LONDON HEATHROW AIRPORT, LATE AFTERNOON... The crew unloading the cargo from the plane was unusually nervous. The cargo, a red-orange construct similar to a mid-80's Ford RS-200, the word 'Buff' drawn over the driver's side door, was gently being led down the ramp, where the crew checked over the finish of the car, looking for scratches and dings. The main reason for the crew's nervousness stood nearby, a burly Japanese-featured man wearing boots, blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a brown leather coat with ceramic epaulets on the shoulders. He also wore an orange headband as the dark-haired man studied the crew. After they left, he removed the wrap-around sunglasses from his eyes, revealing a jagged x-shaped scar between his eyes, and then proceeded to examine the car himself. Once his examination was done, he turned to the crew, nodded and said, "Good job," giving them a 'thumbs-up'. As one, the men let out a sigh of relief as the large man entered the car. 'From the looks of those guys,' he thought humorously to himself, 'you would've thought I was going to rip them a new one if they put a dent in the car. Really, the Buff's a lot tougher than they think! After all, I built the damn thing myself; I should know what it's capable of.' Before starting the car, he placed a Bluetooth headphone over his right ear - and was immedietly surprised that his cell phone had rang. "Yes?" he said as he answered. "Good afternoon," a female voice answered. "I am talking to Mr. Bean Bandit, am I?" Bean thought for a minute. "Well, yes you are. May I ask whom I'm talking to?" "I am Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing," the voice replied. "Oh yeah, you're the one Becky mentioned, the one who hired Rally," Bean said. "So, what can I do for you, Miss Hellsing?" "For one," Sir Integra replied, "I would ask you to address me as SIR Hellsing or Sir Integra." Bean was a little dumb-founded. "Uh... okay, Sir Integra," he replied, "if you'll call me just 'Bean'. I think it would be a little awkward if you called me 'Mr. Bandit'. Personally, though, I'm not really into formalities in regards to my name." "Understandable," Sir Integra said. "Of the second part, Bean, I would like to hire you on for a few days, mostly for your expertise in automotives." "Pardon me for asking," Bean put in, "but if you've hired Rally, then you've got all the automotive advice you can have. Besides, I've entered myself in the Commonwealth International Automotive Exposition and Show and I really need to get to Customs, not to mention getting a hotel... or maybe some hostel near the city." "I have already taken care of your trip to Customs," Sir Integra said. "Just present your passport to the man at the gate and everything will be taken care of. As for your accommodations during your stay in England, I am prepared to extend my hospitality to you at my mansion. Consider it part of your payment for your service, as well as compensating for the cost of your travel here and your return, as well as cargo expenses." "You're willing to pay for myself and the Buff coming to England, not to mention putting me up here?" Bean repeated, genuinely surprised. "In full," Sir Integra answered. Bean thought for a minute. "Well... a free plane trip to-and-back and room and board while I'm in England, how can I refuse? Just give me your address and I'll be there soon." It took a few minutes for Sir Integra to relate the location of the Hellsing Mansion to the freelance courier, which Bean had taken down on a free scrap of paper. "One more thing," Sir Integra added, "you did not happen to know the circumstances on why your friend Rally is currently in my employ right now?" "Not really," Bean answered. "When I found out Rally had left Chicago, I asked Becky about it. She was rather vague about, but I didn't press for details." "Very well," Sir Integra said, "I am certain all will be explained once you have arrived. I will await you soon." After hanging up, Bean started the Buff and proceeded to the exit gate. And just as Sir Integra promised, all he had to do was to present his passport and he was on his way. However, as he made his way to the motorway, an odd thought came over him. 