"Ugghh! What a toilet this place is!" Seras Victoria grumbled in disgust as the jeep that carried herself, Irene "Rally" Vincent, Moria Hedgley, and William Collins, through the streets of downtown Roanapur. Almost everywhere they went, they could see row after row of bars, strip joints and brothels, while hustlers, shop-worn prostitutes, drug pushers and just ordinary people who lost faith in the city wandered about. "From the appearances, it's as if Sodom and Gomorrah had found a new home on Earth!" "It could certainly use an A-bomb cleaning, that much I know," Rally observed. "We'll be lucky if someone doesn't try to either grab us or make a proposition." "Well don't worry too much about it, girls," Collins told the vampires. "We should be out of this portion of town pretty quick. Believe me; I did a little scouting around before you guys came here. The better part of town should be up ahead." "It remains to be seen how much 'better' that area really is, Mr. Collins," Moria added. "Oh just 'Bill', Miss," Collins put in, "you can ask Rally about that. I'm not exactly the 'formal' type." "You can say that again," Rally mumbled, then added, "It's a good thing Dad went out ahead of us to the hotel." "Agreed," Collins said. "He had to make sure our third person got here safely. Wouldn't want to see her run into trouble here." "Her?" Rally wondered why Collins would offer up such a clue. Then it dawned on her, "Oh I see," she said, smiling. "Well, let's not waste time seeing the... sights, let's get to the hotel." Collins agreed, and pressed the jeep further into the streets. Presently, they left the seedier section of the city and made their way to one of the more fashionable hotels on the island. As the drove to the entrance, they noticed Deepak Vincent waving to them - and he wasn't alone! "Hey Rally, how you doing?" Becky 'the Nose' Farrah called out, waving as well. "Sorry to say you had to come here." She also noticed the other passengers in the jeep. "Nice to see you again, Seras, although I wish I can say the same to you, Bill." "Well I guess none of us can be as lucky," Collins grumbled as he forced one of his smiles. Despite her growing fatigue, Moria noticed the exchange and said, "Excuse me, but am I missing something?" "Oh sorry," Rally stumbled. "Becky, this is Moria Hedgley, a friend of ours from England. Moria, Becky Farrah." She then changed the subject. "So, what brings you to the ass-end of the world, Becky?" "Oh... Sir Integra," the information expert said. "She called me over in Chicago and hired me to help you out." Her expression then became serious, "She mentioned that there's a new FREAK chip out there... and it may be in the wrong hands." "No shit, Becky," Rally said grimly. "We were also told that you were to brief us about what to expect." "You got that right," Becky said. "Sir Integra gave me what we knew and told me to find out more. And believe me, what I found over the net about this Lagoon Company wasn't that good." "I've got worse," the dusky vampire added. "We got run-off the road coming here... and I could've sworn the driver of that Beemer that did it was Natasha Radinov." Becky's face went white. "But... but that's not possible!" she gasped. "She's dead, you saw to that a couple years ago, Rally!" "Yes, I know, but me and Bill know what we saw," added Rally. "Becky, do you think you can find out anything about Radinov after I shot her?" "It'll have to be after the briefing, Rally," said Becky. "Now I suggest we get ourselves checked-in before someone decides to rob us in front of this hotel." "I wouldn't worry about that, Becky," Vincent said. "The neighborhood around here is well-patrolled... by one of the mob syndicates that run this city, most likely the Russian contingent. Seems that having the customers robbed is bad for business." "That must be one of the few times anyone is grateful for the Russian Mafia," Seras put in, "but I seriously wouldn't rely on them. Believe me, when I was a constable in England, we had to deal with a small Russian mob near London. From what I found out, they could give the Italian mob a good lesson in brutality." "Point taken, Master," Rally nodded as the group made their way in. A SMALL CATHOLIC CHURCH ON THE MAINLAND... Natasha Radinov picked up the steaming cup and saucer from off the coffee table in front of her. Gradually, she takes a sip, her eyes closed. "Marvelous," she says. "As usual, Sister Yolanda, the tea you serve is lovely." "I am glad you like it, Natasha," an elderly nun who sat across the assassin, said in a gentle voice. Dressed in a traditional habit, the wrinkled face held a peaceful, kind look... provided the viewer looked past the black eyepatch