Through the Years (part 6 of 11)

a Gunsmith Cats fanfiction by Elwin Blain Coldiron

Back to Part 5
For the most of two hours, Rally Vincent and Seras Victoria had an 
uneventful drive back to Rally's house. To defuse the tension of 
possibly facing Paladin Alexander Anderson, the two girls engaged in 
telling stories from their various experiences. In all, a pleasant 

As they came close to the house, the talk then came to how Seras had 
became a vampire in the first place. "You're kidding?" Rally gasped, 
looking around the streets to see any sign of Iscariot's trashman, "You 
mean to tell me that Alucard had to shoot through you to get that 

"I'm not," the Draculina replied, also looking around. "Master had to 
shoot through my right lung in order to get to his heart. Then after he 
finished him off, he apologized for shooting me and offered to turn me 
in order to save my life."

"Hmm... I'm not really certain if I can be brave enough to make that 
choice," said Rally, turning a corner. "I bet you had a lot of trouble 

Seras nodded silently, looking at Rally. "It was a struggle. For the 
longest time, I was afraid of drinking the blood that was offered to me? 
mostly because I was still thinking of myself as human. Then one day, 
Master forced the issue upon me, and finally I had to except the fact 
that..." she hesitated for a second, "that I could not go back to what I 
was. The first time I drank blood... I felt like I was mourning the loss 
of something dear to me."

"I could imagine," Rally added, discreetly glancing at Seras' figure. 
'Now wait a minute!' she yelled mentally at herself, coming to her 
senses, 'Why in the hell am I leering at Seras like this? I know she's a 
lesbian... and has told me how she expressed her love for Integra... but 
why am I checking her out? Am I attracted to her as well?'

"Is there something wrong?" asked Seras. "You look a bit distracted."

"Er... no, nothing's wrong," Rally abruptly sputtered, feeling the blush 
on her cheeks. 'Did she notice? I am so in trouble!' She then noticed a 
car's headlights blinking at her, even though she had her low beams on. 
Looking at the car, she recognized it and said, "It's Roy."

Quietly, Rally paused near the car and opened her window. Roy Coleman 
did the same. "What are you out here, Rally?" he asked, looking 
concerned. "That priest might still be around."

"Nice to know. Me and Seras are going to get me and May's emergency 
supplies," answered Rally, "not to mention to see if I can get something 
with a little punch in case that psycho priest shows up again."

Coleman nodded. "Nice to know... but as long as you're here, I might as 
well tell you what happened yesterday." He sighed heavily as he 
continued, "Alfie was being taken to more secure quarters when the 
transport he was in was hijacked. When we heard about an accident they 
witnessed and the officers failed to report back, we went to where they 
were stopped... and found them dead."

"You're kidding? What about Alfie?"

"We found the van a few miles away from the site but Alfie was gone. The 
only fingerprints we found were of Alfie and the dead policemen. The 
dashboard cam tape was also taken, so there's no way to know who it is. 
We're having the van reprocessed, but I doubt anything else of substance 
will be found," Coleman added.

"How odd," Rally mused. "Well, if you find them, let me know about it, 

"Will do. And you be careful, Rally, Seras," Coleman cautioned.

"We will," Seras answered as Rally started back to the house, which was 
around the corner. As they were about to enter the garage, though, Seras 
began to panic. "WAIT-WAIT!!! STOP!!!" she cried out.

Rally jammed on the brakes, stopping the Cobra just short of the opening 
garage door. "What?" she asked, expecting Anderson to spring out of the 

"I... I can't go in there," the Draculina managed to say.

"What do you mean 'you can't go in there'? I need your help to load the 
stuff in the car," Rally griped.

Seras hung her head down. "I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you I cannot 
enter a human dwelling without being invited first," she said in a low 
voice. "Somehow May caught on it and let me in to the safehouse... but 
this is a new place for me."

"Oh? Is that it?" Rally smirked, catching on. Thinking quickly, she 
turned to Seras and added, "Okay... get out of the car and wait outside. 
Don't worry... this won't take long."

Looking curiously at Rally, the young vampire complied, standing outside 
the garage door as Rally drove the Cobra in. Then getting out, the 
dusky-skinned bounty hunter looked at Seras and asked, "Seras, would you 
like to come inside?"

Smiling hugely, Seras replied exuberantly, "I'll be glad to, Rally!" 
Quickly, she made her way inside, then Rally closed the door and barred 
the channel.

