Through the Years (part 4 of 11)

a Gunsmith Cats fanfiction by Elwin Blain Coldiron

Back to Part 3
All through the dinner, Rally Vincent sensed a little unease in her old 
friend, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing.  Maybe it was the 
suddenness of the events of the day that had brought this about... or 
maybe Sir Integra was planning on telling Rally in the first place and 
things suddenly got messed up.  Anyway, Rally didn't think she would 
bring up any unpleasant feelings tonight.  If Sir Integra wanted to tell 
her something, she'll let her friend tell her on HER terms, she wasn't 
going to rush things. 
However, during dinner, the two, along with "Minnie" May Hopkins, 
indulged in small talk, often talking about how Rally met May in the 
first place.  Sir Integra was relieved that the anger Rally had 
exhibited earlier was gone, and that she can explain what happened 
without rancorous emotion interfering with a rather sensitive 
As soon as dessert was finished, the pale-blonde woman got up from the 
table and began with, "Now that the meal is finished, I suggest we 
retire to the drawing room... where I will explain everything."
"Sounds good to me, Integra.  I've got a lot of questions that need 
answering," Rally replied, finally satisfied with events. 
The three women, along with Walter, made their way to what appeared to 
be a drawing room, where they said down, Sir Integra, a lit cigar in her 
hand, sitting in front of Rally and May.  Before she began, however, Sir 
Integra paused briefly, as if concentrating.  "Rally," she began, "I was 
hoping that I could break this news of this rather delicately... but it 
seems your experiences earlier this evening have ruined that prospect.  
I might as well get to the point."  The tanned blonde took a deep breath 
before continuing, "I am the leader of an organization known as the 
Royal Order of Protestant Knights Hellsing, or the Hellsing Organization 
for short.  I inherited the leadership not long after your visit, Rally, 
when my father died and left me as the leader.  We are a 
royally-ordained organization, and generally, the Hellsing Organization 
is an ordained royal order, and all who serve in it are sworn to protect 
sovereign and the English church... or in this case, to aid those who 
are allies of the English crown."
"A royal protective agency," Rally breathed, but then added, "Protect 
against what, if I may ask?"
Sir Integra paused, thinking carefully of her words before saying, "To 
protect church and crown against all manners of supernatural and satanic 
threats against both... especially vampires."
Both Rally and May stared in surprise.  "Uhhh... excuse me... but 
vampires?" May asked.  "I thought there was no such thing as vampires."
"They DO exist, May, make no mistake about it.  However," added Sir 
Integra, "this organization takes a rather... unusual method to dealing 
with vampires.  You see, human beings are not the best of vampire 
hunters.  Their frailties, both spiritually and physically, preclude 
them as effective hunters.  To my knowledge, there has been only one 
human that is capable of handling them."  She then turned fondly towards 
Walter... which Rally caught on quite quickly.
"Now wait a minute... are you talking about... Walter?" the 
dusky-skinned bounty hunter gasped, pointing at the butler.
"Indeed she is, Miss Vincent," Walter offered.  "In my youth, I was 
quite accomplished at this.  When you had visited us ten years prior, I 
was still the Hellsing Organization's top vampire slayer... although age 
had diminished some of my skills at the time."
"Walter is still as deadly as he was in his youth, but has since retired 
in order to be my butler full time.  He still serves the Hellsing 
Organization in other capacities," Sir Integra added.  "He is a top 
computer expert, as well as the organization's gunsmith.  He has created 
many of the weapons we used... but since then, I learned that my father 
had kept secret a weapon so powerful, as that it has became the 
principle vampire slayer of the Hellsing Organization."
"And that would be?" Rally asked, wondering if she should ask the 
"I believe this is where I make my appearance," a baritone voice 
suddenly spoke up from out of thin air.  Both Rally and May jumped out 
of their seats, looking wildly around... and was greeted by a tall man 
wearing a red trenchcoat and wide-brimmed fedora walking through the 
bookcase.  Instinctively, Rally went for her gun... then remembered she 
left it with the Royal Marines in the reception area.
"Really, Alucard," Sir Integra groaned, "you could have at least opened 
the door rather than used that manner of entrance."
