Irene "Rally" Vincent sighed as she gathered-up her leather jacket from her bed. It was only a half-hour since she had risen as a vampire, and she was very deliberate in dressing for what could be her first hunt. During dressing, she noticed that her gun was missing but assumed that Walter C. Dolnez had taken it to be cleaned, so she didn't fuss too much. As she gathered up the note that Alfie Henderson had given her, with the location of Goldie Muso, she paused a bit as she looked into the mirror, which still did not hold her reflection. 'I still haven't figured out how to tell May about what happened,' Rally thought ruefully. 'I just hope she isn't too upset about it.' She then glanced over to a small charm that "Minnie" May Hopkins had given her some time ago as a token of their friendship: a small teddy bear pendant. Smiling, she picked up the pendant - only to drop it with a yelp when it sizzled in her hand! Clutching her burned hand, Rally just stared bullets at the charm as a realization came over her. "SILVER!!" she gasped, "I SHOULD'VE KNOWN!!!" Her shoulders then sagged as she thought of the absurdity of what she was thinking at the time. "Oh it's not May's fault!" she said aloud. "I don't think she had any idea this sort of thing would happen to me!" Sitting down on the bed, she began to ascertain what had become of her. "Silver is taboo to me now," Rally sighed, "as well as the daylight... AND GARLIC!!! OH MAN, THAT REALLY SUCKS!! NO MORE PIZZA AND GARLIC BREAD!!!" Slumping her head down dejecitvely, she took a few deep breaths; she knew it wasn't necessary for her now, but it steadied her nerves. "I realize I was giving up a lot when I agreed to become a vampire, but this is going to take a while to get used to!" 'Oh I wouldn't worry too much about it, fledgling,' Alucard's amused voice sounded in her head, 'I'm certain you'll adjust.' Rally's head snapped up. "Okay Alucard," she snarled, "where the fuck are you?" 'I'm down in the living room... with your master. Really, you've should've known by now I could contact you.' Confused, Rally thought for a while, then cleared her head. 'YOU can talk mentally to me? But Master told me that was an exclusive ability between us,' she replied. 'It WAS... when you were human,' came the No-Life King's wry remark. 'You're now one of us, Rally Vincent - a nosferatu, albeit a fledgling though. Don't worry, even though your powers are limited right now, you have access to a variety of abilities humans can only dream of. One of the simplest is manipulating the minds of humans to suit your purposes. It's normally a hunting trait, but it can come in handy if you wish to hide your presence from others. But for now, I suggest you pace yourself until you become stronger; you must sleep during the daylight or else you will be consumed by it.' 'Tell me something I DON'T know, willya?' Rally replied sarcastically. 'Don't worry, myself and your master will do that,' Alucard said. 'Now I suggest you make your presence known downstairs. Your human friends, not to mention my own master, are quite anxious to see you.' Rally just nodded glumly and got up from the bed. Just before opening the door, she remembered the pendant on the floor. But as she went to pick it up, she hesitated, remembering her previous experience. Thinking quickly, she found a comb on the dresser, then used it to pluck the silvered item up by the chain. As soon as it was safely on the dresser, she opened the door and proceeded down. XXX A group of rather anxious individuals milled about in the living room of the house Rally and May shared. Although Alucard and Seras Victoria, and to a degree Walter and Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, seemed quite at ease, Roy Coleman and Becky "the Nose" Farrah were nervous, not knowing what to expect from their friend. Seras noticed this and told her sire mentally, 'They're worried about Rally.' 'They should be, Seras,' Alucard answered his former fledgling. 'Remember, I did sense Rally smelling the humans here. That was quick thinking you did up there.' 'I was thinking more about how May would view her friend if she killed Roy and Becky,' the Draculina replied curtly. 'You might not have any concern about them, but I worry about these things.' 'On the contrary,' the nosferatu remarked, 'I DO care about them. Humans have a gift - the ability to die, one our kind has discarded. However, how one dies is VERY important. Best to die and rise to meet the almighty rather than become an undead ghoul - or worse, the walking dead as Rally Vincent has become.' Just then, Rally's voice sounded itself in Seras' mind. 'Master, I'm at the head of the stairs,' she said. 'You better warn Integra, Roy and Becky that I'm coming down.' 'Yes, I'll do just that, Rally.' Clearing her throat, Seras called the others' attention to her. "Rally's coming down, Sir Integra." "So soon?" the Hellsing leader said. "Very well, let us meet her, again for the first time." Seras nodded, then mentally gave Rally the go-ahead. However, Becky couldn't help but to feel scared. "Roy," she whispered to Coleman, "I wonder how much of the Rally we knew will still be there when she gets down?" "Hopefully," Coleman said as he heard footsteps upstairs, "enough so it wouldn't be deadly for everyone involved." Becky just gave him an anxious glance. She walked down slowly, as the others saw the booted feet come down the steps. Rally's eyes were closed and her head was downcast as she walked downward, and stayed closed as she rounded the bend and came to the landing. From what Coleman and Becky could see, Rally's dusky skin still had the pallor of a dead person on it. They also