"There... that should give that priest a hard time getting inside if he 
shows up." Rally then opened the door and ushered Seras inside. After 
turning on the lights, Rally opened up a hall closet and produced two 
suitcases. "May and I packed these just in case we had make a rush to 
get out of town for a few days. Having to contend with Goldie was the 
reason for this." Moving the cases to Seras, she added, "Here, get these 
to the car. Never mind opening up the trunk," she said, "just throw them 
in the back seat. After you do that, join me in the basement." Seras 
nodded, picking up the two cases and headed for the garage.

Rally, in the meantime, headed downstairs to her personal armory, and 
after unlocking the door and turning on the light, began to think about 
which gun to take along. As she was thinking, she was startled by the 
sight of Seras floating down through the ceiling of the armory. "Sorry 
about that," she began. "I got the cases in the car and thought this 
would be a faster way."

"Uh... no, it's alright," Rally managed to say after she recovered. 'Got 
to admit, the way she came down, it was almost like... she was an 
angel... if Heaven would allow vampires, that is.'

"Are you alright, Rally?" asked Seras. "You look a bit flushed."

"ACK!! NO-NO, I'M FINE!" Rally cried out, embarrassed to find that Seras 
noticed her blush. After she recovered, she began to assess what she 
needed. "Hmm... the P90 would be alright... it's compact, easy to 
fire... and the 50-round clip is nice... but I think I'll need a little 
more stopping power." She then picked up an AK-47 from the wall and got 
out the appropriate ammunition... semi-jacketed hollow-point rounds 
pre-loaded in their clips.

While Rally was doing this, Seras was scanning the wall, obviously 
impressed with the number of firearms Rally had. "Gol... there are 
firearms here I've only read about in magazines and textbooks." Her 
attention turned to a rather large handgun on the wall near Rally. 
"Wow... a Russian Sketchen APS... with the wooden holster that doubles 
as a shoulder stock. I never thought I would see one of those!"

"Nice, isn't it?" smiled Rally. "If I had the ammo, I would be bringing 
that along instead of the AK. I don't suppose you need some extra ammo 
for your gun." She pointed to the ammunition locker.

"I suppose," Seras said, going to the locker and getting her ammo. "I 
wish I was able to bring my Harkonnen. That would really be a help, but 
the boot in your car was a little small."

Rally looked surprised. "Really? What kind of ammo does it take?"

"30mm shells, either D.U. or explosive."

"You're kidding?" Rally gasped. "That has to be one big gun to fire 

Seras giggled and added, "About a half-meter taller than me. I think 
we've got enough."

"Right. Let's go." The two girls then raced outside, unbarred the garage 
door, and satisfied that Anderson was not waiting for them, started the 
car and raced back to the safehouse.

Deciding to vary her route, Rally chose another way out of the city, 
through a largely-empty part of the city waterfront. She had decided to 
concentrate on her driving, not to mention watching for any hostile 
activity around them. But that plan got thrown out the window when Seras 
asked, "Excuse me Rally, but is there anything wrong with you? You've 
been acting very odd tonight. Have you got something on your mind?"

'Oh crap,' Rally thought to herself, a queasy feeling starting in her 
stomach, 'she DID notice! What in the world am I going to say to her... 
that I was ogling her discreetly while we were headed to the house?' 
Taking a deep breath, she relaxed herself, then addressed Seras. "I... 
guess I am a bit distracted tonight. Seras... I'm not sure how to say 
this, but..." Then a loud bang was heard, followed by the left-front 
side of the Cobra suddenly going down.

"SHIT!!!" yelled Rally, fighting the steering wheel to get control. "I 
HAPPEN!?!?" Somehow, she was able to bring the car to a stop near a 
deserted section of the waterfront. Having her suspicions, Rally grabbed 
the AK and clips and exited the car, along with Seras on the other side. 
Sure enough, one of Anderson's bayonets was sticking out of the side of 
the left front tire. "Oh crap, we're in for it now!"

"Indeed yer are, ye heathens," Anderson's voice called out. "Ah must 
admit, ye gave me quite a beatin' th' last time we met," the priest 
said, stepping out of the shadows with two bayonets in hand and crossing 
them, sparks flying, "but this time, Ah've made sure there"d be no 
escape this time!"

"OH YEAH!?!" Rally snarled, opening fire on Anderson, with Seras rushing 
beside her and doing the same. Under the amount of fire he was taking, 
Anderson was knocked backward twenty feet before they stopped.

Rally advanced from the cover of the car to get a better view of 
Anderson's body. "I hope that did it," she said.

