-haired girl was even willing to try making strawberry cheesecakes with her own hands so that she could give them to the person she loved. Yui still couldn�ft figure out why that person still hadn�ft fallen head over heels in love with Fuyura yet.

The list ended with the name of Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne, the person that the world did not want to mess with. Single-minded and having absolutely no interest in learning what was right or wrong, she balanced on the razor edge between good and evil and would not mind if she had to dip on either side to get what she wanted. Like Fuyura, she was a sweet and fiercely devoted lover to the person who held her heart. Unlike Fuyura, she was a nightmare to anyone who crossed her or her romantic interest. Even Yui didn�ft want to be on Rinne�fs bad side.

 �gI just heard from Izanami-sama that you are leaving for Onogoro soon, Yui-sama?�h The young Chancellor�fs voice brought her back to reality.

�gAs soon as my powers have fully returned.�h She nodded and then added with a smile, �gAre you sad to see me go?�h

�gWell... yes...�h Fuyura admitted. �gWith you here, I have someone to talk to and take my mind off of... well... you-know-who.�h She turned a light pink color.

�gWhy don�ft you seek your sister�fs advice? She�fs very... ehm... experienced.�h Heaven alone knew how many men Tsukazaki Haruhi had dated and dumped on the same day. Saying that she was a player was pretty much an understatement.

�gFat chance,�h the Crystal Rose Guardian muttered. �gHaruhi had never fallen in love. She is simply going around and dating any pretty man she sees. Sometimes I wish that you would just introduce Susanou no Mikoto to her and have her settle down for good.�h She heaved an exasperated sigh. �gI am tired of seeing her with a different boyfriend every single day.�h

Yui laughed. Her little brother, inarguably the most handsome man in the Three Worlds, was irresistible to most women, and some men. As such, he was certainly qualified to be the first person to make Fuyura�fs elder sister fall in love, seeing how she had a penchant for boys with pretty faces.

�gBesides, I doubt Haruhi can help with my problem,�h the girl continued. �gShe has never dated a woman before.�h Suddenly, she clamped her mouth shut and shot Yui an accusing glance. She chuckled aloud. �gIn any case, I came here to show you something.�h

�gWhat may it be?�h

�gFootage concerning a certain young man in Onogoro,�h replied the Crystal Rose Guardian. �gThe I.S.R. agents under me have been gathering information on him for about a week now.�h

�gWhy are you monitoring him?�h Yui blinked in surprise.

�gBecause he is a very suspicious man. Do you remember the last day we met in Mahoroba City, Yui-sama?�h She continued after a nod from Yui, �gMy sister and I bumped into him on that very same day, when we walked out from a Dimensional Portal. We immediately thought that there was more to him that meets the eye, for he was able to see through the elaborate barriers woven by Izanami-sama herself. That was why I mobilized the agents to find out more about him.�h

�gDid you?�h

�gYes, but not much,�h Fuyura said. Yui blinked again in surprise. It was granted that if the I.S.R. agents, spies who could match the Holy Messengers in term of skills, wanted to, they could learn everything about someone�fs background and dig out scraps that someone never knew existed. For them to fail in investigating the young man that Fuyura just spoke of was simply unbelievable. �gHis name is Yukihito, and he is the personal assistant to the Shingetsu High Priest. That is all that we discovered. No other background information could be found. As far as the mortal�fs population-control system is concerned, he does not exist.�h

�gThat means a God,�h Yui decided, �gmost likely a Messenger.�h

�gWe believe so,�h the raven-haired girl continued. �gAccording to my agents�f report, Yukihito lives and works in the Grand Shrine. No other mortal ever noticed that he could only be seen in the afternoon and the evening. Food was delivered to his door, beyond which no one is allowed to put a step.�h

�gHave you been monitoring the dimensional gate-in and gate-out activities in the Grand Shrine?�h

�gWe have,�h the Chancellor nodded, �gbut detected none.�h

�gTroubling indeed.�h Yui gave her lips a thoughtful tap.

�gMost troubling of all is the fact that Yukihito enjoys the full support of the Holy Messenger Division. Those relentless people did their very best to interfere with the agents�f job.�h Her mouth twisted in distaste. �gThey tried to pretend that they were there by happenstance, but you know what kind of horrible actors they are. A blind person could see right through their act.�h

�gThey were ever fools.�h Yui laughed. �gSkillful as spies, yes, but fools nonetheless.�h She fell quiet after a while, though. �gWhy are you telling me this, Fuyu-chan?�h

�gI would not have,�h announced the Guardian, �ghad the Regent not asked me to bring it to your attention. She believed that you would be delighted to know.�h

�gHow interesting.�h Yui frowned.

�gWould you like to see the footage?�h

�gI would love to.�h She gave her friend a smile.

The young Chancellor then took out her PDA and projected onto the air a large holographic screen on which Yui could spot a man walking across the Shingetsu Grand Shrine precinct. At first glance, all she saw was a man, if an unusually handsome one, but when she focused in on him and noticed the way he carried himself and the way he made his face look stony, she knew.

Yui burst into laughter, thinking that perhaps after a long time of torturing her, destiny had decided to become her ally. With this knowledge of the man who named himself Yukihito, her plan had just become infinitely easier to execute.




When Yukihito stepped out from his room in Shingetsu Grand Shrine, he had on his left hand a tray upon which stood an empty bowl and a pair of chopsticks. Although the kitchen seemed to think that he loved their food so much he never had leftover, the truth was that he only ate what they prepared for him once, on the very first day that he moved into the Shrine. He never failed to experience a shivering chill whenever he recalled his first time gulping them down afterwards. Had the chef been in Yukihito�fs service, he would have fired him and made sure the man would never find a job again in the culinary world. He still had not figured out why the Priests, including Oogami Kazuki himself, always praised the food up and down as though they were first-rate cuisines. They are not! he thought in horror.

Sighing, he closed the door to his room with his vacant hand and treaded down the empty corridor. After a few minutes, he found himself in the Shrine precinct, where diligent Priests were raking up the dead leaves into piles that they would burn later. On high, the sun was retreating toward a blood-red horizon. A couple of hours from now, three at most, stars would light up the heavens in the welcoming of the serene October night. And then majestic moon would come and dominate all with its silver luminescence. Yukihito�fs feet instinctively pressed harder into the ground littered by yellow leaves that had lost all signs of life. Muttering darkly to himself, he continued walking straight toward the kitchen and ignored the Priests who called out to him in a friendly manner. He was in no mood to talk to them today, seeing how everything had not been going the way he wanted for the last week or so.

Before he could reach the kitchen, though, he heard the voice of the High Priest booming like thunder from the distance. He was so surprised that he stopped dead in his track. Once his shock had faded – he had never believed that the middle-aged man was capable of anger – he put the tray on the ground and hurried toward the direction of the shout. There he found several Shingetsu Priests gathering around an infuriated Oogami Kazuki, who apparently was involved in a fight with his adopted brother, the traitorous Seventh Head. Near where the Oogami siblings stood, both of them red-faced and making furious gestures with their hands, was the Priestess of the Sun. The golden-haired girl was sitting with her back leaning against one of the supporting beams, body clad in a casual yukata, amethyst eyes imprinted with grief words alone could not convey. Her face was drenched with tears. Her mouth, slightly opened, revealed a pair of lip swollen with teeth marks and stained with blood dried to a dark crimson color. The girl never went easy on herself while crying, it appeared.

Before he knew what he was doing, his hand had already clutched at his chest. The sight of Kurusugawa made his heart ache, for it reminded him of something disturbing. An unblinking pair of eyes on a pale face suitable on a corpse, an unmoving man sitting in a room of illusion, staring at nothing while being eternally chained to the darkness. For three thousand years that sight had haunted his dreams and plagued his conscience. For three millennia that sight had refused to leave him be. It hurt. It truly hurt.

�gStay out of my way, Souma!�h the High Priest growled. �gI need to teach her a lesson.�h

�gIn her current condition?�h the boy retorted. �gYou�fre nuts, nii-san! Leave her alone!�h

�gI don�ft have time for that! The fate of the world is on her shoulder, don�ft you see? I can�ft afford to have her zoning out just because of a stupid crush!�h

�gBut she�fs mentally unstable right now!�h The Orochi Seventh Head planted himself in front of the High Priest when the older man tried to walk past him. The latter�fs eyes narrowed dangerously while the former�fs face firmed with determination. They began to stare at each other like two wet cats caught in the same place. Yukihito quietly shook his head. Grown men... fighting like children.... It was the first time he saw such a thing. �gPush her and she may just break!�h

�gI�fll take my chances!�h Oogami Kazuki roared and shoved his brother aside. �gOff with you, now!�h

The traitor of a Follower, mighty and proud, fell over in shock. As his bottom landed on the wooden floor, something fell out from his pocket and rolled all the way to the side of the Priestess of the Sun. It was a little pretty present box gift-wrapped in silver foil. Unaware that he had dropped something, the younger Oogami sprang up to his feet fiercely and resumed his shouting match with the other. All other spectators were so engrossed in looking, some even seemed amused, or trying to take the two apart that they never realized that Kurusugawa Himeko had reached out her hand and picked up the present box. Only Yukihito had his eyes on the golden-haired girl, who stared at what now stood atop her palm before she held it closer to her heart and began to weep in silence. Tears spilled out from the overflowing wells of her eyes.

It was as though the sun itself had emerged where she sat. Deep within her soul, powers were born and raised until they filled to bursting every fiber of her existence. Golden aura flooded out from the Priestess�fs body then, suffusing the space around her with the heat of the burning star. Winds fled from the heart of the light, howling and screaming. Torrential currents of celestial energies raced unrestrained and unchecked as they beat up against Yukihito�fs own body with the intensity of the ocean waves beneath the storm-plagued heavens. At this very moment, the golden-haired girl�fs potential had very much amounted to that of a middle-ranked Goddess. Surprised, he instinctively took a step backward. He did not recall ever permitting the R&D Division of Izumo to give either of the Kannazuki Priestesses so much power. Then where the hell does this strength of hers come from? he thought in exasperation and frustration.

�gWhat the...?�h Oogami Kazuki exclaimed, evidently shocked.

That was all he could utter, however, for he was immediately forced to use his arms to shield his eyes as he retreated from the sitting place of Kurusugawa Himeko along with the other Priests. Since they had no way of seeing where they were going – the  light was so blindingly bright that Yukihito doubted they could see anything were they brave enough to open their eyes – some tripped and fell flat on their stomach. Not that the injuries they accrued from their continuous falls could compare to the damage that was being inflicted upon the body of the young master of the Grand Shrine who, as an Orochi at the very core of his existence, was finding the holy light of a Priestess little less harmful than a knife to a mortal�fs heart. On the wooden floor a stone�fs throw away from the girl of his dream Oogami Souma, who was now down on his knees and shaking uncontrollably while smoke rise from his fully clothed body. His pupils were vibrating at the speed of light, his mouth hanging wide open, yet the boy could not utter a single word. Before, the light had never hurt him because Kurusugawa Himeko never wanted it to. It was a different story now, when agony had overwhelmed her heart and rendered her incapable of distinguishing between friends and foes.