"I think you know me better than that, my master," Alucard replied, 
Rally looked in shock as Alucard grinned, seeing what appeared to be 
fangs in his mouth.  "N-now wait a minute... Integra... is... is that 
w-what I think..."
"If you're trying to say a vampire, you are correct, Rally," answered 
Sir Integra.  "You see, aside from Walter, the best way to handle a 
vampire is to send an even more powerful vampire against it... and 
Alucard here just happens to be the most powerful vampire there is."
"What a perfect description, Sir Integra," Alucard replied, then turned 
to Rally, still smiling and added, "I hope I didn't frighten you too 
"Well... briefly," Rally began, then briefly glanced at Sir Integra 
before addressing the vampire again.  "But now that I think about it 
more, it makes perfect sense."
"It... it does?" May meekly said, still in a bit of shock.
"Of course," Rally added, smiling.  "It's the old principle 'fight fire 
with fire', only this time you use an even bigger fire."  Looking at Sir 
Integra, Rally walked up to her friend and said, "I'm sorry about biting 
your head off earlier, Integra.  I realize now you were only trying to 
protect me."  Then thinking back, she added, "But... who in the world 
was that priest that attacked me and May earlier."
"A fool and a braggart," Alucard snarled, his mood suddenly changing.  
"Just another idiot who thinks he can deal with the darkness."
"Alucard... I believe Rally wanted some background on her attacker," Sir 
Integra grumbled, for which Alucard nodded.  Returning her attention to 
Rally, she added, "His name is Father Alexander Anderson, a paladin 
warrior for the Iscariot Organization."
"Say what?" Rally asked, a little mystified.
"The Iscariot Organization is a secret organization run by the Vatican's 
Section XIII, and in many ways their motives are similar to the Hellsing 
Organization.  However," Sir Integra grimly added, "they are fanatical 
zealots who for a thousand years had harshly enforced the Vatican's 
doctrines and dogma by either intimidation, humiliation, torture... or 
outright murder.  It is rumored that the grand inquisitors that had 
brought the great scientist Galileo before them were agents of Iscariot.  
Anyone who does not share their beliefs, be it Protestant, Jew, 
Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim, or all the other faiths in the world are often 
victims to their cruelty... and had suffered because of this."
"Is that so?" Rally said, her eye narrowing.  "Well, if this Alexander 
Anderson tries to mess with me again, I'll make certain it's the LAST 
time."  She made a motion as if brandishing a pistol to emphasize her 
"Rally... you must promise me you will NEVER attempt to confront Paladin 
Anderson under ANY circumstances!" Sir Integra said, rather loud.  When 
Rally looked surprised, she added with, "Paladin Anderson is more 
dangerous that you can imagine.  For one thing, he is not altogether 
human... but a cybernetic regenerator crafted by the Vatican's greatest 
surgeons, designed for maximum survivability, as well as armed with an 
almost unlimited supply of weapons, mostly blessed bayonets.  If you 
confront him, it is more than certain you will end up dead in the 
"Look, Integra," Rally countered, "that creep threatened both me AND 
May, and if he attacks again, you can't expect me to take it lying down!  
I've been in worst scrapes before and I'm certain I can handle myself!"
"Rally... I am not kidding," replied Sir Integra, almost wearily.  But 
before she can add anything more, she felt Alucard's hand on her 
"Sir Integra, perhaps I have a possible solution."  He then looked at 
Rally and said, "If you'll excuse me, I like to make this a private 
conversation."  Rally nodded her approval, then the two, vampire and 
lady, conversed quietly between each other. 
During this conversation, May got up and walked next to Rally.  "Wonder 
what's going on?" she asked.
Rally just shrugged and answered, "Maybe they're talking about giving us 
a bodyguard... although it'll just cramp my style." 
During May and Rally's conversation, Sir Integra and Alucard continued 
to talk.  Looking up to the No-Life King, the blonde woman gave her 
servant a questioning look and asked, "Are you sure this is wise?"
"It is perfect," Alucard answered.  "Trust me, she'll be up to the 
"Alright," Sir Integra muttered, still wondering about Alucard's 
motives.  Motioning to Walter, she told him, "Please fetch Seras 
Victoria... and tell her to bring a submachine gun and spare ammunition 
with her."