over her right eye. "It has been far too long since your last visit. I was beginning to wonder if you had died." "Well," Radinov began, "I ran into a little... trouble on one of my assignments and had to take a sabbatical from my job to recover. Believe me, it was nothing, just the nature of the business." She then looked past Sister Yolanda to the individual behind them. She was dressed in a similar habit, younger, blonde-haired, and staring at Radinov hostilely, the bubble gum she was chewing loudly smacking. "A new acolyte, Sister?" she asked, still trying to read this nun's eyes through her oddly-angled sunglasses. Sister Yolanda turned to the younger nun. "Sister Eda," she began, "I believe you have something to do right now. Why don't you go outside and see to it?" "Yeah, right," Eda grumbled, still glaring at Radinov as she left. The assassin chuckled as the nun left. "A real spitfire, I see," she said, "although you might want to show her how to dress herself so that her holster doesn't show." "Yes, I'll see to it, Natasha." Sister Yolanda then changed the subject, "So, what is it that you need, my child? I have a new shipment of firearms if you're interested." "Perhaps." Radinov then produced a small list and handed it to the elderly nun. "I've been already given some armament from my newest employer, but found he is lacking in several models that I prefer. I was wondering if you'll be able to supply them to me. They are paying me quite generously and I can give you twice the asking price if you like." Sister Yolanda looked over the list, nodding as she did. "That will be not necessary, Natasha. I can supply you with what you need." She then sighed and added, "At least I can sell them to you, unlike what happened the past few days." Radinov looked concerned. "Trouble?" she asked. "I'm afraid one of the local syndicates in Roanapur has taken a dim view on how I run business," sighed the nun. "One of the smugglers I employed ran into a little trouble because of them and the shipment I was sending was seized. One of your countrywomen, I believe." "I see," Radinov sighed. "Well, perhaps after my obligations here are through, I could possibly... help you out with that little problem?" Sister Yolanda looked up to the assassin. "You still take heroin as payment?" she asked. "It can be arranged as such if you like," the assassin replied. "Very well, I will consider your offer. I will give this list to one of the workers and see if they can fill it for you." Sister Yolanda then slowly stood up. "One more thing," Radinov added, helping the elderly nun up. "There is... another item I need that is not on the list. As long as I'm here, do you think you can supply it to me?" "What is it?" Sister Yolanda asked. XXX During this discussion, Sister Eda just glared over at the convent, watching as a young man dressed in priestly garb helped some of the workers load sacks filled with illegal drugs into a watertight container. "I don't like this, Rico," Eda said in a low, angry voice. "Whatever for?" Rico asked, still his ever-smiling self. "Look, Big Sis and Radinov are old friends, just don't get too bent out of shape because of it." "You're not listening, are you asshole!?" Eda snapped back. "Look, I've heard stories from some of my old contacts back in the states - like how Radinov was killed by that bounty hunter Rally Vincent in Chicago! And now Radinov shows up over here? I'm... I'm just concerned about Sister Yolanda, that's all!" Rico just looked oddly at Eda. "I thought you've burned your bridges with the C.I.A. long ago," he said. "Look, haven't I told you not to say THAT in front of me?" the blonde hissed. "As for your question... they're still burned. I just like to keep informed about these things, that's all." "Try telling that to Langley - if you ever meet him again," Rico smirked. Eda was about to let loose with another retort when she caught sight of Sister Yolanda and Radinov exiting the convent, with the elder nun escorting the assassin to the car. Behind them, several workers carried several small pieces of weaponry and handed them to Radinov. Then Sister Yolanda handed several small plastic bottles to her old friend. "Here they are, just as you asked," the elderly woman said, "although it is somewhat unusual that you would ask for such items." Radinov just looked into the sun and replied, "You don't know when something like that would come in handy, that's all. Well, I will get out of your way then." With a small hug, she reentered the BMW and drove off. After the car was out of sight, Sister Yolanda made her way to Eda and Rico. "You were pretty rude to our guest, Sister," she said. "Sorry about that, it's just..." Eda just