Yukihito sighed. Should he allow this go on, the Grand Shrine would be laid to waste under the fierce assaults of Kurusugawa Himeko�fs unrestricted strength. He scanned the vicinity. Shingetsu had been immersed in this aura maelstrom, all the people within it trying their best to keep their eyes from going blind. None would see. And of course, with the Priestess of the Sun�fs powers running rampant so, the spies from the Underworld would never notice if he cast some little spell.

Yukihito fell down on one knee in front of the Priestess. The girl was still crying while having no clue that the heat from her would eventually burned the spiritual stronghold of Mahoroba down to ashes. When he pulled a palm over her eyes, he felt tears drenching it soaked.

�gYou have suffered enough, poor child,�h he whispered. �gRest now, and wake up to your destiny.�h He unleashed his powers.

The golden light winked out of existence along with the scorching flame it had wrought. Immediately afterwards, Kurusugawa Himeko fell into Yukihito�fs arms and passed out. Looking at her, he again sensed his heart ache. Sometimes he found himself wishing that living in the same place as the Shingetsu High Priest had never taught him the meaning of guilt.

�gWhat... what just happened?�h Oogami Kazuki breathed as he approached the golden-haired girl. The High Priest�fs reddened skin gave Yukihito the impression that the man just spent his entire day on a beach.

�gOnly the Gods know, sensei,�h he replied calmly.

�gIs she okay, Yukihito-san?�h Oogami Souma asked, his voice racked with worries. The boy, despite sustaining more damage than the others, was now able to move around. Not that his insides were not giving him hell, Yukihito suspected. Had there not been a slew of spectators watching his every moment and listening to everything he said, the Seventh Head of the Orochi would have been thrashing in pain on the ground right at this moment. The boy had great control on his body, Yukihito had to give him that.

Murmuring to the boy that the girl of his dream was not in any immediate danger, he carried Kurusugawa to the futon in the middle of her room, where he laid her gently on her back before pulling the blanket over her shoulders. Even in her sleep, the Priestess of the Sun looked like she was crying still. Yukihito�fs heart gave another slight jolt. Trying to convince himself that it was not his fault that she ended up in this miserable state and that he only did what he had to do, he whispered something that was too soft to be heard. �gPlease forgive me, child.�h He suspected that when the girl knew what he had done, she never would.

�gYou two,�h Oogami Kazuki picked out two of the Priests in the yard and said. �gWatch over Kurusugawa-san. Make sure nothing happens to her.�h

            �gAs you wish, Oogami-sama.�h The elderly men bowed respectfully.

The High Priest then stormed off, looking as though he would trample on anyone who stood in his way. The man was very still crossed with the Priestess of the Sun, Yukihito suppose. Not afraid in the least bit, however, the traitorous Orochi Follower ran after him, his face painted with a thousand questions that needed to be answered. Thinking that he needed some to his own inquiries, Yukihito followed them.

�gThis wasn�ft like you, nii-san,�h Souma muttered darkly as he walked shoulder to shoulder with the current leader of the Oogami Clan. �gWhy were you so rude to Himeko?�h

�gYou�fd do the same if you were in my shoes, Souma,�h Kazuki answered roughly. �gHow do you expect me to keep calm when she acted that way? The world�fs survival hangs on a string and she wouldn�ft stop thinking about someone who is already dead!�h

�gNii-san,�h Souma frowned at the older man�fs back, �gyou mean Himemiya?�h It was then that they reached the High Priest�fs study, in which Yukihito had been working for the last few years.

�gYes.�h Oogami Kazuki nodded before he opened the door and settled down on the tatami mat. The man�fs face was deeply troubled, his mouth�fs corners tight with irritation, yet his eyes were shining with a very strange light that urged Yukihito to ignore all of his principles and just read the damned mortal�fs mind. He did not, for the very idea of breaking the rules that he himself set forth terrified him.

�gBut she�fs still alive and kicking,�h Souma said grudgingly as he sat down opposite the High Priest, sounding not quite pleased. Yukihito contended himself with sitting next to the Orochi Seventh Head. �gIf she�fs dead, then who�fs in her place right now?�h

�gSomeone who calls herself Kannazuki Aoi,�h Kazuki replied, his voice unusually quiet and oddly uncertain. �gThe Original Priestess of the Moon, so to speak.�h

�gThe Original!�h Souma exclaim in utmost disbelief. �gImpossible! She died three thousand years ago! It didn�ft make sense!�h

�gHere�fs what I�fd venture, Souma.�h The older Oogami heaved a deep sigh. �gIt isn�ft really Aoi who killed the current Priestess of the Moon, for Himemiya Chikane is Kannazuki Aoi reincarnated. The true murderer was a remnant of the Original Priestess�fs emotion.�h

�gA remnant?�h the boy asked dubiously. He sounded as though someone had just revealed to him that the moon was made entirely out of cheese.

�gYes.�h Oogami Kazuki nodded. �gA remnant of emotion so strong it survives the passage of three millennia. A piece of hatred against the Priestess of the Sun so great it has gained a will of its own. It was really what had devoured Himemiya-san�fs soul and taken over her body.�h

Yukihito kept silent. It was a believable explanation but....

�gKannazuki Aoi hates Himeko?�h The Seventh Head blinked. �gI thought they were comrades!�h

�gMore than just comrades,�h the leader of the Oogami Clan corrected. �gThe Priestesses... well... they used to be lovers, Souma.�h

�gLovers!�h The boy made a choking sound in his throat. �gNo wonder in this life they....�h He clamped his mouth shut with an audible click of his teeth. His facial expression grew sour and his hands clenched into fists.

�gIt seems so,�h the High Priest said carefully as he eyed his adopted brother in a very surreptitious fashion. The older man was aware of what the younger one felt toward the Sun Priestess, no doubt. Furthermore, he must have predicted from the very beginning that his brother was not going to succeeding in conquering the heart of the girl he loved, for many times Yukihito had noticed the man sighing in sadness when he happened to mention Oogami Souma and Kurusugawa Himeko in the same sentence.

�gYet, they still turned against each other in the end,�h the Orochi Seventh Head mumbled almost to himself. Without reading the boy�fs mind, Yukihito could not really tell whether he was happy or sad about that little fact. �gWhy?�h

�gI wish you were there when I explained it to Kurusugawa-san.�h Kazuki sighed. �gI wouldn�ft have to do it again now.�h

�gPlease, nii-san,�h Souma pleaded. �gI bet Yukihito-san wants to know too. Don�ft you?�h Dark eyes swiveled to Yukihito and implored him to say yes.

�gEh... yes,�h he answered, still a little bit surprised from being dragged into the conversation so all of a sudden.

�gIt all began three thousand years ago, as you have known,�h the Shingetsu High Priest began in a resigned manner, �gwhen the Dark God fled Izumo the Holy City.�h




Standing in a corner of the Audience Hall, the great wooden chamber situated at the very top of the Temple of the Dragons, Saotome Makoto quietly observed Himemiya Chikane, who was standing in front of the Crystal Orb that housed the body of the Dark God. Next to Makoto was the First Head Tsubasa, his dark eyes boring like drills at the back of the Priestess. They were the only two Heads present at the moment. The cat-fanatic Hibiki Shizuku was being tended to in her quarters by both the Fourth and the Fifth Heads, the latter not exactly happy about being in the same place as the former. Girochi Miyako, despite her lack of injuries, was also cowering in her own room, possibly in the protective arms of her little brother the Third Head. Weakling, Makoto thought.

�gWith your power of temptation, Orochi Lord, you tricked the humans into accepting you as their one and only deity,�h commented Himemiya Chikane, who seemed unaffected by the immense waves of power that was radiating from the glowing Orb. �gThey were drawn in hordes like moths to a flame, bees to honey, teetering forward on the path to destruction.�h From the way the blue-haired girl made her gestures and controlled the pitch of her musical voice, one would have thought that she was a skilled storyteller relating a tale that she herself had experienced. Makoto did not doubt she had.

�gI ask you to tell me about the Immortals�f plan, not my life story, Priestess,�h the Crystal Orb pulsed with its ever-changing light. He sounded impatient and slightly displeased.

�gAs your number and your influence upon the world below grew out of proportions, the Immortals began to be afraid,�h the rich girl continued as though she hadn�ft heard anything from the Dark God. �gDespite the efforts of Heaven�fs most seasoned strategists and politicians, who wished to declare war on you, Izanagi the Lord of Izumo knew he could not. He was well aware that it was the humans who had invited you into their folds. Being a stickler with rules to the core of his existence, Izanagi refused to break the law he and the Regent of the Underworld had set forth since the beginning of time. No Immortals are allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Human World.

�gStill, Izumo refused to let you do as you wished. Days and nights they schemed, hoping to find a way to remove you without dirtying their hands. To their indescribably joy, they did.�h The Priestess of the Moon flashed the Crystal Orb an insolent smile. �gThey learned from you, Orochi Lord. It was you who had them wondering if they could have some humans summoning into Onogoro a second God, one who could vanquish you and restore order to the land. They decided that they could, thus they began to consider names for that specific task. Finally, they came up with one.�h

�gAme no Murakumo,�h the Dark God whispered.

�gIndeed.�h Himemiya Chikane nodded. �gThe God of Swords is the strongest of all save the Makers. He would have been the perfect candidate... had it not been for a little detail.�h She scanned the entire Chamber with her sapphire eyes, which paused for only a brief second at Makoto�fs face before it swept to that of the First Head. �gAs you are all aware, Ame no Murakumo had lain imprisoned beneath the surface of the Moon years before our Dark God descended on the Human World. Neither did he move nor do anything else to prove that he was anything more than a breathing corpse. The Sword God, mighty as he was, could not be trusted with the mission to rid the world of the Orochi. Despite that, Izanagi and his cunning aides, the Celestial Assembly, succeeded in devising a plan that would help them overcome the obstacle. They figured out that it was possible to turn Ame no Murakumo into a puppet that could easily be controlled. Such was the idea that led to the creation of Project Kannazuki and the birth of the Priestesses.

�gThe first and foremost thing Izanagi and the Assembly needed to do was to find Ame no Murakumo�fs suitable Summoners. For that, they looked into the Cycle of Death and Rebirth and reeled out two strongest mortal souls they could lay hands on. Those two humans happened to be two girls, who were brought to life in the crystal artificial wombs of Heaven�fs R&D Division, whose potentials were enhanced even more to cope with the destiny chosen for them before birth. One of the two was I, the other, my childhood friend and former comrade, Akari the Priestess of the Sun.�h A shadow of sadness stole across the Moon Priestess�fs face. �gBearing the codename Kannazuki as our family name despite being unrelated by blood, we were delivered into the custody of Tsukiyomi the Goddess of the Moon, who raised us and loved us as her own daughters. Under the roof of the Lunar Shrine, we were taught the way of the swords and learned to control our powers. There, we waited until it was time for us to fulfill our role.�h Toward the end, her complexion darkened in what seemed to be anger and her voice grew much colder and more murderous. Makoto understood perfectly why. After all, Susanou had informed her all about that inhuman Project.

