Familiar Unfamiliarity (part 8 of 8)

a Hidamari Sketch fanfiction by Love-is-god

Back to Part 7
"Thank you, Hiro-san."  Yuno opened the door to let herself outside 
after a short session of shoulder patting and there-there-ing.  

"Good luck, Yuno-san."  Hiro called after her.  Yuno closed the door, 
and Hiro took her book back up, opening where she had been and laying 
her bookmark back down on the table.  She paused, and tapped her lip 
with her thumb.  She wondered if perhaps she should have been more 
understanding of Yuno's perceived predicament.  No, she just couldn't 
manage it. Hiro was one-hundred percent sure that whatever the outcome 
of Yuno's confession, those two would still be friends, so fretting was 
pointless.  Sure, this was undoubtedly a big event for Yuno, falling in 
love for the first time, but Hiro couldn't help but think that it seemed 
a lot simpler from the outside looking in, just as one tends to become 
frustrated with oblivious characters in stories and wish they would 
"just say something already!"  

Her eyes scanned the page until she found her spot, and her last thought 
before delving back into the story was that she couldn't wait for Sae to 
hear about this.  

Yuno stood outside and wavered between going to her room, and running 
down Miyako on her way to the store. She tried to imagine that, running 
there as fast as she could, Sae and Miyako hearing her coming and 
turning around, standing there with her hands on her knees, trying to 
catch her breath.  What would she do about Sae?  It wasn't that she 
wanted to keep anything a secret from Sae, but confessing in front of 
somebody else?  That would be way too embarrassing!  Or, she thought it 
would be.  Come to think of it, she didn't know how embarrassing it 
would be for Sae to overhear, because Yuno didn't yet have any idea what 
would be overheard; that is, what she would be saying.

Room, then, she decides, but then pauses again.  She turns around and 
knocks on Hiro's door once more.

"Yes?"  Comes the faint response.  Yuno sticks her head through the 

"Why do I have to do this today?"

"Who said anything about it having to be today?"  Yuno paused.

"Wait, didn't you say--"

"No, Yuno, I don't believe so.  I can't imagine why you would want to 
wait, however."

"Okay, thanks.  Bye again."  Yuno closes the door.  Today it is then, 
she thinks as she takes the stairs up to her room.  How did one go about 
this confessing thing again?  She wondered.  She still had her manga up 
there, she thought, and decided to do some research first.  


"That will be three hundred twenty-five yen, please."  Miyako 
regretfully dug out the required fund from her pocket and dropped them 
on the counter, looking as though each one was composed of blood from 
her veins.  

"Here you are... goodbye, my monetary friends."  

"T-thank you."  The teller said, taken aback as his customer walked away 
looking physically ill. 

"Don't mind her,"  Sae rolled her eyes as she stepped up to the counter, 
"In just a moment she'll--"

"Oh well, at least I have ice-cream.  Hurry up, Sae-san!"  The teller 
looked over sharply to see the results of Miyako's mood switch, then 
shook his head.

"Whatever.  That'll be five hundred eighty-five yen, please."  He said 
to her, bagging the small strawberry cake she had purchased.  

"What's that you've got?"  Miyako tried to peer into Sae's bag as they 
left through the automatic doors and back into the damp, gray outside 

"It's a cake, what's it look like?"

"I see.  Personally, I prefer ice-cream for whenever I have a problem or 
need to do some serious thinking."

"You do serious thinking?"  Sae chided, "Also, this isn't for me, it's 
for Hiro.  Her favorite."

"Strawberry, then."  Miyako confirmed, "Hey, what's it like?"

"Strawberry cake?  I know you've had some before."

"No, I mean having your wife send you out to do the shopping." 

"Wait, wait, it's not like that!"  Sae hastily denied, "I just thought 
I'd go out and get her some, you know.... just because."  A light rosy 
tint touched her cheeks.

"Oh, I get it now.  Sae-san, you like your girls plump."  Miyako grinned 
and skipped ahead.

"Get back here, you!"  Sae yelled after a fatal moment's slack-jawed 
surprise, running after Miyako.  Sae might have been a little faster and 
more athletic, but between Miyako's head start and having to be careful 
with the cake it was a futile effort.  

Miyako arrived back at the apartments, puffing from the run over, but 
smiling.  That had been an informative trip to the supermarket.  Sae 
hadn't found too much amiss with her current theory of having fallen for 
Yuno, and that was good enough for her.  She even knew what she had to 
do now.  Confession time!

