Night Angels Omakes (part 6 of 7)

a Hellsing fanfiction by Elwin Blain Coldiron

Back to Part 5
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, dressed in her battle regalia, studied the area 
under surveillance, an abandoned pair of warehouses on London's dock area along the Thames 
River, still wrecked from the attacks by Millennium and Iscariot. Using a field telescope, 
she watched the two individuals outside the larger of the two. "Hmmm... S.A.S-standard-issue 
automatic weapons... rigid time schedules in relieving the watches... as well clear-eyed and 
sober guards for them." Putting down the scope, she indicated to the other women with her - 
Irene 'Rally' Vincent, Seras Victoria, Moria Hedgley and Bridgett Healy, and added, "No 
doubt, we have our work cut-out for us."

Moria and Bridgett also observed the guards using binoculars, the two vampires relied on 
their 'third eyes' to do the same. "Indeed," the brunette butler/werewolf said, nodding. 
"This is going to be very difficult."

"Those guys have really got their shit together," the black-uniformed Rally added - which 
got a disapproving look from Moria.

"Really, Rally?" Moria huffed, also dressed in her black battle outfit. "That was a rather 
crude remark!"

Rally slunk her shoulders. "Sorry, but that's how I see it, Moria!" she said. "Did you find 
anyway else we could get in, Master?"

"Not without calling too much attention to the human... or mostly human girls with us," the 
No-Life Queen added. "Myself and Rally could enter with relative ease, but I wouldn't do so 
without decent back-up from the rest of you."

"I am more concerned with all that fuel stored inside that building opposite of the 
warehouse," the Hellsing leader further added, watching the building with her telescope. "If 
any of it were to blow-up as a result of a stray bullet, the flaming embers from the blast, 
as well as the concussion, could trigger a massive conflagration around the docks - one in 
which London's damaged fire brigades could ill-afford to fight." Sir Integra thought for a 
minute. "It seems that a direct assault is out of the question, ladies. What we need is a 
more... pernicious strategy."

Bridgett was listening, all the while still watching the entrance. Although she was now 
dressed in a yellow Hellsing miniskirt uniform - like Rally - she still found it hard to 
believe that, as a result of a misunderstanding the previous night, she was now bound to 
Rally, just as Moria was... which explained why she was able to listen-in on a telepathic 
exchange between the two earlier. Still, she continued to observe as a large lorry made it's 
way to the main warehouse.

But Rally was still uneasy as she watched Bridgett. Taking care to isolate the girl from her 
thoughts, she looked over to Moria and telepathically said, 'Moria... I learned from 
Bridgett's blood that she may be still in a bit of a shock from the deaths of her parents 
and Angus McGregor. From what I was able to see, she has yet to simply CRY over the whole 

'It looks like she's trying to put-on a brave face, considering what she's gone through,' 
Moria added. 'Still, she seems to be holding-up well.'

'Yeah... but I wonder how long will it last?'

All the while, the lorry that was driving up to the warehouse began backing up to the doors. 
As soon as the guards were satisfied that an attack wasn't forthcoming, they allowed it 
inside... just as a young man dressed in leather and sporting a blonde Mohawk hairdo made 
his way to the guards. "My... GOD!!!" Bridgett hissed, recognizing the man. "'s... 
him... the bastard that killed Mr. McGregor!"

"What?" Moria turned her attention from Rally and looked at the door through her 
binoculars... and quickly recognized the individual mentioned! "Bloody hell... it looks as 
if we've missed one from last night!"

"Either that," Sir Integra added, looking with her telescope, "or he was not present when 
you girls attacked their lair!"

Rally glanced over to Bridgett, noting the girl's expression of barely-controlled rage 
before she and Seras checked-out the scene. "They called him 'Stig'," Bridgett growled, her 
anger growing. "All because Mr. McGregor didn't have OxyContin - and the stupid, illiterate 
dolt couldn't read the sign - that bastard killed him!" Her body trembled as she continued 
seeing Stig talking to the guards before being admitted in. "I want to rip him apart," 
Bridgett continued to say, "tear him to pieces, then flush them down the nearest operating 

"I have no doubt about that," Sir Integra added, "but we need to gain entrance to that place 
first! And I believe I know just how." Turning to Rally and Seras, she further said, "I want 
you two to go down there and prepare the way!"

Rally was incredulous. "Are you kidding, Integra?" she whispered, wondering if her friend 
had lost it completely! "We're going to need a small army to get through there!"

And as to allay her friend's doubts about her sanity, Sir Integra eyed the two vampires 
again and said with a smile, "You require an army? Well then... make one!"