'Hellsing... now I know I've heard that name before but I can't place it. Where in the world did I hear that name?' Brushing aside the thought, Bean proceeded on his way. THE HELLSING MANSION, A FEW MINUTES LATER... A large flatbed truck circled around towards the motor pool garage, the remains of the late Stanley Hardwicke's Honda Civic on its bed. Awaiting its arrival, Irene "Rally" Vincent and Seras Victoria stood next to Berttle, the Wild Geese's automotive expert. As the truck backed up into the open garage door, the Australian could only shake his head in disbelief. "What a shame about that car," he muttered. "Probably put a lot of love into the little lady." For Rally, however, she looked as if she was on the verge of crying, having seen the wrecked vehicle again. "That poor car," she whimpered, "that poor, poor car!" "There, there Rally," Seras gently said, placing a hand on her apprentice's shoulder. "I realize this it tough, but it was your suggestion to part out the car for Berttle after all." "Maybe so, Master," Rally said, "but I still feel like were violating it, ripping out that engine and the wing and heaven knows what else!" "I wouldn't sweat it, love," Berttle said, stepping back as the bed was tilted and the car slid off. "Besides, we still have that FREAK in that car club to deal with and maybe this little sacrifice might help." Just as the car was being unhooked, Moria and Kenneth Hedgley, the former dressed in black cycling clothes and her father in gym shorts and T-shirt, walked out of the mansion and made their way to the garage. At the same time, Sir Reginald Townstead, chief inspector of Scotland Yard and secret member of the Knights of the Round Table, got out of the truck's passenger side. "Kenneth," he called out, "I didn't expect you to be in the country!" "I had to, Reginald," Kenneth said, greeting the inspector. "Moria's birthday is coming up, you know." "Father's told me what is happening, Uncle Reggie," the maid added. "You must've known yourself if your conversation with my father is any indication." "That I did, Moria," Sir Townstead replied. "I'm sorry if I hadn't told you but your grandfather did say it should be direct family that would tell you about your family's lycanthropy." "I understand," Moira said, walking up to Rally. "So, feeling rested up, my lovely?" "As best as I have," the dusky vampire said as Berttle maneuvered around the car, "but I'm still a little leery about working on this." "Hey Rally," the Australian said, struggling to open the hood, "the latch on this thing is all busted up. Do you think you can open the bonnet up for me?" "Uh... yeah, Berttle," Rally answered weakly. With the Geese member moving aside, she made her way to the front of the car and slid her fingers under the gapping hood. Bracing, she jerked-up slightly, tearing the latch off. "Sorry," she whimpered, propping the hood up so that Berttle could examine the engine. At that moment, Sir Integra, followed by Walter C. Dolnez, entered the motor pool. "So I see the car has arrived," she said, taking note both of the vehicle - and a whimpering Rally. "I realize it is hard, my friend," she continued, walking up to her, "but with a possible FREAK within the Royal Rockets car club, whatever is in this car may be our only hope in stopping it." "Yeah," Rally groaned. The group watched for a few minutes as Berttle looked over the engine and other vital parts. Satisfied, he stood up after examining the front end and said, "Well, the engine and the transaxle are still in fantastic shape, not to mention the hose coverings are okay as well. They should fit my car with no trouble at all. Plus, I found a cold air induction system we may be able to salvage as well." He sighed as he added, "The CV joints are shot, though, possibly because of the collision. However, I may be able to adapt a pair of joints I already have, but I cannot guarantee they'll work right." "If we have to," Sir Integra then said, "we can use the original engine from the car you do have as barter for CV joints specific to what application you have in mind." She then added, "I was also told you have a nitrous oxide system on hand." "Yes I do," Berttle said. "Bought it mostly for the old engine, but I can adapt it for the newer engine." "Might be helpful," Rally added, recovering from her sorrow over the hood. "We have to show the Rockets, not to mention the others at the show that we're just as serious about cars as they are if this mission is to work." She then joined Berttle in examining the engine. XXX "Everything seems to be in order," the gate sentry told Bean as he handed the courier back his passport. "At least you've been expected, so you may proceed." "Thank you," Bean replied, and then slowly made his way inside. 'Never expected an armed guard at the gate,' he thought to himself. 'I wonder the reason why?' He was also amazed to see soldiers - the Wild Geese - drilling just outside the mansion. As he entered the mansion grounds, he happened to notice Rally's Cobra, which was parked near the motor pool. "I guess I'll let Rally know I'm here," he said to himself. He then gunned the engine as he approached the garage, expecting his old friend to be there. Rally did hear, as did everyone else gathered. "That can't be... the Buff?" she gasped, looking up. "Oh crap... Bean? What's he doing here?" Frantic, she ducked behind the hood. Noticing, Seras bend down to her apprentice. "Rally, what's wrong?" she asked. "That's the guy I told you all about, Master! I don't think he knows I'm a vampire!" Rally whispered frantically. "I can't let Bean see my eyes!" "I wouldn't worry too much about that," the Draculina reassured. "You CAN disguise the color of them, you know." Rally blinked. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Quickly, her eye color changed from orange-red to bright blue, afterwhich Seras did the same. In the meantime, Sir Integra, along with most of the others, made her way to the Buff, just as Bean was exiting. "You must be Bean Bandit," she began, shaking his hand. "Rally told me a lot about you, but I never expected that you made such an imposing sight. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." "And you the same," Bean replied. "Even with that suit, you are very beautiful indeed." Sir Townstead, on the other hand, looked a little uncomfortable. "The 'Roads Buster'... here in England?" he muttered, frowning at Bean. "This can't be good." Bean happened to notice the glowering inspector, then bent over and asked Sir Integra, "He's a cop, right? I get that look every time one recognizes me." "Understandable, considering your reputation," said the Hellsing leader. "Sir Townstead, this gentleman here was already en route to this country for the Commonwealth International show and I just asked him if he would consider temporary employment during his stay." "Just so long as it's temporary, Sir Integra," Sir Townstead grumbled, and then returned his attention to Bean. "I've heard plenty of your shenanigans in Chicago, and I just want you to know I will not tolerate any of that on Her Majesty's highways." "Just so long as it's justified, that is," Rally added, stepping away from the car. "So Bean, long time, no see!" "Rally! I thought I would see you here!" Bean exclaimed. "Becky did say you moved to your old hometown but didn't go into details. Maybe later we can have a little chat and catch up on a few things." "Uh... yeah, Bean," Rally replied uncomfortably, but then thought, 'Crap! How am I going to explain that I'm a vampire now?' 'It'll come in time, I'm certain, Rally,' Seras mentally replied. It was at that moment that Bean had glanced over at the car that was being looked over by Berttle. "Shit! What happened to that car? Looks like it lost a fight with a couple of long-hauls!" "Uhhhh... we'll get to that later, Bean, I think Integra would like to talk to you first," Rally said hastily. "Hey Moria, care to come with us?" "Like to, Rally," Moria said, looking at Kenneth, "but I still have my lessons with Father. I'll possibly join you later." "Frankly, I agree with Rally," Sir Integra added. "Moria, continue with you lessons and join us when you are ready." "You go ahead, Rally," Berttle further added from the wrecked Civic. "I'm going to be busy checking out this thing for a while." "Thanks, Integra, Berttle," Rally said. The group made their way inside the mansion, where Bean began to take-in the elegant décor. "I have to admit, Rally," he said, "this is miles away from your old house in Chicago." "You're being too modest, Bean," she replied. However, Bean turned his attention to Sir Integra. "But there's one thing I'm curious about, Sir Integra. I noticed upon entering that there were armed guards at the gate. And everywhere on the grounds, I'm seeing soldiers drilling on the lawn. I wonder what's going on to warrant such men?" "A justified question indeed," Sir Integra answered. "Very well, I will tell you, provided you can keep a secret." "If you're paying me good money," Bean replied, "then you've got it!" Sir Integra nodded. "I am the leader of a secret organization called the Royal Order of Protestant Knights Hellsing, or the Hellsing Organization for short. Myself and those under my leadership have pledged ourselves to the protection of church and sovereign against all supernatural and satanic threats that might arise." Bean looked at the Hellsing leader a bit oddly. Granted he was expecting a straight answer, but he didn't expect that. "What kind of threats are you after specifically." "Better yet, why don't I show you," Alucard's voice replied out of nowhere. Rally covered her face in embarrassment. "Shit," she muttered as those gathered looked wildly around - only to discover the No-Life King walking through the wall in front of them. "Specifically," Alucard continued, walking in front of Bean, "the Hellsing Organization is the monsters that hunt the other monsters - vampires!" Although surprised by this appearance, Bean stood his ground. "Is that so?" he said, staring Alucard directly in the eye. 'Is Bean nuts?' Rally thought to herself frantically. 