"Same here," Seras added. "But he took an entire clip of Master's Joshua 
gun and still managed to get up." Rally was about to say more when she 
heard Anderson laugh.

The priest stood up, the various rounds he had taken dropping to the 
ground and the wounds he suffered healing rapidly. "Oh my," Anderson 
laughed, "that was even more pathetic then what that Alucard tried to do 
t' me!" Smirking fiendishly, he quickly threw four bayonets in Rally's 

For an instant, Rally stood transfixed, terrified to see death headed 
straight for her... until she felt something knock her down... and a 
scream. Regaining her senses, she was horrified to see Seras on the 
ground, all four bayonets in her back. The young vampire looked as if 
she was in great pain as well. Then horror gave way to anger as she 
glared at Anderson and snarled, "You bastard!"

"Well..." talk about th' right target at the wrong place," Anderson 
smirked as he charged at the two. Thinking quickly, Rally reached into 
her coat pocket, grabbed the two grenades May gave her, quickly pulled 
the pins and threw them at the Judas priest.

Anderson came to an abrupt stop, seeing the two grenades at his feet. 
"Oh not again?" he muttered before they blew up. Seeing that the priest 
was on the ground, Rally made her way to Seras and managed to haul her 
up on her feet.

"Can you still walk?" Rally said tursly.

"I... I think so. You shouldn't... be risking yourself..." Seras managed 
to say.

"Save it! Right now, we better get into one of those building and hide 
out until help arrives... if it does."

"If?" Seras replied weakly.

"The police hardly patrol this area at night. It'd be a miracle if 
someone managed to hear the explosions and called them," the dark-haired 
girl said. "There's a few buildings we can use for a while. We better 
get to them before he wakes up!" Somehow, Rally led the wounded Seras to 
a group of decrepit warehouses standing near the waterfront.


Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing carefully studied the printout 
that Becky 'the Nose' Farrah had given her, the results of her online 
search. "Are you quite certain that this is accurate?" she asked her.

"Oh don't worry, I've double-checked and triple-checked my findings 
before presenting this to you... not to mention made a comparative 
search as well," Becky answered as she made her briefing. "When you're 
paying me the kind of money you're offering, I make it my business to 
make sure the client - you - is given the most accurate report I can 

Sir Integra gave the information specialist an appraising glance before 
returning her attention to the printout. "Well... I am convinced." She 
then gave Becky a small slip of paper. "Here," she added, a small smile 
on her face, "make sure a copy of this gets emailed to this address. I 
would treasure the look on Archbishop Maxwell's when he sees this. I 
will make sure the appropriate funds are transferred to your account in 
the morrow. You may contact your bank to confirm transfer."

"Why thank you. I'll get both done," Becky smiled, taking the slip of 
paper from Sir Integra's hand and proceeded to send the results.

Once satisfied, Sir Integra then went to the phone and dialed the number 
of the safehouse she got from Rally. After a few rings, she heard May's 
voice call out, "Hello?"

"Hello May," the blonde woman began, "could you please put Rally on? I 
want to check and see how she and Seras are doing."

An uncomfortable silence followed, then May replied, "Uh... she and 
Seras went back to the house to get a few clothes. Is something wrong?"

Sir Integra's tanned skin blanched, 'Oh no... Rally wouldn't... but if 
Anderson is waiting...' then crisply said, "Listen, I want you to stay 
in the house until you hear otherwise. Understand?"

"Why... yes," May answered. "Do you think something happened to Rally 
and Seras?"

"God hopes not," mumbled the Hellsing leader. "I will contact you later, 
God willing with news that Rally is alright. Goodbye." Sir Integra then 
set down the receiver and turned to Walter. "Have my gun and sword 
ready! I suspect Anderson may be trying to attack Rally and Seras as we 

"Indeed I shall," Walter answered, bowing before leaving.

Now Becky had overheard what had transpired. "Oh my... you think Rally's 
in danger?"

"Yes and we do not have much time! What's worse is that we do not know 
where they are!"

"I think I may be able to help on that part," Becky said, opening her 
laptop. "I was able to persuade Rally some time back to have a G.P.S. 
tracer installed in her car, just in case she was ever ambushed by 
Goldie or some other dirtbag." She then began typing inputs. "With any 
luck, it will be still functioning and we can get an idea where they 

Soon, a map of the Chicagoland area was displayed... as well as a 
blinking cursor near Lake Michigan. "There!" Becky exclaimed, "Now I'll 
get a close-up on where they are!" The maps soon changed. "Oh dear, they 
would be near the waterfront... and in a deserted section of it as well. 
They don't seem to be moving, that we know."