Seras caught-on. "Oh... is that it?" the No-Life Queen replied. "Very well, we'll just do 
that!" Tapping Rally on the shoulder, she added, "Come long, Rally... I'm feeling quite 
peckish right now!"

Rally was still confused - until she got the gist of the exchange. "Alright, Master!" 
Grinning greatly, she and Seras disappeared into the shadows.

Intrigued, Bridgett was able to make her way to Sir Integra, who had ducked underneath some 
debris and found a cigar. "Excuse me, Sir Integra," she asked, "but... what exactly have you 
sent those two off to?"

The Hellsing leader paused as Moria lighted the cigar with a jet butane lighter. "It is time 
you have gotten to know exactly what Rally and Seras are capable of, Miss Healy." Taking a 
puff, she added, "But I must warn you... what you are about to see is quite unpleasant to 
watch!" Bridgett decided not to answer, instead taking-up a position with her binoculars.


"Okay, y' can go now," one of the guards say to the driver to the lorry. "W'll see y' aga'n 
tomorrow night." The lorry then took off, its ill-gotten load removed from it. Bored, the 
first of the two turned his back to an opening between the warehouses to have a smoke. Quite 
suddenly, though, two black-gloved hands grabbed him from behind, one restraining him while 
another gagged him - convenient for Rally to lean forward to feed upon him, her fangs 
sinking deeply into his neck.

His companion, seeing what happened, tries to raise the alarm, only to have inky black 
tendrils tying him up and silencing him. Then it was Seras' turn to feed. As quickly as it 
started, the two guards were dead from loss of blood. However, the two vampires didn't rip 
off their heads, instead dragging the two bodies inside the warehouse with the fuel inside.

From then on, for the better part of ten minutes it was pretty much the same; the vampires 
would select their targets, silence them, and drain the very life from them. After her 
fifteenth victim, Rally released him, her eyes alight with the bloodlust that was coursing 
through her body. Eagerly, she looked around, hoping that some unfortunate soul would come 
across her path. Then she would spring upon him, greedily sinking her fangs into him, taking 
into herself his hot, sweet essence that flowed within his veins...

When something jarred her back to reality! Rally suddenly felt sick, realizing at last what 
she was thinking! 'NOOOOO!!!' she screamed mentally as she collapsed to her knees. 'THIS IS 


Rally's mental anguish also caused Moria and Bridgett to wince painfully, holding their 
heads as her scream caused the two girls to fall to their knees as well! "Miss Hedgley..." 
Bridgett gasped, recovering, "what... what just happened?"

"It... it's Rally!" Moria managed to gasp. "She's... she's scared of herself!"


"Rally!" Seras whispered, seeing her childe in anguish. Cautiously, she walked over and 
gently took Rally into her tendrils. "Don't worry yourself unnecessarily about the matter!"

"No... it's not right!" the dusky vampire sobbed, bloody tears staining her face. "I... I 
actually found myself wanting to kill again! I shouldn't be thinking such things! I'm not a 

"I'm afraid you are, Rally," Seras corrected gently. "You're as much a killer as I am... a 
killer who lusts for human blood!" Taking a tissue from her ammo belt, she cleaned away the 
blood stains from Rally's face. "However, what makes you and I different from any vampire 
we've previously faced is that we have a conscience... that we care not to kill innocent 
humans along the way!"

"May be," Rally replied, "but it doesn't make me feel any better." Sighing, she added, "I 
wasn't myself, just this... monster looking for the next victim to come around the corner!"

"Well..." the No-Life Queen observed thoughtfully, "we did have more than our share of fresh 
blood these past two days. I guess your reaction would be understandable."

'Indeed, my lovely,' Moria's mental voice added, startling Rally. 'Rally... you are much 
stronger in will than any other vampire! I KNOW you're not a heartless murderer!'

'And somehow, I feel the same as Miss Hedgley, Rally,' Bridgett also added. 'Please, don't 
give in to despair... not at this time!'

Rally took a few minutes to center herself. "I... I guess what happened was some sort of 
'safety valve' that kicked-in back there," she said, sighing. "One thing's for certain... 
after all this is over, it'll be tough to get back to bagged blood!" Both vampires chuckled 
at this, but were interrupted by a shuffling noise. "Looks like our 'army' is ready to move 
out. Master, could you tell Integra we're ready?"

Smiling, Seras nodded, then cleared her head and said, 'Sir Integra, we've had a little bit 
of a crisis here, but everything's settled. We're ready on our end, how about you?'


