A HOTEL PENTHOUSE, ROANAPUR... Irene "Rally" Vincent laid on the bed, her burned-out eyes tightly bandaged, but it didn't ease her suffering much. Although unnecessary, the dusky vampire was panting heavily, the burning pain because of the infusion of holy water Natasha Radinov injected within her wracked her body. Occasionally, her body would tighten-up and convulse as a new, painful spasm would hit, Rally doing everything within her power to prevent from screaming. The one good news was that, at least the blotchiness on her skin had faded. Standing over the ailing vampire, Rally's father, Deepak Vincent, used a scalpel to cut into his palm. "Irene," he said firmly, holding the cut hand over her, "open your mouth!" Soon, a small stream of blood dripped into the vampire's open mouth, and then afterward Rally groped around for his hand, finally licking the wound when she found it. Taking note that his wound had healed-up, Vincent gently caressed his daughter's cheek with his hand. "Feel any better?" he asked. It took a while before Rally could answer. "A little... thanks, Dad." Indeed she seemed to be more comfortable than before, her breathing easing up. The surroundings the two were in just happened to be in one of the bedrooms of a very posh penthouse at the hotel they were staying in, Rally no longer in the sleazy room they were put-up in previously. Vincent then got up and said, "Look, I'll leave you alone for a bit. If you need anything, don't be too afraid to shout out." "Okay." But as Vincent made his way to the door, Rally asked, "Dad?" "Yes, Irene?" "I'm... I'm a bit scared, not being able to see and all that." Vincent could only look sympathetically at her. "I know, Irene. You just rest now." He then walked out of the room. As he made his way to the living room, the others inside the two-bedroom suite - Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, Balalaika, Moria Hedgley, Pip Bernadotte, William Collins, Becky 'the Nose' Farrah, as well as Rock, Dutch, Benny and Revy, all looked at him. Only Seras Victoria, who was looking out the window, didn't turn around. "So far, she's more comfortable than an hour ago. All we have to do is hope her regeneration abilities kick in soon." "Thanks," Collins said. "I'm telling you, I've never seen Rally so fucked-over in my life! How in the world did something like this happen to her, I thought vampires were immune to such things!" "Well I have the culprit right here," the Hellsing leader said, holding up a small plastic bottle. "Hey be careful with that!" Collins blurted, almost panicking. "There could be acid in there!" Sir Integra just sighed. "I appreciate your concern, Agent Collins, but Rally could not be harmed by acid at all... which this is not!" She tossed the bottle to Collins. "Go ahead... see what it is." Looking doubtful, Collins opened the cap and sniffed the contents. When he found no noxious odors, he gingerly place a drop on the top of his hand. Feeling no pain, he took a taste. "Hey wait of minute... this is just water!" he said. "Something like what happened to Rally couldn't be done with water!" "True, if it was normal water, but this is HOLY water we're talking about," Sir Integra explained. "True vampires are vulnerable to all forms of blessed implements." Collins now took a new look at the bottle, realizing the depth of the meaning. "So it's holy water then." "I have a bad feeling I know where Bloody Pierce had obtained a substantial quantity of holy water," Balalaika said, turning around to face the others. "It's well-known she has a friend in Sister Yolanda of the Church of Violence. Clearly, she may have gotten it there." Sir Integra nodded. "Unfortunately, since that facility is also a Roman Catholic Church, there is no way the Hellsing Organization can confront them, not without the Iscariot Organization knowing about it and interfering." "Oh for crying out loud," Revy bellowed, bored with the talk, "let's not concentrate on the Rip-Off Church right now! That bitch Natasha Radinov got that fucking chip and is possibly on her way off this shitty island!" "I'd thank you to watch your language in Sir Integra's presence if I were you!" Moria growled as she went to answer the door, for which the doorbell had sounded. "Screw you!" Revy shot back at the maid. "Who knows, maybe she's already out of the country by now!" "Somehow I would find that highly doubtful, Rebecca," a new voice said. Everyone turned around to see three men, escorted by Moria, enter the apartment. All three were Chinese, but two of them were overly cautious, obviously guards of the third, a man who appeared to be in his late 40's to early 50's, who had hair that matched his black suit and wore dark sunglasses. "If Radinov did, then I would've heard about it. I have a sizeable watch at the bridge to the mainland, as well as the harbor. She'll find it very difficult to leave otherwise." Balalaika turned to this newcomer and smiled. "Ah, you've finally come, Mr. Chang," she said. "I see you have gotten my message about our guests from England. Well I for one am thankful you had taken the proper precautions." "The pleasure is mine, Balalaika," Chang replied. Then he turned his attention to Sir Integra, and smiled as well. "So I finally get a chance to meet you, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. I must say, you're more than what