'He's just asking to get himself killed by him!' For two nervous minutes, vampire and courier continued to lock eyes at each other, neither one of them budging. Then Alucard grinned, his fangs clearly showing in his mouth. "It's been a long time since I've met a human with as much iron will as Sir Integra! It's any wonder Rally Vincent speaks of you highly." The No-Life King then extended a hand to Bean, which the courier took after a brief hesitation. "I like you!" he said, shaking the hand. "Until you came along, I had to deal with every human in this house either running in my presence or avoiding me altogether! It will be an extremely good pleasure to work with you." "I'm honored... I think." Once Alucard released the handshake, Bean stepped back and studied the red-clad vampire. "Sir Integra, who... or what, is he?" The Hellsing leader just shook her head. "A difficult question, yes, but I think I can let Rally explain that for you. She is, after all, a bit more connected to that fact." "I have a feeling Sir Integra wishes to have a word with me," Alucard purred, "so I think I'll leave you two to your talk." He then walked away from the group, leaving them to sort it out. However, Rally shot an angry look at Alucard and communicated telepathically, 'Frankly, I'm grateful you didn't blurt out the fact that I'm a vampire to Bean - but don't do that to me again! Understand?' 'Don't worry,' Alucard replied, 'I wouldn't do that to you! Even I know my place in your life.' As the group comprising of Alucard, Walter and Sir Integra left, all Bean could do is look at them strangely. "Rally," he finally said, "what is going on? How in the world did you get mixed-up with this group? And that guy - is he... what I think he is?" "Yes, he's a vampire," Rally answered, guiding her old friend to a seat near a table. "Look, I know what you're thinking right now, Bean, 'what is a vampire doing in an agency that supposedly hunts vampires'?" "Well, the though had crossed my mind." Rally took a little time to compose herself. "Think about it this way... there are vampires in the world, but how they conduct themselves is the key to their survival. Here in England, if a vampire doesn't actively go hunting for human blood, but gets their sustenance elsewhere, then they have a right to be left alone. However, if they decide to go about killing people - then Alucard is the person to do the job! He's been bonded to the Hellsing family since Sir Integra's ancestor, Abraham van Helsing, defeated him over a hundred years ago." "van Helsing?" Now Bean made the connection. "Rally - are you meaning to tell me that guy...?" "Is Vlad II Dracula, prince of Walachia," Rally finished. "Talk about twisted," Bean said, "you actually working with Dracula?" "Isn't it something?" Rally added, smiling. "And Alucard's not the only vampire here." "There's more?" gasped Bean. "Yeah. You did see that blonde girl that was with me," offered Rally, "the one with the yellow miniskirt? She's the other one." "Really?" "Really. Her name's Seras Victoria, and she's Alucard's apprentice. She became a vampire during a raid in the village of Cheddar." Then Rally took an uncomfortable sigh and added. "But she isn't the last one." "So there's another vampire working here," Bean said. "I must admit you're living an interesting life here, Rally, with three vampires to contend with." He then smiled and asked, "So who is this other vampire." However, all he got from his old friend was stony silence. "Uh... is there something wrong, Rally?" "No," Rally replied sadly. Then her eyes shifted color... from a brilliant sapphire blue to a burning orange-red. "Rally... YOU'RE the other vampire?" Bean gasped, shocked. The dusky vampire nodded. "It's a long story, Bean, so I think you better listen. Then I hope you understand why it happened. XXX OUTSIDE THE MANSION, AT THE SAME TIME... The little rabbit chose the middle of the night to go foraging outside the walls of the mansion, when almost all it's major predators were asleep. Granted, it still had to be extra careful for prowling owls, but it was under quite a bit of cover as so to be not noticed. As it munched on a few shoots of tender grasses, the rabbit's ears suddenly perked-up as it found a new sound. Sitting up, it surveyed the area around it. Nothing seemed to be moving, but the rabbit was still nervous. All of a sudden, a crashing in the bushes caused the rabbit to break-out in a sprint - only to be grabbed by a pair of clawed hands, the rabbit squealing in terror. Moria took a little time to contemplate her victory as she held the trembling rabbit in her hands - even more remarkable if one took a look at the maid. For one, she was transformed even further than she was the previous night. Any exposed skin that was on her was now covered with a close-lying silver/gray fur. Her hair was also longer, and her face looked even more canine than before. Her ears were longer, too - and even more pointed, much like a wolf's. For a few tense seconds, Moria eyed the rabbit hungrily, her bluish-white eyes locked with the rabbits. Then her expression changed to a more gentle one as she petted the rabbit on the top of the head. "You really shouldn't be out here tonight, little one," she said with slight difficulty, "you don't know who you'll run into." She then set the rabbit