'We are ready, as well,' Sir Integra replied. 'Take up positions at both entrances to the 
main warehouse, wait for my word, then move out.' Standing up, she took note that Moria and 
Bridgett had recovered from their little misadventure, she said, "Moria, are you and 
Bridgett recovered sufficiently to accompany me?"

"Indeed I am, Sir Integra," the brunette said, making sure her Glock 22 was loaded, her 
employer also checking her Walther PPK. "How should we approach this, though? Shall we 
stealthily make are way inside - or take the 'bold' approach and walk right in front of the 

Studying the entrance, the Hellsing leader replied with, "We have done enough sneaking, 
Moria. We will boldly enter the main warehouse, then find their intentions with their 
ill-gotten gain!" Turning to Bridgett, she added, "Miss Healy, wait out here and catch 
anyone escaping. Rally did check you out on your weapon, did she?"

"Indeed she has," Bridgett answered, checking the Mauser C-96 'Red 9' - also known as a 
'Broomhandle' - Rally had given her. "My question is, shall I use semiautomatic fire or full 
automatic?" She held-out the antiquated, yet still serviceable pistol in her hand.

Sir Integra smiled. "Whatever you fancy at the moment, Miss Healy," she answered, then 
turned to Moria. "It is time to move-out!" Moria nodded as the two women left their place of 
concealment, Sir Integra drawing her saber, whereas the two women walked side-by-side. 
Bridgett moved to a closer vantage point, mindful to watch for stray bullets.


The next watch has made their way to the main warehouse opening - and were alarmed that 
their fellows were absent. They were about to report in when one of them saw two women 
striding purposely towards them. Bracing their guns, the first one made the challenge. 
"You!" he called-out, "what's yer bloody business 'ere?"

"The business of Her Majesty, that is what!" Sir Integra answered back boldly. "Now get out 
of our way!"

"Th't's wot y' fuckin' think, bitch!" the second one yelled as he drew down.

They struck quickly. Moria's eyes shifted from emerald-green to bluish-white, then she leapt 
forward and slashed the second guard's throat open with her claws. Surprised, the first one 
tries to sound the alarm, only to be run-through in the heart by Sir Integra's saber. 
Satisfied with the results, the two women nodded crisply at each other as they left the 


"Now calm down, Stig, and tell me what's going on?" a young man, tastefully dressed, asked, 
noticing the trembling leather-dressed youth in front of him. Elsewhere in the warehouse, 
about 80 individuals busied themselves stacking crates of food, tools and clothing inside 
the warehouse, all of them armed.

"I'm tellin' y', Alan," Stig began, tears of fear in his eyes, "they w're all butchered!" He 
took a few breaths to calm himself before continuing. "I left t' find out about Reg, but all 
I found o' 'im was 'is body without it's 'ead... an' no blood puddle! I decided t' tell 
Holly wh't I found, but when I got back t' th' hideout, a whole lot o' soldiers an' some o' 
th' survivin' pigs w're about! So I decided t' use th' secret tunnel t' see wot's goin' on!"

Quite suddenly, Stig turned green, and he looked as if he was about to throw-up remembering 
what he saw. "It was 'orrible! There w're bodies all torn-up an' scattered all about! An' 
not a drop o' blood anywhere, as well! I even saw one o' th' soldiers up-chuck at wh't 'e 
saw! I decided t' get out o' there before I got caught!" He then returned his gaze at Alan 
and continued with, "Th't's when I decided t' look y' up an' see if you'll take me in! I can 
be of 'elp t' y' if y'd let me."

"That depends, Stig," Alan answered, walking up to the mohawked youth. "To be honest, I find 
that story a little hard to swallow, but it does explain quite a lot, especially with the 
government's story that your gang had killed each other in a drug-induced rage."

"ARE Y' CALLIN' ME A LIAR, Y' BASTARD!?!?" Stig shrieked, only to be stopped by the 
bodyguards flanking Alan.

"Now calm down, I'm only saying what I've heard from the official sources," Alan replied, 
placing his arm around Stig's shoulder. "Besides, you're good for it! I'm certain I can find 
a position within our little... organization, provided you can tow your end."

What everyone didn't know at the time was that Moria and Sir Integra had made their way 
inside the warehouse, where they held one of the guards; Moria, using her enhanced strength, 
holding his arms back and gagging him, while Sir Integra had her gun to his jaw. The two 
women then continued to listen in as Alan relayed his plans to Stig.