I've heard from in the past." Sir Integra just glowered at the newcomer. "Obviously you are a Triad leader," she said, eyeing him steelily. "And just what do you mean by that observation?" she said suspiciously. That comment caused Chang's men to take up defensive postures, hands reaching for concealed guns. "Take it easy guys, she isn't doing any harm," the Triad leader said calmly, causing his men to relax. "I'm sorry about the reception Sir Integra, but my men tend to be a bit on the paranoid side. As for your question, I think I better show you this first." Chang then reached inside his coat pocket and produced a picture. "This was taken when I was about eight. It's of my father and his guest. It's a little faded, but I think this should clear things up a bit." He then handed it to the Hellsing leader, "I'm the one on the Chinese man's shoulders." Still eyeing Chang suspiciously, Sir Integra looked at the photo he offered - and her eyes widened in shock! "Father?" she gasped. Indeed, the guest portrayed on the photo's image was that of Sir Arthur Hellsing, Sir Integra's father and previous head of the Hellsing Organization. "Now you see what I mean," Chang said. "My father met yours over forty years ago in Hong Kong, when it was still a British colony. Granted, Sir Arthur didn't exactly approve of how Dad conducted his business; I did inherit it after all - but he was also appreciative that a person in his position DID have access to information about vampires and the like that wasn't available using legitimate channels! Dad even knew this and willingly helped Sir Arthur in protecting the colony. You could say that the Hong Kong office was, during my father's time, the Hellsing Organization's unofficial Southeast Asia branch." "So you say," Sir Integra mused, handing the photo back. She then looked up to Chang and asked, "Is there any way of verifying the information you have disclosed?" "If you wish, you can contact either Walter or Alucard," he offered. "I'm sure they'll confirm everything I've told you." Sir Integra took this information in and said, "I might do just that, as well as informing them about Rally's condition." "I will also try to inform the police department here to be extra diligent in locating Bloody Pierce," Balalaika offer. "I know Chief Watsup doesn't trust many of the criminal organizations here - but I will stress the crisis you are facing." Sir Integra nodded, even though she had little faith than to trust a police department which was possibly under the thumb of criminals. "Very well," she finally said, "I will leave the details to locating Radinov to you two. Meanwhile, I will contact Walter in London to verify what Mr. Chang has disclosed." The two crimelords nodded and started their way out of the penthouse. "Miss Balalaika?" Moira called out in perfect Russian. The Russian woman turned, totally surprised at the maid's grasp of her native language, "Da, Miss Hedgley?", repeating in the same. "I would also like to thank you for transferring us from those tawdry rooms to this lovely penthouse," the maid said, still talking in Russian. "Well it was the very least I could do, young lady," Balalaika said. "In a way, it was partly my inattention to the situation going on here that you and your friends had gotten such sub-standard accommodations here." Moria looked confused. "I don't quite follow," she said. "Well, I had found out recently, through some quite reliable sources, that the now-former manager of this hotel had, for quite some time, had reserved an entire story of this hotel for the exclusive use of friends and family, all without paying. I had only discovered that fact when the incoming receipts of this hotel didn't quite match the occupancy rates," Balalaika explained. "I see. So what has happened to this manager?" Moria asked. "I made sure his severance was quite adequate if you like to know. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to be going." Balalaika then accompanied Chang and his bodyguards down the private access elevator. Collins, as it happened, was listening in on this conversation, knowing Russian. Leaning over to Vincent, he mumbled in a low voice, "Wanna bet that manager is somewhere on this island with a bullet in his head, Deepak?" "I think you would win that bet, Bill," Vincent answered in an equal tone, having understanding the conversation. THE STREETS OF ROANAPUR, A FEW MINUTES LATER... "I... don't think I quite follow, ma'am?" Chief Watsup said over his cellphone near his squad car. "I repeat, have your patrols doubled! It is imperative that Bloody Pierce must NOT leave this island!" Balalaika's voice repeated over the other end. "She has in her position a device that could cause great harm, not only to this island, but the very world if it were to get out!" "But my resources are being stretched to the limit!" the chief countered. "I can't possibly put that many men on the streets!" "I am supplementing the membership of the Desantniki to aid your men as well. Do not worry, chief. I and Mr. Chang will see to it that you and your department will be duly compensated for any inconveniences you may suffer," the Russian said. Watsup sighed. "Okay, if you think that might help, I'll even stay myself. Thanks for your time, Miss Balalaika." He then switched off the cellphone and leaned on the top of the car. 