noticed that Rally didn't seem to be breathing. Then Rally raised her head and opened her eyes. Both Becky and Coleman gasped as they saw the blood-red irises in Rally's eyes; Walter, Sir Integra, Alucard and Seras were unresponsive. Then Rally smiled. "I'm glad to see that you're impressed, guys," she said in a semi-sarcastic tone. Becky then breathed a heavy sigh of relief, as did Coleman. "Rally," the information expert implored, "are you... still YOU?" "Well..." Rally's face had a sort of impish grin, "as far as I can tell... I guess so." Seeing the relieved looks on everyone's faces, she continued with, "Roy, Becky, I'm sorry if I caused everyone to be worried. Believe me, this is a new experience for me as well." "I wouldn't blame you, Rally," Coleman added. "So, what are you going to do now?" Quiet for a few seconds, Rally answered, "Goldie's still got May, and I've got to get her out. As for Goldie... let's just say I'm going to end this little bit with her once and for all." Turning to Walter, she further said, "Walter, have you got my gun?" "Right here, Miss Vincent," the old butler replied, producing the CZ-75. "I've took the liberty of cleaning it, as well as changing the trigger spring to one more accommodating to a vampire's strength. I hope it is to your liking." Making sure the gun was unloaded, the dusky vampire tested the trigger and found the pull satisfactory. "It's perfect, Walter," she said, "thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I've better be going." She hesitated for a bit as she searched her pockets. "Uh... Becky, have you got my car keys?" Realizing Rally was talking to her, Becky snapped out of her trance and sputtered, "O-oh yeah Rally, I have them!" She then reached into her pocket and produced Rally's car keys. But as she handed them to her, Becky's hand happened to graze across the dusky vampire's skin... and she froze, a terrified look on her face. "Becky? Is there anything wrong?" Rally asked. 'My god... her skin... it's ice cold!!!' was all Becky could think of. She then let-out a yelp when she felt Rally grasp her shoulders. "BECKY, WHAT'S WRONG!?!" Rally called out, alarmed. Embarrassed, Becky slunk back onto the seat. "I'm... I'm sorry, Rally," she mumbled. "It was just that... when I touched your skin, it felt so cold, that I just freaked-out!" "Oh... yeah," Rally replied, realizing what Becky meant. "It's alright. I guess it was bound to happen." Then deciding to change the subject, she turned to Coleman and asked, "You know the location of the restrooms near the bandshell at Grant Park, Roy?" Coleman smiled. "Sure thing, Rally." "Good. As soon as I get May away from Goldie, we'll meet there." Rally then looked at Coleman and added, "Roy... this bit with Goldie is going to end tonight. Are you sure..." "Rally, don't worry about what I think," Coleman said, "you just get May." He also gave Rally an assuring nod. "Thanks, Roy." Then taking her keys, Rally made her way to the garage. XXX After checking over her Cobra, which was parked where Becky had left it, Rally couldn't help but to start brooding. 'Becky felt my skin,' she thought. 'She was scared... and I don't blame her one bit! And to think I almost went downstairs and killed her...' Quiet sobs came from her at that thought. Quickly, Rally wiped her eyes, only to stare at her hands. "Oh great... I'm even crying blood!" she moaned, looking at the bloody tears staining her hand. "I guess you have finally realized your situation, Rally," Sir Integra's voice said sadly from behind her. Turning around, Rally saw her friend standing at the garage's entrance. "This is not a condition you will be recovering from soon, my friend. This is permanent - you are now a walking corpse, an undead. And as such, you are now and eternally apart from all humanity." She handed Rally a tissue, which the dusky vampire used to wipe her eyes. Rally just nodded. "I still haven't figured-out how to tell May about this," she said. But then, she locked her red eyes to Sir Integra's and added, "But I can tell you this... I've had it once and for all with Goldie. She may have gotten away from me in the past, but this time I'm going to make sure she dead and gone from everyone's life." "Meaning you intend to drink her blood?" the Hellsing leader implored. Rally nodded in confirmation. "I must warn you about the actions you are about to set in motion: if you do drink her blood, there is a strong possibility that Miss Muso has not had any carnal relations with the male of the species, meaning she could end-up a vampire under YOUR control!" "Oh I have no intention of having Goldie as MY fledging, I can tell you THAT Integra!" Rally snarled. "Just tell me how to do it, and I'll make sure she's gone for good!" Sir Integra nodded. "A shot, either in the head or the heart, should be sufficient to prevent her from rising," she said. "The same should be done, if possible, should you kill someone of the opposite sex that is not a virgin, or else they will become a ghoul." "I'll try to remember that, Integra," Rally said as she opened the car door. "Rally," Integra added, "afterward, I need to talk to you about your situation." Her face became grave, "Believe me, it is important." Rally paused for a bit. "I understand, Integra." She then paused before entering the car. "Listen, we'll have that talk, but right now I've got to save May." "Understood, but try not to make your presence known to Miss Muso's associates," Integra added. "I suppose Alucard did tell you how." "I have an idea how to do it," Rally smirked as she entered the Cobra. "Roy will show you where we'll meet." "I will ask Lt. Coleman of the rendezvous location," Sir Integra replied. "Good," Rally said, closing the Cobra's door. XXX There was a small window that was partially opened in the garage. Rally had re-enforced the opening to prevent any potential burgler from using it to break-in, but anyone near it could still use it to listen-in on any conversation from inside. And Father Alexander Anderson, paladin warrior for Section XIII, Iscariot Organization, was taking full advantage of it. 