"Wot I don't understand is," Stig said, "y' plan t' give all this boodle away t' th' stiffs 
outside. T' 'ell with 'em, I say! Let 'em fend fer themselves, w' kin live like kings with 
all this stuff!" What he got was a hard slap in the back of the head by Alan. "OWW!!! WOT'S 
TH'T FOR!?!" he yelled.

"That's the problem with you anarchists, Stig... you think too small," Alan continued while 
Stig rubbed the back of his head. "Sure there's quite the lot here... but it won't last 
forever!" He then made an all-encompassing gesture, "London will rebuild and rise again, 
have no doubt about it... but I want to be on the bottom floor and rise up like the morning 
crème in the bottle when it happens!"

"Wot are y' talkin' about?" Stig asked, confused.

Alan took his time before answering. "I have it on good authority that the banks will be 
opening tomorrow. With all the raids my lads had been doing, there's going to be a big 
demand for what we've got. All we have to do is to discreetly get the word out that there's 
goods to be had. All they have to do... is come up with the money to get it."

It took a few seconds for Stig to get the implication on what Alan was saying. "Oi, I see," 
he began, smiling. "They give us th' cash... w' give 'em th' goods!"

"Of course," Alan added, "how much they want depends on how much they're willing to spent 
for it. For example, 2-kilo bag of flour would probably fetch about... oh, I say £20, petrol 
£15 a liter, and so forth. We control the amount it would cost, we rake in the cash... and 
in time, we'll be running this town and not the Queen!"

"I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH!!!" Sir Integra roared, startling the men inside the warehouse. With a 
nod of her head, she directed Moria to snap the neck of the guard, which she did. Dropping 
the body on the ground, the two women stepped out of their hiding place and strode in front 
TRIVAILS!!!" Secretly, she telepathically called-out, 'Seras, are you and Rally in 


Bridgett looked in horror as Seras stood in front of the warehouse's front entrance - along 
with fifteen ghouls, all showing various stages of decay, behind her! "Is... is that the 
army Rally and Seras were making?" she gasped. "They look ghastly... not to mention the 
smell is horrible!"

'It's not perfect,' Rally told Bridgett, 'but they're the ticket for this job!'

'Rally's at the back door, whilst I'm at the front, Sir Integra,' Seras replied, oblivious 
to her childe and Bridgett's conversation. 'We're ready to go on your word!'


Stig looked in horror as he recognized Moria. "Bloody 'ell!" he gasped. "Y... y... y're th' 
wolf bitch th't killed Mike an' Nigel! An' I bet y' killed Reg as well!"

Moria just grinned at Stig, revealing her fangs. "Actually," she purred, licking her lips, 
"my girlfriend took care of your loathsome companion. I was busy at the time... reducing 
your other friend to a boney lump of hamburger!" She took a particular satisfaction in 
seeing the look of horror on the mohawked punk's face as she added, "Are you frightened, 
knowing that you'll soon be facing the imps of the pit?" Then a look of rage came over her 
face, "Well you should be! I want you to think of all the wrongs you did in your life so 
far: the children that you've stolen from, the women you've raped - and the people you've 
killed, especially poor Mr. McGregor! I'm going to have particular fun sharpening my claws 
within your rancid gullet!"

"Regardless," Sir Integra continued, noticing the guards beginning to take aim at them, "all 
the goods you have stolen must immedietly be returned to the aid agencies responsible so 
that those surviving would be able to get through this crisis! Do I make myself clear?"

"Indeed you have, you one-eyed bitch!" Alan replied, drawing his gun. "Rest assured the 
goods will be delivered - provided the required cash is paid first!" He then cocked the 
hammer and took aim at the Hellsing leader.

"In that case," Sir Integra answered, not flinching, "I do feel sorry for your display of 
avarice, though. May God have pity on your souls... for we certainly will not!" Then taking 
a deep breath, she called-out, "SERAS... RALLY... NOW!!!"

The front doors ripped first, the No-Life Queen using her tendrils to part them, while Rally 
- transformed into her nightmare form - ripped the back from the bottom up. Surprised, the 
criminals went to face the new threat - only to recoil in horror at what they saw. "Bloody 
hell!" Alan gasped.

"Oh my God," another yelled, "it's the men guarding the fuel!" He was then ripped apart by 
one of the ghouls advancing.

Deciding to move out of the way, Moria and Sir Integra observed as the shambling army began 
their grisly task, while the vampires made short work on the others. "Efficient... brutally 
efficient, Sir Integra," the young werewolf said to her employer, noticing how the ghouls 
were ripping the gang members apart.