"All the more reason to find them as soon as possible!" Sir Integra 
said. "I am getting changed, Miss Farrah! Please accompany Walter to the 
car! I will join you shortly!"

Becky quickly closed her laptop, then followed the butler outside. 'I 
hope we'll be able to get to them in time,' she thought ruefully.


It took a full five minutes for Anderson to recover from the explosion 
of the grenades Rally threw. "Uhhh... damned if they used that cheap 
trick again," he grumbled, setting himself up. "Ah'll make sure they'll 
suffer greatly because of this!"

As his eyes adjusted again to the darkness, Anderson noticed that there 
was a trail blood droplets that led to one of the old warehouses. "Well 
now," he smirked, "it looks like they've made my job easier. Ah'll guess 
Ah'd better get t' work." The priest then started to get up, only to 
flinch in pain. "Okay... another five minutes to recover, Ah guess. It's 
not like they're going to be leaving anytime soon."

Inside the warehouse, Rally was still leading a wounded Seras, searching 
for a decent hiding place. The initial fear the bounty hunter had 
earlier was now replaced with a growing anger towards Anderson. 'That 
damn priest,' she thought to herself, 'How dare he hurt Seras! She was 
only doing her job in protecting me and now wants to kill her as well!' 
She made a quick check on her cellphone, only to discover they were out 
of the coverage area. 'Great! Now I can't get ahold of Integra and tell 
her what has happened! What am I going to do?' She then turned her 
attention back to Seras... and was immedietly concerned. The young 
vampire looked as if she was weaker than a few minutes earlier. "Hey, 
you going to be alright?" she asked.

For an uncomfortable amount of time, Seras was quiet before saying, 
"I... guess. This wasn't the... first time Paladin? Anderson got me..." 
she indicated to the bayonets still in her back, "Just... that I haven't 
got those out of me yet. Not exactly used to being a pincushion."

"I'm surprised you still have a sense of humor," added Rally, smiling.

Seras then flinched violently as a new spasm of pain gripped her. 
Panting, she managed to say, "I... wasn't... trying to be funny, Rally. 
I've... got to get these things out... before they kill me." She caught 
her breath before continuing. "They're... blessed. Just having them in 
me... is like fire burning... in my innards."

"What?" Rally then looked at the bayonets with a new sense of horror 
within her. "You mean to say these can kill you just by having them 
inside you?" She then maneuvered Seras to some old crates and had her 
lean against them. "Don't worry, I'll pull these out before they do any 
more damage." She then gripped the first bayonet by the handle, "Okay, 
this might hurt a bit!" She then yanked the bayonet out, causing Seras 
to cry out in pain. Taking a little more care with the others, Rally 
managed to remove the others, dropping them to the ground.

Finally feeling relief, Seras managed to slump to the ground, her back 
against the crate. "Thank you," she managed to say, "I think... I'll be 
alright now."

"That's good," added Rally. "Can you get up? We still have to find a 
hiding place here."

Seras just shook her head. "Too weak to get up." Looked up, she said 
further, "It's a shame I drank up that blood May gave me on the way up 
here. Just a little could perk me up."

Rally simply leaned on top of the crate, wondering for a few seconds 
what to do next. She could carry Seras, but it would slow them down... 
in which case Anderson could catch them. Then an idea came to her, but 
she was a little reluctant to even try... but it had a greater chance to 
succeed. "Here... let's find a little more concealment," she managed to 
say, slinging Seras' left arm over her shoulder and moving her behind 
more crates, then ducking down herself.

"Rally... what's going on?" the Draculina asked, seeing Rally unbutton 
the top two buttons of her blouse.

"Look... you need blood, right?" Rally asked. Seras nodded. "Okay, I'll 
let you get it from me."

Seras looked shocked. "But... I've never taken warm blood from another 
human yet! I know Master taught me how to hunt without killing... but it 
was with a simulated target, not an actual human! Are you sure..."

"Seras, if you don't feed, then we might not survive. Look... Alucard 
told me I can give you blood without getting turned into a ghoul... 
whatever those are. Don't worry... I trust you. You don't look to me 
like the murdering type."

"You mean... you're a virgin?" Seras asked, looking surprised.

"Yeah," the dusky-skinned woman said, blushing. "Most of the men I've 
met were either married or jerks like Bill. May often complained that I 
prefer guns and cars than sex." She then leaned back, allowing Seras to 
hover over her. "I don't know if that priest may be up yet... and we 
both will be in big trouble if he is and you're still out of it. So 
Seras... please... take some of my blood."