'So what Ah feared has come t' pass,' the cyborg regenerator thought to himself, 'Rally Vincent is now one o' th' walkin' dead. Poor lass.' Looking up at the window, he further though, 'Don't worry, though, Ah won't interfere with ye saving yer friend. But afterward... Ah've got to perform me sacred duty and bring ye to yer final death.' Noticing the garage door was opening, Anderson made sure he was unseen as Rally departed from the garage. For a few minutes, Rally drove in silence, still mulling over how to tell May she was now a vampire. Then something caught her eye - it was Alucard and Seras, with the Draculina carrying what appeared to be a huge gun! Pulling over, Rally rolled-down the window. "Wow!!! You weren't kidding, Master... that IS a big gun!!" "Glad you're impressed," Seras said, shouldering her Harkonnen cannon. "Rally Vincent, you do know about Sir Integra's warning about Miss Muso's henchpersons?" Alucard added. "You told me about how I can hypnotize anyone I want," Rally said, "but never how to do it." "Very simple," the red-clad vampire said, smiling. "Just concentrate on your target, and make your suggestion." "Okay, got it," Rally said. "Rally, I know this is your hunt," Seras added, "but I just wanted you to know that, if you need any help, me and Master will be in the area." "Thanks." Rally then noticed a pair of wrap-around sunglasses. "I guess this should hide my eyes when I get to Lakewood," she said, putting on the sunglasses. "Wish me luck." "We will," Alucard said. "Be careful," Seras added. Rally just smiled. "Oh it won't be ME that needs the luck," she laughed as she rolled-up the window and drove off. As soon as the Cobra was out of sight, Seras turned to Alucard and asked, "Do you think she'll kill this Goldie?" Alucard didn't answer, but he did place a reassuring hand on Seras' shoulder. LONDON, THE HELLSING MANSION, PRESENT DAY... "So... that's how it happened," Moria Hedgley said, nodding. The three of them - Seras, Rally and Moria - were seated around a table at the three's quarters in the sub-basement level. All of them were dressed as they ate their meals; the maid/werewolf a spinach salad and the two vampires a unit of blood each. "About the long-and-short of it, Moria" Rally said to her friend/lover, sipping her blood through the silicone hose before clamping it shut. "I was hoping to get May out of that house before telling her I was a vampire. Of course, I didn't count on Goldie shooting me in the head." "Goldie tried to get away in her car," the Draculina added, "but I sort of wrecked her BMW with a shot from my Harkonnen." "Really ruined the resale value of it, that's for certain," Rally laughed. "But still," Moria added, munching on a spinach leaf, "having the soul of that monster Goldie must be a burden." "It is," Rally added. "In fact, when we were asleep, Goldie made some remarks on how I should have you tied-up and whipped just to entertain HER." Her face then held a grim continence as she added, "I didn't like it, so I placed her again in that little corner of my mind she fears the most." "I think that should make her mind her 'P's and Q's' for... well... at least another two months," Seras remarked. "She makes those suggestions... about me?" Moria squeaked, alarmed. Rally nodded. "You should hear what she says about Master and Integra," she said. "Then she get's worse." "I hate to imagine 'how worse', that's for certain," Moria said, finishing her salad. "So, it looks like breaktime is over. I better get myself back to work, or I'll never hear the end of it from Mr. Dolnez." "And ourselves," Seras added, "as well. There's been reports of someone smuggling FREAK chips outside Bolton. Rally and I need to confirm this." "Right, Master," Rally said, finishing-off her blood. "But there is one thing I wonder about," Moria offered. "Rally, if the situation was repeated, and you had the choice of dying or becoming a vampire to save someone, would you do it again?" Rally thought about it for a minute, a little surprised by the maid's question. "To tell you the truth, Moria," she said, "I really don't know." She then gave Moria a peck on the cheek, as well as Seras, and added, "But if I did, I can honestly say I wouldn't regret it one bit." They were about to leave when Moria gasped, "Oh I forgot about something!" She then made her way to a small package on the dresser. "Rally, Mr. Dolnez gave this to me! It came for you in the post this afternoon!" "Really?" Mildly interested at first. Rally looked with surprise when she saw the name on the return address - May Takigawa, the married name of her old friend. Quickly, she ripped-open the package - and saw that it was the teddy bear pendant, now encased in clear acrylic. Slightly misty-eyed, Rally smiled. "Thanks, May," she whispered as she set the pendant down near the various remembrances of her past life. "I guess that shows you, Rally," Seras said, also smiling. "As long as they live, your friends in Chicago will always remember you." "Yeah." Turning around, Rally then raced down the corridor, yelling, "Well what are we waiting for - let's get that smuggler!" All Seras and Moria could do was to shrug and follow her.
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