"Possibly the first time ghouls were used for constructive purposes, Moria," the Hellsing 
leader added, taking a puff on her cigar. "Well, I say we should not let Rally and Seras 
have all the fun." Bracing her saber, she said, "Ready?"

Moria then transformed into her mid-level form. "More than that, Sir Integra!" The two women 
then took separate paths and entered the fray.

Like the previous night, the attack was a bit of a one-sided affair, with the vampires and 
their ghouls causing the majority of the devastation to the gang. Rally, after assuring 
herself that these are irredeemable humans with no chance of a decent life, proceeded to 
attack and drain her victims, which became more ghouls. Occasionally, though, she would run 
into a virgin - remarkable for this lot - for which she would simply rip apart. Seras, even 
though she was busy the same, would from time-from-time check on her childe and heir, which 
she would smile afterward.

Sir Integra also did her share of damage, most of the time using her Walther to accurately 
shoot whoever got into her way... which included the leader Alan. One time however, a thug 
assaulted her with a length of steel pipe with the intention of braining her. However, 
because of her fencing skills, she managed to parry the attack, then slashed his throat with 
her saber before proceeding to the next victim.

Of them, Moria was the most savage of the four, using fang and claw to tear her victims 
asunder. Like her vampiric lovers, she seemed to taking great joy in tearing the gang into 
unrecognizable pieces. She did have one regret, though - not one of them was an Iscariot 
agent; she was still angry at the manner they killed her father Kenneth during the attack on 

The battle was winding down, with the gang totally devastated, when the werewolf set her 
eyes upon Stig - who had for some reason managed to survive the assault. "You're mine!" she 
snarled, crouching down to pounce upon him.

But what she didn't notice, however, was a young woman, with short spiky blue-dyed hair, was 
creeping behind her, a switchblade in her hand. She sprang quickly, jamming the switchblade 
into Moria's back. The initial attack caused a sensation of shock when Moria felt the cold 
knife enter - followed by burning pain as the woman twisted it! Almost immedietly, Moria 
felt that her left leg had gone dead. This made her fall forward, screaming as she did. 
Stig, barely believing his luck, made his way out of the warehouse.

But the attack on Moria didn't go unnoticed by Rally - as through her link felt the attack. 
As soon as she commanded her ghouls to dissolve to nothingness, she glanced around - and saw 
the attack! "MORIA!!!" Enraged, Rally sprang upon Moria's assailant, sinking her fangs into 
the girl's neck. Once satisfied the woman was dead, Rally used her teeth to rip her head 
off, then allowed herself to transform back as she cradled Moria in her arms. "Please, 
Moria," she pleaded, holding her close, "don't leave me behind!"

"My... my leg..." Moria's voice was almost a whisper, "I... I can't feel... my left leg..." 
Her head then slumped forward. Rally nearly panicked, but was relived to find that her heart 
was still strong and her breathing, although ragged, was constant.

Sir Integra also noticed, after dispatching the last of the gang. "Oh dear God, no!" Both 
she and Seras raced over to Rally, who was trembling as she held Moria. "What happened to 
her?" she demanded carefully.

"That bitch," Rally began, pointing to the decapitated body of the woman, "snuck-up and 
stuck Moria in the back with this!" She turned Moria around and showed Sir Integra the 
switchblade, which was still in the werewolf's back.

"Whatever you do, don't remove it or Moira might bleed uncontrollably!" The Hellsing leader 
then turned to Seras and said, "Seras, do what you can to get her ready for transport!" The 
No-Life Queen nodded, using the nebulous ebony mass of her darkwing to form a litter around 
her stricken friend.


Taking advantage of the current situation, Stig decided to quietly slip away from the 
warehouse, hoping to find someplace in the city to hide. But just as he made a run for it, a 
shot rang-out, followed by a sensation of getting kicked in the crotch. Kneeling over, Stig 
placed his hand over the afflicted area - and found it covered in his blood!

"Damn it all!" Bridgett grumbled, leaving her place of concealment and again taking aim at 
Stig. "That shows me to try to get-off a shot on the run!"

Trembling, Stig glared angrily at the young girl. "Y... Y' FUCKIN' BITCH!!! Y' SHOT ME IN 
TH' BALLS!!!!" Quickly, he reached for his gun and aimed it at Bridgett.

They shot at each other simultaneously.


"YAAAA!!!" Rally's head shot-up as what felt like a shot of electricity in her head.

"Rally! What is wrong?" Sir Integra demanded. But the dusky vampire didn't answer, instead 
getting up and running to the front door. "Seras, stay with Moria and join us when you are 

If she had a heartbeat, Rally's would be running a mile a minute as she left the warehouse. 
The feeling of dread within her caused a twisting of her insides as she broke outside. As 
she skittered to a halt, she found her fears warranted.