shook her head as she added, "I'm not certain. Just call it worry." "Well, try not to let it bother you," the elder nun said as the church bells rang. "Come now, it's time for mass." Eda nodded, but she couldn't rid herself of that strange feeling she had in her gut. ROANAPUR... "You've got to be kidding me?" Rally groaned, standing inside the hotel room. Clearly Collins hadn't checked-out the hotel's accommodations before paying the clerk. The dcor of the place was - to put it lightly - tacky. The color scheme of the place was all in red, with red satin sheets covering the single canopy bed in the room. Of course, that was before she saw the manicles that were on the headboard and footboard. Turning to the rather embarrassed A.T.F. agent, she growled, "Is this your idea of a joke, Bill? You expect me and Master to sleep in here?" "I happen to agree with you, Rally!" Seras added, who was a little wary of the mirror that was affixed to the canopy of the bed. "We're not a bunch of tarts here! This has got to be the wet dream of some damned bloody S&M wanker!" "Hey take it easy, girls!" Collins said in his defense. "It was the only rooms left that were adjoining each other! I mean, what about your friend Moria? She's the one Sir Integra put in charge of you! Do you want her to sleep on the floor? I mean... at least she deserves some place to sleep!" "Then I've say you've done a bloody bad job at that, you damned stupid Yank!" Moria grumbled, storming from her room using the adjoining door. "Mine has a swing with a hole in a rather... embarrassing position on the seat! That place is enough to keep me awake for a week!" "AW C'MON GIRLS, PLEASE!?" Collins pleaded, on his knees. Rally just threw up her hands in exasperation, then looked at Becky, who she knew had a somewhat-normal room. "Uh... listen..." she stammered to her, "why don't we..." "Forget it, Rally!" the information expert cut her off. "I really don't think I would get as much sleep if I stayed in... here. Besides," she looked at her friend and Seras slyly, "this might come in handy for you two." "Great." Seras looked over to Vincent, who was clearly blushing at the gaffe and said, "At least while we're here, we should get this briefing started, don't you think?" "Uh... yes, Master," Vincent said, shaking his head. "It least it'll take our minds off the rooms for a while." The six then gathered around a table that was in the room as Becky booted-up her laptop computer and accessed some of her files. "Okay," she began, "Sir Integra asked me if I could find information about that company that's holding the chip, the Lagoon Company. It took me a while, but I was able to find out some information about the 'employees'." A picture came up on the display, showing a bald African American. "Now this guy is the owner of the company. There's evidence that this guy used to be with the U.S.M.C.." "'Used to'?" Seras asked. "Well, details are a bit sketchy, but it seems he went AWOL right after South Vietnam fell... and never came back. From what we've gathered, he been working as a merc around these parts since. He goes by the name 'Dutch', and founded the Lagoon Company after he purchased a World War II-era PT boat. Named it 'the Black Lagoon'." Another picture came up, a blonde man with blue eyes. "Now this is Benjamin Lieb, also known as 'Benny'. Graduated with top honors from California Polytechnic University in computer programming and networking, was doing graduate work over at M.I.T. doing the same when he ran into... a little trouble." "What sort of trouble?" Rally asked. "I think I can answer that, Rally," Collins said, producing a file. "Seems Lieb ran into a little trouble involving the F.B.I. and the Italian mob. Would've ended-up 'six-feet-under' as a result." Rally and Seras perused the file Collins set down. "Talk about miserable luck," the Draculina said. "Any wonder he survived." "Just wait until you find out who rescued him, Seras," Becky said. She then brought-up another picture, this time of a brown-haired woman. Everyone almost gasped seeing this picture, which was obviously a mug shot. The woman's eyes looked cold, almost as if she was eyeing the photographer and wishing him - and anyone viewing the picture - dead. It was a look Rally knew well: she had gotten that same look from almost every bail jumper she had brought in during her days as a bounty hunter. "Not a very friendly person, I can say this much. Any information on her, Becky?" Becky nodded. "Rebecca Xiang, alias "Revy", alias "Two-Hand". Born in New York City, lived in the streets of Chinatown for most of her life." She brought up another file, "The rap sheet she has from the N.Y.P.D. alone could carpet a small