The suite was in the section of the Palace that contained the rooms belonging to all of the Sailor Senshi, along with some of their various comrades in arms including the Duelists of the Revolution. It was a large, airy room, done in tasteful colors and with comfortable, familiar pieces of furniture scattered around. "It's just like we left it," Anthy noted as they finally dragged themselves inside from a busy day of meetings and reunions. The dusky skinned, purple haired woman moved about with a steady confidence, directing a young man in dropping off their bags. Utena frowned slightly, "That's what worries me. The city hasn't changed in years, Anthy." The pink haired champion of the duelists tipped the young man generously, giving him one of her better blue eyed smiles in the process. "Thank you," he squeaked and was quickly gone. "I wasn't talking about the city," Anthy corrected her with a slight frown, "I mean they kept our room just the way we left it." "Sorry," Utena smiled back charmingly as she flopped down on one of the couches. She pushed her long hair back then adjusted the man's military style uniform that she now usually wore, "I guess you just pushed one of my buttons." "I'm rather looking forward to you, Serenity, and Endymion fighting it out once again," Anthy said, keeping her expression entirely deadpan. "What can I say," Utena shrugged, "I like to see change and growth." "A revolution, in other words," Anthy pointed out to her mildly. She took a seat beside her on the couch before adding, "Not that I necessarily disagree with you, love, but your perspective does change once you become a ruler." "True," Utena conceded. "Utena-sama," Anthy's voice took on that special tone, one that Utena almost dreaded. It was a voice that Anthy only used when she really wanted something from her love, "have you ever thought about having children?" Utena paled slightly. "That depends," she said to Anthy rather cautiously, "on who gets to be the one to carry it to term?" Anthy batted her eyes at Utena, "You wouldn't want to?" Utena sighed, "Pain and discomfort are not my friends, thank you very much." She shook her head slightly, "I still remember what poor Michiru had to go through, after Ami implanted the joined egg from her and Haruka." Anthy chuckled, "I wouldn't expect you to carry it to term." "Thank you," Utena sighed in relief. "But I would like to have a child," she admitted softly. Anthy looked up at Utena, "Would you mind staying in Crystal Tokyo for a time, while we raise him or her?" "Oh, I think I could bear it," Utena cuddled Anthy close. The doorbell rang into the quiet, and Anthy sighed softly. "Drat," she got up smoothly, walking over to the door and calling out, "Yes?" "Makoto sent me," a feminine but still unfamiliar voice answered, "to let you both know that dinner is nearly ready." Anthy opened up the door, taking in the slim dark haired girl standing there. 'Erica Tenoh,' she recognized her as she said, "Come on in, Erica-chan. We'll be ready in a moment." Anthy went off to get changed as Utena stood up, tidying her own clothes as she did so. "It's been a long time," Utena smiled at Erica slightly. The girl was the spitting image of her mother Haruka, except for the black hair. Erica frowned slightly before admitting, "I hadn't realized that we'd met." Anthy came out of the bedroom dressed in a military style uniform like Utena's, but with a skirt instead of pants. It was pink, trimmed in black, the opposite of Utena's colors. "Don't worry about forgetting something," Anthy smiled at Erica gently, "what Utena's talking about is that we were there when you were born." Erica blushed slightly, "Wow." They left the suite together as a smiling Utena remarked, "I promise not to embarrass you by mentioning what a cute baby you were in front of anyone else." Erica couldn't seem to help smiling back, "Gee, thanks." Anthy watched the young lady thoughtfully, noticing how the ladies of the palace treated Erica. 'Almost the perfect charmer,' she noted, 'she could have almost any of these noblewomen.' Anthy smirked slightly, 'And I don't think Erica's quite figured it out, yet.' Utena looked over at Anthy curiously before turning back to ask Erica, "I was wondering, are you one of the Senshi?" "We're not quite sure yet," Erica shrugged. At their curious glances she simply added, "A Senshi's power usually awakens during a crisis of some sort, but I haven't had anything appropriately scary happen to me before." "Much to the relief of your parents, I'm sure," Anthy smiled. "But it can't be easy, not knowing," Utena said thoughtfully. She gave Erica a thoughtful look, "Has anyone attempted to trigger your abilities?" Erica looked at her oddly, "How, exactly?" "I was thinking someone could attempt to attack you," Utena admitted, "and that might be enough to convince your powers to awaken." "The downside being," Anthy said to her lover quite severely, "if Erica does not actually have the powers of a Senshi, it could kill her." "That's quite the downside," Erica acknowledged, "and probably the very reason why one of the Senshi hasn't suggested it to me themselves, yet." With a slight smile, "Let's just hold that idea in reserve, all right?" "Sounds good to me," Utena agreed. They reached the door of the main dining hall, where Erica hesitated. "I think you two should go in first, considering," she smiled. "Is Miki still announcing people when they go in?" Utena asked. Erica grinned, "Yep." "Oh, just kill me now," Utena groaned, while Anthy patted her arm comfortingly. A deep breath, "Well, let's do this." Utena pushed the great doors open, offering her arm gentlemanly to Anthy as they went inside. Miki looked up, the blue haired man's eyes lighting up as he saw his old friends once again. With a broad smile on his face he loudly declared to the room, "The Palace of Crystal Tokyo is proud to welcome back Tenjou Utena, the champion of the Duelists, and her bride Princess Anthy, also known as the Bara no Senshi!" "I'll get you for that later," Utena murmured to him, keeping a smile on her face. "I'll be looking forward to it," Miki answered cheerfully. He cleared his throat, "The beloved daughter of Haruka and Michiru, Erica Tenoh!" The three made their way inside, and Anthy quite amusedly noted the reactions that both Erica and Utena were generating in the eligible ladies in the crowd. The mob parted to where two thrones were set up, and the King and Queen of Crystal Tokyo sat. Erica bowed slightly, "I have delivered Utena and Anthy as promised." Queen Serenity gave her a gentle smile, and Erica's cheeks went a bit red. "We thank you for your service," she said simply. Erica slipped off to leave them alone, but remained close enough to hear what was happening. 'This is going to be something that stories are going to be told about,' she mused. There was a ripple of surprise from the crowd as the King and Queen stepped off their thrones, moving forward to stand beside their two guests. There seemed to be something similar around all four of them, a sense of power and destiny. Queen Serenity smiled gently at Utena, "It's been a long time, Utena- san." "It's nice to see you too," Utena smiled impishly, "Usagi-kun." With a soft laugh Serenity threw her arms around Utena in a firm hug, while Endymion and Anthy stood grinning beside them... To be continued... Characters in this Episode: Utena, Anthy and Miki are all from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Serenity/Usagi, Endymion, Haruka and Michiru are all from Sailor Moon. Author's Notes: A few people asked how Erica Tenoh was created, so I thought I'd touch on it a bit in here. I also wanted to look a bit more closely at Utena and Anthy, and what their relationship and personalities are like after all these years...
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