Eternal City, Crystal Tokyo (part 28 of 48)

a Ghost in the Shell fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 27
Tuxedo Kamen leapt from building to building, her
black, form fitting tux clinging to her body as she
raced to the emergency. 'I'm still not used to this,'
Erica Tenoh thought, a bit of her black hair falling
in front of the simple white mask she wore. The
emergency call had mentioned some Isolationist
terrorists, but other than that she didn't know much
about the situation.

Dropping down onto a nearby lamp post Tuxedo Kamen saw
the police surrounding the battle, blinking in
surprise as she saw the Senshi who battled the armored
troopers. Dressed in a black sailor fuku with red
decorations she used a sword with surgical precision,
her long blue hair blowing around her face.

'Who..!' Erica thought then shook herself. It didn't
matter, all that did was that she was fighting against
the armor suited terrorists and protecting the
hostages they had tried to take.

Thankfully the criminals couldn't get real military
Hardsuits, but the commercially produced K-suits they
were using were bad enough. Strength enhancement,
durability, speed and some onboard weapons made them a
threat, even without the heavy rifles they were

Tuxedo Kamen tossed her first rose, shattering a visor
and then leaping into the fray, cane ready. It looked
like a simple black wooden cane but it was nearly
unbreakable and could hit with incredible force. She
batted a rifle aside with it then Erika grabbed the
armor's helm, ripping the battle hardened alloy free.

"You," the mystery senshi murmured in recognition then
shook herself, cutting the weapon of her next opponent
in half with her sword. Another tried to fire and she
gestured, ice swirling to form a barrier that blocked
the shot.

"Back away," the last terrorist cried, holding his
rifle to the head of a young woman, her tears
glistening, "or I'll fire, I swear it!"

"Don't you dare," Erica growled, hesitating as she
considered what do.

The other woman narrowed her eyes, the faintest glow
of red around her then the armored figure cried out in
alarm as his rifle burst into flames. Dropping it in
shock he turned to try and run but she was already on
the move, smoothly cutting his legs out from under him
with a single swipe of her sword.

'Oh my god,' Erica thought as she realized who the
woman in black had to be. Even as the police raced
forward to finish the job Tuxedo Kamen grabbed her,
throwing them both into the air as they bounded away.

"What do you think you're doing?" the senshi cried as
she struggled in Erica's arms.

They dropped onto a rooftop not too far away from the
battle as Erica answered, "You don't want other people
around when you change back to normal do you, Ran?"

She stiffened then relaxed, smiling wryly. "I knew I
shouldn't have used my other powers," Ran Mizuno said
as her costume disappeared, revealing street clothes.

Erica's black tux faded, her own tunic and simple
pants revealed beneath. She grinned, "And how long has
this been going on?"

Ran walked over to the roof door, relieved to see it
was unlocked. "A few years," she pulled the door open
and they both headed down stairs, "I started changing
shortly before I left home."

"That fits," Erica noted, her own age matching Ran's
at the time.

The hallway on the top floor was deserted, thankfully,
and the two headed for the elevator. "Don't tell my
parents about this," Ran said as she hit the call

"Why," Erica looked at her in surprise, "I'd think
they'd be glad you inherited?"

"Precisely," Ran replied as the doors opened on the
older style lift.

Erica rolled her eyes, following her friend into the
lift. "Isn't that just a bit petty, hiding this
information from them?" she asked.

"Yup," Ran seemed unbothered by that, hitting the down
button. They descended with a thump and she continued,
"I'm just as happy occasionally fighting against the
forces of evil on my own, and I certainly don't want
to belong to a group with my mothers in it."

Erica thought about arguing with Ran about it as they
came to a stop and the doors open but decided to save
it for later. "Then how about a group with me in it?"
she asked, leading the way into the lobby. Ran looked
at her questioningly and Erica continued, "I'm still
new at this and I wouldn't mind having someone to
watch my back."

Ran looked at her thoughtfully a moment then nodded,
flashing a smile. "I'd like that," she agreed, "for as
long as I'm on Earth, anyway."

"Good," Erica frowned suddenly, "now we just have to
hope that Minako doesn't hear about the fight today or
she'll grill me relentlessly."

"She's heard about me?" Ran blinked, leading the way
down the street.

"She hears about everything," Erica sighed, "she's
good at that." She looked over at Ran curiously as
they walked, "What do you call yourself, anyway?"

Keeping her voice down so that no passerby could hear
Ran shrugged uncomfortably, "Sailor Ares, actually."

Erica nodded to herself thoughtfully, "I guess that
fits, you being the daughter of Mars and using that

"Hmm," Ran agreed.

Erica noted where they were and brightened, "Do you
want to grab some lunch at the Locket? I heard that
Princess Sasami is back cooking for them."

Ran firmly shook her head, "No thanks, too many women
tend to hit on me in there." She smiled wryly at the
amused look on Erica's face, "Yes I'm interested in
guys, no matter how rare it might be in this city."

Erica laughed before dropping her voice, trying to
sound sinister, "We will convert you..." Then she
switched to a normal tone as she asked, "Seeing

"Not lately," Ran shrugged, her gesture taking in the
scars that still appeared on her neck and below. She
smiled, "Though I understand you are."

Erica actually blushed cutely. "Catrine is a friend of
mine," she said with as much dignity as she could
muster, "that's all."

Ran snorted, "I'm sure." She looked over at Erica and
said, "I know how someone looks when they're
interested and I'm pretty sure Catrine is interested
in you."

The blush that colored Erica's cheeks looked
positively adorable. "I thought you said you were
straight," she murmured.

"Straight or gay," Ran calmly replied, "desire looks
much the same."

Erica's blush deepened, if that was possible. "Look,
there's a cafe," she tried to change the subject, "do
you want to grab some lunch?"

"You aren't dodging things that easy," Ran said with a
chuckle as they went over to the sidewalk cafe

The young woman rushed over to greet them, her green
hair flowing over her shoulders. "Welcome," she
smiled, "my name is Alpha, what can I get you?"

"Two coffees to start with," Erica smiled as she and
Ran took their seats, "we'll probably order something
to eat later."

"Right," Alpha took their preferences for their coffee
and readied two cups, setting them down delicately.
"Call when you're ready to order more," she bowed then
headed up to the cafe's main counter.

Ran took a slow drink of her coffee, savoring the
taste. "So you and Catrine haven't..." Ran trailed off

"No, we haven't," Erica said firmly, "I'm not even
sure if she's interested that way."

"Oh?" Ran raised an eyebrow.

"Catrine is a big fan of the Senshi," Erica pointed
out, "it could just be hero worship."

"She didn't react to me the same way she does to you,"
Ran pointed out, "she hung on your every word,

"Really?" Erica blinked.

Ran shook her head, "You really need to learn to pay
more attention, you know."

Erica sat up, "Hey!"

"Even the last time I was home," Ran said with a
little frown, "I noticed the mob of girl's who were
panting after you."

Erica's face was blank with confusion, "What mob?"

Ran sighed, "I rest my case."

To be continued...

Notes: Sailor Ares is actually an older idea I had
that I've resurrected for this fic. The character
Alpha is from the anime and manga series Yokohama
Kaidashi Kikou, who has also turned up in my
Arisugawa's Locket fic.

Onwards to Part 29

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