She paused at the foot of the stairs.  How did you do that again?  
Confession... she thought it sounded like it should be simple.  You 
could confess to a crime by saying you did it, no frills.  So, shouldn't 
you be able to confess love the same way.  Just go up to Yuno and let 
her know.  She mulled over the scenario.  For some reason, she couldn't 
help but think of it ending with Yuno blushing to her toes, and 
stammering out some sort of refusal.  Sure, it sounded simple, but that 
wasn't exactly the result Miyako was going for.  She took the stairs 
slowly.  What else was there to do?

Secret rendezvous notes?  Yuno thought.
Secret rendezvous notes?  Miyako thought.


Message in a lunch box?  Yuno read, but remembered that they usually ate 
the cafeteria food.  Plus, the girl who was trying that in the book 
wasn't planning on sitting and eating with that boy when he found the 
note, while the four of them usually ate lunch together.


Save her from something, and get nobly hurt in the process? Miyako 
thought, she was sure she'd seen that on television before.  Yuno would 
ask her why she did something so stupid, and Miyako would say, lying 
hurt on the ground... wait, what was there to save Yuno from?  Miyako 
didn't want to just wait for something to come along.


Yuno kept flipping through her mangas.  There just wasn't anything 
really helpful here.  In most of these instances, the person who was 
getting confessed to was already in love with the confessor, who didn't 
know about it.  That wasn't like her situation at all.  Wasn't there 
anything about somebody who fell in love because of a really good 
confession?  Yuno couldn't seem to find any.  She wracked her brain for 
anything she'd ever heard about this situation.  Suddenly, she heard 
Miyako's voice float through her mind, "Do your best!  As long as you 
have love, gender won't be an obstacle at all!"  

Well, that wasn't very helpful at all.  Yuno wasn't really concerned 
about them both being girls, the greater majority of confessions were 
between opposite genders, and they didn't all work; there were plenty of 
other reasons that Miyako could just not return her feelings.  
Disheartened by her lack of supportive research material, Yuno slumped 
over her table.  

Miyako stopped as she passed Yuno's door.  She had been planning on 
thinking more about her confession while going through the better part 
of a pint of ice-cream, but a fine idea struck her.  She knocked on the 

"Y-yes?"  She heard Yuno's voice, sounding a little distracted, "Come 
in, please!"  Miyako opened the door.

"Wow, Yuno-chi, are you trying to see how many manga you can read at the 
same time?"  She asked, looking at all of the opened books lying on 
Yuno's table.

"Uh, no, Miya-chan."  Yuno smiled, and didn't offer any further 

"I came to see if you might like some ice-cream."  Miyako said, 
presenting the cup, "It's cookie dough."

"My favorite!"  Yuno said gleefully, "I'd be very happy if you shared 
with me, Miya-chan.  I'll go get some spoons."

"Why don't you just get one?  We can pass it back and forth, and that's 
less dishes for you."

"Sure thing."  Yuno agreed before she thought of the implications.  When 
she came back with the utensil, Miyako was idly flipping through one of 
the books.

"Thanks."  Miyako took the spoon and started to open the pint carton, 
still fixing her eyes on the book she had been handling.  She dug the 
spoon in and scooped out a bite, putting it in her mouth.  She stayed 
that way, appearing to be thinking about something intensely, then 
pulled the spoon out between her lips, getting every bit of ice-cream 
from it.  She stuck it back in the frozen dessert and passed it over to 
Yuno.  Yuno carved out a small bit of her own.

"Say, Yuno-chi, can you help me out?  If you were going to, how would 
you go about confessing to somebody?"


"Wait, what?!  Yuno came by here while I was out and..."  Sae lapsed 
into a stunned silence.

"Yes.  Why, Sae, what's the matter with that?  You know they'll be okay, 
however Yuno's confession turns out, I thought you would be happy to 
hear about it."

"Oh, I am!"  Sae responded, then she started laughing, and laughing, and 

"Sae,"  Hiro started reprovingly, "I thought this was a little amusing 
too, and I had my share of giggles, but don't you think that's a bit 

"S-sorry, Hiro.  It's just that, well, if only Yuno-san had waited ten 
minutes before coming to see you!"

"Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Miyako went with me to the store, and we had a talk just like you and 
Yuno-san.  And when I say 'just like', I mean 'just like'.  You just 
said Yuno-san was worried about how Miyako felt about her, and I know 
the answer."  Sae quickly related hers and Miyako's conversation, 
skipping over a few parts that Hiro didn't really need to hear about.

