Trembling Blossom
I can't believe she shot me! Who does she think she is? Stupid peace-
loving miscreant Sanc trash, just like that imbecilic Zechs Marquise!
She shot at me... completely demolished the rose that I wore to honor
Treize. Yet, she's supposed to be a pacifist. What kind of pacifist
knows how to shoot a gun? Then again, it makes me wonder why she only
hit that silly rose. I was three measly feet away from her, and she
missed. I suppose I should be glad. After all, it's not every day that a
woman like me escapes what could have been death at the hands of a cute
Oh no... don't tell me I just thought that! She's not cute... Okay, I
can't lie to myself. She's interesting, if nothing else. There's just
something about her... Relena Peacecraft... It's a name as intricate as
she is. It won't roll off your tongue, but it will stick in your mind.
I wonder what would happen if I approached her again. Oh my... I know
where I've seen her before. Her father... Step-father? Dorlian...
Whatever happened, I screwed up her life, didn't I? That would be why
that gun was pointed in my direction. But, why did she miss? That
question will be bugging me forever. I want to find out. I want to
approach her, and question her, and kiss her, and...
No! I have to stop thinking about her like this! I have feelings for
Treize, and no one else. Not pretty girls who can't kill me, not anyone.
But, it makes me want to ask if she didn't shoot me because she has
feelings for me. Of course, that's crazy, and I probably am too. After
all, Treize treats me like a pesky little sister. You can't fall in love
with someone who treats you like a sister unless you've got problems.
Perhaps... Hmm... If I approached her... and apologized... and gave her
the option of trying to shoot me again, what would happen? I truly am
curious. After all, I'm not exactly the fluffiest of people. But,
someone could love me... at least, I hope so.
Right now, I want nothing more than to steal back to where she is, and
pull her off somewhere to talk. But, I suppose I'll have to make due
with a nice bath back at the hotel. I took some of Treize's bubble
bath... Then again, perhaps I'll stop somewhere on the way and buy some
different bubble bath... Something... pink. Maybe something
strawberry... or that vanilla I saw while buying Treize his...
Perhaps tonight was a good thing. I've been under the firm delusion for
years now that Treize is always right, and can do no wrong. But, I took
it too far. His political ideals are all that I should be upholding and
striving for, not him. Treize is but my commanding officer. It's like
attempting to find love with my boss.
I remember saying several years ago that if I ever got like this,
someone should shoot me. Perhaps this was only a warning shot telling me
to cast off Treize and all of his silly roses before it becomes too
late. Perhaps I should move on.
After all, she is sort of cute in that firm devotional way of hers...
Besides, we're fighting a war here. From what I've heard, it's better to
have someone to fight for. Perhaps I can fight for her... Perhaps...
Perhaps I'm crazy, or maybe I'm just falling for the enemy. Hmm... at
least I have just cause.
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