Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Revolution (part 23 of 26)

a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 22
Fortress Barge hung in space, the massive construct
built for war. At the time none of Earth's forces
would have admitted it, of course, claiming the armor
and reinforced design was simply for survivability,
but everyone knew Fortress Barge was designed to
survive almost anything. But whatever it was designed
to survive, it had not been built to face this.

Looking like a red devil the mysterious mobile suit
tore into the picket force, one that was already
horribly depleted by the attack on the colony
military. With a single swipe of it's greenish tinted
energy sword it killed two Leos, leaving behind
explosive fireballs in it's wake.

Trant Clark watched in a certain amount of awe and
horror as the mystery suit slaughtered his men with
hideous ease. "Lady Catalonia," he activated the radio
again, "we've already lost much of the guard force."

"Damn it," Dorothy loudly cursed and he could easily
imagine the furious expression on the fiery blonde's

"How far out are you ma'am?" Trant had to ask, a bit
of desperation in his voice.

"Over an hour," Dorothy answered flatly.

Trant closed his eyes a moment, knowing that it would
be much too long a time. "I'll activate the broadcast
systems to send you as much sensor data as possible,"
he said briskly, "I hope that will be of some help."

"Don't give up," Meuller said from his Leo's cockpit
within one of the assault force's carriers internal
bay, "you can still..."

"Over and out," Trant cut his friend and comrade off,
knowing what he was going to say, and also knowing it
was pointless.

The mystery Gundam slaughtered another suit with a
single swipe of a claw-like arm, it's red-black shield
easily blocking a shot before it zipped in to gut a
Leo like a trout. Amid the flickering rubble it looked
unearthly, deadly dangerous as it's optic port eyes
flickered in the darkness of space.

"Unknown Gundam," Trant tried to radio the mystery
Gundam once again, "identify yourself and the colony
that you represent! Attacking Fortress Barge is a act
of war." He smiled to himself grimly as he thought,
‘Not that it really matters, since we've been in a
state of all out war with the one colony alliance for
months now. But they've never shown a suit with these
capabilities before...'

"I'm not with a colony," the cool, calm voice startled
him out of his troubling thoughts.

"Who are you?" Trant demanded, sudden hope filling him
as he saw a monitor on his control panel flicker to

The brown haired woman wore a modified flight suit,
the helm entirely covering the upper half of her face.
She looked attractive enough, though it was difficult
to say much more than that with much of her face
hidden away. She pressed a switch on the side of her
helm and part of the cover slid back, revealing
familiar eyes.

"Lady UNE?" Trant looked at her, open mouthed in

The brown haired Lady Une met his eyes with a eerie,
almost unearthly calm. "How many people do you have
aboard?" she asked.

"Over a hundred support staff," Trant answered
reflexedly, "ma'am, what are you doing? You're on our

"Get them to the life pods," Une ordered with the ease
of one well suited to command, "you have five

"Wait..." Trant started but she cut him off.

Thoughts racing he gave the evacuation order even as
Trant tried to bring his only card into play. The
chances of hitting the suit with Fortress Barge's main
gun was a hundred to one, but it was the only thing he
had left to try. Even as sirens wailed and he worked
to bring the system on-line, he wondered how this had

‘Did she snap after Catalonia betrayed her?' Trant
silently wondered, ‘Or did she always have some
sympathy with the colonies? Was she just a plant in
our ranks all along?' He thought back to the loyalty
that Une had always shown their leader Treize and
shook his head, knowing it just wasn't possible.

Nearly four minutes and twenty seconds later the last
of the life boats zipped away from the base as the
mysterious suit moved forward, igniting it's plasma
blade once more. "Wait," Trant demanded even as his
finger hovered over the firing button for the cannon,
"at least tell me why you're doing this!"

"For the future."

With that the suit raced in even as Trant desperately
jabbed down on the firing button. The energy discharge
was immensely powerful, but the new suit saw it coming
and weaved aside, zipping in right above the command
center. Trant didn't even have a chance to scream as
the energy blade destroyed him, then continued on to
rip into the armored structure. As the survivors in
the life boats looked on in awe and horror, Fortress
Barge exploded in a flash of light against the
blackness of space.

"Une," Dorothy Catalonia repeated in disbelief as she
went over the transmitted data from Trant's final
moments. The office on board the carrier was a poor
command center, but it was the best she had available.

"It's confirmed, ma'am," Meuller met his commander's
eyes, "both voice and visual data match up perfectly."

"Why is she doing this?" Dorothy murmured as her
vessels picked up the life pods, "What's her plan?"

"Revenge?" Meuller offered boldly.

A slight smile twisted Dorothy's lips, "No, she's too
loyal for that. Or at least, that's what I thought
until today."

"Either way," Meuller answered her grimly, "this
attack presents us with a whole new set of problems."

"Where do we go now?" Dorothy agreed bleakly.

Fortress Barge had been more than just a battle
station to launch attacks on the colonies, it had also
been their home and supply depot. Without it they were
limited to supplies in the ships, carriers and life
pods, all of which would only last them so long.
Without a base of operations and resupply from Earth,
they were going to die.

Meuller said what both of them were thinking, "We'll
have to take a colony over, then contact home."

"Which will make the government so happy," Dorothy
said dryly. She sighed, "Get the charts out, we need
to determine which is closest and or most vulnerable."

"I'll get right to it," Meuller saluted before leaving
the cramped office.

Dorothy sat back at her desk with a weary sigh, "I
just wish I trusted him." She activated the
communications system, "Helen?"

Her assistant appeared on the screen, the black haired
young woman looking more tired than average. "Yes,
ma'am?" Helen respectfully asked.

"Shiori was recovered all right?" Dorothy asked even
as she reviewed data on the mysterious new suit.

"She's fine ma'am," Helen replied a bit stiffly, "I
was also able to get my medical teams out, thanks for

Dorothy looked up from her work to fix Helen with a
dangerous look. "I'll excuse that snippiness because I
assume you're under stress," she said with a dangerous
calm, "don't presume to repeat it."

Helen paled. "Yes, ma'am," she murmured.

Dorothy sighed, knowing that she was tired too.
"Sorry," she said in milder tones, "I was going to ask
after your team next."

"Ma'am," Helen nodded. A faint smile, "Some mixed news
has arrived."

"Oh?" Dorothy asked.

"Shortly after you left we received the first Gemini
suit," Helen revealed, "we've been testing out the
pilot candidates on it."

"It was removed before the Barge was destroyed?"
Dorothy asked intently.

"We got it out," Helen smiled.

"YES!" Dorothy grinned, glad to hear at least one
piece of good news. "Who's done the best so far?" she

"Casval Winner," Helen said, "one of the daughters of
the Winner clan. She made contact with us covertly

"Is she loyal?" Dorothy sounded skeptical.

"Miss Winner seems to resent Quatre for the troubles
he's brought on his family," Helen revealed, "as well
as blaming him for the recent death of their father."

"Interesting," Dorothy murmured. Tapping a finger on
her desk she said, "Forward what data you have on her
to me."

"Yes ma'am," Helen said as she pressed keys on her own
work station.

Dorothy read it over, her expression thoughtful. ‘It
sounds good,' she silently admitted, then made up her
mind. "Put her in the Gemini officially," Dorothy
ordered, "we'll use her in our next major operation."

Onwards to Part 24

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