apartment. There's no telling if she had any criminal record anyplace else." Becky read off the record, "Arrested many times for armed robbery, assault, assault and battery, illegally discharging a weapon within city limits, and is suspected in the commission of several unsolved murders. This is one person nobody should associate with." Seras sat back, thinking about what was disclosed. "Hummph... what an assortment we have here: a Marine deserter, a renegade hacker, and an obviously-remorseless killer. We've got our work cut-out here, everyone." "Hey wait, I'm not done yet," added Becky. "There's one more I have to show you - and he's the real oddball of this gang." She then tapped a few more keystrokes and produced one more file - that of young Japanese man. Everybody did a double-take. "I don't get it!" Collins said. "This guy looks like some sort of dweeb!" Moria then strained to make out the file, which was written in kanji. "I think I can read this... but it may take a while. I know Japanese, but reading kanji is pretty hard. Gotta remember what these characters say." "Well wait just a minute and I'll make it easier for you. I'll just run this through the translation program." Becky then tapped out a few strokes, and after a few seconds the kanji characters took on a more comprehensive form. "This looks like an employment record: Rokuro Okajima, last known employer was Asahi Heavy Industrial. Graduated in the middle of his class at Tokyo University, and had gotten his job at Asahi soon afterward." Becky looked further, "It seemed he only entered college after passing the entrance exam the second time around. And from what I see, his employment record isn't that impressive - just your average wage slave, I suppose." "I would guess his bosses back at Asahi pushed this guy around, by the look on his face," Rally added, taking note of the hang-dog expression his picture had. "How in the world he end up with the others?" "He was kidnapped by them, that how," Becky said, pointing to another passage. "The details of what happened afterward are sketchy - almost as if someone was covering-up something, but sometime afterward Okajima quit Asahi and joined the Lagoon Company." "That's got to be 'Stockholm Syndrome' at its extreme," Collins commented, "otherwise, how in the world did what appears to be a decent person end-up with a bunch of pirates." "I guess we'll never know," Vincent added, and noticed Moria yawning further. "Well, I think that's a mystery for another day. From the looks of it, it seems that, at least for the human portion of our little group, it's time for bed." "I guess," Becky said, stretching. "I'll e-mail what I have to Sir Integra and head off myself. I'll see what I can find about Radinov's disposition in the morning." "Yeah," Collins put-in, also stretching. "Me and Mr. Vincent will be down the corridor if you girls need us." "Uh... Dad, about your room...?" Rally asked, hoping her dad could exchange rooms. "Sorry Irene," Vincent said, "but I don't think the dcor of this... room is to my taste. Don't worry, we'll see if we can ask the management for better rooms tomorrow." "Great," Rally mumbled, examining one of the manacles on the bed. "This has got to be the most embarrassing room I ever stayed in." Moria was too tired to even come up with a witty retort to Rally's observation, instead dragging herself to her own room. She simply stared at the bed, thankfully missing the manacles Rally and Seras' room had, then took a doubtful look at the sex swing hanging from the ceiling. "I just hope I don't end-up catching some social disease sleeping in this bloody room," she groaned. THE LAGOON COMPANY, AT THE SAME TIME... Dutch was busying himself studying the intelligence that Balalaika had supplied through her contacts, hoping against hope that the threats Sir Integra had made were at least empty. Nearby, Benny studied the FREAK chip, which was still encased in its acrylic shell, trying to fathom the purpose of the device. Nearby, Rock was going over business receipts, calculating the company's expenditures and income, and trying to balance both. Revy was sprawled on the couch face down, seriously bored. "Oh for crying out loud," Dutch grumbled. "This can't be good." "Find something?" Benny asked, his attention taken from the chip. "Yeah, Benny-boy... we might be in worse trouble than we are right now." Rock looked up from his figures. "This Sir Integra... could she really... send someone after us?" he asked nervously. "It looks like it." Even Revy took note, standing up to give her boss room to sit. "Sir Integra has got a lot of resources in her hands, that's for certain. It would be a bit foolish she'd send someone after