"Indeed I shall, Sir Integra," the butler answered, then excused himself 
as he left the drawing room.
"If you'll also excuse me," Alucard added, "I've got something else to 
do as well."  Sir Integra nodded, and the vampire disappeared into the 
bookcases.  Turning her attention back to the others, the head of the 
Hellsing Organization started with, "There's some more things I should 
tell you, Rally.  You do remember that incident in Joliet two days ago?"
"You mean that chemical spill... or was that a cover story?" Rally 
"It was," Sir Integra replied.  "Your government had petitioned Her 
Majesty the day before our arrival because our expertise was needed in 
an incident."
"Wait... are you telling me there was a vampire in Joliet?" gasped 
"I wouldn't call it a vampire by any light.  It was what we call a 
FREAK... an artificial vampire created by a special circuit chip.  The 
difference between these artificial vampires and the genuine article is 
that a FREAK is more prone to random violence, while a real vampire 
would rather not call attention to itself until it is too late.  
However, when the FREAK was dealt with, we had discovered not only the 
chip which creates them, but an injection vial as well.  The substance 
inside it was analyzed by your D.E.A. and discovered to be that of 
"Kerasine?" May gasped.
Rally's face had a look of rage on it.  "Dammit... Goldie!" she growled.
"I had a feeling you would know of her.  That was why I needed copies of 
your A.T.F. files, in order to find out the history between you and 
her," Sir Integra said.  "We suspect that she is selling Kerasine in 
order to induce others into accepting the FREAK chip and are working 
with your government's authorities in her capture.  What we do not know 
is if she is a willing partner to whoever is creating these FREAKs or 
"All I can say is that bitch caused me more than my share of grief," 
snarled Rally.  "Integra, if you need my help in finding her, you've got 
it!"  May nodded in agreement.
Sir Integra smiled.  "I appreciate your help, Rally... but still there's 
still your problem with Paladin Anderson to deal with.  And I believe 
that Alucard may have a solution."  
Seras Victoria, wearing her yellow miniskirt uniform and bearing her gun 
and ammunition, kept pace with Walter as they made their way to the 
drawing room.  "Did Master say why Sir Integra needed me?" she asked.
"Not really... I was only told to summon you right after Sir Integra had 
her talk with Miss Vincent," the butler replied.  
"Miss Vincent?  You mean... that woman... is here?" Seras sputtered, 
again feeling jealous.
"Please, try to be at your best behavior, Miss Victoria.  Alucard had 
recommended you himself and it would be unpleasant if you caused a 
scene," Walter sighed. 
Seras sighed heavily and said, "Alright, Walter, I'll try... but it 
won't be easy."  She settled herself and entered the drawing room.
"Ah good, you are here," Sir Integra said, noticing the young vampire's 
presence.  "Rally, May, this is Captain Seras Victoria, one of my finest 
agents.  She will be accompanying you home."
"WHAAAT!?!?" both Rally and Seras exclaimed, shooting glances at each 
"Integra, I don't need a bodyguard," Rally began to complain.
"I am firm on this, Rally.  Seras will be accompanying you, whatever you 
like it or not."  Sir Integra then looked at her friend and added, "She 
has experience in dealing with the likes of Paladin Anderson, and it 
would be advisable that you take her on." 
Rally wanted to protest more, but saw that her friend was not going to 
budge.  "Alright Integra," she sighed, "I'll take her with me."
"Very good," answered Sir Integra.  "Walter, contact the reception area 
and have them bring Rally's firearm to her car.  Seras, I would like to 
have a word with you before you leave."
"Yes, ma'am," Seras replied, still in shock from her assignment.
Sir Integra then turned to Rally.  "If you do not mind," she began, "I 
would like to have some private time with Captain Victoria."
"It's alright with me," Rally answered.  "I'll see myself out.  Thank 
you for the dinner." 
"Yes, thank you very much," added May, who turned with her friend and 
exited the drawing room.
"Thank you Rally, May," Sir Integra replied, watching the two depart.  
"Walter, I would like a bit of privacy, if you would?"
"Yes, Sir Integra," the butler answer, leaving the drawing room and 
closing the doors behind him.
Fidgeting nervously, Seras looked at the Hellsing leader.  "So..." she 
blundered, "what... do you..."
