
a Gundam Wing fanfiction by Anna

(~ )= lyrics 
(=) = thoughts (//) = memories


//Heero worked on his Gundam and said nothing to an incessantly 
chattering Duo behind him. He hadn't said anything the whole day until 
she came in. "Heero... I want to talk to you." "Hm." Duo stared at the 
two and took his cue to leave, noticing how Heero made no attempt to 
look at her or talk to her. "Heero," Relena insisted once more but he 
still ignored her. Relena stood, hands on hips, for a brief moment 
before she took the issue into her own hands. "HEEEEERRRROOOO!" she 
shouted at him. Duo winced and ducked at her sudden outburst and 
quickly made his exit telling Wufei who was about to enter that it'd 
be better if he didn't. "WHAT!" Heero yelled down at her, his eyes 
blazing fire and his features showing nothing less. Relena stared up 
at him in disbelief and disgust. Had he ever spoken to her this way? 
For a time after the Eve Wars, she thought there might be hope for the 
two of them but then he went off and on his own, only to come back not 
four months later. She thought it was fate and that they were meant to 
be but it wasn't. He was harder and colder than before. "Arrogant 
Fool," she called out and left the hangar bay. Heero did not see a 
weepy girl scamper away. Instead, he saw hatred in her eyes as she 
turned on her heel and marched right out of there the same as how he 
_had_ noticed her come in. He said nothing, nor did he try to stop 
her. He just stared at the heart he just shattered. A heart that 
proved to be made of steel underneath.//

Relena looked down at her favorite picture. Blue eyes full of ice and 
pain stared back at her. It was a candid shot of him, for that's the 
only picture he'd allow, but it was a rather nice shot; death glare 
and all. This is what it took. Seeing this picture for what he truly 
represented to himself and to others. Cold and unfeeling. How had it 
taken her so long to see this? She didn't know and didn't care to 
know. She knew now and that was enough. Heero would never love her the 
way she loved him. The heart could only take so much. Hers had reached 
it's limit... his was unyielding. One more feel of the cold glass that 
covered his face led her to believe that she was feeling more than 
just that crystal plane beneath her fingertips. The cool feel 
reflected back a cold heart. She sighed.

~Your heart is not open so I must go 
 The spell has been broken, I loved you so~ 
"Good-bye, Heero."


Duo stared blankly at the door. His hand was already on the knob when 
she spoke and now he didn't know what to do. "How can you say that, 
Hilde?" he asked her. "It's true, Duo. You _don't_ love me. You don't 
even notice whether I'm here or there..." she replied adamantly. Was 
she right? How could she be? He _did_ love her. "I'm leaving Duo. I 
can't stay under this tangle of lies any more." Duo turned around to 
look at her. Something he _had_ failed to miss upon looking at her the 
first time. A duffle bag sat waiting by her feet. She was _really_ 
leaving. "So what... just like that, you're gone?" he asked irritated 
and hurt. "I need to be free, Duo. Free to taste my _own_ wind. You 
come and go as you please and I NEVER say a word! I'm sick and tired 
of this CRAP, Duo! YOU were the one who brought this up!" Duo stared 
at her, remembering his words to her the very night before.

//"Hil... do you ever think that maybe we were meant to be free 
spirits?" "What?" Hilde asked, eyes wide with confusion. "What's 
_that_ supposed to mean?" "Well," Duo said, sitting up on his elbow to 
look down at her. "You know... free... to choose... to live..." "What 
are you saying?" she asked but Duo only laid back down next to her and 
said nothing more, save for goodnight. "Yeah... good night," she 
replied sourly and rolled over.//

"What a way to end a good session of sex, huh? Thanks for the lay can 
we be free birds now?" Duo's eyes grew to giant saucers as his face 
contorted into anger. "That's NOT what I said, Hilde! And YOU Know 
it!" She just stared at him, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. 
"Hilde..." he said and walked over toward her. He wrapped his arms 
around her and pulled her near. This was her downfall by any account 
and they both knew it. "Duo..." she pushed him away. "No... I can't do 
this any more and I'm not going to," she said firmly. "Maybe when 
you're done being 'free' you can look me up... maybe I won't be." she 
said. Duo watched as she walked out the door. She had never stood up 
to him before. Usually, it was him hugging her, she'd turn to mush and 
allow him to kiss her and then they'd go a step further until they 
were lying side by side after a wild rampage of sex in which he'd told 
her more than plenty of times that he loved her. Not this time. This 
time she just pushed him away and walked right past him. "You'll be 
back," he said to himself.