�gDuring the first seventeen years of mine and Akari�fs lives, the Celestial Assembly continuously broadcasted a message to the Human World,�h the Priestess continued after pausing to take a breath. �gMortals rejoiced at the news that a Savior God was coming to their aid and that the two holy Maidens would bestow upon them the miracle they had been praying for. Even against the usual raids of the Orochi minions, shrines were erected to honor our names and to give the spark of faith a place to live. Leading those shrines, of course, was the great Shingetsu Grand Shrine. Little did they, or we the Priestesses, know what we were supposed to do to rid Onogoro of you.�h

Suddenly, Himemiya Chikane�fs sapphire eyes darted toward an empty corner of the Audience Chamber while a knowing smile curved her lips. Makoto frowned. What was she looking at?

�gOn our seventeenth birthday, Akari and I were ordered to return to Izumo,�h the blue-haired girl smoothly picked up where she left off as though nothing had happened. �gThere, the Celestial Assembly made their objectives known. There, the Goddess of the Moon broke into tears as she heard how one of her daughters was going to die by the other�fs sword as a sacrifice. Yes, the so-called Summoners of Ame no Murakumo were in fact tools for the Immortals to achieve their purpose. We were pawns that they felt no remorse to kill when they needed to.�h

�gWhy?�h Tsubasa demanded, his voice cracking like a whip.

�gThe Sword God�fs Seal requires it,�h Himemiya answered without looking at the First Head. Her eyes, once again, were on the empty corner. Makoto began to find the smile on the girl�fs face very irritating. �gOnly the pure blood of a Priestess could temporarily dissolve the spells that kept Ame no Murakumo bound. Only the life force of a Maiden with untainted Innocence could invoke the second function of the Twin Swords of the Sacred Light.�h

�gAnd the one whose blood must flow was you, wasn�ft it?�h Makoto asked suddenly.

�gIf it was not I, would the Priestess of the Moon flee to the side of a Dark God?�h answered the Priestess of the Moon in such a way that Makoto thought that she had been waiting for the question.

�gOf course not,�h Makoto muttered in response. The answer was what Makoto had expected. She believed she had an idea of what the girl was planning to do now.

�gWhy were there two Priestesses when only you needed to be sacrificed?�h The Commander of the Followers wasn�ft satisfied.

�gBecause someone has to stay behind to act as Ame no Murakumo�fs puppet master,�h the Priestess replied smoothly. She seemed ready for any question thrown at her, for that matter. Makoto guessed that the girl had prepared herself very carefully before she came to the Orochi lair. �gOnce the Sword God was out of his cage, the surviving Priestess would use her powers to seize his mind through her own Eye of Heaven and have him defeat her enemy.�h

�gHow thoroughly planned.�h The Dark God laughed and made the entire chamber tremble in his mirth. He sounded genuinely amused. �gHow sneaky and ruthless. How ironic, too, that they named me evil when they could devise such a thing.�h

�gIndeed.�h The Priestess of the Moon smiled a very frosty smile. Makoto and Tsubasa didn�ft share their amusement, though. She did not know about the First Head, who studied Himemiya Chikane with unconcealed suspicions, but she herself was still unsure as to whether she should expose the truth about the Himemiya heiress. After a while of struggling with her own mind, she decided to keep her mouth shut and watch as the events unfold all on their own. One wrong step could destroy everything she held dear, and that she did not want to happen.

�gBut Priestess of the Moon, the same could be said of you.�h The Crystal Orb was still shaking under its inhabitant�fs laughter. �gYour capability for evil is definitely amazing. Why, I almost felt sorry for the Priestess of the Sun when you tortured her.�h The word hit Makoto like a kick in the gut.

�gWhat?!�h she roared.

�gYou do not know, my child? But of course, you were away,�h the Dark God said cheerfully. �gThe Priestess of the Moon here had declared war against Heaven by turning against her comrade-in-arms. She would have killed Kurusugawa Himeko, too, had it not been for our meddlesome Seventh Head.�h

�gYou hurt Himeko?�h Tasogare leaped up from Makoto�fs shadow. Lava-hot rage bloomed in her heart. Her vision became blood-red with murderous intentions. �gHow could you?!�h Just when she was about to toss herself at the Priestess of the Moon and dismember the blue-haired girl with the Sealed Sword, Tsubasa stepped in front of her with his hand raised. His face was stone-cold, and the sense of power radiating from him was menacing.

�gThere shall be no drawing weapons in the Hall unless the Lord commands it,�h the First Head declared icily. �gBehave yourself, Eighth Head.�h

�gYou asked how I could hurt her, Orochi,�h the Priestess said in her serene voice, her sapphire eyes locked with Makoto�fs emerald, the corners of her mouth quirked upward into a knowing smile �gHow could I not?�h Still overwhelmed by unspeakable anger, Makoto only snarled wordlessly at her while seriously considering making the First Head yield should the man continue to block her way. She guessed Tsubasa knew what she was planning, for he frowned at her and acted as though he wanted to summon his Sword/

�gExplain yourself, Priestess of the Moon,�h the Dark God commanded.

�gBecause Kannazuki Akari is a heartless and cruel betrayer.�h For one split second, Makoto sensed genuine anguish rising in the Priestess�fs soul, which had been calm as a frozen pond since the very start. �gThe worst kind of them all.�h

�gLies!�h Makoto fired back at the other girl. �gOne more untrue word about her and I�fll kill you, Himemiya!�h The energies inside the First Head�fs body began to increase. Makoto thought that he meant to stop her regardless of the fact that she was the stronger between them. She suddenly darted her eyes at the Crystal Orb and wondered whether the Dark God was capable of forcibly reclaiming Tasogare. The very thought stayed her hand.

�gUntrue word?�h The blue-haired girl chuckled. �gYou have no clue what kind of person the past incarnation of your precious friend was, Orochi Eighth Head.�h

�gLet me get this straight, Priestess of the Moon,�h said the Dark God�fs awful voice. For some reason, Makoto sensed a note of warning in Yamata no Orochi�fs words. She knew that it was meant for her. �gSince you called her that, it means your former comrade Akari went ahead with Project Kannazuki, I presume.�h

�gCorrect, Orochi Lord.�h

�gSo you hold a grudge against her for killing you?�h

�gObvious, is it not?�h the Priestess of the Moon replied in a calm voice.

�gPerfect.�h The Dark God laughed. �gA very good motive to join the rank of the Orochi. However, there is only one question left unasked, Himemiya Chikane.�h

�gWhat may that be?�h The blue-haired girl tilted her head and smiled at the Crystal Orb.

�gWhy do you think we will let you live?�h

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Before Makoto knew it, Tsubasa had summoned his Hokuto the Star Blade and put its edge next to the rich girl�fs throat. Any other person would have jumped away in order to prevent themselves from being cornered. Any other person would have reacted and drawn her weapon to protect her own life. Not Himemiya Chikane, who simply stood there and gazing ahead as though the fearsome Hokuto did not exist. Her eerie calmness placed Makoto under the impression that should the blue-haired girl choose to, she could put herself out of harm�fs way and destroy the First Head where he stood. Tsubasa obviously shared the same thought, for his face hardened in anger and his hand put the Star Blade an inch closer to the Priestess�fs skin. He seemed a bow string on the verge of release. Should his hostage twitch a muscle, he would behead her regardless what order his liege lord might give.

�gYou have told us that your blood is the only key to rouse my archenemy from his sleep,�h the Dark God continued in his soft yet ever dangerous voice. �gIs it not better, say, that we eliminate you just in case?�h

�gThat is one of the options.�h The blue-haired girl smiled and nodded. Anybody would have sworn that she would have done the same thing were she asked whether she wanted to buy a rug. �gBut do think about it, Orochi Lord. You would be digging your own grave.�h Her voice, melodious as ever, showed no signs of fear. She ought to have steel wires for nerves, Makoto thought. She herself wouldn�ft be so calm in the girl�fs boots.

�gIs that so?�h

�gKilling me will send my soul back to the endless Cycle of Death and Rebirth,�h the Priestess announced, �gwhere, may I remind you, the Celestial Assembly hold sway. Seventeen years later, there shall be a new Priestess of the Moon, one that will be as meek and tamed as a lamb, one that will not hesitate in embracing her destiny as a sacrifice. But this time, I doubt the Immortals of Heaven will let yours truly be there to spoil their plan. Say, Orochi Lord, you may have seventeen years to do as you please but after that, can you stop Project Kannazuki from being carried out once more?�h Her smile widened.

Yamata no Orochi harrumphed loudly.

�gIf we, Kagetsuki and I, are on your side, it will be a different story. For so long as I live, the Eye of Luna shall stay by my side, where the Gods cannot lay a finger on, much less reclaim.�h Himemiya�fs words rang in triumph. She knew she had won. �gWithout both of the Eyes of Heaven, Izumo will never be able to produce a third Priestess. And that means....�h

�gAme no Murakumo cannot be summoned,�h the Orochi Lord finished Himemiya�fs sentence. �gThe world is ours.�h

�gDo we not want that?�h the blue-haired girl asked in a sweet and seductive voice.

�gOf course we do.�h The Crystal Orb shone brighter than ever. �gWelcome, Priestess of the Moon, to the rank of the Followers!�h The Commander of the Followers withdrew his Sword at the cue in the Dark God�fs tone and retreated to the corner where he once stood. The First Head�fs unsmiling face did not change a hair.

Both Makoto�fs liege lord and the Priestess of the Moon began to laugh in such a great amusement that anyone could have thought that the two were close friends from the very start. Meanwhile, Tsubasa only narrowed his eyes at the Priestess�fs head as though trying to bore through her skull. The man was sharp. He, too, had noticed that something was wrong with the girl�fs seemingly honest story.

�gDo you think that she was lying, Eighth Head?�h his voice whispered in Makoto�fs head. He wasn�ft asking a question. He was seeking confirmation. The tone of his voice made that very clear.

�gShe didn�ft,�h she answered truthfully. �gI�fve been checking her soul from the beginning of the questioning.�h She was certain that the First Head, careful and cunning as any villain ever lived, had done the same.

�gDid you read her memories?�h

�gI couldn�ft,�h Makoto admitted grudgingly. �gShe locked it up with mental barriers too strong for me to break.�h That fact in it self was unsettling.

�gI see.�h The man felled quiet afterwards and appeared to be chasing his own thoughts. He was indeed a very wise man.