us, but I wouldn't put it past her." He scratched his bearded chin and added, "She did run into a bit of trouble a couple of years back and was imprisoned, though. But then the Queen of England pardoned her and she was back doing... whatever she does." "Well, if she thinks she can push us around," Revy smirked as she brandished her gun, "then it's safe to say it will be the last thing that bitch will do." "Don't get too cocky, Revy," Dutch cautioned. "Sure, she lost a lot of soldiers long about, but when she got back on her feet, she hired the Wild Geese as her army." "The Wild Geese?" Benny repeated, alarmed. "That can't be good." "Uh... Dutch? Just what exactly are you talking about?" Rock asked. The burly African American straighten himself up as he began. "The Wild Geese are a group of freelance mercenaries, traveling around the world as soldiers-for-hire. Not many of them, mind you... but they're good, possibly the best in the business." Straightening his ever-present sunglasses, Dutch added, "During my own freelance days not too long ago, I happened to meet-up with their leader, Pip Bernadotte. He picked-up the family business when he left the French Army and hasn't looked back since. Pip's a bit of a 'devil-may-care' guy; suave, and a bit of a girl-chaser. But he looks after his men... and they look-up to him." "So," Rock further implored, "we might have a chance with this... Pip?" "Can't say," Dutch shrugged. "We might get off of this with our skins intact... maybe." Rock gulped. "That's just the nature of the business, Rock," Benny added. "One day you can be his best friend drinking at some bar, and then the next he'd be shooting at you. Nothing personal, mind you, it just depends on who's signing the checks." "You got that right, Benny," Revy put in. "When it comes down to it, Rock, a merc's a merc - fighting to put your dinner on the table. Ideals and politics mean nothing on them - in the end, they're just in it for the money." "But even a merc will have his scruples," Dutch said. "When you go around the world fighting one conflict after another, sometimes you see things you don't like too much. Then you might want to add your own feelings to the fight." He looks at the information again, "The Geese have been in Sir Integra's employ for some time, which meant over a year ago, she and a bunch of 'specialists' - at least that's what this says - made a trip from England to Chicago in the states. And they came back one person heavier - a bounty hunter named Rally Vincent." "WHAT!?" Revy gasped, surprised. "Rally Vincent went with her?" Then a grin came over her face, "So it was her! Well now, I just might be looking forward to this Hellsing bitch sending over her boys - if one of them happens to be Rally Vincent." "What's with you now, Revy?" Dutch grumbled suspiciously. "She wants this Rally' gun, that's what," Rock answered in a deadpan fashion. "Revy, there's no guarantee that the people Sir Integra might send is going to be Rally Vincent." "Oh yeah?" Revy countered. "Listen asshole, if I were this bitch Sir Hellsing, I would want to send the best people I have to get back that chip - and that would include Rally Vincent. And Rally would want to have the best piece in the world for her personal arsenal, so she's going to bring that CZ-75 of hers!" She then reclined back, "Oh yeah, I can just see the money that gun's going to get us right now." "Yeah? Well try to remember that SHE might be the one putting your ass six-feet-under, not her, Two-Hand," Dutch snapped, throwing the papers in her face. "Why don't you, for once, think these things through! We might have an entire army coming down our throats and you're only thinking about a big score? Give me a break!" Dutch then left the room, "I'm going for some fresh air, and then maybe we better figure out how we're going to get out of this mess!" Revy just snorted, returning to her daydreaming. Benny and Rock, however, exchanged looks of concern. THE HELLSING MANSION, LONDON, AT THE SAME TIME... "Walter, make sure the jet at Heathrow is on the tarmac when I arrive," Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing barked out. Her butler, Walter C. Dolnez, walked beside the leader of the Hellsing Organization, his pace matching hers. "I will be departing just as soon as we board." "I have already done so," Walter replied, holding up a wireless PDA/phone. "Everything has been prepared and awaiting your arrival. I suppose you have the data Miss Farrah e-mailed to us at hand?" "I have. Not too good, I might add," Sir Integra said, then noticed that Alucard had stood in front of the two. "Then, if you're not going to have me accompany you," the No-Life King said tursly, "then