"Oh my, Yuno-san's twisting herself in a knot over nothing, then, isn't 

"Appears so.  Now, you told Yuno-san that she was going to have to 
confess.  I told Miyako that she was going to have to confess.  Five 
hundred yen says Miyako beats her to it?"

"Sae,"  Hiro said, pretending to be shocked, "But I'll take that bet.  
Miya-chan might not be so worried about confessing, but she can also be 
lazy.  I think Yuno-san takes the initiative.  All goes well, I'll owe 
you five hundred less yen."

"Just don't forget, you have the rest of forever to work at that debt,"  
Sae said, deciding to play along rather than argue with Hiro about that 
subject again, "And there's no hurry at all."


Yuno almost dropped the spoon in her surprise.

"Confessing what?"  She asked first, hoping that perhaps Miyako was 
referring to something else.  Her friend picked up the book she had been 
flipping through and gestured with it.

"Like in here, confessing to somebody you like that you like them."

"I don't know how you would do that!"

"That's okay, I was just wondering what you think you would do."

"What's with this all of a sudden?"  Yuno asked with a nervous giggle, 
finally starting back in on the ice-cream.  "Are you planning on 
confessing to somebody soon?"

"Er, yes, actually."  Miyako said a trifle self-consciously.  This time, 
Yuno did drop the spoon.  It clattered on the table top, and Miyako 
reached out to grab it.

"Ha, caught it on the first bounce.  How many points is that, Yu... 

Yuno clamped her teeth over her lip, shoulders shaking slightly, holding 
sudden tears back in.  That just wasn't fair.  How did she not know that 
Miyako was already in love with somebody?  It wasn't fair, Yuno had 
finally found out this about herself, and was working out a confession, 
but Miyako was already in love.  

"Yuno-chi, what's the matter?"

"N-nothing, Miya-chan."  Yuno said, sniffling slightly and forcing 
herself to smile, "G-got something in my eye."  

Miyako raised an eyebrow at her.  "Yuno-chi,"  She said, frowning, 
"Didn't we just talk a few days ago about friends keeping secrets from 
one another?  But now you're doing that."  Yuno frowned back.

"I'm not the only one.  Why didn't you tell me that you were in love 
with somebody?"

"That wasn't a secret, I just didn't know about it until today."  Yuno 
choked on that a bit.  This had to be the worst timing ever.  

"So I wasn't keeping a secret, I... was going to tell you soon, 
actually.  But first, you tell me what's wrong, because I don't see 
anything in either of your eyes."

"I can't tell you, Miya-chan.  I just can't."  Yuno started losing her 
internal battle, and a few tears snuck loose.  This wasn't right either, 
she just found out about how she really felt today, there was no reason 
for her to be crying about getting rejected this soon, "Please, could I 
just have a little bit of time alone right now?"  Yuno buried her face 
in her hands, trying to hold back as much as she could until Miyako 

"Sorry, but that does not compute."  Miyako made her way around the 
table, "You can tell me anything, Yuno-chi, I thought we knew that.  
Best friends, right?"  Yuno abandoned her hands in favor of Miyako's 
warm shoulder.

"No, Miya-chan, just leave me alone for a little bit."  Yuno said 
anyway, contradicting her own actions.  

"Okay, I'll just sit here and hug you and leave you alone until you're 
ready to talk."  Miyako wrapped her arms around Yuno and laid her cheek 
atop Yuno's head once again.  

"It doesn't matter anymore!  There's nothing to tell now."  Yuno sobbed, 
though now she had two handfuls of the front of Miyako's shirt and 
didn't look as though she were letting go any time soon.

"Well then it doesn't matter if you go ahead and tell me then, now does 
it?"  Miyako said simply, not moving from where she was.  She didn't buy 
Yuno's arguments for a moment.  Yuno quieted down, though she kept her 
face against Miyako's shoulder for a long while.

Miyako felt her move, and lifted her cheek so she could look at Yuno and 
hear what she said.

"It's you!  You said you had someone you want to confess to."

Miyako nodded.  "That upsets you by itself?"

"No, it's just that I have somebody I want to confess to as well."  Yuno 
explained quietly, then used her handholds to pull herself back into 
Miyako.  Miyako thought that was just as well, so Yuno wouldn't see her 
smile falter.