'Shit,' he thought, 'it looks like I'm going to have to cancel my tee time for tomorrow. However, if the danger is as great as Balalaika is eluding to, then I think a missed golf game is worth it.' Stretching, he managed to get himself back into the squad car and continued his patrol. All through the island all that night, the presence of the Roanapur Police Department, as well as members of the Desantniki, was felt throughout, from the darkest backstreet to the harbor area. This activity was particularly noticed by Hueng, who had his wharfside shop thoroughly searched by Balalaika's men. Once they had left, though, he frantically got on his cellphone and dialed the last number called. "Natasha," he hissed, "you wouldn't believe what is happening! I've had some of that fry-faced bitch's men rummaging through my shop looking for you! Have you made it off the island?" THE OVERLAND BRIDGE... "Nyet, Hueng," Natasha Radinov replied. "It seems that several of Chang's men are guarding the bridge off the island, as well as the shore beyond! I could easily take them on, but the guards are spaced so that even if I took out one of the posts, the others would raise the alarm!" Indeed, in five places across the span of the bridge, posts of three or four men stood guard over the bridge, all of them linked to each other by hand-held radios and heavy machine guns. There were also patrols along the banks of the mainland, either by car or boat, at various times. "I don't like this!" Hueng replied on the other end. "What are you going to do?" "What else can I do? Between the police, Chang and Balalaika, I'm more-or-less boxed-in! It looks like we may have to wait it out for a bit!" "Okay," Hueng said. "I'll see if I can find someplace safe where you can hide." "I'm very grateful for the help. I'll call you later." As she switched-off the cellphone. Radinov couldn't help to notice the wound she still had on her right hand. 'Very strange... the wound seems to be healing slower that what I'm used to,' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if the bullets that other vampire shot had some property that I don't know about. In the meantime, I had better contact my employers to see if they can provide me with transportation off the island!' THE HOTEL PENTHOUSE... Seras was startled slightly when she felt Sir Integra's hand fall on her shoulder. "It will be almost dawn soon," the Hellsing leader said. "I suggest that you get yourself some rest. We've got more than enough people to look after Rally." The Draculina was silent for a time before saying in a depressed voice, "I've let Rally down." "Pardon?" Sir Integra asked. "I am her master. It was my duty to protect her and I failed her in that part." Finally turning around, Sir Integra noticed a single bloody tear streaming down Seras' cheek. "I should've been there for her when she went after Radinov instead of fighting the ghouls." She started sobbing, "Now she's hurt and blinded... and it's entirely my fault!" "Seras, do not trouble yourself over Rally's woes," the Hellsing leader said, using a tissue to clean the Draculina's face. "I would guess that she would not want to hear of you so distressed over her. And I am certain she would not want you to neglect yourself." She then hugged Seras, "Now I suggest you get yourself a blood ration and get yourself settled down. I still have to contact London." "Alright." She then went to the kitchen and reached for a unit of blood that Balalaika had generously stocked inside the refrigerator. While drinking it, she happened to pass near the room where Rally was convalescing, and noticed that her servant was still in agony, while Moria was changing the bandages over her eyes. 'I might be able to rest,' she thought glumly, 'but Rally is in no state to.' "Mignonette?" Pip asked, noticing Seras' mood, "Are you feeling alright?" Seras just sighed. "Leave me along, Pip... please?" She then walked away. The mercenary could only shake his head sadly. LONDON, THE HELLSING MANSION, SIR INTEGRA'S OFFICE... "Dear God that is DREADFUL news!" Walter C. Dolnez, the Hellsing butler and former trashman, gasped upon hearing the news of what happened to Rally. Next to him, Alucard stood grim-faced, the No-Life King's arms folded. "Do you have any prognosis about Miss Vincent's recovery?" "It will be slow-going, but I am confident she will recover, Walter," Sir Integra replied over the phone. "But I would like to know if there is any truth about my father and the father of the Triad leader Mr. Chang?" "Quite so," the butler said. "In fact, Mr. Chang's father was a very valuable ally to the Hellsing Organization in the Asian area. Of course, Sir Arthur did not share in any of the Triad's illegal activities, that part your father made clear." "How fortunate," Sir Integra said. "Well, at least my conscience will be clear about the matter. I know Hong Kong is no longer British, but I believe I might restart the relationship my father had in the past. It could be very valuable." "There is one thing I need to know, my master," Alucard added, "How long do you intend to allow your friend to suffer needlessly?" There was an uncomfortable silence before Sir Integra replied, "I realize what you are implying to, Alucard. I do not wish to see Rally suffer any more than needed, but we have to wait until the holy water within her body has run its course." "Sir