down, saying further, "Now head on home, now." Quickly, the rabbit scampered away as Moria set down on her haunches, watching the little creature run from sight. "You had me worried, Moria dear," Kenneth said as his daughter turned around to face him. He was also transformed, his fur a reddish brown. "For a minute, I thought you were going to eat the little guy." "Oh please Father, that's too gruesome," Moria teased, her body transforming into a more human appearance. "Besides, I had already dinner before we started out." She then walked up to her father, who had also changed to its human form. "A wolf only hunts when hungry; I was only using the rabbit to learn stalking and tracking." "And you did it marvelously," Kenneth said, hugging Moria. "In fact, you're gaining mastery over your new powers more easily than I expected. If you keep this up, you should be ready before the first full moon." "Which would be my twentieth birthday," Moria added. "Father, I was wondering why is it important that I know all this before that day." Kenneth sighed, and then explained, "The first full moon for any werewolf coming unto its powers is a very chaotic time, especially for hereditary werewolves. If not properly trained, it's very possible that the sudden sensation might be too much for it - turning what could be a noble creature into a bloodthirsty killer." He looked his daughter in the eye and added, "Not to mention it would tear my heart apart if that sort of fate happened to you." "Oh you worry too much," Moria said. "So, is this all for tonight?" "Quite so." Kenneth then handed Moria a towel and said, "Why don't we head back to the house? I'm certain your friend Rally would appreciate the company." "Yes," Moria said. "I hope she can explain to her friend her situation." "From what I've seen of this... Bean Bandit," Kenneth added, "I'm certain he can handle it." THE HELLSING MANSION... "So it was because of that bitch Goldie that you ended up this way," Bean said, looking at his old friend. Rally nodded sadly. "Believe me, Bean," she began, "it wasn't an easy decision to make. And because of it, I had to leave Chicago or have May, Becky, Misty or Roy face either Iscariot... or me if I went out-of-control." She then brightened up and added, "But on the bright side, I feel I'm doing more working for Integra than being a bounty hunter." "That I've seen," Bean said. "So, why in the world would your friend want me to help her out?" "You saw that wrecked Civic when you came here?" Rally asked. Bean nodded. "The owner of that car got turned into a ghoul, possibly by a FREAK in his car club... and ended up causing a major wreck on the M-5. We're hoping that, by cannibalizing whatever useable parts in that car, Berttle can enter the contest he was slated to enter and we can possibly flush-out the phony vampire responsible." "Well... it would've been easier for me if you had a Ford," Bean said, just as Berttle entered the mansion, "but if it'll help the cause, then you can tell your friend I'm in." He then got up from his chair and walked up to the Australian, "However, just because I'm going to help you build your car doesn't mean I'm going easy on you! I'm going to be competing in the show as well - and I'm going in to win!" "I wouldn't have it any other way, mate," Berttle answered, smiling. "We'll get that bloody FREAK - and have a little fun at the same time!" "Alright!" Bean then shook Berttle's hand and added, "So, when do we start?" "Tomorrow sounds good," Berttle said. "We still have to jack the engine out of the wreck, not to mention templating my car to accept the wing from it." "Tomorrow it is." Bean then turned to Rally and added, "Why don't we go down to your boss' office to let her know about the good news." "Okay Bean," Rally chirped. "Besides, I've got something to ask Integra about." XXX A minute later, Bean and Rally stood before Sir Integra's desk as the courier told the Hellsing leader his decision. Walter, who was also there, stood beside his employer. "From what Rally had told me," Bean said to her, "you guys had been fighting an uphill battle against these artificial vampires. If my small contribution is of any help, then you've got it." "Your help is appreciated, and greatly accepted," Sir Integra replied, scribbling on a small piece of paper. Sliding it to Bean, she added, "I hope this is sufficient for your services. If not, I can offer more if you like." Bean then picked up the paper scrap... and his eyes bugged-out after seeing it. "Uh... no, this is alright. Nice of you to be so... generous, Sir Integra." He then leaned over to Rally and whispered, "Geez, this is TWICE AS MUCH than I usually charge!" "Don't knock it, Bean," Rally smirked, amused by Bean's surprise. Bean just shrugged, then stuffed the paper slip into his jeans. "If you don't mind, I think I'd like to get some shut-eye before I start. If I can go to my room now..." "Say no