"That's... that's good, Yuno-chi."  Miyako forced out.  She hadn't even 
gotten the chance to confess, but this hurt plenty anyway.  Broken 
hearts were called that for a reason, Miyako concluded, that was the 
best description she could think of for the lump in her throat and the 
pain in her chest.  "Who is the lucky person?"

"I don't know if lucky is the right word."

"What word would you use, then?  I think whoever has Yuno-chi like them 
has to be one of the luckiest people in the world."

"Not if they already like somebody else."  Yuno wailed, breathing in 
gasps again, but she controlled herself, "The person I was going to 
confess to... is you, Miya-chan."

Fixing things was absolutely wonderful, Miyako decided now.  She thought 
it was almost worth getting her heart broken, just to feel it mend 
itself.  She embraced Yuno fiercely.

"Whew.  That sure makes my job today easier.  Thanks."  Miyako pulled 
away from Yuno, who looked up at her, tears frozen momentarily in favor 
of a puzzled expression.  Miyako curled her fingers under Yuno's chin 
and tilted her face up.

Yuno's eyes widened, then closed.  This couldn't be real.  It couldn't 
be.  She was dreaming, like Miyako had been.  She was probably kissing 
her table top in real life right now, she'd fallen asleep reading 
mangas.  But it certainly was hard to imagine wood being this soft, or 
this warm.  She also didn't think that she bought furniture polish that 
smelled like Miyako.  Lastly, she was sure that whenever you actually 
thought something was a dream, it usually turned out that it wasn't.  
Yuno lunged forward, throwing herself into the kiss that she was now 
sure was real.  Miyako caught her without breaking their lips, wrapping 
her arms around Yuno once more, while Yuno wrapped her arms around her, 
and they held each one another tightly together.  It might have been 
seconds or hours later, but they broke away.

"Did we confess then, Yuno-chi?"  Miyako asked, curling and uncurling 
her fingers against Yuno's back  in a short, light caress.

"I think so?"  Yuno answered.

"Does it really matter now?"  

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't."  

"Is that enough talking for now, then?"

"I think I prefer kissing right now."  Yuno admitted.

"I was just thinking that same thing."

They didn't do much else for the next few hours, though they found that 
there were other fun places to use this kissing thing, just a little 
farther down.  Not too much farther down, neither of them even 
considered going that far today, that would have been a little sudden 
and more than a little premature, they both agreed without having to 
talk about it.  But Yuno did discover that she had a very sensitive neck 
and shoulders, and Miyako took full advantage of it, both of them having 
moved over to the comfort of Yuno's bed.

They were just in the middle of taking full enjoyment in that discovery 
when there was a knock at the door.  Yuno looked over at the door, back 
at a disappointed looking Miyako, and tried to placate her with one more 
firm kiss on the lips and a slow smile before she jumped up and went to 
sit at the table, yelling,

"Come in!"  As she did so.  Miyako had just sat down at the table as 
well when the door opened to admit Sae and Hiro.  

"Oh, Miyako's here too?"  Sae noted, brows raising.  Hiro and Sae only 
made it a few steps into the room before they stopped stock-still, and 
started shaking.

"Sae-san?"  Yuno asked.
"Hiro-san?"  Miyako raised an eyebrow questioningly.

They started laughing.  

"What, what is it?"  Yuno said, bewildered.  Sae and Hiro fell silent, 
looked at one another, then burst into more chuckles, walking into the 
room and sitting down at the table.

"So... you two have just been sitting here for a few hours, with a bunch 
of scattered manga, watching ice-cream melt?"  Sae pointed to the 
forgotten carton on the table from before, which had achieved the 
consistency of snow-slush on a well worn path.

"Um, well, that is..."  Yuno started, flushing.

"No, no, Sae,"  Hiro interrupted her, "They must have forgotten the 
ice-cream when the vacuum cleaner ran up Yuno's shirt  and she had to 
fight it off."  
Yuno exchanged a blank look with Miyako, whose eyes traveled down 
slightly and widened.  Then she, too, was joining Sae and Hiro in their 
laughter, and Yuno felt good and well alone and lost.  Miyako leaned 
over to her.

"Um, Yuno... I think I was a little too energetic.  Your collar-"  Yuno 
felt, and the neck of her shirt was all stretched out from Miyako trying 
to get access to more skin without removing it first, "And, there's 
this."  Miyako reached out with a finger and circled a very obvious mark 
left on Yuno's neck.  Yuno immediately flushed and tucked her chin down, 
looking to her onlooking friends like a turtle trying to withdraw its 

"Looks like Miyako wasn't so lazy as you thought, Hiro."  Sae winked, "I 
say it looks like I won the bet."