~Freedom comes when you learn to let go 

Creation comes when you learn to say no ~ 

Hilde stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and turned to look back. She 
could see his darkened form in the window staring back. This was her 
time, now. "Good bye, Duo," she said and ran down the street to the 
main crossing to catch the bus.


On the bus, Hilde stared out the window at the passing scenery. She 
didn't even _Like_ living on L2 any more. But where would she go? It 
was her home. She didn't want to go to Earth... it just didn't call to 
her the way space did. She wanted to go away. Just... away. She 
thought of Duo and felt the tears trickle down her face. She had never 
been that strong before. It had taken everything she had not to just 
give in to him when he hugged her and she didn't know how she did 
it... she just did. "Duo..." she whispered to the glass in front of 
her where she could almost see his amythist eyes staring at her.

~You were my lesson I had to learn~ 


Relena sat in the cab and stared out the window into the clouds. Zechs 
had done it. He left without a word- though it was in the midst of 
battle. Why couldn't she? The world would not fall apart if she were 
to leave for a little while! She just needed to gather her barrings 
and make a fresh start... but she had to make a fresh return before 
she could do that. She wondered what the others were thinking by now 
but she didn't care. Would they beat her to the space port? Would she 
care when they confronted her? No and if they did, it wouldn't matter. 
She thought about Heero's final word to her. His projected voice 
echoing in the hangar bay. He had no right to speak to her that way... 
to feel the way he felt, that was one thing but couldn't he be more 
civil? Relena laughed a little to herself and looked down at her 
nails. "No, Heero... you couldn't be, could you?" she asked to 

~I was your fortress you had to burn~ 

This would be one bridge she would have no trouble burning... she 
_did_ hope, however, that he would not have any troubles in doing the 
same. But this was Heero. How _could_ he have trouble at that?


~Pain is a warning that something's wrong 

I pray to God that it won't be long 
I wanna go higher~ 

Hilde stepped off her shuttle and walked aimlessly down the corridor 
full of people. She didn't even _Know_ anyone on L3. She was thankful 
for the credits she _did_ have but knew it would either get her food 
and a place to sleep or back to L2 and that was it. One or the other.

Relena stared at the world beyond the window. They wouldn't find her 
on L3 would they? But even if they did, it was already too late. She 
made her decision and she was going to stick to it. The world beyond 
her touch was inviting enough and she was going to take it. All that 
it had to offer. "Relena?" Relena winced slightly at hearing her name 
but turned quickly at the voice. Shock and surprise filled her 
features as she looked at the young woman approaching her. "Hilde?" 
she asked. "What are you doing here?" Hilde asked in as much surprise. 
Relena's slightly brightened face gloomed once over again. What had 
brought her here? "Heero," she replied and stared out the window once 
more. "Heero? I don't understand..." Hilde said, searching for more. 
Relena turned to face the young woman before her. "Heero ticked me off 
and I needed to get away," she said. "I've finally realized that he'll 
never love me and so... I just needed to get away so that I could 
return as a fresh, new Spring day." Hilde sighed and nodded. "I hear 
ya," she replied. "I left Duo today." Relena eyed her cautiously, 
searching for the tell-tale sign of tears or any other kind of 
emotion. She, as well as the others, knew of the couple's on-off going 
relationship. Most had felt sorry for her but it was her decision to 
stay and she did... Everytime. "How do you feel," Relena asked. Hilde 
looked up into the soft sea-green eyes. Even though they were the same 
age, it was as though Relena were older than she. Perhaps because of 
her role as former Queen, now Vice Foreign Minister.

~There's nothing left to try 
 There's no place left to hide~ 
"I just can't believe it's done," she commented quietly and did her 
own take of the world outside.  "How about you?" she asked in return.

Relena, again, turned to look at what Hilde was looking at.

~There's no greater power 

Than the power of good-bye~ 

"I have never felt stronger," she replied and to this, she invited 
Hilde to join her in her escapade of 'hiding out' on L3.


Hilde laid back on the bed. The day's events with Relena proved to be 
wild and most definitely free. She had never felt this way before. It 
was an air she could quickly get accustomed to and would never had 
imagined Relena for the type to give her such an exciting adventure. 
"Hey," Relena smiled as she entered the room setting down a small 
grocery bag. "What's that?" Hilde asked, sitting up. "Room Service," 
Relena laughed and pulled out a bucket of chicken and two bottles of 
strawberry flavored wine. "We are going to eat and get silly-drunk," 
she giggled. "One thing, if any, that I learned from Noin... don't get 
STUPID like my brother!" Hilde smiled and headed for the table where 
Relena was unpacking the dinner. "You know... I would never have 
believed that you could..." she fumbled for words. "Live on my own?" 
Relena finished. Hilde blushed slightly and nodded. "Most people 
don't. But I learned well from my father... he taught me how to have 
fun and live life to the fullest. I'm not saying it's easy to have fun 
while being the Vice Foreign Minister... just that I know when I need 
a break." Hilde nodded and took from the bucket only to nibble on the 
piece she chose. Relena watched her and wondered what she was 
thinking. That is until her own thoughts consumed her, filling her 
stomach instead of the chicken. It wasn't long that they took the 
first bottle and dipped in and no sooner had they opened the bottle 
that they were feeling the waves and effects of the alcohol.