Integra, there IS a way to expedite the process!" the red-clad nosferatu said, "If you'll just consider that method..." "Alucard, I am aware of what you are saying, but I will only fall-back on that method as a last resort!" the Hellsing leader replied rather loudly. "Do I make myself clear?" Alucard stewed for a while, before replying quiet pleasantly, "Very clear, my master." "Good. Now I do not want to have to repeat myself on this! I will keep you to appraised on the situation as it warrants. Goodbye." Then the connection broke off. "This is galling!" Alucard growled. "She is only causing Rally Vincent to endure needless pain just to satisfy her pride!" "Alucard, please try to control yourself," the old butler said. "I realize your concern for a fellow vampire, but the fact is that, even when she was a human, Miss Vincent suffered through a lot of pain, mostly through her former profession as a bounty hunter. She is much tougher than she appears." He then placed a hand on the No-Life King's shoulders and added, "Besides Friend, much of it has to do with Miss Vincent's character. I mean, I do not believe she wished to be pushed into a situation she might later regret." It took a while, but Alucard nodded in agreement. "I believe you may be right, Walter," he said, smiling. "After all, Rally is not one who wishes to cause anyone harm for her own sake." "That is true," Walter said. "So, I best be getting to my rounds. I will be seeing you." "And you the same," Alucard added. But as the old butler left, he could only feel concerned about Rally. 'But no matter what you or my master wishes,' he thought grimly to himself, 'I suspect that it may come to that point.' ROANAPUR, THE HOTEL PENTHOUSE, RALLY'S BEDROOM... "There," Moria said pleasantly as she secured the bandage wrap around Rally's eyes, "all done. I must admit, it's improving there." She then looked over to Rally as she gathered up the used bandages. Her breathing seemed to be easing, but she still looked to be in pain. "Feeling any better?" "A little... I guess," Rally muttered. "Moria, could you give it to me straight? How bad is it, my injuries?" Moria took a little time to compose herself. "Still a bit nasty, I'm afraid," she said, "although the skin in and around your eye sockets seems to have healed, that must be something." "Yeah, just as I thought," Rally said, who then suddenly arched her back as a new spasm hit. "OH CRAP... CRAP... CRAP... CRAP!!" she gasped, then she fell back, again breathing hard. "RALLY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Moria cried-out, seeing what happened. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. It's... it's just the holy water's way of telling me it's still there, that's all," Rally gasped. "Humph... you're a bit humorous, despite the situation," Moria laughed humorlessly. Rally just nodded, then added, "By the way... how's Master?" "To tell you the truth... she's taking it quite hard," Moria observed. "Seras has been blaming herself all night for what had happened to you, thinking she should've been there." "She shouldn't put all the blame on herself," Rally said, sitting up slightly. "It was my fault that I followed Radinov into that clearing without any backup. You'd think that after many years of bounty hunting I would've learned any better. I swear at times Roy might have been right about me: I tend to jump the gun without thinking things through." "Well, I'm not so certain about that. You do seem to have a good head on your shoulders, that much is true." Moria soon found herself yawning loudly. "Geez Moria," Rally said, "it sounds like you need to get yourself to bed." "Yes, I think I'd better or else I might keel-over the next time I change your bandages." Moria then gathered up the first-aid supplies and cleaned-up. "All the same, don't be afraid to ask for anything, Rally." "I'll remember - ouch - that," Rally said, wincing as she laid back down. However, Moira hesitated a bit. "There is one question I would like to ask." "Sure," Rally replied. "Rally... what exactly does, 'H.L.S.' means?" the maid asked. "Huh?" If Rally had her eyes, they would've been wide from that question. "Just what the hell do you mean by that? Where did you hear of it?" "Well," Moria began, feeling embarrassed, "earlier, when you asked for the shower gel, while I was looking for it I happened to glance upon a pair of white thong panties. And there, silk-screened on the front of them in pink was the letters 'H.L.S.'. I was wondering what it mean." "Oh crap," Rally grumbled, "Master would've packed THOSE!" She then explained, "Some time ago, Master happened to see those on this website and thought..." she winced slightly, "... that it would be cute if she got me a few pairs, which she did! She's been trying to get me to wear them since, but I've been too embarrassed to do so!" "But Rally..." Moira implored. "Later, please?" mumbled the dusky vampire. "Right now, I just want to rest and try to kick this holy water." "Very well," the maid said in a disappointed sigh, departing. But as soon as Moria left the room, she happened to see Revy leaning next to the door. Giving the mercenary a disgusted look, she walked past her. Revy just shrugged as she glanced over to Rally's room. "She gutting it out, I've got to admit," she finally said to the maid. "Why should you care?" Moria huffed. "Not