"Captain Victoria... Seras," Sir Integra began, "please calm yourself.  
This is not relating to business.  There was something I wanted to talk 
to you about."
"Uhh... what is it that you... want to talk about?" asked Seras, 
suddenly feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing.
"Seras... I want to ask you... and I would like an honest answer to this 
question," stated Sir Integra.  "How do you feel about me?"
Now Seras' innards began to twist as the young vampire tried to find the 
words to give her boss... and the one she secretly loved... and not 
sound empty.  "To be honest," she began, "I feel very deeply about 
you... no, that's not right!  Sir Integra," bloody tears started running 
down her face, for which Sir Integra quickly gave her a tissue, "Sir 
Integra... I... I love you.  The problem is... that I don't know if you 
feel the same towards me.  It's tearing me apart!" she sobbed, taking 
another tissue from Sir Integra.  "Sir Integra... am I wrong to be 
feeling like this... that a woman could possibly love another woman 
like... eh-WHAT!?!"  Seras suddenly found herself being hugged tightly 
by Sir Integra, and when the hug was broken, Seras saw the Hellsing 
leader's eyes bright with tears.
Sir Integra composed herself briefly before stating, "Seras... I am so 
glad to hear such words from your lips.  I am so sorry if I have worried 
you so."
"Uh... Sir Integra?" Seras weakly muttered.
"To tell you the truth, I too felt the same way about you, as you do 
with me," the tanned blonde began.  "The problem is... I am also the 
leader of the Hellsing Organization.  And as the leader, I have to 
maintain a reasonable distance from those who serve.  It was nothing 
that you've done, Seras... it is my lot in life that has caused this."
"So you're telling me that... you love me, also," replied Seras.  
"But... what about...?"
"You mean Rally?" chuckled Sir Integra.  "She is my friend... nothing 
more.  I wager that her sudden appearance in my life caused you to 
become jealous."  Seras blushed, feeling embarrassed.  "Do not worry, 
Seras.  I am not angry... just flattered."  She bent over and deeply 
kissed Seras, for which the young vampire returned in kind.
"Sir Integra..." breathed Seras after they parted, "you don't know... 
how happy this makes me feel."
"I am glad, Seras," replied Sir Integra in kind.  "But Seras... what 
about the future?  Have you ever thought about that?"
"I... don't follow?" asked Seras.
"Seras... you are a vampire... immortal and forever beautiful," Sir 
Integra said.  "I am a human, and I am sorry to say to you that I cannot 
join you in immortality.  What would you do when I am old and dying, 
whilst you remain as fresh and youthful as you are now?"
That question caused Seras some concern.  "Now that you've told me so," 
she said, scratching her chin, "I don't rightly know."  She then 
strongly added, "All I know is that... I will stand by you, even to your 
last breath!"
"Of that, I am certain," Sir Integra added.  "However, of that and the 
first problem I had mentioned...  do you not think it would be kind if 
you had to endure a near-constant chastity because of me?  I am not 
certain how you would react to this, but... have you considered taking 
another lover as well as myself?"
Seras' jaw nearly dropped to the floor.  Recovering, she then asked, 
"Are you asking me to take another woman as well as yourself?  Pardon me 
for asking, Sir Integra, but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
Sir Integra shrugged her shoulders and replied, "You are right... it 
does not make any sense.  But like I've said before, I need to maintain 
a certain amount of distance between those who serve me.  You have a 
giving heart, and I feel that it is one to share by two.  I am not 
ordering you to do so... just asking if you would consider it."  
"Well, I'll think about it... but it still doesn't make sense," 
concluded Seras.
"That is all I ask," Sir Integra said, bending over to kiss Seras' 
forehead.  "Now I suggest you get yourself to the reception area.  Rally 
is waiting for you."
"Yes, sir," Seras answered, quickly snapping to attention.  "I'm on my 
way!"  She then raced through the door, much easier than her earlier 
tries.  As she quickly made her way down the corridor, the young vampire 
could feel a great weight lift from her heart.  'She loves me,' she 
thought to herself, smiling.
'As I knew she did, Police Girl,' Alucard's voice sounded within her 
'MASTER, DON'T EVESDROP!!' Seras snarled back in her mind.