Seras agonized over this for a few seconds. She so didn't want to hurt 
Rally and didn't want to accept her blood, but she knew that she was 
right: Seras was still in pain and was too weak to fight. "Alright," she 
replied in a low voice. She then lowered her head to the place she knew 
where Rally's jungular vein was, closed her eyes... and gently sank her 
fangs into Rally's neck.

For Rally, the pain from the bite was brief, much like one would 
experience when receiving a vaccination. But when Seras began to draw 
blood from her, a new sensation came over her... a feeling of almost 
sexual ecstatic pleasure which was so powerful, she found herself 
tightly embracing Seras as the vampire fed on her, moaning sensually as 
she did.

Satisfied that she had taken all that she needed, Seras drew back, a 
trail of blood dribbling from the right corner of her lips. "Rally," she 
asked, "are you okay?", a little mystified at Rally's reaction.

"Umm... yeah... I'm okay," Rally mumbled, finally coming down. For a few 
seconds, however, she found herself staring at Seras' red eyes... and 
smiled as she did. She then leaned up to the young vampire's face, 
closed her blue eyes... and began to kiss Seras deeply. To her credit, 
Seras was more than a little surprised at this, but decided to relax and 
enjoy it.

For the next two minutes, both human and vampire were in a passionate 
embrace, both Seras and Rally were groping and fondling each other's 
bodies while their tongues danced within their mouths, Rally being 
careful not to catch hers on Seras' fangs. Then a loud crash sounding 
nearby, forcing both girls to stop. "Oh shit, that's got to be 
Anderson!" Rally whispered, still a little sweaty from her previous 
actions. Turning to Seras, she asked, "Are you feeling alright?"

Still a little uncomfortable from the previous, Seras answered, "Uh... 
yes, I'm fine now." Looking at Rally, she added nervously, "Uhh... maybe 
later on... we better have a little talk about..."

"Same here," Rally said, gathering her gun and racing crouched over to a 
door that was open, Seras following. Inside was apparently the office of 
the warehouse, which had an open window. Also inside was another door, 
which led to the other offices. "Okay, we"ll get out using that window, 
then head out down the alley to another warehouse... or at least until I 
find an area with cellular coverage." Getting on her feet, Rally stood 
up..." and found the room spinning around her. "Whoa," she groaned, 
stumbling backward, only to be caught by Seras.

"What happened?" the young vampire asked.

Rally shook her head and replied, "Got a little dizzy there."

"Must have been blood loss from earlier," Seras said. "Haven't they told 
you whenever you give blood not to make any sudden moves for a few 

"Not really," Rally shrugged. "Up until a few minutes ago, I never gave 

"Figures," Seras replied, grinning. "Just follow me and don't end up on 
the floor." She then took the lead, with Rally reluctantly following. 
But as the vampire reached for the window, a brilliant flash of light 
caught the girls off-guard... and Seras shaking her hand as if she had 
touched an ungrounded switch.

As the light faded, Rally managed to get a look at the walls of the 
office, where she saw a number of parchments written in Latin nailed to 
them. "What the hell..." she gasped.

Seras also saw the parchments, much to her horror. "A spiritual 
barrier!" she called out. "Paladin Anderson must have prepared this 
ahead of time! I can't get through it!"

"Indeed ye can't," Anderson announced. "Ah figured ye might be thinkin' 
of somethin' like this, so Ah took th' proper precautions." He then 
noticed the bite wounds on Rally's neck. "An' looks like Ah'm in time, 
too. Don't worry, lass," he said, producing two bayonets, "Ah'll make 
sure th' little monster is dealt with, an' you'll be freed of 'er 

"I gave my blood to Seras freely," Rally shot back, "so she wouldn't be 
killed by those damned knives of yours!"

"Ye don't understand... she's already dead!" the priest shot back. 
"She's placed her unholy taint in ye an' now you're under 'er power! Now 
stand back an' let me sent 'er to th' pit she was spawned in! And if ye 
don't... well..." his voice then had a tone of regret, "then Ah'm afraid 
Ah'm gonna have t' kill ye as well."

Still holding her AK-47, Rally managed to heft the weapon at Anderson. 
"Then it looks like you're going to have to do that, you bastard! I'm 
not going to abandon my friend so that you can get your jollies off by 
destroying her!"