long ago, you've wanted to steal her gun - even willing to kill her to do it!" "Yeah, but that was before that bitch Radinov up and tortured the hell out of her," countered Revy. Taking a careful look at the maid, she added, "Look, it's obvious I'm no angel, but I'm not like that Russian assassin. When I kill, I make sure it's finished quickly: no pain, no agony. Radinov only did what she did to Rally just because she wanted to hear her scream. I hate bitches and bastards like that!" She then walked over to Moria and further added, "What I really admire is the way you've kicked my ass back at the Yellow Flag." She chuckled, "There's not many people who can do that and still live!" "You deserved it," Moria growled, "you and that toilet mouth of yours! I mean really - I have never seen such a wanton disregard for the Queen's English that I have seen in you! Isn't there anything you can say without adding an expletive every third word?" She sighed and added, "It's bad enough that Rally's master Seras is so out of sorts about this than to hear you." "Seras?" Revy quipped, then she remembered. "Oh, you mean that blonde with the big tits?" Moria spun around and angrily confronted Revy. "See, that's what I'm talking about!" she hissed. "You simply cannot make a statement without making it sound so sleazy! Why can't you, for once, have a civil conversation in your life?" "Shit, I was just telling the truth, that's all." Revy then pointed to Moria rather ample bust and added, "By the way, your tits are just as big as that blonde's." It took all the will Moria had not to pound Revy into the floor, instead she covered her chest, blushing furiously as she did. "OH WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THAT!?" she pleaded. "It was bad enough I was teased all through my school years because of my bust size, I don't need to hear about it from you! I pleaded with Grandfather if I could have a breast reduction operation but he wouldn't hear nothing of it! He said I should be grateful I was so blessed by God for it!" "Maybe you should listen to him?" Revy offered. "Huh?" Moria seemed dumb-founded. "Look, many girls your age would kill their dog just to have a body like yours," Revy said. "Sure they're big - but at least hers and your bodies are well-proportioned, so they look nice without being gross." She then added, "Believe me, I've seen streetwalkers and porn stars on the Lower East Side who had boob jobs that looked so fucking bad they looked as if they were from another world... not to mention those mad ass-kicking skills you have to teach them a lesson about teasing you." "Uh... I appreciate the praise, but not important right now," Moria mumbled, uncomfortable with the turn of this conversation. "I'm just concerned about Rally's well-being." "Is that so?" Revy smirked, looking slyly at the flustered maid. "I've seen the way you're looking at her." She stirred the pot further, "Look, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to fuck that vampire then and there - well, at least until she's healed that is." "Please, don't say that?" Moria asked morosely. "Say what?" Now Moria was really uncomfortable. "You know... that... word!" Revy grinned further. "What word EXACTLY?" she said. However, when she only got an embarrassed silence, she figured she might help her out. "Look, sit down before you faint," she said, pointing to the seat next to her. Moria reluctantly complied, although it was doubtful anyone might hear; everyone else, including the Lagoon Company, had gotten themselves asleep. "Listen, words are just words to me," Revy began, "the only difference is how they are used. You criticize me mostly because the way the context I use is. Sure it's got a lot of negative feelings, but it could be a turn-on if it's just between lovers." "But it so wrong," Moira said, sounding a little sleepy. "Who knows? Granted you're one for proper English and I'm one for creative cussing... but when you're with someone you love, it doesn't really matter," Revy added. "Besides, I've heard that dirty talk could actually make a night in the sack a good thing - just you, your lover and the four walls, nobody else." She then snorted to herself, "See, I knew watching all those women's' shows weren't such a waste! What do you think?" she asked, turning around - only to find Moria deeply asleep. "Humph - so fucking tired, she fell asleep during my speech," Revy grumbled. She got up and covered the maid up with a casually-strewn blanket. "Oh well, better hit the sack myself before Rock bitches about me dozing off during..." "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!" Everyone bolted from whatever sleep they had in raced to the source of the scream - Rally's room. The vampire was thrashing about, trying to claw at her own skin. "OH GOD... OH GOD, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!! AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!" "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Sir Integra demanded, tying her robe as she entered the room. Moria, as well as a recently-roused Seras, raced to both sides of the thrashing vampire, trying to calm her. "ANOTHER SPASM... A BAD ONE!!" the maid said, taking one of Rally's hands into hers. "Rally, I'm here!" Seras added, taking the other hand. Rally took a few quick breaths, then tensed and gritted her teeth