"There you go, Miss," the Royal Marine sergeant said, handing Rally back 
her CZ-75.  "To tell you the truth, the lads were all wanting a chance 
to fire that gun of yours at the range.  Nobody here has ever fired a 
CZ-75 first edition, much less see one."
Rally eyed the sergeant sourly.  "I hope you didn't do that," she said 
"Don't worry, we didn't," the sergeant replied, holding up his hands in 
his defense.  "By the way, several of the dogs around here were sniffing 
your car and alerting.  I was wondering..."
"It's nothing to be concerned about.  It was just May's homemade stun 
grenades, that's all," Rally laughed, relived that Sir Integra had left 
strict orders not to place her and May in confinement.  
"Where the heck is that girl Integra is making us take along?" growled 
May impatiently as she stood by the passenger side.
"My guess is that Integra is giving her last-minute instructions," Rally 
mused.  "Oh there she is!"  Both girls saw Seras racing towards the car, 
waving at the Marines milling about.  The Marines in turn waved back, 
but Rally noticed their manners were uneasy... almost as if they were 
afraid of the girl.
"Sorry about being late," Seras managed to say as May opened the door 
and pulled back the seat.  "Sir Integra had a few... things she needed 
to discuss."
"Well sorry if I seem a bit impatient, but I really like to get home," 
May added, then bounded into the seat after Seras was settled in.  "OW!!   
Rally," she meekly said, "I bumped the rear-view mirror with my head 
Rally chuckled as she got in the driver's seat, "Well... serves you 
right for jumping in the way you did."  As she adjusted the mirror, her 
eyes widened suddenly.  Taking a sideways glance at Seras, she started 
the engine, then drove out of the compound and headed towards the city.
For the next few minutes, the Cobra navigated the streets of the Second 
City with relative ease.  Taking a sidestreet, Rally then decided to 
start a conversation, mostly out of boredom.  "So... Seras, that's your 
name, isn't it?"
"Why yes... uh... Rally?" Seras began.  "What do you need?"
"I was wondering... how in the world did you join the Hellsing 
Organization?" Rally began.  "You don't seem to be one at ease with 
hunting vampires."  May decided not to engage in the conversation, 
instead she lazily looked up the canyons of buildings that whizzed by.
"Well," Seras began, "I was originally a constable, like my father."
"Really," the dark-haired bounty hunter said.  "Is he still a cop?"
Seras was unusually quiet before answering.  "He's dead... in fact, both 
my parents are gone.  My father worked undercover and got his cover 
blown.  Both Mum and Dad were killed as a result.  I was only 10 at the 
time and witnessed the whole thing."
"That's too bad," Rally whispered, feeling sorry about mentioning the 
whole thing.  "But I wonder, how in the world did you..."
"RALLY... TURN!!!" May shrieked, causing Rally to make a hard skid to 
the left.  Paladin Alexander Anderson had leapt from one of the 
buildings, landing in front of the Cobra.
"You..." Rally snarled, quickly exited the Cobra with gun drawn along 
with May and Seras, who took up positions behind the car.
"So," the priest began, "even after me kind warnin', ye still insisted 
upon visitin' that damned Protestant wench Integra Hellsing!  What a 
"Look, Anderson," Rally shot back, "I don't take to threats kindly, so I 
suggest you back off before I blow your head off!"
"Blow my 'ead off... with that peashooter?" snorted Anderson, producing 
two bayonets from the sleeves of his cassock, "Don't make me laugh!  
Like me brothers before me, Ah've dealt with th' forces of darkness and 
cleansed this good earth for unholy garbage like to one ye been 
"If you're talking about Seras," countered Rally, "she may be a vampire, 
but I can tell she's a whole lot better than the like of you!"
"A vampire?  Seras?" gasped May, glancing at Seras.
"But Sir Integra never told you I was a vampire," added Seras.
"She didn't have to... I found out when we left the compound," explained 
Rally, still looking at Anderson.  "Remember when May bumped my mirror?  
When I went to adjust it, I found out that Seras didn't have a 
reflection, even though she was in the back seat."
"Very clever," Anderson commented.  "Too bad it won't save your life!"  
He then charged at Rally, who had to move quickly to avoid the priest's 
bayonets.  And just as quickly, Rally fired, placing a shot squarely in 
his forehead, knocking him down.