Seras looked surprised, then leveled her own gun at the Iscariot priest. 
"Go ahead, you bloody bastard! After all, you're going to have to answer 
for this in the end, eventually."

"So be it then," Anderson breathed... then threw the two bayonets at the 
girls. Seras and Rally both stood unflinching as the two knives came 
racing towards them... and were surprised to see them cut to pieces by 
what appeared to be shining threads interweaving them. "What?" the 
priest gasped, equally surprised.

Then the sound of footsteps came from one of the adjoining offices near 
the room. "Hmm... I must admit that was a close one," Walter's voice 
began as the old butler walked out. Turning to Seras and Rally, he 
added, "I trust you two are alright."

"We are now. Thank you, Walter," a relieved Seras said.

"Amazing," Rally added to no one in particular.

Anderson, however, was in a worse mood than before. "Well whoever ye 
are... don't interfere with the work o God!" he snarled, throwing 
another bayonet at Walter, who simply held up his hand, causing a number 
of ultra-fine wires to cut it to pieces.

Again seeing his weapon reduced to nothing more than scrap, Anderson 
again looked at Walter, this time with a look of appreciation. "Well 
what do ye know... Ah've 'eard of this individual... th' legendary 
trashman of th' Hellsing Organization referred to as 'th' Angel o' 
Death'. Well, Ah'm certainly impressed... but what makes ye think ye can 
tangle with th' likes o' me, Old Man?"

"Granted, Paladin Anderson," Walter began as he stalked the priest, "my 
age may have slowed my reflexes down considerably , but I can assure you 
that I can be more than a match for you. Now I suggest you cease and 
desist with accosting the young ladies here," he then held up his gloved 
hands in an attack posture, causing the wires emanating from the 
fingertips to glint has he did, "otherwise, I may be forced to have you 
test those vaunted regeneration abilities that the Vatican has granted 
you like they have never been. I would like to see if you're able to 
grow back a limb or two, although I seriously doubt you can regrow a 

Seeing that the old butler may be a greater threat than Seras, Anderson 
took a few cautious steps back... only to find that Alucard was behind 
him, his Jackal gun firmly pressed against the back of his head. "You 
were careless, Judas Priest," the No-Life King snarled. "You should've 
placed your barrier around this entire warehouse rather than a few 
offices." Anderson snarled, hearing his greatest foe behind him. 
Quickly, he produced a bayonet and prepared to attack the vampire.

"Alright, Paladin Anderson, that's enough!" Sir Integra's voice called 
out. Seras and Rally, surprised by the Hellsing leader's appearance, 
managed to look out the office's window, which had a view of the 
warehouse's interior. Sir Integra was standing behind Alucard, wearing 
her battle gear, with an obviously frightened Becky behind her. Also 
with them was Roy Coleman, his gun drawn at the priest. "If we are to 
fight, Paladin, then let it be for the right reasons... and I would 
advise you to think rather than press this useless battle."

"Useless battle?" Anderson snorted. "And just what do you mean by that, 
Sir Hellsing? None o' the battles Ah fight against the forces o' 
darkness are ever useless!"

"You might want to reconsider that statement, Paladin," Sir Integra 
motioned Becky forward, for which the latter was holding a folder. "I 
had contracted this young lady to conduct a little investigation for 
me..." and what she has discovered may cause a scandal within the walls 
of the Vatican... if this should leak out."

Now Anderson's attention was piqued. Turning to the rather terrified 
Becky, he said in a low voice, "Go ahead, lass... I'm listenin'."

The information specialist gulped visibly, but braced herself as she 
produced a series of papers and handed them to Anderson. "Well," she 
began, a slight trembling in her voice, "I suppose you've heard of the 
phrase 'follow the money', did you?" The priest nodded silently. "I 
figured that, part of the reason of your presence here might be because 
of that. Therefore," showing a little more confidence, "I discreetly 
made a couple of inquiries on some of the banks in Switzerland. 
Basically, I concentrated on the daily transaction logs, which was all I 
can do without being discovered... and I found something unusual." 
Nervously, she pointed to a figure on one of the sheets she gave 
Anderson, "Over there was a rather large sum of money was withdrawn 
electronically from a recently-opened account at this particular bank."

"So what's unusual about that?" Anderson snorted. "There are lots o' 
transactions like that in Swiss banks."

"Well... yes," Becky added, wiping a nervous sweat from her brow. 
"However, notice the name on this account - Angelina Profectia." 
Anderson frowned, as if not impressed. "I'm well familiar with that 
name... it's one of the known aliases of Goldie Muso, a well-known drug 
lord around these parts." She then produced another sheet, "And here, 
that same amount from that same person is later deposited in the account 
of a company called '13 Social Services, Limited'."