Stig was lying on the ground, a bullet in both his crotch and his forehead, with a messy 
exit wound in the back of his head. The look in his eyes told it all - incredulous disbelief 
in what had happened, namely his death.

But Bridgett was on the ground as well, lying in a spreading pool of her own blood. 
"NOOOOO!!!!" the dusky vampire shrieked as she sped to the young woman's side, fearing that 
Bridgett was already dead. As Rally turned her over, she was further horrified to see the 
bullet wound near her heart, but was relieved to find that she was still alive - but barely!

Groaning, Bridgett forced her eyes open and tries to speak, but only coughs-up some blood. 
Recovering, her eyes meets Rally's bloody ones. "Rally... save me... please..." she manages 
to say.

The dusky vampire then realized what Bridgett was asking of her. "NO, YOU CAN'T WANT 
YOU DESERVE BETTER THAN THAT!!!" Rally then flinched when Bridgett touched her cheek, 
looking at her with pleading eyes.

By now, Sir Integra had followed Rally out, and heard the previous exchange. Walking up to 
her friend, she then said, "Rally, I think there is a way you can save her without changing 
her into a vampire! However, we had better act quickly to do it!" Looking at Bridgett, she 
added, "Listen, what I am about to say is important, but only if you agree!" The young girl 
nodded. "Good. Bridgett, what I need you to do is to drink Rally's blood!"

"What? Integra... are you sure...?" Rally asked disbelievingly.

"I am! Now hurry, she does not have much time!"

"Alright." Still unsure, Rally removed her gloves. Then extending one of her fingernails, 
which she cut her left palm open. Satisfied that the blood was flowing, she cradled 
Bridgett's head and offered her palm to her. Weakly, the young girl opened her mouth and 
allowed the cold blood to trickled down her throat for about ten seconds.

"That should be enough, Rally," Sir Integra said, afterwhich the hand was withdrawn.

For a few seconds afterward, nothing happened - then Bridgett's back violently arched 
forward. "OH GOD," she screamed, eyes wide, "I'M... I'M BURNING!!!" With Rally restraining 
her, Bridgett continued to thrash and scream, her eyes' color changing in a variety of hues.

By now, Seras had exited the building with Moria, the No-Life Queen using her darkwing 
cradling and immobilizing her friend. But hearing the screaming, Moria had regained 
conscienesness and craned her head around. "Seras..." she mumbled, "what's... going on?"

Noticed, Seras answered, "It seems like lightning had struck our number a second time, 
Moria. Now just be quiet and get some rest." Moira nodded silently, settling down.

For ten more seconds, Bridgett continued to thrash-about, Rally holding her down. Then as 
suddenly as it began, the girl relaxed. Rally panicked briefly, but was satisfied that she 
was still breathing. But as she examined her, she found the bullet wound had already healed 
- as well as sensing an odd aura about Bridgett. "Integra," she finally asked, "what just 

"I will explain later, right now you and Seras get back to the mansion with Bridgett and 
Moria! I will notify Dr. Trevelyan to meet you there!" tursly replied Sir Integra.

"Gotcha!" Reaching into her pocket, Rally threw Sir Integra her car keys. "Could you drive 
my car back?"

"That I will." Satisfied, both Rally and Seras went airborne, Rally carrying Bridgett while 
her master bore Moria. As they flew towards the mansion, Rally couldn't help but feel 
concerned about her werewolf lover... as well as what happened to Bridgett.


Sir Integra and Seras walking into the parlor, noticing a solitary Rally looking out the 
window. The Hellsing leader was now in her usual suit, and Rally had allowed the shadows 
covering her uniform to retreat, but the dusky vampire barely noticed them. Quite gently, 
Seras walked over and embraced Rally, her darkwing formed as an arm. "I wouldn't worry too 
much, Rally," she whispered, kissing Rally on the cheek. "I'm certain Moria will be 

Rally didn't seem convinced. "She told me she couldn't feel her left leg, Master," she 
replied. Trembling, she broke-out in sobs. "I'm scared for her... she could end-up in a 
wheelchair because that... that bitch stabbed her in the back!"

"Do not dwell upon that, Rally," Sir Integra said, also embracing Rally. "Dr. Trevelyan is 
working hard on her as we speak. Who knows - this could end-up for the better." Rally didn't 
say anything but just clung to the two.