hard, fighting another scream. At the same time, she squeezed her hands just as hard. Seras just looked at her lover, bloody tears streaming from her face. However, Moira had a painful grimace on her face, and could only squeeze harder in order to keep Rally from accidentally crushing her hand. Then as soon as it began, the spasm passed. Rally collapsed on her bed, finally passing out from the pain. "OH NO!!" Rock gasped. "SHE'S... SHE'S NOT BREATHING!!, noticing the lack of breathing on Rally's part. "I would not worry too much, Mr. Okajima. Vampires are not living beings, and do not require breathing, nor have a discernable heartbeat," the Hellsing leader said. "At least the silver lining from this incident is now she will be able to rest." Then she noticed her maid and saw the look of pain on Moria's face. "Oh my." As soon as Rally's grip on her hand was relaxed, Moria was able to pry her own hand from the vampire's. "Miss Hedgley, are you alright?" Sir Integra asked, noticing that the maid was gingerly clutching her right hand. "I... I think so, let me check." Moria then flexed her hand, only to wince when she did. "OW!!" Cleaning her face, Seras looked at her friend. 'No... not Moria, too?' she thought to herself. "Rally might have broken that hand of yours!" the Hellsing leader said. "I had better contact Balalaika to find out the location of a reasonably reliable hospital!" "I'll do you one better!" Dutch offered. "Rock, you better take this young lady to where we go whenever Revy gets herself hurt!" He turned to the Hellsing leader, "Don't worry, they're very good! I'll even pick-up the tab for you!" "My thanks, sir," Moria offered as the former salaryman escorted her to the elevator. However, Seras could only watch as the two left. She then went outside, trying to clear her head. The problem was, the more she thought about the situation, the angrier she became. 'That bloody bitch Radinov... she hurt and blinded Rally... and now as a result, Moira ends up hurt as well!' As she thought, her grip on the guard rail around the deck tightened, causing a sizeable impression within the metal. 'That settles it! For Rally's sake and for Moria's sake... I'm going to end this, one way or the other!' Making up her mind, she stormed off, the impressions of her hands still visible on the guard rail. FOUR HOURS LATER... It had been some time since the spasm, but Rally finally woke up - only to wince again. "Shit," she grumbled, "even with that rest, I'm still in pain." Her nose, however, caught a rather pungent scent, not normally discernable to human nostrils. "Okay Revy," she said loudly, "I know your in my room! What do you want?" Upon hearing the dusky vampire's voice, Revy had roused herself from the sleep she took while sitting against the wall. "How do you know it's me?" she asked. "Oh please, just because I'm blind right - ouch - now, it doesn't mean my senses are dead as well!" Rally said. "I could smell your smokers' breath clear as day!" Revy looked impressed. "Nice to know. How are you feeling? Everyone was on edge that last spasm you had." "A little better, but I still hurt as hell!" Rally sat up slightly and added, "As soon as I get my eyes back, I'm going to go looking for that Radinov and let her know how she worried everyone around here!" "Now that sounds like the Rally Vincent I've heard stories about," the brown-haired girl smirked, "ready to cause shit to some dumb fuck that does her wrong." "Sheesh! You make it sound like I'm pretty heartless!" Rally said. Revy simply shrugged as she walked over to a table, where she gathered-up Rally's CZ-75 lying there and walked over to the vampire's side. "It wasn't me that started it; I just hear what's been already repeated," she said. "Meanwhile, I better give you a little something." She then guided Rally's hand, where she placed the gun into it. "I don't get it," the dusky vampire said, "I thought you wanted my gun." "Hey, a girl can change her mind, can't she?" Revy chuckled. "Now don't worry it's unloaded, just in case you get one of those fucking monster spasms again." "So what am I - ouch - going to do with it?" Revy knew Rally hadn't regenerated her eyes, but stared at them all the same. "Think of this as therapy," she said. "Imagine that you've got that Radinov bitch in your sights. Then you take aim and splatter her brains onto the pavement. Now I know you don't like to kill, but since you already killed that bitch before, I don't think it's much of an issue." "Interesting," Rally mused, her hand caressing her treasured gun. "Thought you might," Revy said, stretching. "Now if you don't mind, I think the others should be up, so I better go in and annoy them a bit." "Hey wait - before you do, I've got something to ask." "Okay - shoot, what do you need to know?" asked Revy. Rally thought for a moment of how to place the words. "Have you ever heard of a place called Arisugawa's Locket?" Revy shook her head, "Naw. Why did you ask?" "Oh nothing," Rally dismissed, "just something I was curious about." She then thought, 'At least she's not the Revy I heard about there.' Then she said, "But if you go there, do me a favor - when the bartender asks for your guns, don't make a scene about it and do it; she'll get them back to you." "Uh... yeah," Revy muttered, wondering why she said that. DOWNSTAIRS... "Man, it was a good thing there wasn't