"Bet?"  Yuno and Miyako asked simultaneously.  Sae and Hiro looked 
slightly uncomfortable.  Sae started to explain first.

"Well, Miyako, after I had told you to confess to Yuno--"

"Wait a minute."  Yuno interrupted and turned to Miyako, "You... oh 
right, your confession!  You mean it was for me?"

"You didn't know by now?"

"I forgot you even said anything like that!  We were busy with other 

It took a few minutes and four voices speaking in spontaneous turn, but 
the whole story was finally made known to both Yuno and Miyako, along 
with the specifics of their little bet.

"But you didn't win, then, Sae-san."  Miyako said thoughtfully, "Yuno 
confessed first."

"No, Miya-chan.  I said that I had wanted to confess, that's not the 
same.  I would say that your kiss was the real confession."

"Nah, saying that you wanted to confess is too the same.  You went 
first, Hiro-san wins."

"Hey, hey, forget it."  Sae laughed, "It's not that important."

Miyako and Yuno looked at one another and smiled.  "You're right, 
Sae-san, it's not that important."  Miyako slung an arm around Yuno's 
shoulders and hugged her close, but then her eyes fell once more on the 
half-melted ice-cream.

"But that's a tragedy!"  She cried, letting go of Yuno and slumping 
dejectedly on the table, "My poor ice-cream.  My poor three hundred 
eighty-five yen."

Hiro reached over and took up the carton.  "Wait, Miya-chan.  It's still 
salvageable.  It doesn't quite work to re-freeze it, but I think I could 
make a few nice cookie dough milkshakes with this."

"Cookie dough milkshakes?"  Yuno said aloud, unsure what she thought of 
that.  Miyako wasn't so concerned.

"Hooray!  Hiro-san saves the day and the ice-cream!"  She nuzzled her 
forehead on the top of Yuno's head playfully.

"Say Hiro, they sure seem to have gotten the hang of this fairly 
quickly."  Sae noted objectively.

"It is Miya-chan."  Hiro said simply, by way of explanation.

"It's Yuno too."  Sae added, "It takes two."  She stood and offered a 
hand to Hiro, "Why don't I take you to go fix up that idea of yours, and 
we can leave them alone for just a few more minutes."  She directed her 
voice to the smiling pair, lost in one another's company.

"Hey- yes, you two, there, with the canoodling and such."  They turned 
to her, "You've got ten minutes.  If Hiro can make this for us, you two 
can manage to come over to her apartment to get them, don't make her 
come back to you.  Try and get done what you need to by then."

"We'll be there, Sae-san."  Miyako guaranteed, "After all, we have the 
rest of the night to get done anything we can't fit in."

"Oh no you don't."  Sae said warningly, "I can't sit idly by while a 
couple of students lose sleep on a school night, what kind of 
upperclassman would I be in that case?"

"Miss Deadline is one to talk."  Miyako grumbled to Yuno, who giggled.  
Sae furrowed her brows, but Hiro grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

"Later, Sae, your words are falling on deaf ears right now."  Hiro 
chimed as she pulled Sae out of the apartment.  

"Besides, what would you say if I mentioned that I didn't mind losing my 
sleep tonight?"  Hiro asked archly.  Sae backtracked hurriedly.

"Wait a sec.  Hold on, Hiro. that's an entirely different matter."  

"Oh?  How so?"  

Sae floundered, unable to come up with any words.  "I see."  Hiro 
smiled, and walked away towards her own apartment, Sae hurriedly 

"Say, Yuno-chi, isn't there a little more to this girlfriend thing?"  
Miyako asked between kisses.  Yuno turned her head on her pillow, 
looking thoughtful.

"Mm-hmm.  Why do you ask, Miya-chan, are you tired of kisses already?"  
Yuno reached over to scatter a few across Miyako's face.

"Not a chance."  She answered with a straight face.

"Then we can worry about those other things later."

"Sounds good to me."  Miyako nodded, continuing where she had left off.  
After a few seconds, however, Yuno put a hand on Miyako's cheek, drawing 
their faces apart.

"No, that's wrong."  She said, "There is one thing that I think we need 
to worry about now."

"What's that?"

"I didn't really say it before, I just realized.  I love you, 
Miya-chan."  Miyako smiled tenderly.

"I love you too, Yuno-chi."

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