It was two minutes later when Dr. Trevelyan entered the parlor, his surgical smock lightly 
splattered in blood. Anxiously - more so for Rally - the three women turned their attention 
to him. After an agonizing five seconds, he broke-out in a smile and said, "Miss Hedgley is 
going to be alright!"

All three women relaxed upon hearing the news. "My thanks, Doctor," Sir Integra said, 

Scratching the back of his head after removing the rubber gloves, Dr. Trevelyan shrugged and 
added, "Well, I can't take all the credit myself. All I ever did was to remove the 
switchblade and almost immedietly Miss Hedgley's body began to heal itself! Rather 
remarkable abilities that girl has!"

"Doctor," Sir Integra further added, "Rally said that Moria told her she had paralysis in 
her left leg."

"Oh yes that. I've checked the nerves in her leg and already there's some reaction to 
stimulus. I wouldn't be too surprised that, given a few days rest, she'll be up and walking 
as if the injury never occurred!"

"Boy, that's a relief!" Rally sighed, then remembered something else. "Hey, what about 
Bridgett? What can you tell us about her?"

For the first since breaking the good news about Moria, the good doctor had a mystified look 
on his face. "Now that's a puzzler," he said. "Upon examination, I found that there was no 
sign of the previous injury she had. Physically, she's alert and talking... but several of 
her vital signs have changed since the last time I examined her at the relief centre... 
almost as if she had became some sort of vampire, but still human!"

"I will explain that soon, but I must see Miss Healy to do that, Doctor." Sir Integra then 
turned to Rally, "I feel you need to hear this as well."

"Whatever you say, Integra," replied Rally. "I like to know what the hell happened to her."

"I'll come, too, Rally," added Seras, all three women accompanying Dr. Trevelyan into 
Bridgett's room.


As she sat up in the bed, Bridgett couldn't help but to wonder what had become of her. Using 
a hand-held mirror, she examined her teeth - which she now sported vampire-like fangs, but 
didn't feel the almost-ravenous thirst for blood a true vampire would have. Even more 
dramatic was her eyes. What were once warm hazel eyes were now shaded in an unnatural hue of 
mauvine, or aniline purple. 'Unusual to be certain,' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if 
Sir Integra knew of this when she had me drink Rally's blood?'

Quite quickly, though, her attention was diverted to the visitors in her room. "I see you 
are... quite alright, Miss Healy," Sir Integra began. "But I suspect you have questions 
about your survival, as well as your altered appearance."

"That I do," Bridgett began. "Sir Integra, what in the world has happened to me? I mean... 
I'm grateful to you for helping me to survive and all that, but these changes to my anatomy 
are so alarming!"

"Indeed. Mind you, Miss Healy, the severity of your injuries, combined with your will to 
survived, forced us to take extraordinary actions," Sir Integra replied, "one that has 
altered you forever, I fear." Taking a few moments to center herself, she quickly and 
deliberately announced, "You are now a dhampir, Miss Healy!"

The reactions were mixed. Both Seras and Dr. Trevelyan nodded understandably, while Rally 
cringed and looked down in shame. But all Bridgett had was confusion. "Dhampir?" she asked, 

"Yes - half vampire, half human... but belonging to neither," the Hellsing leader said. 
"Normally, dhampirs are created from the sexual union of a male vampire and a human female, 
but any human can become a dhampir upon consuming the blood of a vampire, regardless of 
gender." Walking up to the bed, she knelt-down and looked Bridgett in the eye, saying, "I am 
so sorry I forced this change upon you."

"Well... I did asked to be saved," Bridgett mused, "although I'm still a little blown-away 
for it all." She added further, "I do like to know what to expect, now that I'm this 
creature you mentioned."

Smiling, Sir Integra replied, "In many ways, you have advantages that normal vampires do not 
have. Like more powerful vampires, you can walk in the daylight, but must be mindful not to 
overheat yourself. You have immunity to all things vampires are vulnerable to: silver 
weapons, blessed weapons, wooden stakes and the like. You are also as long-lived as vampires 
but are not limited to drinking blood - although from time-to-time you must consume it. You 
are also as strong as the most powerful vampires, which can make you almost as dangerous as 

Bridgett took this in. "I see," she replied. "From what you've told me, it would be best 
that I remain in your employ if I'm to survive not only this - but just to be about with 
other humans."

"Very good," the Hellsing leader replied. "Rally?"

"Y-yes?" came the dusky vampire's surprised reply, breaking her from her fugue.

Standing up, Sir Integra still address Bridgett as she said, "Although you do not have a 
sire/fledgling relationship to her, I am placing Rally to be your protector. Rally," she 
added, turning to her, "even though you are not her master, I need you to train Miss Healy 
in ways that her new powers will not be a danger to the populace. Can you do that?"