Hilde cried as she told Relena about what had happened between her and 
Duo and the things he said and all that he had done and cried harder 
when Relena told her the truth about whether she had known or not of 
Duo's actions. "Nobody told me," she cried. "Why couldn't they tell 
me?" Relena just stared, thinking about Heero's harsh reaction to her. 
She didn't cry, though. "Probably cause they figured you would just 
push it out and not listen," she answered. Hilde wiped her eyes and 
blew her nose and took another drink of her wine. Trying to stabilize 
her balance, she stood up and unsteadily made her way to the window. 
"Duo..." she whispered. "How could you?"

~Your heart is not open so I must go~ 

Relena stared at the girl and took another long sip from her own glass 
as a haze began to fall upon her. "Heero..." she said looking into her 
glass, "to Hell with you!" she giggled and then made her way to the 
window with Hilde and stared out, putting her arm around the sobbing 
girl. Her thoughts on her rejection to the man she thought she loved.

~The spell has been broken, I loved you so~ 

"Never again," Relena said to Hilde. "Never again let them play this 
role in our lives..." Relena said, voice rough from the wine. She 
handed Hilde her glass and offered a toast. Hilde accepted, dried the 
tears from her eyes and lifted her glass.

"~You were my lesson I had to learn~" she said, "and I'm learning it, 
Duo Maxwell!" Relena smiled and clapped a bit. "Heero," she started 
and lifted her glass, "~I was your fortress you had to burn~ now watch 
me burn!" she laughed and finished off her glass in one drink.


Hours later, Relena woke up, not remembering going to sleep. Hilde was 
asleep next to her curled into the fetal position. Slowly, Relena got 
up and grabbed the comforter from the other bed in the room and 
covered Hilde and crawled back in next to her. After shutting the 
light, Hilde instinctively rolled over and grabbed Relena's face, 
pulling it closer to her and kissing the other girl deeply. Relena's 
eyes widened at the shock of what was happening and at the fact that 
she was enjoying it. 

But it couldn't be... Hilde must have been dreaming about Duo. She 
pushed Hilde away gently. "Hilde..." she whispered. "Hilde... wake 
up..." she whispered a bit louder. "I am awake, Relena," Hilde 
whispered back. Relena jumped back a bit and turned on the light. 
Hilde stared at her in the dim light and for a brief moment saw a 
reflection of Duo staring back at her. It was an image that faded 
quickly and was replaced by a softness only another heart-struck woman 
could give. "Why did you..." Relena asked fumbling for words. "I don't 
know..." Hilde whispered. "Maybe it was saying good-bye," she said. 
Relena looked up at the girl. What harm could this cause? Heero's best 
friend's girl and herself... there couldn't be too much damage. 
Besides, who was to say that either were going back to said men? "Are 
you... embarrassed," Hilde asked looking down. Relena flushed red in 
the face. She was embarrassed that she wasn't embarrassed. "..... 
No...." she said finally. "You?" Hilde moved a little, scooting back 
to her side of the bed. "I don't think so... No," she said and looked 
to meet Relena's eyes. There was silence there.

~There's nothing left to lose 
 There's no more heart to bruise 
 There's no greater power 
 Than the power of good-bye~ 

Relena switched the light off and sat there for a moment contemplating 
her thoughts. //"Perhaps it's saying good-bye."// The words echoed in 
her mind. There was no pain left for either men to cause them... there 
were no more bruises to induce on their already shattered hearts. 
"Hilde..." Relena spoke softly, gently. "It's time for us to..." her 
thoughts trailed as her words did.

~Learn to say good-bye~ 

Hilde sat up and looked at Relena in the earliest haze of dawn. She 
reached out for the other woman just across from her. Relena accepted 
the invitation and leaned forward. Seconds later they were caught in a 
warm embrace of emotion, holding one another, tasting the other, 
yearning for more. Yearning to let go. Relena pulled away from Hilde 
slightly and stared into the crystal blue eyes that stared back at 

~I yearn to say good-bye~ 

"Say good-bye," she whispered and Hilde closed her eyes to the next 
round this time by Relena's assault.

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