anything seriously wrong with that hand," Rock said as he and Moria headed for the elevator. "Indeed, nothing more than a minor stress fracture," the maid said in perfect Japanese, looking at her bandaged hand. "All the same, as soon as I get back to England, I better have Dr. Trevelyan look at it anyway, just to be sure." Rock nodded as he called for the car. He then turned to Moria and added, "You know, I'm a bit fascinated about your grasp of languages. From what I've seen, you addressed Balalaika in Russian, me in Japanese, and when that Filipino doctor looked at your hand, you spoke to him in Tagalog." "Well what can I say?" replied Moria. "I've always this interest in language since I was a little girl. By the time I was five, I had already learned French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese. Now my fluency is up to at least 15 languages. My grandfather - god bless his soul - would get a little annoyed whenever I would bring home a new language phrase manual from the bookstore, but then would later would be happy that I've learned a new way of speaking as a result." The door chime ringed, and the two entered the private car. "You know," Rock said as the doors closed, "I've noticed that you're pretty talented, not only in language but in martial arts. I wonder why you didn't follow your grandfather into the service?" "It's rather difficult, Okajima-san," Moria said, a profound look coming over her face. "I suppose that I don't really have the discipline for a life in the military. As for my fighting skills - well - it was my dear grandfather didn't want me to ever be a victim." "A victim?" Rock repeated. Moria nodded. "A victim of some 'gay-bashing' attack on London's streets, there's a lot of it in the West End these days." "You - a lesbian?" Rock gasped. "Odd, isn't it?" Moria said with a smile. Rock nodded. "Not all lesbians are masculine butches anyway. Just look at Rally and Seras to prove my point. Strange though, I found out about my homosexuality while I was in school. One day, out of sheer petulance, one of the girls of the school snuck-up from behind and groped my breasts." She took a breath before continuing. "While she was squeezing them the way she was, I found her touch - well - rather arousing. After that, whenever I would be changing for gym class, I would often find myself staring at the other girls while they were changing, often fantasizing on how I would seduce each and every one of them. I never did touch them, though." She paused to wipe away a tear. "I thought I was defective, and was so distraught I had confessed to Grandfather the whole thing." She then smiled, "He understood everything I was going through, although he didn't exactly approve, but Grandfather - Peter Farguson was his name - also said that I would face others who didn't share in his tolerance. He insisted that I take self-defense classes almost the next day. He also insisted I take up marksmanship as well." "You were very lucky to have such a family you had," Rock said, thinking about his own disconnect with his family. "What exactly happened to your grandfather, if I might ask?" Moria's face seemed to falter. "A cruel deception committed both by a traitor within the Knights of the Round Table - and a vampire named Incognito. I'd rather not discuss the exact details of that incident. All I can say is that my grandfather's character and reputation were called to question as a result and couldn't defend both since he was deceased. It was only because of the intervention of the Queen that both, along with the Hellsing Organization, were restored, Okajima-san." "Then I won't ask any further, and please you can call me 'Rock'," the former salaryman chuckled. "I had my fill of honorifics back when I worked for Asahi, and besides everybody else here calls me that." "I mean to ask you one thing - why in the world would you leave a perfectly legitimate job for one which you have to put-up with a violent, vulgar woman like Revy?" asked Moria. Rock's features hardened. "For one thing, I found out that the disc my bosses were having me transport had plans for nuclear weapons and sent a company of mercenaries to get rid of the Lagoon Company, me included in order to save their own butts and expense accounts." "Really?" Moria said as the doors opened, leading to the penthouse entrance. "You would think that a country that has been a victim of nuclear weapons would think better of that." "Agreed. Besides, even if I stayed in Asahi, I would've been a candidate for karoshi anyway," Rock shrugged. "And as for Revy, I wouldn't worry too much about her. Granted, she can be loud, pushy and greedy, but if I lived the life she did, it would be understandable." "Well I'll just keep that in mind, Oka... I mean, Rock," Moria corrected herself. ANOTHER PART OF THE ISLAND... "But Major, I must implore you, I need transportation off this island!" Radinov demanded over her phone. "Somehow the crimelords of this island have joined forces with the police and are now looking for me! I feel that, since I was able to obtain your chip, you should at least give me the proper means to escape this place!" "And I appreciate you all your help, Frauline Radinov," the Major calmly answered on the other end, "but I am afraid that all of Millennium's resources are currently allocated to our upcoming var. But don't vorry, I'm