"Is he dead?" May asked, her heart pounding.
"I hope so... that guy moved so fast he nearly took my head off," gasped 
Rally, staring at Anderson's body.  But soon her gut tightened as a 
throaty laugh came from that body.
Anderson stood up, the bullet Rally shot dropping from his forehead and 
the wound healing.  "I've got to admit... that was quick shooting 
there!"  Bolting up, he resumed his attack, Rally quickly dodging his 
slashes.  The dusky-skinned bounty hunter desperately looked for another 
opening, but had to keep moving or get cut.
Seras decided to act, moving from the cover of the Cobra and opening 
fire.  Abandoning Rally, Anderson concentrated his attack on the young 
vampire, at one point slashing her arm, the vampire hissing briefly at 
the pain the blessed blade caused.  Rally then fired as well, with Seras 
adding fire as well.  But no matter how much they tried, the priest 
simply shrugged-off the shots, laughing maniacally.  "Oh crap!" Rally 
said to herself, "Integra was right about him!  I've emptied an entire 
clip into him... including a head shot!  How in hell are we going to 
stop him?"
MATTER 'OW MUCH YE TRY!!!"  He then crossed his bayonets, atoning, 
"Ashes t' ashes, dust t' dust.  From dust we came, an' t' dust we shall 
return, Amen."  Slowly, he advanced towards the two girls, Seras 
slamming another clip while Rally struggled to find stronger ammo.
But two metallic clanks caused Anderson to stop in his tracks.  Rally 
also heard the clanks, looked ahead of the priest... and shoved Seras to 
the ground.  "What th'..." Anderson grunted... which was all he said 
before the two grenades May threw exploded.  When the smoke cleared, the 
girls saw the priest flat on the ground.
"How... how did..." Seras began, only to have Rally grab her up and 
shove her into the back seat of the Cobra.
"Nevermind that, let's get out of here before he comes to!" was all 
Rally said before starting the car and screeching away from the scene.
Ten seconds after the Cobra disappeared from view, Anderson groaned 
slightly, slowly getting up.  "Ach... Ah didna expect that?" he 
grumbled.  "Ah'm gonna have t' go over me tactics when Ah face them 
again."  He picked himself off the ground and fled the scene, noticing 
the coming police sirens.
Inside the Cobra, everyone's nerves were frazzled.  May had to force 
herself to settle down.  "Oh man, that was TOO close!" she gasped.
"I know," Rally added, reaching for her cell phone with trembling hands.  
"Seras, are you going to be alright with that wound?"
"It's already healed... but it took a while because of that blessed 
weapon that bastard Anderson used," Seras answered.  "So now what do we 
"We can't go home, that's for certain.  He knows were we live."  
Punching the speed dial, Rally held her breath before it picked up, 
which she activated the speaker.  "Collins here," came the answer. 
"Bill, it's me Rally," she said crisply.
"Oh hi, Pussycat.  Listen, about that call earlier..." Bill Collins 
"Can it for now, I'm in big trouble!  Me, May and another need a place 
to hide!  I'll give you a line on that security breach you told me about 
in exchange, got it?"
"Right you are," Collins said.  "Remember that safehouse that the A.T.F. 
held Jonathan Washington some time ago?"
"You mean the one were Radinov killed him?  Of course, but I thought the 
A.T.F. closed it after that."
"Well... not entirely.  We've got the building cleaned up, and other 
agencies, including the Chicago P.D. use it to hide witnesses 
"Good.  Call Roy and tell him I'm going there.  Somehow, I'll get ahold 
of Becky and tell her about your problem."
"Nice.  You owe me on this, Rally."
"Yeah... I know," grumbled Rally as she switched off the phone.
May looked at her friend.  "I don't get it, Rally," she began.  "Why did 
you have to call that snake?"
"Like I had any choice," replied Rally, her nerves still raw.  "We need 
a place to hide for right now... but we can't stay there forever.  I 
found out we may have to go after Goldie again, not to mention we still 
have to contend with that killer priest.  And for that, I still need to 
get to my house for ammo with bigger punch... not to mention we have 
other concerns in mind."  She glanced over at Seras.  
May took note, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Onwards to Part 5

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