Her head filled with doubts, Makoto turned around and walked out of the Audience Chamber, leaving behind the Dark God, Tsubasa, and the girl who claimed to be Kannazuki Aoi the Original Priestess of the Moon. The blue-haired girl, whoever she was, did not lie. Yet, she neither told the truth, which Makoto was about to wrestle out of her however hard she tried to keep it in.




When Yukihito and Oogami Souma departed from the Shingetsu High Priest�fs study, they did not walk in the same direction. While the Orochi Seventh Head walked toward the kitchen – obviously looking for food – and muttered about a certain Priestess that he thought coward and selfish, Yukihito headed back to his own room and thought to himself that the boy still had a very long way to go before he achieved the maturity and the cleverness of his adoptive brother. Not that he blamed the traitor of a Follower for thinking about Kannazuki Aoi in such a negative way, though. Anybody who heard the tale told from the High Priest�fs mouth would be led toward the same conclusion. Yukihito glanced over his shoulder at Oogami Kazuki, who was sitting at the wooden ledge in front of his room and staring bleakly at the twilight sky, and thought, I see what you are planning, High Priest.

A short walk brought Yukihito back in his own room, barely in time to hear the phone on the table ring exactly three times, become silent for a minute, and then go off three more times before it truly shut up. It was no call from anywhere in the Human World, he realized, for such a ringing pattern was a secret code that none save him and his trusted aide knew. He wondered what the other man wanted to speak with him so urgently for. If it was not the emergency that the secret code claimed it to be, Yukihito was going to make his aide wish that he had never punched those damn dials. After all, with the Underworld spies sitting practically on top of him, he could not afford traveling between the two Worlds any more than absolutely necessary.

Once he had made sure that the door to his room had been properly locked and sealed, Yukihito opened his closet and stepped inside. In less than a heartbeat, he found himself standing inside a dimensional pathway connecting Shingetsu Grand Shrine and the Heavenly Palace. Upon the path that was made of light Yukihito treaded, sensing everything about him change. First, his short hair deepened its color from brown to black and at the same time it grew rapidly in length. They stopped when they reached his waist, where a thin white ribbon tied them all the way to the nape of his neck, forming a long but tidy tail. His nose raised a little bit higher, his face thinner and brighter. The rough and worn texture of his blue denim jeans softened into the fabrics of the finest white silk. His simple T-shirt liquefied into light and became a wide-sleeved cloak streaked with silver and gold, which bore the Crests of the Sun and Moon on each side of its stiff collar. A belt, upon the side of which his katana hung, encircled his waist. A crown, plainly wrought in platinum but beautiful in its own ways gently embraced his forehead and delivered the finishing touch to his transformation.

Light flared brightly as he approached the end of the passageway. One step further brought him into a large study, where Yuusaku the Chief of the Holy Messengers stood. The man, whose face was quite grim and troubled, fell down on his knees as soon as he caught sight of Yukihito. �gWelcome back, my Lord.�h

It had better be an emergency, Yuusaku, Izanagi thought.




Standing in the back garden of the Temple of the Dragon, Kannazuki Aoi let her mind flow through the sheathed Eye of Luna, which in turn spanned it across the whole structure. There were eight rooms spacing equally far apart from one another in a large circle, all of which faced the great spiral staircase that led all the way up to the Audience Hall. In the room that was due north, she sensed Tsubasa the First Head, shining bright like the namesake of his Elemental Blade. The room on his left was occupied by Girochi Miyako, who was still shaking in fear according to the weak and uneven pulses she was giving off. On the other hand, her brother Girochi Tokiya, who happened to be in the same room and probably was trying to calm his sister down, was the exact opposite. Although he was by no means as strong as the Second Head in term of powers, he should be much more difficult to deal with. One�fs powers seldom depicted one�fs personality wrong, and Tokiya�fs made Aoi think of a calm surface of the ocean, where fierce currents ran wildly beneath. Dangerous as an Orochi Head already, the man was even more so that Suikyou the Water Blade was in his hand. She wondered if she could arrange an accident soon....

Aoi chuckled softly to herself. Now that she had begun to speculate about dangerous people, she should not continue to ignore the person that had made her way to the garden and placed herself firmly behind Aoi�fs back without raising the softest noise. With every fiber of her existence brimming with power like that, the Orochi Eighth Head obviously harbored no good intentions.

Kagetsuki, still fully sheathed, spun in her hand before it became a whirling blue that lashed out at Saotome Makoto�fs throat. Aoi would not have stopped the blade from crushing the black-caped girl�fs cartilage had she not heard a simple statement being whispered from the Orochi�fs lips, �gI know what lies in the Tower of Agony.�h To anyone else, it might be meaningless. To Kannazuki Aoi�fs ears, those words were thunder.

�gHow do you learn of that name?�h Aoi�fs voice grew colder than the heart of winter and sharper than a butcher�fs knife. �gSpeak, or I shall make you howl.�h

The young Follower only smiled wickedly in response before walls of pitch black shadows descended on all sides and formed a prism-shaped dimensional prison that cut Aoi off from the real world. With it in place, none outside could see the prison or hear a word that was spoken within its walls. At first glance, one would have thought that this place was perfect for the exchange of secrets, but Aoi knew better. She did not have to look at the shimmering Tasogare, which was floating menacingly above her head, or feel the tiniest surge of power within her Kagetsuki to know that she had been trapped within a Power Seal, the function of which was to suppress the magical abilities of any individual in its clutches. Saotome Makoto obviously meant to take the upper hand.

�gCare to repeat what you just said, Miya-sama?�h the Follower said with a grin that was too insolent for her own good. Aoi was almost tempted to make the girl know her place.

�gYou acted as though I were unaware that you have used up all your power trying to Seal me, Eighth Head,�h she replied calmly. To her satisfaction, the grin on the brown-haired girl�fs face was wiped off in an instant. But of course, Aoi was not supposed to know that.

�gI can kill you just as easily without.�h Saotome narrowed her eyes dangerously as she raised her hand overhead. Tasogare obediently lowered itself into her grasp, where it continued its menacing glow.

�gDo as you please, then.�h Aoi withdrew the Eye of Luna, which surprised her captor so greatly that her eyes widened as far as they could and her mouth dropped open. After a minute, the girl closed it firmly.

�gMark my words, Himemiya. I shall be the one who will take your life,�h Saotome Makoto said coldly. �gBut whether it is now or later is entirely your choice. Answer my questions, and I shall spare it today.�h It turned out that Aoi had been correct in that the Orochi Eighth Head wanted something from her. And as long as she did not give it, the girl would make no attempt to kill her. Not that it would guarantee that Saotome would not resort to violence should Aoi refuse to satisfy her curiosity, though.

�gQuestions?�h She gave a quiet laughter that by no means improved the lethal mood of her captor. �gI suggest you take them to Susanou-sama. He explains things much better than I ever could.�h Despite having suffered a shock at hearing the name of the God of Storms at first, the Follower regained her composure. All that betrayed what she was feeling inside were her tight lips, her flushed cheeks, and her blazing emerald eyes. The mightiest of the Heads or not, she was still a very simple girl, Aoi thought in amusement.

�gHow do you know that?�h demanded the Orochi.

�gYou have seen the Tower, a secret to most Immortals.�h Aoi smiled. �gThat spelled his name.�h It had taken less than a minute for her to realize that only one Immortal in Heaven could have revealed to Saotome Makoto the crystal structure that mainly lay submerged beneath the surface of the Memories Sea. Izanagi or his trusted lapdog Yuusaku would have destroyed her as soon as they met her. Aside from those two and the Keeper of the Hall of Memories, none other had the authority to raise the Tower of Kannazuki from the depth. Besides, the girl had named it the Tower of Agony, which was not mentioned in any records. Aoi could still remember her meeting with that incredibly handsome man three thousand years ago, during which he secretly told her the name with which he had dubbed the crystal structure. He had looked quite saddened, too, before he Sealed her in with his own hands. �gAm I wrong?�h

�gNo,�h Saotome admitted gruffly.

�gWhat have you learned from him?�h

�gAll about Project Kannazuki,�h the other girl replied, frowning. No doubt she did not appreciate the fact that all of a sudden, Aoi had become the questioner.

�gThen I cannot imagine that you have any other questions that need answers.�h

�gYes I do,�h the Follower declared. �gSusanou never deigned to explain this!�h At a snap of her fingers, the shadow walls of this prism-shaped dimensional prison began to shine. A second later, each and every one of them displayed an image that Aoi never thought she would see. Her heart quivered, and tears threatened to break out from her eyes. So that is how we spent the last three thousand years, is it not? she thought.

�gTell me now, Himemiya! What are you planning to do with Himeko and with us?�h the Eighth Head demanded.

Giving the track-and-field athlete a quick assessing glance, Aoi wondered about what to do with her. It would be well within her power to kill the girl here and now... but doing it so in such a way that would not get her into trouble with the Dark God later proved to be much more of a problem. Besides, now that she had figured out what kind of person Saotome Makoto was, she was thinking something more along the lines of weaving the Orochi into her own designs. Aoi began to chuckle. She very well could.




When Kurusugawa Himeko woke up in the traditional Japanese room that Oogami-sensei had put her, the only source of illumination she could see came from the electric lamp on a nearby kotatsu table, on top of which sat a digital clock that read eight in the evening. In her right hand was a small present box gift-wrapped in silver foil, which she had held onto very tightly even during her sleep.

She trembled, but not from the coldness of the October night. The little box was what she had bought for her sweetheart�fs birthday present. It was what had made her, a klutz who tended to break things even before she could lay hands on them, labor for two months in a local restaurant just so she could gather the cash she needed. It was also the symbol of her love toward the person who had become more than just a part of her life. On the day following her birthday, she had lost it and thought that she would never see it again. Yet, now that it had returned to her, by means that she was completely ignorant of, she had not the slightest idea what she should do with it. She couldn�ft see why she should keep it now that her one and only significant other would never come back to her. The sapphire ring couldn�ft be more useless now that all the blue-haired princess felt toward her was hate.

Himeko pushed back the thick blanket and rose to her feet. When she slid the shoji door to her room open, she found to Priests standing guard outside. Upon seeing her, the two elderly men blinked in surprise and immediately moved in to block her way.

�gWhat can we do for you, Kurusugawa-san?�h one of the two gray-haired man asked warmly with pity shining in his eyes.

She gave a brief shake of her head. There was indeed something she desired, but it could not be granted by any person who inhabited Shingetsu Grand Shrine, she was sure. There was but one person in the world who could.

�gCould it be that you want to go out?�h the other Priest said and then went on to add very quickly at a nod from her. �gI am sorry. We have the order from Oogami-sama that....�h

Himeko decided to stop listening. There was no need to, for she already got the answer she sought. What they were trying to tell her politely was that they had to confine her in the Shrine under the command of the High Priest. What they were probably trying to do was protecting her from the Priestess of the Moon, who very nearly killed her yesterday. She truly appreciated their thoughts... but in that their interest and hers did not collide. What they sought was not what she sought. She didn�ft think they would ever come to understand that.