certain you vill effect your escape. I vill see you later." He then hung up. Radinov, however, glared angrily at the phone. "Damned Nazi pig!" she snarled under her breath. "He concerned only with his precious war that he couldn't even spare a little help for someone that did him a favor!" Then quite suddenly, the phone rang. "WHAT!?" she snapped as she answered. "Natasha, calm down!" Hueng's voice said. "I just wanted to see how you were doing?" Radinov sighed. "I'm sorry, old friend," she said. "Anyway, have you found any way to evade the patrols?" "None yet," he sighed. "I see. Well, continue monitoring and let me know if anything changes." Radinov then switched off the phone. HUENG'S SHOP... A look of worry was on Hueng's face. "She's getting anxious," he said to himself. "Balalaika and Chang has gotten her boxed-in and she's showing it. How can I help her?" He remembered the time he first met Radinov; he had been bullied by his former boss. For the first time in her life, she had felt pity on someone, and killed that crimelord. To help her new-found friend out, she sought out her long-time client, the Italian Verrocchio, and helped Hueng to establish his own business - which he also used as a front for Verrocchio's fencing operations. All during that time, Hueng had gotten a reputation of being a savvy businessman, as well as someone who knew how to keep quiet. That all changed when Balalaika had moved into Roanapur, and almost immedietly began to edge Verrocchio out of his prime smuggling routes. It gotten even worst when Chang had established his own operations on the island from Hong Kong - and was even allying with Balalaika in many ventures. Out of desperation - and in the hopes of consolidating his operations, the Italian had made the decision to hire the Vampire Twins, Hansel and Gretel, to kill them. However, the two proved to be pathological killers, and Verrocchio was killed because of their urges. Ever since then, with the loss of his patron, and Verrocchio's successor Dago proving to be interested in ONLY his business, Hueng's fortunes had taken a turn for the worst, gaining the nickname 'Hard-Luck' Hueng by many of those seeing to get even with him. But Radinov, despite an extended absence, was one friend he could count on, and he so wanted to return the favor. Looking on the walls of his now-ransacked shop, he happened to notices an object hanging from the wall - an iron spear with a brass tip. Deciding quickly, he grabbed it off the wall and took-off for where he told Radinov to hide. RADINOV'S LOCALE... Thankfully, there was no full moon, so Radinov was able to step outside the hut Hueng found for her. As she watched the stars overhead, she began to seriously consider what her employers may have for her future. Surely the Major had reassured her that she wouldn't have anymore obligations. But then again, she did remember from history that Hitler had sought-out and got a non-aggression pact with Mother Russia, only to have that pact broken as a result of Operation Barbarossa in 1940. 'Can I REALLY trust a bunch of Nazis? I had better keep an eye on them in the future once this is over,' she thought to herself. Finally getting tired of looking at stars, she decided to return to the hut. "It took a while, but I've finally found you, Natasha Radinov!" a voice - female and British in tone - called out from behind. Startled, Radinov turned around. Seras was standing behind her, wearing her yellow Hellsing uniform. The look on the Draculina's face showed it all, mostly anger. "You're going to pay for what you did to Rally!" Radinov smirked at this new interloper. "Oh my," she slyly said, "it looks like my enemies are now sending children against me. How charming!" "That will be enough!" Seras snapped. "Are you going to fight me or are you just going to act snide?" "It depends, little girl," Radinov said. "Just who exactly are you?" "My name is Seras Victoria, of the house of Dracul," Seras replied in a low voice, "former servant to Vlad II Dracula and master to Rally Vincent." "Oh... so you're the one to blame for what befell Rally Vincent?" Radinov smirked, choosing here words carefully - not to avoid a fight, but to goad Seras into acting rashly. "I must admit, I never thought I would be facing someone who was the very cause of her downfall." Seras felt her blood boiling, mostly because she felt Radinov was hitting too close to the mark. "I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO SHOT RALLY FULL OF HOLY WATER, NOR THE ONE WHO BLINDED HER WITH IT!!" she yelled. "True, all of it true," Radinov added. "But then again, it was through you that Rally had inherited all her defects." She produced a bottle of holy water and dripped a few drops on her now-healed hand. When there was no effect, she flicked several drops at Seras, some of them hitting and sizzling when they hit her bare arm. "See... you are burned by just a few drops," Radinov continued to smirk, seeing the rage in Seras' face. "When it comes down to it, the fact is that it was YOU that brought on Rally Vincent's misfortune - by passing on the defects to her body. YOU were the one that hurt her, not me!" That did it! With bloody tears streaming from her face, an enraged and screaming Seras launched out against Radinov, determined to tear her apart!
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