"A company, I might add," Sir Integra added, "which Hellsing is aware is 
actually a front for Iscariot's fundraising activities. Your 
organization has excepted blood money from a known drug lord... and a 
particularly vile one, in fact!"

"So what does this have anythin' t' do with what's goin' on here?" 
Anderson scowled. "The Catholic Church receives a lot o' money from 
other equally unsavory drug lords! Granted we don't approve of 'ow th' 
money was made, but we make sure it goes t' helpin' th' victims of their 
profits free themselves of their habits in the form of drug treatment 

"This particular drug lord, Goldie Muso, just happens to manufacture a 
compound known as Kerasine," Sir Integra said, "for which one of the 
side-effects is rendering the victims wills numb, making them 
susceptible to outside manipulation."

"I was contacted by Agent Lewis of Homeland Security about Sir Integra's 
involvement of an incident involving artificial vampires some time ago 
in Joliet," Coleman added, then glanced at Sir Integra and grumbled, 
"Although I wish the Chicago police was told about this from the 
beginning, Sir Integra."

"Just taking precautions, Detective Coleman," Sir Integra answered. "If 
was fortunate that Agent Lewis was able to confirm your trustworthness 
and allowed you to be brought into the loop."

Turning back to Anderson, Coleman added, "Anyway, after the incident was 
over with, Hellsing fount that there was evidence in the form of the 
microchip responsible for the artificial vampires... as well as a vial 
of Kerasine!"

"What?" Anderson gasped, clearly shocked by the revelation.

Sir Integra waited a little while, letting the news sink in before 
answering with a smile, "Iscariot received money from a drug lord that 
manufactures a compound that would make it easier for some unknown party 
to create more of these FREAKs. I wonder what His Holiness would say if 
this if the news were to get out? Do not worry... I have made sure a 
copy of what we have given you is forwarded to Archbishop Maxwell, in 
the hopes Iscariot can contain the problem before it gets too big. In 
the meantime," she added, "I would suggest that you leave Rally Vincent 
and her friends alone while we investigate this matter further."

It was a while before Anderson replied. "Granted. I will not press the 
issue any further. Miss Vincent and her friends will not attacked any 
more." Suddenly, the parchments that had lined the walls of the office 
undid themselves and swirled around the priest. "However, our quarrel 
still remains! I'll be back!" The parchments swirled tighter and tighter 
around Anderson, until they... and the priest... faded altogether.

"I hate to admit it," Rally said, "but that guy sure knows how to make 
an exit." Then a fresh bout of dizziness hit her and she was forced to 
find a chair to sit in.

"Rally! Are you alright?" Coleman shouted as he headed to her side - 
then he noticed the wounds on her neck. "What are these?" he asked.

Rally glanced over at Seras. "So you know about Hellsing, do you Roy?" 
Coleman nodded, then the bounty hunter addressed both him and Sir 
Integra, "Look, don't get on Seras' case because of this. That priest 
stuck her with those knives of his, she needed a little blood to heal 
and I gave it to her. Look, Alucard told me she wouldn't turn me if she 
didn't kill me, so don't worry."

"I am not worried, Rally," Sir Integra said, "and I am thankful for your 
charity in this matter." However, she thought to herself, 'But... I am a 
little worried about the effects of what you did... on you AND Seras.'

"That's good," Coleman said, standing beside Rally as she stood up. "In 
the meantime, Rally, we'll get you home, get some soup down you... and 
afterwards, I'll head over to the safehouse and fetch May." Rally gave 
her thanks and was gently led out of the safehouse.

Seras, in the meantime, nervously walked besides Sir Integra. "Sir... 
there's... something that I must confess to you..." but was gently 
shushed by the Hellsing leader.

"Do not concern yourself, dear Seras," Sir Integra gently told her, 
giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I believe I know what is 
troubling you. If you wish, we can discuss this later."

"Thank you," Seras sighed, feeling relieved. "If you don't mind, I'll 
accompany Rally back. Whoever originally sent Anderson might try 
something else and..."

"You have my permission, Seras," answered Sir Integra. The young vampire 
then saluted and raced back with Rally and Coleman. The pale blonde 
woman then walked beside Alucard and added, "So... I wonder if Rally 
would accept Seras... as well as... I shudder to think what else?"