At a thought that sparked in Himeko�fs head, a surge of energy originating from the Sun Crest overwhelmed her whole self completely. Sweet sense of powers, so strong yet ever so gentle and kind.... In her burn a flame as hot as the sun but for all its heat, it would not harm a blade of grass unless she ordered it to. And when she did, it would obey, Himeko knew. It seemed her grief had somehow awakened the latent powers of the Priestess of the Sun resting inside her. It was such a great irony how she had always wanted her powers so that she could protect the one she loved but when she actually regained them, there was no longer any need for her to have them. It was just like the sapphire ring.

Himeko guided the currents, manipulated them, and bent them to her will. For some reason, she felt as if she had been practicing it for years although this was the first time she could reach out and grasp her powers without them slipping off. A quick movement of her fingers here, a twist of her wrist there produced a blinding flare of golden light that froze the movements of the Priests. Their mouths were still hanging in the effort of persuading her to stay, hands moving about to give necessary emphasis. Another time, it would have been amusing. Another time, she would have laughed at seeing them so. Right now, she could not care less.

Himeko walked off the wooden floor to the Grand Shrine�fs front yard. It was so strange. The ground should have felt rough for all the soils it was paved with. The air should have ignored Himeko�fs flimsy yukata and chilled her to the bone. Only that they didn�ft. Come to think of it, she hadn�ft felt much from her body ever since she woke, either. It was as though her skin had grown numb, her every nerve disabled. She might as well be made entirely of rocks. She smiled – or she thought she did, her lips didn�ft seem to be moving anyway – as she continued to walk toward the Torii Archway. It was for the better, Himeko guessed. This way, she wouldn�ft have to go through much pain when Chikane-chan laid her to rest... forever.




As he glided along the hallways of the Heavenly Palace, Izanagi the Lord of Izumo could not but feel anger simmering in his heart. Every servant who caught sight of him either took a turn at their nearest junction or pressed their backs as hard as possible to the walls and began to study the floor as though there were words of wisdoms on the carpets. His face, dead serious as it was, must be frightening them witless. Of course, the Ruler of Heaven rarely came to this area. Every time he did, his mood was never good. As a result, catastrophe ensued. Everyone knew that.

�gFool!�h he muttered. The glance he threw over his shoulder left no doubt whom he aimed the acid comment at. It hit the Chief Messenger, who had been tailing him like his own shadow ever since his return to the Heavenly Palace, so hard that the man was nearly knocked off his feet.

�gMy Lord, it is not my fault that the Chamber of the Assembly asked for an audience with you,�h declared Yuusaku defensively with his back stiffened even as he walked.

�gThen whose?�h Izanagi growled threateningly. �gHad you not spilled the secret about the defection of the Priestess, they would be sleeping right now.�h

�gI didn�ft have a choice, Lord!�h the other man protested in exasperation. �gI either told them what they wanted or had the information dragged out of my head.�h His face darkened as he thought, signifying that whatever the Assembly had told him during the questioning, it had not been pleasant. Not that a meeting with those senile bastards had ever been pleasant. Even the Holy Messengers, notoriously obnoxious to the citizens of Izumo as they were, squealed like a little girl under the attention of the Celestial Assembly. Yuusaku, Chief or no Chief, could only fare worse.

�gYou could have lied,�h Izanagi muttered. Yet, he knew that those words were wrong even before they left his lips.

�gYou have forgotten how the Sanctum Core works, haven�ft you?�h The white-clad man heaved a deep sigh.

Indeed, the power of the Sanctum Core, also named the Grand Hall of the Sky, had completely slipped his mind up until now. The Core was a place of great importance, for it functioned as a Hall in which the full Chamber of the Celestial Assembly convened every single day and decided the businesses of the Immortals�f World. Not just that, through the Mirror of Life in the Tower of Kannazuki, the Assembly also took on the task of determining where a mortal�fs soul would go when they stood at the crossroads of destiny, thus steering the wheel for the Cycle of Death and Rebirth.

It was a prickly business, the Assembly serving as the political center of Heaven. They were indispensable if Izanagi wanted to be free of all the responsibility and mountains of paperwork, and they knew it. Great powers were in their hands, theirs to wield as they deemed necessary. In other words, corruption was but a step away. Although he could remove any, or all, of them from office if he caught them doing something that they should not have, it was actually more trouble than it was worth, for he had to conduct full and formal investigations in accordance with universal laws. Besides, busy as he was, he did not really have time to check on every single one of them. To solve such a dilemma, he imposed one little restriction upon the structure of the Core, one that connected the minds of all the Assembly members together in one great telepathy network.

In so doing, he at the same time enabled quicker communication and established a system of checks on each and every one of his employees. Since he had practically opened the mind of one Assembly member to all others in the Core, he had indirectly told them that they had better think of nothing in there except the businesses of the Heavenly World. And of course, should one try anything funny with his position, the rest of them would realize it immediately and put him in his proper place. Also, with the telepathy network in effect, the Assembly also became the judiciary body of Izumo. The system made it possible for them to delve into the mind of the people who were brought to the Core, extract the pristine truth, and deliver fair judgments for all. �gIn the Sanctum Core, none shall lie,�h so was it written, so was it made.

In the beginning, Izanagi had thought it clever... until the bastards of the Assembly requested him to extend the system so it would work on him as well. They had backed their request with the excuse that should the Ruler of Heaven be excluded from the effect of the Network, there was no difference from him standing above the law, which, as they claimed, was unacceptable in a democratic society like Izumo. Having nothing to say in response to that, he reluctantly and grudgingly acceded to their request. He had regretted ever since. He did even more so now that they had used the system that he himself designed to drag classified information out of Yuusaku, his trusted aide, and requested an audience with him.

After a few minutes, Izanagi arrived in front of a great vaulting arch blocked by a pair of steel doors decorated with the shield and sword sigil of the Celestial Assembly. Upon turning his head, he saw the Chief Messenger standing a few feet away, faced painted with apprehension, eyes filled with the fervent hope that Izanagi would not make him enter the Core again. He sighed. Despite being fiercely loyal, Yuusaku did not have much backbone. Izanagi sometimes wished that the man did so that he could make himself more useful.

�gHow is Tsukiyomi?�h he asked.

�gStill sulking in her room, I would imagine, my Lord,�h the younger man replied with a bow. �gSo far, she had made no move to return to Onogoro and seek her daughters.�h

�gGood,�h Izanagi muttered. With the silver-haired girl throwing her tantrums and demanding to know how her daughters were faring in the Human World, he had had no other choice but to threaten her with Amaterasu�fs life again before she decided to be quiet and do what he told her to. No other alternatives could persuade the Goddess of the Moon to stay in the Heavenly Palace.

�gYou have my leave to return to your office,�h he said.

�gI... shall wait here for you, Lord,�h the Chief Messenger announced.

�gSuit yourself,�h he said before he turned, pushed open the two great steel doors, and walked in.

As soon as he passed through the vaulting arch and stopped in the dead center of a great square, he found himself surrounded from all sides by the full chamber of the Celestial Assembly, five hundred Gods and Goddesses, all clad in snowy cloaks with deep hoods, seated in rows of seats that cascaded downward to form the shape of a bowl. Above them was a great dome beneath the vaulted surface of which hung a myriad of glowing orbs of light.

Izanagi grimaced. Devious bastards, was the first thought that popped in his head every time he entered the Grand Hall of the Sky. Since he was not responsible for the design of the Core, he had no chance to know what it looked like inside before the construction was complete. To his shock, the rows of seat in the Core was arranged in such a way that no matter who stood before the Assembly, he would be subjected to five hundred pairs of eyes from all directions at all times. He should never be able to find himself unwatched for even a split second. Every movement he made would be carefully filed away in those heads. Every wrong choice of word would be used against him as soon as uttered. Izanagi did not believe they even needed the mind-reading system to try the criminals. Should they keep sending their captives such unrelenting gazes, most would be more than willing to dig out the tiniest scrap of information that they never knew they remembered.

On one hand, Izanagi would have loved so watch some unsuspecting soul squirm under the Assembly�fs attention. On the other, he had no wish to be that unsuspecting soul. The Assembly had gained too much power for their own good. It was high time Izanagi took some back.

�gPraises be to your holy name, O August Lord of Heaven,�h spoken the mouths of five hundred Immortals who bowed down at Izanagi from where they stood. He almost gnashed his teeth in anger. There was no respect in those calculating eyes that shone like headlights beneath the deep hoods. They definitely had gained too much power and lost an equal amount of common sense.

A nod of Izanagi�fs head seated the chamber while he settled down his own armchair, brought all the way from his study beforehand. He doubted he could make the Assembly offer him anything to sit on short of issuing a decree, doing which would show those bastards weakness. He did not intend to any time soon, if ever.

�gYou wished for an audience. I have granted you one,�h Izanagi said briskly. �gMake it quick.�h

�gIzanagi-sama.�h An old man, whose white eyebrows and beard covered a good part of his face, stood up from the lowest row. �gWe have heard from Chief Yuusaku of the Messengers that the Priestess of the Moon had defected to the Orochi�fs side, so we wish to hear your plan in such impending crisis.�h In a way, this very row held more powers than the rest combined, for it seated the Three Arbiters, who belonged to the highest of the echelons, who moderated every meeting in this Hall, who in other words had authority over the rest. And the man who had just spoken was the most prominent, also eldest of the Three, Ame no Minaka.

�gThere is none, Arbiter,�h he answered. �gNo crisis, so no plan.�h His response, surely unanticipated, produced a great deal of gasps from all the rows, from Gods and Goddesses shocked to the base of their foundation. Ame no Minaka, interestingly enough, said nothing while peering at Izanagi in evident surprise and curiosity. Like a cat would a mouse, he noted absently. The Arbiter seemed to think very highly of himself.

It was no secret to Izanagi that despite his restriction on the Core, the entire Assembly was growing more and more ambitious. They had but begun to realize that he had left much of Izumo in their jurisdiction, which in turn implied that perhaps they could manage the Holy City without the Maker of the World. It would not surprise him, really, to wake up one day and find his head cut off from his body and Ame no Minaka crowned absolute ruler in his stead. It was not like they did not want to anyway. They simply did not have the necessary courage. As long as his two sons, Susanou and Kagutsuchi, kept a tight watch on the Armies of Heaven, to which they were High Commanders, the Celestial Assembly would be less than eager to plan a coup d'état. Also, even though the Assembly held sway over the Mirror of Life, the one weapon capable of bringing Izanagi down, they could not do nothing beyond deciding whether a mortal�fs soul would go after death. He had been quite wise in making sure that those senile men and women could not wield the power of First Supreme any more than necessary, if he might say so  himself.