more." Turning to Walter, Sir Integra said, "Walter, could you please show our guest to his quarters?" "Of course, Sir Integra," the old butler said, bowing. Then turning to the courier, he added, "If you would follow me, sir, I can show you to your room." "Thank you. Well, good night Sir Integra, Rally," said Bean as he accompanied Walter from the office. As the door closed, Sir Integra then turned her attention to the dusky vampire standing in front of her. "I believe you have something to ask me, Rally?" "Yes," Rally began. "I was wondering... Moria seemed a little stressed last night after finding out she is a werewolf." Sir Integra nodded. "Well, me and Master have been promising to take her someplace we found one of these days and I was wondering if we might." "I see," Sir Integra said, nodding XXX "You have got to be kidding me?" Moria gasped as she and Seras talked in their room in the sub-basement level. "Rally used to work for that big guy, the one called Bean Bandit?" "Of course, Moria," the Draculina answered, smiling. "She and Bean used to be partners in his courier business." "What exactly did they do?" the maid asked, sitting on the coffin/bed. Seras thought for a bit. "From what Rally had told me," she began, "just about anything that needed delivery, although she did tell me Bean wasn't exactly picky about his clients. A lot of them apparently were from the wrong side of the tracks, if her stories are of any indication. Bean does like children, though, and would get absolutly incensed if some crime involved hurting children. I recall one time, she said they were asked to deliver a little girl back to her father. She and Bean later found out that the poor girl was kidnapped, and that they were being set-up as the kidnappers by the real ones. Now don't fret about it, they were able to clear their names in time and get that girl back home." "Amazing. How long did they work together?" Moria further asked. "Only until Rally could run the gunshop," Seras said. "I think she has a picture of the two of them together in the dresser, just let me look." The Draculina then made her way to one of two dressers that was in the dungeon-like room. After a few seconds of rummaging, "Ah, there it is!" She then pulled-out a framed photograph and handed it to Moria. The expression on Moria's face told it all. "That's Rally? She looked different back then!" Indeed she did look different. The Rally that was in the photograph was the same dusky-skinned person they knew - but with blonde hair! "That's exactly what I said." Seras just shrugged and added, "Rally called it 'her wild time'. Don't ask me exactly why she bleached her hair; she didn't tell me." "Didn't tell you what, Master?" Rally said, overhearing as she walked through the door. Slightly surprised, Seras answered, "Oh we were talking about you and Bean, Rally." "Oh that," Rally said, looking at the picture Moria had in her hand. "Yeah, those were the days all right." She chuckled and added, "Me and Bean had some wild times back then." "Uh... Rally," Moria added, "Didn't this mean that you and Bean were...?" Catching on, the dusky vampire said, "Oh it was nothing like that, Moria! Granted me and Bean were and are good friends, but we kept everything professional, nothing romantic." She then changed the subject. "I was able to ask Integra if all three of us could have a little time off together... and I got just the place that we can go to enjoy ourselves." It took a while before Moira got the hint. "You mean... that club you and Seras went to that one time... where you met that other Rally?" "Yup," Rally said, smiling. "I've checked the tide tables and it should be low tide when we cross the Thames. Then it's just a few minutes before we reach... Arisugawa's Locket!" "Oh you'll just love that place, Moria," the Draculina added. "Plenty of interesting people to meet... and none of them men! We might be able to stay the morning and afternoon afterwards as well." "That's wonderful!" Moria then had a concerned look on her face. "But... what am I going to tell Father? I mean, I think he'll be expecting me to continue my lessons." "That's what I told Integra," Rally replied. "She told me that he'll explain the whole thing to Kenneth. She's certain he'll understand." "Thank god," the maid sighed. "I hate to think I would be avoiding my obligations to him." "Don't worry," Seras said. "Your father has a good head on his shoulders. I'm certain he would want you to not feel too overwhelmed about your being a werewolf." "Yes, that's him, alright," Moria said, smiling. TO BE CONTINUED... AUTHOR'S NOTE - I'm taking a small break from the current storyline for the next chapter, although it will still be a continuation. It will be my tie-in with a storyline Shanejayell had started in his "Arisugawa's Locket" series, about an attack at the club. Until part 5... LATER!
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