"I am as in the dark as you are, my master," the No-Life King grinned, 
"although I wouldn't be too surprised if Miss Vincent did."

Sir Integra just shook her head as she reached for a fresh cigar. She 
didn't want to think about that part.


"WHAT DO YE MEAN YE DIDN'T KNOW!?!?" Anderson shouted over his satellite 
phone as he watched the group depart. "YE DID RECEIVE THE RECORDS, DID 

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE TO ME, ANDERSON!!!" Archbishop Enrico Maxwell 
shouted on the other end. After a bit, he added in a calmer voice, "Yes, 
I did receive that email, but frankly I'm a little suspicious of the 
whole thing. You know you can't trust a heathen like Sir Integra."

"Well Ah happen t' trust her a lot more than ye, Maxwell," Anderson 
countered. "Do ye have any inklin' what that news would do t' th' church 
if it gets out?" He hung up, then said under his breath, "Ah thought Ah 
had raised ye better than that, Enrico."


Back in his office in Vatican City, Archbishop Enrico Maxwell slammed 
the receiver back in its cradle and leaned against the desk, his right 
eye twitching uncontrollably as it usually does. 'How dare that Anderson 
say he trusts that Protestant sow better than me,' he thought angrily. 
'We are the instrument of God's divine punishment on earth, not the 
whipping boys of some Anglican whore! Of course we shouldn't trust Sir 

However, a new and uncomfortable thought suddenly came over Maxwell. 
'But... if she IS right, then this places the church in a very 
compromising position, making us look like we were in league with an 
agent of the Devil himself! The fact we excepted money from that Muso 
woman is evidence enough!' He looked at the receipt on his desk, showing 
a sizable donation to Iscariot, an appeal from Goldie, asking the 
organization's aid in protecting Rally Vincent from the Hellsing 
Organization's influence, as well as the copied information from the 
D.E.A.'s database regarding Rally and May. 'Just what on earth is that 
woman's concern about Miss Vincent, anyway? Oh my dear lord... don't 
tell me that she's...' He shuttered, trying to banish the various images 
that suddenly came up in his head. After a sufficient amount of time to 
recover, Maxwell decided to act. 'Well... if that's the case... I think 
we'll make it hard for this Miss Muso to profit from this little 

After pressing a button, a young boy in acolyte's clothing entered the 
office. "Yes, Your Grace?" he asked.

"Ah good," Maxwell began, his voice pleasent. "Please contact Heinkel 
and Yumiko as soon as possible and have them travel to Geneva 
immedietly. I'll fill them in on the details once they arrive."


Alfie didn't like his situation at all. Granted, his current 
surroundings was considerably better than sitting in a prison cell in 
Joliet, but it didn't make him feel any better. For the last two days, 
his hosts, which were all teenaged girls, had gone out of their way to 
make him feel comfortable. He had a soft bed to lie in, was given clean 
clothes, he bathed regularly, and got three gourmet meals a day. Still, 
he wanted to know who was going through all this trouble just for him.

He then heard a knock on the door. Getting up from the bed, Alfie walked 
up to the door and opened it. One of the girls was standing in front of 
it. "Sir," she began, smiling, "the mistress has returned and would like 
to see you now."

"Hmm..." about time," mused Alfie. "Okay, let's go."

The two then proceeded down the corridor, which was immaculately 
decorated and well-cared for. Alfie couldn't help but notice the rather 
expensive paintings that hung on the walls. Obviously, his new client 
was well-to-do... which meant money in his pockets, if he played his 
cards right.

The two then proceeded to a set of double doors, where the young girl 
said as she opened them up, "Right this way," she said, moving out of 
his way. The girl then stayed back as Alfie entered what appeared to be 
a well-lit office, and closed the door behind him. He then walked up to 
the desk, where its occupant was seated and looking out the window.

"Excuse me," Alfie began, a sudden feeling of dread coming over him, 
"but..." you wanted me for something?" Something had came over him... 
somehow, he heard of a female crimelord that often had used young girls 
for committing crimes, but for some reason couldn't place the name. When 
the chair turned around, that name instantly came to him.

Seated in the chair was a beautiful young woman, with strawberry-blonde 
hair and green eyes. "So you are Alfie," she began. "I have read of your 
unique qualifications and I require them for a little... task I need 

Alfie knew the woman... which wasn't good at all! It was Goldie Muso - 
"Iron Goldie" - the lesbian crimelord and creator of Kerasine, which had 
caused much of his problems. He was never more scared in his life.

Onwards to Part 7

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