Still, Izanagi could not allow such threat to thrive any longer. He needed to cut off the head of the snake before it could bare it fangs and bite him. To make that happen, he had to eliminate all of the Arbiters, of course. The only question was how. A power higher than his was what had appointed those three. He must not upset that power by sentencing the Arbiters to death without good cause. He bet that if he looked hard enough, he would find one, though.

The man to Ame no Minaka�fs immediate right stood up and spoke, �gPardon, Lord, but did I hear it correctly from you that there was no crisis? I believe my Lord is well aware of what, or who, awaits Kannazuki Aoi in the Orochi�fs midst.�h Takami no Mikoto, another Arbiter and senile old man just like his senior officer, added, his wry voice bordering on insolence. He adored Ame no Minaka so much that he had to get an ego as large as the Heavenly Palace, too. Odious little man, Izanagi thought.

�gI am, Arbiter,�h he replied dully. �gSo?�h

�gThen, my Lord, have you no concern toward what Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne wants to do with her?�h the last of the Arbiters chimed in. Kami no Mikoto, the only female officer in the Three, was the only one who made herself look like a woman in her mid twenties. Despite the fact that her appearance did please the eye, she would look quite plain beside Tsukiyomi. Not that the woman acknowledged the fact, though. With the way she walked across Heaven with her head held high and her nose pointing skyward, she seemed to believe that she was the most beautiful woman in the Three Worlds. Izanagi sometimes found himself wondering how many times a day that Kami no Mikoto looked into her mirror and assured herself that her beauty was unsurpassed.

�gNo.�h Izanagi�fs curt answer upset the narcissist of a woman to the point that she eyed him openly askance. No other Immortal outside the Core ever dared do that. He started to think about what he would do to her once he had removed her from office.

If she knows what I am thinking of right now, she would soil herself, he mused. It was only then did it occur to him that the Assembly had not tried to break through the mental barrier that he had placed on his mind. Maybe they do not dare break the law yet, he thought. After all, he had specified before hand that the Assembly were only allowed to forcibly access someone�fs mind in a formal trial.

�gIzanagi-sama,�h Ame no Minaka said. �gI cannot comprehend your indifference. We all know how dangerous it is once Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne achieves her goal, yes?�h

The man�fs words brought vehement nods and fierce stare, all of which were directed at Izanagi in a heated fashion. Of course it was dangerous. Of course it was disturbing that the fool Sinner Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne now possessed the very key that would threaten the safety of Heaven. Yet, if the Assembly expected him to acknowledge that fact, they were even bigger fools.

�gShe will not, Arbiters.�h Some from the upper rows of the Assembly shook their heads. Some patted their foreheads as though tired from dealing with a madman. The rest seemed torn between wanting to keep quiet and shouting �gLiar�h at the top of their lungs.

�gAnd the reason is...?�h Kami no Mikoto came very close to sneering at Izanagi�fs face. Soon, the woman was going to beg Izanagi for a quick death before he was done with her. As would the other two of the Arbiters, of course. Once the head honchos were gone, he would pluck at the rudderless Assembly as he would weeds!

�gYou need not know.�h Izanagi had had enough with this nonsense panicking. He rose to his feet and delivered his last words in a tone that assured them he was going to kill anyone who said otherwise, �gGood night to you all.�h Then he swept out of the Sanctum Core, undoubtedly leaving behind a furious Assembly. If they lost their sleep tonight as a result, all the better, he decided.

�gIzanagi-sama...�h began Yuusaku, who fell in place behind Izanagi as soon as he emerged from the vaulted archway. An out-flung hand from him stopped the younger man short.

�gGet me that woman spy of yours, Yuusaku,�h Izanagi commanded without slowing down.

�gWoman spy...?�h Yuusaku gave Izanagi a baffled look before he understood the person whom his liege lord was referring to. There was only one woman whom the Holy Messengers employed, of course.

�gLord, you wish to see her in person?�h Yuusaku sounded scandalized at the very idea.


�gBut for what, my Lord?�h

�gVerifying the true intention of Kannazuki Aoi.�h

There was no counter plan because there was no crisis. There was no crisis because the one that was being manipulated was Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne herself. Yet, Izanagi had to make sure that the fool Priestess of the Moon was doing what he thought she was. It was highly unlikely that he was going to have some peaceful sleep after he did, though.




Ame no Minaka was frowning thoughtfully at the empty chair left on the floor of the Grand Hall of the Sky when his second officer, Takami no Mikoto voiced his thoughts for all of the Assembly to hear, �gIzanagi is out of his mind. We cannot possibly let such an egomaniac rule over Heaven and ruin everything we have worked so hard for.�h

Heads nodded fiercely. Approving thoughts echoed noisily in Ame no Minaka�fs head. He sighed. This topic had been brought to the Assembly�fs attention more than enough already. Every time they did, they would decide unanimously that they must not take actions against the Lord of Izumo. The fear of his armies was so great that a mention of the First and Second Imperial Battalions never failed to stifle any Immortal who wished to dethrone the Father of All. Yet, it was the past. The situation was no longer the same.

�gThat, ladies and gentlemen, brings us to the most important item on our agenda today,�h Ame no Minaka intoned, thus quelling the ruckus. �gThe Regent of the Underworld herself had delivered us the newest report on the plan. And here is the expert who will present it to us,�h as if on cue, the large pair of doors swung open to admit a lean, tall man who was claimed to be the most handsome man in the Three Worlds, �gSusanou no Mikoto, the God of Storms.�h

Smiles, oh sweet and treacherous smiles, flashed on every face there was in the Sanctum Core. And for the first time in his long life, Ame no Minaka was pleased at such reaction. Perhaps the Heaven Throne was not that far away from his reach after all.




Standing inside the dimensional prison she herself constructed, Saotome Makoto was so stunned by the revelation from the Priestess of the Moon that she failed to hear what the blue-haired girl said afterwards.

�gI�fm sorry, what was that?�h

�gI asked if there was any other question you wished to ask me, Saotome Makoto,�h Kannazuki Aoi said in a patient voice and with a satisfied smile.

�gNo,�h Makoto responded weakly. �gI�fll... release you.�h

�gHow kind,�h commented the Priestess, who was walking toward one of the dark walls. �gBut that would be unnecessary. I can let myself out.�h

�gWait!�h Makoto shouted. �gDon�ft touch it, you�fll die!�h

The blue-haired girl stopped an inch in front of the dimensional wall, turned her head toward Makoto, and smiled.

�gI shall let you in on a secret, Eighth Head,�h Aoi said in a very cool voice. �gThere is another purpose for which the Eyes of Heaven were forged. And that... is the complete annihilation of the Elemental Blades.�h

Kagetsuki the Eye of Luna, completely unsheathed, blazed silver in her hand. Space literally rippled, and the entire prism-shaped dimensional prison that Makoto had constructed to confine the other girl shattered into pieces. A flash of light that followed immediately brought them back to the garden of the Orochi lair.

�gIt couldn�ft be!�h Makoto gaped at the Priestess of the Moon, who winked at her and walked away in a fit of mirthless laughter. It couldn�ft be! she thought. It bloody well could, Kannazuki Aoi had just demonstrated that. For all her confidence that she had successfully sealed Kagetsuki as well as the power of the blue-haired girl, she was actually mistaken. As it turned out, the Power Seal that she had used every ounce of her own power to exerted as much influence on the Eye of Heaven and its master as a storm would a boulder of rock. Goosebumps rose all over her skin. It only occurred to her now that Kannazuki Aoi could have destroyed her any time during their conversation.

Makoto jumped up and down on her terror and stuffed it back into the furthest corner of her mind. Complete annihilation of the Elemental Blades? She only wondered how. Something tugged at her memory. Before the Eye of Luna obstructed her field of vision with its silver light, Makoto had seen something taking place upon the sword. The blade! Makoto gasped. The blade of Kagetsuki! She finally understood the true meaning of what the Priestess of the Moon had said. She finally understood what the true power of the Eyes of Heaven actually was. Stark terror ravaged her once more.




As she gazed into the Vision Sphere she made, Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne saw Himemiya Chikane, Kannazuki Aoi she called herself now, vanished into the darkness beyond the Temple of the Dragons�f doors while Saotome Makoto, back stiff and mouth hanging open, was still standing like a stone post in her shock. Rinne chuckled. She was willing to wager that the girl had just realized how close to death she had been in a dimensional prison made with her own hands and in a Power Seal that was supposed to protect her from all threats.

Rinne gave her lips a thoughtful tap afterwards. So, that was what the Priestess was planning? she thought. Clever, clever indeed. She had to give the blue-haired girl a mental bow. She doubted she herself would have noticed had she not known everything beforehand. The best she could have made out from Aoi�fs seemingly honest story should be a �gsomething is wrong�h response in her head. Maybe not even that. I think I like her, she mused.

Of course she would like the Priestess of the Moon. Aoi was the sharpest person she had ever seen after all. The girl had noticed her presence when none other, including Saotome Makoto the Eighth Head, did. In addition, Aoi had nerves made from steel the way she thought she could take advantage of the Orochi to achieve her own goals. Gifted with such courage, ingenuity, the willingness to take on incredible risks, and complete disregards for good and evil, she could have been mistaken for Rinne�fs twin. Well, almost, since Rinne was the better schemer between them, and that she knew all about Aoi�fs intentions when the girl had not even a clue what Rinne was aiming at. In this contest of strength, the Priestess of the Moon would lose, her wish would never be granted, her heart would be broken, and her soul would be sent back to the Cycle of Death and Rebirth. Only this time, none would need her to return to the human world as a Priestess ever again.

Rinne opened a Dimensional Portal right in the Audience Chamber. It was time to meet with the Regent of the Underworld as the message had instructed her to. A strange feeling of happiness welled in her so quickly she had to try her best not to dance her way to the silvery surface. Finally, she could see him once more. Akira, she thought fondly.




Sitting with her back against the oak that towered over the Garden of the Roses, Kurusugawa idly turned the little present box in her hands while fixing her eyes at the hidden entrance to the place she and her sweetheart had enjoyed their boxed lunches every school day. A normal person could never guess what she was doing there in such late hour, when the entire Academy was but deserted. No mere mortal, on the same note, could sense the raging storm of powers inside her soul. She was calling out to her blue-haired princess, a Priestess reaching for her beloved counterpart and the other half of her existence. She was sending out signals that the Priestess of the Moon should never be able to miss, wherever she was in this whole wide world. If all went well, her sweetheart would come. If all went as Himeko expected them to, she would be dead before the earliest light of dawn reached the earth.

So she sat there and waited. Time passed slowly while agony ate at her from inside out. It hurt so much just to make herself live. It pained her greatly just to make her body breath in the air of a world that held no colors in her eyes. Despite the fact that every particle of her body was begging her to conclude this with her own hands, she wouldn�ft. It wasn�ft that she couldn�ft stand the pain of ending her own life, though. It was only because she wanted to meet with Chikane-chan so that she could see the blue-haired princess�fs face one last time even if the price she had to pay afterward was death. It should be okay, shouldn�ft it? she thought. At least to Himeko, dying by the hand of the one she loved most was a blessing. It couldn�ft be any truer when both parties desired it more than anything else in the world.