"Like I have a choice?" Rally replied. "I made her into this, after all!"

"Good. Now Doctor," Sir Integra turned to the door, "I wish to check upon Moria. Is that 

"Quite so," Dr. Trevelyan replied, guiding the Hellsing leader to the door. "When she 
woke-up, she was asking about you."

"I'll come as well," added Seras, which Rally followed.

"Rally, could you stay with me?" Bridgett piped-up, sitting up. Rally gulped, but nodded, 
although she looked anxiously as all that was left in the room.

Now alone, Rally felt once again her insides tightening as Bridgett got out of bed and 
walked up to her. "Look, Bridgett," she began nervously, "I'm sorry I did this to you, but 
if you just wait for me to explain..." But got quieted when Bridgett pulled the dusky 
vampire into a deep, lingering kiss. Although taken aback from this, Rally decided not to 
complain too much.

And so for about two minutes the two - vampire and dhampir - continued to kiss, their 
tongues playing with each other. As soon as they parted, the two continued to look each 
other in the eye before Rally finally said with a smile, "You do know you're groping me?"

"What?" Bridgett then discovered her right hand was on Rally's left breast. She tried to 
pull it away but Rally prevented it.

"It's alright. You know... thinking about these past two days, it was only right that I gave 
you my blood, being that I had taken yours."

"Those were crazy days," admitted Bridgett.

As the two paused for a bit, for the first time Rally had noticed the generous curves of 
Bridgett's body through her pajamas. Although not as buxom as Seras or Moria, the 
black-haired girl was... bountifully endowed. "Just a question," the dusky vampire began. 
"How old are you?"

Bridgett though for a bit. "I'll be 17 in two days," she answered.

"Really? 16 and already looking like that?" Rally was impressed. "I think before we take 
things further we should wait a year! I know vampires aren't supposed to be concerned with 
human morals, but I'd like to have some standards!"

"Whatever you say." Picking-up a dressing gown, she took Rally's and as Bridgett added, "Why 
don't we pop over and see how Miss Hedgley is doing?"

"Don't mind if we do?" Almost eagerly, Rally followed Bridgett to the room where Moria was 


Dr. Trevelyan and Sir Integra had already left the room, but Seras was sitting at the edge 
of the bed talking to Moria when Rally and Bridgett walked in. "About time you two 
showed-up!" the No-Life Queen announced, getting up. "I've got something to show you!" 
Pulling the covers from Moria's feet, she asked the young werewolf, "Go on... show them!" 
Moria didn't say anything - but smiled as the toes on her left foot wiggled!

Rally's eyes were alight. "WOW!!!" she exclaimed, hugging Moria. "The doc was right! You're 
going to be okay!"

"I'm glad that you're happy, my lovely," Moria said. "But frankly... I'm getting a bit 
annoyed with the 'pins-and-needles' feeling I'm getting from that leg! It's as if what 
happens after you foot falls asleep!" Then she eyed Rally with a sly look and added, "By the 
way... how was that kiss?"

"What? You mean... oh!" Finally realizing that Moria had mentally eavesdropped upon her and 
Bridgett's intimate moment, Rally just covered her face in embarrassment - only to get a 
lighthearted laugh from Moria.

"It's alright, Rally dear," the werewolf woman said, patting her shoulder. "I'm very happy 
about it... really!" Turning her attention to Bridgett, she then said, "Frankly, I'm happy 
that you, dear, are now part of our little circle - all of us, creatures of night."

"Well, Sir Integra did say I can walk in the sunshine, provided I take cautions," the young 
dhampir said.

"But still," Rally said, a serious look on her face, "we're going to have to work hard if 
we're going to rebuild the organization!"

"Indeed, Rally," Seras added. "It'll take the better part of a year to get manpower back to 
levels prior to Millennium and Iscariot's attack," she then glanced over to Moira, "which we 
were talking about when you two showed up."

"Yes." Moria sat-up in bed as she added, "And I've got one name in particular in regards to 
temporary help." Her face held a grim look, "It'll be a risk, one that Sir Integra might not 
be willing to make - but I think with her, it might do!"

Rally realized what Moria was implying. "Right. Me and Master will leave you to make that 
possible." Then turning to Bridgett, "In the meantime, we're going to have to get you 
started on your training." Rally smiled as she added, "Are you game?"

"Indeed I am!" the black-haired dhampir replied, her mauvine eyes twinkling!

Onwards to Part 7

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