I insist that you have at least a few bodyguards go with you." Sir Integra looked a little surprised at her vampire servant. "I have never known you to show such concern for my well-being before, Alucard." Alucard shrugged, displaying his fanged teeth as he said, "The feelings I have I usually keep to myself." "In any case," Sir Integra said, "I am having Captain Bernadotte accompanying me to Roanapur. Will that satisfy you, Vampire King?" "Barely," Alucard grumbled. "You would bring that French idiot on this trip." "I say it is adequate," Sir Integra countered. "Remember, Rally and Seras are there as well, as well as Agent Collins and Deepak Vincent." "So Miss Vincent's father is there as well," Walter observed. "How convenient." "Indeed." Turning to the two, the Hellsing leader concluded with, "If all goes well, I should all return within the week, with the chip. I leave the care of England to you two." "Don't worry, Master," Alucard purred, "we'll make sure Iscariot doesn't allow their dogs to poop on the lawn while you're gone." Groaning from the joke, Sir Integra grumbled, "Just protect England, that is all I ask." Then turning away from them, she joined Pip Bernadotte in a limousine, then drove off. As the limo made its way from the estate, Sir Integra took some time to open her laptop in order to study the information Becky had sent her. She took in what was presented, making mental notes as she did. Then she glanced over to the mercenary next to her, who had a look of concern on his face. "Still think my going to Roanapur is a bad idea, Captain?" she asked. Pip nodded. "I wish you would reconsider zese, Mon Commander," he said. "Believe me, I've been to Roanapur before, and I can tell you zat it eet is no place for a lady like you." He leaned closer to Sir Integra and added, "Zat whole place is run by ze syndicates zat have zere operations in ze area! Even ze police are under zere control... barely! Please, I beg of you, leave zese mission to Mignonette and Rally! Zey can handle zese alone!" "That group of pirates has taken property of the Hellsing Organization and holding it hostage, not to mention threatening to sell it to the highest bidder," Sir Integra countered. "I do have faith in Seras and Rally, but I wish to personally see to it that they realize the errors in their ways!" "As you wish, Mon Commander," Pip sighed, leaning back into the seat. Sir Integra looked sympathetically at the mercenary and added, "I realize that you are only looking after my welfare, Captain. If you are worried about how Alucard will react if I am harmed, then rest assured, I left instructions to Walter to deal with him if the worst were to occur." "Still, zat is cold comfort," Pip added. They sat in silence for a few minutes, with the Hellsing leader occasionally glancing over to Pip. "Still wishing that Seras would look upon you with favorable eyes - despite the fact that she's a lesbian - and in a relationship with Rally?" Sir Integra asked. A little surprised by the question, Pip managed to answer, "In fact, eet is IN SPITE of that fact!" He centered himself before continued with, "I am a Frenchman - ze pursuit of la amour is more zan an idle hobby - it is an obsession!" He chose his words correctly, "Mon commander, I do realize you have romantic feelings for Mignonette, just like Rally... but eet would be loath for me to just geev-up on her because she has feelings for you two!" "I would not expect less, Captain," Sir Integra said, smiling. ROANAPUR, AT THE SAME TIME... "Hey, where are you?" a young prostitute called out near a deserted street. "Geez," she mumbled, "that john wanted to meet here, but now I can find him! How in the world am I..." but was cut-off when she heard someone cry out from behind a clump of bushes at the nearby park. Curious, the woman crossed the road and made her way inside... and froze at what she saw! Several bodies laid on the ground, obviously dead. When the prostitute managed to find the courage to examine the bodies, she discovered that every one of them had two identical puncture wounds on the neck. Making up her mind to contact the police, the prostitute turned around - and screamed in fright. Natasha Radinov was clutching her latest victim, possibly the prostitute's customer, her fangs sunk into his neck. Once she finished her meal, she allowed the body to drop, then turned her attention to the woman she heard screaming. "Such a sweet, young thing," she slurred, intoxicated the amount of blood she consumed. "Too bad I cannot allow you to tell anybody!" The prostitute barely had time to scream when Radinov grabbed her and plunged her fangs into her neck.
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