Himeko�fs heart leapt in joy when she heard a rustling sound from the entrance of the Garden of the Roses. Chikane-chan, she thought, she�fs here! Yet, her hope quickly deflated as she realized who had just entered. It was a girl with short brown hair framing a face many would call pretty, a toned frame of a track-and-field athlete, and a pair of emerald eyes that shone brightly in the moonlight. The newcomer, clad in a thick jacket and a pair of worn-out jeans, was someone who Himeko thought didn�ft want anything to do with her ever again. She was Saotome Makoto, a girl who had been in her class and shared her room during the last year.

�gHey, Himeko,�h said her former roommate, who proceeded to sit down next to her with a gentle smile on her lips. It was as though nothing had happened between them. It wasn�ft as thought she no longer minded the fact that had it not been for Himeko�fs selfish wishes, her dream would have never been crushed. Somehow, seeing the brown-haired girl being so cheerful hurt Himeko even more.

�gMako-chan...�h she began but found her voice being smothered by something in her throat a second later.

�gHmm?�h the other girl prompted, the smile unwavering on her face.

�gAren�ft you angry with me?�h

�gIf I am, would I be here, talking to you?�h Mako-chan laughed. �gBesides, it is kinda silly, blaming you for something that isn�ft your fault.�h She raked her hand through the golden tresses of Himeko�fs hair. The quick and casual response shocked her so much that she fell silent for a few minutes before she found her voice again. Meanwhile, the track-and-field athlete simply looked at her and smiled in a very fond way. She used to do that when they talked in their room.

�gHow are you lately, Mako-chan?�h Himeko inquired, deciding to drop the previous topic. She was well aware that her classmate and best friend didn�ft exactly like to compete for the right to bear the blame, especially after she had decided that it was not Himeko�fs fault. �gHas your leg gotten better?�h

�gI�fm as healthy as I can be.�h Her friend flexed her right arm to demonstrate how well she was. �gAs for my leg, well, I don�ft see any difficulty in walking.�h

�gI�fm sorry I didn�ft come visit you in the hospital,�h Himeko said apologetically.

�gNo need for apologies,�h the brown-haired girl declared in a very gentle voice. �gIf I were you, I wouldn�ft want to go see me either.�h She laughed at that.

�gNo, it�fs not like that. I...�h Himeko insisted. �gI did go there a few times... but I didn�ft have the courage to come to your room. I�fm sorry.�h

�gI said apologies are not needed, silly.�h Her best friend chuckled and knuckled her softly on her cheek. �gI�fm okay now, that�fs what matters, right?�h As though she had figured out that Himeko was about to made her protest, she added quickly, �gBut enough of this talks about me already. How about you?�h The slightly exasperated glance she gave Himeko afterwards drove home the fact that anything that concerned her injuries was now officially off-limit. Himeko swallowed the rest of what she had wanted to say.

 �gWell, I�fm fine, health-wise.�h That was not a lie. Despite the fact that depression, agony, and sadness were all that she was feeling, her body couldn�ft have been any healthier with the power of the Priestess of the Sun brimming like that.

�gThat�fs no excuse for you to dress so little in this freezing weather�h Mako-chan plucked at Himeko�fs thin yukata with her fingers, disapproval plain on her face. Her emerald eyes suddenly locked onto Himeko�fs amethyst. �gWhy are you here anyway?�h She frowned. �gI�fm not aware that there is school this late into the night.�h

Himeko didn�ft know how to respond. Even though the track-and-field athlete was her best friend, she didn�ft think that revealing to her that she had come here to seek death was such a good idea. The other girl would surely box her ears and drag her back to Shingetsu Grand Shrine by force. She shivered. She hoped it wouldn�ft have to come to that. She would hate to use her own powers against her former roommate.

After a few minutes that they spent in dead silence, the brown-haired girl decided to drop the question – maybe she had realized that Himeko was struggling desperately to find an answer but not quite succeeding – and spoke up instead, �gI came to Shingetsu earlier.�h Himeko�fs eyebrows rose in surprise.

�gWhy?�h she asked.

�gI was out looking for you.�h Her best friend made it sound the most obvious thing in the world. �gIt was around eight thirty when I got there. To my surprise, I found a bunch of panicking Priests instead of my cuddly roommate.�h The other girl giggled softly, and she colored in spite of herself. Since the track-and-field athlete practiced in the evening once in a blue moon, it was very late into the night when she returned to the room they shared. After that, the girl would take a bath before she climbed onto Himeko�fs mattress instead of her own, which was on the upper level of the double-decked bed. And whenever that happened, she found absolutely no rest afterwards. It wasn�ft as though she had problems with sleeping next to her best friend. It was just that the latter tended to hold onto her very tightly when she slept. Himeko asked the track-and-field athlete once why she didn�ft sleep on her own mattress. Her roommate had replied in a half-joking, half-serious, voice that on the upper level, there was no pillow that was as cuddly and smelled as good. Blushing, Himeko had chosen to believe that Mako-chan had been too tired to climb up the ladder after she returned.

�gThey were turning up every stone for you,�h she added afterwards.

�gI... see,�h Himeko murmured noncommittally.

�gOogami-sensei told me everything, you know,�h the track-and-field athlete said suddenly, her voice strangely quiet and serious. �gAbout you, Himemiya, the Priestesses and Orochi business, and also what happened yesterday....�h

�gDid he... now?�h She sensed her heart ache. She felt her face burn in shame for having kept her relationship between herself and the blue-haired princess from her best friend.

�gIt hurts, doesn�ft it?�h Mako-chan put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

�gNo, it doesn�ft,�h she lied. In any event, she should get the brown-haired girl out of this place. The Priestess of the Moon might arrive anytime... and she didn�ft want her former roommate to get involved in the mess that she had created. She would not stand to see any other person that she held dear being hurt for her sake again.

�gYou can�ft fool anyone, Himeko, especially me,�h said Mako-chan, whose hand rose to place tenderly against Himeko�fs cheek. �gI know how much Miya-sama means to you.�h The girl then pulled Himeko into her warm embrace. �gDon�ft you go holding out on me now. Cry if you want. I won�ft laugh, I promise.�h

Those words, overflowed with kindness and affection, opened the floodgate in Himeko�fs heart. Immediately, tears broke out from her eyes as she wept openly on her best friend�fs shoulder. Still, the harder she wept, the more she felt the other girl�fs hand stroking her back soothingly, the more her sorrow seemed to swell. �gI love Chikane-chan.... I love her so much... Mako-chan.... But... she doesn�ft care about me anymore....�h She didn�ft think she could stop crying once she had started.




�gPoor Himeko,�h said Saotome Makoto, who was brushing her secret crush�fs golden hair gently with one hand and holding her tightly with the other. �gWhat could you possibly have done to deserve this?�h Nothing, as far as she was concerned. The only person who was at fault was Kannazuki Aoi, who had inflicted so much pain and heartbreak upon the person who loved her more than anything in the world.

The golden-haired girl couldn�ft say anything beyond some unintelligible words which were muffled by her own sobbing. Makoto chew desperately on her underlip. With the one she loved crying her heart and eyes out within her embrace, she had to consume every ounce of her strength to keep in her own tears. She repeatedly told herself that she had to be strong, for she came here to make sure that Himeko would be safe and sound until the end of the world. She barely succeeded.

�gI have always known,�h Makoto said after clearing her throat. �gAbout you and Himemiya, I mean. You don�ft have to look so surprised. I was aware that you were nuts about her even before Oogami-sensei told me.�h

�gH... how?�h The golden-haired girl gazed upward at Makoto, her amethyst eyes shining with moisture, her pretty face soaked with tears. Butterflies trounced Makoto�fs stomach at the sight. Stop thinking how beautiful she is, idiot! she berated herself harshly.

�gIt�fs hardly a secret.�h She forced herself to smile while trying to calm her racing heart. �gDo you think me too dimwitted to connect the dots when you and Himemiya always vanished off together during lunch breaks, may I remind you, every single time? Once, I followed you and found out about this place.�h Her voice grew gentle as she let her hand stroke the other girl�fs head. Gradually, she began to be very conscious of the soft, fragrant body in her arms. Eventually, she began to feel her former roommate�fs heart beating painfully against her chest. She suddenly experienced a great urge to kiss away the tears on the face of the Priestess of the Sun. Every fiber of her existence was beseeching her to claim those beautiful cherry blossom lips. She refused to listen. She did not come here for that. �gThe Garden of the Roses holds a lot of memory between you two, doesn�ft it? I figured that I would find you here when the Priests said you�fve run off somewhere.�h

�gI�fm sorry I kept it from you,�h the Priestess of the Sun murmured in an apologetic and tattered voice.

�gNever mind that, I just want to know something.�h Makoto pushed Himeko away as gently as she had pulled her in. Her emerald eyes locked with the latter�fs amethyst ones. �gWhy are you out here alone while the Orochi and Himemiya are dead set on taking your life?�h

The golden-haired girl refused to answer and dropped her gaze. Her hands tightened on Makoto�fs sleeves while her whole body trembled. More sobbing sounds came from her delicate mouth.

�gYou�fve come to die, haven�ft you?�h A reluctant nod, which was barely noticeable, from her former roommate dragged a frustrated sigh from Makoto�fs mouth. �gSomething is wrong with that head of yours!�h she chided. �gYou are the Priestess of the Sun! You die, and the world dies with you. Don�ft you have any qualm about seeing everybody you know being sent to the afterlife?�h

�gOf course I do!�h Himeko protested.

�gThen why are you seeking death when you should be fighting your hardest for them?�h

�gI know that, but....�h


�gBut if I want to save them, I�fll have to kill Chikane-chan.�h Himeko buried her face in her hands and wept harder than ever. �gI can�ft do it! I won�ft do it! I won�ft!�h

�gEven if my life is at stake?�h Makoto pressed, slightly irritated. No use trying to bring up how the renegade Priestess of the Moon had mistreated the person whom she was supposed to protect. The latter loved the former too deeply to even care about that. The fact that the betrayed Priestess of the Sun still called Himemiya Chikane�fs name with such a caress in her voice was the undeniable proof. �gYou still won�ft lay a hand on her?�h

�gI�fm sorry, Mako-chan.�h Himeko�fs reluctant answer brought a grimace to Makoto�fs face, which she immediately smoothed over. It wasn�ft pleasant at all knowing who was on the top of Himeko�fs beloved list. It hurt even more to realize once again that neither Makoto�fs position nor that of the entire humanity in her former roommate�fs heart came close. But well, things would change... soon enough, she thought. If all went well, they would change.

�gYou love her very much, that I understand, but she�fs already dead, Himeko,�h she said slowly. �gThe Himemiya Chikane you know is gone.�h

�gShe�fs not!�h The other girl�fs grip on her forearms tightened. She winced. �gChikane-chan is still alive! I know she is, Mako-chan!�h It was almost unbelievable hearing such certainty in the voice of someone who had witnessed the cruelty of the Priestess of the Moon firsthand. There was no doubt that Himeko believed fiercely every word she said. Makoto could only wonder where her former roommate got her unwavering confidence. She wondered, too, how she could chip at it. It would do neither of them any good if the Priestess of the Sun�fs faith remained unchanged.

�gFine. If you say she is, she is,�h Makoto said while gazing intently into the other girl�fs eyes to drive the words home. �gBut she won�ft be for much longer. That I can assure you.�h

�gWhat are you saying, Mako-chan?�h The Priestess of the Sun blinked at her in shock. Her weeping actually ceased. Makoto smiled inwardly in satisfaction. Now that she had the attention of the girl she loved, she could deliver the decisive blow to steer the course of the latter�fs actions on the path that she herself desired.

�gOf course you didn�ft know,�h she replied in a grim but clear voice. �gWell, a piece of news arrived at the Grand Shrine shortly after you left. The Priestess of the Moon had joined forces with the Orochi, Himeko.�h

�gIt�fs impossible!�h The golden-haired girl couldn�ft seem to close her own mouth. Her amethyst eyes were now two large teacups on her beautiful, shock-ridden face.

�gI don�ft think she means to let you kill her again. Maybe that�fs why she went to the dark side.�h

�gShe doesn�ft have to,�h the Sun Priestess sobbed bitterly. �gMy life is always hers to take.�h

�gYou don�ft get it,�h Makoto muttered while trying to keep her irritation in check. She hoped it didn�ft show in her tight voice. �gLet�fs just imagine that in the near future, the Orochi win the battle, thanks to our friend the Priestess. The world is enslaved. Any who resists – you, me, the Priests – dead before they can blink. What is going to happen then? What do you think the Dark God is going to do to a Priestess once he has exhausted her use?�h

Himeko stared speechlessly at her as sweat coming out of every pore of her skin. Then she started to tremble. Makoto�fs words were sinking in, just like she wanted them to. She hadn�ft wanted to lie to her sweetheart – small chance the Dark God would return the Moon Priestess to the Cycle of Death and Rebirth, due to the obvious reasons the blue-haired girl had stated in the audience – but when the life of the one she loved was at stakes, she hardly could afford not to say a few untrue words.

�gYou�fve begun to see, right?�h Makoto continued. �gNo matter what Himemiya could do for the Orochi, she�fs still a traitor, Priestess or no Priestess. No one wants a traitor in their midst, Himeko. When everything is over, they are going to kill her for sure. I have to say that seeing how brutal the Orochi have been lately, it�fs highly doubtful they are going to be gentle doing that.�h

�gChikane-chan... is going to...�h horror dawned on Himeko�fs face in the most satisfactory manner. Makoto wanted to chuckle aloud. �g...die?�h

�gExactly.�h Makoto nodded, feeling triumph bubbling beneath her calm yet sorrowful façade. �gYou would be doing her a favor by killing her, I think. Besides, you can save the world in the process, can�ft you?�h she added as if an afterthought. An additional weight on the already wavering balance ought to tip it over, no doubt.

The golden-haired girl sat there for several minutes and stared blankly at the fence, which was covered by a multitude of roses of various colors. Even without invading her secret crush�fs mind, she could still see the idea, which she successfully implanted without rousing any suspicious toward herself, being mulled over and over again in the Sun Priestess�fs head. She almost cried out in victory after another few minutes had passed, when she saw determination lighting up her former roommate�fs amethyst eyes. Success, she thought. Between seeing Himemiya Chikane die by slow torture and giving her a merciful death, there was little doubt which path Himeko was going to choose.

The Priestess of the Moon rose to her feet and moved toward the entrance.

�gWhere are you going?�h Makoto asked in a very casual tone.

�gBack to the Grand Shrine, Mako-chan,�h The golden-haired girl answered while using her wide yukata sleeves to dab at her face. When she was done, no dried trails of tears were left on a face that was set with conviction.

�gWhat for?�h

�gTo save my world.�h With that, the golden-haired girl left the Garden of the Roses.

Be strong, Himeko, Makoto thought as she too, slowly stood up. I shall be there when you drive your sword through Himemiya�fs body. I shall be there to offer you my shoulder to weep on afterwards. In time, your love for her shall wane, your pain lessen and vanish. Then, you are going to be mine.

Suddenly, something in the other girl�fs words struck her like a hammer across her chest She could feel the blood draining off her face. By �gmy world�h, she didn�ft mean that, did she? Makoto sincerely hoped not.




With his hands clasped behind his back, Izanagi the Ruler of Heaven silently studied the majestic silver moon on high. The leaves of the trees surrounding his secluded spot to the west of Shingetsu Grand Shrine rustled in the night breezes. Such relaxing sound, such refreshing air, and such incredible scenery.... Izanagi would have smiled in contentment and in awe of the wonder of nature he himself had created, had there not been someone truly offensive who just walked out from a Dimensional Portal a few feet behind him. He turned his head and looked. It was a woman in a green dress, one who loved to smile but for all the world, she could do little more than baring her teeth. Such revolting smile, such filth... he thought in abhorrence.

�gHibiki Shizuku, correct?�h he said, his voice a dangerous whisper. According to Yuusaku�fs personnel profile of the Orochi woman, Hibiki liked people to call her Nekoko. She was in for a nasty surprise if she thought Izanagi was going to do that. After all, she was a Follower of Yamata no Orochi, the hideous sinner Izanagi would not mind tearing limb from limb as many times as he could.

�gWhere�fs Yuusaku?�h the Follower demanded, her words painted with insolence.

�gI shall take his place today,�h Izanagi replied with his back still facing the woman. He surely was not going to sully himself by talking face to face with someone he considered worse than pond scum. Just being here already made him want to take a long bath.

�gWhy did you call me out, then?�h

�gYou are not here to question me, Orochi.�h Izanagi snapped, his voice cold enough to do an iceberg proud. �gBe quiet and only speak when you are asked!�h

�gHow dare you...�h Hibiki Shizuku began heatedly but shut up when she was struck by his icy sidelong glance. Her knees immediately gave way and knelt her on the ground, where she trembled as though naked in the winter�fs heart. Weakling, he decided. He had not even used his power on her yet.

�gI... I understand, Lord,�h the woman managed weakly between her attempts to desperately gasp for breath. Had she had the gall to say otherwise, Izanagi would have made her wish she had never been born.

�gGood.�h He nodded, slightly pleased at the crippling mental effect that he had wrought on the vile Orochi Follower. �gNow tell me whatever the Priestess of the Moon had told the lot of you.�h

�gI wasn�ft there when the... Dark God,�h she no doubt had meant to say �gLord�h, Izanagi knew, �gmet with her.�h She noticed his hard stare and flinched as if struck. �gBut I have the record of the whole audience! Yamata no Orochi gave it to all of us to hear.�h She held up her right palm, from which a glowing sphere emerged. She looked as though she wanted to move toward him on her knees and hand it over with both hands. Not that he intended to let her went an inch closer to him unless out of absolute necessity, of course.

At a snap of his fingers, the voice record flew toward him and stopped above his outstretched hand. As his mind delved into the glowing sphere, he heard everything that was spoken in the so-called audience and saw all that had happened. When his consciousness returned to him, a satisfied smile was already forming on his stone-cold face. Just as he had suspected, the Priestess had told the Orochi a tale that was the same as what the High Priest had told him and his little brother, word for word. Why, they could have been spoken from the same mouth! Clever, clever indeed, Izanagi thought. Now he was certain as to what the Priestess of the Moon was scheming in that pretty head of hers.

�gYou may leave,�h he said afterwards.

The woman exhaled in relief before she scrambled to her feet and vanished into a newly woven Dimensional Portal.

Hibiki Shizuku was a woman too greedy for her own good. She was the person who contacted the Messengers and told them that she was more than willing to be their spy in return for immortality and pardon for the monstrous crimes she committed, which she claimed to be done under her liege lord�fs command. Outwardly, she tried to act as though she had come back to the Light but Izanagi and Yuusaku knew her probably better than she did herself. The woman was in fact double-crossing both the Immortals of Heaven and her own comrades, pitching them against one another so she would always be the one who benefited the most in the end. Should the Orochi Followers succeed in overtaking the whole world, she would rule over humanity in a position that was higher than any king of queen could have wished for. Yet, should Izumo emerge victorious instead, she would gain immortality and lose nothing except the Orochi�fs tainted name. Dangerous woman, he thought. That was what she was.

Putting Hibiki Shizuku out of his head, he focused on the issue of the Priestess of the Moon. Once again, he had been correct. He was definitely not getting any sleep for another long time. Heaving a deep, dark sigh, he made a Portal to go back to the Holy City. There was much to be done.




When Sei no Tsurugi no Rinne descended on the rocky surface of the Moon, she found herself standing in front of the remaining of the Lunar Shrine, where the Priestesses of Kannazuki once lived. Three thousand years ago, it was an impressive structure situated atop a breath-taking land. Now, it was but a heap of burnt wood and darkened stones. And the most incredible about this whole business was the fact that neither the Dark God Yamata no Orochi nor the Sword God Ame no Murakumo was responsible to the destruction of the Lunar Shrine. It was the Original Priestess of the Moon who had reduced the structure to this pitiful state.

�gYou are quite early,�h commented the Regent of the World, who walked out calmly from a Portal to Rinne�fs left. In a snowy hagoromo the style and material of which reflected her high station, with raven hair that fell luxuriantly to her waist, the Mother of All was a stunning woman who looked as though she was in her late twenties. Next to her, Tsukiyomi the Goddess of the Moon seemed more like her younger sister than daughter.

�gIzanami-sama.�h Rinne fell down on one knee, her right hand placed primly on heart.

�gShall we go, then?�h the Lady of Reiha said without preamble.


The Supreme Ruler of the Underworld took out something from inside her hagoromo and raised it high in the air. It was a crystal brooch in the shape of the sun, her Amaterasu-nee-sama�fs namesake. Rinne knew what it was going to be used for. She was even aware of how it was made. Of course, she knew everything that she needed to, after all.

Golden light blazed from the brooch. When it had finally died down, both of them had already been brought into a small room that was brightly lit, a room the opened shoji doors of which showed her a white lily field that stretched to the furthest corner of the horizon. It was also the room in which one man sat in a slump, one man whose handsome face retained neither colors nor emotions, one man who looked as though he no longer lived.

Akira.... Tears dripped from Rinne�fs face as she ran to the man she had always loved. She would not mind if Izanami-sama was watching. She would not care whether the Great Mother was in the room at all. She only wanted to embrace him right now. �gAkira...�h she called out to the man whom she was forced to abandon three thousand years ago.


Onwards to Part 10

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